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[ UK /tˈə‍ʊlɡe‍ɪt/ ]
  1. a gate or bar across a toll bridge or toll road which is lifted when the toll is paid

How To Use tollgate In A Sentence

  • The police also raised the barriers at the Riom tollgate in anticipation of the satanic Vel Satis making a break for freedom.
  • And even Condé Nast, an organisation that had hitherto been rather sniffy about electronic editions, started to publish some of its prime properties such as the New Yorker, via the iTunes tollgate. Has the revolt begun against Apple's iPad app fees??
  • When the photographers finally succeed in getting her into the right lane, approaching the tollgate, the moment of human connection ends. Shooting Britney
  • We would have a greater ability to invest here if we didn't have to pay a 'tollgate tax' to bring the cash home. Why Investors Can't Get More Cash Out of U.S. Companies
  • Nonetheless, it would allow him to linger unnoticed for long periods of time by the tollgate that had been set up in front of the entrance to each collection of moving boxes. Aching for Always
  • In Greenwich, Connecticut, turnpike owners did little more than set up a tollgate. The King's Best Highway
  • I'll go through the wrong motorway tollgate, so ripping van's roof off. Times, Sunday Times
  • In particular, its iTunes Store gives it control of the tollgate through which billions of paid-for music tracks and albums, videos and apps cascade down to millions of customers worldwide. Forget Google – it's Apple that is turning into the evil empire | John Naughton
  • An American International Student Centers Internet slide show touting the Tollgate Inn and Torrington encouraged Li to enroll, he said.
  • Where the new pay roads met the old free ones, people often circumvented the tollgates a practice called “shun-piking” that, in one humble opinion, would have been more cleverly termed “spurn-piking”. The King's Best Highway
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