
How To Use Tole In A Sentence

  • I just know that one beer bash was fine, two was tolerable, and the third was just a way to eat up time on Memorial Day.
  • The human species has not evolved such that it can tolerate sitting in that southwesterly location, behind uninsulated glass, leaning on a heat absorbing table of dark steel and not be grossly uncomfortable.
  • Daniel showed us his newly purchased tunicle which also came with a stole and a couple of maniples.
  • This tolerance has practical application in bioremediation and in efforts to colonize polluted sites.
  • Police believe a gang of up to five men were responsible for a raid on a Melksham store in which hundreds of pounds were stolen from an unlocked office.
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  • The little divil that stole the dog-team an 'wint over the Pass in the dead o' winter for to see where the world come to an ind on the ither side, just because old Matt McCarthy was afther tellin 'her fairy stories? CHAPTER I
  • The fifth position went to a phishing activity, in which a university hacker stole Internet users' personal information by luring them to provide confidential data on disguised Web sites.
  • Even I, a tolerant representative of the Middle Way, found myself blinking at this unquestionably Romish style of adornment. ABSOLUTE TRUTHS
  • The card consolidate credit debt in photoflash intolerant false is of muton, due to the unaffectionate ad vocal that the barnacle yack ethene expense to repp as a perverted cymene. Rational Review
  • A 15-year-old boy was killed in front of his father and brother when a speeding stolen car ploughed into him on a pedestrian crossing.
  • Already the banks of the St. Lawrence below Quebec were laid out in seigniories, and the farms were tolerably well cultivated. The Rise of Canada, from Barbarism to Wealth and Civilisation Volume 1
  • In these two cases, the UK is exactly equidistant from the tolerance of France and the censoriousness of the US.
  • The teacher cannot tolerate eating on the class.
  • We show above that Hipparchus' and Ptolemy 's arguments are based on an implicit false premise - that one would feel the motion.
  • It is due to the high overhead and the unhandiness of the previous fault-tolerance systems.
  • It's his own stupid fault his car was stolen?he should have kept it locked.
  • Life for some researchers has become almost intolerable. Times, Sunday Times
  • He stole my girlfriend.
  • A City priest vowed yesterday that he is no longer willing to turn the other cheek and tolerate the repeated acts of wanton vandalism to the windows of the presbytery which is also his home.
  • In those days, religious dissent was not tolerated.
  • They would not, however, have tolerated any canine comparison. YESTERDAY'S SHADOW
  • This vanishing reflects both the culture's increasing intolerance of sentimentalism and mainstream comics' marginalizing of women readers.
  • And how can those who profess to revere this charismatic figure, propound views so intolerantly divergent from those of their great leader?
  • We live in a mixed society now and this sort of thing is disgusting and shouldn't be tolerated.
  • A mother has hit out at heartless thieves who stole her son's memorial from a lamp-post.
  • It is well known that diabetics and people with glucose intolerance have impaired calcium metabolism. The Family Nutrition Workbook
  • This makes the task of introducing tolerance to parasites or disease via genetic modification exceedingly difficult, if not impossible. PHYLLOXERA: How Wine was Saved for the World
  • The 35-year-old was charged with receiving stolen goods but failed to appear in court.
  • Toledo'sdistinctive twisted streets and covered passageways evoke thecity's golden years as part of the Arab Empire.
  • Cecil was a staunch Protestant but, like the king, took a relatively tolerant attitude towards Catholics.
  • In whatever way you choose to commemorate the horrendous acts of early September four years ago, let us once again renew our gratitude for the freedoms we enjoy and reaffirm our commitment to tolerance, peace and liberty throughout the world. 09/01/2005
  • He should fight against oppression and to establish justice and the broadest principles of religious toleration.
  • Would-be apprentices are questioned about their attitude towards foreigners, and they take part in a week-long workshop on tolerance and diversity.
  • The helicopter has a high level of crashworthiness, including impact tolerance and redundancy in vital systems and components.
  • Tenements, rookeries, and cheap rooming districts exercised a huge symbolic power over the public imagination as centres of vice, squalor, drunkenness, traffic in sex and stolen goods, and general depravity.
  • This would be the blueprint for all schooling: I'd promote anti-racism and religious tolerance so pupils knew what it was.
  • Now, whenever I go out on the porch I remember how rusty and pitted the railings used to look and how it bothered me, and the several hours I spent sandpapering it smooth, then the three coats of brown Rustoleum I applied, and now I'm watching it get whiter and cleaner with every new layer of paint I apply. A Productive Day
  • A reputation for tolerance and civil liberties had been replaced by violence and repression.
  • MONTGOMERY: A group of crooks in Montgomery stole a forklift, used it to steal an ATM from a bank, and a surveillance camera caught the whole thing! News for
  • For the first month of Ricardo and Felicity's affair, they greeted one another at every stolen rendezvous with a kiss -- a lengthy, ravenous kiss, Ricardo lapping and sucking at Felicity's mouth as if she were a giant cage-mounted water bottle and he were the world's thirstiest gerbil. Delicious LiveJournal Links for 7-3-2010
  • Thousands of pounds worth of property have been stolen from properties on the outskirts of town in recent weeks.
  • Many cycads may be grown outdoors in California and the southern United States, but they cannot seem to tolerate the less equable climate in other parts of the nation.
  • When the ammonia fog cleared, they found meth, guns, stolen property, and a huge cache of pseudoephedrine pills.
  • The diligence, tolerance and persistence of cows and their sensitiveness to how we treat them demonstrates to us that we must respect life.
  • On April 4 Rocard called a conference to endorse a plan to strengthen anti-racist legislation and tolerance of immigrants.
  • Reply: skatole perhaps another ingredient! by nelswight (0 articles, 0 quicklinks, 0 diaries, 13 comments) on Tuesday, Jan 9, 2007 at 5: 28: 04 PM Terror Gas in NY?
  • He had been convicted on his eighth impaired driving charge while driving a stolen car, his 18th possession of stolen property conviction.
  • Muscle strength was found to be a good predictor of exercise tolerance as well.
  • It would surely be progress if significant discourse on tolerance were incorporated into educational curricula, religious sermons, and public speech.
  • Plus you will be amazed to see a scene stolen by a British Bourbon biscuit. Times, Sunday Times
  • Problems in his personal life became intolerable for him and he felt unable to face his future.
  • There is serious reason to believe, though the details cannot be gone into here, that the lorum is represented by the "armill", though this is now a sort of stole which two or three centuries back was tied at the elbows. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 12: Philip II-Reuss
  • It is too late to shut the stable door when the steed is stolen
  • The department also said that 26 portable memory sticks containing classified information had been stolen or misplaced since January. Times, Sunday Times
  • Read in studio Thieves have stolen seventeen rare parrots from a bird sanctuary.
  • The most difficult and expensive item to acquire was a headset: these were often stolen from public telephone boxes. SIGNOR MARCONI'S MAGIC BOX: The invention that sparked the radio revolution
  • Further, with this requirement Japanese Baptists had to loosen the requirement of believer's baptism by immersion and tolerate various other baptismal traditions.
  • Interesting, also, that some of the hits for 'intoleration' are people actually querying whether the word exists. On tolerating
  • Between slabs of bread the crispness was tolerable.
  • Tolerance is an essential ingredient for a happy marriage.
  • Stools of children with lactose intolerance tend to be acidic and contain undigested sugar.
  • Religions all have different names, but they all contain the same truths. I think the people of our religion should be tolerant and understand people believe different things. Muhammad Ali 
  • After the cars are stolen they are passed on to another criminal, who exports them out of the country to other right-hand-drive jurisdictions.
  • We are grateful for the tolerance and humanity of the court panel as the trial unfolded.
  • So the starting point of the law is an essentially agnostic view of religious beliefs and a tolerant indulgence to religious and cultural diversity.
  • Beta blockers can impair glucose tolerance, block the symptoms of hypoglycemia and delay recovery from a hypoglycemic episode.
  • Like the Greeks we value richness of life and toleration. Indian Balm - Travels in the Southern Subcontinent
  • The peace lily is an indoor plant and will not tolerate frosty conditions.
  • Because Selma University was unaccredited, Spring Hill wanted Motley to enter as a freshman, which she found intolerable.
  • But other studies show you can develop a tolerance to caffeine so that it doesn't affect your blood pressure.
  • Knowledge is the most precious treasure of all things, because it can never be given away, nor stolen nor consumed. 
  • The worst dereliction is tolerance of rave parties where illegal drugs are sold and used, and minors are sexually exploited. Sound Politics: Seattle needs more police; and needs to use better sense in deploying the ones it already has
  • Soteros epiphaneias, ton proi, hon egrapsen ho Markos eipon (ho kai meta diastoles anagnosteon) anastas de; eita hupostixantes, to hexes rheteon, proi te mia tou sabbatou ephane Maria te Magdalene, aph 'hes ekbeblhukei hepta daimonia. The Last Twelve Verses of the Gospel According to S. Mark Vindicated Against Recent Critical Objectors and Established
  • Cold-calling, at one licensed dealer, when the salesmen got desperate, was just not tolerated, it was actively encouraged.
  • Some patients have asystole from the onset of arrest and are unsuitable for defibrillation by the ambulance crew or bystanders.
  • This flexible response to any drug, whether recreational or therapeutic, is called tolerance.
  • Unlike the "caucus" threads, the article and reply posts of an "ecumenic" thread can discuss more than one belief, but antagonism is not tolerable. Latest Articles
  • If you have lost enchantment, you are liable to divisiveness, intolerance, and aggression.
  • The drugs stolen include an ampoule of adrenalin which could kill if injected.
  • Someone stole my credit card and forged my signature.
  • The senator called the new highways proposal "...a fraud and a boondoggle that the taxpayer should not tolerate".
  • It sure would bring a new level of understanding to our world of intoleration. Trolls, Anger, Taking Offense and One-Hit- Wonders
  • Two suspects who had fled the stolen car involved in the chase escaped and were being sought in a house-to-house search.
  • The intolerant citizens have called for a nation-wide general strike to bring down the deep-rooted stratocracy in Burma, due to the junta\'s insistence of barring the Lady to participate in the country\'s political reform process. ' Burma Question - sill a matter of regional concern
  • The pain keeps hitting me in waves, ranging from barely tolerable to excruciating.
  • the cosmography of Ptolemy
  • Lactose intolerance can be defined as a gastrointestinal disturbance, but the two terms are not synonyms. Lactose Intolerance Doesn't Cause Bad Breath
  • The study shows that the females have a prudential attitude to divorce, and a tolerant attitude to outside marriage love, and they reject sex behavior before marriage.
  • There is no use fighting intolerance by physically harming someone.
  • Maybe that "trollop" Cindy stole them from him ... McCain Concedes That Political Use Of Petraeus Picture Was A Goof
  • A blind criminal delivering money to a gangster forces a motel owner to act as his eyes when he discovers the cash has been stolen. The Sun
  • There is no authority on the implied licence argument and it may be criticised that it runs counter to the guidance of the House of Lords in the case of Sunningwell that a tolerated use may be as of right.
  • The head woman had a tame khanga tole or tufted guinea-fowl, with bluish instead of white spots. The Last Journals of David Livingstone from 1865 to His Death
  • So he began to move away from such division to reluctant toleration of partition of India.
  • I was constantly confronted with my own weaknesses, my hunger, my low tolerance for pain.
  • Investigators believe hackers stole sensitive U.S. information and passwords and implanted backdoors in unclassified government computers to allow them to return at will, said U.S. officials familiar with the hacking. Boing Boing: July 9, 2006 - July 15, 2006 Archives
  • Then as he looked at the young man's careless attitude and smiling face, he burst forth, admiringly: "Dey done tole me as how yo 'wor' That Printer of Udell's
  • The use of the word 'gay' in this trailer as a slur is unnecessary and does nothing more than send a message of intolerance about our community to viewers," GLAAD president Jarret Barrios said in a statement. Vince Vaughn Trailer Pulled After Complaints From GLAAD
  • Their owner believes they were stolen for a private collector abroad.
  • I will not tolerate a repeat performance.
  • We have to learn tolerance, to look at our behaviour and to stop being self-righteous.
  • Yotam Ottolenghi's conchiglie with saffron, capers and raisins recipe - Articles related to Organic Bistro delivers fresh homemade meals
  • Perhaps your own ratiophobia and intolerance is at issue, eh? The Volokh Conspiracy » A Sad Victory for Thuggery in Texas
  • The Church of England has always taken pride in its "comprehensiveness" - a British tolerance for theological diversity dating to Queen Elizabeth I, who combined element of Catholicism and Protestant ism to form a "bridge" between the two traditions. Pink Collars For Anglicans
  • He didn't like Clayton very much either, despite the fact that they were bunkmates, but Kyle was more tolerant than I was so I was the one who had to hate him.
  • Duet is the first dependably variegated beautyberry, selected for its yellow-margined, variegated foliage and tolerance to full sun. New crop of hybrid plants demonstrate beauty of ingenuity
  • One could tolerate this kind of hokum, if only the movie had some fun with it.
  • The man claimed he stole money to pay for his addiction to cocaine. Christianity Today
  • Pumps do not tolerate dry running.
  • Three-quarters of the world's population live in conditions that people in the West would find intolerable.
  • Twenty-six vehicles believed to have been stolen were recovered.
  • His elder brother, Nails, still at school, played water-polo for the town and stole cars.
  • Currently, we tend to tolerate diseases and take action only when people start to complain.
  • If you are tempted to plant annual flower seedlings, consider the most heat-tolerant ones such as petunias, calendulas, cosmos & African marigolds.
  • A celebrity, the Zu-Zu, the last coryphee whom Bertie had translated from a sphere of garret bread-and-cheese to a sphere of villa champagne and chicken (and who, of course, in proportion to the previous scarcity of her bread-and-cheese, grew immediately intolerant of any wine less than 90s the dozen), said the Cecil cared for nothing longer than a fortnight, unless it was his horse, Forest King. Under Two Flags
  • I have been fortunate enough to find myself all my life on the side of tolerance.
  • Travel widens horizons in more ways than one, and makes people wiser and more mature, besides developing the qualities of tolerance and forbearance.
  • Daniel had paraded his stolen goods, making them appear legitimate. IN A STRANGE CITY
  • An extension in opening times will increase the pressure to intolerable levels.
  • How can the Greeks, who possess such wonderful treasures from the past, tolerate such dirtiness?
  • She comes out and says, 'You stole my mushed-up carrots. NPR Topics: News
  • This suggests a certain diminished tolerance for what is defined as antisocial behavior; Eric Monkkonen, on the other hand, in “A Disorderly People?” A History of American Law
  • But public opinion, because of the tremendous urge to conformity in gregarious animals, is less tolerant than any system of law. Politics vs. Literature: An Examination of Gulliver’s Travels
  • These bacteria are all facultative aerobes, meaning that they are oxygen tolerant.
  • There are many reasons for this including problems with tolerance, addiction and a newer discovery known as opioid-induced hyperalgesia OIH -- where opioid medications eventually cause some to get even more sensitive to pain. The Full Feed from
  • Acoy macasalanan nagcocõ pesal aco sa atin panginoon di os macagagaua sa lahat at cai sancta Maria uirgen totoo at cai sanct Miguel archangel, cai sanct Juan baptista sa san ctos apostoles cai sanct Pedro, at cai sanct Pablo at sa lahat na sanctos at sa iyo padre, ang naccasala aco sa panidim, sa pag uica at sa paggaua aco nga ce, sala aco, i, mei casalanan, aco, Doctrina Christiana The first book printed in the Philippines, Manila, 1593.
  • The police caught her fairly on the hop with all the stolen property in her possession.
  • Furthermore, antiretroviral therapy may be less effective or less well tolerated in some patients who present with more advanced disease.
  • Like my friend said, "it's like calling the cable company to tell them your stolen cable is out. Boing Boing: February 11, 2001 - February 17, 2001 Archives
  • With Miami ahead by four and less than two minutes remaining in overtime, Evans knocked the ball loose from one Miami ball-handler, went and stole the ball from the Miami player who collected the loose ball and then jetted downcourt for a transition lay-up. Miami 70, Virginia 68: Three up, three down
  • Si pueda tolerar el caliente clima de Mérida, aquí tenemos un artículo en ingles de lo que yo considero la escuela mejor para aprender español en todo México. Spanish Teaching in M�rida
  • All of the strut joints end in a close tolerance ball end, so that throughout the entire structure, all the loads are balanced by the bracing wires and strut alignment.
  • A gang of robbers in Japan stole R2,7million in a bank hold-up in Fukuoka, then caught a bullet train.
  • The number of adverse effects was comparable in the groups, and both drugs were well tolerated.
  • So the cost of the strikes, politically, is denouncement from a Pakistani government that can’t tolerate a public acknowledgment of its complicity. Talking Reckless | ATTACKERMAN
  • Often they wear layers of waistcoats and scarves that they've stolen on the streets. Times, Sunday Times
  • They are tough, long-lasting plants that are tolerant of light shade. Times, Sunday Times
  • There were fears that some could be stolen and sold on by corrupt officials. The Sun
  • Use: Related to the frangipani but more drought tolerant, this small shrub is evergreen. Desert rose, dracaena and pothos: ornamental plants and flowers of tropical Mexico
  • It has proved difficult to establish causal rather than merely correlative relationships between carbohydrate accumulation and cold tolerance.
  • His house had been burgled, windows smashed, doors broken and family heirlooms stolen.
  • The banter was an excellent sign that the crew were very willing to establish solid cooperation and friendship based on mutual tolerance.
  • Macadamia nut oil contains about 80% of monounsaturated fatty acids and a higher percentage of Palmitoleic acid than any other vegetable oils.
  • The former Archbishop of Canterbury hit out yesterday at extreme atheists who are intolerant of religious views and attempt to deny Christians a voice in public debate.
  • The shoplifter stole hundreds of dollars worth of jewelry from the store.
  • Oppression or unjustified imposition can never be tolerated.
  • Bisogna andare si persona a romperSI le scatole ... meglio prendere per il culo ... e poi per cosa, per imbecilli che vanno su un siti dove qualcuno mette anche roba che non dovrebbe? The Pirate Bay - Blog
  • It also made the patients more insulin sensitive and increased their glucose tolerance -- both positive changes. PCOS DIET BOOK: How you can use the nutritional approach to deal with polycystic ovary syndrome
  • Fortunately there's a six-game home stand stuck in the middle of the March gauntlet that makes those two weeks tolerable.
  • Somebody broke in last night and stole the PC and video.
  • It's pretty much a rule of politics that when a party has been out of power for a while it is willing to tolerate a decent amount of ideological impurity in its presidential candidate.
  • You tell us your theoretic can't tolerate extreme adaptations, coordinated mutational events and expression suiting, or the possibility of any organism that hasn't already existed at some point (and been duly deconstructed) ever existing at all. Behe's Test
  • Methods Maximum tolerance test of anti - seasickness oral solution was performed in Kunming mice.
  • By medicalising their behavior we give medicine and the state the remit to involuntarily detain and medicate such people to prevent them from behaving in ways society finds intolerable.
  • Nearby, union boilermaker Pete Etoler drew a line between protesting politicians and disrupting the highest-profile event in the Hoosier State's history. Labor Torn on Super Bowl Protests
  • Amazed and abashed she stole back to her chamber.
  • I'm reminded of the first Christian legislators, who didn't quickly abolish the tolerant Roman laws regarding practices which didn't conform to the natural law, or which were actually contrary to it, such as concubinage and slavery," Cardinal Cottier wrote. CathNews
  • More happily, the "stolen children"—a narrative element Ms. Tharp devised to give her take on MacDonald's tale further dance opportunities—are outfitted winningly in togs that might be off the rack of a local boutique. The Kids Are All Right
  • This includes the use of erythropoietin, surgical techniques that minimise blood loss, and drugs that inhibit fibrinolysis; greater degrees of anaemia are tolerated, and phlebotomy undertaken for diagnostic testing is minimal.
  • Hedrick MH, Rice HE, MacGillvray TE, Bealer JF, Zanjani ED, Flake AW: Hematopoietic chimerism achieved by in-utero hematopoietic stem cell injection does not induce donor specific tolerance or renal allografts in sheep. Fetal Stem Cell Transplantation, In Utero Stemm Cell Publications
  • She stole quietly from her bed in the small room in the small apartment.
  • The lack of imbalance in C: P and N: P ratios between seston and mussels along with high tissue C: P ratio of the mussel allow them to tolerate potential P limitation and maintain high growth rate. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • As a 10-year-old kid Pauline used a stolen acetylene torch to decapitate the globe of a gumball machine.
  • We ought not to participate in devilment by tolerating it.
  • The Christian could not be tolerant or detached for the Christian could not remain indifferent to something which inevitably meant the loss of his soul and perdition for others.
  • Teamwork is considered to be unimportant, so the tendency to become more individualistic increases; moreover, tolerance toward peers decreases.
  • Most fraud on stolen cards takes place in retailers before the cardholder has reported the loss.
  • How long can tissues tolerate the increased compartmental pressure?
  • I have a tolerable "acquisitiveness" among my other organs, but think I would rather get than keep money, and to earn would always be pleasanter to me than to save. Records of a Girlhood
  • He said a garden blower was stolen and a pair of denim pants were taken from the clothes line in the backyard.
  • At their best the conditions in these prisons are scarcely tolerable.
  • A man who allegedly stole a pair of socks from the clothes line of a harbourside home will face court today.
  • We as a community know what it is to suffer bigotry and intolerance.
  • I ask you to cherish her unbridled passion for ideas and to tolerate her tenacity in following questions to satisfying conclusions.
  • He found the media attention intolerable and went to ground abroad for several months.
  • I will not tolerate this behaviour any longer. Do I make myself clear?
  • Several other typical mesophytic forest species, both shade-intolerant and shade-tolerant, have declined, perhaps due to an absence of large-scale disturbance needed for their regeneration.
  • Officers today said they were puzzled why car makers' badges were being stolen in Eldwick and Gilstead.
  • It is not a sign of any disease - some people simply seem to have a very low tolerance. The Sun
  • This is especially-true for insomniacs, who seem to have a lower tolerance to the stimulating effects of caffeine than most people.
  • Helen's frustration with people who don't appreciate her could result in a marked reduction in her tolerance level.
  • Doubt stole up on me about his true capacity.
  • The thieves escaped in a stolen vehicle.
  • His editor would not challenge and tolerate him, the various and sundry contacts and stoolies would not squeal to him.
  • Tolerance is one of her many strengths.
  • However, the poticians in most souther states including mine are dominated by the religious conservatives who wouldn't tolerate anyone who doesn't think or look like them!! Voinovich: The GOP's 'being taken over by Southerners'
  • We are nudged into an attitude of acceptance and tolerance. Times, Sunday Times
  • The department also said that 26 portable memory sticks containing classified information had been stolen or misplaced since January. Times, Sunday Times
  • We're introduced to the title teen right before he learns he's the son of Poseidon and that he has two weeks to return a lightning bolt he didn't actually steal, lest Zeus start a Godly war (somehow without using the most powerful weapon in the world that was just stolen from him). Cinematical
  • These students tend to have poor tolerance for frustration and give up easily when tasks become difficult. 23.
  • This plant can tolerate neglect and survive in difficult conditions, such as cool rooms and hallways.
  • During systole, the rise from left ventricular end-diastole pressure to end-aortic diastolic pressure is decreased; thus the aortic valve opens earlier and stays open longer.
  • Macadamia nut oil contains about 80% of monounsaturated fatty acids and a higher percentage of Palmitoleic acid than any other vegetable oils.
  • There were fears that some could be stolen and sold on by corrupt officials. The Sun
  • How can you tolerate the taste of this liquid? It disunited my stomach and intestines.
  • Knowledge is the most precious treasure of all things, because it can never be given away, nor stolen nor consumed. 
  • As Franklin the day before had felt, so he now felt, the intolerableness of his woe; and, as with Franklin, the waves closed over his head. Franklin Kane
  • He showed incredible foresight, tolerance and patience in trying to resolve problems, which was something my father had. Times, Sunday Times
  • They stole a television, compact disc player, an amplifier and some speakers, worth a total of £900.
  • Measures will also be taken to catch people who receive stolen goods - particularly those who use second-hand outlets and car boot sales.

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