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How To Use Toiler In A Sentence

  • They were the toilers and savers of the economic miracle generation who forswore luxuries in the austere postwar decades to reserve their place in the sun towards the end of their lives.
  • A noble toiler who thinks diligence is a virtue is wrong, says Yale professor Jeffrey Sonnenfeld.
  • If we have today, as seems likely, over a billion dollars of accumulated goods, who shall say how much of it has been wrung from the hearts of servant girls and washerwomen and women toilers in the fields? DARKWATER
  • They were the toilers and savers of the economic miracle generation who forswore luxuries in the austere postwar decades to reserve their place in the sun towards the end of their lives.
  • The stately buildings, erstwhile the abode of the honoured and wealthy of the city, are now tenanted by humble toilers, or turned into places of business.
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  • The Count was a toiler after supernatural secrets, an adept, and understood the cabbala. The Journal of Sir Walter Scott From the Original Manuscript at Abbotsford
  • Says the soul of the toiler to itself, " I shall soon be free.
  • These tireless toilers of the soil include such creatures as the earthworms, woodlice and millipedes.
  • On one extreme, we have toilers who feed the beast on a daily basis, always on the edge of burn-out; on the other, there are those who maintain a more epicurean approach to their job.
  • By the masses of the common people, he does not mean the Russian nation only, but all the toilers and producers of the earth, without regard to nationality; while by the faith which he seeks among those toilers, he does not mean any fixed religious belief, but faith in the reasonableness and advantageousness of life, and of everything which exists, placing this faith in dependence upon brisk, healthy toil. A Survey of Russian Literature, with Selections
  • Brian Gray's short film featured Johnny Cash singing religious songs, a gritty accompaniment to a serene film that followed a trio of utterly committed and convinced toilers in the vineyards of the Lord.
  • From the protoplasmal cell descends the genius; from the loins of the sodden toiler chained to the soil springs the mother of genius or genius itself. The Second Generation
  • They weren't there to acclaim him as the toiler's friend - but to tell him not to put them out of work just to satisfy some smug trendies on the mainland.
  • Utopian lines; there will be no illiterates unless they are unteachable imbeciles, no rule-of-thumb toilers as inadaptable as trained beasts. A Modern Utopia
  • For the mental toiler, also, it is equally important that the period devoted to the restoration of brain material and the imbibition of a fresh supply of nerve power for the ensuing day's requirements should be passed under circumstances the most favourable for bestowing them. The Art of Living in Australia ; together with three hundred Australian cookery recipes and accessory kitchen information by Mrs. H. Wicken
  • These tireless toilers of the soil include such creatures as the earthworms, woodlice and millipedes.
  • Scientists, philosophers and quite a few toilers in the humanities believe—and would have the rest of us believe—that nothing fundamental separates humanity from animality. Rethinking Thinking

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