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How To Use Togs In A Sentence

  • Now of course when it comes to pulling on our togs, cozzies, bathers or trunks and swimming competitively, Australians never seem to be too far from the medals.
  • The range of tog values has been extended to 15 togs.
  • I should bring my togs and go swimming.
  • Winton wasn't ready to see her today, there in his togs and all, dishevelled and exhausted.
  • Unpicking plain knitting is dead easy, of course, but the k2togs and (worse) the k3togs tend to stick together. Archive 2009-05-01
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  • This is a fun game to raise funds for some deserving causes so bring along your boots, togs and shin guards and join in the fun.
  • They have even stripped off their flame retardant togs to raise cash for local good causes.
  • I chatted her up, supplied her with drinks and food, and after it began to get dark suggested that we change into our swimming togs to get in a little swim.
  • And plan your next trip out this way - bring a picnic, camera, golf clubs, togs, walking shoes - and in winter, a raincoat just in case!
  • The young men were not expected to have evening "togs" in their runabout traps, but they did have some really good-looking, fresh, summer flannels that made them appear just as well dressed and much better looking than some of the "swells" in their regular dress suits. The Motor Girls Through New England or, Held by the Gypsies
  • We could never emulate that spread when we had one ‘best’ set of clothes, school togs and the cousin's hand-me-down scruffs we mucked around in the rest of the time.
  • They would cross the bridge with towel and togs in hand to go downstream to their swimming hole, a popular place for summer picnics.
  • For you photogs out there, the key to tact sharp aerials from a heavily vibrating aircraft? Ekati: The View From The Sky » Dave Brosha Photography
  • Then motor "togs" -- a long linen duster, with a cap and goggles -- seemed a most convenient mask for so many young men, who were not vain enough to want to don doublet and hose. The Motor Girls
  • None of that cash, however, goes on designer togs.
  • After changing into my togs I drop into the pool.
  • [Page 239] "I'm glad, too," answered his cousin, "but I'll be 'gladder' if you will tell me where I can get some togs like yours. The Shagganappi
  • And I think that the prankishness of George's books, this dressing up in a quarterback's togs, playing golf with Sam Snead and all that, tied in somehow with the prankishness, the game-ness, this willingness to be fantastic which related to George's experiences at the Lampoon. The Last Gentleman
  • A colonel in golf togs walked through.
  • The range of tog values has been extended to 15 togs.
  • I've also got some great pictures of me in my Elizabethan togs which I will scan in today so keep your eye open for some new pictures in the gallery.
  • As he tore off the pull tab, brown foam gushed out over his hand and down the front of his work togs.
  • After breakfast, they will pack their swimming togs and snorkel gear, and head up north to the Great Barrier Reef.
  • He was a lithe, wiry little man of fifty, and Kate and her father exchanged smiles as, when he drew near, they saw that he was arrayed in his best riding "togs," was riding his best horse, and that his long grey moustache was carefully waxed. Tom Gerrard
  • It's not warm enough for people to strip off into swimming togs or bikinis so most men leave on their t-shirts.
  • Now of course when it comes to pulling on our togs, cozzies, bathers or trunks and swimming competitively, Australians never seem to be too far from the medals.
  • This was also the perfect time to take out the togs and find out what's in store at the biggest aquatic pool in Paris, Aqua Boulevard.
  • He aims to complete the bid wearing regulation togs, swim hat and goggles.
  • Driving togs are usually black jeans and a cotton turtleneck, a wool-lined canvas jacket thrown across the front seat to put on when pumping gas. The Dog of the Marriage
  • This traditional Finnish sauna is free and open to the public as long as you bring towels, togs and flip-flops. Letter to America
  • You look good in winter togs and it's good to see you outside, being a part of the weather you're always talking about.
  • It's definitely time for a closet clear-out and some new togs.
  • They handed me my standard issue hospital togs, bringing memories of wisdom teeth and tonsils flooding back, and wheeled me to a pre-op holding bay.
  • `Hurry up," he said, `get your swimming togs and we'll be off. TIME OF THE WOLF
  • He's a young guy, maybe in his twenties, wearing a helmet and the kind of togs I associate with competitive racing.
  • Today he sports a particularly vivid mauve cummerbund and a matching beret over his usual black coffee-house togs.
  • I even brought my togs today and am hoping to get some lengths done at lunch.
  • Jenny and Tanya will need to pack their swimming togs, a towel and a change of clothes.
  • You'd go to the Lido, but you haven't got any swimming togs.
  • The point at which you put summer clothes away and bring out winter togs should be celebrated with some small ceremony.
  • I had a big tanned U on my back from constantly wearing swimming togs.
  • The photograph showed him wearing football togs.
  • I quickly slipped out of my togs and under the sheet with some embarrassment.
  • Around forty-five minutes later she had changed into her smart togs and reappeared for her own set.
  • So I put on some jogging togs, and got ready to go outside for a 30-minute walk/jog.
  • The playing surface was a sea of green on Saturday evening and to make matters worse both teams wore togs which were predominantly white.
  • Now of course when it comes to pulling on our togs, cozzies, bathers or trunks and swimming competitively, Australians never seem to be too far from the medals.
  • I recommend you all wear your summer togs because you may not get another chance this year!
  • Los Angeles Lakers star Pau Gasol calls Redondo Beach police after paparazzi tail his car Photogs stopped after tailing Lakers 'Pau GasolREDONDO BEACH, Calif. Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
  • I'm glad, too," answered his cousin, "but I'll be 'gladder' if you will tell me where I can get some togs like yours. The Shagganappi
  • Already in her cycling togs, save for a pair of fuzzy tan slippers, she sits down at the tiny kitchen counter and plows through a slab of French toast.
  • Perhaps we can help here: ASP or Application Service Provider is an old-fashioned bureau service/leasing concept, wrapped up in new-fashioned togs.
  • And I'll tell you how this same lady induced me to put on those foolish togs and hire the friskiest horse at Clayton's," further volunteered Shirley. Jane Allen, Junior
  • togs" under, and at the same time she hailed the boys who just turned into the open field from the search through the woods. Dorothy Dale's Camping Days
  • While we would like people to wear the right togs, just because don't shouldn't mean they are excluded.
  • Gone are cotton loincloths and turbans in favor of microfiber stretch workout togs that wick perspiration away from the body.
  • I was a Swamp Thing, lolling around in swimming togs, my skin smeared with chalky white cream and greenish mud.
  • We wandered back to the hotel from the Quayside after midnight, hand in hand and still in our posh togs, while Newcastle celebrated around us.
  • Once he comes offstage he starts changing into his wedding togs, which look more appropriate for Windsor Castle than Any Town, USA.
  • They had not yet secured their motor "togs," and regulation hats were so difficult to manage. The Motor Girls
  • And he had to do this because so many of the passengers looked very different, now that they had on their ship "togs," than when first coming on board. Tom Swift in the City of Gold, or, Marvelous Adventures Underground
  • I've also got some great pictures of me in my Elizabethan togs which I will scan in today so keep your eye open for some new pictures in the gallery.
  • More happily, the "stolen children"—a narrative element Ms. Tharp devised to give her take on MacDonald's tale further dance opportunities—are outfitted winningly in togs that might be off the rack of a local boutique. The Kids Are All Right
  • Landing there from an American whaling-vessel, and in sailor costume, he cast off his tarry "togs," and took to land-life in California. The Flag of Distress A Story of the South Sea
  • But this is a tedious digression to make, while Arthur and the baronet are putting on their Sunday "togs" and brushing up their Sunday "tiles" preparatory to going down to meet the 9.40 train from London. The Master of the Shell
  • I'm a fair-dinkum cane toad from Queensland, says Kevin Rudd KEVIN Rudd calls Speedos "togs" and says when he refers to the King, he means Wally Lewis, not Elvis Presley. | Top Stories
  • Beach towels and swimming togs drying on the line were a welcome sight as it signalled the owners were home and available to receive guests.
  • They handed me my standard issue hospital togs, bringing memories of wisdom teeth and tonsils flooding back, and wheeled me to a pre-op holding bay.
  • Gone are cotton loincloths and turbans in favor of microfiber stretch workout togs that wick perspiration away from the body.
  • I thought perhaps he had gotten into more trouble," mused Tom, as he took off his airship "togs," and started for the house. Tom Swift and His Photo Telephone or the Picture That Saved a Fortune

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