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togged up

  1. dressed in fancy or formal clothing

How To Use togged up In A Sentence

  • It's not dangerous, yet togged up in that gear your average enthusiast looks damned menacing.
  • Huh! A cow-puncher togged up like he was going after the snakiest bronk in the country, when he was only going to drive to town in a buckboard! Chip, of the Flying U
  • We got togged up in walking gear for the hike.
  • We've rather over judged the dress code - and appear to be the only ones to have bothered to get togged up at all.
  • They were all togged up in their skiing gear.
  • Get yourself togged up -- we are going out to celebrate.
  • Revellers togged up in suits and fancy vintage dresses groove the night away against a projected backdrop of classic films, footage of a bygone Birmingham and, later in the evening, eye-popping burlesque routines.
  • I start getting togged up at 6.50 pm, but there's a vocal warm-up at 6.30 pm and I'm happy to be missing out on that!
  • So I got myself togged up in the required fisherman's smock, with those handy pockets for putting things in.
  • I got all togged up with goggles, ear plugs, face masks and dirty old clothes for two days floor sanding fun!
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