How To Use Toffee-nosed In A Sentence
Jessica is taunted by boys at school for being a toffee-nosed virgin and Tom is bullied for being a weirdo.
We're a very friendly, laid-back hunt with nothing toffee-nosed about us at all.
Fortunately, the presenter did at least tie the toffee-nosed buffoon in such knots that the programme's viewers could clearly see his underlying motives.
Beautiful design, fantastic cocktails and a distinct lack of toffee-nosed attitude from the staff - it blows the competition out of the water!
But all his kindness has earned him not the thanks of the toffee-nosed British Establishment but their supercilious contempt.

The bloke there was a bit toffee-nosed, but he gave me a good deal for it.
He is a failed actor who is everywhere patronised as a colonial, especially by the toffee-nosed English theatrical types for whom he still hopefully auditions.
But all his kindness has earned him not the thanks of the toffee-nosed British Establishment but their supercilious contempt.
Yes Stephen Fry, I'll settle for 'pleb' … Shame you're not yourself, you toffee-nosed Establishment stooge.
Guy Fawkes' blog
They say that he looks like another toffee-nosed Tory.
I thought he was a very toffee-nosed man, a good draughtsman in a commercial sort of way, very accurate of course.
So, you can hardly blame him for sacking the toffee-nosed idiot.
‘We're a very friendly, laid-back hunt with nothing toffee-nosed about us at all,’ says recently-promoted joint hunt master Judith Skilbeck, also whipper-in.
People here just want to get on with their lives and not bother with a toffee-nosed Tory from the south-east.
Others view him as the kind of arrogant, toffee-nosed, self-regarding, would-be aristocrat who gives gun-wielding, fly-casting Englishmen abroad in the Highlands a very well-deserved bad name.
Every time the army was caught out there would be some toffee-nosed officer defending the indefensible and whitewashing the problem.
Do we get their names down now for a toffee-nosed public school so they can be ashamed of us later, or send them to the local comprehensive and get them to train as plumbers so they can keep us in luxury in our old age?
The toffee-nosed neighbours in the series are called Jerry and Margo.
The appearance of Graves, hinting at decadence, reinforces the notion that he wasted too much time playing toffee-nosed twits in Waughesque nostalgia flicks, when his range as an actor stretches far beyond billiard room banter.
I see you are standing up for chavs against us toffee-nosed middle class types.
When I was young, people thought I was a rich little toffee-nosed cow.
He's also a toffee-nosed little git who has inherited a vast fortune, and now wastes his time killing foxes.
Look for him where he hangs out - St James's and all the toffee-nosed clubs where the lah-di-dah geezers hang out.
Not the likes of you and me, but toffee-nosed degenerates who slipped the wool over most people's eyes.
The common representation of fox hunters and those who support it, is that they are toffee-nosed snobs who ride around the country in their cold-hearted way, thinking they own the place.
I would relish the opportunity, as I placed my cross on the ballot paper, to think of wiping the permanently smug, self-satisfied smirk from his arrogant, squirrel-cheeked, toffee-nosed features.