How To Use Toed In A Sentence

  • Plans for the dam have been vetoed by the Environmental Protection Agency.
  • NHS penpusher boom: Wages bill is up £78m as 'costly' drugs are vetoed Home | Mail Online
  • Experts agree that hippos belong to the mammalian order Artiodactyla, a group of even-toed, hoofed creatures whose extant representatives include camels, pigs and ruminants such as cows.
  • Late in the day, just after we had feasted on the fruits of a wild cacao, we came upon a three-toed sloth climbing slowly through the upper branches of a cecropia tree. One River
  • Two toed sloths are perhaps more heterothermic than any other mammal.
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  • So I began running up and down the court pigeon-toed, just like Dominique, hoping that would make me an ethereal dunker. In the Time of Bobby Cox
  • Lawmakers also vetoed an administration proposal to eliminate the referendum supervisory committee that is stipulated in the law.
  • The legislature also passed the National Rifle Association's bill to prohibit cities and counties from adopting local gun-control ordinances, the same measure I had vetoed in 1989.
  • So I began running up and down the court pigeon-toed, just like Dominique, hoping that would make me an ethereal dunker. In the Time of Bobby Cox
  • This was an ai or three-toed sloth. It was in the possession of a gentleman, who was collecting curiosities.
  • Teigue wordlessly toed off his shoes, letting them hit the floor with two dull thuds.
  • The supposed stegosaurian track Deltapodus Whyte & Romano, 1994 (Middle Jurassic of England) is sauropod-like, elongate and plantigrade, but many blunt-toed, digitigrade, large ornithopod-like footprints (including pedal print cast associated with the manus of Stegopodus Lockley & Hunt, 1998) from the Upper Jurassic of Utah, better fit the stegosaurian foot pattern. Neoceratopsian publications for 2008
  • The carpet felt scratchy beneath my blistered feet, so I tiptoed all the way to the door.
  • It had already been instrumented, and Rex toed the weatherproof case of the old seismograph with disdain. MINUTES TO BURN
  • Thank you, sir -- I thank you," he said, and, without more ado, tiptoed from the room. CHAPTER XXIV
  • John Hickenlooper vetoed a bill that would have required families near the poverty level to pay more for state-subsidized health insurance for their kids. Jason Salzman: Talk Radio Hosts, Orphanages, and Children's Health Insurance
  • But Clinton said he vetoed that bill, partly because Republicans removed restrictions on corporate raids on pension funds.
  • I followed her in knee-high, pointy-toed boots and a big, black, furry jacket that screamed ta-da! Welcome to My World
  • Treatment for pigeon-toed feet is almost never required.
  • Opening the door, Serenity tiptoed across the hall and opened the door to Haley's room.
  • She was stunned by the early ouster of David Hasselhoff, taken with the pigeon-toed charm of Mike "the Situation" Sorrentino and blown away by the sensuality of Jennifer Grey. Carrie Ann Inaba Opens Up About Dancing With the Stars
  • Nearby in the Graham Amazon gallery visitors can gaze at 7 foot arapaimas, catfish the size of bulldogs, beautiful tiger stingrays, giant anacondas, electric eels, two toed sloths and creepy piranhas.
  • Nowadays, they can't set a stilettoed foot out of the door without having their entire outfit subjected to a rigorous taxonomy. Christina Patterson: Lessons in Modern Womanhood from the World and His Wife
  • He tiptoed around it, trying not to get any of the putrid matter slop onto his fluffy bunny slippers.
  • He waited until his daughter was asleep, then tiptoed quietly out of the room.
  • Ragnar Redbeard, on the other hand, is another kind of egoist entirely, a Fascist, misogynistic, and sacrilegious bore who desires to impress that he Knows All, and anyone daring to disagree with his interpretation of Man is but mere dirt beneath his steel-toed boots. Essays
  • She tiptoed carefully to the mass of captured men, praying that none of them would wake.
  • At length these streets becoming more straggling yet, dwindled and dwindled away, until there were only small garden patches bordering the road, with many a summer house innocent of paint and built of old timber or some fragments of a boat, green as the tough cabbage – stalks that grew about it, and grottoed at the seams with toad – stools and tight – sticking snails. The Old Curiosity Shop
  • She toed off her shoes and lay down next to him, staring up at the constellation they had placed on his ceiling.
  • Mr. Robert," says I, standin 'pigeontoed and flushin' up some, "you remember that message from the bridge people -- Trimble, it was signed? Torchy
  • I tiptoed along the corridor.
  • Clutching her dressing gown around her, she tiptoed down the landing into the bathroom. HIDING FROM THE LIGHT
  • The president vetoed the bill, and the Senate failed by a single vote to override his veto.
  • Most of these species are small mammals and include four-toed jerboa (Allactaga tetradactyla, EN), North African gerbil (Gerbillus campestris), James's gerbil (G. jamesi), pale gerbil (G. perpallidus), lesser short-tailed gerbil (G. simoni) and sand gerbil (G. syrticus, CR), fat-tailed gerbil (Pachyuromys duprasi), and Shaw's jird (Meriones shawi). North Saharan steppe and woodlands
  • He cheerfully approved the resumption of gold payments in 1879 and vetoed bills to expand the currency. The American Nation: A History of the United States to 1877
  • I can't believe Obama is charged with ngegative campaigning when he calls attention to the bogus nature of this gas tax reprieve, which would cost $9 Billion, and put pennies in commuter's pockets, throw thousands of highway construction workers out of work, and be paid back by some further bogus tapping of the oil industry, which legislation would be immediately vetoed by Bush. Obama camp out with new gas tax ad, Clinton camp fires back
  • With extreme carefulness, Sam tiptoed to the lowest kitchen cupboard and opened it.
  • The slow-moving two-toed sloths, tiny dwarf mongoose, South American acouchi and African rock hyrax are other unique features of the daytime exhibits.
  • Do not mimic, repeat, parrot and tender the same messages inspired, created, and dittoed by the Rush Limbaughs and Karl Roves. Rod McCullom: Paging John Edwards and Barack Obama: Your Republican Talking Points Are Calling!
  • Pointy-toed leather babouches originally came from Fez (where yellow and white slippers are still made for the royal household); more round-toed ones are Marrakech-style.
  • She pulled her hair back and slowly, as quietly as possible, tiptoed down the stairs.
  • The Westboro Baptist Church: even their troglodyte, inbred, six-toed frogspawn get in on the hate! Nunc Scio » Blog Archive » Hate Church gets $11 million fine
  • Tell them tonight, and I'll be here tomorrow morning before school to tell you if the idea is accepted or vetoed.
  • The Ex may have all the trappings of a punk band... the pigeon-toed stances, awkward moves and the impossibly low slung guitars, but don t let that fool you. Michal Shapiro: Punk Meets World
  • Daniel Crossley as the guilt-haunted Paul, Rachel Wooding as a pigeon-toed ding-a-ling and Nina French as a chorine cracking under the strain of her fixed smile also stand out in a first-rate cast.
  • The recipe was so popular that I kept a few dittoed copies at my desk. Yakima Herald-Republic Weekly News
  • The supposed stegosaurian track Deltapodus Whyte & Romano, 1994 (Middle Jurassic of England) is sauropod-like, elongate and plantigrade, but many blunt-toed, digitigrade, large ornithopod-like footprints (including pedal print cast associated with the manus of Stegopodus Lockley & Hunt, 1998) from the Upper Jurassic of Utah, better fit the stegosaurian foot pattern. Neoceratopsian publications for 2008
  • He saw her stirring the embers of the dying campfire and tiptoed stealthily up behind her.
  • Billy Louise looked, found her vision blurring with her own tears, and turned and tiptoed from the room. The Ranch at the Wolverine
  • All three measures have been vetoed by Britain over the past five years. Times, Sunday Times
  • Britain's envoy pigeon-toed it from the hall wearing an inbred public-school jowliness which he perhaps thought was manly. Palestine Blogs aggregator
  • As for the rest -- the Police, the Civil Service and so forth -- they'd all toed the line, sufficiently at any rate. IN LOVE AND WAR
  • They were initially very keen to see it, but eventually it was vetoed from the top.
  • Though the bishops had vetoed the Curial documents, what would they produce in their stead?
  • The other key characteristic of the even-toed ungulates that would have helped this process along is the structure of the feet.
  • The horse's single toe on each of its four feet is its most marked anatomical characteristic and makes it a perissodactyl or odd-toed ungulate.
  • She got up and carefully tiptoed to her dresser, where the present rested on top.
  • The president effectively vetoed this measure.
  • The liberal class gasped when he vetoed a "millionaire's tax"; business owners hurrahed. The Chris Christie Clones
  • In deference to her tears Diana had vetoed any action at least for a day or two and reluctantly, Kate had had to acquiesce. MIDNIGHT IS A LONELY PLACE
  • The two major groups of living hoofed mammals are the Artiodactyla, or cloven-hooved mammals; and the Perissodactyla, or odd-toed mammals.
  • One's senses become lulled to everything save bliss, for the clank and clamour of life have tiptoed from the room leaving you — I wasn't asleep. Janey Canuck in the West
  • GWB would have vetoed a bill he thought to be bad (and demanded a “clean bill” with much fanfare from the media about the need to give our CiC a clean bill). Matthew Yglesias » It’s Time to Not Get Financial Reform Done
  • Companies like his - who were roundly criticised in the CABE report - are getting the green light where better ideas are routinely vetoed.
  • To round the picture off he slips his silk socked feet into black Italian square-toed, patent leather shoes.
  • Unfortunately, the plan was vetoed by the British government.
  • He saw her stirring the embers of the dying campfire and tiptoed stealthily up behind her.
  • She slipped out of bed and tiptoed to the window.
  • After the tramp had washed his feet and his socks, he tip-toed over the gravel to the grass.
  • In deference to her tears Diana had vetoed any action at least for a day or two and reluctantly, Kate had had to acquiesce. MIDNIGHT IS A LONELY PLACE
  • A suit has been filed by the Center for Biological Diversity to protect 24 endangered species including the Desert tortoise, Coachella Valley fringe-toed lizard, Arroyo toad and Desert pupfish.
  • At two in the morning, I closed the door to my apartment without making a sound, took off my sandals, and tiptoed into my home without turning on a light. Brooklyn Story
  • We can intuitively perceive the philosophy of judicial activism through the case of Scott which was accompanied by a much political attempt and the case of Lochner which vetoed legislative regulation.
  • Her husband, likewise, was vetoed because of his alleged lack of loyalty to the current supreme religious leader.
  • He saw her stirring the embers of the dying campfire and tiptoed stealthily up behind her.
  • When two weeks later Churchill urged Eisenhower to speed his advance into Czechoslovakia in order to occupy Prague, Marshall vetoed the proposal.
  • She tiptoed quietly out of the room so as not to wake him up.
  • The region was famed in the 1970s for its raptor population, with four vulture species, lammergeier Gypaetus barbatus, black Aegypius monachus, Griffon Gyps fulvus and Egyptian Neophron peranopterus; four eagle species, golden Aquila chrysaetos, short-toed Circaetus gallicus, booted Hieraeetus pennatus and Bonelli's Hieraeetus fasciatus and breeding lanner falcons Falco biarmicus. Meteora Group of Monasteries, Greece
  • Among the 102 species of birds are spotted eagle Aquila clanga (VU), golden eagle Aquila chrysaetos, capercaillie Tetrao urogallus, hazel grouse Bonasa bonasia, eagle owl Bubo bubo, black woodpecker Dryocopus martius, three-toed woodpecker Picoides trydactilus and Alpine chough Pyrrhocorax graculus. Pirin National Park, Bulgaria
  • The king vetoed the decree. THE LOST KING OF FRANCE: Revolution, Revenge and the Search for Louis XVII
  • Nearly 200,000 men of Irish parentage fought there, and when the war ended, some headed for the old country, conspicuous in their felt hats and square-toed shoes.
  • The president vetoed the bill, and the Senate failed by a single vote to override his veto.
  • She would like to eat salmon en croute but her husband has vetoed the idea because he thinks it looks too dry, or ‘too claggy’ as he colourfully put it.
  • She dittoed several copies of the document.
  • Your confirmation may therefore be vetoed by an obstreperous minority that needs no other reason besides, of course, the fact that you are ‘extreme.’
  • He slipped away from my mother's side, tiptoed across the room and made himself a cup of tea.
  • Whether the wheels are toed in or out, casters like this are prone to dynamic instability (wheel wobble) at higher speeds unless additional damping is provided.
  • A proposed statewide ban on the guns was vetoed by Gov.
  • They tiptoed along the wooden corridor past the closed door of the baby's room.
  • The effect is weird, and weirder still is the conjunction of the figure's grimace with her pigeon-toed posture.
  • He dittoed the statement and action of another person.
  • Footwear first, of course: Gucci patent leather, square-toed boots are in.
  • The people of these areas call the 3-toed sloth "ai" after its shrill cry("ai-ai!").
  • The king vetoed the decree. THE LOST KING OF FRANCE: Revolution, Revenge and the Search for Louis XVII
  • So much so that at the start of his second term in 1832, he vetoed a recharter of the Second Bank of the U.S., retired all federal debt, and started the so-called Free Banking Era, in which every bank in the U.S. was chartered and regulated by the states. Of Debt and Taxes
  • Her shoes were opened toed, and had a gold buckle over the top, very dainty and feminine.
  • I was therefore decidedly nervous as I tippy-toed out of my drive in Autodelta's passport to the next life.
  • In its east pavilion was a double row of grottoed and illuminated aquaria containing the strangest inhabitants of the deep. Elsie at the World's Fair
  • Experts agree that hippos belong to the mammalian order Artiodactyla, a group of even-toed, hoofed creatures whose extant representatives include camels, pigs and ruminants such as cows.
  • In 1961, President De Gaulle vetoed Britain's entry into the Common Market.
  • West Mayo is full of Marian statues and my favourite is the one in Kilmeena which I've photoed more than once.
  • I tiptoed religiously by it, went on up to the big house where the three women slept, as if drawn to their abode by a sort of heliotropism. Tramping on Life
  • He ran the back of his hand along his mouth and offered her an expression that toed the line between nauseated and mildly amused. Last Night at Chateau Marmont
  • Other ideas that were vetoed included setting fixed terms for councillors and allowing councils to pilot proportional representation. Times, Sunday Times
  • Straw should have the word dhimmi tattoed to his forehead, but perhaps this is not necessary as nothing can conceal his craven folly. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • She threw back her bedcovers and tiptoed over to her desk, making sure she avoided the creaky floorboard under the ragged rug.
  • Out in the hall, Celia toed off her slides and fought to fit her light jacket in among the several already stuffed into the closet.
  • Like American Three-toed Woodpeckers, they have three rather than four toes on each foot.
  • Three, in one form or another, are still in the budget bill passed by Congress and vetoed by President Clinton.
  • In fact, if a proposal is vetoed by the UN, it does not go ahead.
  • Their body temperatures fluctuate from as low as 24 degrees C to as high as 33 degrees C. Unlike three-toed sloths, however, they do not thermoregulate by basking.
  • There are three-toed sloths, among which is the ai, and the two-toed sloths, among which is the unau.
  • I tiptoed back to my rooms in the misty half-light and prepared for bed as the town began to stir. Exit the Actress
  • McCain tiptoed around the news of the day, excerpts from former White House press secretary Scott McClellan’s forthcoming book that accuse the Bush administration of using propaganda to convince the American public war in Iraq was justified. McCain says Obama's Iraq trip would convince him of success
  • Well done Geoffrey, you have successfully tiptoed around all those 600lb gorillas in the room without upsetting them. manasota The Guardian World News
  • Cuz between that and your crazy trade skills and your curves you keep me in butch heaven. sixtoedkitties, on March 22nd, 2009 at 9: 41 am Said: Third-Gendering « Bound, Not Gagged
  • Catherine was wearing a long baby blue skirt and black, square-toed, leather boots.
  • She slipped out of bed and tiptoed to the window.
  • President Bush vetoed the bill on July 6.
  • Um, other common complaints in the springtime, as people start to wear, let's say, open-toed shoes, is uh, Athlete's Foot, or Tinea Pedis and Onychomycosis.
  • They tiptoed upstairs so as not to wake the baby.
  • He mentioned a half-dozen species, including the yellowheaded weaver, the rosy barbet, and the Javanese three-toed woodpecker. The Song of The Dodo
  • A similar move to repeal these taxes last August in Congress was staved off when President Clinton vetoed a bill that would have gradually repealed federal inheritance taxes.
  • The next speaker dittoed her argument
  • I ran up the steps of the house, stripping off the flamenco shirt which hung on me like a three-toed sloth. INSTRUMENTS OF DARKNESS
  • ‘Yeah,’ she mumbled and toed the ground with the tip of her dull black shoe.
  • The proposal was part of the overall tax bill which was vetoed by former President Bush.
  • Derek Savage and Matthew Clancy are photoed celebrating a score.
  • In 1832, when the congressional sponsors of the Second Bank passed an act to recharter the institution, Jackson vetoed the bill. Fan and Fred: What Would Andrew Jackson Do?
  • And then on to ruminant, which verified my initial rumgumption about the cud-chewing, but included, also, a reference to the "ruminantia," which are "a division of even-toed, hoofed mammals" including some which do not chew the cud! VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XIV No 3
  • pointy-toed shoes
  • Notice of Inquiry on AllVid explained, "as well as content that a viewer has already bought or archived." dittoed Google and its sometime allies in the media reform movement during a meeting with the FCC in late January. Ars Technica
  • The expression "tiptoed" is here used to indicate the extreme caution of Cap'n Cod's entrance, and his evident desire to effect it as noiselessly as possible. Raftmates A Story of the Great River
  • I had received some pamphlets from them earlier, pamphlets that toed the line, promoting breastfeeding first and at the back, suggesting that if you can't breastfeed, they think their formula is the next best substitute. "Special Gift"
  • He has a seductively tumbling, pigeon-toed gait and a dinky, prompting, short-passing range. Why we must savour the rare English delicacy that is Jack Wilshere
  • Indicators of this are the short doublet and very prominent codpiece, the round-toed shoes and the knee-breeches.
  • After midnight we tiptoed down the hallway and out the back door, without anybody seeing us.
  • Here's a picture of me standing pigeon-toed next to a pigeon. Request for Evidence
  • At sunset, had there been one, we went into the Villa d'Este, entering through the huge deserted courts and grottoed halls of the colossal palace, surprised to find the enchanted gardens, the terraces and cypresses descending on the other side, the grey vague plain and distant mountains -- and always the sound of waters. The Spirit of Rome
  • He is eight stone nothing, stoop-shouldered, pigeon-toed, thirty-three.
  • If you ever happen to come across that homeless Ran-Dell ever again, make sure to wear your heaviest steel-toed boots, that way, when you repeatedly stomp in his nuts, you'll be sure to give him the worst pain possible. Archive 2010-01-01
  • I have the following phase intoed into the GeneralLegalPhrasings. xml for non-tangent curves. All Discussion Groups: Message List - root
  • I want increased liberty, equality and fraternity, not a diminution of democracy as we are tiptoed into totalitarianism and authoritarianism.
  • It had already been instrumented, and Rex toed the weatherproof case of the old seismograph with disdain. MINUTES TO BURN
  • Packed with sugar-mottoed hearts and naked, pudgy cupids. A Gothic Un-Valentine
  • It's a pretty enough building made special by its literary association, its laconic guides and the resident cats with their freakish six- or seven-toed feet.
  • Then I opened it wide enough for us to slide out and tiptoed across the hall to the storage closet.
  • Just to be sure that it was "snibbed," Mrs. McGuire tiptoed after him in her bare feet, a very bad thing for a sick-a-bed lady to do, too, but to her credit, be it written, she did not listen at the keyhole. Sowing Seeds in Danny
  • They tiptoed upstairs so as not to wake the baby.
  • She drew a red felt, yellow-mottoed cushion from beneath the deer-hide covering a chair, and held it up so that all might read. Then I'll Come Back to You
  • The President vetoed the bill
  • We can intuitively perceive the philosophy of judicial activism through the case of Scott which was accompanied by a much political attempt and the case of Lochner which vetoed legislative regulation.
  • Chloe toed off her sneakers then looked around, scrutinizing the room before company arrived.
  • Basically, people are born with three kinds of hips that determine the orientation of their legs: normal (moderate turnout), pigeon-toed (turned in), and duck-footed (turned out).
  • It has two test wheels (free running) toed in at 20 degrees to the longitudinal axis of the test vehicles.
  • Black's Bishops are both fianchettoed, while his Knights stand side by side on e7 and d7.
  • Just to be sure that it was "snibbed," Mrs. McGuire tiptoed after him in her bare feet, a very bad thing for Sowing Seeds in Danny
  • The pulsator, with pointed toe and gently turned calf, would make a progress in a direct line, but as the sole touched the ground, the heel would slightly rise and then fall, and whilst you were admiring the undulating grace of the pulsator, unobserved and silently you would find the gyrator had stolen a march upon you, and actually taken the _pas_ of its five-toed brother. Rattlin the Reefer
  • At that time, every kicker in high school, college, and the professional ranks kicked straight-on with that square-toed shoe.
  • But Clinton said he vetoed that bill, partly because Republicans removed restrictions on corporate raids on pension funds.
  • Endemic jerboas include the selevinia (Selevinia betpakdalensis), comb-toed jerboa (Paradipus ctenodactylus), and the three-toed and five-toed dwarf jerboas (Salpingotus heptneri, salpingotus pallidus, Cardiocranius). Central Asian northern desert
  • In deference to her tears Diana had vetoed any action at least for a day or two and reluctantly, Kate had had to acquiesce. MIDNIGHT IS A LONELY PLACE
  • This crazy vertebrae inconsistency is because the Two - and Three-toed sloths do not have a shared ancestor until you go back 40 MILLION YEARS. Three things you might not have known about SLOTHS
  • Governor Jeanne Shaheen vetoed the New Hampshire abolition law as soon as it was passed.
  • It was the desire of both the Congress and the administration to reach an agreement that would not be vetoed.
  • five-toed
  • Any of various extinct ungulate mammals of the Eocene to Pleistocene epochs, having distinctive three-clawed, three-toed feet.
  • Endemics include the desert dormouse (Selevinia betpakdalensis), comb-toed jerboa (Paradipus ctenodactylus), three-toed and five-toed dwarf jerboas (Salpingotus heptneri, S. pallidus). Central Asian southern desert
  • When Principal Dillard stopped by the classroom at two-fifteen for his daily check -- he and Ms. Florida had been caught canoodling during the Sadie Hawkins dance earlier in the semester -- the car was in the back row, with one headlight shining on the purple ink of the dittoed exam. News & Politics
  • Costello toed the line, despite hinting that he wanted to take part.
  • Nasri 6 Inspired his team to a bright start with his twinkle-toed incisions but faded and did not look the force he has been this season. Arsenal v Manchester City: player ratings
  • He manages the great funeral oration impressively, if not without some undue bombast; for the rest, a pigeon-toed Antony speaking in a faintly campy drawl is rather problematic.
  • July 20, 2007, 1:32 pm uh clem says: ...while appropriations bills cannot be filibustered, they can be vetoed and we are back to that 2/3thing. The Volokh Conspiracy » Executive Privilege and Contempt Prosecutions:
  • After midnight we tiptoed down the hallway and out the back door, without anybody seeing us.
  • But local wildlife officials have vetoed this idea so far, he said, and this has cost him clients.
  • I turned and ran up the steps, tiptoed inside, slunk down the hall past the closed door to Sally's room, and ducked into mine. THE SAVING GRACES
  • In one intriguing trackway, the footfalls of a fringe-toed lizard were paralleled by the prints of a roadrunner, a lizard-eating bird.
  • As he made haste and 'tiptoed' into our lane in front of us (again, traveling at 75MPH), he spun out in the side-ravine. Metal
  • Fife Symington vetoed a bill that would have given the Insurance Department the power to investigate and fine managed-care plans.
  • I tiptoed up behind him, planning to scare him and snap him out of the stupor he was currently in.
  • Similar legislation was vetoed several times by President Clinton.
  • The President vetoed the economic package passed by Congress.
  • The young are ghettoed in low-wage sectors where unions aren't recognized.
  • Foster Dulles, exhausted and unwell, heatedly reminded Stassen that “it was the British and French who had just vetoed the proposal for a cease-fire.” Eisenhower 1956
  • He also meditates on the long menu of Irish terms for drunkenness: "spannered, rat-arsed, cabbaged, and hammered; ruined, legless, scorched, and blottoed; or simply trolleyed or sloshed. In Search of the Classic Irish Pub
  • The legs should generate quick kicks with the feet slightly pigeon-toed or turned in.
  • She sported a red flowy blouse, blue jeans, and open toed sandals.
  • Plans for the dam have been vetoed by the Environmental Protection Agency.
  • I was taking photos with my Iphone and when I lowered it, it took a photo of my stilettoed boot and, well, I liked how it captured the shades of death's presence... Archive 2010-02-01
  • The idea to make this part of my speech was firmly vetoed by my wife.
  • It depicts the kalanoro, a "short, three-toed, bipedal, water-dwelling, mean, scruffy-hair hominoid" apparently known to tribes in Madagascar. Boing Boing
  • Each beast had two short, stubby forelimbs and two powerful, three toed hind legs.
  • She then tiptoed to the transporter room, to see that Himeko wasn't there.
  • At length these streets becoming more straggling yet, dwindled and dwindled away, until there were only small garden patches bordering the road, with many a summer house innocent of paint and built of old timber or some fragments of a boat, green as the tough cabbage-stalks that grew about it, and grottoed at the seams with toad-stools and tight-sticking snails. The Old Curiosity Shop
  • It was the desire of both the Congress and the administration to reach an agreement that would not be vetoed.
  • The 204 bird species include capercaillie Tetrao urogallus, black grouse Lyrurus tetrix, willow grouse Lagopus lagopus, hazel grouse Tetrastes bonasia, black woodpecker Dryocopus martius, three-toed woodpecker Picoides tridactylus, nutcracker Nucifraga caryocatactes and red-flanked bluetail Tarsiger cyanurus. Virgin Komi Forests, Russian Federation
  • Next, as you are beginning to worry about turned-out feet, baby exchanges one worry for another and becomes pigeon-toed.
  • In other words, the dinosaur was a bit pigeon-toed.
  • He vetoed it because, he believes, EC is an "abortive" drug. Cristina Page: Republican Presidential Candidates Announce a Bold New Plan for American Women: Do-it-Yourself Abortion
  • Before walking in I'd removed my shoes so as to make even less noise and now I held them in the crook of my elbow as I tiptoed across the entryway to the stairs.

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