How To Use Toad In A Sentence
While poor excommunicated Miss Tox, who, if she were a fawner and toad – eater, was at least an honest and a constant one, and had ever borne a faithful friendship towards her impeacher and had been truly absorbed and swallowed up in devotion to the magnificence of Mr
Dombey and Son
In the toad and in the dog, adrenalectomy diminishes but does not suppress the diabetogenic effect of the anterior lobe extract, which can be obtained in adrenalectomized dogs, in which the pancreas has been surgically reduced, and which are kept alive by treatment with desoxycorticosterone and salt or even with sodium chloride alone.
Bernardo Houssay - Nobel Lecture
A study by Conservation International, an American organisation, found that nearly a third of frogs, toads, newts and other amphibian species were likely to disappear within 100 years.
The conjurer would probably put a spell on him, turning him into a toad.
The familiar frogs, toads, and salamanders have been present since at least the Jurassic Period.

Although the number of rural ponds is decreasing rapidly, garden ponds are gaining in popularity and are becoming increasingly important habitats for toads, says the trust.
Despite the challenges that prevail, our women have 'shouldered' the burdens with great resilience and dignity; and many of the successes that we claim toady, must be credited to our mothers, grandmothers, wives, aunts and sisters.
Jamaica Information Service
There were still flowers in plenty, pink campion, toadflax, small blue scabious, honeysuckle, and six-inch mushrooms, inedible no doubt, but the blackberries were ripe and juicy enough to quench thirst.
But the government's toadyish diplomacy, which overlooked the key issue affecting its relations with North Korea, led to a delay in resolving the abduction cases and resulted in tragic consequences.
To him however that feels the same disgust and loathing, the same unutterable shuddering, as I feel, start up within him and shoot through his whole frame at the sight of them, these miscreate deformities, such as toads, beetles, or that most nauseous of all Nature's abortions, the bat, are not indifferent or insignificant: their very existence is a state of direct enmity and warfare against his.
The Old Man of the Mountain, The Lovecharm and Pietro of Abano Tales from the German of Tieck
By toadying to the royal family of Crim Tartary, she was lady-in-waiting to the young Princess Angelica.
I thought his favor was excessive; certainly I never thought their powers were any more real than those cheapjack toadstone-peddlers or the granny-wives who claim they can put a bad word on someone's cow.
The Silent Tower
But he was not to enjoy himself long, for the duck was telling all her neighbours about the ill-usage her little one had received; and the mischief-making little wagtail thought as he had seen the lanky bird eating what he called the kingfisher's fishes, he would go and tell, and then sit on the bank and see the quarrel there would be; for he considered that the heron had no more business to take the fish out of the pond than the toad had to catch flies.
Featherland How the Birds lived at Greenlawn
WITH giant purple ears and a freaky thin tongue this cane toad looks like a science experiment gone wrong.
The Sun
As frogs, toads, salamanders, and snakes emerge from hibernation, encourage them to stay around your garden and help control pests.
A similar story can be told for several other species of toads, frogs, salamanders, alligators, and turtles around the world.
He may have signed off on the idea of creating a youth brigade, and put a gold star in the dossier of the sweating toady who proposed the idea.
Bit of a problem with cane toads in Queensland.
Times, Sunday Times
Explore toads pharmacological function to experimental animals circulatory system.
Although reptiles in the region are not well-studied, at least one endemic lizard, the toad-headed agamid (Phrynocephalus vlangalii), occurs here.
Qaidam Basin semi-desert
Expects imply that such situation belongs to the normal immigration of toads in the course of becoming a frog from a polliwog, having nothing to do with earthquakes.
A toad croaked in the distance breaking the eerie silence that haunted the halls of trees and earth.
Don't eat poisonous cane toads.
Times, Sunday Times
The problem is that the glands of the toad secrete another chemical known as bufotenine, a compound that is found in a hallucinogenic snuff made from a plant by Indians of the upper Orinoco in Venezuela.
The Serpent and the Rainbow
When the toad is attacked, this chemical weapon oozes out as a thick, creamy liquid.
And what happens to hole without the toad?
Times, Sunday Times
True, there are certain races where even a blue-leafed hosta plant would be able to discern the superiority of a Joe Sestak to an avaricious toad like Pat Toomey.
Jerry and Joe Long: Can Scum Save Us From Maniacs?
A cat-sized marsupial called a quoll has a habit of feasting on toxic cane toads. - Articles related to Long-distance journeys are out of fashion: Global warming is causing evolutionary changes in bird migration
Of animal cardiac poisons chemists were acquainted in particular with so-called bufotalin, which is present in the skin secretion of certain species of the toad genus Bufo.
Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1927 and 1928 - Presentation Speech
Natterjack toads have recently been established in a shallow pool dug on the heath.
A Guide to Britain's Conservation Heritage
Accused of being ‘unprincipled’ by an editor, he replied: ‘I have never toadied, nor lied, nor insulted.’
The Albertine Rift is home to about 19 percent of Africa's amphibian species, including more than 30 endemic species and three monotypic endemic genera: Parkers tree toad (Laurentophryne parkeri), the Itombwe golden frog (Chrysobatrachus cupreonitens), and African painted frog (Callixalus pictus, VU).
Biological diversity in the Eastern Afromontane
Among the reptiles are isolated populations of four species: toad-headed agama Phrynocephalus versocolor, multicellated racerunner Eremias multiocellata, Gobi racerunner Eremias przewalskii and patterned grass-snake Elapha dione; also the locally rare adder Vipera berus, moccasin snake Aghistrodon halys, Tlafe agilis and sand lizard Lacerta agilis.
Uvs Nuur Basin, Russian Federation, Republic of Tuva and Mongolia
Here's one to a very doleful tune, how a usurer's wife was brought to bed of twenty money-bags at a burthen and how she longed to eat adders 'heads and toads carbonadoed.
The Winter's Tale
What mechanism allows toadstools -- essentially very soft and squashy items -- to push through two inches of asphalt?
There are seven categories of fish, including the basking shark, and the same number of amphibians and reptiles such as turtles, toads, lizards and newts.
‘I fell in love with toadstools,’ she explained.
As one of the mayor's "toadies," your croak must be considered for what it is. Stories
At length these streets becoming more straggling yet, dwindled and dwindled away, until there were only small garden patches bordering the road, with many a summer house innocent of paint and built of old timber or some fragments of a boat, green as the tough cabbage – stalks that grew about it, and grottoed at the seams with toad – stools and tight – sticking snails.
The Old Curiosity Shop
But there's a good side to woodchucks, too: Their burrows provide homes for all manner of other wildlife, including rabbits, turtles and toads.
She had just swallowed a philtre of toad skin and wormwood, and was finding it difficult to concentrate.
ARS DRACONIS • by Jens Rushing
It is enough that “my lud” has a handle to his name, and Murray Hill shoddyocracy will wine and dine and toady him, and perhaps for his title marry him to some sweet, pure and good American girl, whose life hereafter will be a purgatory to herself and a mutual misery to both.
Black and White
Others go, like the toads and newts, under damp leaves or into holes in the earth.
Times, Sunday Times
The next morning, after the wedding ceremony, the toad told his bride to plunge a knife into his back.
Cane toad toxin is very effective against virtually all Australian native species that attempt to eat toads, from small frog-eating reptiles to the Quoll (Australia's native cat).
The lectures offered include one about reptiles and amphibians native to Kentucky, which includes a chance for the children to handle live, non-venomous snakes, lizards, salamanders, toads and frogs.
At last he, with a low courtesy, put on her medical finger a pretty handsome golden ring, whereinto was right artificially enchased a precious toadstone of Beausse.
Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel
It is, however, to the latter, to the lowly and ugly agarics, that nations with timorous taste buds limit their knowledge and appetite, so that to the Anglo-American lay mind the aristocratic boletes are, at best, reformed toadstools.
Then he looked round for the people of the island: but instead of men, women, and children, he found nothing but turnips and radishes, beet and mangold wurzel, without a single green leaf among them, and half of them burst and decayed, with toad-stools growing out of them.
The Water Babies
It's like that fairy tale where vipers and toads jump out of the mouth of the accursed mean little girl when she tries to speak.
The corporate news, class "toadies", class thugs, propagandized for the bail out, over the objection of a democratic majority.
Original Signal - Transmitting Buzz
All around the two girls grew large specimens of fungi: mushrooms nearly as tall as them grew from the ground, and toadstools and bracken protruded from the rocky walls in clumps.
The fly agaric or fairy toadstool grows here too, especially under birch along with other woodland fungi.
If AutoAdmit wasn't a public forum in the sense of its content being openly and freely available to the public*, what is?
Several groups such as the Rhacophorus gliding frogs, the megophryid litter toads, and various ranid groups stand out for their local evolutionary radiations, conservation concern, and eyecatching appearance.
Biological diversity in Indo-Burma
The walls teemed with framed paintings, while bric-a-brac sprang from every possible surface, toadstools in a forest.
There were plenty of unusual sightings - I came across dwarf lionfish, stonefish, toadfish, frogfish and a six-striped soapfish, which I later discovered to be quite a toxic species.
June 18th, 2006 at 5:20 pm being a rather good fellator myself — the very idea of an odious toad like Snitchens writing about the subject is something I find profoundly distasteful !
Firedoglake » Face the Snark
He was a shameless toady to those above him and a vicious bully to those below him.
In 1997, the celebrated satirist tricked public figures including Rolf Harris, Noel Edmonds and David Amess MP into warning Britain's teenagers of the dangers of taking "cake", a new "made-up pyschoactive compound" also known as Basildon puke plates and loony toad quack.
Politics news, UK and world political comment and analysis |
In the UK we have an estimated 12,000 species of fungi, many of which produce large and attractively coloured fruit bodies we all know as mushrooms and toadstools.
The toad's skin secretes a deadly poison.
It contains nothing fantastical, except for the mere overlarge size of the house in which the toadlike grotesques slump and commit arson or murder, and the world is more dreary, disenchanting, and mundane than our world, not less.
Voice Of The Fans: What Books Have You Stopped Reading?
If you'll forgive me some plugging, Song, by Toad Records is hosting a label showcase at
Drowned In Sound // Feed
The recent warm but wet weather has caused a mass migration of frogs, newts and toads to the Barnes Wetland Centre.
With the light nights starting to return, toads across the area are wakening from hibernation to make the journey back to where they were born - to breed.
Linux CNC is a great software CNC controller. see www. reply to this open alternative by toadhall on: Dec 12 2008 toadhall ingo wagener last visit Jan 24 2010 0 friends Content
ZARRELLA: Like the bufo toad that excretes a poison that can kill a dog, and this fearless night nole (ph).
CNN Transcript Oct 13, 2009
As well might you bid Madam Toad to spin flax without her distaff.
Martin Pippin in the Apple Orchard
Some amphibians we know today include frogs, toads, newts and salamanders.
And as every ‘victualer’ knows, you will certainly need a nifty name for your tacky tavern besides, ‘Stickey Wicket Pub’, ‘Waddling Dog’ or ‘Toad-in-the-Hole’ (which are already taken).
What it is: One of a family of marine or estuarine fish known as Tetraodontidae whichincludesmany familiar species variously called puffers, puffer fish, balloonfish, blowfish, bubblefish, globefish, swellfish and toadfish.
The Best Stuff on Earth?!
But it is an impostor, a sort of Toad Hall that pretends to an amplitude and height it hasn't got.
The recent warm but wet weather has caused a mass migration of frogs, newts and toads to the Barnes Wetland Centre.
This was a man so obviously lying to himself and others - so obviously acting a part - that not even the toadies and sycophants lined beaming along the front row of the hall could have believed a word of it.
Very faint, but in the air: a scent close to frog or toad except fishier, the fishy part sharper and more thinned out than the scent of an actual fish.
To Fetch a Thief
The toad is very long-lived and grows horns at the age of three thousand years.
Fir-Flower Tablets: Poems Translated From the Chinese
Amphibians such as frogs, toads, and salamanders are undergoing rapid population declines, most likely due to fungal disease, climate change, habitat loss, and pollution.
The study finds 122 species of frogs, toads, salamanders and legless amphibians have probably become extinct since 1980 and warns that a third of all amphibian species currently face the same fate.
Had they determined to study the subject of life, as we have done, from the Bible as well as from nature, they would have commenced at these toad-producing rocks, and worked their way upward to the source of all life, and not downward to the vanishing point -- that where animal life ceases in the azoic rocks.
Life: Its True Genesis
It contains nothing fantastical, except for the mere overlarge size of the house in which the toadlike grotesques slump and commit arson or murder, and the world is more dreary, disenchanting, and mundane than our world, not less.
Voice Of The Fans: What Books Have You Stopped Reading?
These true mycorrhizae include such macro-fungi as the toadstools and the hypogeous truffles and tuckahoes.
Some apply the term mushroom to a single species, the one in cultivation, and which grows also in fields (_Agaricus campestris_), and call all others toadstools.
Studies of American Fungi. Mushrooms, Edible, Poisonous, etc.
Now the toad has become an icon for those who hope to transcend Darwin.
The sudden arrival of warm wet weather caused a mass night-time migration of frogs, newts and toads to deluge the centre in Barnes.
The principal and her toadies made it seem that our opinions were important and that the reorganisation would not happen if we were dead set against it.
The Beard Liberation Front is not doing itself, or its cause, any favours by toadying to those who lack the conviction to sprout a decent set of whiskers and grow the full monty.
That quote doesn’t work if the person delivering the message is a toady from the opposition.
Think Progress » European-American Fox News host complains that we’re turning into Europeans, who are a ‘pack of Pagan losers.’
One day a toad hopped into the beeyard and his father was about to kill it.
Woman's Way Through Unknown Labrador
He has the best recipe for toad-in-the-hole ever.
The sudden arrival of warm wet weather caused a mass night-time migration of frogs, newts and toads to deluge the centre in Barnes.
A suit has been filed by the Center for Biological Diversity to protect 24 endangered species including the Desert tortoise, Coachella Valley fringe-toed lizard, Arroyo toad and Desert pupfish.
She also, from a dried up old toad, has transformed herself into a sparkling, magical femme with mysterious fatal charm after toasting herself under the sun for a week.
This action must have been observed during the most ancient times, as, according to Mr. Hensleigh Wedgwood,21 the word toad expresses in all the languages of Europe the habit of swelling.
The expression of the emotions in man and animals
From the 14th century, toadstones were set in rings for their magical properties.
Main: Toad in the hole with mash and peas.
The Sun
The toad has a distinctive yellow stripe down its back.
The hedge sheltered toads, frogs and voles and the birds were going berserk.
The toadstool is tawny yellow, and produces white spores; the gills are decurrent, and the stem bears a ring.
Scientific American Supplement, No. 643, April 28, 1888
There are three native species of frogs and toads in the UK the common toad, common frog and natterjack toad.
Clams and skates and croakers and jellyfish and fluke and toadfish and anything else with gills surrounded by water are all wild.
Wild clams
Others go, like the toads and newts, under damp leaves or into holes in the earth.
Times, Sunday Times
The Toad Party was against cruelty to all amphibians - particularly toads - but behind the humour was a serious message of care for the environment.
Is this all some sort of bizarre coincidence, like deregulation and financial crookery or religious fundamentalism and bizarre rules on human behavior? mrtoads
Re: House GOP Leadership Elections - Swampland -
Worst of all, Hull is to fill up with giant, brightly coloured fibreglass toads, a stunt so loopily against the spirit of the two poems that are their inspiration – "Toads" and "Toads Revisited", in which the squatting toad, impossible to shake off, is both a symbol of work and of the narrator's timid and confining personality – I find myself wondering whether their creators have actually read either one.
In search of the real Philip Larkin
THE whinstone of Scotland is also the same with the toadstone of Derbyshire, which is of the amygdaloides species; it is also the same with the ragstone of the south of Staffordshire, which is a simple whinstone, or perfect trap.
Theory of the Earth~ Part 3 (historical)
Fenton, writing in 1569, says, “There is found in the heads of old and great toads a stone which they call borax or stelon; it is most commonly found in the head of a he-toad.”
Rambles of an Archaeologist Among Old Books and in Old Places Being Papers on Art, in Relation to Archaeology, Painting, Art-Decoration, and Art-Manufacture
You can also create shelters using old flowerpots or scrap lumber that appeal to toads, bees, and bats.
The word toady comes from ‘toad-eater’: a quack's or mountebank's assistant who would eat, or pretend to eat, a toad so he could be cured by the medicine man.
Seen along the way today was a heron, more brambles, some wild blackberries, hawthorn showing fruit ranging from cherry red through to deep blood red, rose hips and some lovely yellow toadflax.
At last he, with a low courtesy, put on her medical finger a pretty handsome golden ring, whereinto was right artificially enchased a precious toadstone of Beausse.
Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel
Some amphibians we know today include frogs, toads, newts and salamanders.
After studying at University College London, Brandy traveled to Scotland to do research on the natterjack toad for her dissertation, earning herself a Masters degree in Conservation.
Blue skinks, bearded dragons, crocodiles, alien-looking veiled chameleons, reticulated pythons, leopard tortoises, and tiny glistening frogs and toads of every color.
Spadefoot toads are desert-dwelling amphibians that breed opportunistically in short lived pools filled by periodic rainfall.
Sometimes walks nearby the pond, you can discover several toads jump out.
'As well might you bid Madam Toad to spin flax without her distaff.'
Martin Pippin in the Apple Orchard
However, it is not effective on toadflax, spurge or mustards and has limited activity on houndstongue and blueweed.
The toads must aestivate during the summer, burrowing down into the soil to survive the heat.
Others claimed that he had improperly mixed religion and politics and had served as a toady of Prime Minister José María Aznar.
I also lament the fact that we are here in urgency because the toadies and lackeys of the United Future party have decided to sign up to the use of urgency without even testing the questions that they should properly have asked.
Both the toad and frog are amphibian.
-- A group of frogs is called an army; a group of toads is a knot.
Fun facts about frogs
Friar John singled him out of the whole knot of these rogues in grain, a red-snouted catchpole, who upon his right thumb wore a thick broad silver hoop, wherein was set a good large toadstone.
Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel
A poet wrote a note about a toad in the road.
He didn't sit like a hoptoad any more, but lay on his elbow, and his head nodded -- nodded ---- nodded.
Half-Past Seven Stories
Close to where I had been sitting the light picked out a squat toad about the size of a small teapot.
Has he suddenly changed from being a ghastly greedy little toad to a man of loyalty and integrity?
The Sun
They looked all around them for something to capture, but all that they saw was an old lady hoptoad, going home from market.
Bully and Bawly No-Tail
Small birds, lizards, snakes, toads, and frogs are a small part of their prey items.
It's been a while since I bothered to capsulate him, but his column for the Sunday Times is worth it because it proves -- as if there was any doubt -- that he is such a sanctimonious toady to the Bush administration.
February 2006
I hold there is a general beauty in the works of God, and therefore no deformity in any kind of species whatsoever: I cannot tell by what logic we call a toad, a bear, or an elephant ugly, they being created in those outward shapes and figures which best express those actions of their inward forms.
Library of the World's Best Literature, Ancient and Modern — Volume 6
During a prolonged break in the rains the frogs and toads are hushed, except in jhils and low-lying paddy fields.
He has toadied to those, including the Queen, whose affection for him cannot be relied on to last longer than next week's polls.
It is becoming customary with some students to apply the term mushroom to the entire group of higher fungi to which the mushroom belongs (_Basidiomycetes_), and toadstool is regarded as a synonymous term, since there is, strictly speaking, no distinction between a mushroom and a toadstool.
Studies of American Fungi. Mushrooms, Edible, Poisonous, etc.
This is contained in the large warts that cover the upper surface of the toad's skin.
Western spadefoot toads burrow into the wash bottom, emerging to produce another batch of mosquito larvae-eating tadpoles during the summer rains.
The diluted tusche dries to resemble ` toad-skin’ washes usually found in zinc-plate lithography.
That angered even his normally toadyish interviewer.
While in this temper, as he was taking a solitary walk in the evening, and, to divert his melancholy, was flinging the stones that lay in his path against each other, he happened to break a tolerably large one, and out of it jumped a toad.
Folk-Lore and Legends; Scandinavian
Among her pithy observations was the fact that ‘men are vile inconstant toads’; and that ‘civility costs nothing and buys everything’.
Dutch police in Leeuwarden are trying to find out if drug addicts raided a pet shop and stole three exotic toads whose warty skin is said to induce hallucinations when licked.
Around 5,000 amphibian species, including frogs, toads, newts, and salamanders are thought to exist today.
In the thickest of my fight with the slugs some one said to me, Everything living has its enemy; the enemy of the slug is the toad.
An Island Garden
How can I tell the difference between a mushroom and a toadstool?
There are seven categories of fish, including the basking shark, and the same number of amphibians and reptiles such as turtles, toads, lizards and newts.
The fungal kingdom is a lot more than mushrooms and toadstools.
Two main classes of ACh receptors have been identified on the basis of their responsiveness to the toadstool alkaloid, muscarine, and to nicotine, respectively: the muscarinic receptors and the nicotinic receptors.
The immediate exception is the beautiful Celimene Gummer, a woman with the brightest salon in town and a brighter wit even though she is surrounded by toadies.
Michael Giltz: Theater: "School For Lies" A Triumph
It takes viewers crashing through black holes, cosmic stardust and primal gases as its characters brave heat, flies, noxious toads and crazy locals to unravel the mysteries of the universe.
From the cave of my ignorance, amid the fogs of my dulness, and pestilential fumes of my political heresies, I look up to thee, as doth a toad through the iron-barred lucarne of a pestiferous dungeon, to the cloudless glory of
The Letters of Robert Burns
Pushing for direct links amounts to toadying to capitalists intent on exploiting the China market, and risks the future of this nation's workers.
But I doubt if even the most toadyish East European regime would be willing to accept serious casualties.
Nature is very liberal in all things; and we have coarse and disagreeable flower odors, supplied by peonies, marigolds, the gay bouvardia, and a still more odious greenhouse flower -- a yellowish, toadlike thing, which those who have once known will never forget, and for which perhaps they can supply a name.
The Continental Monthly, Vol. 6, No 4, August, 1864 Devoted To Literature And National Policy
The shop Goya on Calle Jimenez sells toad talismans, owl feathers, stone amulets, candles, gems, and soaps.
She would show Lord William that she was not about to turn into a weepy-faced toady over him.
‘Your little toadies seem a bit pusillanimous,’ she observed laconically, curious to see if he was as smart as they said he was.
Also, he called me names like, `Little squirmy toad' and `Nauseating worm", and others what I didn't hear properly.
Younger Scout: How can I tell the difference between a mushroom and a toadstool?
A pilot episode shows a toadyish Palestinian officer watching as a Jewish character machine-guns a group of West Bank children to death and drinks their blood.
NY Post: News
Now back under your stone you odious little toad.
The Sun
I'm sure buffel grass and the cane toad seemed heaven-sent when they were first introduced, but neither turned out to be a long-term winner.
I didn't turn to gardening, of course, beyond helping Graham remove a nest of snails from the back garden and several small colonies of forest toadstools from the front path and grass.
‘People think us security guards are just stupid, unfeeling corporate toadies, but that's not true,’ he said.
Toads mate in a position called amplexus, in which the male mounts the female from behind and fertilises her eggs externally.
Impact Lab
Amphibians such as frogs, toads, and salamanders are undergoing rapid population declines, most likely due to fungal disease, climate change, habitat loss, and pollution.
The effect is comic, like Mr Toad driving a golf buggy.
He will win no plaudits for toadying to London and he has no future in Westminster anyway.
Reptiles and amphibians recorded from the islands include 2 geckoes (Hemidactylus spp.), 2 agamid lizards including the common garden lizard or blood sucker (Calotes versicolar), the snake skink (Riopa albopunktata), common wolf snake (Lycodon aulicus), another snake, Typhlos braminus, a short-headed frog, Rana breviceps, and a larger toad, Bufo melanostictus.
Maldives-Lakshadweep-Chagos Archipelago tropical moist forests
Dinner - at noon - might be a roast with potatoes and onions or toad-in-the-hole, with a duff of pastry and raisins for pudding.
Nations with timorous taste buds limit their knowledge and appetite, so that to the Anglo-American lay mind the aristocratic boletes are, at best, reformed toadstools.
The president usually offered these comments up as part of some kind of troglodyte effort to set his toadies straight on a matter of ethnic or cultural policy. Local Breaking News
Tetrodotoxin is a powerful neurotoxin found in the skin, liver, ovary, intestine and muscle of the pufferfish species (globefish, blowfish, balloon fish, toadfish).
Fish poisonings and envenomations
Harshman ...) within crown-Bufonidae, and outside the enormous clade that includes all of the more familiar, more, err, 'toady'-looking toads.
ScienceBlogs Channel : Life Science
CNN: FDA says residue is frog or toad; how did it get in Pepsi can?
POLITICAL HOT TOPICS: September 03, 2009
Even Martin Harwood's death notice in Saturday's Observer contained a reference to ‘toad’.
No, Joe, you sniveling toad whose pathetic job it is to lie for other liars.
The important part isn't usually visible, the mushrooms and toadstools that we can see are merely the way they reproduce.
Less conspicuous species are woolly plantain, wild four-o'clock, yellow stargrass, and false toadflax.
Creating log piles may help to attract hedgehogs, and rockeries may attract frogs, newts and toads who usually spend winter on land.
The midwife toad has a blood relation, the northern midwife, much alike in appearance.
The natterjack toads will be otherwise engaged in their neighbouring site of special scientific interest.
Times, Sunday Times
Edible - good to eat and wholesome to digest, as a worm to a toad, a toad to a snake, a snake to a pig, a pig to a man, and a man to a Worm. Ambrose Bierce
Frogfishes are a family of fishes that look like misshapen toads - hence the name frogfishes.
Surely this toadstool masquerading as a scribe is aware THAT THIS BOOK HAS ALREADY BEEN WRITTEN!
Archive 2010-02-01
Mead was probably the first human-made intoxicant, barring potions brewed from various solanaceous psychoactives - peyote, khat, mandrake, poisonous toads, etc.
Water provides a breeding place for frogs, toads, newts and dragonflies.
This produces some unexpected exchanges and some world-class toadying.
Times, Sunday Times
Most North American lizards belong to this family, including the collared lizards, the utas, the swifts, the so-called horned toads, or horned lizards, and the American chameleon, or anole (not a true chameleon).
Pierre used a short piece of woodchip to touch a flashing light within two seconds of picking it up; while Corbeau was seen prodding a metal toad after 10 seconds; and a rubber spider after 35 seconds.
Crows surprise researchers with advanced tool use
She did sausages and mash and toad in the hole - that was one of our favourites.
Breck continued research in herpetology, studying the natural history of Manitoba toads and spiny soft-shelled turtles.
Ivy climbed over the stones and other plants - toadflax, herb robert, wild strawberries, primroses - grew in a splendid profusion.
I realized during Vietnam that the leader of the free world and his toadies were the same student council dickheads you knew in high school, but I thought that was an aberration.
Again to Carthage
I feel like ralphing in the trash barrel outside Mr. Toad's Wild Ride instead.
The cane toad springs to mind, introduced to control the cane beetle then becoming a plague itself.
Times, Sunday Times
This means an arrogant faith in victory or success; the image is a bunch of guys tossing their caps up in the air and shouting, ‘Whipping them lily-livered toads will be a piece of cake!’
You know, the all too familiar signs of smugness, ingratiating habits, or simply the false earnestness and self-satisfaction associated with a testosterone-powered toady.
Fifty feet below, the cabin squats near the tumbledown outcropping of rock like a demonic toad.
If that sounds toadyish, just take a look at two of its newest titles.