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How To Use To wit In A Sentence

  • Of course, Whitty himself ain’t exactly a peach; he loves him some torture, and buries knives in bellies with minimal provocation; when it comes to witch-hunting, he’s of the “burn her alive now, ask questions … well, don’t really bother asking questions, it’s just so damn fun to burn people, let’s do it some more!” school. Cry of the Banshee « Skid Roche
  • I'd like to withdraw 1000 dollars from my savings account and put it in my check account.
  • Children in particular should not have to witness wholesale slaughter of animals to which they may have become very attached.
  • The board has decided to withhold part of their grant money from certain students.
  • After making the sauce, I thought both potatoes and chickpeas sounded good, so on a whim I made a potato with panch phoron side dish -- but next time I would do 2 things differently. Archive 2009-04-01
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  • A picket was organised last week after receivers Robson Rhodes refused to withdraw redundancy notices issued to 67 staff.
  • The auction house decided to withdraw from the sale when its December 1990 contract with Lord Northampton came up for renewal.
  • ALLAHABAD - As the country marked the first anniversary of 26/11 Mumbai terrorist attacks, hundreds of people in Uttar Pradesh's Allahabad district turned up at the bank of the Ganga Thursday to witness the "hanging" of terrorist Mohammad Ajmal Amir Kasab. Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
  • The committee has the authority to grant immunity to witnesses without the approval of the Justice Department.
  • The frontier ran roughly north-westwards from London into the north-west midlands; Guthrum was to withdraw with his troops behind this line, where he was to be recognized as king of an independent kingdom.
  • How often I have I known him affect an open brow and a jovial manner, joining in the games of the gentry, and even in the sports of the common people, in order to invest himself with a temporary degree of popularity; while, in fact, his heart was bursting to witness what he called the degeneracy of the times, the decay of activity among the aged, and the want of zeal in the rising generation. Redgauntlet
  • He likes his risotto with all the bits ( squid and octopus). Times, Sunday Times
  • But the designer decided to withdraw the shoes over fears they could become a lethal weapon if the wearer accidentally trod on someone else's foot, the Daily Telegraph reported.
  • Her rally faltered momentarily when she bunkered her second to lose the 12th to go two down again, but promptly birdied the long fifth with two big hits on to the green and the 14th after an approach shot to within seven feet of the flag.
  • It is the time to witness the miracle.
  • There are great views of the Camel estuary from the terrace, where you can eat beautifully simple dishes like lobster risotto with basil and orange. Times, Sunday Times
  • Semi-autonomous vehicles are expected to witness a rapid growth over the forecast timeline owing to the driving assistance features.
  • Compare the photo with this drawing of the pallial cavity of Arion distinctus from G. More secrets of slugs hidden under their mantles
  • What people most long for in ogling the screen is to witness some torrid lascivious scene: the incentives to gaze are supremely lubricious.
  • They argued him into withdrawing his complaint.
  • From a political point of view it would be more clever to withdraw it, take the flak and then forget about it.
  • The complex of field systems and large stone walls extend from the north western slopes of Mount Brandon to within the boundaries of Dingle.
  • The DLR has become the latest corporate supporter of The Cutty Sark Trust after donating £5,000 to help ensure the deckhouses are sufficiently watertight to withstand the rain.
  • So, in an effort to unite the party, Stephen Douglas offered to withdraw. James Buchanan got his votes and the nomination.
  • My paper was so badly reviewed that I was compelled to withdraw the paper.
  • He'd like "happiness" to be given a new and more scientifically descriptive label, to wit "Major affective disorder, pleasant type".
  • Teriyaki salmon was seared to a questionable degree of firmness and sat on a dais of tepid mash potato with a nastily commercial sticky teriyaki sauce.
  • The sensor can time this journey down to the nanosecond, ESA says, meaning that the instrument is accurate to within two centimetres.
  • The arch-bishop himself, Æthelnoth, came from Canterbury to witness our troth; I could scarce raise my eyes to him, knowing as he must every blemish of my soul.
  • Patrick had told her it was strong enough to withstand many weather conditions, including hurricanes and snowstorms.
  • Rommel's army had to be worn down, and if it had been allowed to withdraw intact into the mountain fastnesses of Tunisia, securing a decisive land victory in North Africa would have been rendered immensely difficult.
  • Patrick nods, looking more interested than he ever used to when she used to witter on about Mesoamerica. THE CHEEK PERFORATION DANCE
  • Second thing to be considered in it, to wit, the thing we are dehorted from, which is covetousness. Sermons Preached Upon Several Occasions. Vol. III.
  • It is becoming increasingly frustrating to witness teams forfeiting matches for one reason or the other.
  • In that case, such a hypothesis would then have to withstand the rigors of both scientific method (empirically testing and proving or disproving the hypothesis) and peer review.
  • Sir Charles Trevelyan refused to withdraw or to curb his activities in any way and was consequently expelled from the Party.Sentence dictionary
  • The plants were unable to withstand the rigours of a harsh winter.
  • Ramachandran initially thought that the young girl would not be able to withstand the pressure.
  • Brush the potato with a little beaten egg and brown under a grill.
  • As a politician, he is able to withstand public criticism.
  • I am fond of this beet risotto for using up extra beets, and this "breakfast risotto", which is really good at any meal, and once I made this pumpkin risotto with crispy sage leaves, mm. Kisobel: Objectives 2010
  • The former Soviet Union had started to withdraw its warships and aircraft from Cam Ran in 1989.
  • The government is planning to withhold benefit payments from single mothers who refuse to name the father of their child.
  • His was the good fortune to witness Sheppard's encounter with the topsman, and to shrive the battered soul of Jonathan Wild. A Book of Scoundrels
  • In the words of Dr. Reid, "He maintains ... that there is no such thing as matter in the universe; that the sun and moon, earth and sea, our own bodies and those of our friends, are nothing but ideas in the minds of those who think of them, and that they have no existence when they are not objects of thought; that all that is in the universe may be reduced to two categories, to wit, _minds_ and _ideas in the mind_. English Literature, Considered as an Interpreter of English History Designed as a Manual of Instruction
  • High beds need proper walls with concrete foundations because they have to withstand considerable pressure from the soil. Planning the Organic Herb Garden
  • The Soviet Union became anxious to withdraw its soldiers from the Afghan imbroglio.
  • Witnesses who cooperate with tabloids in return for money often find themselves subjected to withering criticism if they are called into court.
  • So this levee was not designed to withstand a hurricane the magnitude of Katrina.
  • The defence are arguing that he was bribed to withdraw his testimony.
  • She denied the government's request to withhold such information for another year.
  • Third, there is no rule of law that can make penalties for non-compliance by countries binding if some countries decide to withdraw.
  • It is the time to witness the miracle.
  • With a declarative force, Garrett Hongo makes a call to witness, a call to public attention and testimony.
  • Dana arrived just in time to witness Jeremy Devonshire's little fit, and she propped herself in the doorway to wait for the storm to lull.
  • It was improper of the broker to withhold the information from the stock exchange.
  • All she there told him, ruing death for friend so young, algate sore unwilling God's rightwiseness to withsay. Ulysses
  • Too true, and it will save me a lot of time waiting for common sense to wither away and true Naderism to arrive. Archive 2007-06-01
  • We may be about to witness the total eclipse of a domineering political clique after 13 years of unbridled power. The Sun
  • Some wheat farmers may be warming to the prospect of a new tool to help them grow more robust and profitable wheat, engineered to withstand herbicides.
  • A back injury forced her to withdraw from Wimbledon.
  • He swatted the mosquito with a newspaper.
  • Sony are allegedly not paying royalties to the Beatles, and refuse to withdraw the album.
  • Again royalty gathered in grandeur, with trumpets blaring, to witness the baptism of Henry's daughter, Elizabeth.
  • Pakistani intelligence officials have described the bases as strong enough to withstand anything short of a nuclear bomb.
  • They're even threatening to withhold new drugs to Canada unless the government negotiates a price that is high enough to discourage reimportation.
  • It also provided very general guidelines for the future use of nuclear weapons, declaring that these weapons may be used ‘against targets able to withstand nonnuclear attack’ or ‘in the event of surprising military developments.’
  • You need to give 30 days notice to withdraw money from the account.
  • Her life so bare that she lacked buttons, for he noted that the top of her dress was held to with a long briar from a cockspur bush. Cold Mountain
  • Dishes range from snacks to full meals such as fillet of beef medallions on rosti potato with rosemary sauce.
  • It is their pride and joy and to witness the detail around their house, it is easy to understand why they are so comfortable at this beautiful spot.
  • Threatening to withhold sacraments to punish people for their political leanings is upsetting to people in many different faiths. Bishop Raymond Burke Crosses Political Line
  • But just to witness the shocked disbelief on their anal retentive little faces when I do it will be worth every syllable.
  • Greenford first, said Birdalone, and after whither the Good Lord shall lead me; and as for what I will do, I am now deft in two crafts, script and broidery to wit; and, wheresoever I be, folk shall pay me to work herein for them, whereby I shall earn my bread. The Water of the Wondrous Isles
  • According to Mr Hiller, his shunter has to withstand decelerations of 5g (ie, five times the force of the Earth's gravitational field).
  • They are tough enough to withstand being walked on occasionally and will reward the passer-by with perfume released from the crushed foliage.
  • Fresh water was piped in from the lake behind the settlement and could be tapped into with relative ease, giving Mac the unlimited fresh water that had always been his dream.
  • Following Blockley's death, his parents founded the Leo Blockley Memorial Campaign, which campaigns for safer rowing boats with the ability to withstand swamping or sinking.
  • I had a bit of a set-to with him and his mates last night so I came home by myself.
  • Indeed, the chassis and the wheel axle were specially designed to withstand such speed.
  • With some stunts requiring her to withstand six times the force of gravity, her fear of heights was soon forgotten.
  • Only his heavy breathing disturbed the quiet as an old friend walked to within two feet of him. Times, Sunday Times
  • Two juries were discharged the first because a juror had to withdraw for personal reasons and the second because the jury room was found not to be soundproof.
  • It also provided very general guidelines for the future use of nuclear weapons, declaring that these weapons may be used ‘against targets able to withstand nonnuclear attack’ or ‘in the event of surprising military developments.’
  • I hit a great recovery shot to within about 15 feet and two-putted for par.
  • I entirely concur with his prediction that in the end we will have to withdraw from the Province.
  • He can and must use the prelatial dress, as in the Roman Curia, to wit: rochet over the purple soutane with purple mantelletta, in his attendance in the cathedral, where he has precedence over all other canons and dignitaries, as to choir stall and functions. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 2: Assizes-Browne
  • We waded across to Witch Island, the warm waves gently lapping our legs.
  • Together with his wife, Danielle, he spoiled us with rib-sticking main courses such as cassoulet or rabbit pappardelle they'll cater for vegetarians or special diets if you let them know in advance, and irresistible desserts like melting chocolate pudding or affogato with homemade ice-cream. Couples ski holiday in the French Alps
  • Now if you wish to annex, and make the Palestinians citizens, this would cease to be a Jewish nation-state and you’d be offering Israel’s enemies the hallowed “one-state-of-Palestine-secular-and-democratic” that is: another Arab state like many others; if you wish to annex but to withhold citizenship from the Palestinians, you’d be making true the antisemitic lie of “zionist apartheid”; either way annexion is *not-gonna-happen*. Jewish Voice for Peace calls on Michael Moore to make his next film about US/Israel relationship | Jewschool
  • It may also force the regime to withdraw forces from other restive towns and cities to bolster its defence of the capital. Times, Sunday Times
  • Radical factions say the talks are getting nowhere and they want to withdraw.
  • In view of the uncertainty of the price movement, we deem it advisable to withhold offering.
  • When it's done, I'll fry a potato with some ancho chili in the same oil (I wish I could find the salt).
  • Their bones are very strong to withstand the underwater pressure.
  • Lightly scratch the surface of each potato with a fork and sprinkle lightly with salt, if desired.
  • Given that the map on the right clearly says ‘Baghdad’ in the middle, I assume you're using that staple of British wit, to wit, ‘irony.’
  • This is the ordinary, all-purpose staccato with no implication of either accent, emphasis or special sharpness.
  • Wearing blue gloves, he uses a pipettor -- like a giant syringe -- to withdraw a small amount of liquid from a microcentrifuge and inject it into a tiny tray. Local News
  • Some necessary change of raiment, and a very few pieces of gold, were all which he thought it needful to withdraw from the general stock; the rest of the baggage and money he left with the sumpter-horse, which he concluded his father might need, in order to sustain his character as an English trader. Anne of Geierstein
  • What nobody realised is that they were about to witness a unique piece of sporting history. Times, Sunday Times
  • His gifts were all products from his establishment, to wit: six boxes of jujubes, a whole jar of racahout, three cakes of marshmallow paste, and six sticks of sugar-candy into the bargain that he had come across in a cupboard. Madame Bovary
  • Perhaps Opechancanough thought his masterstroke would impel the whites to withdraw. Between War and Peace
  • Wireless radios will be positioned on moving glaciers, and gear must be insulated against temperatures far colder than they were designed to withstand.
  • Those doctors should be suid or something....... that can't be legal to withóld treatment like that. Obituary’ or The one left behind: The Booth Gardner visit.
  • Roosevelt announced, "The Government of the United States has decided to withdraw the America Marine detachments now remaining ashore in China at Peiping, at Tientsin, and Shanghai... Beth Crumley: 1st Battalion, 4th Marines Does "Whatever it Takes"
  • If they are smoking common tobaccoes, they must either be allowed to try ours or requested to withdraw. My Lady Nicotine A Study in Smoke
  • One only has to witness the apparition, the manifestation.
  • The local Nalgo branch has called a general meeting for tomorrow when members will be balloted on whether to withdraw their labour.
  • Recently, we decided to start a new date-night activity to come up with a more involved recipeor idea or to splurge on an expensive for us ingredient every coupleweeks andso farthat has resulted in two new dinners: spinach-artichoke lasagna rolls with homemade tomato sauce and brown rice risotto with zucchini. Archive 2009-05-01
  • It was unscrupulous of their lawyer to withhold evidence.
  • Even on 160 acres the fish ended up moving to within a few yards of the margins, driven onto the lee shore by the strong wind that stirred up the bottom into a rich soup of natural food.
  • How did pleasant weather folklore turn into witches, ghouls and pumpkins? Times, Sunday Times
  • Forced to witness the collapse of everything they had once dreamed of and worked to achieve, they have emerged unchastened and unchanged in their destructive illusions.
  • It was a scintillating partnership that wowed the crowd and their teammates, who huddled together on the dressing room balcony to witness a stellar batting exhibition.
  • I asked myself where my mother could be, whether she'd also been able to withstand the poison, her lungs adapt to this solitary inclemency and the dearth of oxygen.
  • The delicate anicham flower withers when merely smelled, but an unwelcome look is enough to wither a guest's heart.
  • The birds, as well as those of the Nurtung river, are the water-ouzel, the greyish-blue water-chat, the red and black ditto with a white head - top, and the black bird, _durn-durns_ or bird producing that cry occurs, but not in great numbers. Journals of Travels in Assam, Burma, Bhootan, Afghanistan and the Neighbouring Countries
  • By 1216 the castle was sufficiently strong to withstand a siege by forces opposed to King John.
  • Radical factions say the talks are getting nowhere and they want to withdraw.
  • Darwinism supplies an easy answer: it is rational for all substantial depositors to withdraw their money - and to do so at once. Times, Sunday Times
  • This was our birthright as intellectuals, but to possess it we needed to withstand the terror, loneliness, and isolation inherent in intellectual life.
  • As foreign secretary he resisted party pressure to withdraw from Uganda and imposed a protectorate on that territory.
  • Four Million Dollar Quartet" brings audiences to Sun Records in Memphis to witness the collaboration of Johnny Cash, Jerry Lee Lewis, Carl Perkins and Elvis Presley before they became famous.
  • I think a lot of people who are drawn to witchcraft sometimes will get a tattoo, or mark themselves in some way to denote a rite of passage or an experience.
  • Her sister Vanessa egged her on to drive a hard bargain and advised her to withhold the story unless ‘money is paid beforehand’.
  • The defenders are very strong and you must be able to withstand the rigour. The Sun
  • The eyes of all people are upon us, so that if we deal falsely with our God in this work we have undertaken and so cause Him to withdraw His present help from us, we shall be made a story and a byword throughout the world. Betrayed
  • The UN Security Council called for Iraq to withdraw and subsequently embargoed most trade with Iraq.
  • Hundreds of stargazers had travelled as far north as Orkney and Shetland to witness the spectacular celestial event, but most were thwarted by clouds which obscured the rare phenomenon.
  • Tell the Lord that you want to witness to him through your talents, your demeanor, and your acts of love.
  • As the Protestant middle classes began to withdraw from Unionist politics, the quality of the candidates sank and the party stagnated.
  • They advanced to within rifle range.
  • God directs those who follow Jesus Christ to represent Christ in the world and to witness to God's love.
  • Third, layout engineers also need to ensure trace lengths between lanes match to within 15 mils.
  • The cooling-off period to which you refer is for your benefit, not the financial services company and it is a bit rich for Tesco to use it as a way to get you to withdraw your application.
  • But the train is equipped to withstand a long siege. Times, Sunday Times
  • Ramos said Bonin invited five guests to witness the execution, but their identities are being withheld.
  • One outcome: lower-quality flour, resulting in doughs that were unable to withstand the rigorous mixing that's part of making bread.
  • It would be politically expedient to withdraw them, but the reason for their presence is an intransigent regime that refuses to do anything to allay suspicions that it is developing weapons of mass destruction.
  • In addition, part of your amazing sexiness is your monstrous computer knowledge - nothing says "Teh Sexay" like a sysadmin - so shouldn't you be able to clean up that dark, overly-saturated photo with a little Photoshop work? Trick Or Treat Or Bum
  • The quantity of building material must be able to withstand the expected traffic.
  • On Saturday at 3 p.m. in France, nearly a quarter of a million fans will stand trackside at the Circuit de la Sarthe, the iconic road course near the city of Le Mans, to witness the start of the 24 Hours of Le Mans and its thunderclap of engines. French Speed vs. German Muscle
  • He shall find nothing remaining but those sorrows which grow up after our fast-springing youth, overtake it when it is at a stand, and overtop it utterly when it begins to wither; insomuch as, looking back from the very instant time, and from our now being, the poor, diseased, and captive creature hath as little sense of all his former miseries and pains as he that is most blest, in common opinion, hath of his forepast pleasures and delights. The Best of the World's Classics, Restricted to prose. Volume III (of X) - Great Britain and Ireland I
  • With a regular passbook savings account, you would be able to withdraw money whenever you needed.
  • The owners sought to withdraw for late payment of an insurance premium required by the contract.
  • Thousands of people came to witness a mass where the pope declared Juan Diego the first indigenous or native saint in the Americas.
  • These extravagancies set all the company in a laughter; at which the Bonza was so enraged, that he flew out into greater passion, till the king commanded his brother to impose silence on him; after which, he caused his seat to be taken from under him, and commanded him to withdraw, telling him, by way of raillery, "That his choler was a convincing proof of a Bonza's holiness;" and then seriously adding, "That a man of his character had more commerce with hell than heaven. The works of John Dryden, $c now first collected in eighteen volumes. $p Volume 16
  • Melodies are left unattended to wither and die in the heat of the lights, and perish they almost inevitably do.
  • To withstand the beginnings, avoid occasions, fair and foul means, change of place, contrary passion, witty inventions, discommend the former, bring in another, Subs. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • And as for other kindes of wares I haue bought none as yet And for mastes to bee prouided, you shall vnderstand that I wrote a letter to Totma the 28. of this present for fiftie mastes to wit, for 25. of fifteene fathoms, and 25. of foureteene fathoms, to be an arshine and a halfe at the small ende. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • Over the past few months Lea, already worth several million pounds, has been having a bit of a set-to with his US colleagues.
  • The frequent occurrence of earthquakes in the area means that the buildings must be specifically designed to withstand the force.
  • At the festival he will perform a solo recital and play the Elgar concerto with the BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra.
  • Not having knowledge is a prerequisite for the job, to wit, Sarah Palin, February 28th, 2010 at 12: 50 pm muzz (brought to you by Screaming Yellow Zonkers) says: Think Progress » Kristol: ‘I Didn’t Watch’ The Health Care Summit, But I’ll Comment On It As If I Did
  • Are they strong enough to withstand an earthquake or a terrorist bomb?
  • By baptism we be regenerate, and when we shall have passed the time of this exile, he shall clothe us of double vesture, that is to wit of body and soul in glory. The Golden Legend, vol. 1
  • But suddenly it sounds like a luscious late - luncheon launchpad: seared lamb kidneys glazed with marsala, pumpkin ravioli and parsley garlic pesto with soused leek.
  • I try to withhold all curiosities and concentrate on maintaining my composure.
  • Fifteen days he remained quietly at home, without giving any argument of seconding his former vanities; in which time passed many pleasant encounters between him and his two gossips, the curate and barber, upon that point which he defended, to wit, that the world needed nothing so much as knights-errant, and that the erratical knighthood ought to be again renewed therein. The First Part. VII. Of the Second Departure Which Our Good Knight, Don Quixote, Made from His House to Seek Adventures
  • To within a few millimetres, human brains share a reading hotspot - what Stanislas Dehaene calls the "letterbox" - on the bottom of the left hemisphere. Stephen's Lighthouse
  • Very few buildings, other than bomb shelters, are designed to withstand impact from the outside.
  • A spokesman denied the bank was insolvent, but depositors are rushing to withdraw their money.
  • At this point, the northerns will still be in grassy and warmer bays ... easiest to get to with a boat or canoe. Im going to canada on friday and i was wondering if its possible to catch minnows in the lakes?
  • Nobody from Pennsylvania needs to fly-in to witness my mortgage closing in Virginia -- a Virginian notary will do just fine. Zach Carter: Obama Must Reject The Foreclosure Fraud Bailout
  • Cr Jeffery offered to withdraw his withdrawal, but the mayor ruled it against meeting procedure.
  • One female friend wrote that'it is impossible to withstand his gaze for long. Times, Sunday Times
  • Mexico, and Hanchett, at that time a resident of Vicksburg, and laboring in a profession -- the saltatorial, to wit -- a shade less illustrious than that to which he was so soon to attain, was the first man in the city to enlist. Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 12, No. 28, July, 1873
  • The local Nalgo branch has called a general meeting for tomorrow when members will be balloted on whether to withdraw their labour.
  • In the end, the only way to achieve peace in Palestine is to force Israel to withdraw from the occupied areas, release prisoners and help to settle the refugees. Matthew Yglesias » The Strategic Logic of Nonviolence
  • Former GOP House Speaker Newt Gingrich called Kagan "antimilitary" and urged Obama to withdraw the nomination. - News
  • Although what he might get up to with a pair of blue suede shoes just doesn't bear thinking about. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Minister also proposed to withdraw a few exemptions which have outlived their utility.
  • He said that the Soviet Union's aim was to withdraw all these troops by 2000.
  • Pilot error, to wit failure to follow procedures, was the cause of the accident.
  • He was expelled from the party for failing to withdraw his controversial remarks.
  • The first time you sit down and listen to Barack Obama, you get to witness a rare thing and see a politician who has an ear for eloquence and a tongue for ungarnished truth. CNN Transcript Dec 9, 2007
  • Engineers determined that the levees bordering the Mississippi River as it passes through the city were sufficient to withstand any surge produced by an SPH.
  • The phrase itself is both alliterative and euphonious, and it's certainly not a random adjective-noun combination like we've become used to with band names; furnaces have flames in them, and thus they are fiery.
  • He recently called on all pubs to withdraw alcopops as ‘alcohol consumption is a very serious problem in Ireland and needs to be addressed’.
  • I entirely concur with his prediction that in the end we will have to withdraw from the Province.
  • The council has now promised to withdraw the advert, blaming an administrative error for the blunder.
  • Saute the carrot onion and potato with butter for 4 minutes until soft, stir frequently.
  • All timber used is kiln-dried and pressure-impregnated to withstand the harsh desert climate and is from renewable sources.
  • He falls in with the treacherous, feral Tuco, a bandito with a price on his head.
  • Their hand-held satellite navigation systems told them their exact position to within 15 metres.
  • Are you really serious enough about one another to withstand that pressure? The Sun
  • These extravagancies set all the company in a laughter; at which the Bonza was so enraged, that he flew out into greater passion, till the king commanded his brother to impose silence on him; after which, he caused his seat to be taken from under him, and commanded him to withdraw, telling him, by way of raillery, “That his choler was a convincing proof of a Bonza's holiness;” and then seriously adding, The Works of John Dryden
  • Be discerning, not blameful or judgmental when choosing to withdraw from or set a boundary in a relationship. Christine Hassler: How To Spring Clean Your Relationships, PART 2
  • There was one great steer in particular, reckoned to be ten or twelve years old, quite a celebrity in fact on account of his unmanageableness, his independence and boldness, which we had frequently seen and tried to secure, but hitherto without success. Ranching, Sport and Travel
  • Two parallel beams between the tail hook and the forward landing gear form the keelson structure which provides structural strength to withstand repeated loading of carrier catapult launches and arrester landings.
  • [N] o medicines produced any effect, and he sank into a state of nervelessness and emaciation shocking to witness. The Romance of China: Excursions to China in U.S. Culture: 1776-1876
  • I advise you to withdraw your allegation before I contact my lawyer.
  • The bone tissue is normal with a normal shape but it has lost mass and density and so lacks sufficient strength to withstand the forces which normally occur in daily life.
  • It was natural that this cynicism should infect poetic self-reflection, hence certain theoretico-aesthetic “movements” and manifestoes; I suspect, although I wasn’t there to witness what actually happened, that Ange is right in saying that certain avant garde poetry had tried to deliberately retreat from the figure; however, in retrospect, one finds that all poetic practice, in practice, was never really able do completely without the world or its actual things. Writing and Failure (Part 8) : Christian Bök : Harriet the Blog : The Poetry Foundation
  • Since the levy was announced people have been able to withdraw only limited amounts from ATMs. Times, Sunday Times
  • I shall sewe you on foot to wit how that ye shall speed. Le Morte d'Arthur: Sir Thomas Malory's book of King Arthur and of his noble knights of the Round table
  • Others believe redheads should answer to witty nicknames like "Red, " "Carrot Top" and "Peppermint Patty" (mine).
  • The Medallion was simply a memento with pictures of the king and queen and inscription ‘Royal Tour 1947.’
  • Similarly, in Carhart II, what seems to matter is the sanction the state wants to withhold from a medical procedure that appears just awful. Balkinization

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