How To Use To the contrary In A Sentence

  • McCoy had fully embraced the idea of belated fatherhood his declarations to the contrary notwithstanding. The Better Man
  • For a long time it was thought to be a harmless substance, but we now have proof/evidence to the contrary.
  • Mr. Masson's discussions of Milton's English are, it seems to me, for the most part unsatisfactory He occupies some ten pages, for example, with a history of the genitival form _its_, which adds nothing to our previous knowledge on the subject and which has no relation to Milton except for its bearing on the authorship of some verses attributed to him against the most overwhelming internal evidence to the contrary. Among My Books Second Series
  • The wafer fabrication plant apparently did not meet either criterion, despite IDA claims to the contrary.
  • But to the contrary, the people were sympathetic towards her for having no father and a wastrel of a brother.
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  • He has argued to the contrary, but the evidence confutes him.
  • We utterly refute any allegation to the contrary. Times, Sunday Times
  • Imagine, apparently conclusive evidence to the contrary notwithstanding, that a very few gifted individuals are genuinely clairvoyant.
  • Occasionally, for my benefit, she would recall sanctimonious preachers who would dismiss three quarters of the world's people as ignorant heathens doomed to spend the afterlife in eternal damnation ¾ and who in the next breath would insist that the earth and the heavens had been created in seven days, all geologic and astrophysical evidence to the contrary. Greg Barrett: Obama's speech bridges the Abrahamic faiths
  • Those who pour their efforts into antivivisection protest are absenting themselves from the front lines of human reform, despite Singer's claims to the contrary. Unkind to Animals
  • To the contrary, it is the uncommonness of such mobilization that draws attention and makes the mobilization effective. American Grace
  • Though much has been theorized to the contrary, such subcultures are not de facto resistant to a dominant ideology.
  • The two remain in touch, but friends say the close rapport they once enjoyed has been destroyed, despite their public protestations to the contrary.
  • Your belief to the contrary is also shockingly false. Matthew Yglesias » Ungovernable America
  • And, any style manual or self-ordained expert to the contrary, neither way -- with or without comma -- will be wrong in the way I think you want to use it. The girl who kicked the publisher's keister for misplacing an apostrophe
  • To the contrary, the timing of the highest nutrient requirement period of the winter calving cow was more coincident with the period when forage quality was highest (late spring to early summer).
  • Unless there is evidence to the contrary, we ought to believe them.
  • But none of them have held that the Supreme Court has actually ruled that off-campus speech is subject to the Tinker disruptiveness analysis, and your claim that a court would simply dismiss an argument to the contrary is flat out wrong. The Volokh Conspiracy » School Board Violating California Law?
  • And when a game like The Sims comes along -- one which had significant design, development, and management contribution from women Will is the first to say this didn't spring from his forehead fully formed, despited EA's PR to the contrary -- despite the fact that it breaks all sales records it is often considered to be a fluke, inscrutable from the narrow, classically young-white-single-male developer POV. Burn baby burn
  • The fratto song is a type of executed liturgico Christian song with values proporziona them: to the contrary of the so-called gregoriano the cantus fractus it often possesses a notation with mensurali elements, that it indicates with precision the value of notes. Archive 2008-01-01
  • Tue 11/24/09 3: 54 PM to the contrary, I think the majority of movies have women and girls portrayed in scanty clothes and objectified roles. 'New Moon' polls: Switching teams? Bella really the best role model? |
  • Karen Quinlan falls into this third category, despite initial medical and popular views to the contrary.
  • In 1981, the FDA declared spirulina ineffective for weight loss, and no subsequent studies to the contrary have been published.
  • We utterly refute any allegation to the contrary. Times, Sunday Times
  • In spite of glaring evidence to the contrary, you blame yourself. POSITIVE THINKING: Everything you have always known about positive thinking but were afraid to put into practice
  • Despite some public opinion polls and Supreme Court decisions to the contrary, voters have repeatedly rejected liberalization of abortion laws.
  • The officials, some speaking on condition of anonymity, said inspection leaders believe Iraq may be dissuading scientists from agreeing to confidential interviews despite its public promise to the contrary last Monday.
  • But whether it should or not, I am desirous that these words in the introduction to the extracts, vizt., — and as it has a malicious appear - ance to insinuate to the contrary — should be changed for the following, vizt., — hut as U has heen maliciously insinu - ated to the contrary* As the bearer waits I cannot add save, that I am with much regard, d 'S', Collections of the Massachusetts Historical Society
  • I think, all evidence to the contrary, she was pleasantly surprised when I turned out to be a studious, introverted, bashful child.
  • Evidence to the contrary notwithstanding, England still is the countryside, and any threat to its conservation is a scandal because it threatens Englishness itself.
  • Edwards will not result in the exclusion of all evidence arising from reinterrogation: to the contrary, statements by suspects can be used under a variety of circumstances, such as when counsel is present. SCOTUSblog
  • They seem to have come to that view early on, and stuck to it in spite of mounting evidence to the contrary. Times, Sunday Times
  • To the contrary, eschewing the label "African-American writer" can actually reinscribe hurtful assumptions.
  • “We cannot prove to the contrary, to be sure; but I wish you a better fate, Miss Price, than to be the wife of a man whose amiableness depends upon his own sermons; for though he may preach himself into a good – humour every Sunday, it will be bad enough to have him quarrelling about green geese from Monday morning till Saturday night.” Mansfield Park
  • They continue to claim, despite UEFA's protestations to the contrary, that their pitch will soon be unsuitable for European competition.
  • Despite what the old schmoozer might claim to the contrary. The Sun
  • Unfortunately, a lot of police precincts, what they do is tend to focus on a primary suspect and then disregard any evidence to the contrary.
  • The evidence to the contrary is now overwhelming. Times, Sunday Times
  • As the scientific group pointed out, "agricultural and veterinary leaders continue to believe, in spite of overwhelming ­scientific evidence to the contrary, that the main approach to cattle TB control must involve some form of badger population control". Politics news, UK and world political comment and analysis |
  • That will involve unshakeable belief in himself and his abilities, despite incontrovertible evidence to the contrary and a genuine contempt for anyone who lacks such a belief. Times, Sunday Times
  • Paris is perhaps the opposite, betraying little of this tendency to overbuild - although traveling the periphérique outside the city center does, like so many cities, offer considerable evidence to the contrary.
  • All our indignation to the contrary, we prefer the complicated and difficult: we enjoy our buttons; we are withheld only by our queer sex-pride from wearing garments that button up in the back -- indeed, on what we frankly call our 'best clothes,' we _have the buttons_ though we _dare not button_ with them. The Perfect Gentleman
  • I defy you to produce reliable data to the contrary something from the Lancet or JAMA would do nicely, but anything of that level of quality and reputability. The Volokh Conspiracy » Criminal Charges Against Anti-Homosexuality Street Preacher Dropped in England
  • The claim that doing harm is no worse than allowing harm flies in the face of powerful intuitions to the contrary.
  • The probable etymon of each Gaelic word is given too, and when no information to the contrary follows later it may be understood that its sense matches closely that of the Gaelic word.
  • The evidence to the contrary is now overwhelming. Times, Sunday Times
  • The insurance policy should be taken out in the name of the shipper and the should be endorsed in blank, except when stipulated to the contrary.
  • The Green Paper is a part of that process and is in any significant respect - despite protests by eurolovies to the contrary - non negotiable in any meaningful aspect. Archive 2007-04-01
  • Well, it struck me, as I stood there with my head full of what we have been discussing, that the conditions of a girl's life of our own class are pleasant enough, but they are stifling, absolutely _stifling_; and not all the Emersons in the world will convince me to the contrary. The Daughters of Danaus
  • To the contrary, investment by multinational corporations can help alleviate the hellacious environmental conditions from which poor nations suffer.
  • There is enough recorded evidence to the contrary even in the writings of some captains of slave ships.
  • Accordingly, any prescribed time limits must be strictly complied with unless there is express provision to the contrary.
  • And despite Obama followers 'claims to the contrary, his negatives have not been fully fleshed out because the GOP will attack his "liberalness" whereas neither Clinton nor Edwards gains from doing so and he is widely, and accurately, perceived as very far left of Clinton - which is why he smokes Clinton in the segment of the voters who identify as far left. Hillary Pollster Mark Penn: Bill Did Fundamentally Change The Country
  • That does not automatically mean, however, that the money supply has been curbed, and there is considerable evidence to the contrary.
  • Despite his protestation to the contrary, he was extremely tired.
  • There, he addresses matters various and sundry, such as the claim that he was dishonorably discharged from the military (he provides documents to the contrary) and that he failed to pay child support (D'Annunzio says that he fell behind while he was "living below the poverty line" but went on to "paid the arrearage and monthly payments on time the remaining years"). Tim D'Annunzio, North Carolina Congressional Contender, Attempts To Debunk The Idea He Is 'Unfit For Office'
  • public opinion to the contrary he is not guilty
  • Despite the Government's repeated assurances to the contrary, taxation has risen over the past decade.
  • a light, fantastic, idle fellow, turned him and his proud followers into butterflies: and so they continue still (for aught I know to the contrary) roving about in pied coats, and are called chrysalides by the wiser sort of men: that is, golden outsides, drones, and flies, and things of no worth. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • Despite attempts to the contrary, it affirms a God who is diverse and who thrives in plurality, which is transgender (Male Father, Female Spirit and Two-Spirited Son who is a incarnation of God's feminine wisdom) and is immanent, transcendent and personal. Jason Derr: A New Conception of the Trinity for Post-Trinity Faith
  • He insisted on going to the football match, notwithstanding his doctor's advice to the contrary.
  • To the contrary: Given Boone's hostility toward the president, it's unlikely that he had any trepidation at all in penning such a smear. Terry Krepel: Pat Boone, Obama-Hater
  • Both have continued in their claims to have Welsh antecedents despite further new documentary evidence to the contrary.
  • In the other case, the court decided that the proceedings to re-expel us were irregular, and directed an alternative writ to issue, commanding the Judge to vacate the order and to permit us to practice in all the courts of the district, or to show cause to the contrary, at the next term. Personal Reminiscences of Early Days in California with Other Sketches; To Which Is Added the Story of His Attempted Assassination by a Former Associate on the Supreme Bench of the State
  • We utterly refute any allegation to the contrary. Times, Sunday Times
  • During our passage in the track-schuyt I had an evidence to the contrary, for as we glided noiselessly and almost imperceptibly along, a lady told me that she infinitely preferred the three-horse power of the schuyt to the hundred-horse power of the steam-packet. Olla Podrida
  • This Constitution, and the laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof; and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land; and the judges in every state shall be bound thereby, anything in the Constitution or laws of any State to the contrary notwithstanding. Think Progress » Did Jindal Bribe Louisiana’s Attorney General To Force Him To Join Frivolous Health Care Lawsuit? (UPDATED)
  • If he succeeds, the 33-year - old will probably retire despite his protestations to the contrary.
  • Despite efforts to the contrary on the part of some grantors, the most striking side effect of foreign grants is divisiveness.
  • However, there is a presumption in favour of the right of States to enter reservations unless the instrument expressly states to the contrary.
  • If a break was taken and the precise length of the break was not ascertained, it would be assumed that the deductible period was 30 minutes unless evidence to the contrary was available.
  • I will expect to see you on Sunday unless I hear anything to the contrary .
  • A classicist by training, Mr. Toohey argues, to the contrary, that boredom has always been with us, which seems plausible enough if this ancient graffito from a much-scribbled-on wall in Pompeii is anything to go by: Wall! Accidie? Ennui? Sigh . . .
  • Others there be that fall into the contrary vice by vsing such bombasted wordes, as seeme altogether farced full of winde, being a great deale to high and loftie for the matter, whereof ye may finde too many in all popular rymers. The Arte of English Poesie
  • He continued to drink despite advice to the contrary.
  • This is not to suggest that Thaler and Sunstein infringe — to the contrary. Archive 2009-04-01
  • If the button left on cupelling the lead from an assay of an ore appears white, it is best to assume that it already contains at least a sufficiency of silver, in the absence of any knowledge to the contrary. A Text-book of Assaying: For the Use of Those Connected with Mines.
  • And any suggestion to the contrary is just pure conjecture. The Sun
  • Wentworth's influence had been primarily responsible for Cornwallis's decision initially to proclaim Jane in Ipswich despite Mary's repeated orders to the contrary. From Heads of Household to Heads of State: The Preaccession Households of Mary and Elizabeth Tudor, 1516-1558
  • Because we talked earlier about how if you pulled an opinion and you see more evidence to the contrary, your opinion becomes more ingrained. Smithsonian Mag
  • Yet the statistics to the contrary seem irrefutable. Times, Sunday Times
  • That may sound as though I'm intending to dispraise the book, but to the contrary; I think it's a fine piece of work in lots of ways.
  • Ravenswood, contrasted with the peculiar determination of manner with which Caleb detailed his imaginary banquet, the whole struck her as so ridiculous that, despite every effort to the contrary, she burst into a fit of incontrollable laughter, in which she was joined by her father, though with more moderation, and finally by the Master of Ravenswood himself, though conscious that the jest was at his own expense. The Bride of Lammermoor
  • Despite historical predictions to the contrary, we remain vulnerable to a wide array of new and resurgent infectious diseases.
  • Despite rumours to the contrary, feminism is alive and well.
  • Without evidence to the contrary, it may be unwise to go against the behavior suggested as appropriate by the myth.
  • Democracy and human rights are, despite their protestations to the contrary, in practice a long way down the agenda here.
  • He insisted on going to the football match, notwithstanding his doctor's advice to the contrary.
  • To say that the drama often emphasizes the dark side of rhetoric is certainly true, but to argue that Renaissance rhetoricians were unaware of that side is simply to ignore a great deal of evidence to the contrary.
  • Because we talked earlier about how if you pulled an opinion and you see more evidence to the contrary, your opinion becomes more ingrained. Smithsonian Mag
  • It seems too intellectual to keep up any blusterous pretense to the contrary.
  • Its usefulness overstated, its flexibility limited, it may even increase teacher workload, despite claims to the contrary.
  • Failing any evidence to the contrary, it can be assumed that this parallelism was not imitative, and that the Alice books came into existence through the same need for a healing of the spirit.
  • Although it has been widely assumed that ruminants, by virtue of rumen bacteria, do possess adequate phytase activity, there is evidence to the contrary.
  • Yet the atmosphere pervading their writings and the very style of the fine arts and music in that period speak to the contrary.
  • To the contrary, sharply slower consumer spending is essentially exerting the opposite effect of depressing income growth.
  • Not only how one defines crankish behavior, but literally how people develop unreasonable attitudes about the world in the face of evidence to the contrary. May 2007
  • Successive experience to the contrary failed to disabuse them of this illusion.
  • Beside this beech, there was a pretty little laurel tree, and the arbutus, which one of the sailors, who was from Devonshire, would persist in calling a myrtle bush, although the skipper showed him the berries to convince him to the contrary. On Board the Esmeralda Martin Leigh's Log - A Sea Story
  • Of course, your skin thickens with time, but all armour is penetrable, no matter how much a journalist protests to the contrary.
  • Nevertheless, particularly in the case of a duopoly, a large market share is, in the absence of evidence to the contrary, likewise a strong indication of the existence of a dominant position.
  • To the contrary, the judicial role I envision is one that cannot get off the ground without strong footholds established through the political process. Think Progress » Still Bitter Over Loss On Health Reform, GOP Seeks To Block Judicial Nominee For His Health Care Views
  • I will expect to see you on Sunday unless I hear anything to the contrary .
  • For each of the above points and many others I haven't mentioned that the positions held by the main protagonists of this war, up until recently, was to the contrary.
  • The huanaco is a small camel -- small, that is, compared with its existing relation -- without a hump, and, unlike the camel of the Old World, non-specializad; doubtless it is a very ancient animal on the earth, and for all we know to the contrary, may have existed contemporaneously with some of the earliest known representatives of the camel type, whose remains occur in the lower and upper miocene deposits -- Poebrotherium, The Naturalist in La Plata
  • A person in the legal secretariat to the Law Officers deposed to the contrary.
  • Despite evidence to the contrary, many people have swallowed this lie.
  • Karen Quinlan falls into this third category, despite initial medical and popular views to the contrary.
  • That does not automatically mean, however, that the money supply has been curbed, and there is considerable evidence to the contrary.
  • Dr. Hooke, in his day, expressed “his surprise at the obstinacy of seamen in continuing, after what appeared the clearest demonstration to the contrary, to prefer what are called bellying or bunting sails, to such as are hauled tight.” Richard Lovell Edgeworth
  • To the contrary, most so-called ‘breakthroughs’ rest upon immense foundations built by numberless scholars who have been cutting stones in that quarry for years.
  • I defy you to produce reliable data to the contrary (something from the Lancet or JAMA would do nicely, but anything of that level of quality and reputability). The Volokh Conspiracy » Criminal Charges Against Anti-Homosexuality Street Preacher Dropped in England
  • Despite some recent speculation to the contrary, he now looks certain to be given the time and space to deliver on a venture that he can justly claim as his.
  • To the contrary, caribou underfur (like caribou skin in general) is not waterproof or water-repellent: moisture penetrates it easily.
  • They say that, in spite of all devices to the contrary, we must have monometallism any how, and always on the basis of the cheaper metal. If Not Silver, What?
  • It is the concern of the bank that prices have bombed along despite expectations to the contrary, he said.
  • Unless you receive instructions from us to the contrary, you are not required to advise amendment(s) (if any) to the Second Beneficiary.
  • Dr. Hooke, in his day, expressed "his surprise at the obstinacy of seamen in continuing, after what appeared the clearest demonstration to the contrary, to prefer what are called bellying or bunting sails, to such as are hauled tight. Richard Lovell Edgeworth A Selection From His Memoir
  • One of the things that irks me a little bit about some commentary is that people often question reports without having any evidence to the contrary.
  • Away with all these whining, pining Carpers, who are constantly talking & prating that the married estate brings nothing but care and sorrow with it; here, to the contrary, they may see how all minds & intentions are knit together, to consume and pass away these daies with the most superabounding pleasures. The Ten Pleasures of Marriage and the Second Part, The Confession of the New Married Couple
  • We utterly refute any allegation to the contrary. Times, Sunday Times
  • Inspire of whatever ideas you might have to the contrary troops are rarely in uncontrollable naked situations in billets, in dorms or In the field. The Volokh Conspiracy » Light at the End of the DADT Tunnel
  • The subject was dismissed, and although their words floated to interesting topics, no deep feeling could be experienced by either, for each had become insphered and separate; one pondering, despite her efforts to the contrary, upon the strange request; the other thinking how strangely fate had again approximated lives which, in her present state, she could only see, must be kept apart. Dawn
  • Two weeks later, USDA claims the animal was a downer despite an already clear line of established evidence to the contrary.
  • The theological views held by the Lutheran Church to the contrary, the tombs assert the contiguity of the community of the living with the dead.
  • Experience has proven to the contrary; and if to bring a rise on the first cast or two calls for the exercise of those attributes of the expert fly fisherman, what measure of skill must be ascribed to the angler who succeeds in inducing a rise after innumerable casts in the one spot? Field & Stream Classics: December 1912
  • We journalists become terribly vulnerable when confronted with potential stories that we desperately and unquenchably desire to be true, despite evidence to the contrary.
  • Many experts claim that they do not occur in the Olympic Mountains, although there is some equivocal evidence to the contrary.
  • But to the contrary, the circuit may improve the accuracy of the system by not allowing for autogenetic false alarms.
  • Consequently, despite her thoughts to the contrary, she is irrevocably alienated from Zampano.
  • That will involve unshakeable belief in himself and his abilities, despite incontrovertible evidence to the contrary and a genuine contempt for anyone who lacks such a belief. Times, Sunday Times
  • Unemployment seems to be rising, despite repeated assurances to the contrary.
  • Because I won't be called lubberly, I'm as good a man as ever swabbed a deck, and don't care who says to the contrary. Varney the vampire; or, The feast of blood. Volume 1
  • Why, if you are so sure that spanking/hitting/buttocks battering is okay, would you be bothered by comments to the contrary? kootnygirl´s last blog. .crash A Spanking A Day Keeps Failure Away? | Her Bad Mother
  • Some individuals positively delight in taking perverse viewpoints on an issue, despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary. Times, Sunday Times
  • That author gave brown in lower case and Betty in upper case; and, in default of evidence to the contrary, it seems best to go along with the view that Betty is here a proper name.
  • If that is true, then it is an organism, even if it rapidly ceases being one--invocations of "Thomism" and "Thomistic propositions" supposedly to the contrary notwithstanding. Stanford Scientist finds a "A solution to the stem cell dilemma that even the Vatican can love"
  • Occasionally, for my benefit, she would recall the sanctimonious preachers who would dismiss three-quarters of the world's people as ignorant heathens doomed to spend the afterlife in eternal damnation-and who in the same breath would insist that the earth and the heavens had been created in seven days, all geologic and astrophysical evidence to the contrary. The Audacity of Hope
  • I think you should look at the Air Force work as well as the Ares repot and justify a position to the contrary. Ares 1 Abort Study Update - NASA Watch
  • Some individuals positively delight in taking perverse viewpoints on an issue, despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary. Times, Sunday Times
  • Despite all reports to the contrary it's still possible to get sunny, rainless weather in the Bay of Islands.
  • Then, his blue eyes narrowed a bit, ‘And if I hear any rumors to the contrary, I'll keelhaul you and anyone else that has any part of it!!’
  • Despite historical predictions to the contrary, we remain vulnerable to a wide array of new and resurgent infectious diseases.
  • Some individuals positively delight in taking perverse viewpoints on an issue, despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary. Times, Sunday Times
  • And any suggestion to the contrary is just pure conjecture. The Sun
  • There is in the contemporary world an ingrained, deeply inherited belief to the contrary: that the human species is by nature violent, aggressive, competitive, protective of its territory, rejective of the "other. Peter Clothier: Survival Of The Selfless?
  • That proposal "is subject to significant regulatory uncertainty, and, despite Omnicare's non-specific assurances to the contrary, antitrust clearance to combine the No. 1 and No. 2 players in institutional pharmacy is likely to be difficult to achieve and involve lengthy administrative and court proceedings," PharMerica said. Omnicare Makes $441 Million Bid for PharMerica, Seeks Talks
  • Despite some public opinion polls and Supreme Court decisions to the contrary, voters have repeatedly rejected liberalization of abortion laws.
  • In spite of glaring evidence to the contrary, you blame yourself. POSITIVE THINKING: Everything you have always known about positive thinking but were afraid to put into practice
  • But as the prophet Habakkuk is express to the contrary, chap.iii. 11, and their own Sirachides, cap. xlv., xlvi., so it is no small prevarication in some Christians to give countenance unto such a putid fiction. Pneumatologia
  • Nor was there any indication that it carried life; to the contrary, in fact.
  • To the contrary, be as firm with yourself as you would be with a subordinate who promised to do something by a certain time or date.
  • Through sources in German counterintelligence he learned that, despite all public claims to the contrary, the Nazis planned to ghettoize all Jews in Hungary and then deport them.42 BARGAINING WITH THE DEVIL
  • They have, despite occasional protestations to the contrary, achieved remarkable successes politically, economically and socially over the last half century so that the siren song of premillennialism no longer has the same appeal it once did. Randall Balmer: Pavlovian Premillennialism
  • Somehow the idea of reusability got attached to object-oriented programming in the 1980s, and no amount of evidence to the contrary seems to be able to shake it free. The Hundred-Year Language
  • Because we talked earlier about how if you pulled an opinion and you see more evidence to the contrary, your opinion becomes more ingrained. Smithsonian Mag
  • They seem to have come to that view early on, and stuck to it in spite of mounting evidence to the contrary. Times, Sunday Times
  • Despite his protestation to the contrary, he was extremely tired.
  • Unemployment seems to be rising, despite repeated assurances to the contrary.
  • The fact that the US has declined to provide conclusive evidence to the contrary naturally bolsters such conjecture.
  • Two foreign songs turn out to be beautifully bogus: Pink Martini's faux-French "Sympatique" and "Bei Mir Bist Du Schoen," a Yiddish swing hit as misinterpreted by a domineering beer-garden fraulein in an audience participation bit that proves, "South Park" to the contrary, that Germans can be funny. The Jazz Scene: Hot Tones, Francophones
  • To the contrary, this is conduct unbecoming any attorney or legal adviser working in a position of trust.
  • But, appearances to the contrary notwithstanding, there are clear connecting threads that identify the underlying ideological presumptions.
  • Despite rumours to the contrary, feminism is alive and well.
  • I assured him to the contrary, and conjured him to narrate to me the facts, an unacquaintance with which was sufficient it appeared to stamp me as an ignoramus of the first magnitude. The Purcell Papers
  • The Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme, despite government assertions to the contrary, also receives a pasting as it is perceived as disadvantageous to US pharmaceutical firms.
  • There was, after all, too much proof to the contrary.
  • For a long time it was thought to be a harmless substance, but we now have proof/evidence to the contrary.
  • Because we talked earlier about how if you pulled an opinion and you see more evidence to the contrary, your opinion becomes more ingrained. Smithsonian Mag
  • But despite frequent theorizing to the contrary, the lower-frequency beams don't ionize; they pack just enough punch to penetrate and reflect but not to separate electrons from atoms entirely.
  • Despite its protestations to the contrary, the Second Circuit must have doubted whether we are really at war.
  • To the contrary, caribou underfur (like caribou skin in general) is not waterproof or water-repellent: moisture penetrates it easily.
  • Any notion to the contrary is an excuse to be a relativist, vacillating, spineless coward that wants to blame their actions on anything but their conscious ability to make choices.ken. mcloud - my reference to the natural selection process and homosexuality - I was referring to the hypothetical consideration that if all humans at a given point of time, were solely homosexual, the race would cease to exist. On Same-Sex Couples and Catfish Derbies
  • Defence counsel replied that he would be calling evidence to the contrary in regard to that charge.
  • I know she's unhappy, all her brave talk to the contrary.
  • And the loud protestations of the party leaders to the contrary just do not hold water.
  • _Item_, the Custome ys in every of the sayd manors that if eny manner of person or persons be seased of eny manner of land or tenements, rents or premises of the yonger holdyng liying withyn eny of the seid manors or liberties in fee symple or in fe tayle, in demeane or in usu, and have divers sonnys by dyvers venters, viz. by dyvers wyvys, or women by divers men, and dye, that then the yonger son of them shall inherite the seid lands and tenements with other the premyses in fe symple as in fe tayle that so descendith in the seid yonger holdyng in demeane or in use, except ther be any other estate made & proved to the contrary by wryting & if the [y] have no yssue butt all doughters that then the seid inheritance [is] to be parted betwene theym except any lawful wryting or state made to the contrary after the custom. The Customs of Old England
  • To the contrary, the Court found that the School Board sought to advance two secular purposes.
  • To the contrary, the expression of our intentions is itself dependent on divine grace.
  • A territorial division, of course, is exactly what the guerrillas want, despite all protestations to the contrary.
  • There are biblical revisionists, of course, who would have us believe God was talking about unfermented grape juice instead of proper hooch, despite caves full of biblical documents to the contrary.
  • What I find bothersome is the automatic assumption, frequently voiced here, that crime victims must always be assumed to be linked to nefarious activity unless there is overwhelming proof to the contrary. Page 2
  • Of course feel free to argue “the KJV says it, and they must have translated the Hebrew without error, and they must have meant by unicorn exactly what we mean by unicorn 400 years later, and any argument to the contrary is just cafeteria Christianity.” heddle Creationists on the Square in Madison, Wisconsin - The Panda's Thumb
  • To the contrary, macro policies will likely keep its tightening stance given the elevated and persistent inflation pressures.
  • Even those who never believed that the lunacies of the seventies and early eighties had been entirely eradicated - evidence to the contrary has been accumulating for several years - did not predict the recent chain reaction of violence.
  • Despite speculation to the contrary, the compensation issue is of limited significance.
  • Noncognitivism, which says that, despite appearances to the contrary, claims from the flagged domain are not truth-evaluable to begin with, they are commands or emotions disguised as truthbearers; (b) Error theory, which says that all claims from the flagged domain are false; The Correspondence Theory of Truth
  • I confess, I once thought that he had been oblig'd to his Commentators for most of the Beauties they celebrated in him; but I am now, on a nearer view, so well satisfied to the contrary, that I can ne'er think his Poem writ by piece-meal, without any Connexion or Dependance: wherein Dionysius the Halicarnassian very justly praises the Order and Management of the Design, as well as the Grandeur and Epistle to a Friend Concerning Poetry (1700) and the Essay on Heroic Poetry (second edition, 1697)
  • Long ago I was told by an older and worldly wise relative that lying was a dying art, in spite of apparent evidence to the contrary.
  • Despite some public opinion polls and Supreme Court decisions to the contrary, voters have repeatedly rejected liberalization of abortion laws.
  • I know she's unhappy, all her brave talk to the contrary.
  • Despite his protestation to the contrary, he was extremely tired.
  • To the contrary, perhaps we can claim that much of our economic stability has been built up by the sensible thrift of a vast section of the community.
  • Zoe and many of her ilk clearly have no interest in reasoned or rational debate; like many members of the ‘public’ now they make up her mind based on whatever they sees on the box before hearing both sides of the argument, and then stick to it regardless of little things like logic, evidence to the contrary and the opinions of others … on April 1, 2010 at 5: 33 pm TheBinarySurfer G20 police assault verdict SHOCK! « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • Various rulings of the royal council, granted upon requests of the syndic of the Estates of the province, without hearing arguments to the contrary, have consolidated this plan progressively and insensibly.
  • Some consider this of negligible importance, but sound evidence exists to the contrary.
  • It assumes harsh punishments deter serious crime when there is much evidence to the contrary.
  • It also claims that despite indications to the contrary, Gateway insisted that retail market was strong.
  • There is a self-styled anti-globalisation movement that pretends to the contrary.
  • This would be mere speculation on their part, however, in view of incontrovertible evidence to the contrary.

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