
How To Use To begin with In A Sentence

  • To begin with the surface is coherent – now and again she smiles sadly at the charm he manages to bestow on that foul-smelling tannery – but as she turns the pages she sees it start to break down. Rachel Cusk | Portraits
  • Any campaign pushing for a name change has to begin with our own media, officials and the people on the street.
  • If a man will begin with certainties, he shall end in doubts, but if he will be content to begin with doubts, he shall end in certaintics. 
  • To begin with, his stertorous breathing fell just short of snoring. Shameless
  • Beats me, but I guess it means a figure of that stature and not, as you say, someone who invented a genre out of his own protean imagination and virtuosity, all of which is just so alien to the idea of electronica to begin with. Hamster; Dance – The Bleat.
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  • Your approach will work but the sail will not be nearly as good as one designed as a staysail to begin with.
  • They were heading for the bullseye to begin with, but then the target started to accelerate it speeded up.
  • Because of the way dogs have been breed, there is little genetic variation within purebred dogs and many breeds of dogs began with a very small number of dogs, so they had little genetic variation to begin with.
  • To begin with, he sketches the canoe routes, touching on the fur trade and the penetration of the continent by the voyageurs.
  • The hotel was awful! To begin with, our room was far too small. Then we found that the shower didn't work.
  • Gray matter burns through a fifth of the body's oxygen, while its natural protectants against oxidative stress, which are imperfect to begin with, only weaken as you get older.
  • Your first effort may well look like a rag doll, but this is quite adequate to begin with.
  • To begin with it all looked quite simple. PHYLLOXERA: How Wine was Saved for the World
  • If a man will begin with certainties, he shall end in doubts, but if he will be content to begin with doubts, he shall end in certaintics. 
  • Ya cant remeber that which you have never learned to begin with, the lessons of viet nam are lost on those who did not serve there including rummies dummies, sad to say isnt it? Think Progress » Ford Forgets the Lessons of Vietnam
  • Furthermore given all appearances, Linear A was most likely made for Minoan and the rules of the script would simply be too unnatural if Minoan did not have highly restricted phonotactics to begin with. Linear A treatment of consonant clusters
  • Well, to begin with, he shouldn't even have been driving my car.
  • Quokka, if the morning sesh is too hard to begin with, perhaps a time later in the day, just to start with. Cheeseburger Gothic » Burger lite.
  • They'd cut nearly a whole pound off the weight of one of their flagship portables, which was pretty damned light to begin with.
  • To begin with, the design aspect is the most striking and arguably remains overdominant. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was fine to begin with and then it started to rain.
  • Yep, you don’t believe in minim wage law or child labor laws just to begin with. Think Progress » Ron Paul’s CPAC Win Highlights Raging Rift Between Libertarians And Social Conservatives
  • It's a question of why and how the phuque anyone would have believed him to begin with. lokidog Says: shoeless Chilopoda Says: Think Progress
  • To begin with, she is too young for that kind of job.
  • I have to begin with an apology.
  • But why did women - and men, for that matter - lose the apish fur that covered most of our bodies to begin with?
  • To begin with, land was held back from construction by local bureaucrats. Times, Sunday Times
  • Of all the mysteries of unipolar depression, a condition marked by sleep problems to begin with, the most clinically useful may be the paradoxical observation that keeping people awake may actually help them get better.
  • Plenty large enough to begin with, not less than sixteen feet long by twelve wide, and at least eleven high, all wood, not papered or painted, which I like much, as the kauri is a darkish grained wood; no carpet of course, but I am writing now at 10 P.M., with no fire, and quite warm. Life of John Coleridge Patteson
  • To begin with, the map was two miles to the inch, and was not contoured -- merely hachured -- which is no earthly use where the peaks are crowded up within a few hundred yards of each other, so that three peaks in line appear on the map as one ridge, though there may be dips of 500 feet between them, and looking at it the other way, it is very hard to believe that a place which it takes you one and a half hours to reach walking is less than a mile on the map. The Fife and Forfar Yeomanry and 14th (F. & F. Yeo.) Battn. R.H. 1914-1919
  • Pat Reid was buck private to begin with and, even though he was in charge of an important group, he remained a buck private until the day he left Spain.
  • People have taken all the animals which possess in common not one character only, but a collection of characters of the most important kind, _dominant characters_, as they are called; and of these animals they have formed, to begin with, large primary groups; subdividing these afterwards according to the secondary differences, which distinguish different species in the same group from each other. The History of a Mouthful of Bread And its effect on the organization of men and animals
  • To begin with, it's a 40-foot-long vehicle that's painted bright orange and carrying a flashing strobe light on the roof.
  • I will say, the ghost story is one of the most difficult supernatural tales to pull off effectively, especially in film, and one does not manage that trick by regurgitating every tiresome gimmick from the last decade of American and Japanese cinema (most of which never worked to begin with). "There's a shark-shaped fin, in the water of my dreams..."
  • But at least it worked, which was important as the FBI had very little counter-intelligence capacity to begin with.
  • He was not happy with the strange inflections of the melodies, with their flattened 7ths and sharpened 6ths, and he was even more perplexed by the words: he had little English to begin with and the rustic archaisms only added to the problem.
  • I am a skeptic by nature, and to begin with this all sounded a little woo-woo to me.
  • Thinking back over all the time I spent with Lea over the last few months, I have this unshakeable feeling that she never fell out of love with me because she was never in love with me to begin with.
  • I have to begin with an apology.
  • The implication that only international relations experts should talk about international relations is exactly the kind of stultified thinking that has led to the many failures in our security policy to begin with. American Scientist Online
  • To begin with, Catholics objected to religious discrimination reflected in the unfair allocation of jobs, housing and industrial investment.
  • To begin with, when you first come into church, bless yourself with holy water.
  • This was probably not the best time to take an online IQ test of dubious scientific value; considering the inherent dubiousness of IQ tests to begin with.
  • To begin with, prisoners are among the least lucrative of clients, and certainly the least sympathetic to juries, so that few lawyers are willing to litigate on their behalf.
  • Their authority is fundamentally illegitimate to begin with, meaning defiance carries no moral ambiguity, even if the physical consequences for the defier are deadly.
  • But at least it worked, which was important as the FBI had very little counter-intelligence capacity to begin with.
  • Once you understand that Socialist are a bit unhinged to begin with, and the more they gather and plot...the unhingement becomes more and more manic until arrogance and nonsense is all they have to draw from. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • To begin with, at least, he is curt to the point of being brusque.
  • Without the denominator - that is, without knowing how many total babies in the home birth group had congenital heart problems to begin with - the comparison to hospital births is meaningless.
  • A verb phrase is allowed to begin with anything it wants, subject only to the syntactic principles about the contents of verb phrases.
  • Some children can "outgrow" wheezing and coughing; they may not have asthma to begin with. Asthma FAQs
  • To begin with, it must be a quality scheme, with any new buildings being in sympathy with the area and with the Cathedral Close's distinct character.
  • To begin with, we view doctors as the experts competent to help insure that pregnancy has a good outcome: a healthy baby.
  • They asked for Abel as a playmate and companion to begin with and Mr Davis was pleased to oblige.
  • Jump back + MK works alright for stuffing DRs, but if you're Claw and getting "spammed" by them you're probably being a tad too passive to begin with Shoryuken
  • Their MO is to provoke, then make you feel you have no reason to react - and it's all your fault to begin with!
  • Ken, I want to begin with you because you have said time and time again right here on this show that Lindsay needs what you call stiff punishment to really teach her a lesson. CNN Transcript Nov 13, 2007
  • I'm currently revising a manuscript for resubmission, which is a rather noxious chore since, of course, it was a thing of lapidary perfection to begin with. Stayin' Alive
  • Hands, a contrarian investor, seemed to be pleased with the transaction to begin with. Times, Sunday Times
  • I only watched to begin with and when I did finally get in the water backstroke was the only thing I liked.
  • You soften them up, to begin with; you do prenegotiation when they arrive, and then the President is there the whole time? Background Briefing On Camp David Summit A
  • Whether it's the GOP, or the average citizen, someone should be questioning these 'spendy' programs Obama and his fellow liberals are trying to ram through, when they don't even read them to begin with. Trippi: GOP trying to turn Obama into another Jimmy Carter
  • After all, departmental budgeting is a compromise to begin with. Government Incentives, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • To begin with, it is significant to note that the Bible bestowed on Ruth, the foreign woman, the honor of being the foremother of the most important dynasty of the Jewish people — the house of David, from which the Messiah is to come. Biblical Women in World and Hebrew Literature.
  • The plan had sounded ominous to begin with. Times, Sunday Times
  • To begin with, it treats hard-working organizational members as chil-dren who are best instructed by punitive example.
  • The difference in calories is negligible and they’re actually less healthy, peanut butter is healthy to begin with! Natural peanut butter vs Regular peanut butter in baking | Baking Bites
  • To begin with Darwin had solved this problem by invoking geographical isolation.
  • They are generally millionaires to begin with, and, in any case, they and their adjutants make a seamless transition from places of power to the media, the upper ranks of private enterprise and so forth.
  • To begin with, it was all puddings and cakes and sweets, and I would make fudge, toffee, nougat.
  • What this means is that Legco, which has little political power to begin with, is controlled by conservative forces subservient to Beijing and the Hong Kong government.
  • To begin with, the average length of time per customer transaction tripled, which meant longer lines and increased waiting times.
  • To begin with, Bulgaria does have a very old tradition of herbal medicine since a lot of herbs and plants grow here naturally.
  • They were craptastic hell on wheels compared the 9 months before R&R, which wasn't exactly a funfest to begin with. Greener Grass and All That Jazz - SpouseBUZZ
  • To begin with, one of the most common elements in early Christian preaching is the great effort to show that the crucified Jesus was Israel's messiah as testified to by her scriptures.
  • Once before he had tried Spencer, and choosing the "Principles of Psychology" to begin with, he had failed as abjectly as he had failed with Madam Blavatsky. Chapter 13
  • To begin with the obvious: they both depict tyrannicides.
  • Marxist critics savaged La Strada as an abandonment of neorealist principles, but as a director, Fellini was never really a neorealist to begin with.
  • ‘Well I already have cankles to begin with,’ he laughed.
  • Oh thats all you wanted to say in fact? that you were dead jealous of the guy and hated him to be so much better and so much more talenmted and succesfull than you are .. hmm then why didnt you said it to begin with instead of starting a caracter asssination? Robert De Niro Joining Mel Gibson in Edge of Darkness «
  • The 1970s continued some of these tones to begin with, but as the decade progressed these moved toward earthier and softer more wistful tones such as aubergine and rust.
  • In contrast, lab animals that live unusually long with extra antioxidants may be deficient in those chemicals to begin with.
  • To begin with the whole idea is horribly embarrassing because it inevitably means the pelvic walk and a confident swagger. Fools Rush In - A Call to Christian Clowning
  • To begin with - and somewhat contrary to the first article - this platform apparently was drunk up by the conventioneers like thirsty plants drinking up rain: The Maine GOP’s barbaric yawp. | RedState
  • It's exactly this kind of bedwetting and fear of freakin 'nothing that got us into this mess to begin with back in 2002. Why Obama's Support For FISA Cave-In Is Such A Downer
  • Indeed, with the stressed last syllable of its voice, the bird might well have been termed the coo-bird to begin with, which eliminates the need for the postulated abbreviation, even for any association with the Old World bird. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol III No 3
  • To begin with, the author analyzes the trait of administrative contract byway of comparing the administrative contract systems of western countries.
  • That's 48 songs all together plus one to begin with and one to end it all.
  • If he'll only pay a trifle of money for me, and give me a few odd hundreds to begin with, I'll hold him quit of all else, so he'll but quit me of that wizen little stump. ' Camilla
  • It's not cheap ($30 to begin with, $12 for refills) but it is TOTALLY worth it if the spray bottle method doesn't work. ssscat is essentially a can of unscented compressed air (no liquids or anything else involved) with an aim-able, battery-operated motion detector on top. Keep Your Cats From Destroying Your Furniture | Lifehacker Australia
  • The real challenge is to discuss changes with those manipulative individuals who cornered you to begin with. Times, Sunday Times
  • The only one throwing up a tantrum is the guy who talks about the defeat and resurrection of the Russian Empire while talking about the decay and fall of an American Empire that was never born to begin with. The New URL for the War Nerd is… « PurpleSlog – Awesomeness & Modesty Meets Sexy
  • New students can cling to one another like life rafts to begin with and get into muddled relationships. The Sun
  • Companies which defocus when they diversify probably do not have very good products to begin with, or good product engineers.
  • The type of show that should be remade is one that wasn't very good to begin with. MIND MELD: SciFi TV Shows That Deserve A Remake (with Videos)
  • And in a town that has a reputation for broad-based interest in contemporary music to begin with, MEC is a very good place to be. Archive 2008-01-01
  • To begin with, environment a determining factor of one's personality.
  • Presumably it is legal to expose an identical pair to begin with to make it more difficult for other players to overbid, or to overbid a single card directly with a triple, and so on.
  • This detour only serves to underscore Leigh's message at the expense of the film's continuity and flow - which is strictly rigid to begin with.
  • To begin with, gravel is very economical compared to other paving materials.
  • To begin with, let's look at Chapter 3.
  • Basically what you want is someone to be considering your purpose at all times, bossing you around constantly, and not only that, they are expected to approach you on the matter to begin with.
  • If a man will begin with certainties, he shall end in doubts, but if he will be content to begin with doubts, he shall end in certaintics. 
  • We'll go slowly to begin with.
  • The OP is advising people to capitalize on a market that was way inflated to begin with. Herd Mentality As it Applies to Real Estate in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico
  • There are also signs that this season will have teething problems, at least to begin with. Times, Sunday Times
  • I allowed this job to begin without the right number of people, and I allowed a blind spot to develop on the port side of the aircraft.
  • I think the tartness is the perfect counterpoint to the sweet topping… but I tend to like tart thingsto begin with. Breakfast apricot crisp | smitten kitchen
  • To begin with, consider stocking up with quercetin. Times, Sunday Times
  • To begin with, I don't like his attitude.
  • To begin with, I should reiterate and amplify my statement above that I was paying for this purchase with a credit card.
  • To begin with, we each individual should start from right here and now, and attach great value and importance to the urgency of the issue.
  • To begin with , the ICC was empowered, upon complain, to investigate and lower rates.
  • Like a fake story between books would seem like a fanfiction (in other words a subpar story meant to supplement an awesome one) I think any non PJ movie would be like a fanfilm of the original, or else go to such efforts to not seem like one that it will lose everything that was so great about the originals to begin with. GreenCine Daily: There and back again?
  • While my proboscis was never truly petite to begin with, neither did it require me to have a face the size of Montana on which to park it.
  • After all, the label couldn't have been acting in such a desperate manner if it was selling to begin with. ..::That Grape Juice // || Thirsty?
  • First there was Wolverine: Prodigal Son, the Marvel/Del Rey book which attempted to "mangify" the character by turning him into a generic angsty shonen hero -- thereby robbing everything that made him interesting to begin with -- and now there's Iron Man: Armored Adventurers, which imagines Tony Stark not as gadabout playboy but nerdy youth. Teenage armor: A review of the new Iron Man cartoon | Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources – Covering Comic Book News and Entertainment
  • To begin with, all pregnant ladies should consult a doctor or obstetrician before committing to a training program or considering training while pregnant.
  • Holliday always appears to begin with feathery, illusionistic brushstrokes that suggest an expansive, cinematic space and then improvises over them with a repertoire of painterly conventions.
  • To begin with, her eyes are wary and watchful; her answers are cautious. Times, Sunday Times
  • They took the western branch of the road to begin with.
  • To begin with, singledom was an unfamiliar entity. Times, Sunday Times
  • The strings add a treacly overbearingness to something that wasn't very fun to begin with - I know they were trying to be Queen a la "Bohemian Rhapsody", but couldn't even get close to Paul McCartney's "Back Seat of My Car" in terms of rock opera. Skydiving naked from an aeroplane
  • To begin with, these forces have created the most formidable barrier to animal movement on earth.
  • To begin with, the sequence of existing scenes has been significantly re-edited in places, which threw me.
  • The move from the singular to the universal is partly effected by a certain doubling of the subject to begin with. Subjecticity (On Kant and the Texture of Romanticism)
  • To begin with, the average length of time per customer transaction tripled, which meant longer lines and increased waiting times.
  • If you are hoping to form a new relationship tread carefully and slowly to begin with.
  • To begin with, many transcriptions do not really understand phonemics, and waste a lot of effort trying to represent the actual sound of each phoneme. MICRONESIAN ORTHOGRAPHY.
  • One can preserve food quite well simply by reducing the moisture content, but more importantly mold growth is highly dependent on how contaminated the food is with mold or fungus spores to begin with.
  • To begin with, they are now planning to unveil a memorial plate with 460 names on it.
  • A Rose for Ecclesiastes" is a really powerful story to begin with - consciously old-fashioned but doing something new as well. Linkspam for 24-8-2009
  • If you are hoping to form a new relationship tread carefully and slowly to begin with.
  • To begin with, the Buddhas and bodhisattvas, the embodiments of awakened compassion, were ordinary beings exactly like ourselves.
  • In your natal chart, the conjunction of your Pisces sun with Saturn gives you a tendency toward worry to begin with, so this is a part of you that only you can work to overcome.
  • And can a man be rehabilitated if he has never been habilitated to begin with? To A Young One Who Is An Apologist For A Terrorist (UPDATED)
  • And armor plate is -- is very tricky stuff to manufacture, and steel companies never liked manufacturing it much to begin with because, by its nature, it is what we called a monopsony; there's only one buyer in the market, and that's the United States Navy. The Business of America
  • To begin with, it is only the actual coal ‘getter’ who is paid at this rate; a ‘dataller’, for instance, who attends to the roofing, is paid at a lower rate, usually eight or nine shillings a shift. The Road to Wigan Pier
  • Proudest DIY: Although it wasn't intended for the nursery to begin with, the art above the daybed is a painting I did of the warehouse building we looked out on from the apartment where we last lived in Brooklyn. Ohdeedoh
  • The rules were, to begin with, difficult to master, since, as a journalist, one's entire instinct was to blow the gaff.
  • To begin with, a major responsibility of the ILO is to legislate international labour standards. "If You Desire Peace, Cultivate Justice"
  • They caused the most damage to begin with, including the hematoma and skull fragments. AFTERMATH
  • All went well to begin with, as he managed to intercept and to capture a convoy of Spanish ships sent to revictual the place, and had he been content to wait he might have counted with certainty on reducing the garrison by starvation, as it depended on this very convoy for its supplies. Sea-Wolves of the Mediterranean
  • If a man will begin with certainties, he shall end in doubts, but if he will be content to begin with doubts, he shall end in certaintics. 
  • Do you think that according to what has been stated so far and the possible plans of any kind of interactional dialogue between the U.S. and Iran, including on Afghanistan to begin with, do you think the recent statements would have any effect on that? Undefined
  • To begin with, her eyes are wary and watchful; her answers are cautious. Times, Sunday Times
  • To begin with it all looked quite simple. PHYLLOXERA: How Wine was Saved for the World
  • I 'm going to begin with a redowa, because the girls like it, and it 's better fun than square dances. An Old-Fashioned Girl
  • To begin with, she reviewed in mind her old acquaintances: there were a half-dozen professors, instructors, assistants who called infrequently on her father and whom she had come to know with a degree of familiarity. The Desert Valley
  • I found it tiring to begin with but I soon got used to it.
  • Exempting microbrews from a beer tax is the most absurdly tone-deaf proposal the State Dems have come up with in a session that was short on euphony to begin with. New Senate Revenue Proposal: Sales Tax Reduced, Beer Tax Now in Play « PubliCola
  • It seemed a good idea to begin with the brush because it was the most constant friend.
  • So, to begin with, I turn to the necessary defining of the terms and concepts to be discussed.
  • A hilarious script to begin with, moving towards severity in the end, as grave issues of child marriage, unwanted pregnancies and the consequent debilitation of the girls involved, unfolded.
  • “Special Ed” is likely to be overcrowded and underfunded, as kids are often coming from families with little sophistication in how the education system works to begin with, into what may be an unstimulating, discouraging, and even threatening environment. Freshwater: The Board's rebuttal case - The Panda's Thumb
  • The real story is, how come ‘60 Minutes’ used the story to begin with, since it was based on iffy journalism?
  • We can offer you clinical facilities at the JFK Hospital to begin with, and we will ask to use your expertise to help us equip whatever surgical room you will need.
  • A ginko, and a California buckeye, to begin with, and in the back a bigleaf maple, a fig, and a toyon. Readersguide Diary Entry
  • To begin with, anything even remotely sexist is verboten.
  • On the other hand, ownership should not have the right to censor and abuse its customers (who pay through the nose to begin with) I don't know what the heckler was actually saying to Paul. Your Right Hand Thief
  • I don't even know where to begin with the standouts for the night, since pretty much everything was fabulous.
  • The man chiefly responsible for the revival of guitar music in the 90s seems like as good person as any to begin with. Times, Sunday Times
  • To begin with, you'd strive for being a mensch by giving cheerfully and compassionately and not grudgingly.
  • To begin with, the label coordinator, Jessika, met them in the lobby of the hotel wearing skin-tight leather from head to toe. Priceless
  • She confessed that she had never been to a comedy gig before and to begin with her heckles were rather sweetly supportive, ‘Go on, you're not doing so bad’ and so on.
  • It was quite orderly to begin with, as the feeder teased the sharks with the frozen bait.
  • You have to be entrenched in something to begin with. The Sun
  • I can't pass judgment on the studio or the film restorers because I have no way to tell how bad the film prints were to begin with.
  • It might be likened to a 90-pound weakling inciting a barroom brawl, between two drunkgiants, which was none of his business to begin with, and then jumping in and trying to stop their fight-to-the-death by rassling them both to the ground and holding them down until they sober up, calm down and regain their rational senses, none of which they have ever done in their lives. Snatching Defeat From the Jaws of Victory
  • So he was probably regarded as a little bit eccentric and odd, and a bit old-fashioned to begin with.
  • If a man will begin with certainties, he shall end in doubts, but if he will be content to begin with doubts, he shall end in certaintics. 
  • It's a hassle to photocopy a book cover to cover, so most of us don't bother to do it, and those who do are possibly such cheapskates that they wouldn't buy the original to begin with.
  • The most gentle purges to begin with, are [4255] senna, cassia, epithyme, myrabolanea, catholicon: if these prevail not, we may proceed to stronger, as the confection of hamech, pil. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • There can be no nontrinitarian war if trinitarian war did not exist to begin with. Chicago Boyz
  • I don't know why Google would want to include Fox in its newsfeed as news, when what they publish is barely news to begin with. Rupert Murdoch vows to take all of Newscorp's websites out of Google, abolish fair use, tear heads off of adorable baby animals - Boing Boing
  • To begin with, Harberger offered specific examples of innovations that indicated the sort of wide dispersion of productivity differentials that were at the heart of Leibenstein's work.
  • The kids helped me to begin with, but they soon got bored.
  • To begin with, we receive vicarious pleasure in observing the celebrity fulfil our wishes to act in relative freedom of neurotic and societal restraints.
  • Some materials have the animals in them to begin with. Leaf litter, soil and rotting timber contain small animals.
  • Whiplash is a truly comic experience, rare enough among today's video games, and brutalising a bunny is refreshing fun to begin with.
  • Yet it was a tight deck to begin with, fresh-calked in Frisco. THE SEED OF McCOY
  • And then the idiot goes back and edits her comments to me so that my original comments suddenly look very foolish, responding to now-nonexistent points and putting in clarifications that weren't there to begin with. Three Thoughts On LJ Drama
  • The audience is on the edge of its seat - or, would be, if the whole movie's premise weren't so damn hokey to begin with.
  • To begin with he was Prince Charming.
  • They can only be expected to take the latter course if leading innovators put the necessary work and investment into accessibility to begin with.
  • To begin with, you turned up in jeans and trainers and looked like a skinny little urchin. The Sun
  • We had opted for a day in the mountains to begin with, followed by some steadier walking.
  • Never being backward in coming forward, we invited along a few friends to find out for ourselves what this was all about with a carefully planned taste test, at least to begin with.
  • If what you postulate is true, then both the lawyer and DeLay are too incompetent to enter into a courtroom to begin with. Think Progress » BREAKING: DeLay’s Lawyer Lies About MoveOn
  • To begin with the whole idea is horribly embarrassing because it inevitably means the pelvic walk and a confident swagger. Fools Rush In - A Call to Christian Clowning
  • I mean, to begin with, he works in a pharmacy, which means he has to deal with other people's very embarrassing personal problems on a daily basis.
  • The hotel was awful! To begin with, our room was far too small. Then we found that the shower didn't work.
  • To begin with, we must consider the faculties of the staff all-sidedly.
  • To begin with, it's a massively multiplayer online game, meaning that the game takes place strictly online, involving other players from across the globe.
  • To begin with, a more disease-resistant crop, interplanted with a less resistant crop, can act as a physical barrier to the spread of disease spores.
  • The video went kaput early on and its rewind button hadn't worked to begin with.
  • She is very honest, to begin with.
  • The gradient is steep to begin with as the road goes through sharp bends.
  • Gas companies are accumulating large land parcels to sell to even bigger international companies, lured by the potential for billions in untaxed earnings -- if they succeed in persuading New York State politicians allow fracking to begin without taxing it. Alison Rose Levy: Water or Gas? Karl Rove, Cheney, and Cohorts Weighing In On Key NY Race
  • The actual probability depends not only on the reliability of the test, but also the number of infections in the population to begin with.

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