How To Use To be sure In A Sentence

  • None of them were bleeding, so she fetched a washcloth and bathed them, one by one, just to be sure there wasn't any dirt in the wounds. GALILEE
  • In contrast to the image of the poet as the orderer, the craftsman, the poets of the _Fragments_ have a kind of artlessness (to us a very studied one, to be sure) that gave them an aura of sincerity and honesty. Fragments of Ancient Poetry
  • And when I had been asleep scarce six hours, I waked again very sudden, as I had done before, and had belief that something did be anigh unto me; and I gript the Diskos, and did hearken; yet was there no sound that mine ears did wot of; neither aught that had power to be surely known of the spirit. The Night Land
  • Fish were abundant, to be sure, along that coast, where the invisible fruitfulness of the sea made compensation for the blank barrenness of the land; but they were swift and wary, and had to be caught, one at a time, outwitted and outspeeded in their own element. Kings in Exile
  • He's made some bad ones, to be sure - he was notably burned by telecom companies during the dotcom bust - but over the course of a few decades of investing, Gilder has become known as a prescient technophile. News
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  • It is always a good idea to take your mom to the vet shortly after whelping to be sure she has not retained a placenta or even a dead puppy that will need to be expelled.
  • To be sure, you don't have to be an aristo to become president.
  • Karen Waite, MS, equine specialist with MSU Extension added "If you have a horse and are unsure of its vaccination history, you should revaccinate them to be sure they are protected. News
  • Maybe you had better swatch just a little, to be sure the yarn goes with the jabot fabric once it's in knitted form (light is caught differently), before beginning to knit the actual lace. Jean's Knitting
  • It looked, to be sure, nothing like the milky portraits we had been shown in Sunday school, looked hardly at all like the handsome gentleman with the Aryan profile and the five-hundred-watt glow who effulged at us from calendars in Protestant parlors all over Dixie. Another Roadside Attraction
  • ‘But I'm 18, that's how old I feel,’ he says - and there is, to be sure, a sprightliness about him still.
  • There's the bold, aquiline nose, to be sure; the high, intelligent forehead and strong chin.
  • To be sure, as the history of the European Union shows, there can be federalism without a federation.
  • Put the cap on and turn the jar sideways to be sure that there are no air bubbles.
  • To be sure, change was gradual, and some exhibited strong anger, but these women appear to have been more retrained and they constituted a smaller proportion of the suspects.
  • If she had followed her own impulse, to be sure, she would have risen on the spot and danced that mad dance once more with all the wild abandonment of an almeh or a Zingari. What's Bred in the Bone
  • To be sure the back-seats were free for the poor; but the emblazoned crimson of the windows, the carving of the arches, the very purity of the preacher's style, said plainly that it was easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a man in a red wamus to enter the kingdom of heaven through that gate. Margret Howth, a Story of To-day
  • There are important variations, to be sure, in the conception of the extent of the in-group and in the limits of toleration of lying and stealing under certain conditions.
  • Tell people there's an invisible man in the sky who created the universe, and the vast majority will believe you. Tell them the paint is wet, and they have to touch it to be sure. George Carlin 
  • To be sure, it would be best to find out what epoxy is being used for that component and check with the epoxy supplier. Technical Q&A with Lennard Zinn: Safe crank removal?
  • To be sure, some geologists have found flaws in certain parts of the theory, but few reject it entirely.
  • I remember it was passed decades ago to be sure a mortgagee would have clear account of the lending terms. Wonk Room » Warner Concerned Consumer Protection Agency Will Be ‘Divorced From The Reality Of The Market’
  • To be sure, many of these multi-chapter serials were cranked out quickly and on the cheap.
  • Another passage was the one where Miss Brodie exhorts her girls to be sure to recognise their prime and to live it to the full.
  • She looked twice to be sure that it was the reality rather than the picturization, but perhaps a picturization is a reality, for at any rate the actual man was there. The Power of Positive Thinking
  • I should, to be sure, turn away my head if I should hear you tick, and mark the quarters of hours; but the buzz and whiz of a good large life-endangerer would be music to mine ears. Memoirs of Margaret Fuller Ossoli
  • I might break a tumbler to be sure, but I should have the full enjoyment of it while it lasted. Girls and Women
  • To be sure," says Sister Biscoe, a little hystericky, but very cheerful; "ain't that what I'm here for? Dialect Tales
  • Lovely, to be sure, but if it wasn't accepted as being classic, it would upset those more obdurate imbibers with its bravura.
  • To be sure what we are anachronistically discerning as a scene of psychoanalysis is part of the process by which Being 'The Abyss of the Past': Psychoanalysis in Schelling's Ages of the World (1815)
  • To be sure, our ancestors would have enhanced themselves and their progeny in ways that seemed universally desirable - eliminating fatal maladies, disfigurement, mental incapacities, and so forth.
  • To be sure, the laws against recusants were not uniformly enforced; papistry in favourites and friends of the king was winked at, and the rich noblemen, who were able to pay fines, did not suffer much. English Travellers of the Renaissance
  • Thus, the baby does not see at first; this must await the myelinization of the optic nerve, which, to be sure, is not long delayed. The Human Brain
  • No matter how nice they seem, you have to be sure that the story won't end up in the tabloids.
  • Why to be sure Christmas is coming," laughed Mrs. Merrill, "and here I've been waiting and waiting and _waiting_ for you to talk about it till, actually, I thought I'd had to begin myself, if you didn't wake up pretty soon. Mary Jane's City Home
  • As the students are drawing, walk around to be sure that they are drawing an exact picture of the hanging hammer.
  • I took a careful note of where I had left the bag, so as to be sure to find it on my return.
  • To be sure, we expect wage and employment growth to remain subdued. Times, Sunday Times
  • I even reseated the new Intel reference cooler several times to be sure it was snug against the surface of the CPU package.
  • To be sure, the arrangement is entame, la pillule est avalee, et bien des couloeuvres apres. George Selwyn: His Letters and His Life
  • It can be done, but it would be preferable to be done by someone who could use either an ultrasound or a fluoroscope to be sure they're in the right place.
  • You see, I cut a trunk sample of my own and ciphered the rings twice more to be sure. In The Shadow of The Cypress
  • A few theorists, to be sure, supported the absolute monarchs. World History: Patterns of Change and Continuity
  • Great Regulars: To be sure, the verset is not the form of Baudelaire's poetry, and while Baudelaire was among the first to pen a modern prose-poem, none was included in Les Fleurs du Mal. Great Regulars: To be sure, the verset is not the form
  • In one sense, to be sure, pigeons and ring-doves could not dance but with 'eclat' -- 'a claw? ' Literary Remains, Volume 2
  • An anxious one, to be sure: each January brought not only Hesse's own birthday but the anniversary, or yahrzeit, of her mother's death.
  • -- OED self-deprecation, shabbiness and eccentricity - ochlophobic traits, to be sure The Ochlophobist
  • To be sure, decreasing the polarizability will tend to pull sigma, the point where the red curve crosses the x axis, outward, so there is some effect, but I don't think it's enough to explain RayP's observation. How big is that molecule in the window
  • To be sure, we expect wage and employment growth to remain subdued. Times, Sunday Times
  • There were no trout, to be sure, within a hundred miles, and there was no way of getting to any trouty realm of delight. The Joyful Heart
  • I wanted to be sure that there had been no false menaces concerning that letter. THE MARSHAL AND THE MURDERER
  • Some horrific things happen in it, to be sure, but until the end it's not a particularly scary movie.
  • To be sure, there was a gender division of labour: for example, in agriculture women worked in the farmyard and sold produce at the local market, while men ploughed the fields and dealt in livestock at fairs.
  • The only way to be sure was to seek out the epicurean delights of the luxury sandwich. Times, Sunday Times
  • Her worshipped image had got a little rubbed and dimmish of late to be sure, but breathe on the colours, and you saw them come out clear, and oh! bewilderingly lovely. The Dop Doctor
  • To be sure, even among Christians, some of those we are calling lapsed are themselves the children of lapsed parents, but lapsing that is, nonattendance has risen very sharply across the generations. American Grace
  • That's an oversimplification, to be sure, but Dobbs' failure to meet audience expectations certainly contributed to the flop.
  • It was in August in the year 1807 or 1809 (the manuscript is too much soiled to be sure of the last figure) that either the Vicar of Lastingham or his curate-in-charge publicly laid this spirit, which had for many years haunted the wath or ford crossing the river Dove where it runs at no great distance from Grouse Hall. The Evolution of an English Town
  • How to buy a vintage motorcycle Classic bikes can be bought online, but you need to be sure that the vehicle is genuine. Times, Sunday Times
  • To be sure, union members have been dislocated as a result of NAFTA and other bad trade deals.
  • And he knew not, apparently, how to express the hero's greatness _in word_, but by making him bethump the stage with tempestuous verbiage; which, to be sure, is not the style of greatness at all, but only of one trying to be great, and _trying_ to be so, because he is not so. Shakespeare: His Life, Art, And Characters, Volume I. With An Historical Sketch Of The Origin And Growth Of The Drama In England
  • Do not go hunting for symptoms of fracture (such as the false point of motion or the sound "crepitus") just to be sure. Scouting For Girls, Official Handbook of the Girl Scouts
  • To be sure, we expect wage and employment growth to remain subdued. Times, Sunday Times
  • For in constricting the notion of "value" to mean solely a given thing or notion's ability to accommodate an end forever deferred to a hypostatized future, utilitarianism's strictly instrumental concept of rationality treats a given thing as something pure and absolute, to be sure — albeit only as "absolute for an other. The Melancholic Gift: Freedom in Nineteenth-Century Philosophy and Fiction
  • He had no idea what the fuss was about but fetched her a good clout round the ear just to be sure.
  • To be sure, there are and always have been environmental issues associated with energy development, but I wonder where the environmental lobby is going to get the power to air-condition its plush offices in Washington, D.C. We may just as well mail in the keys to our nation to Saudi Arabia if we are going to say "no" to all energy development. Pipeline Nix Highlights Energy Folly
  • To be sure, there are situations in which containment is an entirely appropriate policy.
  • Out of them came only egg yolk and egg white, firm and opaque or runny and transparent to be sure, but never any sort of baby bird.
  • A very short trial convinced her that a curricle was the prettiest equipage in the world; the chaise and four wheeled off with some grandeur, to be sure, but it was a heavy and troublesome business, and she could not easily forget its having stopped two hours at Petty France. Northanger Abbey
  • To be sure, a large-enough drop in heating oil demand could undermine a rebound in prices, analysts said.
  • To be sure, most foreign corporate executives are still mainly expecting the yuan to continue its steady appreciation, not to suddenly start falling, said Blaik Wilson, a Sydney-based consultant for derivatives-software company Reval, who advises companies on their hedges. Companies Worry: If Yuan Floats, Could It Fall?
  • I have occasion both to suppe and lodge out of my house this night, wherefore see you the streete doore to be surely made fast on the inside, and the doore at the middest of the staires, as also your own Chamber doore, and then The Decameron
  • To be sure, there are many more underlying causes to what we call procrastination, most of which require keen self awareness and the willingness to learn and grow. Russell Bishop: Are You Procrastinating With Integrity?
  • To be sure, the hall was so narrow it was fortunate that they had no piano, for one never could have been got in whole, the dining room was so small that six people were a tight fit, and the kitchen stairs seemed built for the express purpose of precipitating both servants and china pell-mell into the coalbin. Little Women
  • I have found that once an anti-gunner is convinced to go to the range, (No mean feat to be sure) and is taught by one that knows how to safely handle a weapon they become budding enthusiasts and no longer gun despising, freedom hating, fear mongers of the liberal left and the media. More on the Media (Sorry)
  • There is, to be sure, a measure of validity to the identification.
  • To be sure, nobody currently enjoying success with their old paradigm really wants to change. INSIDE THE TORNADO: MARKETING STRATEGIES FROM SILICON VALLEY'S CUTTING EDGE
  • To be sure, one of the native fruits seems a sort of joke when you hear it first named, and when you are offered a 'loquat', if you are of a frivolous mind you search your mind for the connection with 'loquor' which it seems to intimate. Literature and Life (Complete)
  • It is the kind of stupidity that causes the department to end up making large payments to international funds just to be sure of hitting the target. Times, Sunday Times
  • To be sure, this skepticism of the yes-man mentality has advantages. Christianity Today
  • Sometimes, to be sure, one bias or another leads to a violation of the canons of scientific method.
  • “We cannot prove to the contrary, to be sure; but I wish you a better fate, Miss Price, than to be the wife of a man whose amiableness depends upon his own sermons; for though he may preach himself into a good – humour every Sunday, it will be bad enough to have him quarrelling about green geese from Monday morning till Saturday night.” Mansfield Park
  • These are liberal interpretations of the text to be sure.
  • Gop blathered, "Maybe next time she gets an invite she might want to check into it a bit more to be sure it is not a mistake Topless club owner names dog shelter after Gingrich
  • To be sure, this is a most important branch of our work, and the work for which we are chiefly known to the public at large. Christianity Today
  • she looked around to be sure her faux pas was undetected
  • Charles says that it was some comfort to him to have frightened them, at least; but he was so candid to me as to own that from the beginning of this emeute he could not perceive in me the least expression of fear or disquietude whatever, and that, to be sure, he did not like. George Selwyn: His Letters and His Life
  • But to be sure, we shall have the time to speak of these, since your father is so good as to make me for a while your inmate; and the _gomeral_ begs you at this time only for the favour of his liberty. David Balfour, Second Part Being Memoirs Of His Adventures At Home And Abroad, The Second Part: In Which Are Set Forth His Misfortunes Anent The Appin Murder; His Troubles With Lord Advocate Grant; Captivity On The Bass Rock; Journey Into Holland And Fran
  • Put the cap on and turn the jar sideways to be sure that there are no air bubbles.
  • To be sure, force may no longer take the form of plunder and extortion, and fraud may no longer appear as deliberate imposture and chicanery.
  • Some people seem to be settled and contented with their lives and I'd really love to be one of them, to be sure that where I am and what I am doing is the right place for me.
  • To be sure, an inaugural address is not the occasion for a president to list the details of his legislative agenda.
  • To be sure of that is a gift beyond compare. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is, to be sure, hard to convey the Cultural Revolution with only three speaking parts and one nonspeaking one.
  • Once again, I called our pediatrician—a mother of six at the time—to be sure I was masterfully trained on the technique. Chicken Soup for the Soul: New Moms
  • To be sure, Dan Rather's half-hour broadcasts venture unawares into the realm of outsider art.
  • They listened with edification to the racy remarks of their hostess, voicing that theoretical "broadness" of opinion as to the conduct of life which, quite as much as the perfume which she always used, was a specialty of her provocative personality; they spoke now and then, to be sure, as she drew them into conversation, but their real intercourse was almost altogether silent. The Bent Twig
  • Even then he had to return to the TV to watch the free kick again - just to be sure he'd got it right.
  • To be sure, France's 12 refineries remain hampered by strikes or a lack of crude oil, because the country's main oil terminals are blocked. French Strikers Begin to Relent
  • To be sure, China's actions on many fronts reflect the unsentimental policy of an emerging power.
  • I was in the slow lane and sensed where the shoulder should be, so I eased the car off the roadway and let it scrape the railing to be sure we were in a safe spot.
  • He had been sharp enough to perceive already that Mr Kennedy was an autocrat in his own house, and he knew Lady Laura well enough to be sure that such masterdom would be very irksome to her. Phineas Finn
  • To be sure, Mandarin has become increasingly useful, particularly in Asian business circles.
  • There are many ways to do this: formal publications (a journal is already in the works … but we need to be sure we re-think what ‘journal’ means in this day and age); whitepapers; informal publications, like blogging or occasional symposia; and especially making use of the incredible knowledge-generation capacity of our community. Inkblurt · Running for the Board & the future of the IAI
  • To be sure, the house reflects the late-romantic episode in architecture known as Art Deco, not the glass and steel rigour of the International Style - but certifiably modern it is. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • How to buy a vintage motorcycle Classic bikes can be bought online, but you need to be sure that the vehicle is genuine. Times, Sunday Times
  • To be sure, in both Freudian and Lacanian accounts this scenario establishes the ‘first’ sexual relations: those attached to the imago of the mother and to the autoeroticism associated with narcissism.
  • To be sure, certain winds could be recognised by their voices: a southerly one of any consequence announced itself by a curious droning note which, if it westered a little, rose to a sharp whistle and, in anything above half-a-gale, to a scream. Nicky-Nan, Reservist
  • I thought at the time," said Mr. Branghton, "that three shillings was an exorbitant price for a place in the gallery: but as we'd been asked so much at the other doors, why I paid it without many words; but, then, to be sure, thinks I, it can never be like any other gallery, we shall see some crinkum-crankum or other for our money; but I find it's as arrant a take-in as ever I met with. Evelina, Or, the History of a Young Lady's Entrance into the World
  • This is a complex area, so you may need to take advice to be sure that any claim you make is valid. Times, Sunday Times
  • To be sure, what Washington wants still carries an enormous amount of weight in the capitals of Latin America.
  • There is, to be sure, room for adjustment to the GST tax base, most of which should take the form of ‘rollback’, to adopt the cant phrase of the day.
  • In many situations, just erasing a tape is not enough to be sure the ‘erased’ data is actually gone.
  • To be sure, the social and economic problems afflicting these nations are acute, but the current crisis is at root a political one, and progress will not come without serious reform.
  • To be sure, by the 1940s, numerous young women were hospitalized for breakdown, winning at the least some rest amid the otherwise unredeemed burdens of the baby boom.
  • To be sure, this is a tiny niche bar for people who want to focus on bitters and amari liqueurs for a night. To the Bitters End
  • To be sure, it's a lot easier to garner favorable press reports than it is to get people to actually schlep to an often brutally cold, sparsely populated state.
  • To be sure, the electronic marketplace is still in the very early stages of development on the World Wide Web.
  • To be sure, one can use official sources to identify uniformed Confederates who turned to bushwhacking after being caught behind enemy lines.
  • How to buy a vintage motorcycle Classic bikes can be bought online, but you need to be sure that the vehicle is genuine. Times, Sunday Times
  • His was no Gettysburg Address, to be sure, but compared to some of the stem-winders of history, Mr. Clinton's speech, delivered at a rapid pace, flew by.
  • The moon, waned away to a tiny crescent, didn't emit enough light for him to be sure of his way.
  • Book early if you want to be sure of a seat.
  • To be sure, one can use official sources to identify uniformed Confederates who turned to bushwhacking after being caught behind enemy lines.
  • Democracy depends on the rule of law, to be sure, both for its constitutive procedures and for the respect that its outcomes command (respect for legislation enacted by a representative assembly, for example).
  • To be sure, there are a good number of chatterers arguing that these latest attacks are the bitter harvest of the war.
  • So if you want to be sure to have fun the next time you go to Germany, ask a local where a good club is - being the groovers they are, they're bound to know.
  • Simple Life, to be sure; but if you are in German lodgings for any length of time you probably desire for one reason or the other to lead it. Home Life in Germany
  • In fact, check for ly words in general to be sure you really (koff) need them. Writer Unboxed » Blog Archive » Alpha and Omega
  • But owners of this and other plain, vanilla devices are locked in the past to be sure.
  • It's impossible to be sure (on the Internet no one knows if you're cisgendered) but a sizable minority of these commenters seemed to be female.
  • To be sure there's a power of money made here.
  • Eighteenthcentury composers, to be sure, put great stock in distinctions among tonalities. The Times Literary Supplement
  • There is a long road ahead to be sure, but the Carly Fiorina engine which many expected to backfire seems to be puttering along okay.
  • The groundlings, to be sure, have a ball, and might like a better production much less.
  • Tell people there's an invisible man in the sky who created the universe, and the vast majority will believe you. Tell them the paint is wet, and they have to touch it to be sure. George Carlin 
  • To be sure, and despite some close calls, it was another banner year for Wall Street Structured Finance.
  • Dick -- he's my friend, a _cawker_ to be sure, but must not _stand Sam_ to an _Oxford raff_, or a Yorkshire _Johnny Raw_. The English Spy An Original Work Characteristic, Satirical, And Humorous. Comprising Scenes And Sketches In Every Rank Of Society, Being Portraits Drawn From The Life
  • An award-winner to be sure. The Sun
  • Poetry & Poets in Rags: Great Regulars: To be sure, the verset is not the form Great Regulars: To be sure, the verset is not the form
  • To be sure, a few philosophers have touted the putative merits of multiverses.
  • To be sure, it would not do for her to make a habit of such errancies. Magicians of Gor
  • To be sure, today's middleman does a lot of good, too.
  • “Oh,” said Tom, “you are an ugly fellow to be sure!” and he began making faces at him; and put his nose close to him, and halloed at him, like a very rude boy. The Water Babies
  • To be sure, certain dark dreams resemble scenes from his works. The Times Literary Supplement
  • The preface, to be sure, shows a perhaps rhetorically prudent ambivalence towards the use of humour in polemic.
  • So in order to be sure that such a case is not missed, you would need to check all possible combinations of elements in ternary plots - of which there are several thousand!
  • It was compounded of loose soil to be sure, but also of a great deal more, including soot and ashes and street litter, and the fecal matter of the legion horses on whom all transport in London depended.
  • To be sure, I would tell him how kindly I had myself been used upon that dry land he was so much afraid of, and how well fed and carefully taught both by my friends and my parents: and if he had been recently hurt, he would weep bitterly and swear to run away; but if he was in his usual crackbrain humour, or (still more) if he had had a glass of spirits in the roundhouse, he would deride the notion. Kidnapped: The Adventures of David Balfour
  • To be sure I did, to calm down the pain; and that was what I call laudanum and Mr Briscoe here calls opium. Old Gold The Cruise of the "Jason" Brig
  • In any event, I do wish – humbly, to be sure – to submit that perhaps it is not wholly unreasonable to suppose that there are some (declasse or, alternatively, “arribistas”?) who move back and forth between Yahoo and Google. A Future S.A.T. Question? - Freakonomics Blog -
  • As a result, lawyers are careful to advise clients to be sure that they have gone through the mediation process. Times, Sunday Times
  • Ah well, I'll simply have to be sure the story I submit is one I won't mind having my rights forfeited. Archive 2009-06-01
  • United must beat Liverpool to be sure of winning the championship.
  • The storytellers seem to cut loose, the organisers are relaxed and the audience wants to be sure it hears every syllable before the festival ends for another year.
  • To be sure, they affect an elaborate rationalism, something they call dialectical materialism, which in turn rests on a verbal agglomeration known as Marxian economics. Latest Articles
  • Regaining a foothold in international psychology was a hard-won achievement, to be sure.
  • It's movie dialogue, to be sure - no one, especially the sort of low-life characters they tend to write, speaks with such mellifluous, bookish vocabulary.
  • To be sure, as our epigraphs suggest, this is not the first time that the issue of canonicity in the domain of law and literature has been raised.
  • To be sure, plenty of homosexuals rejected this characterization, just as many had rejected the earlier characterization of sin.
  • They are cultural hybrids, to be sure, combining indigenous traditions with Christian theology in manifold ways. Introduction
  • I just want to be sure you realize that you have grounds for getting the marriage annulled if you choose to do so. THE HARDIE INHERITANCE
  • Just to be sure, I measured out 200 - gram portions of each sugar and pulverized them in a food processor.
  • If you have come out to semi-retire and live off the income of a gîte then you need to be sure you have a good business plan.
  • The teaching technique, to be sure, was called hypnopaedia, an ancient word from still - more ancient Greek roots which when translated literally mean-t "sleep-teaching. Cities In Flight
  • To be sure, the acts of that day had a warlike aspect.
  • To be sure, as our epigraphs suggest, this is not the first time that the issue of canonicity in the domain of law and literature has been raised.
  • If we wanted to be sure of succeeding with the big ventures, we would have to act rapidly and ensure early on that we had given ourselves enough room for manoeuvre.
  • To be sure, indigenity remains far more complex than any single political narrative can capture, and pueblos originarios does not fully capture the identity of any Bolivian. Nathaniel Loewentheil: Bolivia: One Llama's Great Incan Adventure
  • ROBERTS: A lightning rod to be sure, one whose every statement is hypersensitized. CNN Transcript Mar 3, 2006
  • To be sure, severe forms of self-assault, more accurately called self-abuse, are dangerous. You’re a Better Parent Than You Think!
  • To be sure, there was much ceremoniousness and the superficiality that went with it.
  • My father came in soon after, and when he heard so much of the story as I had told Mistress Pennyquick he drew his fingers through his beard and said in his quiet way: "To be sure, barrels were not made for that kind of vetch! Humphrey Bold A Story of the Times of Benbow
  • To be sure, one could also argue that visible drug dealing itself affects locational decisions on the part of entrepreneurs by functioning as a perceived ‘disamenity’.
  • To be sure, the complications are not strictly lexical or even lexicographical: they stem chiefly from the differences between the kind of lexical alternation of the bonnet/hood, roundabout/traffic circle, dustman/garbage collector type and the type that is sociolinguistic and meaningless without some sort of acculturative comment, like tea, which occurs in both varieties of English but means quite different things in each, the Ashes, which doesn't occur at all in American English, and back bencher, VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XII No 2
  • To be sure, these admirable achievements did not always meet with disparagement: Victor Hugo had written in one of his famous poems: "Le geste auguste du semeur" (The sower's noble attitude). The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 10: Mass Music-Newman
  • To be sure his apozem has had a blessed effect — five-and-twenty stools since three o’clock in the morning. The Life and Adventures of Sir Launcelot Greaves
  • Down side - you have to be sure you put in a good trigger - because stock triggers suck in most AR's compared to the pro-fire or accu-triggers of the gun world. Stag Hunter 7
  • Before working with wires or electrical connections, check them with a voltage tester to be sure they are dead.
  • To be sure, he expressed opposition to privatizing many more state enterprises, but he did not call for renationalization.
  • Those days are full of adventure to be sure: they bring about the 4-alarm curries, the occasional cold cereal and ice cream dinners, the ramen noodles and the cheesiest, greasiest pizza from the joint that's still open and delivering at 11PM. Archive 2009-09-01
  • ` ` Ay, to be sure, '' said Saddletree; ` ` the family may be considered as limited to them twa now, just as if Effie had never been in the tailzie, puir thing. The Heart of Mid-Lothian
  • To be sure, the Times appears at least to recognize the potential for hypocrisy or self-contradiction in its statements.
  • To be sure, most Asians, whatever their creed, eagerly embrace modernity.
  • Blanch wrote: ‘What detestable daubs his pictures are to be sure.’
  • Ah, yes, to be sure we were heroes, and I too (though now soft and self-conscious) played an Homeric part upon the yard, was bold, and afraid, and "funked" it with any god-smitten, panic-driven half-god by A Tramp's Notebook
  • To be sure, the commitment was to some extent self-serving, in that food programs were designed to use up the surpluses produced by American agriculture.
  • To be sure, it may be the case, in a gender language, that male and female persons will be designated by nouns of masculine and feminine gender, respectively.
  • To be sure, when I first knew her, she had rather a high and mighty way with her, at which some people took offence, calling her proud and disdainful; but those whom she wished to please never failed to like her; and I used to observe she seldom put on any of her lofty airs when she spoke to unpresuming people, especially if they were poor or in humble circumstances. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 01, No. 01, November, 1857 A Magazine of Literature, Art, and Politics
  • To be sure, as the history of the European Union shows, there can be federalism without a federation.
  • To be sure, dials and telephones were like new music releases and 45s. Nowadays, it is difficult to find one or the other.
  • Surprisingly, the designer tries to do too much with the set, though, to be sure, a play in which mime and simulation preponderate leaves little room for a designer.
  • To be sure, certain dark dreams resemble scenes from his works. The Times Literary Supplement
  • You also want to be sure you don't set up your trailer and the generator in an area that might be subject to washouts or runoff from a slope.
  • Faith does, to be sure, have an objective content in the form of the truths that God has revealed, so there have to be dogmas and there has to be a teaching authority.
  • To be sure, no one has ever proved that the government has mined the central database to single out anyone for criticizing the Establishment.
  • While most of them are careful to maintain a little patch of agnostic "to be sure" territory, hectoring heretics like PZ Myers get their jollies by stomping all over sacred ground in the hobnailed boots of rationality. Clay Farris Naff: How Science Can Solve the Puzzle of God
  • To be sure it's all right to dig, take a handful of garden soil and squeeze it in your hand; if it clumps up, it's too wet to work; if it crumbles and falls away, go ahead.
  • Just to be sure that it was "snibbed," Mrs. McGuire tiptoed after him in her bare feet, a very bad thing for a sick-a-bed lady to do, too, but to her credit, be it written, she did not listen at the keyhole. Sowing Seeds in Danny
  • Mr Gallivan said it was not possible to be sure what had led to the fall, but the man may have been abseiling when he let go of the rope and dropped out of control.

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