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to a greater extent

  1. used to form the comparative of some adjectives and adverbs
    more beautiful
    more quickly
    more interesting

How To Use to a greater extent In A Sentence

  • Based on polyp size, corallite structure, and surface area considerations, M. faveolata appears to depend on photoautotrophy versus heterotrophy to a greater extent than its congener, M. cavernosa.
  • We frankly admit that where the evil of slavery is felt to a greater extent than in the states to which we have adverted, not only must _greater exertions_ be used, but even the plans of proceeding must be somewhat varied. The Journal of Negro History, Volume 6, 1921
  • We tend to confine moral epithets to those amiable or unamiable qualities which require more cultivation to become habitual, or depend to a greater extent upon the presence or absence of self-discipline.
  • Malate alkalizes xylem sap to a greater extent than nitrate.
  • The Pettigrew and Tropp analysis even suggests that intergroup friendships reduce prejudice to a greater extent than other forms of contact, leading Pettigrew to recommend that “potential for friendship” be added as a fifth condition to the social contact theory.16 American Grace
  • All schools depend on instructional media to a greater extent than in years past.
  • The galvanoscope and electro-magnet do not respond equally to all currents, and this is also true, even to a greater extent, with the calorimeter. Electricity for Boys
  • Where significant differences existed between the hospital groups, usually large hospitals adhered to accepted practice guidelines to a greater extent.
  • Smaller herbivorous dinosaurs, however, may have fed to a greater extent than their larger kin on plants defended by qualitative toxins.
  • Possibly, we tend to confine moral epithets to those amiable or unamiable qualities which require more cultivation to become habitual, or depend to a greater extent upon the presence or absence of self-discipline.
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