How To Use Tl In A Sentence

  • He was a cute little beggar, looked like you as well.
  • Some were members of Turkey's elite military class known as "pashas," a title of respect harking back to Ottoman military commanders Monday for allegedly planning to blow up mosques in order to trigger a military takeover and overthrow the - Photown News
  • A little pyrotechnics display tacked on just serves to emphasise its lack of cutting edge. Times, Sunday Times
  • You think Spielberg would only have a rattletrap third-rate spaceship like the Millennium Falcon to ensure his survival? Does George Lucas think the world will end in 2012?
  • The aircraft descended into a wetland area and had since been forgotten about as it sank below the surface. Times, Sunday Times
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  • I'm just a little bit caught in the middle. Life is a maze and love is a riddle, I don't know where to go, can't do it alone.
  • Laura Wade's Posh, timed to open as the Tories edged into power in May 2010, reminded us just what we were in for: overprivileged hooligans in drinking-society blazers who trash a pub as thoughtlessly as they will trash the country. Dominic Cooke: a life in theatre
  • In 1984, he started Oh Boy as an outlet for his songwriting.
  • But they have an undeniable gentleness and elephantine beauty about them, with their hanging folds of skin and ponderous outlook on life.
  • Beard is rather dismissive of their optical sophistication, shown in the curvature of the stylobate and in the entasis of the columns — the slight outward swelling of a column designed to counter the optical illusion of concavity, were the columns 'sides to be perfectly straight. Looking for the Lost Greeks
  • The resettlement fee shall be calculated according to the number of agricultural population to be resettled.
  • Which is stupid, considering the drivers around here A: Don't normally stop for people and in fact have been caught trying to sneak ~around~ them and B: I've been nicked several times and almost hit three times different instances last summer attempting to obey the biking laws, none of those for mistakes on my part as I've been scared shitless at the lack of aware driving that's crept over my town. The funny thing about Pain..... (Let's talk trauma!)
  • The pain in his side was crushing, as if there was a steel hand in there relentlessly closing on an organ. THE COMPANY OF STRANGERS
  • He asked me bluntly, ‘Why would you want to leave private life and take on such a difficult, dangerous and probably thankless job?’
  • The brightly colored outfits may be made of either cotton or such dressy fabrics as velvet, satin, and lamé.
  • But yes, good of Prof. Adler, who I hope will be a little chary of Althousian pseudoreality in future. The Volokh Conspiracy » Taking the Washington Post to School
  • You can't have a show called Politically Incorrect and then abjectly apologize for not being PC.
  • Who is willing to believe that Alexandria is exactly 5000 stadia from Syene, whatever the value of the stadium?
  • If there was any hope of holding on to even a shred of her dwindling self-respect, she should do exactly what she knew Margo would do—close the laptop, take her de-scrunchied, perfumed, and nearly thonged self down to the nearest club, pick up the first passably good-looking stranger who asked her to dance, and bring him back to the apartment for some safe but anonymous sex. Goodnight Tweetheart
  • In her house apron and with her hair a little ruffled she looked younger, startled and then angry. THE WHITE DOVE
  • We learn a little more about how interconnected the world is. Times, Sunday Times
  • So spake he, and Athene was mightily angered at heart, and chid Odysseus in wrathful words: ‘Odysseus, thou hast no more steadfast might nor any prowess, as when for nine whole years continually thou didst battle with the Trojans for high born Helen, of the white arms, and many men thou slewest in terrible warfare, and by thy device the wide-wayed city of Priam was taken. Book XXII
  • You see that you're undershooting and so, leaving the throttle as is, you attempt to flatten your descent path by lifting the nose a bit - and you enter the region of reverse command.
  • The residents are mostly impoverished families who survive by collecting recyclable garbage.
  • The new taxon is named Gamerabaena, and the authors note, under etymology, "'Gamera refers to the fictional, firebreathing turtle from the 1965 movie Gamera, in allusion to his fire-breathing capabilities and the Hell Creek Formation ... "Look at everything around us. Look at everything we've done."
  • With the Senate gearing up for an all-consuming battle over judicial nominations, Congress has no time to waste.
  • The series ended with a battle between a door car and a dragster.
  • An empty plastic 2 litre bottle is tied to a rock, or bag of stones with strong twine or string.
  • Of all types of commercially based American music, jazz is the one that has most consistently fostered musical artistry on a high level.
  • Rules exist to be violated, so that the ‘bastard’ may be more violently characterized and the audience engaged in revengeful fury.
  • Sometime in the early eighteen hundreds, they trekked to the flat plain between the Ohio River and Lake Erie and settled in Mount Vernon, which was then a few small buildings in a forest of tall trees. A Renegade History of the United States
  • They missed it because they are too busy bootlicking ObamaCare, on their hands and knees. Political Instability and the Coming Defeat of ObamaCare | RedState
  • The finishing line may be in sight but the final lap is shaping up to be an epic battle. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sefelt has pulled back halfway normal, swelling up and down with big wet, rattling breaths.
  • Anybody who has ever been on a North Queensland pastoral lease knows that you can go 20, 30, 40 miles day after day and all you will see is a few brumbies and some wild pigs; you will not see any cattle anywhere.
  • Add the chopped tomatoes, chillis and refried beans to the casserole with a little salt and pepper. 5.
  • But he has to be a little more careful about how he reacts. The Sun
  • Instead of asking the fortunate few, why doesn't Ted asked the gifted masses of state employees to do a little giveback? We're! Number! 5! (Jack Bog's Blog)
  • One was apparently faulty and the other did not have a battery.
  • The lady was kissing a little lap dog.
  • So it's a little more than passing strange that Mr. Brooks clucks about Mr. Obama's "über-partisan budget" when, given the last few weeks of shrieking and wailing from the Republicans about socialism and communism, he's been the voice of moderation in the room. Moderately Shocked
  • Add a little freshly sliced green chilli or a hint of chilli powder if you wish. Times, Sunday Times
  • They drew swords, and fought fiercely, cussing and insulting each other as swiftly as they threw blows.
  • This is a movie with a distinct and startling cinematic language, but with uncomfortably coercive mannerisms.
  • Some groups consistently face discrimination: age is one mode of socially structured disadvantage.
  • The little divil that stole the dog-team an 'wint over the Pass in the dead o' winter for to see where the world come to an ind on the ither side, just because old Matt McCarthy was afther tellin 'her fairy stories? CHAPTER I
  • Flakes with concavities exhibiting steep, unifacial retouch were used to whittle or plane wood, and flakes displaying spurs were used to incise bone or antler.
  • I still see Mr. Berman's portable shtender in the shul and I have to smile because I immediately see his warm gentle smile and think about how fortunate I was to have met your father.
  • These small exquisitely carved ivory figurines come in an almost limitless variety.
  • That these are things as silently present and inarguable as iron, or night. Times, Sunday Times
  • Roderick Little, a University of Michigan biostatistician, will become associate director for statistical methodology and standards at the Census Bureau beginning in September. Robert Groves Names Roderick Little, U Of Mich. Statistician, To New Census Post
  • The composition of displaced terranes ranges from that of typical oceanic crust to significantly less dense granitic rock with clear continental affinities.
  • That's when I noticed the little sticker on the window explaining the purpose of the ‘Child Safety Lock’.
  • I blame it all on becca who called me in the middle of the night to talk to me all about how the two best friends names are Kate and Becca and that the main character lives in apartment 601 as my address and other kooky details that i have been trying to forget nightly since i saw that movie, And then every sound is that kid coming out of the television and im only writing about it now in order to expunge as i fear she will grab hold of my foot from under the desk and eat me or turn me into something decomposing or whatever it is she does. I-claudius Diary Entry
  • The garden sloped gently downward to the river.
  • Beetles undergo a complete metamorphosis in their life cycle.
  • The weather was beautiful and our little house gorgeous. Times, Sunday Times
  • The old rates were at least indirectly related to income; the new tax takes no account of a person's ability to pay.
  • We may earnestly believe that they're wrong - whether they're non-Christians, heretics, apostates, agnostics, atheists, or what have you.
  • Mostly, however, she seems to be held in some kind of incommunicado status until they need a sound bite, and then they throw the power switch, download the text and out she spits it, with all the emotion of an automaton. Condi a Waste of Time
  • There are two main approaches: one is a synthetic plug the same shape as a cork that can be placed in the top of the bottle in the same way as a cork and removed with a corkscrew, so preserving the ritual of opening a bottle of wine.
  • The auctioneer's podium faced a wall hung with six sets of mounted antlers each side of a large red deer's head. Times, Sunday Times
  • He has written a natural history of Scotland.
  • Xmas hurtles at us like a skateboarding troll trundling downhill - it's big, impressive, but to be viewed with a certain trepidation by those in its path. Toys R Us - Military Sword & Sorcery is coming ("#### Harry Potter! Daddy, where's my axe?")
  • But, fortunately, there were cavities in the two teeth on either side of the gap -- one in the first molar and one in the palatine surface of the cuspid; might he not drill a socket in the remaining root and sockets in the molar and cuspid, and, partly by bridging, partly by crowning, fill in the gap? McTeague
  • There's nothing you can do to change the little ones' minds about the gewgaws and gimcracks they expect to find beneath the tree - or to stop your in-laws' annual onslaught, for that matter.
  • Little chips light great fires.
  • The one are fellows called devilish good -- the other, fellows called devilish gentleman like. Godolphin, Complete
  • The causes of asthma are not fully known but it is partly an allergic condition.
  • It was nice to play a Wii game that wasn't full of bright greens and blues like another title featuring Mario. Epinions Recent Content for Home
  • High-frequency waves broadcast by the radar bounce off a person, scanning the in-and-out movement of the chest and more subtle, but also detectable, motion of the heartbeat against the chest wall.
  • Many scientists think that hotspots mark locations where diapiric convection cells, called mantle ‘plumes’, rise beneath lithospheric plates.
  • The ICR would have the authority to annul laws or dismiss public officials to uphold the Kosovo settlement.
  • Designed and built by hiveMODULAR partner Bryan Meyer and his wife, Anne Ryan, this little woodland getaway is a great example of how versatility makes small spaces livable. Jason Sahler | Inhabitat
  • Police claim to have dismantled 12 networks of traffickers so far this year. Times, Sunday Times
  • The original Auroran settlers had landed in the location that was now the park and decided to keep it as a peaceful retreat in the centre of the city.
  • At parties, it is like being in a maze: one constantly has to jump in the air in the hope of seeing a way out. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some find it repugnant, others see them as casualties in an undeclared war that is greatly preferable to the alternative of full-scale conflict. Times, Sunday Times
  • Apparently some people have an inborn tendency to develop certain kinds of tumour.
  • Mewme was an old cat not like the playful little kitten that Alison had first encountered after her mother entered her life.
  • I've always found them uncomfy and pointless when there are so many good mascaras out there. The Sun
  • For example, I see in yonder cupboard near which you are standing, several of what you call boxes (but like everything else in Flatland, they have no tops nor bottoms) full of money; I see also two tablets of accounts. Flatland: a romance of many dimensions (Illustrated)
  • This is the principal faultline in today's cabinet. Times, Sunday Times
  • He can still credit marvels, the little miracles and epiphanies that rise out of our daily lives.
  • They could rove at will among the stars, and sink like a subtle mist through the very interstices of space.
  • Yet the video footage shows a man slightly unsteady on his feet. Times, Sunday Times
  • - PBL Media and ninemsn jointly purchased 35% of 3P the owner of Mathletics, a subscription driven website that has 400K students in Aust + NZ using it. 400K Mathletics X $99 Per Annum = 35% ninemsn.
  • This type of political perversion of the law was well known during Hitler's fascist dictatorship.
  • I'm currently enjoying the odd effect of chancing across spoken word excerpts in the original Italian.
  • Jim had hustled over quietly and begun to help out with the horseshoeing, expecting ridicule from the likes of Hugh Glass or old Zeke Williams, who had just arrived at the rendezvous, but, to his surprise, the fact that he was married to a woman of such pure fire produced the very opposite of the effect he had feared. The Berrybender Narratives
  • Their support was greatly appreciated and all within the club are grateful for their help and co-operation.
  • Today he is slightly less bullish about the book and his boardroom skills. Times, Sunday Times
  • Hassan in frequently going to sleep in one town, to awake in another far distant, but without the benighted Oriental's surprise at the transfer, the afrit who performed this prodigy being a steam-engine, and the magician it obeyed the human mind. Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 11, No. 23, February, 1873
  • Soon the seeds in the inflated seed cases of the yellow rattle will be hard and rattle at a brush.
  • But the consumer magazine also noted that people rated the no-frills carriers slightly worse than two years ago.
  • It was the policy of the good old gentlemen to make his chileren feel that home was the happiest place in the world; and I value this delicious home---feeling as one of the choicest gifts a parent can bestow. 
  • Consequently many penalties are cleared just before the finish. Times, Sunday Times
  • Although I was already a fan of both authors, it was this curious title overlap that led me to snatch these two off the New Releases table at my local bookstore. Romi Lassally: My Literary Indiscretions
  • He vanished from the scene, to materialize presently in front of the door.
  • Simply inserting the word "conservation" in the pesticide label and slightly watering down the percentage of the active ingredient, brodifacoum, does not make this rodenticide safe for wildlife, nor will it make it any less persistent. Maggie Sergio: The Proposal to Poison a Wildlife Refuge
  • Recently the firm has been connected with more abortive bids than successes. Times, Sunday Times
  • The chancellor has declined to alter the co-determination of company decisions exercised by management and labor jointly.
  • These positions are frequently referred to respectively as objectivism and constructionism.
  • For no apparently good reason, she told me that she hates the word "coochie" just as much as she hates the word cunt, maybe more. Drbigbeef Diary Entry
  • Its heroes were beastly revellers or cruel and ferocious plunderers; its heroines unsexed hoidens, playing the ugliest tricks with their lovers, and repaying slights with bloody revenge, -- very dangerous and unsatisfactory companions for any other than the fire - eating Vikings and redhanded, unwashed Berserkers. The Conflict with Slavery and Others, Complete, Volume VII, The Works of Whittier: the Conflict with Slavery, Politics and Reform, the Inner Life and Criticism
  • If you look at the guys left in the battle, you ask who is the puppet master, who belongs to who? The Sun
  • A wistful little architectural songwriting gem. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Press of Atlantic City interviewed Kuras, who spoke in confused, broken English.
  • Now the word "prayer" to non-Muslim readers will evoke an image of people perhaps silently clasping their hands together, leaning forward in a pew, and either silently, to themselves, or in a quiet tone, speaking heartfeltly to God. David Horowitz Freedom Center
  • Hats were popular in the eighties though mostly on girls, so wearing my fedora was a given. The Devil’s in the Diva
  • However, even during adulthood we are constantly learning the faces of new individuals, both personal acquaintances and media figures.
  • Apparently, the discovery that Landis is 10,000 years old further proves the fact that he is using performance enhancing steroids. creeky belly Doping ID - The Panda's Thumb
  • From there the year had its high points - two Masters Series titles in Miami and Rome helped with that - but the Grand Slam events continued to pose a problem.
  • Despite his bulk he moved lightly on his feet.
  • A partially blind, poor, black man with little or no book learning outside of the Bible heard a call.
  • We believe that this directly relates to reality programming that has been instilled in our race since its conception.
  • If you manage your overhead costs properly, you will impact directly on your bottom line cost base.
  • An asylum seeker with insulin dependent diabetes has recently had her claim for asylum rejected.
  • Each player has to mime the title of a movie, play or book.
  • His work underscores the aeriality embedded in the rational geometric order of the region’s settlement.
  • You will read for yourself, by and by, many others: stories of older Saints, and perhaps of brighter Saints, or it may be even of saintlier Saints than these. A Book of Quaker Saints
  • Their readings have roots in and derive their stimulus from historical and political schema of dissent outlined in the biblical narratives.
  • Crucial is currently quoting as below, with a ten per cent discount for orders taken online.
  • It is a big sweep of soft, pale coral sand shelving gently into the Ionian sea. The Sun
  • Responsive phylotypes were mostly proteobacteria in the subarctic and California HNLC areas, but no changes were noted in the subantarctic experiments.
  • This is because people who suffer Panic Disorder, when they experience tetany for the first time, often think incorrectly that they are about to die.
  • We've seen how things turned out for Scotland's national football manager; matters are organised no differently in the more modest context that is Scottish shinty.
  • Ribs are straight or slightly biconcave and fade on the ventral surface where they merge into the lateral keel.
  • Currently, 30 percent of Americans are obese, compared with the 4 percent who meet criteria for anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, or binge-eating disorder.
  • Word can say so little when someone cares so much. Mother,I'm wishing that these were a way to tell you the things that I'd so like to say How thankful I am and how very proud,too,to have a wonderful mother like you.
  • Application forms vary greatly in layout and length.
  • This approach can also help identify where non-value-added steps exist in the care delivery process and where bottlenecks occur.
  • He urged booksellers to cooperate to form a nationwide chain of ecumenical book outlets that would be well-funded and professionally run.
  • The landowner instantly conceives a dislike of the dog and demands that she be gotten rid of.
  • The team apparently circumvented locked gates and an alarm system, while the sculpture was in the process of being moved to another location.
  • The operculum illustrated by Reed does not match in outline the conch, and is here considered to be a different taxon.
  • It gave the dish a very subtle flavour, that Port-Salut.
  • Horton looked out over a panorama of fertile valleys and gentle hills.
  • For a start, when you drive through the gate, instead of just driving through just a field of grass, you actually drive through copses of trees and little forests.
  • Instead, I was stuck in my little dorm room, answering the phone every time it rang in case it was Clay.
  • Cooper felt herself instinctively bristle at Sasha's use of the nickname she hated. CIRCLE OF THREE: BOOK 6: RING OF LIGHT
  • ‘The majority of costs are wage costs; there is very little room for manoeuvre,’ he said.
  • And that is exactly why I say "intelligence" in the context of ID is a dormitive principle: Bunny and a Book
  • Did you notice the Google text ads at the top of the guestlist page? Scripting News for 12/28/2006 « Scripting News Annex
  • This was later followed by a second book with the title Migrations.
  • Air in free fall does not convect, which means that everything that heats up has to be cooled by fans; the space shuttle is LOUD inside. 8/4/08: Launch Pad, day 5
  • And this is the cause that disputes with such persons are generally fruitless, especially as immixed with that intemporancy of reviling other men wherein they exceed; for if that be a way either of learning or teaching of the truth, it is what the Scripture hath not instructed us in. Pneumatologia
  • The double nosewheel straddled the slots in the deck where the shuttle ran. THE SHADOWS OF POWER
  • With a full tank of fuel, the weight bias shifts rearwards slightly, which helps traction, as does the standard limited slip differential.
  • A second wave of emigrations of Ashkenazic Jews from Eastern Europe at the end of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries brought larger numbers of Yiddish-speaking, traditional Orthodox Jews into the Seattle community. Weaving Women's Words: Seattle Stories
  • As many as 30 different species grow, among them Alpine bartsia Bartsia alpina, Alpine bistort Polygonum viviparum, Unalaska fleabane Erigeron humilis and thick-leaved whitlow grass Draba crassifolia. Ilulissat Icefjord, Denmark-Greenland
  • One of these gentlemen just happens to be the madwoman's father, a charming chap who seems unfazed by most things in this day and age.
  • Open, and I was quietly confident that I would have a chance, said Leaney, who was forced to change caddies after his original caddie, Justin Hoyle, fell ill after the first round. - Leaney's second at U.S. Open earns PGA Tour card
  • After putting its energy into the 2008 acquisition of Northwest Airlines, the Atlanta-based carrier plans to spend more than $2 billion through 2013 to lure travelers with new flat-bed seats, video on demand and upgraded facilities in hotly contested markets such as New York. Delta Refocuses
  • The countless mini-roundabouts popping up where there just simply isn't room for a roundabout is another danger, increasing the number of small shunts & bumps.
  • ‘Welcome to Scotland, laddie,’ growls Getch in his best through-the-beard burr.
  • This is exactly the kind of nitwittery that mikey is addicted to. published
  • These cattle are one of the purest breeds in Britain.
  • The Communists vastly exaggerated their own Resistance role in order to attract postwar political support.
  • The little dark-brown, doughnut-shaped fritters tasted a whole lot like Indian pakoras, and indeed came with a dish of raita for dipping.
  • Although the World Cup is all encompassing at the moment, when it comes to sport there is no more spine-tingling moment than when 65,000 fans at Murrayfield sing ‘Flower of Scotland’.
  • Marry that fat son of a fat cattle dealer? She would die first!
  • We ordered the store's last six bottles, so we could retaste and also experiment with aging them. Score one for the little guy
  • In the Zirgana mountains large red deer softly returned their gaze from an apprehensive distance.
  • Relying too much on markets for either input supplies or sales outlets places the low unit cost of production that comes with economies of scale at risk.
  • Refreshed and regowned, again in dark colors unrelieved by any bright embroidery, Aene paced nervously along a subtly lit path towards the Castrea residence.
  • The mass media give little background, and what they do is carefully expurgated.
  • Beautiful, green, the remoteness of Exmoor counterpointed by the glorious surf of the Atlantic beaches, coast roads with views of the craggy shoreline. Archive 2009-06-01
  • He also has a deft touch with desserts: The baklava and kadayif are subtle, less sweet and honey-drenched than most.
  • One effortlessly got saturation coverage, the other struggled to get noticed, despite the mandatory presence of a celebrity, a suitably weighty one too.
  • They need to pinpoint exactly what skills are necessary.
  • The course leader outlined the programme we would be following.
  • Not so with this trivial, lawless country club set of the 1920's, drunk part of the time and reckless all of it, codeless, dutiless, restless. Definitions: Essays in Contemporary Criticism
  • Often he found her quietly weeping, but they were never tears of accusation; only tears of regret.
  • If she had a professional title, it would be Dr. Anne Jones and she would use that in her professional life.
  • The alleged sexual and physical assault was inflicted on a young Latvian man at Station Road, Portarlington recently.
  • Together, they were able to mollify workers and quietly implement the destruction of thousands of jobs.
  • Originating in the early 1970's, these were the workhorses of BC's big wood logging operations up and down the coastland.
  • They take up little space and give a real boost to summer and autumn colour. Times, Sunday Times
  • The glass of beer was mostly froth.
  • And there's the very useful little beetle we call the ladybug, which is not a bug, but a beetle. Little Busybodies The Life of Crickets, Ants, Bees, Beetles, and Other Busybodies
  • We were constantly rewarded with stunning scenic views and the satisfaction of navigating challenging terrain with ease, but we didn't get very far, as the crow flies.
  • The bowed zither may seem strange, but is exactly what it appears to be - a violin for zitherists.
  • Thus, transitive verbs in idiomatic expressions frequently will not passivize (the cowboy kicked the bucket, but not * the bucket was kicked by the cowboy). VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol III No 4
  • Close to the mangroves a big hawksbill turtle surfaced then lay motionless in the sunshine, no doubt sunbathing.
  • The beast was as huge as an aurochs, its glossy midnight mane shining in the sunlight as it pawed the ground restlessly with one forehoof.
  • I disagreed with something…kind of bristled at how something was characterized and was piled on. Scott Brown Posed in Cosmo’s Center-Fold 28 Years Ago — And So What? - Dan_Perrin’s blog - RedState
  • Thousands died on the seas while they were being shipped like caged cattle between continents.
  • Upon noticing the new appliance, he stomped his little feet and clapped with joy.
  • Yes, there were aberrations like the American Civil War and the Franco-Prussian War, but mostly it was a period of peace.
  • What links the eyes of these three coffins, beside the fact that all are painted, is that the inner canthus--the corner of the eye near the nose--descends abruptly and abuts the upper lid, giving them an East Asian appearance. Archive 2008-03-01
  • For 10,000,000 years during the Miocene, Pliocene and Pleistocene epochs this area was a fiery inferno of constant volcanic activity and magnificent giants such as the Grizaba, La Malinche, Iztaccihuatl, Popocatepetl, Volcan de Toluca and Volcan de Colima, along with thousands of smaller volcanic cones, came into eruptive existence. The geology and geography of Lake Chapala and western Mexico
  • Some might say the club have taken refuge in recent years in the rosy glow of their triumph of 1967 so they might be as well moving permanently to the Portuguese capital.
  • This is not by any means the only instance of financial incompetence on the part of our various Scottish ancestors, nor indeed of the tendency to resort to violence, and those patterns offer surprisingly little reassurance from the genetic standpoint. Archive 2009-03-01
  • Firstly, the board excerpt below represents an endgame situation. Times, Sunday Times
  • In addition, experimental flowers that matured a fruit (and therefore received a visit) had significantly larger corollas compared with corollas of flowers that did not initiate a fruit.
  • A short fellow with a refined bearing, Gavaskar consistently got hundreds and double-hundreds against top-class bowling.
  • He said the operators of two steel fishing vessels recently reported losses of HK $50,000 a month while the operators of two sampans said they had lost around HK $20,000.
  • A copyreader might not find it perfect, for the assault is allotted too much space and the pursuit too little, but it tells the story in its baldest aspect. Newspaper Reporting and Correspondence A Manual for Reporters, Correspondents, and Students of Newspaper Writing
  • Those of us who have greasy skin face a constant battle against shine and spots. The Sun

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