How To Use Titular In A Sentence

  • Sadly, she is to be the author of the titular article, inspired by the third-date dumping of her friend.
  • Burt also confirmed he would step down from his role as governor of the Bank of Scotland, a titular post formerly held by Sir Jack Shaw, but that a successor will not be announced until early January.
  • performed well in the titular (or title) role
  • The other advocates are called titular or simple advocates. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 1: Aachen-Assize
  • Claudius Nero, the titular president of the court, made no attempt to run it; he sat mumchance and let Verres and Rubrius do that. Fortune's Favorites
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  • Set to Rossini's titular score, it chivvies and inspires its dancers to delicious extremes of virtuosity, extravagantly sustained poses, scintillating footwork and wicked speeds. This week's new dance
  • The Queen is titular head of the Church of England.
  • One of the most profoundly beautiful reggae songs ever made, Fisherman bathes the daily grind in a spiritual light, naming its titular anglers after four of the disciples (dubbed Fishers of Men by Jesus), though it's not known whether the original apostles also stopped off to see the local collie man. Expecting Rain
  • The presidency would become increasingly titular and ceremonial, relying on advisors to run the day to day affairs of government.
  • Immediately on the endowment of a Majorat, and on the production of letters-patent, the titulary will be entered in the great-book of the public debt, for an unalienable revenue, according to the amount of his majorat. Memoirs To Illustrate The History Of My Time Volume 1
  • In this case, the neighbourhood is Queens, the young man is newcomer Rob Brown, and the mentor character is Sean Connery, who plays the titular Forrester, a reclusive, J.D. Salingeresque author.
  • Sharing the frame with a jukebox, he begins to speak about the film, declaring it to be about the culture and grace of music, but his voice is drowned out by the raucous titular song.
  • The Queen could perform a useful constitutional role, as titular Head of State, but there's no reason on earth why they should continue to enjoy their wealth simply because we don't want the bother of electing a President.
  • All are male and belong to the titular nationality of their country, therefore gender and ethnicity were not considered in any depth.
  • All are male and belong to the titular nationality of their country, therefore gender and ethnicity were not considered in any depth.
  • The targets of the titular hunt are mostly clean-cut fellows with rippled, reflective abs.
  • Between several titulars of the same see but of different rites the order is that of the date of their preconization. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 11: New Mexico-Philip
  • With the advent of the vicinages and the Governors, his rule became more of a titular one, though he still commanded a great deal of support from the people at large.
  • of titular rank
  • Stripped of its activism, the book's titular search for Afro-Asian solidarity could be read as an increasingly monastic pursuit, as the dream of a global alliance against imperialism is passed from one individual to the next.
  • The figure of fun here is the titular heroine, an ill-favored but supremely self-confident marsh nymph so convinced of her feminine charms that she sets out to land the king of the gods himself.
  • He is titular head, and merely signs laws occasionally.
  • a fixed grade, being titular -- that is churches over which cardinals of the order of priests are placed -- or deaconries -- churches over which are placed cardinal-deacons. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 13: Revelation-Stock
  • Sylvain Gaboury/Patrick McMullan Bonnie Englebardt Lautenberg with Sen. Chuck Schumer The newsman was the evening's emcee, cracking jokes for local politicians who came out to support the S.L.E. Lupus Foundation, which helps fund research to combat its titular ailment. Local Politicians Gather to Aid Lupus Research
  • titulary rights
  • The title and the frankly freaky sculptured titular bunnies on the cover might put you off (you know, like they would).
  • the titular theme of the book
  • That's why they all have a so-called titular church here that they become responsible for. CNN Transcript Apr 8, 2005
  • the nominal (or titular) head of his party
  • He's just signed on to play Darren in an updated version of the titular '60s sitcom - under the condition that the producers cast a no-name for the role of Samantha.
  • Before the truth finally comes out, the titular wives manage to bury Falstaff in filthy laundry and costume local children as fairies to "pinch him sound and burn him with their tapers.
  • The exempt archbishops are called titular archbishops, i.e. they possess only the title of archbishop, have no suffragan bishops, and administer a diocese. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 5: Diocese-Fathers of Mercy
  • A titular see of Phœ; nicia Secunda, suffragan of Damascus, and the seat of two Uniat archdioceses (Greek Melchite and Syrian). The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 5: Diocese-Fathers of Mercy
  • Billions die, but the titular American heroes remain unvanquished.
  • The titular ghosts of the title, Lord Byron, Lord Nelson and Queen Bodicea, are spectral bodies who aide and guide our heroes through the treacherous realm of the demonic forces.
  • Truth is, the titular subject is entirely ostensible, which is both the film's charm and its greatest limitation," writes GreenCine Daily
  • So I say, not titularly, not nominally, not so counterfeitly, but the self-same in nature with the Father (John 1: 1,2, 1 John 5: 7, Phil 2: 6). Works of John Bunyan — Volume 02
  • The Host South Korea, Joon-ho Bong Not quite a daikaiju, the titular monster is only about the size of an allosaur. Kenneth Hite's Journal
  • The titular porch may only be figurative, but the dulcifying vibe of a laid-back afternoon hang amongst congenial compadres comes across loud and clear.
  • The bishop was also titular abbot of the Benedictine monastery in the town, and the head of the household of monks bore the title of prior, but was mitred like an abbot. A River So Long
  • A titular see, suffragan of Antinoe in Thebais Prima; the ancient Apu or Khimmin which the Greeks made Khemmis and Panopolis, capital of the Panopolitan "nomos" or district; one of the most important towns of Upper Egypt made famous by the god Mîn. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 11: New Mexico-Philip
  • In "Avatar, " the Na'vi are basically alien hippies; in "Aliens, " the titular creatures are remorseless, bloodthirsty xenomorphs.
  • Although Rush, lately, has become a rather titular bloviator due to crossing the line into outright falsehood. Women’s health is not a “social issue” « Dating Jesus
  • As an intruder has no true title to receive the revenues of the benefice which he uncanonically holds, he is bound in conscience to make restitution of what are ill-gotten gains to the lawful titular. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 8: Infamy-Lapparent
  • So designating the father as the titular head of the family seemed to compensate in small measure for this power imbalance.
  • The titular reference is to what she learned from her grandfather, a rabbi and scholar of the Kabbalah.
  • Before the truth finally comes out, the titular wives manage to bury Falstaff in filthy laundry and costume local children as fairies to "pinch him sound and burn him with their tapers.
  • The synod is composed of the patriarch, metropolitans, provincial bishops, as well as the titular bishops and archimandrites appointed by the patriarch.
  • After all, Prince Charles will be, one day, if he becomes king, titular head of the Church of England.
  • The powerful Colonna family, whose antecedents included Pope Martin V, had become titular rulers of Caravaggio's native Duchy of Milan, and showed a solicitous concern for his welfare on several occasions.
  • Prince Charles will be titular head of the Church of England if he becomes monarch, which we all hope he will one day.
  • Besides the 10 regular cathedral canons, the archdiocese contains 8 titular stalls, 9 titular abbacies, and 10 titular provostships. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 8: Infamy-Lapparent
  • “Johnny Berlin” follows the titular train porter (a cross between a maid and a bellboy) as he carries out his tour of duty aboard a refurbished 1930s luxury train travelling up and down the West coast. Current Movie Reviews, Independent Movies - Film Threat
  • But for a whole generation Alex Chilton is best-known as the titular subject of a Replacements song. Deadspin
  • It is sad to hear the veteran struggling with Rossini's florid music as the titular Turk, and both buffo baritones are, frankly, provincial.
  • Quebec was not erected into a bishop's see until 1670, when its bishop was no longer called titular Bishop of Petræa, but Bishop of Quebec. The Conquest of Canada (Vol. 1 of 2)
  • For Penny, a largely titular position and tolerance of lax management seem out of character.
  • To refuse to blame the system is to assume a certain power, the way a pretender assumes a royal title or titular duchy or two.
  • Its most famous use is titular, however; the Venerable Bede was a Benedictine monk and scholar who lived in seventh-century England. No Uncertain Terms
  • Cumberland District Indian Missions, in 1903, to his appointment as director of Duck Lake Indian Industrial school, and, in 1910, to his preconization as titular Bishop of Berenice and Vicar Apostolic of The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 16 [Supplement]
  • He is titular head, and merely signs laws occasionally.
  • In 1677, he became a titular bishop, and spent the rest of his life ministering to the minority Roman Catholic populations in northern Germany, Denmark, and Norway.
  • Most inhabitants of the titular nation consider their Moldovan identity as their central political one but their Romanian identity as culturally essential.
  • The titular parade was a real event that occurred every Easter, where everyone would walk down Fifth Avenue decked out in their Easter finery.
  • In the conservatory of a small west London hotel, Cesar Millan - better known as the titular star of the hit programme - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • Even though the Queen is the titular head of the government, her role is more ceremonial than substantive.
  • Despite the suppression a number of monks remained on in Duiske and titular abbots continued to be appointed up to 1686.
  • He came to the colony, as we have seen, a fortuneless adventurer -- highly recommended, indeed; while the special protection he obtained from the Governor, with the titular and more solid favors he obtained at court, made him a competitor to all other commercialists, whom it was impossible to contend with directly. The Great Events by Famous Historians, Volume 12
  • It is also in the secret consistory that the cardinals receive from the pope the cardinal's ring, are appointed to some titular church or deaconry, exercise the option of passing from one titular church to another, and of ascending from the order of deacons and priests to the order of priests and bishops respectively. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 4: Clandestinity-Diocesan Chancery
  • Gilb's portrayal of the titular character is particularly striking, effortlessly balancing eroticism and repugnance in each swoop of her floor-length gown.
  • titular dignitaries
  • Other than on special occasions---and with handling Sulieman--- Melton's position is purely titular. DEVIL'S BRIDE
  • John Critchley scored the movie, while Ian Blurton penned three original songs for the titular character's fictional band.
  • Best of all, Silverman touches all the milestones and wet spots of the titular affliction, medically known as enuresis: parents who get up at night with the bedwetting child, fear of embarrassment on a sleepover, the electric pad in the bed that jolts the child awake with its alarm, the prescient doctor who declares early on that she'll outgrow it (and she does). Top Stories
  • Completing the programme is a revival of Ashton's La Valse, his elegant demonic setting of Ravel's titular score, and Winter Dreams, Kenneth MacMillan's concentrated adaptation of Chekhov's Three Sisters. This week's new dance
  • Come to think of it, if I was a socialist leader (in a real and not titular sense), and Castro had saved me from a coup attempt while offering free doctors and so on, I don't know that I would turn it down.
  • The double-headed eagle, the bordure bizantée, and the demilion charged with bezants, are all evident derivations from the armorial bearings of Richard, titular king of the Romans, Earl of Notes and Queries, Number 15, February 9, 1850
  • Based on a true 18th Century Japanese story, the film follows a band of samurai swordsmen who are shamed into becoming the titular ronin — a Japanese word meaning lordless samurai, and must avenge the death of their master. Carl Erik Rinsch to Direct 47 Ronin | /Film
  • The imperial court in Kyoto was downgraded to a purely titular power.
  • Kemp was created a titular cardinal in 1439, recognition of his political stature; he rarely visited York diocese.
  • In Robert Bloch’s short story "The Unforgivable Sin", mopery is the titular indiscretion BLAH BLAH JLA FLASH ADAM BRODY BLAH
  • The song's titular scream provides the frozen emotional centerpiece for a feverish and insistent dirge, and a rare moment of absolute release amidst an album often marked by a chilling sense of emotional confinement.
  • I cannot recall the exact source offhand, Sumer I think but compound imagery was the mode of explaining cosmogenesis and theogony in pre-literate and pari-literate times and we find the residue of similar explicatory "myths" in subsequent sets of icons such as Anahita, whose personification of a complete cornucopia is evident in her titulary associations with "water" and all living things. Disagreement Behind the Scenes
  • Like a number of her other works (including Giuliana, Real Girl, and Green Rooster, whose titular fowl is shown crowing at a television set), this piece provides clues to her system of visual cueing.
  • Before the truth finally comes out, the titular wives manage to bury Falstaff in filthy laundry and costume local children as fairies to "pinch him sound and burn him with their tapers.
  • And that's as exciting as it gets because thereafter, despite that titular quote from The Tempest and all that suggestive battening down of hatches, Petronio delivers a flat calm. Stephen Petronio Company; Onegin – review
  • His position as chief executive was seemingly titular under Johnson, as he was never implicated in any of the police or FA investigations.
  • He was sent with his mother to Ludlow in 1473 to be titular ruler of Wales and the Welsh Marches, staying there for much of the rest of his father's reign.
  • I'm sucked in to politics right now like a hungry tick on a bloodhound which means I've heard Joe Lieberman say the word titular one too many times today. Random Pre-Debate Political Observation of the Day
  • The Queen is titular head of the Church of England.
  • On the opener ‘I Don't Blame You,’ the singer is accompanied by a simple piano melody, adding more power to the accusation her voice harbors despite the song's titular disclaimer.
  • Having knocked on the door of the small theatre space in question and whispered the password to a masked doorwoman, I entered and awaited the arrival of the titular Doc Wuthergloom, who I believe I'm permitted to tell you is played by playwright, puppeteer and magician Woolfe. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • The key to watching the film was to realize it wasn't the story of the titular Lisbon sisters; rather it was the story of the boys who fetishized them.
  • Mr. R---- d of Bowland, a gentleman of landed property in the vale of Gala, was prosecuted for a very considerable sum, the accumulated arrears of teind (or tithe) for which he was said to be indebted to a noble family, the titulars (lay impropriators of the tithes.) The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 13, No. 375, June 13, 1829
  • Every touch is just right - from the titular gaslights, which flicker eerily in the darkness, to the intensely cramped Victorian-era London house that Paula and Gregory occupy.
  • The audience is first shown the titular ocean liner and its passengers and crew during its heyday.
  • Using short, clipped sentences (dropping articles and pronouns from the beginnings of sentences, creating a weird but powerful effect) VanderMeer tells readers the story of the titular character, a detective in the city of Ambergris as he attempts to solve a double murder of a human and a gray cap. REVIEW: Finch by Jeff VanderMeer
  • So you would think that, as a result, his titular track The One and Only - the song that made and perhaps broke him - would hold sour memories.
  • San Lorenzo, on the contrary, is a titular when the chancellor ia of the order of priests, and a deaconry when he is a cardinal-deacon. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 13: Revelation-Stock
  • The Queen, titular head of the Church of England, received him at Buckingham Palace.
  • The titular blackmailer is saying gimme 75 grand, or get to experience Amber Death. Archive 2007-07-01
  • Punchinello" features the titular clown and is essentially a song that encourages mirroring. Epinions Recent Content for Home
  • Adjunct, ad hominem, associate, emeritus, honorary, regius, special, visiting, titular. Times, Sunday Times
  • However, his leadership is more titular than real.
  • He was a monk at 8 and a titular abbot at 13.
  • Unhappily for titular lead Kevin James and his fellow cast members, I suspect the highest and lowest beasts on the food chain would review the very hindquarters off it, in a wild and vengeful feeding frenzy, fiercely brandishing every last claw, tusk, talon and tooth. Zookeeper is a strange animal - a kids' movie for none of the family
  • As the titular chancellor of all government-funded universities, Tung has the final say - symbolically, at least - over all academic matters.
  • Prince Charlie cam 'hame' to Rome; and the refusal there of even a titular kingship. Pickle the Spy; Or, the Incognito of Prince Charles
  • LUXURIA collects the first volume of CASANOVA as its titular star transforms from devil-may-care thrill-seeker into the most dangerous man in the world. Image Sneak Peek of the Week | Major Spoilers - Comic Book Reviews and News
  • Hugh Jackman dons the titular part with imposing gusto and gives it charm and authority.
  • Cuando el sábado a la mañana el diario ABC trajo en tapa el titular “SALUD DICE QUE TODO ESTA CONTROLADO” la rabia y la impotencia me ganaron. Global Voices in English » Paraguay: As the H1N1 Virus Spreads
  • Although not always the case, the political advantages of an ethnic region are linked to whether a republic's leaders represent the titular nationality.
  • The real highlight of the movie is Brendan Fraser as the titular caveman.
  • They bear symbolic, titular power whilst real power has migrated elsewhere.
  • There's a wonderful passage in Michael Tolin's book, ‘The Player’, in which the titular Hollywood executive Griffin Mill waxes venomous about ‘civilians’.
  • And keep an eye on what eventually happens to that titular tassie. David Finkle: First Nighter: Sean O'Casey's Silver Tassie a Challenging Lincoln Center Festival Puzzle
  • The figure of fun here is the titular heroine, an ill-favored but supremely self-confident marsh nymph so convinced of her feminine charms that she sets out to land the king of the gods himself.
  • Greg and Ginsey at it like bonobo pygmy chimps with a couple of dwarfs purchased in Walmart - discount for poets - no, no make that a brehon to go, de-capped lower case no need for titular bullshit. Irish Blogs
  • If having an 80 percent titular majority has helped Lithuania consolidate a democracy, it did not help Russia, and it had a ruinous effect on Uzbekistan.
  • When another woman breaks into song in the following scene, it becomes clear that we must endure a song by each of the titular group prancing around in front of the camera.
  • The titular hero does not appear in propria persona to take a prominent part in the action until late in the novel, though he appears in disguise earlier.
  • The next nawab, his nephew Azim-ud-Daula, had to give up much of his powers and territory and became the first titular Nawab of the Carnatic.
  • The first Blade film was surprisingly awesome - Wesley Snipes was perfect as the titular vampire hunter, and the movie had really well-choreographed action sequences, a great look, and some very creative touches.
  • You've no doubt guessed the festive twist already; yes, instead of trundling around sunny southern Europe, the titular charabanc will slowly wend its way to Lapland, culminating in a meeting with "the real Father Christmas". It's a good week for … Spurious Festive Specials
  • Several of Russia's national districts unilaterally raised themselves to the higher form, but only five of what came to be twenty-one national republics inside Russia had a majority of the titular nationality.
  • It is inconceivable that a future King of England would consider marrying outside his own Church, since the moment he assumes the throne, he will become the titular head of the Church of England.
  • Predictably, the monks fought him tooth and nail; ruthlessly, the archbishop, who was their titular abbot, exiled them and broke their resistance.
  • The strength of this study can be found in its identification of themes that board chairs utilize to enhance their ability to assume a true leadership position rather than simply fulfilling a titular role.

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