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  1. to walk with a lofty proud gait, often in an attempt to impress others
    He struts around like a rooster in a hen house

How To Use tittup In A Sentence

  • He was tittupping up and down on his little feet in front of them. The Years
  • The torrent of knocks roared louder, slightly failed upon the ear, made a crescendo, emulated Niagara, surpassed that very American effort of nature, wavered, faltered to Lodore, died away to a feeble tittup like water dropping from a tap to flagstones, rose again in a final spurt that would have made Southey open his dictionary for adjectives, and drained away to death. The Prophet of Berkeley Square
  • But these things, like good companions, stupid people early cease to observe; and the Abstract Bagman tittups past in his spring gig, and is positively not aware of the flowers along the lane, or the scenery of the weather overhead. The Works of Robert Louis Stevenson - Swanston Edition Vol. 1 (of 25)
  • A tittupping scratchy little walker meant a nervous scratchy little galloper. Penalty
  • Decked-out in plenitude of bling and leather, the models tittuped and slunk down the runway.
  • Ahead of him Sulla could see Gaius Julius Caesar’s women tittupping along on the high cork soles and higher cork heels of their winter shoes, sweet little feet elevated above the water in the middens. The First Man in Rome
  • He tittupped on the spot and did a little rocking horse a couple of times, but I actually enjoyed it!
  • But these things, like good companions, stupid people early cease to observe: and the Abstract Bagman tittups past in his spring gig, and is positively not aware of the flowers along the lane, or the scenery of the weather overhead. An Inland Voyage
  • The ‘tittupping’ voice pursued him entering the tube lift. The White Monkey
  • To his credit be it said, Jack paid little attention to them, tittupping along, head up, tail up, only when they came too close turning on them with a flash of white teeth that sent the cowardly brutes flying and brought cries of delight from the village folk who crowded nearer to inspect the strange dog, so small, so brave, and so friendly. A Wayfarer in China Impressions of a trip across West China and Mongolia
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