How To Use titre In A Sentence
- Shoots with 1-2 trifoliate leaves of 3-week-old seedlings were incubated in microtitre plate wells with assay solution in a growth chamber, 16/8 h day/night regime, 21°C.
- From the data obtained by estimating the "titre," iodine number, and saponification equivalent of the mixed fatty and rosin acids, and the rosin content, a fairly good idea of the constitution of the soap may be deduced. The Handbook of Soap Manufacture
- Il ne me reste plus qu'a souhaiter que l'auteur nous donne maintenant une traduction d'un autre ouvrage, tres precieux, qu'il a publie recemment sous ce titre: _The Violin and its Music_ The Violin Its Famous Makers and Their Imitators
- Determine the _titre_ of the medium in "inoculated" and "control" flasks as described in the preparation of nutrient media (_vide_ page The Elements of Bacteriological Technique A Laboratory Guide for Medical, Dental, and Technical Students. Second Edition Rewritten and Enlarged.
- Though significantly high titres indicate an acute infection, rise in titres of antibodies in serum samples collected one week apart is diagnostic.
- Mar. 4th, 2010 08: 28 pm (UTC) "Hydrarguros" has sold to Subterranean Press - à juste titre. "The needle sticks and the penny drops."
- There were a number of reports which seemed to confirm that there are increased antibody titres to herpes simplex type 2 in cervical cancer patients. Harald zur Hausen - Interview
- In those days the Allée des Veuves in the Champs Elysees had a "fief reservé des Ebugors" [FN#423] -- "veuve" in the language of Sodom being the maîtresse en titre, the favourite youth. Arabian nights. English
- It may also be possible to extend the diagnostic discrimination using cytokeratin subtype classification, neuroendocrine status, or serological antibody titres.
- Castlemaine: the pregnant, meddling, opinionated, rich, and still powerful maîtresse en titre. Exit the Actress