How To Use Titillation In A Sentence
It's like titillation value was more important than ability to touch or affect other people's lives.
Its tone is one of parlour room titillation blended with out and out Lynchian weirdness - a fantastically inventive and darkly funny film that unsettles and unnerves the audience.
There are moments of titillation and suspense, but ultimately the movie is heavy on concept, not content.
Andrew Horn's documentary keeps just the right chilled distance from its evanescent subject matter and pays due reverence to Klaus without falling into titillation or fandom.
We ape the worst of tabloid titillation in a relentless downward drive of tacky exploitation.

Starving men may think much about food, but so do gluttons; the gorged, as well as the famished, like titillations.
It is one where the clear purpose of extensive coverage was titillation.
FLUFF APPRECIATION DAY (In honor of all those who excel in the art of bureaucratic bafflegab, delightful double-speak, and twisted-tongued titillations)
The answer often lies as much in titillation as in antinomianism.
A strange and pleasant titillation of all his nerves, somewhat similar to that which in the morning convinces a man that he has had a refreshing and healing sleep, seemed to hint to him that here he was not the usual neuropathic therapeutist of Ashbury fame, not a mere specialist spectator, but an acting figure, a participator in this family affair.
Too Old for Dolls A Novel
And since the rest of the book is rather bland, it seems that it's this kind of titillation which is responsible for the explosive popularity of this novel.
Ilana Teitelbaum: The Girl Who Read Enough of Stieg Larsson
Lane suggests that idea of dramatizing this tale — “a low-grade musing on atrocity, garnished with erotic titillation” — was “pernicious from the start.”
2008 December « One-Minute Book Reviews
Besides this, when these nerves are moved a little more powerfully than usual, but not nevertheless to the degree by which our body is in any way hurt, there thus arises a sensation of titillation, which is naturally agreeable to the mind, because it testifies to it of the powers of the body with which it is joined, [in that the latter can suffer the action causing this titillation, without being hurt].
The Selections from the Principles of Philosophy
The kind of titillation his writing used to represent seems almost quaint now -- what curious adolescent these days needs to turn to literature for this sort of enlightenment?
Alex Henry: Henry Miller and a Sunday in Big Sur
Several months ago, Lewes District Council in East Sussex tried to address the problem of inadvertent place-name titillation by saying that "street names which could give offense" would no longer be allowed on new roads.
Andrea Harner
The downy cloth of our meeting mounts was now of real use to break the violence of the tilt; and soon, too soon indeed! the highwrought agitation, the sweet urgency of this to-and-fro friction, raised the titillation on me to its height; so that finding myself on the point of going, and loath to leave the tender partner of my joys behind me, I employed all the forwarding motions and arts my experience suggested to me, to promote his keeping me company to our journey's end.
Fanny Hill, Part V
The film is littered with scenes that exist only for the titillation of the male audience.
Despite the vast amount of pseudo love-making taking place, the scenes raise nothing in the way of sexual titillation.
Creating an aura of titillation will cause album sales to skyrocket.
It can only imagine the kind of titillation he induces live in person.
Midterm Roundup
But nature could not long endure a pleasure that it so highly provoked without satisfying it: pursuing then its darling end, the battery recommenced with redoubled exertion; nor lay I inactive on my side, but encountering him with all the impetuosity of motion I was mistress of, the downy cloth of our meeting mount was now of real use to break the violence of the tilt; and soon, indeed! the highwrought agitation, the sweet urgency of this to-and-fro friction, raised the titillation on me to its height; so that finding myself on the point of going, and loath to leave the tender partner of my joys behind me, I employed all the forwarding motions and arts my experience suggested to me, to promote his keeping me company to our journey's end.
Memoirs Of Fanny Hill A New and Genuine Edition from the Original Text (London, 1749)
My best-friend, Lori, who had an older brother and knew everything, confirmed this story, and once, to my extreme titillation, even acted it out for me.
By the mid-1520s Wyatt was one of Henry's "Esquires of the Body" – part servant, part playmate, part bodyguard – and a keen participant in the Henrician craze for chivalric games and tourneys, as well as the endless round of amorous banter and titillation which went under the guise of "courtly love".
The Many Lives of Thomas Wyatt by Nicola Shulman - review
American does not run on Dunkin ', it runs on spectacularity, titillation and cheap thrills.
Why the Focus on Tiger-Sh*t?
There is no doubt that the Women's Institute spawned a bit of a monster, and that some naked calendars will always stray into the realms of Nuts-style titillation, which is sad; but on the whole I believe they are a good thing, and, if done right, they can still be inspirational, liberating and fun.
The Guardian World News
It seemed an odd sort of voyeurism, titillation without a tittle of anything much going on, boredom elevated to a modern art form.
They became regular fare at many drive-ins and small theaters catering especially to young audiences looking for thrills and titillation .
That TV show is nothing but titillation . It's got no substance.
Cheap tracts and single sheet broadsides fed an apparently insatiable popular appetite for novelty, sensation and titillation.
The tattle and titillation only makes him redouble attempts to disclose his real self and we're slowly becoming suffocated under the continued weight of his effort.
Anita Gates, in the NYT, reviews a play that seems to be hoping cash in on "Vagina Monologues"-style title titillation by calling itself "Orgasms.
Oh, the pain of being a theater reviewer!
The media presenting the images like pornography, with a mixture of outrage and titillation.
Briefs, in short, offers a mischievous mix of up-close thrills and rib-tickling titillation.
Times, Sunday Times
Cheap tracts and single sheet broadsides fed an apparently insatiable popular appetite for novelty, sensation and titillation.
Several months ago, Lewes District Council in East Sussex tried to address the problem of inadvertent place-name titillation by saying that "street names which could give offence" would no longer be allowed on new roads. - Home Page
All of the shots have a voyeuristic purpose intended to satisfy the desire for titillation among television viewers.