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How To Use Tithe In A Sentence

  • It is written in Attic Greek, with much studiedly antithetical rhetoric and frequent verbal borrowings from the classical authors.
  • Or, conversely, isn't the character of modern American life strangely illuminated by -- and compatible with -- that entity that is so often described as antithetical to it, the mafia? Critical Mass
  • The WSJ recently had an article about an antitheist ‘preacher’ as it were, who was giving anti-religious sermons to large crowds in France. Matthew Yglesias » The New Atheism
  • He's going to tithe 10 percent of his winnings to the church.
  • Is not this concentrated respect for the object as a specimen the very antithesis of the arts in education?
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  • Does your masonry promote multitheism or does it promote monotheism?
  • Ishmael, consequently, also investigates the antithetical approach, the method of pure subjective perception.
  • his theory is the antithesis of mine
  • Thus far, the data show a recurring rhetorical pattern in which vulnerable groups were identified as antithetical to the core values attributed by the host to himself, his audience, and the nation. Kety Esquivel: UCLA Study, Hate Speech on Commercial Talk Radio, Affirms NCLR's We Can Stop the Hate Campaign
  • All we ask is that you will hold back a tithe of the dues you pay to the abbey, and pay them instead to the town for murage and pavage. St. Peter's Fair
  • I met wi 'twa dink quines in particular, ane o' them a sonsie, fine, fodgel lass, baith braw and bonnie; the tither was clean-shankit, straught, tight, weelfar'd winch, as blythe's a lintwhite on a flowerie thorn, and as sweet and modest's a new-blawn plumrose in a hazle shaw. The Complete Works of Robert Burns: Containing his Poems, Songs, and Correspondence. With a New Life of the Poet, and Notices, Critical and Biographical by Allan Cunningham
  • It's certainly antithetical to left wing politics, which requires you to remain engaged and would require the artist to include politics in his art.
  • The princes of the West assumed the cross in order to appropriate to their own use the tithes which, for the defrayal of crusade expenses, they had levied upon the property of the clergy. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 4: Clandestinity-Diocesan Chancery
  • I stand here today humbled works on antithesis, a putting of terms into opposition with each other, whereby stand, apart from connoting the witness stand and stealing some of its sincerity, erects an uprightness to contrast with the lowness of humbled, from the Latin humus, meaning earth. BREAKFAST WITH SOCRATES
  • Some of the most rapidly growing towns in the mid-nineteenth century were the very antithesis of industrial centres: these were the seaside resorts, fashionable spas, and tourist attractions, such as Rome.
  • This may by some readers be attributed to the absence of that dashing _caricatura_ style and constant aiming at antitheses, which, if it relieve the vapidness of the story, does not add to its natural attractions. The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 19, No. 553, June 23, 1832
  • For the few days of Passover, chametz and matzah are antithetical.
  • Anti-clerical knights of the shire who wished to disendow the Church, riotous tenants of an unpopular abbey, parishioners who refused to pay their tithes, would often be called The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 9: Laprade-Mass Liturgy
  • This idea of the tithe comes from scripture; the Bible lays down that farmers in the land of Israel should set aside tithes of cattle, sheep, and produce, for priests and Levites (who were a public charge) and for the poor.
  • Steep and antithetic platy structure of rock mass and geomorphology of the longitudinal valley in the dam site area cause wide-range toppling deformation on the cross-strait slope.
  • I think the label 'antitheist' is a swell idea, and count me in. Armed and Dangerous
  • The dictionary as a mode of literature is the antithesis of automatic writing, that disembodied burbling of the unconscious.
  • These latter included wills, churches and churchyards, religious obligations, tithes, marriage, slander, and sorcery.
  • But to suggest that the conflict was over political rather than intellectual matters is to introduce a false antithesis.
  • He ordered detailed cadastral surveys in order to determine whether a tithe of produce or a fixed impost on agricultural land would be the most efficient method of taxing agricultural revenues.
  • The Edmonton Oilers dynasty of the 1980s was the direct antithesis of the Flyers.
  • Members can tithe online by setting up automatic account withdrawals managed by the church.
  • Although she left the church officially, she still tithes
  • Othello's account of the origins of the handkerchief, another example of this discoursal antithesis, combines, in a contrastive fugal pattern, domestic detail and the mystical sublime of an empowering love.
  • If, however, a field be bought with the profits of usury, the usurer is bound to pay tithes on the produce, because the latter is not gotten usuriously but given by God. Summa Theologica, Part II-II (Secunda Secundae) Translated by Fathers of the English Dominican Province
  • Here in that contrast, the antithesis between the interests of Consumers' and Producers' Co-operation is sharply presented.
  • [*] Though the judge's portrait, reprinted in White Heat, suggests the very antithesis of Byronic romance, it was very likely Lord in whose arms Emily Dickinson was reputedly once seen "reclining" in the Homestead parlor by her scandalized neighbor/sister-in-law Susan Dickinson. The Woman in White
  • This extravagant praise, moreover, takes the form of far-fetched metaphors, antitheses, hyperboles, superlatives, elaborate syntax, etc.
  • That selfish behavior is the antithesis of what ‘good’ Christians are taught.
  • Another mode is the antithesis of rhythmical quantities through verse catalepsis. Harvard Psychological Studies, Volume 1 Containing Sixteen Experimental Investigations from the Harvard Psychological Laboratory.
  • In the tithe map this ford is marked, the only one in that neighbourhood, and the cottage is also marked exactly in the position mentioned by Fanny, the only building so placed. Juniper Hall: A Rendezvous of Certain Illustrious Personages during the French Revolution, Including Alexandre D'Arblay and Fanny Burney
  • The play, after all, is the very antithesis of the romantic drama its enigmatic title might suggest.
  • It is also to be noted that the dialectical process is not simply from thesis and antithesis to final synthesis; it is an eternal, open-ended spiral of development.
  • So instead of having to levy an extra tithe of his income, Jones will get to pocket the scratch.
  • Vis-a-vis entitlement: my main objection to Sen. Clinton's candidacy is my abiding belief that political dynasties are antithetic to democracy. Richardson Defends Bill Clinton From McCarthyism Charge ��� But Blasts Carville
  • It is the antithesis of the still-prevailing Greek worldview which adulates logic and the laws of nature as absolute.
  • She is slim and shy - the very antithesis of her sister.
  • Dividend pay-outs and share buy-backs are by no means antithetical to business investment.
  • Welsh nationalism was about neither land nor Home Rule but was founded on the Nonconformist campaign to disestablish the Anglican Church, which was maintained by the payment of tithes.
  • For a great number in both the academic world and in the public, apocalyptic thought is directly antithetical to the supposedly enlightened and rational methodology of science.
  • Soglia (Institut, Canon, II, 12) says "The law of tithes can never be abrogated by prescription or custom, if the ministers of the Church have no suitable and sufficient provision from other sources; because then the natural and divine law, which can neither be abrogated not antiquate, commands that the tithe be paid. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 14: Simony-Tournon
  • The antithesis of light and day, or the opposite.
  • It would probably have led on to granting Catholics exemption from tithes and the authority of Anglican courts.
  • A culture of violence is antithetical to the church's traditional teaching.
  • But I will require a tax, a tithe, a fine for your failures. WATER BOOK TWO: REUNION
  • How do we put the needs of the church to operate its ministries before the members - and how do the members reconcile this need with God's call to them to tithe?
  • Poetic prose may not be the best prose, just as (to use a false antithesis) dull poetry is called prosaic; but there is no natural antagonism between prose and verse as literary mediums, provided always that the spirit that animates them be akin. Recollections of Dante Gabriel Rossetti
  • In fact, nearly one million unchurched adults tithe their income, usually to parachurch ministries.
  • Barleycorn sends his White Logic, the argent messenger of truth beyond truth, the antithesis of life, cruel and bleak as interstellar space, pulseless and frozen as absolute zero, dazzling with the frost of irrefragable logic and unforgettable fact. Chapter 35
  • It is a conservative viewpoint in the true sense, which makes it the antithesis of contemporary neoconservatism and neoliberalism, as well as all universalist ideologies.
  • Price caps being antithetical to a free market.
  • There is nothing more antithetical to the American ideal than growing old.
  • Although lands owned by educational institutions were at first exempted from nationalization, other sources of support, such as impropriated tithes and standard donations from chapters and monasteries, dried up.
  • In the wake of declining tithes and offerings, churches from coast to coast are partnering with corporate sponsors to supplement their budgets, in exchange for high profile if controversial ad placement.
  • If our dress and bearing sheltered us generally from the suspicion of being "raff" (the name at that period for "snobs" [Footnote: "_Snobs_," and its antithesis, "_nobs_," arose among the internal factions of shoemakers perhaps ten years later. The English Mail-Coach and Joan of Arc
  • An accompaniment played by corneas and sackbuts would be unthinkable here, for they are the instruments of ceremony, and with its bitter text this is the antithesis of a ceremonial work.
  • The antithesis he relied upon is between at the one extreme, vague ideas, pipedreams and perhaps a little more specifically, a concrete ‘wish list’ and, at the other, a working embodiment for a proposal.
  • The antithesis creates balance but also invites the reader to weigh the scales.
  • Yes, there's the common cliché about the Catholic church and bingo, for example, but that money's going to the church, so it's more like a tithe.
  • Their lustrous lacquer finishes and intricate inlays, undeniably ornamental, were the antithesis of machine production.
  • In philosophy, the term (with its antithesis "heteronomy") was applied by Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 1 "Austria, Lower" to "Bacon"
  • Thus the name indicated the joy of the people at the fancied propitiation of the god by this sacrifice; in antithesis to its joyless name subsequently. valley of slaughter -- It should be the scene of slaughter, no longer of children, but of men; not of "innocents" (Jer 19: 4), but of those who richly deserved their fate. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • Many of these women do not see religion as antithetical to feminism, and perceive religious affiliation as integral to their struggle for human rights on many different levels.
  • The revelation of this mystical wholeness occurs through the dialectic: a thesis is manifest and contested by its antithesis, the resolution of which, leads to a new thesis and so on.
  • Pure pragmatism is the antithesis of populism, and Washington tars politicians with mark of the unprincipled politician. The Volokh Conspiracy » Bloggers think Repubs should associate with Tea Party. Disagree on whether independent run would help Crist
  • They were also troubled by what many saw as the antisupernaturalistic and antitheistic bent of science: could one really believe in the New Testament world of spirits and miracles in the era of the steam engine and ocean liner? Warranted Christian Belief
  • They retained only one direct tax, the tithe on agricultural produce (decima).
  • The perception of plants as unimportant is the antithesis of the idea we should be promulgating, which is developing an appreciation of our dependence on plants for food, shelter, and medicine.
  • We present this as a specimen of our most recent antitheistic logic. Theism: The Witness of Reason and Nature to an All-Wise and Beneficent Creator.
  • The seven deadly sins and their antitheses, the four cardinal virtues and three heavenly graces, provide the book's organising principle.
  • Steep and antithetic platy structure of rock mass and geomorphology of the longitudinal valley in the dam site area cause wide-range toppling deformation on the cross-strait slope.
  • The organizers must foot that bill with their churches' tithes and offerings.
  • Charles Darwin explained the shoulder shrug by the " principle of unconscious antithesis ".
  • The challenge was not simply to tithe but to love the Lord and be just toward his people.
  • As the plural of the book's title suggests, it enjoys the multiplicity of these paradoxes and antitheses. The Times Literary Supplement
  • In life, she appeared the antithesis of suicidal ideation: excellent grades, well-liked in school and community, babysitting neighbors' children, teaching Sunday School to three and four-year-olds her "tiny ones", bright-eyed when speaking, frequently, of her thoughtful plans for the future, mature beyond her years. Confession
  • If, then, the veracity of consciousness be unconditionally admitted -- _if the intuitive knowledge of matter and mind_, and the consequent reality of their antithesis, be taken as truths," the doctrine of Natural Realism is established, and, "without any hypothesis or demonstration, the _reality of mind_ and the _reality of matter_." [ Christianity and Greek Philosophy or, the relation between spontaneous and reflective thought in Greece and the positive teaching of Christ and His Apostles
  • Saunders also helped explain a cryptic remark by Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz on Monday, when he said the new hotspots would make stores the "antitheses" of a cyber cafe. Wi-Fi Networking News
  • Mormons may be low-tax Republicans, but those in good standing tithe a very large proportion of their income obligately in their private life (10\% from what I recall), while the church runs itself like a corporation which has economies of scale. Gene Expression
  • Definitely worth watching, whether to enjoy the rich visuals of Hellenic Egypt, to savor the ever-wonderful storytelling of Alejandro Amenábar, to bask in the feminism of the world’s first-known female mathematician and astronomer and philosopher, to stick it to the Christian man by enjoying a world where pagans held power and Christians were the rioting mob, or to revel in the antitheistic message of a time when violence ruled all religions—just like today. Agora | Mind on Fire
  • It is not that I cannot write to you; should you doubt it, take the following fragment, which was intended for you some time ago, and be convinced that I can antithesize sentiment, and circumvolute periods, as well as any coiner of phrase in the regions of philology. The Letters of Robert Burns
  • Of course, the scoundrels using “unguided” as a codeword for “atheistic” even “antitheistic” for political purposes are a different story. ACLU: America's intellectual terrorists? - The Panda's Thumb
  • All these ideologies although they reflected in fact the sentiment directly due to social antitheses, that is to say, the real class struggles, with a lofty sense of justice and a profound devotion to an ideal, nevertheless all reveal ignorance of the true causes against which they hurled themselves by a an act of revolt spontaneous and often heroic. Essays on the Materialistic Conception of History
  • You know the places; largely soulless havens for thirtysomethings, the complete antithesis of a traditional British boozer.
  • Freud's study of the antithetical sense of “primal words” as well as his contributions to the theory of word-play have given new dimensions to paradoxy, important in literature as well as in psychological method. LITERARY PARADOX
  • Since stagnation is the antithesis of growth, it is also the antithesis of life.
  • Food was always scarce in Nagara, the land was never able to give much bounty to those who farmed it and that which it gave was tithed off to the nobles to fill their pockets with riches.
  • By this we mean, of course, the natural as distinguished from the nurtural differences -- to use the antithetic terms so usefully adapted by Sir Woman and Womanhood A Search for Principles
  • By the grace o’ Mercy, the horse swarved round, and I fell aff at the tae side as the ball whistled by at the tither, and the fell auld lord took the Whig such a swauk wi’ his broadsword that he made twa pieces o’ his head, and down fell the lurdance wi’ a’ his bouk abune me.” The Bride of Lammermoor
  • That, alone, which has to be guarded against is the falsity, the instinctive duplicity which _would fain_ regard this antithesis as no antithesis at all: just as Wagner did, — and his mastery in this kind of falseness was of no mean order. The Case Of Wagner, Nietzsche Contra Wagner, and Selected Aphorisms.
  • They therefore also saw themselves exempt from tithes to church or state.
  • So that modern monopoly is not a simple antithesis, it is on the contrary the true synthesis.
  • He was the antithesis of the archetypal young black man, particularly as those seen though pre-1994 racist eyes as being illiterate, arrogant, uncouth and untutored.
  • It was supported by property owners, and was in turn preoccupied, indeed almost obsessed, by the defence and enhancement of its own properties including tithes, parsonages, and pew rents.
  • Because fashion's goldfish attention span is antithetical to the lasting power of great music, few worthwhile bands have come up from the catwalk rather than the street.
  • ZAHN: And if it turns out the gas that was used was some kind of antithetic or opiate, is it possible that they didn't understand how damaging too strong a potency could be? CNN Transcript Oct 29, 2002
  • For the coexistence of absolute spontaneity with absolute necessity is involved in the very idea of God, one of whose intellectual definitions is, the 'synthesis, generative ad extra, et annihilative, etsi inclusive, quoad se,' of all conceivable 'antitheses;' even as the best moral definition -- (and, O! how much more godlike to us in this state of antithetic intellect is the moral beyond the intellectual!) -- is, God is love. The Literary Remains of Samuel Taylor Coleridge
  • There have also been grumblings about charges and tithes collected by churches - indulgences being one case.
  • This is the love that is the antithesis of control.
  • After a twenty year study of immigrant families in Roseto, and a comparable study in a nearby, non-immigrant town, they found that health and welfare were dependent on what they called cohesion, the opposite of isolation and the antithesis of distrust. Robert Fuller: Bleeding Heart Liberals Proven Right: Too Much Inequality Harms a Society
  • I trust, that I have not extended this privilege beyond the grounds on which I have claimed it; namely, the conveniency of the scholastic phrase to distinguish the kind from all degrees, or rather to express the kind with the abstraction of degree, as for instance multeity instead of multitude; or secondly, for the sake of correspondence in sound in interdependent or antithetical terms, as subject and object; or lastly, to avoid the wearying recurrence of circumlocutions and definitions. Biographia Literaria
  • The artist has signed papers which mean a tenth of his income - known as a tithe - is paid to Sandyford Memorial Church in Glasgow, which he joined in February.
  • Boxing’s two most gifted and stylish performers, in their prime the antithesis of the brute fighter, ended up indistinguishable from the broken-down old pugs they were sure they’d never become.
  • Not only was the antithesis between the finite and the eternal, the human and the divine, treated by him as ontologically fundamental; in the final analysis it also governed the picture he drew of human nature and its basic orientation.
  • Ensuring that the tithes of the faithful reach church coffers and are properly used leaves no room for blind trust of those who handle the money.
  • Deep reading and shallow reading are different in reading contents, purposes, actions and psychology. Deep reading is not the antithesis of shallow reading, but discreteness .
  • Of course a dollar will have to be tithed to his church.
  • This is not an easy case to argue in societies like ours, where a kind of narcissistic individualism is continually on display, creating a selfish cult of celebrity that is the antithesis of the values I'm advocating.
  • Then the two verses before it with wonderful antithetical parallelism, and the two verses after it with the exhortation to persevere.
  • The point was to provide an actual, analyzable, empirical case where the thesis-antithesis-synthesis example you provided could be tested. More Polling Deflates Notion Of Left "Angry" With Obama's Cabinet Picks
  • But I will require a tax, a tithe, a fine for your failures. WATER BOOK TWO: REUNION
  • Remember, the link that Santorum sees between homosexuality and polygamy is that they're both "antithetical" to the "healthy" family -- so there's obviously something other than careful constitutional analysis going on here. posted by Eric 2: 32 PM | IsThatLegal?
  • The Church was deprived of tithes, the basic income of the parish clergy.
  • You know the places; largely soulless havens for thirty-somethings, the complete antithesis of a traditional British boozer.
  • But I think the belief that everyone else is stupid is antithetic to our form of government. Against McCain, Obama Loses "Beer Track" ��� And Hillary Loses "Wine Track"
  • He uses puns, paradoxes, antitheses, parallels, and various rhetorical and literary devices to construct expressions that have meanings beyond the obvious.
  • A cage or cluster is in a certain sense the antithesis of a complex.
  • Issues that aroused dissatisfaction included rents, tithes, evictions, and wages, and protest could be aimed at landlords, clergy, and even tenant farmers who sub-let to cottiers and agricultural labourers.
  • The church received a tithe of that amount - something the church board members had never experienced before.
  • Yet Edward always saw reconciliation in the form of its antithesis or opposite.
  • She was at a gay bar in Chelsea and the queens were all in a tither. Yes, I've noticed...
  • Three sestertii, equal to about sixpence sterling, was the price which the republic paid for the modius or peck of the tithe wheat of Sicily. XI. Book I. Of the Rent of Land
  • It is easy to oppose inspiration to scholastic culture; to coin antitheses between nature and art; and to say that Shakspeare's Romans are more ideally true than Niebuhr's. The International Magazine, Volume 2, No. 2, January, 1851
  • Casual as these associations may be - other readers will surely draw their own, perhaps antithetically - they make a compelling case for the critical relevance of a lost body of writing whose aesthetic interest isn't always apparent.
  • Why do we tithe hundreds or even thousands of dollars a year to a sport to earn an occasional pittance in a field sprint?
  • The matter is, in a civilized society it is inappropriate to antithesize struggle with terrorism and civil community. Pravda.Ru
  • The organizers must foot that bill with their churches' tithes and offerings.
  • This refusal to take any refreshment seemed to him the most odious hypocrisy; all priests tippled on the sly, and were trying to bring back the days of the tithe. Madame Bovary
  • All in all I do consider the bible to be rather antithetic to freedom. Libertarian Principles, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • This antithesis of two different worlds truly serves as a classification of groups, i.e., insiders and outsiders.
  • The road to fairyland is not the road to Heaven, nor even to Hell, I believe, though some have held that it may lead thither indirectly by the Devil's tithe. Archive 2008-03-01
  • Conflict shows itself in the spouse who resents increasing the tithe the family makes to the church or becomes upset when asked to make a special offering.
  • Tithes, destined for the upkeep of the parish clergy but often impropriated by monasteries or laymen, took around another 8 per cent on average.
  • Brendan is quite right that Voltaire was basically a Deist, and he would be right to be narked if I were to suggest that Catholicism is 'antithetical' to religion; but I would never argue anything so foolish. MIND MELD: Is Science Fiction Antithetical to Religion?
  • Fans of Chorley artist Tom Titherington can still catch his exhibition of his memories of the Second World War at the University of Liverpool.
  • SR.) (4) The farms of Blet and Brosses really produce nothing for the proprietor, inasmuch as the tithes and the champart (field-rents), The Ancient Regime
  • But since then Csikszentmihalyi’s theory seems to have lost traction, so I was intrigued to hear my Turkish friend (in gridlocked traffic that was the antithesis of flow!) update me on a couple of recent studies (copies of which he subsequently sent me) that have rehabilitated the notion of flow. May « 2010 « An A-Z of ELT
  • There is an obligatory tithe, or zakat, of 2.5 per cent on income. Times, Sunday Times
  • A vicar usually continued to have the spiritual care of the parish and to receive the vicarial tithes.
  • They do have a page where it’s asserted that creation doesn’t necesarily mean “fiat creation,” and that evolution and creation aren’t supposed to be antithetical, which is good. Episcopal Church: Resolution A129 Affirm Creation and Evolution - The Panda's Thumb
  • Nice is said to yield the king half a million of livres, about twenty-five thousand pounds sterling, arising from a small donative made by every town and village: for the lands pay no tax, or imposition, but the tithes to the church. Travels through France and Italy
  • The "men" is emphatic; men of sense; in antithesis to "vain boasting." mockest -- upbraidest God by complaints, "shall no man make thee ashamed? Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • The confluence in Browne's prefatory remarks of the topics of antiquarianism and medicine, and the rhetorical antitheses old-new and arising-burial is predictable in antiquarian discourse, where the gifted amateur reigned supreme.
  • Moreover, in some cultures, the idea of seeking an occupation, or working to advance the self, is meaningless within or even antithetical to dominant belief systems.
  • The inlay elements are symmetrically organized into three concentric bands of antithetical animal groups surrounding a central rosette.
  • An analysis of this speech reveals that the student used varied repetition strategies, including anaphora, antithesis, chiasmus, and parallelism.
  • If you are a church member, how do you know that your tithes and offerings are being used wisely?
  • Conflict shows itself in the spouse who resents increasing the tithe the family makes to the church or becomes upset when asked to make a special offering.
  • It is these unidirectional authority relationships that are antithetical to citizen engagement.
  • Even though the two loadmasters could be mistaken for brothers, he's the antithesis of Sergeant Johnson.
  • The streets of New York are full of people from all walks, races, creeds, colors; they are the antithesis of a gated sprawling suburban development.
  • They were buying up impropriated tithes and gaining control of appointments to livings. Beginnings of the American People
  • With a remarkable 37 or so ingredients, many of which are polysyllabic chemical compounds, Twinkies would seem to embody the antithesis of that rule … What’s In A Twinkie? | Impact Lab
  • He practices directing as antithetically and abusively to the author's intentions as perversely possible, reaping kudos from benighted reviewers and audiences alike.
  • The Greek puts in antithetical juxtaposition, OUR, and His OWN Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • As luck would have it, on this day Tai-jui was, on account of business, compelled to go home; and having left them as a task no more than a heptameter line for an antithetical couplet, explaining that they should find a sentence to rhyme, and that the following day when he came back, he would set them their lessons, he went on to hand the affairs connected with the class to his elder grandson, Hung Lou Meng
  • In an age of compulsory wearing of uniforms, the zoot suit accomplished an antithetical stylization of the self.
  • ‘Just Fifish,’ replied Peter; ‘wowf — a wee bit by the East Nook or sae; it’s a common case — the ae half of the warld thinks the tither daft. Redgauntlet
  • THE DISCUSSION up to this point has shown numerous regularities among parties to a conflict—mixtures of antithesis and synthesis, superordination of one over the other, mutual restrictions as well as intensifications. Conflict and The Web of Group-Affiliations
  • In Weigel's topsy-turvy world, the bishops' main failing was not arrogance but its antithesis: passivity.
  • I have not a tithe of the strength necessary to withstand such feral might.
  • To pursue political objectives seriously, they must work with the very people whose religious beliefs are most antithetical to their own.
  • It is not antithetical to art, and is frequently supportive.
  • Frauen, which is the fruit of much careful thought and impressive because of its antithesis and use of contrast. Essays of Schopenhauer
  • On the contrary, in every organic process, the antitheses always reflect a unified totality, and civilization is an organic process.
  • Every synthesis becomes a new thesis, which becomes the target of a new antithesis.
  • This is not democratic. It is the antithesis of democracy.
  • Whichever cause has created these effects, the current condition of the church in this country is antithetic to the purpose for which Christ started it
  • Today, when new music streams from the press in such floods that nobody has time to take in more than a tithe of it, a composer so versatile and prolific as Stanford is apt to suffer from those very qualities.
  • Its professed objective is not to debunk religion, and Wade tries hard to avoid the antitheistic materialism of high-profile Darwinian faith-debunkers such as Daniel Dennett, Richard Dawkins, and Jerry Coyne. Commonweal Magazine
  • Dapper of dress and genial of manner, Corbett seems the antithesis of the tortured comic suffering endless agonies for his art.
  • practices entirely antithetical to her professed beliefs
  • That seemed at the time to be antithetical to a real process of understanding a piece of writing, but in retrospect I think nearly everyone reached their understanding at that point.
  • Isa 3: 12; Ec 10: 16). babes -- in warlike might; antithesis to "the mighty" and "man of war. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • It has an endowment from impropriated tithes and is still a useful institution, chiefly preparatory for the College.
  • Thus the antithesis is appropriate in the words following, "But we were gentle (the opposite of pressing weightily) among you" (1Th 2: 7). Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • So in Lu 22: 29, "I appoint (by testamentary disposition; the cognate Greek verb diatithemai) unto you a kingdom, as my Father hath appointed unto me. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • Stanley Cavell sees (hears) Poe's prose as "a parody's of philosophy's" (111) in just this respect, its iterative paranoia and "impish" wordplay as the mad antithesis of any overcome skepticism about the credited and signified world. Notes on 'Phonemanography: Romantic to Victorian'
  • The ability to work and enjoy the fruits of one's own labor is the very antitheses of slavery, an institution so insidious that it took a civil war and three separate amendments to begin to dismantle it. The Time For Judicial Engagement
  • It is also to be noted that the dialectical process is not simply from thesis and antithesis to final synthesis; it is an eternal, open-ended spiral of development.
  • Instances are quoted of highly contrived antithesis, of mixed metaphor and elaborate circumlocution.
  • That grandness is achieved with two schemes: anastrophe (inversion of normal word order) and antithesis (juxtaposition of contrasting ideas).
  • For years bookselling in this country was the antithesis of samey but as Waterstone's became a massive corporate presence they started consolidating their business bringing in elements of sameyness.
  • But a Times veteran, voice rising, described Mr. Feuer's portrayal as "antithetical" to Mr. Landman. Times Iraq Flak: Feuer's War Tale, Marital E-Mails
  • In a passage that brilliantly demonstrates the rhetorical devices we saw earlier in Shakespeare's poetry, such as stichomythia, antithesis, parison, and isocolon (see Chapter 1), Hamlet makes plain that he is on the offensive. Shakespeare
  • Slavery is the antithesis of freedom.
  • The founder endowed it with the church of St. Andrew, in Marrick, one carucate of land, tithes of his mill, multure of corn there, and he also gave the sisterhood liberty to grind their corn without paying multure.
  • Patience is the direct antithesis of anger. Allan Lokos 
  • The stylistic and aesthetic differences and antitheses are palpable. Cranach's Femme Fatales Highlight 'The Other Renaissance'
  • And then the as boat set aff for North Berwick, an 'the tither lay whaur it was and watched the wanchancy thing on the brae-side. David Balfour, a sequel to Kidnapped.
  • With his cane, his downcast eyes, and bandy legged gait, he is the antithesis of Hollywood muscle-bound steroid cases.
  • Bodies are the antithesis of try-hard fashions - how try-hard can one unadorned, unfancy stretchy piece of fabric be? Times, Sunday Times
  • For another, they may have outgoing living costs of 80% of their income, in which case a tithe means something different.
  • Right of terrage or champart: the right of collecting, after the tithes, a portion of the produce of the ground. The Ancient Regime
  • An analysis of this speech reveals that the student used varied repetition strategies, including anaphora, antithesis, chiasmus, and parallelism.

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