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How To Use Tiredness In A Sentence

  • Wyatt liked the city manager, his tiredness and efficiency and harmless irascibility.
  • One of the most effective homeopathic remedies is gelsemium 6th, which conforms to the classic picture of most flu symptoms, including tiredness, weakness, heavy and sick feelings. THE NATURAL REMEDY BIBLE
  • However, its side effects consist of tiredness, upset stomach, nervousness, dizziness, and difficulty concentrating.
  • Excessive tiredness while driving can kill.
  • The view from the top was wonderful and our tiredness fell away.
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  • His tiredness caused him to make a regrettable error.
  • It was a characteristic of his tiredness that he did not make plans. THE INNOCENT
  • A constant feeling of tiredness nagged at him and eventually he sought medical help.
  • The symptoms are extreme tiredness, lethargy. Times, Sunday Times
  • I was overtaken by a sudden wave of tiredness.
  • The view from the top was wonderful and our tiredness fell away.
  • After feeling dead-butt tired for more than three weeks and after the sad death of actress Natasha Richardson following a minor bump to the head, I figured it was time to go to the doctor to make sure this tiredness is nothing serious. Do It Myself Blog – Glenda Watson Hyatt » 2009 » March
  • Yes we niggled at each other when tiredness was peaking. The Amazing Survivor Race Challenge: Parenting Edition | Her Bad Mother
  • Vitamin B12 helps to produce red blood cells which carry oxygen, and therefore prevents anaemia and tiredness.
  • Finally tiredness overcame him, and he fell asleep on the sofa.
  • Regular exercise is the best antidote to tiredness and depression.
  • Stretching forth her sleepy limbs she yawns in tiredness.
  • Along with the change in her appearance was a tiredness that seemed to zap all her energy from her. The Sun
  • Getting up in the mornings results in tiredness and ruins the pub.
  • Side effects of the drugs may include tiredness, headaches or weight gain.
  • Symptoms are unusual paleness and tiredness.
  • An increasing ratio of mistakes, perhaps induced by tiredness, crept into her game.
  • These include flu-like symptoms, such as tiredness, headaches and aches and pains.
  • A desperate tiredness set in after hours of anxious waiting.
  • Ironically, the resulting tiredness made me feel perpetually hungover. Times, Sunday Times
  • It may be the result of stress, tiredness or both, so chill out and get enough kip. The Sun
  • To find the cause of tiredness and the non-specific symptoms, consult your general physician.
  • As I already said, side effects I have experienced include headaches and constant tiredness.
  • It is becoming increasingly common for people to believe they have candida or yeast infections, causing a large variety of symptoms such as depression, tiredness, irritable bowel syndrome, aches and pains, skin diseases and so on.
  • Words blurred together into a mass of sound, as Izzy looked at the woman beside her, slumped over pain and tiredness being etched into her very being.
  • He said research showed that up to 20 per cent of accidents on monotonous roads such as motorways were related to tiredness.
  • She was diagnosed with liver damage almost a year ago, and has also suffered from extreme tiredness and a series of illnesses including chicken pox, tonsillitis, flu and glandular fever.
  • Nausea and tiredness were mere pinpricks compared to the emotional pain she was feeling.
  • Weight gain or loss and unexplained or extreme tiredness. The Sun
  • Ironically, the resulting tiredness made me feel perpetually hungover. Times, Sunday Times
  • A desperate tiredness set in after hours of anxious waiting.
  • Filling up on fatty foods like meat and cheese added to feelings of tiredness and lethargy.
  • It will help ease you into a restful sleep, a lack of which will compound your tiredness. Times, Sunday Times
  • But we are tired, and Mum mistakes our tiredness and stifled yawns for boredom.
  • One of the symptoms of vitamin C deficiency is extreme tiredness.
  • It was a characteristic of his tiredness that he did not make plans. THE INNOCENT
  • Amanda... quite aside from her tiredness, she seemed unnaturally abstracted. ON A WILD NIGHT
  • Do not ignore warning signs such as tiredness.
  • They include such problems as headache, tiredness, abdominal pain and indigestion. Times, Sunday Times
  • Finally tiredness overcame him, and he fell asleep on the sofa.
  • Stress and tiredness affect your powers of concentration.
  • Seventy-five years ago in August 1932, the German doctor Erwin Schliephake published scientific data in the German Medical Weekly about radio transmitter-induced “microwave” or “radio wave sickness” with the following symptoms: severe tiredness and fatigue during the day, fitful sleep in the night, headaches to the point of intolerability, and high susceptibility to infection. Op-Ed: Is Microwave Exposure Harming Millions?
  • Our perception of things is often influenced by subjective factors, such as tiredness.
  • Amelia, eyes crinkled with tiredness, stood there fully dressed in purple corduroy trousers and an embroidered lilac jumper. JUST BETWEEN US
  • I incline to tiredness in winter.
  • I began to fume as I was ready to drop from tiredness, but I couldn't say anything because the people there were really nice.
  • This great change manifested itself in a sudden tiredness and slight nausea as the speaker's monotonous drone confirmed exactly the opposite.
  • To find the cause of tiredness and the non-specific symptoms, consult your general physician.
  • Lack of vitamin E can cause skin diseases and tiredness.
  • Tiredness, loss of appetite and sleeping problems are all classic symptoms of depression.
  • The early risers were up and about, doing their chores, while those who elect to sleep in were just about ready to rub their still sleepy eyes and stretch yesterday's tiredness away.
  • The main symptoms of anaemia are tiredness and pallor.
  • Aside from the usual troubles with koshers meals gone missing (Lufthansa managed to find some at the last minute, anyway), my suitcase of games gone missing (delivered only after I was filling in a missing bad report), and extreme tiredness, I'm home again. Back in Jerusalem
  • Tiredness and fever are much more likely to be a sign of flu coming on.
  • Nausea and tiredness were mere pinpricks compared to the emotional pain she was feeling.
  • Amanda... quite aside from her tiredness, she seemed unnaturally abstracted. ON A WILD NIGHT
  • There was no expression on his face, just the blank skin facade of hunger and tiredness.
  • He had to cancel some engagements because of tiredness.
  • Bad circulation can cause various symptoms such as tiredness.
  • The cardigan is perfect for tiredness and cider-on-Sunday. Archive 2009-06-01
  • With the tiredness it pointed to an underactive thyroid. The Sun
  • Excessive tiredness while driving can kill.
  • The side-effects of radiotherapy include tiredness, a burning sensation on passing urine and early menopause.
  • Primrose, stupefied by tiredness, began to wail that she was hungry.
  • Weight gain or loss and unexplained or extreme tiredness. The Sun
  • Stretching forth her sleepy limbs she yawns in tiredness.
  • Chalking it up to moodiness or trouble at work or tiredness is pretty common," says Carrie Bearden, PhD, associate professor in residence of psychiatry and behavioral sciences and psychology, at the David Geffen School of Medical at UCLA. Bipolar Disorder: 10 Subtle Signs
  • It's the third most commonly reported bodily symptom after headache and tiredness. BE YOUR BEST: How Anyone can become Fit, Healthy and Confident
  • Tiredness, loss of appetite and sleeping problems are all classic symptoms of depression.
  • I have been drinking coffee this morning, so am not feeling my tiredness as I was yesterday.
  • Excessive tiredness while driving can kill.
  • If you are not dieting, losing weight is a serious symptom as are tiredness and weakness.
  • On the seashore, near the spa called ‘Sulfurea’, there is a swimming pool with sulphureous waters containing bromine, sodium chloride and sodium iodide: a pleasant immersion, together with some natural aesthetical treatments, can eliminate the tiredness accumulated during a year of work.
  • For no earthly reason - well, other than a little tiredness - I just want to go and hide under my duvet and shut out the world for a few hours.
  • A combination of tiredness and boredom caused me to fall asleep.
  • A dangerous tiredness crept over her as she drove.
  • Symptoms include tiredness and loss of libido. The Sun
  • Tiredness ached in her bones, she sagged and rocked, hunched in her blanket with the buffalo robe around her feet.
  • How long before she could plead tiredness and go to bed?
  • Brakes, exhausts and suspension need to be replaced when they show signs of tiredness.
  • It was a characteristic of his tiredness that he did not make plans. THE INNOCENT
  • The common symptoms of anaemia are tiredness, shortness of breath and awareness of the heartbeat (palpitations).
  • Stress and tiredness affect your powers of concentration.
  • Men suffering from overwork, tiredness and stress are less likely ‘to share family meals, to read, play and help children with homework, and to be involved in recreational activities or to do the shopping’.
  • But it was only on the final songs that audience and artist visibly succumbed to tiredness. Times, Sunday Times
  • Once the last boxes were packed away, he was overtaken by a wave of tiredness.
  • She recognizes how they interact with her body chemistry, tiredness or her period.
  • Symptoms of avitaminosis include tiredness, muscular weakness, lack of appetite, skin spots, bad breath, insomnia, irritability, nausea, depression and headache.
  • Along with the change in her appearance was a tiredness that seemed to zap all her energy from her. The Sun
  • She listened to Richard until nearly midnight, then she feigned tiredness. YELLOW BIRD
  • Other symptoms include tiredness and loss of appetite. The Sun
  • The i iconoscope tiredness natation automaton a obsessionally and judicial couplet in the preceptor of watermeal and in the trompillo of the rathole. Rational Review
  • No, more than tiredness, utter exhaustion. The Sun
  • I knew it was to do with drinking and probably with tiredness but my behaviour was abhorrent. The Sun
  • My sarcasm, I think, reflects a certain tiredness with partisan debate in constitutional scholarship that hits me at around this point of every academic year. IsThatLegal?
  • Once the last boxes were packed away, he was overtaken by a wave of tiredness.
  • Tiredness cannot possibly justify your treating staff this way.
  • I trust that your tiredness is the signature of your having had a wonderful time and we look forward to a view of Paris, in your own inimitable style.... Je fait 'un mini break'
  • Tiredness might have played its part, but the sense of dejection and depression emanating from the studio clouded the whole broadcast.
  • Tiredness and fever are much more likely to be a sign of flu coming on.
  • To treasure up knowledge in silence, to learn without satiety and to instruct others without tiredness.
  • Stress and tiredness often result in a lack of concentration.
  • A survey of 2,200 drivers showed that one in three suffered mood changes blaming the weather, tiredness or even poor road surfaces.
  • The vividness of the dream suggests this is more than mere ‘tiredness’ but is an actual loss of your vitality.
  • Tiredness might have played its part, but the sense of dejection and depression emanating from the studio clouded the whole broadcast.
  • Like many beta-blockers, it can also cause fatigue in up to 20 percent of individuals, so your tiredness could be a side effect of sotalol. Can a Massage Cause Stroke?
  • When you overtrain and overstress your body, the side effects can include progressive loss of strength, tiredness, loss of appetite, disrupted sleep, loss of motivation, and irritability. Body by Design
  • Tiredness is one of the most common symptoms of stress.
  • I began to fume as I was ready to drop from tiredness, but I couldn't say anything because the people there were really nice.
  • An excess of vitamin D can cause tiredness and weakness, loss of appetite and vomiting.
  • And residents living near to the Sprotbrough site have complained of tiredness which they claim is directly attributable to the site.
  • An increasing ratio of mistakes, perhaps induced by tiredness, crept into her game.
  • Although carbohydrates boosted blood sugar, protein produced stable glucose levels that may be more protective against afternoon tiredness.
  • Still, we have all slept uncommonly well, thanks to a combination of physical tiredness and gentle rocking throughout the night. Times, Sunday Times
  • In this case you have to factor in alcohol, albeit I know there is a finding of sobriety, or not of insobriety; giddiness; certainly tiredness; early hours of the morning.
  • Even though we may experience problems such as heaviness, tiredness, or other forms of mental or physical discomfort when we first begin to meditate, we should nevertheless patiently persevere and try to become familiar with our practice.
  • The symptoms are extreme tiredness, lethargy. Times, Sunday Times
  • The result is an unrefreshing kip, headaches, tiredness and an alarming habit of falling asleep at the wheel. The Sun
  • Tiredness can seriously impair your ability to drive.
  • I was overtaken by a sudden wave of tiredness.
  • A combination of tiredness and boredom caused me to fall asleep.
  • Excessive damp causes heaviness and tiredness of the body.
  • Symptoms include tiredness, paleness, and lethargy.
  • When it comes to drink-driving, we all know the legal limits, but how can we similarly measure tiredness?
  • It may be the result of stress, tiredness or both, so chill out and get enough kip. The Sun
  • A wave of tiredness swept over her.
  • I roused myself for the fireworks, but soon I was collapsing with tiredness again.
  • There was no change of clothing to be had; wet boots enclosed ill-stockinged, chilblained feet; bodies remained unwashed through lack of basic facilities, or from sheer tiredness.
  • Another reason why pep pills are all the rage is because tiredness is so common. The Sun
  • On the seashore, near the spa called ‘Sulfurea’, there is a swimming pool with sulphureous waters containing bromine, sodium chloride and sodium iodide: a pleasant immersion, together with some natural aesthetical treatments, can eliminate the tiredness accumulated during a year of work.
  • Our perception of things is often influenced by subjective factors, such as tiredness.
  • According to the Centers for Disease Control, flu symptoms include fever, headache, tiredness, cough, sore throat, runny nose or body aches.
  • Driver fatigue can occur on short trips too so be alert and watch for signs of tiredness.
  • Peppermint leaves are believed to relieve tiredness and nasal stuffiness.
  • Is it tiredness from the shift pattern, or other factors? on March 20, 2010 at 8: 32 pm Rural Traffic Cop Leicestershire – Officer Down « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • Then either through tiredness of lack of concentration, Celtic began to lose the plot.
  • Tiredness also affects visual acuity.
  • As a result, it accumulates in the brain causing stress and further tiredness.
  • Stress and tiredness affect your powers of concentration.
  • Her earlier tiredness seems to have vanished; she has changed clothes and looks happy and refreshed. LOVE YOU MADLY
  • Nausea and tiredness were mere pinpricks compared to the emotional pain she was feeling.
  • To treasure up knowledge in silence, to learn without satiety and to instruct others without tiredness.
  • Tiredness cannot possibly justify your treating staff this way.
  • In randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trials, both medications helped to reduce the frequency of hot flashes by 46 to 80 percent in healthy women and those with breast cancer.35 Negative effects for clonidine and methyldopa include dizziness, unusual tiredness, and weakness. Our Bodies, Ourselves: Menopause
  • Other symptoms include tiredness and loss of appetite. The Sun
  • She recognizes how they interact with her body chemistry, tiredness or her period.
  • Bad circulation can cause various symptoms such as tiredness.
  • The flu may cause fever, cough, sore throat, a runny nose or a stuffy nose, headache, muscle aches, and tiredness.
  • I’m rather hoping I’m out of the worst now as well (17 weeks this week), so glad the nausea, and the worst of the amzing tiredness is over. Twins
  • When you overtrain and overstress your body, the side effects can include progressive loss of strength, tiredness, loss of appetite, disrupted sleep, loss of motivation, and irritability. Body by Design
  • Excessive tiredness, a need to sleep lots, pain and – dare I say it – a little grumpiness are the order of most days. How we nearly lost the plot
  • Tiredness can seriously impair your ability to drive.
  • Tiredness can easily creep up on you while you're driving.
  • Tiredness from anemia is a very real phenomenon from which many cancer patients suffer, either because the disease has infiltrated the bone marrow, where blood cells are formed, or as a side effect of treatment. Dr. Elaine Schattner: Breast Cancer Fatigue Syndrome Is Harmful to Patients
  • It is also packed with pantothenic acid, which helps to reduce fatigue and tiredness. The Sun
  • It also makes training easier to bear by blocking out symptoms of tiredness such as burning lungs and lactic acid build-up, enabling athletes to train longer. Times, Sunday Times
  • All thoughts of tiredness had now gone as I prepared myself for breakfast and quickened my pace towards the barn.
  • Tiredness can seriously impair your ability to drive.
  • Typical symptoms include breathlessness, swollen ankles and feet, and extreme tiredness.
  • Attempting to get a dog to stand still on scales in the vets is a skill indeed! ssheppard: A txt message from Alan to let me know our mermaid swam her first width of the pool unaided today, makes for a very proud mummy. ssheppard: Tiredness has set in after a late night out on a school night. ssheppard: Driving home from Brighton after seeing Jeff Waynes War of the Worlds! ssheppard: Looking forward to a weekend with friends and family! ssheppard: Last email sent for week. March « 2009 « Samantha Sheppard
  • Lastly there may be a stage of exhaustion, tiredness and weakness.
  • Do not ignore warning signs such as tiredness.
  • One symptom of this illness is a general feeling of ill-health and tiredness.
  • Excessive tiredness while driving can kill.
  • The new tiredness is 'located in the head' and seems to be the result of a special kind of disavowal where structurally generated work habits are perceived to be under the control of the individual to an extent that may not be the case. 'Insomnia: A Cultural History'
  • Side effects of the drugs may include tiredness, headaches or weight gain.
  • Finally tiredness overcame him, and he fell asleep on the sofa.
  • Another reason why pep pills are all the rage is because tiredness is so common. The Sun
  • Quantity rather than quality becomes the criterion, the enjoyment is taken out of work itself, and the worker in his turn becomes a ‘clock-watcher’, concerned only when he will be able to escape to the scanty and monotonous leisure of industrial society, in which he ‘kills time’ by cramming in as much time-scheduled and mechanised enjoyment of cinema, radio and newspapers as his wage packet and his tiredness allow. THE TYRANNY OF THE CLOCK- George Woodcock
  • If your teenage child complains day in and day out of various aches, pains, headaches and tiredness, don't always blow them off and assume they just don't want to go to school.
  • I must have slept badly and was shrouded in a mist of tiredness that, by rights, should have been long gone.
  • The main symptoms of fibromyalgia are pains, tender areas, and tiredness.
  • He filled his lungs with the refreshing draught of the cool air, exhaling his tiredness in each gulp.
  • If you want me over the next few days you might want to sms me and prod me about importance as tiredness is looking at the email and then turning off the computer screen;). January 24th, 2006
  • The main symptoms of fibromyalgia are pains, tender areas, and tiredness.
  • Tiredness is thought to cause around ten deaths per week on Britain's roads and around a fifth of accidents on motorways and trunk roads.
  • An increasing ratio of mistakes, perhaps induced by tiredness, crept into her game.
  • This can cause tiredness, breathlessness and a build-up of fluid in legs and abdomen. Times, Sunday Times
  • Stress and tiredness often result in a lack of concentration.
  • Nausea and tiredness were mere pinpricks compared to the emotional pain she was feeling.
  • By day four the cracks were beginning to show and tiredness led to injuries.
  • Things like wine and beer and then tiredness and then cake. Times, Sunday Times
  • Tiredness and fever are much more likely to be a sign of flu coming on.
  • It's the third most commonly reported bodily symptom after headache and tiredness. BE YOUR BEST: How Anyone can become Fit, Healthy and Confident
  • Tiredness is one of the most common symptoms of stress.
  • Random wandering around and being very disorientated due to extreme tiredness and general dazed and confusedness. Archive 2007-06-01
  • An excess of vitamin D can cause tiredness and weakness, loss of appetite and vomiting.
  • The condition causes weight loss, anaemia, diarrhoea, digestive problems, tiredness, breathlessness and mouth ulcers.
  • The team was in good spirits and showed no signs of tiredness.
  • Symptoms include tiredness, constipation and sensitivity to the cold.
  • I knew it was to do with drinking and probably with tiredness but my behaviour was abhorrent. The Sun
  • It may be the result of stress, tiredness or both, so chill out and get enough kip. The Sun
  • Some people also have a fever, a sore throat, deep tiredness and body aches.
  • He watched Richard in the mirror, newly combed hair oddly neat against unshaven chin and eyes dull with tiredness.
  • A wave of tiredness came upon her.

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