How To Use tink In A Sentence
- So do a little digging, and see what else is on at the metroplex other than the big name stinko's. 0%.
- I seems like his stance is the same, he has just tinkered a bit with the numbers and specifics. Obama Pulls Back on Social Security Plan - The Caucus Blog -
- Stink gases in sewage farm of oil refinery pollute environment and influence scent of people. Adsorbents can be used to deodorize the stink gases.
- Faustman’s approach offered a distinct advantage over much of the current treatment in autoimmunity, which is usually more broadly immunosuppressive—meaning it tinkers with all T cells or all B cells in order to try to keep the autoimmune reaction from occurring. The Autoimmune Epidemic
- Stop tinkering with that clock and take it to the repair shop.
- A constant tinkerer, Paul spent hours developing recording tricks like over-dubbing and guitar effects like reverb.
- Stooping, I lifted the belt, ornamental silver medallions that tinkled faintly together like coins of small denominations. I'LL TAKE YOU THERE
- Just last year, pinkos raised a stink over the NCERT's deleting of certain offensive and unauthenticated assertions from history books.
- Having browsed through this book, you've probably realized that despite the noise, stink, stupidity and self-destructiveness of Planet Earth, it's not a bad place to vacation.
- Yet doctrinaire democrats don't seem to give a tinker's toss about placing limits on what a legislature (local or global) can divvy or decide.