
[ UK /tˈɪnfɔ‍ɪl/ ]
  1. foil made of tin or an alloy of tin and lead
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How To Use tinfoil In A Sentence

  • Under the brown wrapping paper was two layers of tinfoil covering a wooden box.
  • I don't have any obvious answers to this riddle - or at least, none that aren't wearing silly tinfoil hats.
  • I just wrapped the grip of my key in tinfoil to jam the transponder. Boing Boing: July 30, 2006 - August 5, 2006 Archives
  • You get equipped with a decoder ring, walkie talkie watch, secret handshake and some tinfoil to wear on your head.
  • I once barbecued a whole fillet of beef marinaded in a bottle of Jack Daniel's and enclosed in tinfoil.
  • A length of yarn to cut into four equal pieces, and besides that, some white silk thread and tinfoil.
  • The moxa stick with its tinfoil snuffer sat in a puddle of water, the smell of wet ash in the room. After the Diagnosis
  • I was thinking of marketing tinfoil tricorn hats for the Tea Tards. Think Progress » Obama bumper sticker fuels violent political road rage in Tennessee.
  • Answer this, oh tinfoil-hat wearers: if Sen. Clinton is such an all-powerful, magnificently omnicompetent politician - why didn't she WIN the primaries? Obama And Hillary Reach Deal On How To Conduct Convention
  • They have in them two pieces of tinfoil separated by glass, which is a nonconductor of electric currents, and various other acids and minerals. Walter and the Wireless
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