How To Use Tincture In A Sentence
There's a reason that those invites a fortunate few received, allowing them to attend the après-opening private reception at the latest, greatest Place To Be, the Feral Cheerleader, are tinctured with a hue you cannot find at Sherwin-Williams.
James Scarborough: "Stay Free© or Die: The Menstrual Hut Project," International City Bungalow Gallery, Long Beach, California
Each bottle is a half-oil, half-water combination tinctured with various colors using plant and mineral essences.
The heavy traffic tinctures the air with carbon monoxide.
To lessen the frequency of the pulse, fluid extract or tincture of aconite or veratrum may be given in water, every hour.
The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser in Plain English or, Medicine Simplified, 54th ed., One Million, Six Hundred and Fifty Thousand
The heavy traffic tinctures the air with carbon monoxide.

To make it go down more easily, she suggests mixing the tincture with a morning glass of orange juice.
A tincture is made (H.) from the whole plant with spirit of wine, and this proves most useful for clearing obscuration of the sight, when there is a sense, especially in the open-air, of a white vibrating mist before the eyes; and therefore it has been given with marked success in early stages of amaurotic paralysis of the retina.
Herbal Simples Approved for Modern Uses of Cure
Those who use herbs like echinacea are likely to use standard tinctures or pills.
tinctured" with His spirit, and has his own human life rooted in the
Spiritual Reformers in the 16th & 17th Centuries
Each treatment bottle contains only a couple of drops of the Mother Tincture topped up with more water and succussed again.
They can come in a wide range of formulations - including syrups, tinctures, lotions, inhalations, gargles and washes.
Skin should be prepared with 1 or 2 percent tincture of iodine or povidone iodine for incision, suture and collection of blood for culture.
They can come in a wide range of formulations - including syrups, tinctures, lotions, inhalations, gargles and washes.
Ermined furs are primarily their background tincture.
The mother tincture is precisely diluted again, and shaken (‘succussed’).
Every pious action leaves a certain tincture or disposition upon the soul, which being seconded by actions of the same nature, whether by the superaddition of new degrees, or a more radicate fixation of the same, grows at length into an habit or quality, of the force and energy of a second nature.
Sermons Preached Upon Several Occasions. Vol. II.
In the garden, he grew medicinal plants from which he made and distilled different therapeutic tinctures, ointments and so-called theriacs or quack remedies.
For spasmodic coughs and whooping coughs, thyme is very effective as well, but it can be enhanced by giving five drops of tincture of lobelia, which is a powerful antipasmodic.
On a lunch-time it's never been easier to walk up the Shambles and its lying-in-wait cobbles since the early hours of the morning when balance aforethought may have been slightly influenced by a few tipsy tinctures.
If the child is very uncomfortable and restless, wet a washcloth with tepid water and arnica tincture (you should be able to find this at your local natural foods store or vitamin shop) or lemon juice.
A resinoid of storax, fixed with tincture of labdanum (pressed from the fatty arteries of the rockrose), proved a sufficient camouflage for a walk around the block, but it had no more staying power than patchouli.
La insistencia de Jürgen Fauth
Pills, powders, caplets, tablets, tinctures, oils and herb formulas can aid good health, but only if they're supplemental to a good diet.
The ripe fruit, from which a medicinal tincture is prepared, furnishes euonymin, a golden resin, which is purgative and emetic.
Herbal Simples Approved for Modern Uses of Cure
Until then, the play is set in a sort of Scots mock - baronial splendour, filled with tinctures and libraries of apothecaries' texts, and complete with thunderous thunderbox.
Tincture of strophanthus, sodæ bicarb., and spirits of chloroform.
The Combined Maze
And at least his success was unmistakable as to the precise literary effect he had intended, including a certain tincture of "neology" in expression -- nonnihil interdum elocutione novella parum signatum -- in the language of
Marius the Epicurean — Volume 1
His virtues, as well as the vices of Elagabalus, contracted a tincture of weakness and effeminacy from the soft climate of Syria, of which he was a native; though he blushed at his foreign origin, and listened with a vain complacency to the flattering genealogists, who derived his race from the ancient stock of Roman nobility.
The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
The client might consider counterchanging the tinctures of the field, or using a bordure.
Podofilox and podophyllum in tincture of benzoin are available.
The tincture consists of four nervine herbs that favorably strengthen and maintain the nerves.
Active, inquisitive, resolute, and possessing a fair share of the national _perfervidum ingenium_, not without some tincture of those elements of the Scottish character known as the "canny" and the "dour," our worker early developed that robust vigour of mind and body which has so long stood the wear and tear of severely trying work.
God's Answers A Record of Miss Annie Macpherson's Work at the Home of Industry, Spitalfields, London, and in Canada
However, they were often infringed when two or more different arms were combined (or marshaled) within one shield and two tinctures that should in principle not touch each other necessarily became adjacent.
It promises relief but beware - read the notes on the box before taking the tincture or you could finish up with more ailments than a raging hypochondriac
Herbal medicine is used for circulatory diseases in two ways: internally, through teas, tinctures or capsules, and externally, through poultices, lotions and herbal liniments.
Since diamorphine and cocaine have a bitter taste, gin, brandy, tincture of orange, honey, and syrups are used to mask it.
For a cherry red use tincture of saffron; for light amber to deep brown use sugar colouring; for brandy colour, sugar; for red use beet root or saunders; for port wine colour use extract of rhatany.
Young's Demonstrative Translation of Scientific Secrets
Take of 95 percent alcohol 2 quarts, and add to it the following articles: oils of sarsafras and hemlock, spirits of turpentine, balsam of fir, chloriform, tincture of catechu and guaiacum, of each 1 oz., oil of origanum 2 oz., oil of wintergreen 1/2 oz., and gum of camphor 1/2 oz.
Young's Demonstrative Translation of Scientific Secrets
The heavy traffic tinctures the air with carbon monoxide.
The true gum opium, and laudanum, which is its tincture, are derived from Eastern
Herbal Simples Approved for Modern Uses of Cure
-- Take a teaspoonful of the tincture of gum guaiacum and one teaspoonful of vinegar; mix well and apply to the affected parts.
Burroughs' Encyclopaedia of Astounding Facts and Useful Information, 1889
However, much relief is obtained from the use of steam atomizers filled with an aqueous solution of compound tincture of benzoin, creosote or guaiacol.
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 3 "Brescia" to "Bulgaria"
In dropsy, dysury, gravel, and nephritis calculosa or inflammation of the kidneys, the infusion and tincture were given by him with astonishing success.
A Dissertation on the Medical Properties and Injurious Effects of the Habitual Use of Tobacco
Every temple has a biwa tree somewhere in its precincts for just such use; the sliced leaves thus tinctured make a superior topical medicine as well, excellent for, among many things, taking the itch out of mosquito bites.
One of the most effective herbs for bed-wetting is a tincture made from the bark of sweet sumac Rhus aromatica, which is a North American shrub.
While most tinctures are in a ratio of one part herb to five parts menstruum, extracts are more concentrated, as much as one to one.
The tincture of gold known by the name of _Mademoiselle Grimaldi's potable gold_ enjoyed a wonderful reputation towards the close of the 18th century as an efficacious restorative and stimulant; and numerous instances of its all but miraculous powers were confidently adduced.
Aphrodisiacs and Anti-aphrodisiacs: Three Essays on the Powers of Reproduction
This pantomime tincture was made from guar gum and xanthan gum.
Times, Sunday Times
They are normally taken in the form of pillules, but are also available as a powder, granules, tinctures, creams or ointments.
After he heard that he was an aruspex, being a man whose mind was not without a tincture of religion, pretending that he wished to consult him on the expiation of a private portent, if he could aid him, he enticed the prophet to a conference.
The History of Rome, Books 01 to 08
Atop his head was a headdress of leaves; his skin was painted a dark tincture of blue, and his fair eyes shone e'en from that distance as surely as his throwing-spear was pointed with a true-sharp arrowhead.
In 1944, I used to treat my Parkinsonism patients with tincture of stramonium (from jimsonweed) which was the only drug that we had.
[485] Our druggists supply an officinal tincture of Colchicum
Herbal Simples Approved for Modern Uses of Cure
Powdered roots and tinctures are sold in health-food stores and some supermarkets.
The margins of the wound were cleansed as heretofore described, a drainage was provided surgically, tincture of iodin was injected and the wound was covered with equal parts of boric acid and exsiccated alum.
Lameness of the Horse Veterinary Practitioners' Series, No. 1
The sky was tinctured red
The catalyst required was the elixir of life, tincture, or philosophers' stone, the preparation of which long obsessed men of all ranks, despite its futility.
Conclusion The Burn - scald tincture of herb can inhibit the acute inflammation.
Dr. Ford also recommends during the invasion or period of chills external friction of mustard or of fresh red pepper either in tincture or in powder, a good alleviator always procurable; and the internal use of pepper-tea, to bring on the stages of reaction and resolution.
Two Trips to Gorilla Land and the Cataracts of the Congo
A teaspoonful of the _Camphor tincture_ may be put into a tumbler of cold water, ice water if at hand, and the water agitated until it becomes clear, giving a teaspoonful of this camphorated _cold_ water as
An Epitome of the Homeopathic Healing Art Containing the New Discoveries and Improvements to the Present Time
When the mixture begins to cool, add twelve drops of lemon juice and six drops of tincture of benzoin, while still continuing to stir.
In 1851 the Geelong Advertiser reported: ‘Gold is revolutionising manners and language - everything is tinctured with the yellow hue, and ounces, and grains, have become familiar words.’
These mention only prescriptions like rhubarb, the blue pill, Dover's powder, tinctures and leeches listed in any contemporary European dispenser.
Take 5-20 drops of the tincture in water or one cup of tea to relieve afterpains and tone the uterus.
After all, Coleridge had not drunk ayahuasca, he had taken tincture of opium.
An officinal tincture (_Tinctura anthemidis_) is made from the flowers of the true Chamomile (_Anthemis nobilis_) with rectified spirit of wine.
Herbal Simples Approved for Modern Uses of Cure
The heavy traffic tinctures the air with carbon monoxide.
Having said that, my last ear infection was treated in part with a tincture of vinegar and medicine suspended in oil (yes, I dropped vinaigrette in my ear).
Tincture is a Spirit, a Mist and Fume; as aforesaid, which can penetrate and pass through all Bodies, if you can take it, and acuate it by the Spirit which is in the Salt of _Mars_, and then conjoin the
Of Natural and Supernatural Things Also of the first Tincture, Root, and Spirit of Metals and Minerals, how the same are Conceived, Generated, Brought forth, Changed, and Augmented.
Grandmother had me on my feet for two hours, going through her entire supply of herbs, how to make teas, how to make tinctures, how to render tallow and add herbs to make salves.
To plumpen the hands: One-fourth ounce tincture of benzoin, eight ounces of rose-water, and four ounces of refined linseed oil.
The Woman Beautiful or, The Art of Beauty Culture
Hoping to strengthen her immune system, she also drinks an herbal tincture rich in thuja, hydrastis and ligustium.
Going Mainstream
A tincture of belladonna and chloride, thirteen drops in hot water six times a day, was supposed to kill the germ.
It is quite easy to make one's own herbal tincture using vodka, gin or some other spirits.
The square of Mars to Saturn induce him to be obstinate and a little willful, a tincture of malice remaining in him.
Furthermore, medicinal plants constitute a source of valuable foreign exchange for most developing countries, as they are a ready source of drugs such as quinine and reserpine; of galenicals like tinctures and of intermediates in the production of semi-synthetic drugs.
The tincture of "kino" -- of which from ten to thirty drops, mixed with a little sugar and water in a spoon, and given every two or three hours, is very efficacious and harmless -- can be procured at almost any druggist's.
The Whitehouse Cookbook (1887) The Whole Comprising a Comprehensive Cyclopedia of Information for the Home
In her novels, however, Ford presented a more complicated message: one that more fully developed both sides of the culturally tinctured Baptist message for women.
Liquid black ink, 25 c.c. Tincture of iodine 1 c.c. Allow the mixture to stand 24 hours, centrifugalise thoroughly, pipette off the supernatant liquid to a clean bottle and then add a crystal of thymol or one drop of formalin as a preservative.
The Elements of Bacteriological Technique A Laboratory Guide for Medical, Dental, and Technical Students. Second Edition Rewritten and Enlarged.
Provers of the tincture (H.) in toxic doses experienced giddiness, stupor, and confusion of mind, twitchings of the limbs, intermission of the pulse, and other symptoms indicative of the epileptiform
Herbal Simples Approved for Modern Uses of Cure
He was expert at carpentry and fixing bikes and playing dominoes and making kites and mauby-brewing with special tinctures.
Stabroek News
The Scots, today, are the major cheerleaders for cadency, and, indeed, the modern Scots system is most elaborate, involving the use of differently tinctured bordures and changing the lines of the bordures to differentiate one man from another.
The only difference in the treatment of these cases is that more time and care is taken in cleansing the wound, more curetting is necessary, and after cleansing the wound with peroxide of hydrogen, the joint is thoroughly washed out with equal parts of tincture of iodin and chloroform.
Lameness of the Horse Veterinary Practitioners' Series, No. 1
He smelled the ashes of fever, the scent of wormwood and roses, tinctures of blessed oil.
A resinoid of storax, fixed with tincture of labdanum (pressed from the fatty arteries of the rockrose), proved a sufficient camouflage for a walk around the block, but it had no more staying power than patchouli.
La insistencia de Jürgen Fauth
An officinal tincture is made from the plants collected in the spring, when two years old; also, in some villages the infusion is employed as a homely remedy to cure a cold, the herb being known as "Throttle Wort;" but this is not a safe thing to do, for medical experience shows that the watery infusion of
Herbal Simples Approved for Modern Uses of Cure
We shall be probably not far wrong in describing his material as a kind of methylated spirits; or pure psychic alcohol, strongly tinctured with the barks of trees, and rendered below proof by a quantity of sea-water.
Every Man His Own Poet Or, The Inspired Singer's Recipe Book
The precipitate formed is allowed to settle, 50 c.c. of the supernatant solution is removed with a pipette and transferred to a beaker; 50 c.c. of decinormal nitric acid and some water is added with sufficient cochineal tincture.
Scientific American Supplement, No. 324, March 18, 1882
Pills, powders, caplets, tablets, tinctures, oils and herb formulas can aid good health, but only if they're supplemental to a good diet.
A resinoid of storax, fixed with tincture of labdanum (pressed from the fatty arteries of the rockrose), proved a sufficient camouflage for a walk around the block, but it had no more staying power than patchouli.
La insistencia de Jürgen Fauth
Apply ethanol, tincture or aqueous solution of iodine, if available.
Maceration is the only feasible method of producing a tincture from an unorganized drug such as gum benzoin or propolis resin.
As well as tinctures, homeopathic remedies are available as sugar-based tablets, pills, granules and powders to be taken by mouth, and some also come as creams or ointments to be applied directly to the skin.
A decoction, infusion or tincture of the seeds is useful in nervous debility, hysteria and other nervous disorders.
From this preparation, which I used as the mother-tincture, I obtained attenuations up to the thirties centesimal scale.
Apis Mellifica or, The Poison of the Honey-Bee, Considered as a Therapeutic Agent
During the nineteenth century, laudanum, made from a tincture of opium, was a popular sleeping aid, but it was known to be fatal in large doses.
It can be made into a salve or the tincture can be painted on boils, felons, carbuncles, abscesses, inflamed acne, cellulitis and other local inflammations.
Medications used in this approach include paregoric, tincture of opium, phenobarbital, benzodiazepines, and chlorpromazine.
He recognized the tincture of gallnut as a reagent for the iron properties of mineral water.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 11: New Mexico-Philip
Police discovered ten bottles of barbiturate and amphetamine capsules plus some tincture of Opium in front of the offices in a plastic carrier bag.
They spritzed it with an atomizer filled with a tincture of pippali long peppers, mace, coriander, and cardamom.
Padma Lakshmi: Inspiring America's Next Top Cocktails?
In one place he says, "The Phylosopher's Stone is a very dark disesteemed Stone, of a Gray colour, but therein lyeth the highest Tincture.
Alchemy: Ancient and Modern
The acetic solution and the tincture are the cleanliest and most agreeable preparations, but all are equally efficacious in destroying both the creatures and their eggs, and even in relieving the intolerable itching which their casual presence leaves behind on many sensitive skins.
Burroughs' Encyclopaedia of Astounding Facts and Useful Information, 1889
Tincture of strophanthus, in 2-dram doses, will quiet the tumultuous action of the heart in some cases where the digitalis fails.
Special Report on Diseases of the Horse
Is dot skin diminish inflammation good with iodin bend over good with tincture of iodine still?
It is also called decolorized or "white" iodine and won't stain the skin the way brown tincture of iodine does. -
Alcohol, one thousand parts; genuine kino, one hundred parts; rhatany root, one hundred parts; tincture of balsam of tolu, two parts; tincture of gum benzoin, two parts; essential oil of canella, two parts; essential oil of mint, two parts; essential oil of aniseed, one part.
The Art of Perfumery And Methods of Obtaining the Odors of Plants
This is a rather odd interpretation of the film since the barest tincture of right-wing patriotism as a theme is nowhere to be found in it.
They say that the finest pleasures are found in ports of discriminating beauty where there can be found damasked silks, worried silver, and strong emulsions tinctured with human understanding.
Sunny And 78
Opium tincture and paregoric are similar products that are both extracts of opium and are both primarily employed as antidiarrheal agents.
While herbalists make dandelion into tincture, the leaves can be eaten raw in salad or steamed with the flowers and eaten like vegetables.
All the provings at this time were carried out with tinctures of herbs or, in the case of insoluble substances, with ‘first triturations’ (one part of substance ground up with nine parts of sugar or milk)…
The mineral appearances of salts, coal, and sulphur, with the burnt hill and pumicestone continue, and a bituminous water about the colour of strong lye, with the taste of glauber salts and a slight tincture of allum.
History of the Expedition under the Command of Captains Lewis and Clark, Vol. I. To the Sources of the Missouri, Thence Across the Rocky Mountains and Down the River Columbia to the Pacific Ocean. Performed During the Years 1804-5-6.
The tincture of opium might be useful, I supposed, for despair.
A resinoid of storax, fixed with tincture of labdanum (pressed from the fatty arteries of the rockrose), proved a sufficient camouflage for a walk around the block, but it had no more staying power than patchouli.
La insistencia de Jürgen Fauth
If a calk wound has been inflicted, the adjoining surface structures are freed of hair and the parts cleansed in the usual manner, (which in wounds recently inflicted, should be done without employing quantities of water) and after painting the wound surface with tincture of iodin and saturating its depths with the same agent, the wound is cleansed, if it contains filth, by means of a small curette.
Lameness of the Horse Veterinary Practitioners' Series, No. 1
Look for propolis in capsules, tablets, skin creams, tinctures, mouthwashes, toothpastes, and lozenges in your health food store.
Thus, if the tincture of the field should occur a second time, reference is made to it in the formula -- “_of the field_:” or, perhaps more frequently -- “_of the first_;” or, if the tincture that is named second in order in the blazoning be repeated, it is indicated by the expression -- “_of the second_;” and so on.
The Handbook to English Heraldry
(_viscin_), which is yielded to spirit of wine in making a tincture.
Herbal Simples Approved for Modern Uses of Cure
But I try not to let my, ahem, discerning tippling proclivities get in the way of enjoying a normal drink like a normal person at a normal bar—the kind of bar that doesn't have sassafras tinctures.
The Most Foolproof Cocktail
a tincture of condescension
Alcoholic extracts, tinctures and oils are made using herbs such as echinacea root, rosemary, nettles, birch leaves, burdock root, and seed together with a small amount of essential oils such as oils of, rosemary, lavender and calamus.
In addition to aspirating synovia, the introduction of equal parts of alcohol and tincture of iodin into the theca is necessary.
Lameness of the Horse Veterinary Practitioners' Series, No. 1
No, it is not the tincture of laudanum I placed in my thin gruel.
Mars tinctured either cheek with tinct of martial red;
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
The moon cast long fingers across their pale faces, splashing argent tinctures over a thousand powdered cheeks.
But this time her surprise at meeting him was tinctured with suspicion; or rather, her surprise was of another order.
Chapter XIII
If you combine the sauce with mashed barley to create a wort that is then infused with jimson weed and Orange Tic-Tacs, you create a tincture that can be rubbed on minor cuts and abrasions -- that is if you don't drink it before it is boiled and reduced as the liquid is at that point a near identical substitution for Jagermeister.
My Love for Maggi Seasoning Sauce - Maggi Sauce
The resin of Cannabis; extracts of cannabis; tinctures of cannabis; cannabin tannate.
Reasoning from which it has been found that the tincture, in a reduced form, and of a diminished strength, proves admirably curative of eczema, impetigo, and ecthyma.
Herbal Simples Approved for Modern Uses of Cure
It is not absolutely indicative of the presence of blood, for tincture of guaiacum is coloured blue by milk, saliva, and pus.
Aids to Forensic Medicine and Toxicology
Our tincture of opium of today was developed from Sydenham's laudanum.
Not so long ago, tincture of iodine was one of the most popular of antiseptics.
For an aphrodisiac drink, mix 2 ounces each of damiana and muira puama tinctures in your favorite adult punch.
In 1944, I used to treat my Parkinsonism patients with tincture of stramonium (from jimsonweed) which was the only drug that we had.
So the artist, with his brush, is manipulating tinctures of the very principles that underlie all nature.
Pills, powders, caplets, tablets, tinctures, oils and herb formulas can aid good health, but only if they're supplemental to a good diet.
There's a reason that those invites a fortunate few received, allowing them to attend the après-opening private reception at the latest, greatest Place To Be, the Feral Cheerleader, are tinctured with a hue you cannot find at Sherwin-Williams.
James Scarborough: "Stay Free© or Die: The Menstrual Hut Project," International City Bungalow Gallery, Long Beach, California
Myrrh resins and tinctures have also been used as a gargle and mouthwash, made by steeping one teaspoon of myrrh in one pint of boiling water for a few minutes, to treat gum infections, coughs and other chest problems.
Daily dose: one dropperful of fluid extract or tincture, two or three times a day.
Times, Sunday Times
She bought a small bottle of stinging nettle tincture and placed one eyedropper-full twice a day under her tongue.
The tincture of iodine smarted when applied it to the wound.
It has almost entirely healed by now – thanks in part to my using an eye bath and rinsing my eyeball with tinctures of astragalus and eyebright – and although I gave my mother the fright I knew I ...
24 « July « 2008 « The Life and Times of Organic Mama
From it is produced santalin, with which certain tinctures are made.
The South Sea Whaler
Does he adduce this to prove that the light of knowledge should be trameled in its vigorous growth, that philosophy should be bloted out from the world because forsooth a few of its devoted have deserted the pristine faith at a time when the whole nation was tinctured
"Have Men of Action Been More Beneficial to the World Than Men of Thought?" Debate Speech of Hamilton C. Jones, Jr., for the Dialectic Society, June 2, 1857
His are tinctured with some strange termed a humorist in a nation of humorists.
Across the Atlantic an officinal tincture is made from the Tomato for curative purposes by treating the apples, and the bruised fresh plant with alcohol, and letting this stand for eight days before it is filtered and strained.
Herbal Simples Approved for Modern Uses of Cure
Yes, the confluence of the culinary and cocktail worlds has been happening for some time now, evidenced by the vogue of homemade tinctures and bitters and bourbon washed in bacon fat, but no place has done it with such audaciousness and culinary precision.
Raising the Bar
The Methodistic principles, with which he was slightly tinctured, instead of impelling him to extravagance, assimilated themselves to his orderly habits of thought and action.
The moon cast long fingers across their pale faces, splashing argent tinctures over a thousand powdered cheeks.
Tinctures, elixirs, sirups, and even mucilages are filtered rapidly.
Scientific American Supplement, No. 484, April 11, 1885
Names such as ammoniated tincture of valerian can safely be revealed without upsetting the psychological applecart.
Nevertheless, a tincture prepared (H.) from the Wood Spurge, with spirit of wine, may be given admirably in much diluted doses for curing the same severe symptoms which the plant produces when taken to a toxical degree.
Herbal Simples Approved for Modern Uses of Cure
The heavy traffic tinctures the air with carbon monoxide
Other native American herbs that serve as expectorants include yerba santa (Eriodictyon californica), grindelia grandiflora, balm of Gilead (Populus balsamifera and P.candicans), polygala senega, sundew (Drosera rotundiflora), lobelia seed or leaf tincture (L. inflata), boneset (Eupatorium perfoliatum) and pleurisy root (Asclepias tuberosa).
For inflammatory diseases of the heart, the bowels, if constipated may be moved with compound tincture of jalap.
Dr. Jon LaPook: Steve Martin and the Latest Mammography Recommendations
The most active part of the tuber lies just beneath the skin, as may be shown by pouring some tincture of guaiacum over the cut surface of a Potato, when a ring of blue forms close to the skin, and is darkest there while extending over the whole cut surface.
Herbal Simples Approved for Modern Uses of Cure
Beyond the landing an atrium circled, tinctured with echoes.
Roanne's Dream
Thus, I read last week that Denis had been in the habit of referring to drinks by a number of peculiar names such as tinctures or even snorterinos.
Malva and I had started some fresh penicillin the day before, and had made up fresh tinctures of boneset and troutlilly, and some fresh gentian salve, as well.
A Breath of Snow and Ashes
Very soon after, this anxiety was tinctured with a feeling more severe; he saw her spoken to negligently by Sir Sedley – he required, after what he had already himself deemed impertinence from the Baronet, that she should have assumed to him a distant dignity; but he perceived, on the contrary, that she answered him with pleasant alacrity, and, when not engaged by Mrs. Berlinton, attended to him, even with distinction.
Camilla: or, A Picture of Youth
Light of the Understanding, almost benight the Faculties, and give that melancholy Tincture to the most sanguine Complexion, which this
The Spectator, Volume 2.
Who described Washington, D.C., as "the head-quarters of tobacco-tinctured saliva"?
Answer Man's quiz: the teacher's guide
Increasingly, however, his unionism and his commitment to property right were tinctured with a strong national feeling: this was encouraged by the haphazard nature of government action during the years of the Great Famine.
As to the tincture of opium (commonly called laudanum) that might certainly intoxicate if a man could bear to take enough of it; but why?
Our favorite mode of administering both veratrum and aconite is to add ten drops of the tincture to ten or fifteen teaspoonfuls of water, of which one teaspoonful may be administered every hour.
The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser in Plain English or, Medicine Simplified, 54th ed., One Million, Six Hundred and Fifty Thousand
Convenient alternatives include tinctures and pills, which are readily available in natural food stores.
CONCLUSIONS It is effective to treat the flat verruca with achromatous iodine tincture.
For instance, as a way of warding off grey hair, our anonymous beautician suggests a tonic of 1oz of castor oil, tincture of jaborandi (an American shrub) and 3oz of bay rum, applied every other night.
It can be made into a salve or the tincture can be painted on boils, felons, carbuncles, abscesses, inflamed acne, cellulitis and other local inflammations.
They say that the finest pleasures are found in ports of discriminating beauty where there can be found damasked silks, worried silver, and strong emulsions tinctured with human understanding.
Sunny And 78
This plant, called "button-snakeroot" by some, is reported to be a stimulant, diuretic, and expectorant; also possessing powers as an anodyne; it is consequently given as a remedy in colic, the tincture or the decoction of the root being employed -- said to resemble senega snakeroot, and to excite a flow of saliva when chewed.
Resources of the Southern Fields and Forests, Medical, Economical, and Agricultural. Being also a Medical Botany of the Confederate States; with Practical Information on the Useful Properties of the Trees, Plants, and Shrubs
As to the tincture of opium (commonly called laudanum) THAT might certainly intoxicate if a man could bear to take enough of it; but why?
Confessions of an English Opium-Eater
Atop his head was a headdress of leaves; his skin was painted a dark tincture of blue, and his fair eyes shone e'en from that distance as surely as his throwing-spear was pointed with a true-sharp arrowhead.
Most often consumed through standardized extracts, tinctures or concentrated drops, bilberry may also discourage cataracts and glaucoma.
Many a quack has made his fortune with a few bottles of tincture of cantharides, and a man who could discover a specific would become a millionaire in India only.
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
To make your own eyewash, simply dilute five drops of a tincture of goldenseal, an antibacterial herb, in warm water.
She sees a kinesiologist and an acupuncturist regularly, and keeps little bottles of goldenseal and other herbal tinctures stashed in her room.
= -- Tincture of guaiacum produces in the watery solution a reddish-white precipitate of the resin, but on addition of an aqueous solution of peroxide of hydrogen, or of an ethereal solution of the same substance (known as _ozonic ether_), a blue or bluish-green colour is developed.
Aids to Forensic Medicine and Toxicology
She tinctured all his thoughts; she was the compound extract of all that was chemically pure and officinal -- the dispensatory contained nothing equal to her.
The Four Million
Dr. Oswald has employed the alcoholic tincture of leadwort in the intermittents, with satisfactory results, and claims that it is a powerful diaphoretic.
The Medicinal Plants of the Philippines
The second tincture, a combination of common mallow, English yew and yarrow called AMT, tackles the emotional and energetic causes of the condition.
While herbalists make dandelion into tincture, the leaves can be eaten raw in salad or steamed with the flowers and eaten like vegetables.
So if you don't want to drink a julep, you can use a tincture instead.
Mercurochrome is the trade name of merbromin antiseptic tinctures made of merbromin and alcohol or water (usually 2% merbromin to 98% alcohol or water).
The Salmon is accounted the King of freshwater fish; and is ever bred in rivers relating to the sea, yet so high. or far from it, as admits of no tincture of salt, or brackishness.
The Compleat Angler : or, The Contemplative Man`s Recreation
By our leading English druggists are now dispensed a _succus verbasci_ (Mullein juice), of which the dose is from half to one teaspoonful; a tincture of _Verbascum_ (Mullein), the dose of which is from half-a-teaspoonful to two teaspoonfuls; and an infusion of Mullein, in doses of from one to four tablespoonfuls.
Herbal Simples Approved for Modern Uses of Cure
This tincture is prepared by macerating 200 grams of kamala in 500 cc. alcohol for 7 days; then filtering with expression and adding enough alcohol to complete the 500 cc.
The Medicinal Plants of the Philippines
A tincture is easier for children to take and it can be added to a little juice to disguise the taste.
The new religious spirit which I have attempted to characterize as tinctured by Protestant opinions but disinclined for severance from
Renaissance in Italy, Volumes 1 and 2 The Catholic Reaction
The coat of arms of the former duchy of Brittany is "Ermine", one of very few coats that are of one tincture only.
The maternal side were minor landed gentry from Lorraine with a tincture of Norman blood.
His pride, if we must call it so, undebased by the least tincture of mere vanity, was intertwined with
MacMillan's Reading Books Book V
Now the only possibility is that in the later 14th century in Germany some other Tinctures in RL heraldric use came to be used.
Day 18: Final days of UK filming
His mother respected him for his earning power, but somehow her respect was tinctured with fear.
No circumstances of the Norman Conquest more forcibly illustrate the humiliation of the conquered people, than the measures by which the invaders imposed their language on the public courts of the country, and endeavored to make it permanently usurp the place of the mother-tongue of the despised multitude; and no fact more signally displays our conservative temper than the general reluctance of English society to relinquish the use of the French words and phrases which still tincture the language of parliament, and the procedures of Westminster Hall, recalling to our minds the insolent domination of a few powerful families who occupied our country by force, and ruled our forefathers with vigorous injustice.
A Book About Lawyers
Alcohol, one thousand parts; genuine kino, one hundred parts; rhatany root, one hundred parts; tincture of balsam of tolu, two parts; tincture of gum benzoin, two parts; essential oil of canella, two parts; essential oil of mint, two parts; essential oil of aniseed, one part.
The Art of Perfumery And Methods of Obtaining the Odors of Plants
All I do is play interminable rounds of golf, quaff the odd tincture or two, fiddle a bit on the heavenly exchange, and so on.
In our own treatment of the Lions of Heraldry, whatever their attitude or tincture, whatever also the position they may occupy or the heraldic duty they may discharge, we are always to draw and to blazon them as true _heraldic Lions_, while, at the same time, in their expression and general characteristics they are to be _genuine Lions_.
The Handbook to English Heraldry
The sense of unoccupied power had begun to render him restless, and it was with elation which might have appeared tinctured with ingratitude by those who did not comprehend the mysterious workings of his untranquil ambition, that he prepared for his return to that foreign land where he could enjoy advantages for the prosecution of his art-studies unattainable in a young country.
Fairy Fingers A Novel
That war is yet flagrant; nor can it cease but by the extincture of that imposture, which has been permitted by Providence to prolong the degeneracy of man.
Social Sense