How To Use Tin ear In A Sentence
He has a tin ear for dialogue.
But old-line feminism still has a tin ear for listening to women with children, as evidenced by their main solution to the problem of combining work and family life: the socialization of child care.
he has a tin ear for dialogue
Even those of us with a tin ear can recognize a waltz.
Labour's tin ear for liberty is matched by its deafness to democracy.
But more importantly, the reason Augustine is careful about the word 'person' in V.9 is not that he is in doubt about whether there are persons in God, but the purely historical fact that 'persona' as the Latin term had to be recruited from a meaning that didn't exactly fit the Greek word 'hypostasis'; he points out the well-known fact that "three hypostaseis in one ousia" sounds very confusing to Latin ears, because the natural way to translate this would be "three substantiae in one essentia," which is not what the Latins would say because they would tend to regard "substantia" and "essentia" as synonyms.
Archive 2005-02-01
Oh, but I had," said Martin earnestly, fixing the swinging ropes to their places.
Martin Pippin in the Apple Orchard
He also likes to sing karaoke, but he also has a tin ear.
'Oh, but I had,' said Martin earnestly, fixing the swinging ropes to their places.
Martin Pippin in the Apple Orchard
It had an eye visor, broken off rather quickly, and stamped tin earphones.
Harry Harrison: SF Grand Master « Official Harry Harrison News Blog
Even those of us with a tin ear can recognize a waltz.