How To Use Timor In A Sentence
Star staff Saturday, August 22, 2009 - Powered by SIDON: The southern coastal city of Sidon saw banners fill its streets and lights brighten up its sky days before the Holy Month of weather in Baltimore has been sweltering lately, putting many at risk for heat-related conditions. such as Italy criticised Internazionale coach Jose Mourinho for comments the Portuguese made about Ramadan at the weekend. - Articles related to Lagos Fires Tourism Through Sports
Man, these people are just too stupid to be trusted with appointments - and too timorous to deserve to a university position from which to dribble out the contents of their weak little minds.
BALTIMORE - Michael Phelps was formally welcomed home Saturday with a two-pronged celebration that began with a parade and ended with a fireworks show at historic Fort McHenry.
The first national party conventions, in fact, were held in Baltimore in preparation for the 1832 election.
In his million-acred temple, he stood -- cold, white and useless -- leaning upon his broken staff; while timorous leadership gaped at his still majesty --
Four Years in Rebel Capitals An Inside View of Life in the Southern Confederacy from Birth to Death

Aaron Burr are largely reduced to an amusing but pointless conversation with four gigantic hoodlums from Baltimore who are asked to interpret the word "despicable," which triggered the Burr-Hamilton duel.
The Full Feed from
Barnes was slain in a double murder one week before the Baltimore Ravens selected Lewis in the first round of the 1996 NFL draft.
People neeed some courage in life, just like climbing a cliff .Although there are stemp ahead, you still fell some timorous and dare not go ahead. But when you conquer the timidity and reach the peak, you will feel the importance of courage as you enjoy the beautiful scenes. It is the same with life.
Shed never been what you might call svelte, but then she had left town and gone to live in Baltimore, and by the time she came back shed piled on the pounds.
The Lovers
He settled in Baltimore and was appointed to the collectorship of the port, by the Governor of the State, the duties of which he discharged with the same exemplary fidelity which had attended his military career.
A sketch of the life and services of Gen. Otho Holland Williams Read before the Maryland historical society, on Thursday evening, March 6, 1851
NASA, the European Space Agency (ESA), and the Baltimore-based Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI) have released new pictures from the telescope this week, to celebrate Hubble's anniversary. by sam-kiley April 24, 2010 4: 29 PM EDT coucou ..
Breaking News: CBS News
Then he singled in the sixth, the hit part of a rally that enabled Baltimore to go ahead, 4-2.
None of the hundreds of other people charged in absentia with similar crimes has ever been extradited to East Timor.
I want to buy and rehabilitate vacant houses in Baltimore for resale.
The Super Bowl runner-up Pittsburgh Steelers were crushed by divisional rivals the Baltimore Ravens in their opening game with quarterback Ben Roethlisberger having a shaky start with three interceptions and two fumbles.
Pressure already on teams off to surprisingly slow starts
In the Baltimore markets four kinds of terrapin are sold -- not counting muskrat, which is sometimes disguised with sauce and sherry and served as a substitute.
American Adventures A Second Trip 'Abroad at home'
On July 8, the Baltimore Orioles and Boston Red Sox brawled on the field at Fenway Park, resulting in four players being run.
Do Ejections Rise With the Mercury?
It is all typical of the dismissive attitude adopted by those at the Executive who seem to think that an airy-fairy, and probably timorous, arts lobby will go away if told that everything will be all right.
Last fall, MORE reared its head when Baltimore's Department of Public Works threatened to step up enforcement of rules that keep mountain bikes off so-called singletrack dirt trails around Loch Raven and Pretty Boy reservoirs.
Baltimore City Paper
Baltimore's millers and merchants linked backcountry farmers to an Atlantic market that showed an insatiable appetite for American produce.
I left off, though, when I became aware that I was being watched by a belted constable with a damned disinheriting moustache, but I've calculated since that I could have cleared ten thousand dollars a year on the streets of Baltimore, easy, which is two thousand quid, sufficient to buy you a lieutenancy in the Guards in those days - and from the look of some of them, I'd not be surprised.
Bciltimores in poflTtrflion of their revenues, but depriv*
A philosophical and political history of the British settlements and trade in North America ...
As the interest in wooden boats and yawls grows, the Baltimore Traditional Boat Festival, held at the end of May, provides an excellent showcase for the craftsmanship, beauty and line of these vessels.
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Feeling all gooey inside
Corporal Jones was on an operational tour in East Timor and was travelling in the rear of an armoured vehicle at the time of the incident.
Then Sunday morning, Pete's scooching me back down to Baltimore, where I'll be meeting up with Greg & John, et al.
The average life expectancy in some neighborhoods in Baltimore is 20 years lower than in neighborhoods one mile away.
Christianity Today
From flying foxes to laughing kookaburras and live crocodiles, they'll meet elements of nature that, for many people, are worlds away from Baltimore.
People neeed some courage in life, just like climbing a cliff .Although there are stemp ahead, you still fell some timorous and dare not go ahead. But when you conquer the timidity and reach the peak, you will feel the importance of courage as you enjoy the beautiful scenes. It is the same with life.
We live within striking distance of both Baltimore and Washington.
If it had been, a particularly vicious correction must have occurred to turn Britain back into the timorous, conservative country it became in the Seventies.
A Baltimore research team has developed a technique for building electrical circuitry that can bend and stretch like rubber.
He was the most timorous person in that event.
People neeed some courage in life, just like climbing a cliff .Although there are stemp ahead, you still fell some timorous and dare not go ahead. But when you conquer the timidity and reach the peak, you will feel the importance of courage as you enjoy the beautiful scenes. It is the same with life.
RBI double Luis Matos that brought Baltimore within ao run and was chased after Deivi Cruz's two-base hit forged a 5-5 tie.
Five plays later — all runs — and Baltimore was ahead 14-0 after McClain ploughed in from the 1 and Billy Cundiff tacked on the extra point.
Statement win: Could beating Patriots fuel deep Ravens run?
Although from very modest circumstances, a number of students acquired needle skills and worked samplers that were the equivalent in style and expertise to those worked in the most fashionable schools in Baltimore.
She landed in a literary publications class at the University of Baltimore, where the assignment was to produce a literary magazine.
Her main preoccupation was to get away from Baltimore, and she snapped up the first remotely eligible husband who came her way.
King Edward VIII - The Official Biography
The Maryland Court of Appeals has rejected a plea by Baltimore attorney Peter G. Angelos to overturn the sale of the so-called superblock on Baltimore's west side to a private development group, according to a 55-page unanimous opinion issued Tuesday by the state's highest court.
Boston Business News - Local Boston News | Boston Business Journal
To certain people in Baltimore, the word hon, which is short for honey, isn't just a nice thing to call someone.
NPR Topics: News
Abu Sayyaf visit ofal-Qaeda’s early years andanger at Saudis ofanti-American stance ofanti-U.N. stance ofappeal to Filipinos ofAzzam as mentor offavoritism towards Egyptians shown byglobal jihad sought bygraduation speech ofJabarah sent to KSM byJanjalani andLaskar Jihad links toloyalty ofmedia monitored by1998 fatwah ofon East Timorin Philippinesrecruitment success ofSayyaf as prototype forsons ofin Sudanterror tapes oftransition from financier to terrorist ofYousef andBlack Friday
Seeds of Terror
Yet, Oblate status within the Baltimore religious community improved significantly with the succession of Francis Patrick Kenrick to the archiepiscopacy of Baltimore in 1851.
Timor comes from the Malay word for "East;" the island of Timor is part of the Malay Archipelago and is the largest and easternmost of the Lesser Sunda Islands
The 2004 CIA World Factbook
The commission, comprising three international and two East Timorese commissioners, was responsible for the organization and conduct of the elections.
The Daiichi 1120 is a style of hook most commonly referred to as a scud/shrimp/caddis pupa hook and, frankly, since it is hard to make a bad hook of this type, I decided to utilize this model for my first timorous use in this brand.
Epinions Recent Content for Home
So a while they sat talking, all of them, and the squire and the sergeant aforesaid were not a little timorous of the adventure of making that stead unkenned their sleeping chamber; and to while away the time, their lords made them tell tales such as they knew concerning that place; and both they said that they had never erst come into the dale but a very little way, and said that they had done so then but trusting in their lords 'bidding and the luck of the Quest.
The Water of the Wondrous Isles
ABS: During the Indonesian times, while doing my studies in Yogyakarta, I came across books on Timor-Leste such as “EasTimor: Nationalism and Colonialism” by Jill Jollife, a fellow journalist, from Australia.
Global Voices in English » East Timor: Abe Barreto Soares’ Poetry for Nation Building
No monument to him, however, adorns any of its parks: Baltimore has too many soldiers to honor to remember monumentally her poet son.
His thatch teepee-shaped home is the last stop in tiny East Timor.
Tiny East Timor Declares War On Leprosy
The rookie, who threw a no-hitter against Baltimore as a September call - up last year, is still looking for his first win as a starter since that game.
Even the timorous Lord Mayor, who was summoned that night before the Privy Council to answer for his conduct, came back contented; observing to all his friends that he had got off very well with a reprimand, and repeating with huge satisfaction his memorable defence before the Council, ‘that such was his temerity, he thought death would have been his portion.’
Barnaby Rudge
Residents are complaining about the rising cost of living in Dili, East Timor.
Global Voices in English » East Timor: The land was freed, but who owns it?
De timore supervacaneum est disserere, quum praesertim diligentia clarissimi viri, consulis, tanta praesidia sint in armis.
C. Sallusti Crispi De Bello Catilinario Et Jugurthino
Some delegates believe the final declaration is likely to be too timorous.
Girls, allegedly timorous and lacking in confidence, now outnumber boys in student government, in honor societies, on school newspapers, and in debating clubs.
Baltimore, and which was to antiquate the "American System" over which
Expansion and Conflict
Maryland's Baltimore to Cumberland section of the Historic National Road was designated the Historic National Pike.
Timor-Leste is one of the smallest countries in the world, consisting of the eastern half of the island of Timor western half belongs to Indonesia, and the islands of Atauro and Jaco, and the exclave of Oecusse.
Howard Steven Friedman: Timor-Leste Beauty
When I was in Baltimore, my first year, Bart Scott kind of decapitated him, and he came back in the game," Pryce said.
SFGate: Top News Stories
Maybe Not: The Baltimore Sunâ ™ s David Zurawik responds to Paul Saffo's recent column on ABCNews. com about "Obama's 'cybergenic' edge.
Daily Digest: OMG BRK OBMA TXTS 4 VP
DILI: East Timor celebrated the 10th anniversary of its popular consultation on Sunday, with the main streets and government offices in Dili decorated with colorful flags Minister Kevin Rudd's scandal-plagued Labour Party in the state of New South - Articles related to Japan Leads Rally; Steel Stocks Up
THE TIMOR GROUP: comprising the islands of Timor, Flores,
The Malay Archipelago
Jennifer in turn adjusted her attitude and sat and listened as if she were attending a lesson in the Baltimore catechism.
It is, however, to the latter, to the lowly and ugly agarics, that nations with timorous taste buds limit their knowledge and appetite, so that to the Anglo-American lay mind the aristocratic boletes are, at best, reformed toadstools.
An enterprising reporter found him at the residence of a Baltimore hair salon owner with whom, it was alleged, James Agnew was co-habiting.
McCain To Meet With Potential Running Mates
East Timor and Australia initialed Thursday a framework agreement on revenue-sharing for oil in the Timor Gap between the two countries.
Sub hac capella ad aliquos gradus monstratur locus eiusdem c鎛ationis, videlic鑤 c鎟nacul� magni, et in eo vas, aquarum, in quo Christus lauabat pedes Apostolorum: iuxta quod vas a Gamaliele, et alijs viris timoratis primus sepultus fuit protomartyr Stephanus.
The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
I also lived 17 years overseas, in Thailand, Cambodia, Indonesia/East Timor, Egypt, Hong Kong and India; and have done the rounds of several low-budget insurgencies, plus the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Bosnia - so I know of what I speak.
MP Nunan: "Off the Map" Is Off the Mark
He could easily have cited the Aldabran tortoise, the chuckwalla of Angel de la Guarda, the hippo of Madagascar, the beetles of Madeira, the elephantids of Timor, the iguanas of the Galápagos, the finches of Darwin and Lack, the earwig of Saint Helena, and the dodo.
The Song of The Dodo
To satisfy our own curiosity we traveled to Baltimore.
The chairs drawn up to the dining-room table are inlaid with strings of bellflowers suspended from rings, testifying to their Baltimore origin.
I had been transformed from timorous novice to impassioned biker.
But the idea that a woman cannot be expected to cope with going into a witness box, where she will be publicly identified, is equally stereotypical: it implies a degraded notion of weak and timorous women.
O Railroad museums, two neighboring institutions on the western side of downtown Baltimore.
No one at Safeway Stores, the other major grocery chain in the Washington-Baltimore area, was available for comment.
Timor-LesteAustronesian (Malayo-Polynesian), Papuan, small Chinese minority
Ethnic groups
In the first message, Roosevelt learned that Japan was applying diplomatic pressure to obtain oil export rights in Portuguese Timor, a small island east of the Dutch East Indies.
But cajoling the more timorous to leave the building's downstairs social area to venture upstairs, on time, to a place where discipline is expected needs more effort.
Belshazzar's Feast; Royal Philharmonic Orchestra Christmas project – review
It has assigned staff members only to places where there are internationally displaced migrants - such as in the border areas of East Timor and East Nusa Tenggara.
Our commitment's been demonstrated in the $10 million we've already given to the United Nation's Trust Fund and our pledge of an additional $10 million in in kind logistical support to the United Nation's mission in East Timor, which is known as Unimet.
Australia Indonesia Business Council
But in Timor's case, the facts of the situation made it an eminently resolvable problem, and one of my complaints about the media would be its failure to articulate the underlying facts and their resolvability.
One of the overcrowded, unseaworthy boats later ran aground off the coast of Timor and three Iraqi men drowned.
Does your party support the establishment of a criminal tribunal to investigate and prosecute crimes against humanity in East Timor?
Steven M. Scharf, director of the University of Maryland's Sleep Disorders Center in Baltimore, says that the products are based on motion-sensitive devices called accelerometers - less-sophisticated versions of the technology he uses to track patients' sleep.
Apps and gadgets to track your sleep
The Baltimore Sun, Boston Globe, Chicago Tribune, New York Times and Washington Post all ran long ‘take-out’ stories datelined from different West Bank settlements during that period; the Los Angeles Times ran two such stories.
Here was the situation, as I recounted it to myself: somehow, I was trapped in some unearthly dimension where Baltimore, actor Emilio Estevez, and myself had somehow collided in a big cartoon scrum complete with onomatopoeias and clouds of dust.
I'm Not Emilio Estevez
To satisfy our own curiosity we traveled to Baltimore.
He came straight off the sandlots of Baltimore to become one of the game's great right fielders.
Bangladesh later separated from Pakistan and East Timor which at the time was a Portuguese colony but is now an independent country.
Hospital Dispensary, estimates that in Baltimore alone from 800 to 1,000 children between the ages of one and fifteen are venereally infected every year.
Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 6 Sex in Relation to Society
Over the next 24 years, the occupiers inflicted massacres, hunger, forced sterilization, and attempts at cultural annihilation on East Timor.
Since you might not see NBA guys playing in this country for awhile, enjoy Milwaukee's Brandon Jennings with the alley oop pass to himself in Baltimore the other night.
Len Berman: Top 5 Sports Stories
Boston, Philadelphia, and Baltimore have also benefited as East Coast homeland ports, while 2002 became a banner year for the number of sailings scheduled from North American ports.
It's an aural snapshot of the complex situation facing this fledgling nation two years after it was formally declared the Independent Republic of East Timor.
Tess realized it was the first time he had spoken since they had merged onto the Baltimore beltway two hours earlier.
Le sue lettere avrebbero potuto essermi di conforto; ma quando io le riceveva era già trascorso lo spazio di due giorni dal momenta in cui furono scritte, e questo pensiero distruggeva tutto il bene che esse potevano farmi, e la mia anima era lacerata dai più crudeli timori.
Life of Lord Byron, Vol. 5 (of 6) With His Letters and Journals
People neeed some courage in life, just like climbing a cliff .Although there are stemp ahead, you still fell some timorous and dare not go ahead. But when you conquer the timidity and reach the peak, you will feel the importance of courage as you enjoy the beautiful scenes. It is the same with life.
In terms of modern PC attitudes toward war and national solidarity, it's a big bucket of cold water down the pants of the timorous, and it reminds you how unapologetic popular patriotism used to be.
Looks like it'll be tons of fun, as I have to transfer twice and I have a two-hour layover in Baltimore.
They included many who were poor; however, they were also drawn from New York City's artisans, the workingmen of Philadelphia, and the ‘new men’ merchants and entrepreneurs of Baltimore.
Lifelong Baltimoreans always spot a journalist imported from out of town, because an auslander will write about people sitting on the stoop.
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Le sue lettere avrebbero potuto essermi di conforto; ma quando io le riceveva era gia trascorso lo spazio di due giorni dal momenta in cui furono scritte, e questo pensiero distruggeva tutto il bene che esse potevano farmi, e la mia anima era lacerata dai piu crudeli timori.
Life of Lord Byron With His Letters And Journals
He sent a message over a wire from Washington to Baltimore.
This ecoregion represents the semi-evergreen dry forests of Timor, Wetar, and some smaller islands in the provinces of Nusa Tenggara and Maluku in the eastern Indonesian Archipelago.
Timor and Wetar deciduous forests
In a game against Baltimore last week, Manuel pinch-hit for Anderson after the Orioles brought in a lefthander.
Both programs, operating through local alliances, will be kicked off in Baltimore, Washington and six other cities.
* Sunt quaedam effecta interna ad conversionem sive regenerationem praevia, quae virtute verbi, spiritusque in nondum regeneratorum cordibus excitantur; qualia sunt notitia voluntatis divinae, sensus peccati, timor poenae; cogitatio de liberatione, spes aliqua veniae.
The Baltimore Consort uses a variety of instruments - lute, viol, flute, cittern, early guitar, rebec, recorder, crumhorn and bandore - and vocals of medieval and Renaissance music.
The only Australian fossorial mammal is the marsupial mole, Notoryctes typhlops (order Notoryctimorphia, family Notoryctidae).
Yet Nature hath given us a sufficient demonstration, in creating our bodies more soft and delicate, yea, and our hearts timorous, fearefull, benigne and compassionable, our strength feeble, our voyces pleasing, and the motion of our members sweetly plyant: all which are apparant testimonies, that wee have neede of others government.
The Decameron
in a timorous tone
Fast forward now to a Thursday session at ideacity we are introduced to the space age Dr. Doolittle, who just may be very close to talking to possibly the most intelligent, caring animals on our threatened planet, dolphins, Diana Reiss, a cogitative psychologist at Hunter College in New York and the National Aquarium, Baltimore.
Raymond Heard: In the Beginning, the Idea, the Word, Then Babble
ROBERTS: Yes, as you point out, yesterday we saw the video there of police pulling over white vehicles along the I-95, you know, runway there, and that's right by what they call the mixing bowl, where you can get into Tyson's Corner, where you can get into Washington, D.C., or take 95 in to Baltimore.
CNN Transcript Oct 12, 2002
Many hands make light work: Cpl Peter Gardiner assists his workforce of East Timorese Defence Force assault pioneers and Tonnabibi villagers in lifting a beam.
He has been a reporter, Washington correspondent, system editor, state editor and Baltimore County bureau chief.
He said such instances continued to occur and just reinforced the importance of the battalion's mission in East Timor.
A couple of weeks later, my students and I ventured into another corner of the Chesapeake Bay watershed, this time to East Baltimore, one of the most beleaguered neighborhoods in that post-industrial city.
McKay Jenkins, Ph.D.: Canoes, But No Kayaks: Thoughts on Environmental Studies
He has been a reporter, Washington correspondent, system editor, state editor and Baltimore County bureau chief.
By then, New York City was handling more tonnage than Boston, Baltimore, and New Orleans combined.
But in East Timor, and specifically Oe-cusse Enclave, leprosy is not feared as it is in richer, more educated places.
Tiny East Timor Declares War On Leprosy
Viviamo in un mondo in cui troppa gente non ha timore di premere il pulsante rosso, e non per coraggio.
No Fat Clips!!! : Young Galaxy – Come and See
Some delegates believe the final declaration is likely to be too timorous.
Also, the flat brim cap-wearing world was recently shaken to its colorway-coordinated core when a Baltimore fixed-gear freestyler was cited for "fancy riding.
BSNYC Friday Fun Quiz!
This is how the state of Maryland will fund the pro football stadium in Baltimore.
For most Timorese, the landscape is also populated by powerful spirits who are called rai na'in, literally meaning owners of the land.
Global Voices in English » East Timor: The land was freed, but who owns it?
The Welshman, who had stepped away from Livingston's timorous back line, seemed almost to be in the prone position when he wheeled to thrash a low volley inside the left-hand post.
Clarence V. Reynolds is a writer and freelance copy editor, dividing his time between New York City and Baltimore.
Nor can East Timor expect to survive indefinitely on international handouts.
As a committee of Philadelphia officials noted with admiration, Baltimore was able to ‘derive an income from that class who are always the greatest burthen.’
The next day federal marshals brought him back to Baltimore, where he pleaded not guilty by reason of insanity.
East Timor does have an advantage over countries that emerged from colonization during the 20th century.
It is probably a bit too harsh to call those upset by The Baltimore Sun's recent use of the word limn in a headline word-haters, but I assume they'd be even more offended by the fancy word misologists.
Boston Globe -- Ideas section
But the thinking behind it is consistent with the rather timorous, hands-off approach to recent conflicts.
The vision is to mobilize and empower Africans worldwide in impacting our generation and to work towards the realization of God’s purpose and vision for the continent of Africa and peoples of African descent worldwide (www. …).
African blessings
Maryland, led by the Mayor of Baltimore, began tearing up rails, burning bridges, and cutting the wires, the Union Government found itself enisled in a hostile sea.
Captains of the Civil War; a chronicle of the blue and the gray
We live within striking distance of both Baltimore and Washington.
Greetings from the winter wonderland also known as Baltimore, MD.
Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » Headline of the Day
A few times every spring and summer, Dad would fire up the old station wagon and drive us all to Baltimore's Memorial Stadium.
Timor comes from the Malay word for "East"; the island of Timor is part of the Malay Archipelago and is the largest and easternmost of the Lesser Sunda Islands
The 2007 CIA World Factbook
Both of these writers are forced to share space in the newspaper The Baltimore Sun on a op-ed piece.
D. Herring, warden of Baltimore city jail, in the "Marylander," Oct 6,
The Anti-Slavery Examiner, Part 3 of 4
Eileen wants a man with ‘a nice face, kind eyes and a gentle voice,’ but can only break out of her meek and timorous shell in her fantasies.
Starting in the 4th inning he pitches lefthanded whenever Baltimore's lefty hitters are at bat.
On the other hand, if he were timorously charged with loving her, it would have been like him to call the venturesome one a liar -- and mean it, too, in his heart.
The Rose in the Ring
With increased demand for terrapins by epicures, prices soared and a market was born to supply the big eastern cities of Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York.
Traditionally the East Timorese have lived in small villages with semi-autonomous local governments, and Gusmao and Ramos Horta are keen to enable this de-centralised social and political structure to persist.
Jakarta uses the term integration when referring to the turn of events leading up to East Timor becoming Indonesia's 27th province in 1976.
ANC Daily News Briefing
So there are enormous consequences for all of us when the owners elect not to act like owners, but like timorous lackeys desperate to please management.
Elevation extremes: lowest point: Timor Sea, Savu Sea, and Banda Sea 0 m highest point: Foho Tatamailau 2,963 m
People neeed some courage in life, just like climbing a cliff .Although there are stemp ahead, you still fell some timorous and dare not go ahead. But when you conquer the timidity and reach the peak, you will feel the importance of courage as you enjoy the beautiful scenes. It is the same with life.
People neeed some courage in life, just like climbing a cliff .Although there are stemp ahead, you still fell some timorous and dare not go ahead. But when you conquer the timidity and reach the peak, you will feel the importance of courage as you enjoy the beautiful scenes. It is the same with life.
The committee wanted the new nation's territory to include not only the Netherlands Indies but also Portuguese Timor and British North Borneo and the Malay Peninsula.
Archive 2004-11-01
People neeed some courage in life, just like climbing a cliff .Although there are stemp ahead, you still fell some timorous and dare not go ahead. But when you conquer the timidity and reach the peak, you will feel the importance of courage as you enjoy the beautiful scenes. It is the same with life.
D. Herring, warden of Baltimore city jail, in the "Marylander," Oct. 6, 1837.
American Slavery As It Is: Testimony of a Thousand Witnesses
Sara arrived to the program after spending several weeks in Dili, East Timor, the country whose blogosphere she dutifully covers on Global Voices.
Global Voices in English » Featured Author: Sara Moreira
Seattle Mariners starting putcher Felix Hernandez reacts to the final out in his complete game against the Baltimore Orioles Wednesday, April 21, 2010, in Seattle.
The News Tribune Blogs
Data collection took place in nine police precincts in Baltimore City between January and August 1995.
At a news conference at a Baltimore County middle school dedicated to math and engineering, Obama cast his go-slow approach to budget-cutting as a responsible alternative to the steep reductions Republicans are seeking in a vote this week on the House floor.
Obama's proposed budget for fiscal 2012 focuses on education, energy, research
Baudin had sailed south from Timor, avoiding the continental coast, and then east to Tasmania, where he allowed his savants generous time to investigate the flora and fauna and to observe the indigenous population.
Her Baltimore ancestor's will is extant, has been examined by Old Mortality's great-grandson, and announces in a kind of preamble that the testator was a native of Donegal; his Christian name was William ( "Notes and Queries," Fourth Series, vol.vii. p. 219, and Fifth Series, August, 1874).
Old Mortality, Volume 1.
She was educated by tutors and at private school, and her first job was at a stock company in Baltimore.
At last, toward evening, the captain comes on board with the gentleman passenger, a mighty timorsome sort of young chap he appeared for to be, and had never before set his foot upon the plank of a vessel.
Poor Jack
The Baltimore Sun elaborates on an ongoing dispute over the decoding of Isthmian, a writing system whose linguistic base, let alone characters, are unclear.
Even more confused, and his grin now rictus-like, the PM moves onto the next patient, who immediately begins to chant: Wee sleekit, cowerin, timorous beasty
Archive 2007-02-01
So we see among wild beasts, the intractable and least tamable are the most timorous and most easily startled; the nobler creatures, whose courage makes them trustful, are ready to respond to the advances of men.
The Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans
Strictly speaking, the new Amistad is a reproduction or a recreation of the original, a Baltimore clipper built in Cuba around 1835 to carry general cargo.
Jorullo; but the catastrophe seems to have ended like the last great eruption of the volcano in Timor -- the whole of the plain having been ingulfed and replaced by the salt lake, whose depressed level so clearly indicates the nature of its origin.
Wonders of Creation
East Timor comes across as a series of lands within a land, with different tongues and customs.
Tourism in Baltimore has increase since the city redeveloped the Inner Harbor.
They work hand in hand, one after the other and act like scissors, cutting up this [APP] protein into smaller bits and smaller bits called amyloid peptide, which we think is the cause of Alzheimer's disease when it's abnormally accumulated in the brain," explained study senior author Philip C. Wong, a professor of pathology and of neuroscience at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in Baltimore.
Medlogs - Recent stories
After releasing two albums for 4AD, Baltimore's cabaret-postpunk trio Celebration balked at resubmitting itself to the cycles of industry and set about releasing its third album, "Hello Paradise," independently, offering fans a chance — a la Radiohead — to pay what they wish to own the album.
Going Gaga for Beats and Tunes
The tall, thin man was the innkeeper -- evidently a timorous fellow; the hunchback was his 'man' -- malevolent probably, the doer of the other's dark behests; whilst the woman was presumably his wife, the cook and housekeeper of the ale-house.
Border Ghost Stories
Brown and her colleagues added biosolids - the polite term for byproducts of treated sewage that are blended into fertilizers - to lead-tainted soil from a home garden in Baltimore.
Lord Baltimore purchased a plantation in Newfoundland in 1620, which he called Avalon, and quasi-royal authority was given him.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 3: Brownson-Clairvaux
A man serving three life terms conned his way out of a Baltimore prison with help from his cellmate.
Arkansas Online stories
Greater Sunrise is the biggest of the three oil and gas fields in the Timor Sea.
It's considered "political" because the nephew is a delegate for Baltimore County.
A pricey proposal
As East Timor becomes the world's newest country it is also emerging as a tourist destination.
Like the sea horse, these sculptures have an almost timorous charm; one took care not to breathe too hard near them for fear of snapping their lengthy stems.
Elkridge, just south of the Baltimore beltway, near the airport, is a new venue for the symposium.
The VA signed a lease in January for about 57,000-square-feet in the building, just south of the so-called superblock on Baltimore's west side.
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Now this is only a small pocketbook, but it's amazing how much one learns about East Timorese culture, and how important that sensitivity to that culture is, even in the most basic communication.
People neeed some courage in life, just like climbing a cliff .Although there are stemp ahead, you still fell some timorous and dare not go ahead. But when you conquer the timidity and reach the peak, you will feel the importance of courage as you enjoy the beautiful scenes. It is the same with life.
This is how the state of Maryland will fund the pro football stadium in Baltimore.
ARLINGTON, Texas (Ticker) -- Mike Lamb's RBI double broke an eighth-inning tie and Rafael Palmeiro capped the three-run rally with a solo homer as the Texas Rangers swept a twi-night doubleheader from the Baltimore Orioles with a 5-2 victory.
American League Baseball - Orioles vs. Rangers
Jennifer in turn adjusted her attitude and sat and listened as if she were attending a lesson in the Baltimore catechism.
That's the real lesson I learned in East Timor: that as an accident of birth some of us have been handed fortunate lives.
The distance is indicated as centimorgans with the 95% confidence interval in brackets.
The capital of Maryland, in the central part of the state on an inlet of Chesapeake Bay south-southeast of Baltimore.
Nations with timorous taste buds limit their knowledge and appetite, so that to the Anglo-American lay mind the aristocratic boletes are, at best, reformed toadstools.
The East Timorese are steering their own course, but it promises to be a bumpy ride.
While preferring the integration of Portuguese Timor with Indonesia, the Whitlam
Australia and the Indonesian Incorporation of Portuguese Timor, 1974-1976
Ok, I fully expected us to lose this game, having beento Baltimore three times and they have lost all three.
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But that said, we need to recognise that private foreign investment is extremely minimal in East Timor, and the reason for that is a total lack of certainty of titles.
I am a 20-plus-year employee at US Airways in Baltimore.
In the 1966 World Series, the LA Dodgers played the Baltimore Orioles who swept the Series in four games.
He likened the Iraqi team to the East Timorese athletes at the Sydney games.
Slated to start the season opener at Baltimore on Sunday night, the right-hander threw 53 of his 84 pitches for strikes.