How To Use Timid In A Sentence
Considering his height, then the steely look and his rough voice, both of which reminded me a lot of Carey, he was a rather intimidating person, even to me.
Oh I forgot, the nice man intimidated her into signing the car documents over to him.
Good luck to him: but there is no earthly reason why BBC radio should timidly do the same, and debauch one of our greatest programmes in the process.
He came to Egypt in 1168 as an assistant to his uncle, who was a general and then became the vizier of the last Fatimid caliph.
She spoke in a high but not unmusical note, very quickly, and with timid glances to either side of her collocutor.
Eve's Ransom
But he's a timid child, fearful of water, heights, spiders, darkness and the great outdoors.
Any knowledge that I inquire is from the limited public sources that the APD can't suppress or intimidate.
City of Aurora's Labor Union Negotiations Continue with Mixed Progress, Complaints and Counter-Complaints
They have been miniaturized so as to make them less threatening or intimidating to their small owners.
Another timid miscreant, just before he is sent off to prison, has so far stepped out of reality and into legend that he asks to be known hereafter as ‘The Lonesome Kid’.
This is an attempt to intimidate and blackguard the prison officers and this is an attempt that will fail.
Nevertheless, the only East European country to sign up has been Romania (and the Romanian government is now back-pedalling, claiming that it was intimidated by Washington).
All movement ceases, the sky clears, the heavens are as brass; the slightest whisper seems sacrilege, and man becomes timid, affrighted at the sound of his own voice.
For Reeves, a Bowl concert can be intimidating, but the difficulties it presents also inspire her as a singer.
Let us walk away with the lessons of this," Gray told the crowd of dozens of employees, after adding that such an incident can "intimidate" elected officials from participating in outreach such as Rep. Gabrielle Giffords's event Saturday.
D.C. government observes moment of silence for Ariz. victims
Masked protest, intimidatory filming or physical disruption is unacceptable and must be stopped.
Times, Sunday Times
People neeed some courage in life, just like climbing a cliff .Although there are stemp ahead, you still fell some timorous and dare not go ahead. But when you conquer the timidity and reach the peak, you will feel the importance of courage as you enjoy the beautiful scenes. It is the same with life.
The rest of the speech consisted largely of jingoistic bluster and attempts at political intimidation.
Except the gangster is also forcing money from Jonah and Olaf, forcing the timid men to contemplate killing him to protect Stella and themselves.
Night Flights: March 2010 Edition « Screaming Blue Reviews
Throughout his 13-year career, Taylor was a marauding, intimidating presence who helped transform the Giants from also-rans into champions.
I can't say it makes a lot of sense, in a lot of situations it's the intimidation factor not the number of rounds that an armed robber is going for.
Michigan Hunter Rescued, Then Charged
On the contrary, there is a vast shadow of melancholy, a painful sadness, doubt and cross-purpose, boldness at one moment and timidity at the next, a longing for solitude.
Half a Rogue
The Clinton Center has written (and reportedly succeeded) to pressure and influence (intimidate) ABC to "revise" the series.
In New Letter, Clinton's Lawyers Demand ABC Yank Film
After a long time, having obtained with difficulty the consent of the timid Du Mont, I made Madame de Saint-Simon speak to the Duchesse de Bourgogne, who undertook to arrange the affair as well as it could be arranged.
Court Memoirs of France Series — Complete
The report said he used harassment and threats to intimidate television journalists.
Their job was to secure public order through terror, intimidation and violence.
Mr Milosevic is fighting for his political survival after a vicious campaign tainted by intimidation and haunted by fears of electoral fraud.
However, she soon gave over these attempts at intimidation, perched beside the percher, and again put something into his maw.
The Foot-path Way
There's not a huge level of power available-you can snap the throttle open without feeling intimidated.
A timid or cowardly person would never take that leap.
We are more often than not the victims of rape, violence, threats and intimidation.
But it's worth remembering that, barely a century ago, the great male fear was not of alpha females with intimidatingly large salaries but their polar opposite: women were seen, rather like immigrant labour now, as dangerously liable to undercut men's wages by doing the same work for less.
Young women are now earning more than men – that's not sexist, just fair | Gaby Hinsliff
Quite a few of them would even stub out their cigarettes so enraptured, and intimidated, would they be by the blizzard of technical virtuosity that we, today, take for granted.
Debra Levine: Ballets Russes Updated: Aspen Santa Fe Ballet Turns 15
The cure for the shaking floor is to rebuild the floor, an intimidating task at best.
All the exquisite, surrounding obscurity was animated by that music, which continued in the distance, in the mystery of the leaves and of the stones, in the depths of all the small, black holes of rocks or walls; it seemed like chivies in miniature, or rather, a sort of frail concert somewhat mocking -- oh! not very mocking, and without any maliciousness -- led timidly by inoffensive gnomes.
Too many students left the teach-in feeling intimidated not by the overwhelming opposition to the war, but to the way an academic forum became a fervid presentation of an exclusive viewpoint.
He had developed a fearsome reputation for intimidating people.
This infelicitous parental combination had produced a timid, nervous son whose prognosis for healthy adulthood was poor.
They have vandalised property, strewn litter and intimidated staff and residents.
The university marshal arrived with the six ‘bedels,’ who are proctors carrying long silver rods to intimidate unruly undergraduates into better behavior.
But I don't respond well to threats, and I was not going to let this schoolyard bully intimidate me.
Wow...a one-off “intimidating” isn’t that a term rife with interpretations... comment and one is a felon?
The Volokh Conspiracy » “Cyberspace and the Law: Privacy, Property, and Crime in the Virtual Frontier”
Surely, they were capable of enacting toward women, and toward one another, the terms of Martin Buber's I-It relation — Stevenson's "tripper" and the intimidating husbands offer the most intense expressions of that capacity, and no doubt, there were many subtle expressions of it at The Farm as well.
Manhood in the Age of Aquarius: Masculinity in Two Countercultural Communities, 196583
Fast bowling, often short and intimidatory, would rule for the next two decades.
Times, Sunday Times
And the stakes are high - tribal peoples are intimidated, beaten and sometimes killed for opposing modern-day land grabs.
Thomas Kellaway felt very small and timid as he passed between the tall columns outside the amphitheatre.
Burning Bright
He won as much by intimidating the enemy as by outfighting them.
Advance and Retreat
Once inside, things simply got worse for any shy, timid souls who plucked up the courage and made it past the front door.
‘I'm gonna ask this one more time,’ he says, enunciating every word clearly and forcefully, adding just enough edge to intimidate.
He was just pouring himself another cup of coffee when there was a timid knock on the door.
Experimental music is a term that is intimidating, evoking unlistenable sonic chaos meant only for academics.
Mr Williams praised the Gardaí but vowed not to be intimidated by those in the criminal underworld who he has been exposing for more than a decade.
And his response, of course, contained the requisite doses of hard-man menace necessary to maintain his image as an intimidator.
He looked lonely, unloved and timid.
Times, Sunday Times
My wife's a teacher and I have long berated her for her timidity in using IT in the classroom.
Some people are intimidated by his size, but in fact he's a gentle giant.
It would also strengthen the powers of police to protect women from coercion and intimidation and underline that of courts to set aside discriminatory rulings.
Times, Sunday Times
This is -- the pressure here is to avoid bad decision-making because of overconcern about doing too much or too little, so that you either become too bold or too timid.
CNN Transcript Sep 7, 2004
People neeed some courage in life, just like climbing a cliff .Although there are stemp ahead, you still fell some timorous and dare not go ahead. But when you conquer the timidity and reach the peak, you will feel the importance of courage as you enjoy the beautiful scenes. It is the same with life.
The sensitive plant is too vulgar an allusion; but if the truth of modern naturalists may be depended upon, there is a plant which, instead of receding timidly from the intrusive touch, angrily protrudes its venomous juices upon all who presume to meddle with it: – do not you think this plant would be your fittest emblem?
Letters for Literary Ladies: To Which is Added, An Essay on the Noble Science of Self-Justification
She will lampoon "Cameron's stupendously inane soundbite about a security fightback being followed by a social fightback" and claim the prime minister's vision for dealing with socially excluded people is "the idea of ghettoes, where the undeserving poor can be kept and contained through heavy policing, CCTV surveillance and the use of benefits as a stick to intimidate.
Green party leader seeks to woo Liberal Democrats
People neeed some courage in life, just like climbing a cliff .Although there are stemp ahead, you still fell some timorous and dare not go ahead. But when you conquer the timidity and reach the peak, you will feel the importance of courage as you enjoy the beautiful scenes. It is the same with life.
Nevertheless, the only East European country to sign up has been Romania (and the Romanian government is now back-pedalling, claiming that it was intimidated by Washington).
She knocked timidly on the study door and entered.
What has happened to the player whose very presence intimidated those around him?
A timid knock sounded, followed by a couple of bold raps on the door.
An intimidating squad of fearless men whose job it is to maintain the moral rectitude of the country by sniffing out depravity at source.
On the surface, the term stood for two contradictory allegations: referees were afraid to call fouls when they should, and referees were calling fouls too quickly and intimidating teams from playing aggressive defense.
Getting Open
Then having signalled that he was quite unintimidated he replied mildly: `Who told you I was negotiating with Christie's?
The Naval Postgraduate School has defined cyberterrorism as the unlawful destruction or disruption of digital property to intimidate or coerce people.
The strict proprieties of time and place and my own timidity meant that I was only a day-tripper in this world, never a candidate for resident status.
They tried to intimidate the young people into voting for them.
The State Department, however, was meeting the Red menace with “basic timidity,” he complained to a friend, and Dean Acheson, who became its secretary in 1949, was a “pantywaist,” he told Jones.
Wild Bill Donovan
The parent tries to intimidate or scare the child into backing down.
[G] iven the strong resistance to further QE from some hawkish Fed officials, the program that eventually emerges, most probably at the next [Fed] meeting in early November, will be too timid to have any real impact," said Paul Ashworth, senior U.S. economist for research consultancy Capital Economics.
Bernanke Preps Markets For Further Fed Action Despite Questions About Impact
The vast ground features a running track between the trackside and the stands, though, and United do not consider it an intimidating venue.
They walked timidly, deferently, awe obvious on their faces.
Pastwatch, the Redemtion of Christopher Columbus
You're too timid-you must try to assert yourself more.
George Mason coach Jim Larranaga admitted the Patriots were intimidated from the start.
But the wounded feelings and the timidity of Joan of France rendered her incapable of an effort to make the conversation more general; and at length, excepting a few interjectional civilities of the Lady
Quentin Durward
Some of the dullest most timid people I've ever met have been young and some of the zingiest livewires are well over 70.
Life and style |
Some of the e-mail messages, purloined last November, were mean-spirited, others were dismissive of contrarian views, and others revealed a timid reluctance to share data.
In the North, there have been cases where the enthusiasm of activists has turned to downright intimidation of workers from other parties.
Some people are intimidated by his size, but in fact he's a gentle giant.
The thief intimidated the boy into not telling the police.
But it is much harder to nobble 12 independent jurors than it is to bribe or intimidate one judge.
Peasant leaders say their communities are still targeted in a counter-insurgency campaign by the military that intimidates poor, mainly indigenous civilians.
It's not a very intimidating list - mostly it just formularizes the things that we already do, albeit too infrequently.
The latter feeling quickly overpowered the former as the intimidating thought of starting her life over filled her mind.
You're too timid-you must try to assert yourself more.
To those, who are fond of relations of love and courtship, of the hopes and fears of the tender passion, of warm declarations, agitated hesitations, and timid acceptations, the volumes before us will afford a treat; for this regular routine of interesting detail, occurs about eight times, we believe, in the four thin duodecimos in question.
You can embrace your fears and become a timid, dispirited, wounded person for years—perhaps for a lifetime—or you can reject your dread and believe what God has said to be true.
Recovering From Religious Abuse
There were food riots in several of the Scotch towns, and in Glasgow the multitude assembled, and then commenced what they called a begging tour, but which was really a progress of not disguised intimidation.
Whereas in some cities the timid may take a year to emerge from the cocoon of the subsidised Union bars to engage with their new home, Leeds has become so famous for its clubbing that some clued-up freshers will no doubt be raring to visit lauded nights such as Basics and Subdub, plus clubs like Wire, HiFi and The Faversham.
Clubs picks of the week
She was timid and shy, and a little awkward.
Emily Fox-Seton
VD speaks in intimidating, poorly-enunciated monosyllables and eventually helps a couple members of the original party make it to safety, though everyone else gets devoured by the light-hating bug aliens of DOOM.
Tuesday hodge-podge post
He told Fox that Rumsfeld has run the Pentagon through intimidation and that a change in leadership is needed.
Think Progress » VIDEO: 8th General Calls For Rumsfeld’s Resignation
Complaints have been made to the police of threats and intimidation, assaults, criminal damage and public disorder.
Our hawksbills were visiting in search of food and unintimidated by the sharks or by us.
The openness of the personal computer has been a wonderful thing, but it has come at the very high price of products that are horribly complex and that remain intimidating even while they have become ubiquitous.
Mandarins Missing the Point: Zittrain, the iPad, and the Death of Computing « Steve Wildstrom on Tech
Supposedly "demobilized" in 2006, the AUC has largely continued to carry out its drug-dealing activities and campaign of violence and intimidation against campesinos, indigenous peoples, stigmatized social groups such as homosexuals and prostitutes, labor organizers, critical journalists, and human rights advocates.
PLIGG_Visual_Name - PLIGG_Visual_RSS_All
From surreal puffball skirts to bulbous tops and slashed skirts, his clothes are not for the timid.
Although he was easily intimidated by the other boys, especially by Jack, he did not lack the self-confidence to protest or speak out against the indignities from the boys as the shy former choirboy Simon did.
From Monday, officers will have the power to dish out dispersal orders to split up gangs of troublesome teenagers that congregate to cause criminal damage, graffiti and intimidation.
His choice for the final day of a red tie with white spots was almost timid.
Times, Sunday Times
Menacing warlords intimidate, the Taliban strikes and the foreigners remain unwilling to risk the necessary relationships they need to develop with Afghans.
Patricia DeGennaro: Mr. President, Take a Firm Lead in Afghanistan
The most noticeable rhetorical development in this sequence is the profound infantilization of Stephen's represented speech and the repeated ascription of shyness, timidity, and silence to Stephen and his soul.
To loose new voter registrations, disqualify some because they are missing a punctuation mark, initimidate at the polls, challenge voters, disinform them, etc.
Obama Leads By Over Five Points In Pre-Debate Tracking Polls
Timidity and maladdress do not retard perils by ignoring them.
A Popular History of France from the Earliest Times, Volume 6
Children have voracious appetites for authenticity, but in drama we should never intimidate them with factual information.
A skinny wisp of a young woman entered the room, timidly opening the door to the side to allow her entrance.
The Claimant had no option but to do this as the couple were suffering terrible harassment and intimidation.
While this wrongful association most likely arose out of sheer laziness, the confusion also reflects the fact that the creator and his creation are, in many ways, two sides of the same coin exhibited no better than the intimidating cutting between the two while trapped in the windmill.
Archive 2007-01-01
Most of the men seem to be intimidated by her, or at least, contemptuous of her because she's disingenuous.
Judges, sheriffs and advocates are to be asked to remove their wigs and gowns and stop using arcane language under plans to make Scottish courts less intimidating.
They're professionals, Drago, they don't give in to intimidation and blackmail.
This - this creepy silence - will be the consequence of dusting off rarely used statutes to still the tongues of leakers and intimidate the press in its pursuit of truth, fame and choice restaurant tables.
With so many details to remember, it is understandable that many birders are intimidated by this accipitrine affinity.
Somehow, the caliginous man's intimidating demeanor always failed to discourage or frighten Josh, much less hamper his cheery, gossiping attitude.
* Timide conveniunt in ecclesiam: dicitis enim, quoniam incondite convenimus et simul convenimus et complures concurrimus in ecclesiam, quaerimur a nationibus et timemus, ne turbentur nationes: [1766] 1
The Mission and Expansion of Christianity in the First Three Centuries
Inc. threats and intimidation. we've received a death threat from friends and family of ramson inc. more on this tomorrow. but it would seem as if little ramson has decided it's better to crawl back in his little rat hole at OD [office of the dictator] rather than engage with his enemies. he realised he's being defeated at every corner. but like a good bhar. rat orlittle georgie bush, he's declared victory!!
Propaganda press! freedom now Guyana
The pistol-caliber carbine, with its light recoil and mild report, offers an intimidating appearance when seen by a burglar at gunpoint.
Clearly, no one could have accused the author of Our Nig of being either timid or shy.
Henry Louis Gates, Jr.: Harriet Wilson's Sunday School
The knights below were as much an intimidating show of force as a serious vanguard of any incursion over the border.
They were intimidated into accepting a pay cut by the threat of losing their jobs.
Or perhaps those who would benefit most from Imran Khan's wise suggestions are the timid little satrap/'allies' of NATO who would sooner waste their wealth, consign their sons to foreign graves and provoke generations of revenge attacks than tell a ranting yankee general at the NATO meetings to depart and leave the rest of us and themalone.
Pakistan will implode if the US does not leave Afghanistan
Rathi Intimidator can't be blocked except by artifact creatures and black creatures. 2, T: Search your library for a Mercenary card with converted mana cost 2 or less and put that card into play.
Luke had become an introverted, timid, and overly cautious lover.
Whenever Wodehouse writes about an intimidatingly tall and handsome young woman (usually to contrast her with his heroines, who tend to be small and slight in build), he's parodying the "queenly" heroines of many novels at the time, particularly those of Ethel M. Dell (I've actually read an Ethel M. Dell novel and hope to write about it after the shell-shock wears off).
Wodehouse the Parodist
To say that shoppers feel intimidated by them is a slur on their characters.
A standard radio studio of that era could be a very intimidating place, and a theatre would create a much better atmosphere for radio comedy, variety shows or quizzes.
I waited a few seconds, Strange trying to intimidate mc with his frozen scowl.
Union leaders, however, said the action recalled the techniques of violence and intimidation used against the longshoremen during their attempts to unionize in the 1930s.
Mike is rather timid with women, so Sue has to make all the running in their relationship.
It was an intimidating prospect, and I arrived at the deacons' meeting with considerable anxiety.
The growth of anticommunist violence in Miami had intimidated many people from taking activist roles in liberal politics throughout south Florida.
More surprising, at least to those who presumed her well-aired feminist principles to have been a continual corrective to Blair's masonic/lubricious tendencies, Cherie Blair appears to have been equally impressed by displays of New Labour virility, twitting her husband on the contrast with his own probable timidity: "John's just a man.
What woman could ever compete with Tony 'cojones' Blair?
These alterations have no other authority than the caprice of the translators, acting in the interests of a purer, austerer, but more timid theology.
Introduction to the Old Testament
The least evidence of timidity would invite an overwhelming attack: a bold front and what may be called indomitable
The Life of Kit Carson
At Trinity College, Cambridge, he associated with the evangelical group led by Isaac Milner, being studious and earnest, modest and timid.
It's simple to get close to animals like scrawled filefish and spiny puffers which prove too timid to approach in the daytime.
Too many policies - admirable in themselves - receive far less credit than they deserve because of a timid reluctance to put them into their ideological context.
Times, Sunday Times
That judges can work and give judgment without intimidation is the foundation for an open democratic civil society.
Times, Sunday Times
Thibeh added that since Manji is such a strong speaker she was able to intimidate those who were asking her questions.
But the same quality that sustains the secluded farmer and his household in the hills supported the timid tiller of the first garden as the sword flamed behind him over the closing gate of Eden.
From the Easy Chair — Volume 01
He was hostile, aggressive, profane, rude, demeaning and intimidating.
The knights below were as much an intimidating show of force as a serious vanguard of any incursion over the border.
She touched his elbow so timidly that he thought it must have been accidental.
If you review employees in December, conduct your self-evaluation in June to limit the potential for intimidation.
Together with his unkempt mop of wavy brown hair and his scraggly beard, his appearance was most intimidating.
Licensing, legal threats and intimidation directed at journalists all fetter press freedom.
They are aimed at intimidating the population as a whole through the use of overwhelming military violence and the policy of exemplary punishment.
Mr. Boyle, a former Syracuse cop appointed by former Republican Governor George Pataki, told the Post last week that current Democratic Governor David Paterson's administration had tried to "intimidate" him into accepting a $500,000 settlement in lieu of yanking liquor licenses at nine Cipriani eateries, including the Rainbow Room at Rockefeller Center.
Powerful Liquor Authority Chairman Now Less Powerful
A Nietzschean may see it as a lie with which the feeble and timid console themselves for their inability to seize life as it should be seized.
That repose of manner which is commonly believed to be the heirloom of noble birth is seen quite as often in the low-born adventurer, who regards it as part of his stock-in-trade; and there are many women, and men too, whose position might be expected to place them beyond the reach of what we call shyness, but who nevertheless suffer daily agonies of social timidity and would rather face alone a charge of cavalry than make a new acquaintance.
Sant' Ilario
They hire heavies to drive minibuses and intimidate our picket lines.
In my experience violence and intimidation are the exact tools used routinely to dehumanise and brutalise any individual unfortunate enough to be in the army.
It becomes clear these men are self-styled vigilantes who are attempting to intimidate the looters and take back the goods they have stolen.
Their sole purpose in being at the Old Head is to disrupt our business by intimidating, insulting and abusing our guests who come from all over the world.
For example, when does aggressive and somewhat intimidatory interrogation of a suspect become torture?
When he first joined, there was a lot of intimidation, bad initiation rites.
Times, Sunday Times
With infinite timidity he turned his head and encountered a gaze so soft, so hallowed, that it disconcerted him, and he dropped a "drumstick" of fried chicken, well dotted with ants, from his plate.
Ramsey Milholland
Shock and awe rested, it was argued, ultimately on the ability to ‘frighten, scare, intimidate and disarm’.
her husband demands, the famously intimidating brows beetling like two grizzled insects as he proceeds to fiddle with a radiator.
We must always avoid using the pulpit to say the pointedly personal things we are too timid to say to an individual.
Christianity Today
We will raise the standard of freedom from all religious coercion and intimidation of any kind.
Christianity Today
Four days later, he was standing in front of the Kop, one of the most intimidating spots in football, and again showed an assurance beyond his years.
Jane smiled timidly at her mother, inclining her head forward, and then pulled on her own jacket.
The President's critics say he has been too timid in responding to changing international developments.
Criminals are costing British businesses more than £1.3bn a year as traders live in fear of louts who steal from their shops, daub graffiti on their walls or subject them to intimidation.
The route is lined with a variety of ferns and striking sandstone formations and is not for the timid; sudden twists hide cliffs.
Rossiter refused to be intimidated and met Bradley's level gaze, steady in his resolve.
Hanks' fatal miscasting and timid performance unbalances a film that is already too careful to thrill.
The director of the Human Rights Monitor, Law Yuk-kai, said: ‘We believe that the Ministry of State Security and Hong Kong triads are collaborating in this political violence and intimidation.’
We are a peaceful people - yet we're not a fragile people, and we will not be intimidated by thugs and killers.
Then you put in very long hours and collect a nice salary, while employing your jargon to intimidate outsiders.
The Guardian World News
When he witnesses yet another murder being committed by his client, intimidation, kidnapping, and a vicious frame-up conspire to try to keep him from telling what he knows.
People neeed some courage in life, just like climbing a cliff .Although there are stemp ahead, you still fell some timorous and dare not go ahead. But when you conquer the timidity and reach the peak, you will feel the importance of courage as you enjoy the beautiful scenes. It is the same with life.
Maybe she felt intimidated by their bald, shiny appearance - promising nothing but uncalculated, unsystematic and unpredictable rolling movements, which only seemed to increase the possibility of her becoming a loser in the game.
He exploits his wealth, smooth manners, and sometimes intimidating aspect to secure an engagement with the protagonist's true love, a Southern lady whose "Haytian" servant is secretly a voodoo priestess with some impressive supernatural talents of her own.
Archive 2006-10-15
Being now authorised to admonish her at all times with regard to her gestures, her voice and her accent, I often make her repeat the same sentence; and, when I at last hear her natural voice, her original sweet and attractive voice, to which the music is beginning to return, shily and timidly, my heart overflows with joy.
The Choice of Life
It can be intimidating, but the moderator must keep the debate on track and fair.
Democrats seek voter-intimidation inquiry: Ohio Democrats are asking authorities to investigate a handbill tucked in the paychecks of some McDonald's employees that advocated votes for three Republican.
Boehner endorses Ohio GOP House candidate criticized for Nazi reenactment
Some people are intimidated by his size, but in fact he's a gentle giant.
The chase of the wolf, the wild boar, or even the timid stag, required silvan arms; the wild cattle still more demanded this equipment of war-bows and shafts, boar-spears and sharp swords, and other tools of the chase similar to those used in actual war.
Castle Dangerous
His development over the next few weeks was a study in boldness and timidity.
Maisie also reached out a timid hand to stroke the horse 's nose.
Burning Bright
No, I am not in any way, shape, or form condoning the idea of sawing off a person's head in order to try to intimidate the nation from where said person came.
CIA interrogations: "tough enough"?
Just going by a vaguely detected linguistic tic, I think this particular leader was written by the Guardian's timid political editor.
Besides , you could hardly accuse Mr Obama of timidity.
If i'm trolling , then enlight me : "..intimidation, coercion, or propaganda is primarily sought Schmid, 1988.
More Dots! Cried the Terrorist
Then they attempted a repeat of the 1970s hostage-style device, blindfolding foreigners in a ploy designed to intimidate troops out of the country.
Clearly not intimidated by a design challenge, British table mathematician, designer and artist Anthony Leyland has developed these creative tables sliced, bent, shaped and reworked from a single 1-square meter sheet of steel.
Too Peace Table
His long, unbrushed, curly hair and unshaved face let him look kind of intimidating and his fingers bent the wrong way, which always made me twitch.
He was uncomfortably aware that for all her youth and timidity and biddability, Juliana Wishart was also a person — probably a person with dreams of love and romance and happily-ever-afters.
In addition, the organized networks could to a certain extent rely on intimidation and social pressure.
However, it will now only focus on the alleged intimidatory tactics used by unions.
Times, Sunday Times
Members of DOVE stand accused of being vindicative, scaremongering and using intimidatory tactics to name but a few.
The gang tried to intimidate the bank manager.
Timid children need gentle handling to build up their confidence.
This town is being held hostage by mugs, thugs, murderers and intimidators.