
How To Use Timely In A Sentence

  • Actual results may differ materially from those set forth in this release due to the risks and uncertainties inherent in Somaxon's business, including, without limitation, Somaxon's interpretation of its communications and interactions with the FDA relating to the requirements for approval of the NDA for Silenor, and the FDA's agreement with such interpretation; Somaxon's interpretation of the results of the clinical trials for Silenor, the timing of the interpretation of such results and the FDA's agreement with such interpretation; the potential for Somaxon to make a resubmission to the Silenor NDA; the potential for Silenor to receive regulatory approval for one or more indications on a timely basis or at all; the potential for the FDA to impose non-clinical, clinical or other requirements to be completed before or after regulatory approval of Silenor; Somaxon's ability to demonstrate to the satisfaction of the FDA that potential NDA approval of Silenor is appropriate prior to the completion of standard, long-term carcinogenicity studies, given the context of completed trials and pending studies; the timing and results of non-clinical studies for Silenor, and the FDA's agreement with Somaxon's interpretation of such results; Digital 50 Daily Industry News RSS Feed
  • The president's untimely death has thrown the country into chaos.
  • Serious allergic reactions, including anaphylaxis, occur rarely, but timely intervention is crucial.
  • Compliance with internal and external reporting requirements to provide financial and management reports in a timely manner.
  • Companies quoted on the London Stock Exchange are required under stock market listing rules to provide timely information on news that might affect their share price.
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  • We should look to the glory and splendor of the arena … Where even the most untalented one-hit-wonder will be able to regain a sliver of dignity before their untimely demise. 2010 February « The Graveyard
  • I sighed softly, relieved to have escaped another untimely lecture.
  • His plan was to use internet tracking technology to streamline this laborious process and provide more useful and timely information for other PR agencies. Times, Sunday Times
  • A full-scale riot was prevented by the timely intervention of the police.
  • at the beginning of bubble formation, the Japanese government didn't address it properly and in a timely manner, sowing the seeds for an irreversible future disaster.
  • Without timely feedback from the relevant stakeholders and interested parties, it's next to impossible to find satisfactory solutions.
  • Barot A, Kleckner N (2008) Yeast Pch2 promotes domainal axis organization, timely recombination progression, and arrest of defective recombinosomes during meiosis. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Reviews the batch production records ensure its compliance. Report any problems during review in a timely manner to the QA supervisor for final decision.
  • If you send out information two months after a consumer requested it, that's not timely.
  • Timely participation in social practice will benefit college students all throughlife.
  • It was a pity he would have her blood on his hands - if someone tried to connect her untimely death to him, it would be a messy situation indeed.
  • This fortuitous and timely development supports faculty initiatives.
  • She is good reading always, however much we may sometimes pish and pshaw at the untimely poppings-in of the platitudes and crotchets (for he was that most abominable of things, a platitudinous crotcheteer) of Richard her father. The English Novel
  • In other words, a plot element should be deployed in a timely fashion and with proper dramatic emphasis.
  • It also means having asset management capabilities that help prioritize remediation based on the most critical assets and having selective restore capabilities to allow for timely recovery of critical assets.
  • The Problem Administrator will ensure that timely action is taken to resolve the problem.
  • Rights guaranteed by the landmark Criminal Procedure Law of 1996, such as timely access to counsel and exculpatory evidence, are often denied or simply ignored.
  • The 6% excise tax may also apply to ineligible rollovers unless they are corrected in a timely manner.
  • It is also timely given the growing interest in multilingual information retrieval involving East Asian languages.
  • Ironically, Mr Egan's resting place is overlooked by the field where he met his untimely death in an electrocution.
  • All of them are now dead, and most of their names have lost at least some of their former renown, so it is timely that they should be recognised anew.
  • The official reason given for his untimely death was acute enteritis (inflammation of the intestine) caused by a kick to the stomach.
  • Jones's wise words are a timely reality check for many at the club who believe the great days are just around the corner.
  • Her untimely death weighs heavily on our hearts. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the current age of data warehousing, the timely processing and retrieval of vast amounts of data is vital to the decision-making process.
  • Therapeutic drug monitoring permits timely dosage adjustments to prevent prolonged exposure to toxic or subtherapeutic concentrations of drug.
  • The central bank no longer called the risks "appreciable," a notable change in Fed-speak, while also saying it will "act in a timely manner as needed. Chop, Chop
  • Play this should not be out of the play, the only thing to do is timely to leave.
  • Also, I am really surprised today about the untimely and inappropriate comments the leader of the National Party made this afternoon about our major trading partners.
  • A properly adjusted swather is critical for cutting large a acreage in a timely fashion.
  • In order to be worthwhile, your objectives must be Smart - simple, measurable, achievable, realistic and timely.
  • The use of a trademark watch service could provide foreign companies with timely information to decide whether to oppose to a mala fide application in a given country or region.
  • Overall, this is a timely and useful review of a topic that has assumed major importance in health care.
  • Inspired by the legendary botanical gardens in Padua, Italy where the Medicis plotted the untimely, frothing ends of their enemies, an English duchess has created a garden dedicated entirely to flora deadly and/or narcotic. Alnwick Poison Gardens
  • Tragically, or perhaps fortunately, the hunt was aborted by Gaitskell's untimely death in January 1963.
  • He also was in command at the line of scrimmage, calling timely audibles.
  • When infection is confirmed in or near your field, implement a timely program of fungicides and bactericides with protectant and systemic modes of action.
  • The untimely death of the engineer delayed the completion of the project.
  • It wasn't until after posting the rescue video to YouTube that the kayaker connected the accident to his timely rescue. Kayak Fisherman Rescues Dog: Bizarre End To Grisly Tale (VIDEO)
  • The explosive growth of IT infrastructures has resulted in complex distributed systems and applications whose timely management is rapidly exceeding human ability. Computing
  • The incident served as a timely reminder of just how dangerous mountaineering can be.
  • It pays tribute to his achievements and records his untimely death in a skiing accident in his adopted home in the Swiss Alps at the age of 36.
  • A letter of wishes can be sent to the trustees of the pension scheme by Peter clearly indicating that he wishes Jane to receive all benefits payable in the event of his untimely death.
  • The entire area is deeply shocked and saddened by this untimely and tragic death.
  • The uphill appear brake failure, should be timely reduction low block, keep the enough power up to the top parking.
  • Jones's wise words are a timely reality check for many at the club who believe the great days are just around the corner.
  • The word doublespeak grew out of this post-1984 culture and is just as timely today. Beth Arnold: Spinning the Spin
  • Let us mourn his untimely demise. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was difficult to come to a consensus in a timely manner.
  • The remaining areas for controlling debtors are all to do with the timely payment of invoices. Finance for the Non-Financial Manager
  • Group/Parent Senior Unsecured rating: A2/Stable Timely Payment Indicator ( "TPI") (note 2): Probable Covered Bonds Rating: Aaa TPI Leeway (note 2): 1 notch (es) The reason for this is that LSnsf÷rsSkringar Bank AB provides an revolving credit facility to LSnsf÷rsSkringar Moody's Global Credit Research RSS Research Feed - Subscribe Today -
  • To satisfy the second prong, it could have pointed to McGinnis' failure to complain in a timely manner.
  • The introduction of oil to Madagascar would be a timely boost for a country that has suffered recently because of political instability. Times, Sunday Times
  • She hopes it will serve as a timely warning because Scotland has an ageing population.
  • There cannot have been many in the packed crowd who did not realise the likely significance of his untimely exit. Times, Sunday Times
  • Texas A&M University failed to report in a timely manner to Federal authorities that a biology student was stricken with the dangerous brucella pathogen in its College Station laboratory for bioweapons agent research on February 9th of 2006. Texas A&M Hid Facts About Stricken Biolab Student
  • They were frustratingly denied by late deflections or timely interventions.
  • The second is control of workability of fresh concrete, if concrete isolation secretion of water, strictly control the vibration time, vibration rehabilitation must be timely.
  • We greatly appreciate your timely help.
  • But against this untimely weakness Lady Penelope was guarded, by the strong shield of self-conceit. Saint Ronan's Well
  • It's a timely monition, and not just for Catholics. A Cardinal's Warning on China
  • The safeguarding of 2,600 jobs provides a timely boost for the high street as many shops struggle in dire weather and a subdued economy. Times, Sunday Times
  • A financial institution may provide the required data by submitting electronic media in a compatible format, delivering, mailing, or telefaxing a copy of the data, or by other means authorized by the commissioner of human services that will result in timely reporting.
  • When cases are clogged at the courthouse door and not processed in a timely manner, it causes pressure in other parts of the criminal justice system.
  • Jones's wise words are a timely reality check for many at the club who believe the great days are just around the corner.
  • This documentary on the problems facing the president of the republic as he comes up for re-election was timely and surprisingly interesting. Times, Sunday Times
  • The incident served as a timely reminder of just how dangerous mountaineering can be.
  • All of these plans require insider knowledge in order to carry out the operation in a timely and accurate manner.
  • Shortly before half-time, a timely goal put the teams level at the break.
  • Meanwhile, everyone she films with her cursed camera meets an untimely doom.
  • His eloquent, amusing, yet sad and sensitive writing raises many timely and important issues.
  • Activities i. Establish mechanisms for timely and systematic information exchange between public health agencies of different countries about emerging infectious diseases.
  • To saddle them with convenient moralizing about jeopardising the financial system by untimely disclosure of sensitive information only compounds the offence.
  • The right to a fair trial in a timely fashion is one of the cornerstones of our society.
  • Moat patients of supinator syndrome often get satisfactory effects after conservation treatment, and the ones who are failed can get the improvement from surgical treatment timely.
  • A nationwide shortage of intensive-care specialists has left hospitals scrambling to provide timely care to the sickest of patients.
  • Vegetables such as cole crops, eggplants, onions, peppers and tomatoes really need to be started indoors in order to mature in a timely fashion.
  • There is nothing to reassure people that they will be given timely warning so that they can seek safety.
  • What Lester most yearns for, as do most of the men in my practice, indeed in my life, is the unstinting limitless nurturer, she who was untimely ripped from his arms as a little boy.
  • This gruesome new series focuses on unexpected mishaps that have caused untimely deaths. The Sun
  • The ministry is committed to timely implementation of eXtensible Business Reporting Language, and finalizing its taxonomy and business rules will help crystalise the initiative," said D.K. Mittal, secretary of the corporate affairs ministry. Ministry to Issue Details of Financial Reporting Soon
  • His untimely death meant the project was effectively mothballed, although it toured as a series of exhibitions during the 1970s.
  • But it's another timely reminder that bankers must change their ways. The Sun
  • The level of quality here is therefore really high, many of the items are brand name and all are beauties, in excellent condition, and timely as per current retro.
  • Coordinating timely payment of household bills between multiple people can be painful.
  • A member of a notorious crime family meets his untimely demise, and his surviving brother, the leader of the organization, makes the funeral arrangements with the priest.
  • The early wickets that came Illingworth's way this season must have been particularly timely to boost the morale.
  • The timely rain will certainly bring on the crops.
  • Currency weakness pushed up inflation, an untimely event as it reinforced price pressures that had resulted from soaring oil prices.
  • It details the statutory duties of various public functionaries while prescribing the procedures to be adopted for the timely collection and preservation of vital pieces of evidence.
  • Back in 1989, as he contemplated a Test debut bowling to Marsh, Taylor, Boon, Border, Jones and S Waugh on an Oval shirtfront, Alan Igglesden received a timely self-esteem boost when the chairman of selectors Ted Dexter told the world Igglesden was the 14th-choice seamer. Australia v England - live! | Rob Smyth
  • The focus on public perception was timely and uncommonly sensible, leading to immoderate yahooing in certain loungerooms.
  • But good results there would certainly be a timely boost to his morale. Times, Sunday Times
  • Dr. Vetter says the ECG is a "recommendation," not a requirement that should prevent children from getting timely access to needed medicines. New Guidelines Urge
  • U.S. videotex systems promised news and information that was more timely, more thorough and more personal than printed newspapers, writes Roger Fidler, a pioneer in electronic publishing.
  • Are adequate counterpart funds provided to the project in a timely manner?
  • This documentary on the problems facing the president of the republic as he comes up for re-election was timely and surprisingly interesting. Times, Sunday Times
  • Updating of its contents is most timely in view of the recent interest in mathematical modelling of oil field development techniques.
  • This has been a timely reminder of the need for constant care.
  • It's probably the naivety of youth that resulted in her sad, tragic and untimely death. Times, Sunday Times
  • The film is another timely parable smack dab in the middle of the current election season, where the U.S. electorate is as scarily divided as it's ever been.
  • Bloodletting is an effective treatment for haemochromatosis, the effects can be monitored by testing transferrin saturation and serum ferritin, and the treatment can help to prevent serious complications of the disorder if diagnosed in a timely fashion. Stuff And Nonsense
  • Moat patients of supinator syndrome often get satisfactory effects after conservation treatment, and the ones who are failed can get the improvement from surgical treatment timely.
  • Track status of revenue collection, coordinate with finance supervisor to assure project fee are timely collected.
  • More will go in the hoophouses, and a second layer of netting will be added in a timely fashion.
  • Quality of e-service was evaluated along three dimensions: timely response, reliability, and courtesy. Paper — Service Equality in Virtual Reference « ResourceShelf
  • The untimely death of his father did nothing to alter the youngest Charlton's ambition.
  • The change in the exchange rate provided a timely boost to the company's falling profits.
  • The study reported in this issue on serodiagnosis of dengue infection in a tertiary care hospital in Delhi is a timely reminder of the required extent of monitoring.
  • The University will provide accurate and timely acquittances to granting bodies in accordance with the terms and conditions specified in each grant contract or agreement.
  • It was encouraging, it was all to the good, it made his decision seem timely, fixed to favorable circumstances.
  • Local authorities should have taken a more proactive role in preventing the spread of the disease, providing timely interventions in the affected area , and enforcing public health and safety standards more robustly.
  • You may also see the hope and support of many a flourishing family untimely cut off by the sword of a drunken dueller, in vindication of something that he miscalls his honour. Sermons Preached Upon Several Occasions. Vol. IV.
  • The timely arrival of the cheque took away the need to borrow money.
  • What a timely example of private comment spam AND trolling rolled into one.
  • It shows itself able to function as a flexible vehicle for themes and concerns both timely and timeless; it's as evocative of airplane disasters as of the fall of Icarus.
  • Pot roast time must be strictly controlled, flip a timely manner.
  • Curators have always had to steer (in a timely fashion) between the demands of the general audience and those of restive academics.
  • The recent outbreaks of cholera are a timely reminder that this disease is still a serious health hazard.
  • Let us mourn his untimely demise. Times, Sunday Times
  • Your editorial today is a nicely written spray, which makes good use of your unbeholden position - a very timely contrast to The Age!
  • Thus, every effort will be made to publish timely and highly readable essays.
  • We express our deep regret at untimely death of your husband.
  • I hope that it serves as a timely reminder for all of us of what a very great loss it is when people are deprived of their liberty.
  • We greatly appreciate your timely help.
  • It's a timely reminder of the fact that actually it isn't the media who have the power to make important decisions.
  • Though ostensibly set a century earlier, the plot explores issues that must have seemed very timely. Times, Sunday Times
  • Participants should act in a timely and co-operative manner to prevent, detect and respond to security incidents.
  • She has raised some timely related issues, so we'll try to grok their intricacies and fold them into the discussion.
  • But in the second stanza, descriptive of the self (and where the first-person pronoun is first-introduced), these harmonies dissolve, and the poem becomes a syncopated lament, an untimely moan: The 'Power of Sound' and the Great Scheme of Things: Wordsworth Listens to Wordsworth
  • As we have learnt from other countries such as Canada, America, and Australia, a timely burn is highly appropriate as long as the area is not burnt every few years.
  • The superior knowledge, skill, airmanship, and timely actions demonstrated by Lt Col Vanderburgh and Capt Wickering resulted in the safe recovery of two irreplaceable crewmembers and a valuable national asset.
  • Unfortunately, Breau was cursed with massive drug addictions, which helped lead to his untimely death in 1984.
  • It provides a timely reminder that the factory can do more than churn out small numbers of bespoke military helicopters. Times, Sunday Times
  • with timely treatment the patient has a good chance of recovery
  • The recent outbreaks of cholera are a timely reminder that this disease is still a serious health hazard.
  • So if you aren't too totally absorbed in thespian pleasures, listening up could deliver you some extremely interesting and quite timely information.
  • The timely provision of psychiatric care can dramatically reduce the use and costs of medical care for these patients.
  • The book is a timely reminder of the complexity of international politics, and the nuanced balance of forces that have shaped our modern world. Times, Sunday Times
  • A timely snow promises a good harvest.
  • The recent outbreaks of cholera are a timely reminder that this disease is still a serious health hazard.
  • Piggybacking or leeching on timely news is common as well, making it harder still to have any lasting impact.
  • One of the many items my so-censored biograph left out was that my only child died a-borning, from his mother's womb untimely ripped, ripping it and rendering her completely barren. The Ship Who Sang
  • Subsequently his career was brought to an untimely close when, nine years after this period, as he was returning to the scene of his successes, he, in common with many others was drowned by the wreck of the ill-fated steamer Brother Jonathan. She Makes Her Mouth Small & Round & Other Stories
  • Gilbert views the current same-sex marriage debate as a timely reason to remount Play Murder, which first hit the stage in 1993.
  • It serves as a timely reminder that simple molecules, such as biogenic amines and many others, were not ‘invented’ by animals, but that their origin dates back long before the diversification of plant and animal evolutionary lineages.
  • Knowledge, skill, airmanship, and timely actions prevented further damage to the aircraft and resulted in the safe recovery of the aircraft and crew.
  • This was his last cinematic performance before his untimely death, which came only days after the film's release. Times, Sunday Times
  • Having triumphantly rebuilt his career, this is an untimely setback for Fallon. Times, Sunday Times
  • But because our writers are already filing timely stories that won't hold, we've decided to launch without having in place every single piece.
  • After the timely and sometimes untimely deaths of his five siblings, a controlling 60 per cent belonged to his niece. Times, Sunday Times
  • Nick Sandler and Johnny Acton are here to promote their very timely new book, Preserved, and to teach me the new and fashionable relevance of pickling, bottling and salting.
  • As if on cue, a tire started going flat Saturday, but a timely pit stop prevented him from losing much position.
  • Your letter came as a timely reminder that we need to arrange a meeting.
  • The courts and arena settings are beautiful, with smooth camera angles and timely commentary.
  • With a careful and timely matching of withdrawals with tax-deductible expenditure like livestock purchases, the tax incidence can be cancelled out.
  • It isn't timely or particularly relevant. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is noteworthy that he filed serial and timely notices of appeal after each order of the U.S. District Court was entered.
  • Plants Delight: Always the catalog with the most clever and timely covers, its pages are filled with unusual and cool perennials, with an emphasis on asarum, hardy ginger lilies, hellebores, hostas and ornamental grasses. The Seattle Times
  • Her untimely death was occasioned by much shock and sadness among her many neighbors and friends.
  • As our regular supplier has recently let us disappointed us for timely delivery of the needed goods, we are in danger of losing our market share in this area.
  • Timely treatment will help prevent future disease and unneeded suffering.
  • Therefore they rushed to the vessel and hoped to be transported timely, and were willing to be placed outside the cabins or on the ship's deck.
  • We express our deep regret at untimely death of your husband.
  • If aught grateful or acceptable can penetrate the silent graves from our dolour, Calvus, when with sweet regret we renew old loves and beweep the lost friendships of yore, of a surety not so much doth Quintilia mourn her untimely death as she doth rejoice o'er thy constant love. The Carmina of Caius Valerius Catullus
  • It also made impossible to timely form attack forces and provide them with essential supplies and materiel.
  • A cough at the doorway brought an untimely end to their embrace.
  • If the early stand loss is a result of seedcorn maggot, wireworm, grubs, or early cutworm infestation, timely response with rescue treatments may not be feasible.
  • The untimely death of his father did nothing to alter the youngest Charlton's ambition.
  • What does Shakespeare create in the play which makes it so timely for our present?
  • The book was timely, arriving at a time when youth culture was just kicking off in Britain, and linked nicely with the existentialist thought slowly filtering in from France.
  • The pigeons, probably well used to such manoeuvres, took off timely, to the chagrin of their destructors.
  • And now, two years after his untimely death, events come full circle as he brings to life his novel on the TPM stage.
  • Hopefully the Biblical passage above will serve to act as a timely reminder of the evils and perils of dancing.
  • The report adds more weight to the increasing evidence that the recession, coupled with the unique American health insurance system, has had a significant impact on Americans 'ability to access care. documented; [opens pdf] timely use of primary care tends to reduce the need for interventional procedures such as CABG, thereby reducing cost and improving long term quality of life. Managed Care Matters
  • Increased drying time may mean greater harvest losses due to untimely rainfall.
  • Another huffy tantrum ensued, which some quick, timely clay-shaping and fast talking intercepted.
  • These female spirits linger near the places where, in life, they met untimely and inauspicious deaths or died childless.
  • The change in the exchange rate provided a timely boost to the company's falling profits.
  • Article 14: A people's court may seal up, distrain or freeze property jointly possessed by the party subject to enforcement and other parties, and notify the joint owners in a timely manner.
  • It would be appreciated if you would ascertain this information in a timely manner.
  • The form of the Anglos comes as a timely boost for the Scottish Saltires, who play their National League debut against Durham Dynamos today.
  • However, overly strong, untimely or uninformed opinions and input that override a well thought-out process can torpedo the best plans for no reason.
  • Like other chronic wounds, pressure ulcers fail to heal in a timely manner.
  • This was his last cinematic performance before his untimely death, which came only days after the film's release. Times, Sunday Times
  • I was grateful for your timely intervention.
  • Most takeoff and landing accidents would never have happened if the pilot had made a timely abort.
  • Fix and tighten the scaffold board and establish protective handrail timely.
  • a topical and timely study of civil liberty
  • But this is a timely warning for cohabiting couples who may be considering such a trust. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is timely reminder that many farm-related accidents can be avoided if potential hazards are clearly identified and precautions taken.
  • THE first heavy snow of the season is a timely reminder to millions of drivers whose cars are unprepared for the extra problems winter can bring. The Sun
  • An important mission tackled by engineer units is preparing touchdown pads for helicopters so as to assure timely airlifts to a conflict escalation area.
  • But has the untimely injury affected him? Times, Sunday Times
  • The recent outbreaks of cholera are a timely reminder that this disease is still a serious health hazard.

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