How To Use Time frame In A Sentence

  • He declined to comment on the time frame for another discount rate cut.
  • Or if I want to see a police officer in a time frame where the person concerned might be caught, I report a couple having a domestic, who called me a derogatory name ref my Race, Religion, or sexual preference (underline the relevant option) and just out of interest they broke the wing mirror on my car. Norfolk Constabulary. Pants On Fire. « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • It's likely the two sides had trouble seeing eye-to-eye on long-term potash prices, and decided to instead negotiate smaller shipments over shorter time frames, said Ravi Sood, chief executive officer of Lawrence Asset Management in Toronto. Market News
  • To give some perspective on the desert's time frame, it takes a saguaro 10 years to grow its first 1 1/2 inches.
  • Over that time frame, the European Union's eastward expansion will place Berlin at the heart of the continent.
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  • Shouldn't consideration be given to subsequent events and experiences in construing the Constitution with the passage of time rather than being locked in the time frame of hundreds of years ago? Balkinization
  • All indications are, of course, here in Washington, as we've been reporting, the notion of timetables, time frames, projections, whatever you want to call it, putting the pressure on Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki to begin to set some benchmarks. CNN Transcript Oct 24, 2006
  • We expect to complete the project within a fairly short time frame.
  • Students will be encouraged to develop field or empirical research projects that could be pursued in Spring 2004 as the Faculty Seminar continues, and possibly in a longer-term time frame.
  • The process of accession is a difficult one and Bulgaria should complete negotiations within the predicted time frame, Palacio said.
  • On the right, a scrollable graph displays the transitions that marked the time frame being displayed.
  • Many of the owners are given time frames of how long it will be before their homes topple over the cliff.
  • And is ten years a realistic time frame, or should she delay retirement a while longer? Times, Sunday Times
  • The researchers found that approximately 78 percent of the participants reported some form of racial microaggression within the two-week time frame.
  • Guisante (Corrupted Latin: Arabo-Romance Spanish Dialect Mozarabic, adopted by Castillian dialect) _Pisum sativum_ (Modern day binomial scientific name of the English pea or Green pea) "Rooted" in the same time frame we had: cicer, cicero (Latin) Translation for peas & greenbeans (nfm)
  • The text weaves between the two time frames, the past and the future, and in both people are dying of a mysterious contagion.
  • I can report that the Call handling centre dealt with 10 squillion enquires this year and all were met within the time frame and so met our targets by 100%. The Revolving Door System. « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • That time frame leaves an almost inexhaustible supply of pretexts to draw upon in the fight against the West.
  • I know it's not as well understood - but what is the approximate time frame over which carbon dioxide values returned to normal after the catastrophic deglaciations in the late Precambrian?
  • Oncologists, and doctors in general, find it very difficult to give any type of specific time frames to dying pts and for this type of specificity, an exact number of days, is impossible. 6-Year-Old Girl with Brain Cancer Hid Love Notes for Her Parents to Find After Her Death » E-Mail
  • Scanning Speed: A good anti-virus program will not only have a high rate of detection but it will also scan for infections in a decent time frame.
  • Protocols need to be available and staff properly trained to perform such alternative methods in a clinically relevant time frame.
  • If a large discrepancy in energy levels exists over a given time frame, then the frame is not watermarked, to avoid audible time-dispersion of artifacts due to spectral modifications which are similar to "pre-echo" effects in audio coding. Archive 2007-09-01
  • Once on campus, some find that the compressed time frame and residential setting of many programs allow for deeper immersion in study and in prayer than is possible during weekend or night classes.
  • There is a ten year time frame for the implementation of the new policies.
  • For practical purposes, those time frames do give some insight into why the so-called nooner can be an effective way to match a couple’s sexual urges. You Staying Young
  • Overall stress arises when an individual believes that the demands upon them exceed their perceived personal resources to meet the sum of their challenges within a given time frame.
  • They presuppose that students are sophisticated enough to look at a novel as an object in a given time and place, filled with all settings and vagaries of the particular time frame in which the novel occurs.
  • The paralysingly short time frame, the brutality of it all, renders coaching expertise almost irrelevant. Times, Sunday Times
  • Although the changes employed by Friedman and Koepp to modernize the story are adequate in displacing many of the book's events to a contemporary time frame, they result in a tale that is rife with logical errors.
  • He gave no time frame and some immigrants' rights activists say that his figures are wildly misleading. Times, Sunday Times
  • He provided no reason for changing the time frame from that which administration officials had previously noted.
  • If a plan of corrective action is needed, the instructions and time frame are explained.
  • Regardless of the time frame it is generally accepted that the domestication of cattle followed sheep, goats, and pigs.
  • If you somehow recovered genetic material from such an extinct organism that was contemporaneous w/humans from the same 10-40 kya time frame, and it showed a similar pattern of change to humans and maize (corn) and say, domestic dogs then wouldn't you be safe in inferring that humans had tried to domesticate that organism? Choosing To Evolve
  • The narrative then shuttles between these two time frames. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Here's the thing - one of the claims of this foundation is a 16-hour time frame in which it promises to stay put. Ethical Testing
  • And all this, mind, a century before the Montgolfier brothers ever hoisted themselves aloft, so expect your time frames and tenses to be concertinaed as your credulity is stretched to its breaking point. This steampunk take on The Three Musketeers doesn't buckle my swash
  • The government plans to introduce these changes in/within a fairly long/short time frame.
  • A criterium is a bicycle race on a confined course, often closed off city streets, that takes place in a preset time frame, such as a 30 minutes, 45 minutes, hour, etc. - Top Stories
  • Ms. Massie called the city's 10-year time frame "laughable" because it is too slow to fix what she described as a persistent public-health threat. Lawsuit Blasts City PCB Plan
  • Orlando finished third with 13,853 pre-foreclosure filings, known as lis pendens, during that time frame behind Miami with 24,502 and Tampa with 16,229, the report said. Philadelphia Business News - Local Philadelphia News | The Philadelphia Business Journal
  • The government plans to introduce these changes in/within a fairly long/short time frame.
  • A side thought: has any teenage girl been subjected to such a concentration of peril as Jack's daughter Kim in a time frame spanning a mere 27 hours?
  • The only difference in competitive and friendly games is regarding the time frames that players must be available before the games. Times, Sunday Times
  • An oft-referenced chapter of the showdown played out from 1978 to 1980, a three-year time frame in which a pair of Demon state titles flanked a 1979 championship for the Sailors. Glenwood Springs Post Independent - Top Stories
  • The time frame within which all this occurred was from September 1985 to March 1986.
  • an agreement can be reached in a reasonably short time frame
  • The time frame actually makes sense. Times, Sunday Times
  • We do not give animals on appro, but the adoption process does allow for animals to be returned if they do not fit into your family, within a certain time frame.
  • The narrative then shuttles between these two time frames. The Times Literary Supplement
  • The newspapers were judged on the consistent quality of the newspaper in that time frame.
  • Focus on getting your work done in a reasonable time frame.
  • There are crosscuts between them, but they also have different jurisdictions and different time frames. William Bradley: California's Wild Ride: Of Arnold, Jerry, And Various Vanities Fair (And Otherwise)
  • In order to help him complete the book in a more relevant time frame, his advance has been increased.
  • This means that the average punter's investments will do worse than the average performance of the market over any given time frame.
  • Furthermore, the time frame for completing the transaction may not allow the luxury of negotiating heads.
  • During the discussion in Brussels Kovachev stressed that all applicant countries, which should decommission nuclear reactors by set deadlines, also have a time frame for accession to the EU.
  • And here I hope you'll indulge me, I'm going to break the time frame of December 1941 but for reasons I think you'll find understandable.
  • Borrowers can choose from fixed or variable rates, with terms ranging from five to 30 years, with the longer time frame proving most popular.
  • Hayek may have underestimated the power of the democratic impulse to restrain the more extreme forms of government depredation, but Hayek never put any sort of time frame on his predictions. Tax Cuts for the Rich, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • The time frame within which all this occurred was from September 1985 to March 1986.
  • The authors chose to proctor the online quizzes by scheduling quizzes in a computer facility during a specified time frame.
  • Business continuance focuses on the timely resumption of business operations, which is dependent on access to critical data and applications within a reasonable time frame.
  • Around the February time frame, we were running to a point where our fund balance was getting below what we were comfortable with, having to deal with existing disasters and future disasters, so we go into what we call immediate needs funding. Nashville Scene
  • However, using a shorter time frame results in "noisier" data (i.e., a higher standard error). Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • The type of aircraft and the livery applied allow identification of the time frame.
  • So, humans will respond in conversational time frames, but with a lasting record. The Volokh Conspiracy » The Internet and Stupidity:
  • If you ask a carpenter for fitted wardrobes, get a price and time frame in writing. Times, Sunday Times
  • Also, due to the latent radioactivity in the reactor core, the decommissioning of a reactor is a slow process which has to take place in stages; the plans of the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority for decommissioning reactors have an average 50 year time frame. Matthew Yglesias » Not in Vermont’s Back Yard
  • The bets are across different currencies and time frames. Times, Sunday Times
  • I've ended up turning to small board games in order to get enough decision-making to be satisfying in that time frame, such as Aton, Hey That's My Fish, and Fjords, but Scripts & Scribes is a card game with decision-making and tension galore. Boardgame News
  • When the episodes are prepared to fit into a more restrictive time frame for airing in syndication, scenes are frequently removed.
  • What is a reasonable time frame that a library has to unblock a Web site or disable a filter upon request?
  • As did the other lunar spacecrafts launched about the same time frame, the CE-1 lunar orbiter focused on selenodesy so that it could remedy the low resolution and poor coverage problems of past data, and would open the door to recovering lunar evolution by detecting new lunar topography, gravity fields or interior structures. Space News From SpaceDaily.Com
  • So, I see no reason why the heraldric symbols can't display as seemingly wide a time frame, from older-looking designs of simple heraldy to the complicated later arms. Day 18: Final days of UK filming
  • In addition to getting lost in the Triple-A title shuffle, college basketball games also feel the pressure of their NBA rivals, which have traditionally been released in the October time frame. GameSpot's News, Screenshots, Movies, Reviews, Previews, Downloads, and Features
  • The time frame within which all this occurred was from September 1985 to March 1986.
  • The time frame to switch out these many local jobs and marshal the outbound train was tight and required precision work in a small yard.
  • But it is the delays in the completion of critical technical projects that have significantly handicapped the time frame for the roll-out of services.
  • During the talks held earlier this year, the time frames were among the most divisive issues.
  • The primary reason is that using differing time frames to obtain average returns will lead to different results.
  • Given that these plants appear to be biennials, the time frame is actually closer to only 30 generations.
  • This of course does not imply that the French eat more - in fact, it is easier to overeat when you are gorging and gulping down your food than if you sit down to a slow 3 course meal (remember, the enteric-hypothalamic satiety axis operates on a 20-40 min time frame). Dr. Sharma’s Obesity Notes » Blog Archive » Does Slow Food and More Sleep Keep France Slim?
  • Reading Engrish from 400 years ago one will get the point …namely that whilst we may feel in our limited hominoid time frame that lingo is a steady state thang i.s spelling grammar context etc. Are we meat eaters or vegetarians? Part II | The Blog of Michael R. Eades, M.D.
  • This is too short a time frame to be meaningful.
  • I agree completely with TR … you act like global warming is something we can adapt to, but you need to remember that the larger the change and the shorter the time frame, the more challenging the adaptative and economic impacts will be. Think Progress » Global Warming Skeptics Engage In Denial And Spin Over New Academy Report; Gore Responds
  • Granted many of us were in that fight as well but the term hippies is so way past the time frame. Think Progress » ThinkFast AM: June 30, 2006
  • No respectable economist would hazard growth projections for any longer time frame than a decade.
  • The City Council's official's response was that standing regulations entitled the council to repossess undeveloped pieces of land after a stipulated time frame.
  • Those who argued for natural selection, and geologists who accepted uniformitarian principles, were faced with a very restricted time frame because of these clear thermodynamic restrictions. SPM4 Preview: The Hockey Stick Lives « Climate Audit
  • A compromise bill would have limited the time frame to 48 hours in which a company would be allowed to fax someone after a verbal request, but the bill was passed via committee with the time limit being seven years.
  • And I think what the new element that we heard here, apart from this question of the time frame, which was always hovering as a problematic element over the last several days, the new element that we heard from Mr. Sharon was once the Israeli Army had completed its mission, as he said, within the Palestinian towns, then it would create what he called buffer zones and that this was a new, this is certainly a new development. CNN Transcript Apr 8, 2002
  • The procedures to be followed for the obtention/release of specific information, including time frames, should be explained. 12. Management of emergency water supply systems
  • If ASIC were to intervene, it would likely require that ACS sell down its controlling interest in Leighton Holdings within a certain time frame, or make a follow-on bid for the remaining shares in Leighton Holdings at a look-through price," he said. Hochtief Moves to Thwart ACS Offer
  • Zooming in to this price action on the longer-term intraday time frame of the 240-minute chart, we see that prices have transitioned from the downtrend into a more sideways market cycle.
  • To climb Everest, mountaineers must work within a very tight and strictly enforced time frame.
  • There is a ten year time frame for the implementation of the new policies.
  • It compresses its bitterly touching love story into a 25-minute time frame.
  • The authors describe what has been discovered and within what time frame.
  • DITTEMORE: It is true that right after launch -- and I don't remember the time frame as far as the seconds -- there was a piece of foam that is used as insulation on the external tank in the area of what we call the bipod, which is the forward attach between the orbiter and the external tank. CNN Transcript Feb 1, 2003
  • He said the six companies are now in the process of submitting their terms of references, including the time frame of the study and the draft proposal.
  • The time frame for our study was 4.7 years, the mean duration of patient follow up.
  • The airport and city management will inspect fencing as a first step to ensuring safety, but no specific time frame was set detailing when this would occur.
  • There's even a certain campiness to the film by some measure, and even with the novel, given the time frame it takes place in. Archive 2009-10-01
  • The time frame actually makes sense. Times, Sunday Times
  • We do believe -- and we have detained individuals that have given us this information -- that training has certainly continued, that the Quds Force-supported special groups, as they're called, a militia extremist breakoff from the Sadr militia, that that training has continued, certainly up until the October-November time frame. CNN Transcript Jan 27, 2008
  • Interestingly, this was one of the eristic methods used by the paid counterbloggers of the Radical Right during the 2004-2005 time frame. Matthew Yglesias » Defections from the Left
  • I believe that the time frame suggested in the bill in which claims should be completed suggests that we may compromise justness and fairness all for the sake of expediency.
  • The only difference in competitive and friendly games is regarding the time frames that players must be available before the games. Times, Sunday Times
  • And is it really coincidental that the US wants to introduce biometric border controls in a similar time frame?
  • We should be taking a more businesslike approach and saying that we need this amount of roading in this time frame, and we will have to borrow on this basis and pay it back from revenue earned.
  • Have you set a time frame for completing the job?
  • But the meeting continued way beyond its allotted time frame, mainly due to the fact that the pompous windbags who called the meeting in the first place couldn't stick to an agenda if their mothers' lives depended on it.
  • The fact is that people mostly operate on a very short time frame that they are not really aware of.
  • Their goal was to establish a viable relief supply distribution network within a specific time frame.
  • The rally in the USD/CHF pushed the short-term intraday time frames into an uptrend to start the week.
  • I am intending visits in approx time frames you have mentioned - though I had planned two visits. Ajijic -- A Real Newbie Prospect
  • Radioactive iodine in food is of immediate concern, but it has a relatively short half-life and will naturally decay over a short time frame.
  • Lengthy lead time on procuring PreciPitators and bag-houses may extend the time frame for completion of some conversions past one year.
  • OTE, which had previously discussed a lengthier time frame to reopen due to complications of recovering stolen allowances, aims to send the necessary documents to the European Commission by the start of next week in order to be ready to re-open by Feb. 25, Mr. Stastny said. Czech Emissions Registry Set to Reopen
  • This time frame was chosen so that the classroom experience was still fresh in the students' minds.
  • Pikoli's lawyers did not agree that he should have "obsequiously" obeyed Mbeki over the time frame of Selebi's arrest. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • ‘My time frame would be by tomorrow,’ he says with a chortle, admitting his executives tell him it'll take a little longer.
  • The other bad news was the time frame for hyperalgesia is anywhere between 6-18 months. News for WSAV
  • Making matters worse, Japan's Supreme Court in January stretched the time frame for which borrowers can claim reimbursements on "overcharged" interest. Lawyers Tighten Squeeze on Japan Consumer Lenders
  • Clark says that in debating a vacancy time frame, conversation centered on just how long an owner would wait with property empty. Builders Rep Raps City for Vacancy Ordinance « PubliCola
  • The eleven chapters are chronological, presenting a decadal review covering the period from 1850 through the latter 1990s, although the historical context frequently spills over between the time frame of each chapter and topic.
  • We expect to complete the project within a fairly short time frame.
  • The claymation technique required a two-year time frame for the film's production-a definite task of teamwork and perseverance.
  • The discussions tabled during the meeting focused on creating a more unique festival atmosphere specific to Pattaya and reducing the time frame of the event.
  • And that's a time frame that easily outstrips most investors' patience.

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