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How To Use Time being In A Sentence

  • The entire novel must be read in the light of the comic paradox whereby Zeno thinks he is analysing himself while at the same time being certain that psychoanalysis lacks the means to analyse him.
  • He falls into a stupor, into utter oblivion of the world about him, becomes in turn excited and confused, his senses begin to functionate in a fallacious manner, and he thus succeeds in shutting out from consciousness, for the time being at least, the entire unbearable situation. Studies in Forensic Psychiatry
  • And if it (hall happen that this legacy Ihall be found not to anfwcr the purpofe intended, I im - power the bifliop of Oflbry for the time being, with the confent of the dean and chapter of St. Canice, to fell the books, and apply their price together with. the faid (alary of the librarian towards raifing or sidoraiijig the imperfedl fteeple of their cathedral. Collectanea de Rebus Hibernicis
  • Eventually, Central are planning to have televisions on most of their stock but, for the time being, they're few and far between.
  • For the time being, bushwacking will still be permitted, as will adventuring on unofficial boot trails, but protecting low-use zones will be a high priority.
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  • For security reasons, however, the exact location of the deposits is kept secret for the time being.
  • Finally, we have omitted performance tests for the time being.
  • If your girlfriend is smart, beautiful, and gentle, then please, love her in my place for the time being.
  • He said the company had always had two move workers between the two bases depending on where the work was, but now circumstances dictated closure of the Scalloway workshop for the time being.
  • For the time being, her lawyer Robert Baum said, she would live with her grandmother in Northern California.
  • One can go further south from here but we would need heated long johns to keep us warm, and we've seen enough icebergs for the time being.
  • So with the first family treating him like royalty for the time being, "that might be equivalent to fame.
  • For the time being, such work pursues purely commercial purposes.
  • I ran the Viral Special Pathogens Branch at the CDC and, for the time being, I'm the Chief of the Disease Assessment Division here. MINUTES TO BURN
  • It is, for the time being, a great insurance against any terrorist attack.
  • That looks high enough for the time being. Times, Sunday Times
  • Ivester will remain chief operating officer for the time being, a spokeswoman added.
  • I'll leave my bicycle behind.I'll not need it for the time being.
  • The entire novel must be read in the light of the comic paradox whereby Zeno thinks he is analysing himself while at the same time being certain that psychoanalysis lacks the means to analyse him.
  • Prothero's genius had liberated itself for the time being in his last poem; it was detached from him; it wandered free, like a blessed spirit invisible, while Prothero's brain agonized and journalized as Laura said. The Creators A Comedy
  • The truly prudent person might decide to park the car for the time being in the garage to avoid the risk. Times, Sunday Times
  • For the time being, don't choose to sign and encrypt all messages automatically.
  • Agile and on his toes most of the time Dr Syiem hardly looks like a person who has had a tryst with Cancer and for the time being it seems he has beaten it with his optimism resilience and buoyancy.
  • To avoid potential problems using the pointable antenna, we might consider for the time being just communicating by UHF relay or using the low-gain antenna," Callas said. News and Features - NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory
  • It includes only those persons who acquire by birth interest in the joint or coparcenary property, these being the sons, grandsons and great-grandsons of the holder of the joint property for the time being. Archive 2005-12-01
  • Among them is a proposal that Mubarak "deputize" his Vice President Omar Suleiman with his powers and, for the time being at least, step down in everything but name. Chronicle
  • Unfortunately, the alternatives (such as radiant "hydronic" heating) are just too expensive for the time being, and so forced-air is what we've got. The Berkeley Daily Planet, The East Bay's Independent Newspaper
  • For the time being, Godolphin can only dream of such lofty heights. Times, Sunday Times
  • Where was solid water beneath it, is now air, and for the first time it feels the grip of gravity, and down it falls, at the same time being torn asunder from the lagging bottom of the wave and flung forward. Excerpt From Cruise of the Snark: Surfing in Hawaii
  • "Well, for the time being, you are our child," Billy remarked wryly.
  • Irene decided to stay in Ireland for the time being and has starred in several of Bryan's shows since.
  • For the time being, there was a minor bounty on his head, which led him to be prime pickings for the two partners.
  • For the time being, you're to carry on as normal.
  • If it's a new build it's unlikely the area will be cabled, they've stopped cabling new areas for the time being.
  • If this response is anything to go by, despite the anti-monarchist stance that apparently several MPs have, the monarchy, at least at the time being, seems as secure as it always was.
  • Additionally, house prices continue to appreciate for the time being, lowering the debt/equity ratio and making it less likely that the delinquent homeowners will walk away from their equity.
  • Instead, she decided to pursue the curiousness which slowly welled up within her, replacing the other emotions for the time being.
  • Moreover, no person is "to drink or tipple at unseasonable times in houses of entertainment," -- the "unseasonable" time being declared to be after nine in the evening. Mother Earth, Vol. 1 No. 4, June 1906 Monthly Magazine Devoted to Social Science and Literature
  • There are still a few jobs to finish off so we cannot be released for the time being.
  • Even if only for the time being, although I was working on its permanency. THE MANANA MAN
  • Don't waste your time being eaten up with envy.
  • Spent some time being a roughneck in the fields up around Buffalo.
  • He promised ‘typical’ download speeds of 200 to 300 kilobits per second, with uploading at 64K for the time being.
  • The carrier will use regional jets on the routes for the time being, The Post says.
  • I'd hold on to that house for the time being; house prices are rising sharply at the moment.
  • Once changed we set off over the fell with the rain thankfully absent for the time being.
  • The leaders of political parties of all hues shared the dais and hatchets seemed to be buried for the time being.
  • For the time being, this standard will run in tandem with older regulations. Times, Sunday Times
  • For the time being it would probably be better, in most cases, to use cassettes or to make the message available in both formats - if this is affordable in your budget.
  • Tennyson gave the Kraken life in this sonnet, which speaks of its "[u] nnumber'd and enormous polypi" and reassures us that, for the time being, "[t] he Kraken sleepeth. Stefan Beck: Beaches: Bergman's The Seventh Seal & the Wellfleet Oyster Festival
  • For the time being, the old pages are still up, so if there's something I'd once posted that you'd like to hear, send a link to the page to my e-mail addy, [email protected]. Jan. 19th, 2009 - Issue 0.036
  • Stephen will resume sole charge for the time being.
  • The apartment is really too small, but it's tolerable for the time being.
  • The country's fields and hedgerows are safe for the time being. Times, Sunday Times
  • We could undertake the work for the time being.
  • For the time being anyway, since no one is entirely sure exactly where in the Lowthers the gold comes from, panning remains a weekend hobby that demands endless patience for comparatively tiny financial rewards.
  • But the comedian, whose previews were unanimously slated by the critics last week, informed festival organisers that the show could not go on, for the time being at least.
  • I would suggest that for the time being you behave as circumspectly as possible in political matters.
  • We could undertake the work for the time being.
  • He was, indeed, deeply and warmly affectionate, but troublesome through outbreaks of will and temper, showing all the ordinary instinct of trying how far the authorities for the time being will endure resistance; sufficiently indolent of mind to use his excellent abilities to save exertion of intellect; passionate to kicking and screaming pitch, and at times showing the doggedness which is such a trial of patience to the parent. Life of John Coleridge Patteson
  • But, following a shake-up of the board and some work being undertaken on the green, the axe has been staved off for the time being.
  • For the time being, however, immunotherapy is still in its experimental stages.
  • They fix their minds entirely on the workmen for the time being _in_ the trade, and do not take note of any other _workmen_ as interested in the matter. What Social Classes Owe to Each Other
  • The parts are first thoroughly washed, rubbed dry with towels and dusting-powder, and the ointment applied on strips of muslin or lint and bound on; the dressing is renewed twice daily, the parts each time being rubbed dry with soft towels and dusting-powder, and the treatment continued for ten days to two weeks, after which the dusting-powder is to be used alone for several weeks. Essentials of Diseases of the Skin Including the Syphilodermata Arranged in the Form of Questions and Answers Prepared Especially for Students of Medicine
  • Forgetting AIDS for the time being, syphilis, HPV, condyloma etc are extremely prevalent in promiscuous gays. The Volokh Conspiracy » Sinner Casts Stone:
  • For the time being, kiddo, why not relax and enjoy being with someone who's more experienced?
  • For the time being McConnell says that is probably unattainable.
  • I would suggest that for the time being you behave as circumspectly as possible in political matters.
  • Our arguments prevailed... for the time being. Times, Sunday Times
  • Representing the O'Hara Foundation in Britain, improbably, is a spoiled, bratty young girl, Scarlett O'Hara (?!?), who spends most of her time being obnoxious or putting the moves on Ray, who proves to be quite the shrinking violet ( my voice-over is being done by a woman, okay? Archive 2007-11-01
  • On this second point I will offer, for the time being, one simple remark: we use the term sensation for lack of any other to express the intermediate character of our perception of objects; and this use does not, on our part, imply any hypothesis. The Mind and the Brain Being the Authorised Translation of L'Âme et le Corps
  • She was really carefully, artfully calibrating not to part with the president" while at the same time being "cognizant" of her role as a mother. CHENEY FAMILY VALUES
  • I closed my eyes a moment, nagging worries melting away for the time being.
  • The soul that recognizes its "oldness" also feels its certainty of survival -- not as a mere matter of faith, but as an item of consciousness, the boundaries of time being transcended. Reincarnation and the Law of Karma A Study of the Old-New World-Doctrine of Rebirth, and Spiritual Cause and Effect
  • I think the only thing I would change the next time I make it would be to add a few handsful of fresh spinach ... but with the e coli outbreak, I figured it would be best to leave that off for the time being ... Archive 2006-09-01
  • Proper hand washing is very time-consuming, but even doing minimalist sanitizing between patients would add up to a third of staff time being spent washing. Wray Herbert: Hand Washing: A Deadly Dilemma
  • Specialists in stripping us of what we could live, experiment, and know beyond our borders, the officials of the DIE tell me that I am not authorized to travel "for the time being. Yoani Sanchez: "Permission Denied": The Cuban Regime Is Afraid To Let Me Travel
  • Everything else had slipped from their minds for the time being.
  • For the time being, though, we're left with Undercover Brother, with its scatter-shot satire and raucous racial politics, its pops at whitey squares, black militants and sell-out buppies who listen to Michael Bolton CDs.
  • In the intervals of pandemonium, each chattered, cut up, hooted, screeched, and danced, himself sufficient unto himself, filled with his own ideas and volitions to the exclusion of all others, a veritable centre of the universe, divorced for the time being from any unanimity with the other universe-centres leaping and yelling around him. CHAPTER XIV
  • The aim has always been, then, to reduce the power of linguistic theory while at the same time being able to cover all the relevant facts. The Chomsky Update - Linguistics and Politics
  • His world record of 18.29m appears to be under no threat for the time being, but motivation is now a problem.
  • Yet in the present struggle, our enemies made three critical mistakes that have for the time being upset their otherwise brilliant plans.
  • Maybe, though I suspect he will probably be giving this sport a wide berth for the time being. Times, Sunday Times
  • If your girlfriend is smart, beautiful, and gentle, then please, love her in my place for the time being.
  • The next day, however, he spoke more naturally in the open; at the village of Chandak-Sikhrana, at the time being battered badly by magnesite mining.
  • Entrance fees to the exhibit have been reduced for the time being.
  • For the time being, the one-time ticket clerk is just enjoying a ramble around his old haunts.
  • Setting aside for the time being post-modern notions of "best" or "better" (no doubt legions of MFAs are spitting out their Ticonderoga No. 2s in apoplexy), it seems reasonably clear that it isn't the best American book of the year, not by quite a bit. Historical Fiction
  • Our arguments prevailed... for the time being. Times, Sunday Times
  • For the time being, home was a railway compartment with a very hard bunk, in a train which made many inexplicable stops.
  • For the time being, the whole idea of anglicized pronunciations of foreign terms was just too weird and complicated. The English Is Coming!
  • For the time being, however, he read a statement from Sellon which threw some light on the stories of all three girls: the worship and religious customs of the house, she argued, were certainly not popish.
  • We could undertake the work for the time being.
  • If your girlfriend is smart, beautiful, and gentle, then please, love her in my place for the time being.
  • Indeed, in recent days both frontrunners seem to have hit their stride, for the time being at least, and are campaigning smoothly.
  • However, the story can be simplified without losing its essence by neglecting the helium for the time being.
  • Let us assume that you have decided, at least for the time being, to stop or cut back your addictive behavior.
  • My hanging baskets and planters will have to make up for the lack of flower borders for the time being.
  • Also, in honor of Statia's secret career as a bunny waitress I've made her an honorary Acerbia-girl for the time being.
  • The constitution denied women political rights for the time being. Liberty: The Lives and Times of Six Women in Revolutionary France
  • Flying under the radar for the time being may not be a bad thing. Times, Sunday Times
  • For the time being, that literality faces a major scientific challenge.
  • This was my cue to begin a slow approach with the camera, all the time being eyed warily by the triggerfish.
  • I suggest you park the money in an instant-access or short-notice bank or building society deposit account for the time being.
  • Also part of the 6th, after the fall of the factory, weekend prices remain stable for the time being, but the actual transaction can also moderate concessions.
  • So, for the time being at least, Hurt is settled in theatre, the only catch being the 10 bananas he must eat each week in the line of duty as Krapp.
  • We shall put it aside for the time being.
  • It's a relatively simple task that really doesn't warrant a great deal of time being spent on it.
  • Stephen will resume sole charge for the time being.
  • For the time being, he was suspended in this shadowy twilight world, somewhere between life and death. THE LOST KING OF FRANCE: Revolution, Revenge and the Search for Louis XVII
  • Additional info: Taylor cried what she called tears of joy through much of her time being critiqued by the judges. Reality TV World: Reality TV News
  • Flying under the radar for the time being may not be a bad thing. Times, Sunday Times
  • The foundation said consumers should for the time being avoid eating beef offal.
  • It won't be a perfect fit, any more than modern feminist readings of the Bible are a perfect fit, but it will do for the time being.
  • The mailbox on its wooden post had been re-decorated numerous times, each time being adorned with a different design.
  • That looks high enough for the time being. Times, Sunday Times
  • My “baby,” who had such a difficult time being birthed, is disposed of. Bewitched, Bothered & Remaindered
  • Two events occurred that ensured, for the time being at least, no such a change in Congressional attitudes would occur.
  • We shall put it aside for the time being.
  • Ilyich growled, but knew that he was outmatched for the time being, so with great reluctance, he bolted out of the room as fast as possible, with Jerwon and Greg tailing him closely.
  • But for the time being they are displaying the toughness and calm typical of Chilean miners. Times, Sunday Times
  • Stephen will resume sole charge for the time being.
  • Now, supposing that Miss Monroe and Mary O'Grady had agreed to change places, the Pekin heiress, for the time being, occupying Mary O'Grady's place in the humble home at Cork and vice versa, what means of communicating with each other had they arranged? The Experiences of Loveday Brooke, Lady Detective
  • So far as the Newsletter is concerned, I think it is probably best to let the matter rest for the time being.
  • But it seemed as if Bert's job, possibly conveniently, prevented him from coming anywhere near Four Winds for the time being.
  • The apartment is really too small, but it's tolerable for the time being.
  • I mean, with wars going in two nations most Americans can't find on a map and thousands dying or coming home in pieces after having their deployments extended over and over again (while at the same time being prevented from leaving the service when their enlistment is up), who wouldn't rather obsesses over some missing white woman or other, or bemoan the steroidal state of professional baseball? America The Stupid
  • The defendant was ordered to prison to be tried the next day, time being given to make further inquiries about his being a praedial. The Anti-Slavery Examiner, Omnibus
  • For the time being, the world does not have data that's good enough to claim the planet," said astro-statistics expert Philip Gregory of the University of British Columbia, author of the new study.
  • The leaded windows are quite difficult to replace so we are going to have to put plain glass in for the time being.
  • He had "coppered" all he required for the time being. The Dock Rats of New York
  • Unfortunately, that very rifle is currently in a gunshop being blueprinted and fitted for its new barrel as I write these words, meaning that my favorite rifle, its original barrel shot out months ago, has, for the time being, forsaken me. If You could have just one rifle...
  • Of the two main products, lifetime mortgages will come under FSA regulation and ombudsman protection, but home reversion plans will not - at least for the time being.
  • The thunder and lightning had abated for the time being, and now the rain was falling in slashing torrents, turning the streets into rivers, grates and drains into gurgling whirlpools and eddies.
  • I hope NASA can maintain is current structure for the time being. What Civil Space Agency Would You Create? - NASA Watch
  • If your girlfriend is smart, beautiful, and gentle, then please, love her in my place for the time being.
  • "Dear friends world over, Nepal is closed for the time being.
  • To root up all evils is only a fantasy for the time being.
  • So, we'll leave the young lovers their peace and their privacy, for the time being at least.
  • For the time being I permit you to retain your office, but I warn you to make no treasonous approaches to the enemy. VALENTINE PONTIFEX
  • The main wheels have been anodized and put aside for the time being.
  • For the time being, however, it's hard to dispute that naturopathy qualifies as ‘alternative medicine’ and is far outside the medical mainstream.
  • The second consideration is that of _health_: a severe illness may alarm us for the time being, but an illness of a chronic nature or even cachexy frightens us away, because it would be transmitted. Essays of Schopenhauer
  • we'll stop for the time being
  • For the time being, you're to carry on as normal.
  • For the time being the vacuum cleaner lives at the end of the couch.
  • [9] Mr. Spencer weakly argues that an advantageous attribute (such as swiftness, keen sight, courage, sagacity, strength, &c.) cannot be increased by natural selection unless it is "of greater importance, for the time being, than most of the other attributes"; and that natural selection cannot develop any one superiority when animals are equally preserved by "other superiorities. Are the Effects of Use and Disuse Inherited? An Examination of the View Held by Spencer and Darwin
  • They should spend a little less time smoking wacky baccy and listening to that tuneless rubbish called dance music, and rather more time being seen and not heard.
  • At that time being a woman was a bar to promotion in most professions.
  • For the time being, he seemed to have been cornered by his namesakes.
  • For the time being, however, immunotherapy is still in its experimental stages.
  • The midfield player has been told to stay away from the club for the time being after suffering a virus. Times, Sunday Times
  • She talks more about - she has this nationalistic, internationalistic viewpoint of dealing with our enemies as it relates to being forceful, though, at the same time being diplomatic. CNN Transcript Dec 27, 2008
  • We shall put it aside for the time being.
  • Finally she turned to him, the tears under control for the time being. TREASON KEEP
  • North Korea has told a visiting American politician that it would allow international inspectors to visit a newly unveiled uranium-enrichment facility and announced Monday that it would not "retaliate" against South Korea for conducting military exercises - gestures that seemed intended to calm tensions on the Korean Peninsula, at least for the time being. North Korea makes some gestures toward calm
  • The prescribed element is, in effect, frozen for the time being and should not be paid by the employer.
  • She was safe, for the time being, and her family hugged her tightly, in triumph and relief and gladness.
  • A prolific poet and author, he appears for the time being to have put down his pen.
  • She logged off of whatever it was that she was doing on her computer and stood to lecture the class on Hamlet, which was the play we were studying for the time being.
  • For the time being, your house is protected from such a claim because it is considered immovable property. Times, Sunday Times
  • The constitution denied women political rights for the time being. Liberty: The Lives and Times of Six Women in Revolutionary France
  • Miltas the diviner, standing up in the midst of the assembly, bade them be of good cheer, and expect all happy success, for that the divine powers foreshowed that something at present glorious and resplendent should be eclipsed and obscured; nothing at this time being more splendid than the sovereignty of Dionysius, their arrival in Sicily should dim this glory, and extinguish this brightness. The Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans
  • Taking hevea seeds out of the country was not illegal, but Wickham did not want to risk losing valuable time being held up by red tape. He Hit the Road, Found Rubber
  • The main center of the revolutionary movement thereupon shifted for the time being to the colonial countries.
  • For the time being, that status will have a substantial cheque attached to it, and it will take many decades for the Montenegrins to learn the reality of the construct they join – if they are allowed in – but the "colleagues" will no doubt take succour from the fact that yet another nation is rushing, lemming-like into the fold. A vote for serfdom?
  • As for the budget, by allowing the continuing resolution to pass unhindered, the Republicans have in effect agreed to maintain spending at levels they describe as ruinous for the time being. The Economist: Correspondent's diary
  • She's staying with her aunt for the time being.
  • If your girlfriend is smart, beautiful, and gentle, then please, love her in my place for the time being.
  • We could undertake the work for the time being.
  • For the time being I lived in a world of facts and figures, breathing nothing but dates and exuding mathematical and other data at almost every pore; so that, by the end of the month I felt myself transformed into a sort of portable human cyclopaedia, containing a heterogeneous mass of information of all kinds, as superficial as it was varied. Crown and Anchor Under the Pen'ant
  • One proposal floated by the "Wise Men" would have Mubarak "deputize" Suleiman with his powers and step aside in every way but name, perhaps keeping the presidency title for the time being at least. - Home Page
  • And by the sounds of it she spends quite a lot of her time being cupped, oiled and scrubbed - and eating fermented food. The Sun
  • Hmmm … I feel a new “Dogway” coursebook thread being started here … what would be the kind of coursebook that has a functional syllabus whilst a the same time being adaptable enough to change direction with the dynamic of the class …? T is for Taboo « An A-Z of ELT
  • Spent some time being a roughneck in the fields up around Buffalo.
  • We don't bother much about whether the infant's bones were too fragile to sustain the weight for so long, as long as it could procure us a celebrity status for the time being.
  • Didas 'instructions were for the time being to insinuate himself by every kind of obsequiousness into Demetrius' confidence and intimacy so as to be able to draw out all his secrets and ascertain his hidden sentiments. The History of Rome, Vol. VI
  • Your brother may know how to get rid of them for a time being, but only a necromancer can kill a necromancer.
  • She'd inserted some syrupy sweet fake whining into her voice, which Ron always fell for, this time being no exception.
  • And by the sounds of it she spends quite a lot of her time being cupped, oiled and scrubbed - and eating fermented food. The Sun
  • Really, the word quipu scarcely enters the English language at all, unlike quinine or the edible seed quinoa, which if its current popularity continues may well end up pronounced kwiNOa in English KEENwah is preferred for the time being. QUIPU.
  • That's why its discovery is the last goal for the time being of particle physics.
  • For the time being, your house is protected from such a claim because it is considered immovable property. Times, Sunday Times
  • For the time being, I think the work of narrative, of experiencing a dynamic gameworld, still has to involve "handcrafting" to deliver the satisfactions that are missing from MMOGs Rubicite Breastplates & Narrative Nudges
  • Skip was a buoyant 72-year-old Rhode Islander hampered for the time being by a cast protecting a broken ankle suffered when his self assurance over-reached his nimbleness in an ill-advised leap onto a rock at the beach. Mazatlan: Tequila, tans and working stiffs
  • Depending upon the circumstances, a gypsy may retain his nomadic habit of life even though he is not travelling for the time being.
  • For the time being, the thrill of the long awaited freedom was eclipsed by the finality of the fact that we had left those days of camaraderie and school girl simplicity behind us forever.
  • If your girlfriend is smart, beautiful, and gentle, then please, love her in my place for the time being.
  • I am concerned with the critically low levels of calcium circulating in their blood, an electrolyte that is only slowly being repleted, since it is at the same time being vociferously sucked up by their stunted and crooked bones. Between Expectations
  • Among them is a proposal that Mubarak "deputize" his Vice President Suleiman with his powers and step down in everything but name, perhaps keeping the presidency title for the time being at least. Chronicle
  • That would be a step beyond what the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has announced: a halt in deportations "for the time being. Special status will halt deportations from U.S.
  • I'll leave it at that because I've already spent enough time being neurotic and self-loathful about it. Misc. Junk
  • If you ask me, let us forget two issues for the time being, one being money and the second being the name.
  • Maybe, though I suspect he will probably be giving this sport a wide berth for the time being. Times, Sunday Times
  • Thus for the time being Schultes remained content to botanize in the hills around Huautla, focusing more on the plants than the people. One River
  • I was mollified for the time being, and things resumed their tentative state of normality.
  • So here are all three pieces so far - I have actually deconstructed the central piece - I decided that I didn't want to do the piece quilt as you go, so I have removed the satin stitching for the time being (it was holding the batting and backing on) though I may add it back later. Complimentary squares...
  • So off to big local DIY store and come out with a little convector heater which will do me nicely for the time being. Random Jottings of a Book and Opera Lover
  • For the time being, your house is protected from such a claim because it is considered immovable property. Times, Sunday Times

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