
How To Use Time and time again In A Sentence

  • Sons don’t resemble their fathers in every detail, I’ve noticed it time and time again, and there’s many a woman brought to bed of a son who is profoundly thankful for that fact, and expends a great deal of her postpartum energy assuring the sprog’s tata that the sprog is a dead ringer for her great-uncle Lucius Tiddlypuss. The First Man in Rome
  • Time and time again we nearly had the sail to the yard when the wind tore it from our fingers. A BOOK OF LANDS AND PEOPLES
  • He dreams of becoming a photographer, but is drawn time and time again into the city 's criminal underworld. The Sun
  • From the GLBTI/LGBTI/GLBTIQQXYZABC organisations here in good ol' bwoy WA time and time again. A Letter to Congressman Frank
  • Plane after plane had been "skyjacked" within the world and too many gave into the demands of the terrorists, encouraging them to attempt the same stunt time and time again. HASBARA: 31rst Anniversary of The Great Entebbe Rescue!
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  • But don't worry -- if an attorney is known to bring questionable cases time and time again, even if they aren't disciplinarily actionable, s/he will essentially be crapping where s/he sleeps by pissing off the bench and wouldn't be good for business, ultimately. Just Another Nuisance Malpractice Case
  • The nuisance and bother that raises its head time and time again in Portlaoise did so again over the weekend.
  • I don’t trust them not to abuse this sort of technology, indeed they have shown themselves time and time again untrustworthy to have it, especially where that technology can be used so easily to deny individual rights and freedoms. A Perfect Device For Unruly Youth? « Unambiguously Ambidextrous
  • As we have seen time and time again, these international reverberations are by no means unidirectional or even multidirectional, but revolving.
  • Knowing how to add one to garments is a skill you will use time and time again. Times, Sunday Times
  • Time and time again I've seen the joy and gratitude they bring. The Sun
  • Time and time again I asked myself why I had returned to set religious texts to choral music.
  • Time and time again he reacted quickly to dangerous situations.
  • He has disgraced himself and his school time and time again, and even disgraced America with his conduct at the Pan-Am games.
  • Olmsted's most infamous gaffe was to be, as far as I can tell, the man who originated the myth that the Amish don't vaccinate and that as a consequence they don't get autism, a fallacy that Olmsted first reported in a two-part story entitled revisited time and time again. ScienceBlogs Channel : Life Science
  • That question's been asked time and time again, and it elicits no valid answer.
  • Trawl back through the short history of SF and you can see the exact same bitching and lekking oneupmanship set loose time and time again. Archive 2008-06-01
  • The Cree say that life is continuous rebirth; the labor of our love will return time and time again, just as the leaves will decompose into soil and the things that we give to this world will reverberate long after we are gone.
  • Okay, I know the Aussies have licked us time and time again.
  • The government should be beyond and above any misdoing or scam, but time and time again these incidents come to light, make you wonder whatever next?. and also makes you wonder about the other things that have not come to light. Archive 2008-01-01
  • But why on earth is such theological navel-gazing necessary to determine the future of two people whose devotion for each other has been tested time and time again?
  • In this area, Morrison was found wanting time and time again.
  • My personal preference time and time again on my jigging system remains to be Trilene XL.
  • It takes talent to transform a joke into a jocular jewel and the cast of the Mad Mission movies succeeds time and time again.
  • Pareto's 1901 essay "The Rise and Fall of Elites," conveys two themes to which Schumpeter would return time and time again: the inevitability of elites, and the importance of nonrational and nonlogical drives in explaining social action. Jerry Muller on Schumpeter, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Everyone applauded again as the jester set off around the room, spinning the baton and throwing it high in the air, time and time again, before doing a cartwheel or a somersault and catching it perfectly.
  • This results in a show that is all spontaneous energy, time and time again.
  • In particular, he had watched "absentminded" and "bumbling" Aubri best Skandranon time and time again over a game of stones, so it wasn't likely that he would ever be fooled into thinking that Aubri wasn't as sharp as his human partner. The Silver Gryphon
  • Time and time again I've seen the joy and gratitude they bring. The Sun
  • Time and time again, Stoppard's script returns to the nature of identity and how we understand the world.
  • The stories I could tell you. Time and time again, how your knives have pulled my ass out of the fire.
  • Instead of letting him swing away, he had him attempt to lay down a sacrifice bunt, which is something Jose has proved time and time again that he has trouble doing. Steven Hirsch: From First to Worst
  • Some have seen this as a weakness on my part, but I have opted time and time again not to personalise but to deal with the issue and only the issue at hand.
  • We have heard time and time again about recidivist offending - people who commit an offence, go to jail, come out, commit another offence, and do so again and again and again.
  • We often cater at local events, specialising in Indian foods and make a sauce which is so popular that we have been asked time and time again about the possibility of buying it in the shops.
  • Time and time again - new job - or meeting new people - or even just when someone slow on the uptake works out I am a kiwi - I get the same slack jawed mouth breathing "heheh sheep shaggers kiwis herehhe bowr durpde durp!". Original Signal - Transmitting Buzz
  • You know, through this whole thing it's been -- you know, you've heard the term emotional roller coaster used time and time again. CNN Transcript Jun 21, 2002
  • Plasticine sells itself to 3+ kids on the fact that it is re-usable time and time again. Louisa Leontiades: Why Customer Delight Is So Important in Online Business
  • Past membership in odious organizations may not be relevant in Judge Alito's case, but it cuts both ways, so the next time the Republicans remind the Democrats once again that Sen. Robert Byrd (D-WV) used to belong to the Ku Klux Klan (which he acknowledges and has apologized and made amends for time and time again), we can then point to Judge Alito's membership in CAP. January 2006
  • Time and time again, as we in Texas fight these pronouncements by futilitarians that treatment should be withdraw from patients in different Texas cities, we find the local community at large to be shocked and horrified that such thinking exists in ‘their’ medical community.
  • We hear time and time again that the funds for terrorist operations come from anywhere possible, and that drug-running, gunrunning, and those sorts of illicit activities are always a good source of revenue for terrorists.
  • Time and time again, when we are looking at sentences and looking at parole, the overriding consideration seems to be whether the offender, if let out, will pose a risk.
  • The Argentine's waspish persistence and extraordinary retrieval made for some compelling rallies as he tried time and time again to bludgeon him into submission only to see the ball whistle back past his ears.
  • I suspect that it will be raised time and time again until a future Government overturns that very silly decision of this Labour Government.
  • Time and time again I asked myself why I had returned to set religious texts to choral music.
  • Time and time again I've seen the joy and gratitude they bring. The Sun
  • They may keep this up time and time again until, with luck, the predator finally gives up the chase.
  • It doesn't allow him to prodigiously swing the ball but it allows him to land the ball on the seam time and time again.
  • While not to solely pick on Hillary Clinton: Has Barack Obama showed any temerity to go up against this powerful president when he has in the past voted to re-fund this war time and time again? Mike Gravel unlike Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama bravely speaks truth to power
  • From Austrian Thomas Bernhard’s “Ritter, Dene, Voss” to Norwegian Jon Fosse’s “Someone is Going to Come” with Israel’s Yehuda Amichai and a radical poetic rewrite of “Antigone” in between, One Little Goat has proven itself time and time again to be driving outwards from the borders of contemporary theatre in Canada. Attention Toronto Ninjas: Talking Masks
  • This judge has failed time and time again to properly apply the laws put in place by the people of Florida for the purpose of protecting Wards from unscrupulous guardians.
  • Best friend or not, he had let his chance with Krystal pass time and time again, pining away for Jess, a woman he could not have.
  • We've been asked time and time again to de-Christianize our Apologia science curriculum.
  • We have found time and time again that, when done right, earthen plasters and finishes are far superior to concrete and synthetic stuccos in many ways.
  • It certainly wasn't pretty as they attempted to bludgeon their way over the line time and time again only to be met by a stout Buccs defence.
  • She had pulled them apart time and time again, had enforced extra rest periods in separate rooms, had hit out at Liddie, the older, twice. FAMILY PICTURES
  • That is the sort of behaviour that gets humanity into trouble, time and time again.
  • Pa settled his family in malarial swamps, put them in danger from unfriendly natives, and moved them time and time again all over the prairie always at their great peril. Sourire - French Word-A-Day
  • Ken, I want to begin with you because you have said time and time again right here on this show that Lindsay needs what you call stiff punishment to really teach her a lesson. CNN Transcript Nov 13, 2007
  • But nevertheless this kind of maddened and hollow charade of bureaucracy continues to function in Israel, as well as Europe and America ... ceding ground time and time again to Islam. Sultan Knish
  • In situations involving knowledge far less frivolous than a television programme, I've been astounded time and time again by ignorance and insularity.
  • Time and time again we nearly had the sail to the yard when the wind tore it from our fingers. A BOOK OF LANDS AND PEOPLES
  • Time And Time Again – Counting Crows In the time before time, before twitter, before widgets and plugins and animated avatars, I had a blog, and that blog was littered with real names and real faces and real deta » Origins
  • Talk to people who live on the Brunshaw estate and the same themes come up time and time again: crime, juvenile nuisance, drug dealing, vandalism and anti-social behaviour.
  • The audience were enthralled by the quality and sacredness of the concert and showed their appreciation time and time again throughout the performance and at its conclusion.
  • Knowing how to add one to garments is a skill you will use time and time again. Times, Sunday Times
  • Yet, our intrepid movie mockers come up with classic lines, time and time again.
  • Time and time again, Kennedy, McNamara Varga, Agathe and Thompson flung themselves into last ditch tackles and won.
  • As we've said time and time again, looking like a flip-flopper is far worse than having particular positions that some voters may disagree with, but sometimes changing your position causes even more trouble with the people you were originally trying to target. Pro-Life Group Attacks Buck in Press Conference Today
  • Americans have time and time again voiced their desire for judges who will judge according to the text and original understanding of our laws and Constitution. Reaction to Kagan comes in
  • The plight of Mountain Rivera is a common tragedy, repeated in familiar ways time and time again.
  • Over the years I've loved his work, been heartily sick of it, and got back into it time and time again.
  • I mean, time and time again, he floors me with his great acting!
  • Sometimes as a social historian one sees currents that recur time and time again in the memetic ocean of man's consciousness, and we wonder what drives them.
  • Wynn by name and winner by nature, Steve Wynn has time and time again recast the rules in this perennial boomtown. When in Vegas, Wynn Las Vegas
  • … IDers, time and time again, hoist themselves royally by hitching themselves to the indemonstrable low probability argument. David Heddle's take on the Fine-Tuning Argument
  • Time and time again we have been thanked for the service we provide and the moment we ask for fair pay we became criminals, unpatriotic and even child murderers.
  • I can 't wait till McCain insures you are separated from your family time and time again, muhhhahahhaha! Welcome to the Election Express
  • They may keep this up time and time again until, with luck, the predator finally gives up the chase.
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  • Time and time again uncompleted ironclads and wooden gunboats had to be destroyed to prevent their capture.
  • Knowing how to add one to garments is a skill you will use time and time again. Times, Sunday Times
  • Time and time again they were bogged down by wasted opportunities.
  • I have complained to the council time and time again about the street, which has a cobbled surface and gets dangerously slippy when it's wet.
  • Time and time again we nearly had the sail to the yard when the wind tore it from our fingers. A BOOK OF LANDS AND PEOPLES
  • It means that a victory at the ballot box isn't a blank cheque for five years, but the beginning of an unending process of returning power to that electorate time and time again.
  • Time and time again I would see one of the protests I attended on the news, them making us look like the dividers.
  • Carrot-munching Bugs Bunny was always being pursued by his human nemesis, hunter Elmer Fudd; yet, time and time again, Bugs would narrowly escape, outwitting the hapless Fudd.
  • The lichen-crusted walls bedecked with city grime capture my attention time and time again.
  • Time and time again, I will find myself discoursing with random people, all over the city, lately even in different states.
  • History, being his subject, he crammed into their skulls time and time again, getting frustrated that they never remembered it.
  • She has told me what a nasty and difficult man he is time and time again. The Sun
  • Party of No, Party of Fear? abso-freaking-lutely ... history has shown this, time and time again ... terror alerts, WMD in Iraq, now 'death panels,' etc etc. Democrats slam GOP as party of 'fear' in health care debate
  • I hear stories like this time and time again, and I can't believe companies get away with such shenanigans.
  • This is what we call a residual income, which means you will get paid time and time again for work you do once. - Articles related to Rabies toll up as dogs roam holiday haven
  • Everything else is going fine, fine, fine - but hectically so, as I'll say time and time again.
  • Time and time again, we are inches away from dumb-ass politicians making disastrous decisions.
  • Time and time again he also outsprinted the German for minor placings after breakaways had won stages.

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