How To Use tightly fitting In A Sentence
- The lockable frieze drawer usually contained three tinned compartments with tightly fitting lids in which to store tea and sugar.
- Headdresses were extravagantly plumed helmets or crowns fusing baroque and classical styles, and the masquers were shod in tightly fitting short boots, or buskins.
- She wears her usual style of clothes, a light grey silken blouse, and the tightly fitting black pants.
- The tightly fitting bodice was cut quite low over Comfort's small bosom.
- In this case, tightly fitting dampers are required to prevent reverse thermosiphoning at night, which could freeze water in the heat exchanger coil.
- The women (no longer bare-legged, no longer coiffées with red and yellow handkerchiefs) wear a kind of Bernese dress consisting of a black petticoat, a black cloth bodice like a tightly fitting waistcoat, white linen undersleeves reaching to the elbow, a large blue apron, and a round felt hat, like a man's. Untrodden Peaks and Unfrequented Valleys
- Riflemen used tightly fitting balls, forced into their rifled barrels with grease or lubricated patches of cloth, and gained resultant accuracy while sacrificing speed of loading.
- It was the size of a large classroom, and the light was provided by a small bulb above a shelf of bottles behind the bar, a light illuminating the tightly fitting pool table, and the twinkle of bulbs in the juke box.
- There was no doubt it was cooler minus layers of underwear and tightly fitting outerwear. THE THORN BIRDS
- Another method is to use tightly fitting overwraps to increase resistance to invasion.