How To Use Tight fitting In A Sentence
Tight fitting T-shirts are making a comeback.
Put on a tight fitting pair of swimming goggles and soak a long piece of cloth in cider vinegar or lemon juice.
Times, Sunday Times
Unlike the frock coat, it is tight fitting and makes a stylish and chic costume.
My left foot became wedged within the glass itself and it felt as if a tight fitting shackle were restraining me.
Peter Stringfellow does femanism?? would someone please tell me what the opposite of femanism is, malism doesnt seem quite right, but the again if a bloke got promoted through wearing a tight fitting officer and gentleman uniform and rubbing skin cream on after office weights workout everyday, what would that constsitute??
Guy Fawkes' blog
After rummaging through his drawer for several minutes he pulled out a pair of tight fitting jeans and long sleeved dark blue shirt.
You need a good knit, preferably in fine cashmere and not too tight fitting.
Times, Sunday Times
Traditonally worn with a 'churidar' which are tight fitting cotton draw-string pants and a 'dupatta'
Fashion World of SL
Put on a tight fitting pair of swimming goggles and soak a long piece of cloth in cider vinegar or lemon juice.
Times, Sunday Times
Make sure the ferrules are tight fitting, the cane isn't soft, droopy or bent like the hind leg of a donkey.
She was wearing a tight fitting light pink strapless dress with a matching velvet cabby hat.
One is famous for his big glasses and his flamboyant dress sense, whilst the other is known for his tight fitting trousers and his gravelly voice.
Put on a tight fitting pair of swimming goggles and soak a long piece of cloth in cider vinegar or lemon juice.
Times, Sunday Times
The tight fitting black and white clothing is quite the opposite of the clowns colourful baggy trousers with braces, and giant floppy shoes.
Put on a tight fitting pair of swimming goggles and soak a long piece of cloth in cider vinegar or lemon juice.
Times, Sunday Times
The tight fitting black and white clothing is quite the opposite of the clowns colourful baggy trousers with braces, and giant floppy shoes.
Add seasoning and simmer on a low heat with a tight fitting lid to create a rich stock. Once the stock is ready, strain the liquid off and set aside.
I would be a liar if I said that these were not complex visions (!) which may, or may not, have involved a beautiful blonde haired Damsel posing on a green field or ski piste, framed by mountains and happily holding aloft jugs of amber beer, with blocks of cheese and chocolate emanating from her tight fitting 'bustier' - enough for everyone! Recent Updates
Both plants and herbs can be stored in opaque glass storage jars with tight fitting lids.
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Put on a tight fitting pair of swimming goggles and soak a long piece of cloth in cider vinegar or lemon juice.
Times, Sunday Times
The bodice appeared to be rather tight fitting, but the skirt was quite loose and flowing.
In England, kirtles were normally gowns with tight fitting bodices.
Inside the specially reinforced closet hung a tight fitting black suit with white piping along the collar, arms and legs.
Both plants and herbs can be stored in opaque glass storage jars with tight fitting lids.
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It is a method for checking that a tight fitting facepiece matches the person's facial features and seals adequately to the wearer's face. - Latest News
We seem to accept the fact that in athletics you can wear something that's tight fitting and slenderizing, and efficient for movement.
Tight fitting pinstripe suits are worn with pastel shirts in pink and blue and are finished off with cravats or wide ties.
Avoid using tight fitting diapers that could rub against the skin.
Tight fitting pinstripe suits are worn with pastel shirts in pink and blue and are finished off with cravats or wide ties.
I stripped away my aristocratic clothing, my tight fitting hose, my pointed leather shoes, my doublet and sheer tunic.
Put on a tight fitting pair of swimming goggles and soak a long piece of cloth in cider vinegar or lemon juice.
Times, Sunday Times
The line must have clean-outs with tight fitting caps every 75 feet or less, or where the line has angles greater than 45 degrees.
Place in a marmite, deep casserole or Dutch oven with a tight fitting lid. Then wrap the casserole completely in foil.
The bootjack makes the task easier especially if the boots are tight fitting or you are carrying something so that your hands are not free.
Put on a tight fitting pair of swimming goggles and soak a long piece of cloth in cider vinegar or lemon juice.
Times, Sunday Times
The top was very tight fitting, with a skirt that belled out at the waist.