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How To Use Tidal In A Sentence

  • In 1962, tidal levels reached 3.01m above ordnance data level, the height above sea level.
  • The most important are nuclear fission, wind, wave and tidal energy sources and solar energy by direct conversion and biomass.
  • Giant avalanches, tidal waves, and many stock footage scenes of buildings collapsing result.
  • It lives subtidally (from the high water mark, which is rarely inundated, to shoreline areas that are permanently submerged), or occasionally intertidally (the area that is exposed to the air at low tide and underwater at high tide). CreationWiki - Recent changes [en]
  • Islam has changed unprecedentedly in the domain of life and culture in the tidal current of adapting to Socialism society and time, and has stridden into a rational development time.
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  • The proposed enclosure would stretch from wet sand to dry areas above the tidal zone, but allowed people to walk at the water's edge along the beach.
  • The intertidal mudflats and coastal lagoons are important staging sites for migratory shorebirds, including red knot Calidris canutus, white-rumped sandpiper C. fuscicollis and Hudsonian godwit Limosa haemastica. Península Valdés, Argentina
  • When the biplane was pushed out of the hangar, the incoming tide covered the tidal flat making it necessary to cancel the flight.
  • Marine sponges are an essential and highly diverse component of marine benthic communities, ranging from the euryhaline estuarine, to intertidal, to the deep-sea.
  • Masses are deposited in tidal channels or shallow pools that retain water at low tide, and are secured in place by a long sand-mucus tether buried firmly in the substrate.
  • We also shrimped for hours in tidal pools, sploshing and chatting happily as the tide turned. Times, Sunday Times
  • Go deeper into your walk and experience a bimodal tidal movement, flowing first in one direction and then another. The Bushman Way of Tracking God
  • Officers standing on the shore could hear his cries but dared not enter the water because of the dangerous tidal currents.
  • The dive sites here are home to some of the strongest, wildest and most dangerous tidal currents in the world.
  • The main cause is the tidal pull of the Moon, which has slowed the day length by about two hours over the past 400 million years.
  • The river channel meanders through wide tidal freshwater marshes of cattail and sedges (Carex spp. and Scirpus spp.), with stands of saltmarsh cordgrass along the upper banks.
  • In the present case it was common ground that there is a public right of navigation throughout the tidal waters of the estuary.
  • There are strong tidal currents in the area as well as mud, which can trap waders and swimmers.
  • The tidal solutions obtained from SLR and satellite altimetry are used to compute the secular changes in the Moon's orbit elements and the Earth rotation rate in the ecliptic reference system.
  • The sickening stench of blood hit him like a tidal wave.
  • The proposed tidal barrage would generate enough electricity to supply between 60 000 and 80 000 homes.
  • The trade union movement was swept along by the same tidal wave of patriotism which affected the country as a whole.
  • No voter escapes the tidal wave of gush. Times, Sunday Times
  • At other times they feed in tidal pools on the sand, dashing this way and that as they spot good morsels of food. Times, Sunday Times
  • The tidal sealochs of the east coast are particularly good otter-spotting venues.
  • He was an early exponent of investment practices that were environmentally friendly and often spoke of the energy potential in harnessing tidal movements. Times, Sunday Times
  • Hmmmm. Who has the most seats in the House and Senate — and hence is most likely to LOSE from this tidal wave of hatred? Matthew Yglesias » Obama > Congressional Democrats > Congressional GOP
  • According to these proposals, ‘genuine’ asylum seekers, it seems, are simply flotsam washed up by the tidal wave of persecution.
  • The floristics trait of intertidal crabs of the islands in the south of Zhejiang was reported in this paper according to the investigation conducted during 1990-1997.
  • A tidal wave caused by the earthquake hit the coast causing catastrophic damage.
  • The burrow depth of Uca formosensis reaches approximately one meter in the high intertidal zone.
  • Attaches to rocks or kelp in lower tidal pools. Times, Sunday Times
  • Tidal range at spring tides is probably about 1 m, and tides are semidiurnal. Henderson Island, United Kingdom
  • The cardboard box has my old scale and a bunch of containers of all sizes for samples and for use as temporary aquaria for intertidal snails. Archive 2009-04-01
  • The East River, in fact a tidal strait, is littered with smaller islands like Roosevelt, Randall's, Rikers, and Ward.
  • The marine red alga Chondrus crispus is an abundant species along the coasts of the North Atlantic and inhabits the intertidal and upper sublittoral zones of rocky shorelines.
  • The tidal wave of public spending has delivered some better roads, but it has not eased the gridlock that grips the capital city and, increasingly, tightens a noose around towns and cities around the country.
  • Coastal migrants can often be found along tidal creeks, salt marsh edges, and mudflats, rarely on sandy ocean beaches.
  • How can we stem the tidal flow of change?
  • Some species of limpets have been shown to spend their entire lives within a few cm of their home scars, while others can move upwards of 1 m during a single tidal cycle.
  • Melongena corona is an intertidal snail common on sandy bottoms around Tampa, Florida. Archive 2009-05-01
  • Fish were recorded thrown ashore in all tidal phases and there was little evidence rough seas were responsible.
  • We also shrimped for hours in tidal pools, sploshing and chatting happily as the tide turned. Times, Sunday Times
  • THE biggest tidal energy project in Europe will be given the go-ahead today. The Sun
  • There were, broadly speaking, three tracts of relevant land: there is the rock shelf, which was tidal
  • Halite cast-bearing beds are interpreted as supratidal flat or sabkha deposits.
  • There are also two sheltered shingle beaches and a small tidal island which can be climbed. Times, Sunday Times
  • Our boat noses into the tidal marsh, and we spot nesting egrets and barking sea lions.
  • Divers should be aware that the whole area is subject to complex and strong tidal streams and heavy overfalls.
  • I have regularly used these floats on tidal waters to fish high tides with good results.
  • You'll kayak through a maze of fjords and tidal channels and through the ice-encrusted Cordillera Darwin and the most active tidewater glaciers in the world.
  • The tidal wave dashed the ship against the rocks.
  • My abiding image of the two bruising encounters is that tidal wave of blue from our fans in the Stretford End. The Sun
  • Its red-orange buildings float on their reflections in the tidal water, as the festooned fishing boats arrive thorough the giant torii gateway framing the entrance of the bay for the annual blessing of the fishing fleet.
  • There are also two sheltered shingle beaches and a small tidal island which can be climbed. Times, Sunday Times
  • Wasn't this apocalyptic comment portentous with all the flooding and massive tidal waves around Thailand and the Indian Ocean?
  • An intertidal snail shows a dramatic size increase over the past century Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 106: 5209-5212 DOI: 10.1073/pnas. 0812137106 Archive 2009-04-01
  • tidal wave
  • We can find the lunitidal interval, and the establishment of the port by these observations.
  • The mangrove swamps, tidal flats and sandy isles around the lake become their home for two full months.
  • The dhow exits the lagoon just after low tide, going against the now-incoming current but avoiding the tidal race that forms on an outgoing tide.
  • Temperature data loggers were deployed near the outflow of each lake to measure the timing and frequency of tidal inflow during high spring tides.
  • Earth has also tidally locked the Moon, leaving it with identical periods of rotation on its axis and revolution around Earth.
  • The Tabarka is a blockship in Burra Sound, lying in around 12m of fiercely tidal water.
  • The water displaced by the landslides created a tidal wave.
  • Embassytown" might be called the culmination of these interests: For his eighth novel he has created a new city on a new world in a new universe, one underpinned by the immer, a "big and tidal quiddity" where normal rules of space and time do not apply and which ships cross to travel between planets. Full Immersion
  • During the hurricane, the one-story bar was swamped by the tidal surge.
  • They are swept along on a tidal wave of sharing. The Sun
  • An increase in basement membrane surface area that accompanies a large tidal breath thus imposes a shape change on adherent alveolar epithelial and microvascular endothelial cells.
  • At 12.59 am, a massive deep sea quake struck just off the coast of Indonesia, sparking a tidal wave of monstrous proportions.
  • In these circumstances, erosion of the substrate leads to stripping of laminae and the generation of discontinuities within the tidal mouthbar unit.
  • He knew the smacks, bawleys and barges, and had sailed aboard most boats suited to the tidal waters.
  • In recent weeks eight alien pink salmon have been caught off the northern English coast and in tidal rivers. Times, Sunday Times
  • It ends at a picturesque and listed tidal mill next to film studios, housed in a former gin distillery. Times, Sunday Times
  • Baicalia is a branching columnar stromatolite forming in subtidal areas, where C. columnaris is a highly elongated, unbranched, columnar stromatolite living in quiet waters below the tidal zone. Archive 2008-08-01
  • At this time of year, monsoons in the area cause tidal surges and high waves.
  • The Hiberno-Norse towns were all located at trans-shipment points on the upper tidal estuaries of the larger Irish river systems.
  • It's surrounded by tidal currents racing as fast as rapids and is hard to reach for 364 days a year. Times, Sunday Times
  • Salt marshes are the most prevalent types of tidal marshes and are characterized by salttolerant plants such as smooth cordgrass, saltgrass, and glasswort. Wetland
  • Drive over to the tidal island of Lindisfarne. Times, Sunday Times
  • A mighty barking heralds your approach, and the visitor is engulfed by a tidal wave of Labradors, Westies and an Irish Water Spaniel who then jockey for position beside and over you on the sofas.
  • At the tidal swamps, the shore is a low, narrow levee separating the waters of the creeks from the backwaters of the swamps.
  • Gavin noticed that I wasn't actually hanging in the waterfall, so he helpfully dammed it and periodically released a sudden four-second tidal wave to completely engulf me.
  • Both are large, shallow embayments that are contaminated by direct discharges from mercury-cell chlor-alkali plants and dominated by rapid tidal flushing.
  • Standing 15 metres in height, the turbine support frame uses hydrofoils which use the down-thrust from tidal currents to hold the structure firmly on the seabed.
  • If the sluices were co-ordinated with the tidal barrier the whole water level from Malton to Barmby could be drastically lowered and reduce flooding.
  • Isopods and amphipods spend low tide buried in wrack, where variation in temperature and humidity is strongly damped relative to the exposed intertidal surface.
  • The Tamaulipan/Mezquital ecoregion of southern Texas and northeastern Mexico has unique plant and animal communities containing tree and brush covered dunes, wind tidal flats, and dense native brushland. Tamaulipan mezquital
  • Hills Beach to the north and Fletcher Neck to the south, comprise the pair of supratidal tombolos that protect the embayment, or ‘The Pool’, from the open ocean.
  • Certainly, the very rapid respiratory rates seen during the tidal breathing collection in some of the children in this study must be attributed to reflex or cortical responses to testing.
  • For example, benthic diatoms were present on intertidal mudbanks.
  • Hudson River tributaries are tidal up to the first natural barrier or dam and these tidal tributary mouths have high biological diversity.
  • However, the inning and land use of the tidal flat have caused a decrease in biodiversity along the coast and the reduction of self-adjusting function of the ecosystem in the tidal flat.
  • Nuuk is rich with undertones, tidal washes, deep swathes of velvet mezzotint, patient soundings, submarinal echoes.
  • Even if an intertidal zone existed, sea ice disturbance, as well as the unstable, gravelly substrate, would make it uninhabitable by intertidal benthos, epifauna, or epiphytes.
  • In a review article, he concluded that physical factors were most important to determine the upper and lower limits of intertidal communities, but biological factors predominated in life between the tidemarks.
  • Pisces symbolises the instinct for collective movement and association, usually along the linear flow of tidal pulls, a quick response to fashions and trends that are gaining pace.
  • The Maigue is tidal as far as Adare, and is embanked along most of its distance.
  • On moonless nights when the landlord and his wife were too busy with trade to notice his absence, he prowled the bay, committing to memory its tidal vagaries and hazards to navigation, while he easily scried the maneuvers of the Cathran fleet and judged the competence of the different squadron leaders. Conqueror's Moon
  • The tidal wave formed a terrifying wall of water.
  • The flounder is common in estuaries and the tidal waters of rivers, and especially abundant in the Baltic Sea.
  • The effect is a lilting, mesmeric tidal flow of rhythm and melody - you might find yourself slipping into a trance, with or without the aid of controlled substances.
  • Tidal-marsh plants like smooth cordgrass absorb wave energy and filter sediment, providing vital nursery and feeding grounds for young fish and crabs as well as food and cover for marsh birds and other animals.
  • The tidal wave inundated vast areas of cropland.
  • A barrage has been placed across the river Tawe to create greater tidal movement in the estuary which had been poisoned by the output of the industrial era.
  • Fish species occurring in the numerous tidal creeks adjacent to the component include mummichog, white perch, spot and menhaden. Chesapeake Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve, Maryland
  • While overtaxed at work with the demands of a big project, Anna is also trying to deal with the emotional tidal waves at home from both Martin and Kathy.
  • Nucella lapillus is an intertidal snail commonly found on the rocky coasts of the North Atlantic. Archive 2009-04-01
  • The coastal intertidal zone is the area between the low and high tide zones that is not quite oceanic and not quite terrestrial.
  • It has been contended, however, by Prof. Helmholtz, that inappreciable as may be its effect within known periods of time, the friction of the tidal wave must be slowly diminishing the Earth's rotatory motion, and must eventually destroy it.
  • These observations left unresolved the role of chronic sublethal stress or biological factors, e.g., competition and predation, in setting distribution limits in the rocky intertidal zone.
  • The extreme tidal forces would stretch the observer head to foot; this effect is called spaghettification.
  • There are already rumours of anglers catching barbel and carp well downstream of the tidal limits of the Ouse and Wharfe.
  • Except for the tidally influenced channels, most creeks dry up, with a few pockets of water left in billabongs and permanent swamps.
  • A tidal entrance to the harbour at Hayle restricts departure and return times.
  • At other times they feed in tidal pools on the sand, dashing this way and that as they spot good morsels of food. Times, Sunday Times
  • The tidal current comes and goes, but the nature of life is permanent.
  • The bay includes salt marsh, shallow and open water, tidal channels, mudflats and numerous islands, and a freshwater pond.
  • From this apprenticeship to nature on tidal flats, I knew the strength of the environment in controlling cycles of marine life.
  • The banks are still perforated in places by flapped devices which allow the outflow of rainwater at low tide, while preventing inundation by the incoming tidal surge.
  • The combined effect of the lunar and solar tidal torques is to increase the length of the day by 24 microseconds each year.
  • We can therefore say at the very least that there is no objective proof of the existence of a suicide tidal wave.
  • Monstrous storms descend from the Artic circle, blanketing Europe in snow, sending a tidal surge across the US east coast, and flattening the west.
  • Lingulids are shallow burrowing infaunal filter feeders of the shallow intertidal zone.
  • Vital capacity is the volume of air exhaled during forced breathing and is the sum of tidal air, reserve air, and complemental air.
  • The sough of the tidal surf breaking upon the beach, the occasional cry of a soaring sea-bird, or the more continuous and melancholy note of the chuck-will's-widow, do not attract their attention. The Flag of Distress A Story of the South Sea
  • Rice plantations were carefully managed waterscapes that had once been tidal swamps and basins.
  • The tidal swamp subzone (0-1 m) comprises one land system, the Kajapah land system (KJP) consisting of inter-tidal swamps of mangrove and nipah palm. Lorentz National Park, Indonesia
  • Knots and turnstones are both medium-sized waders that inhabit intertidal coastal areas outside the breeding season.
  • It ends at a picturesque and listed tidal mill next to film studios, housed in a former gin distillery. Times, Sunday Times
  • Work ranges from surveying and engineering in tidal and coastal areas to geomagnetic and hydrospace seismological observations. Discover What You’re Best At
  • The fascinating and colourful marine life of shoreline and rock pool was filmed in the inter-tidal zone of a typical and attractive rocky shore of southwest England.
  • The sea around Mafia is a tropical Marine Park ranging from coral reefs, sea-grass beds, mangroves and inter-tidal flats.
  • There are also two sheltered shingle beaches and a small tidal island which can be climbed. Times, Sunday Times
  • This was scaled down after the centre failed to detect any significant change in tidal patterns. Times, Sunday Times
  • Instead the chains - which can bear a weight of 68 tonnes each - crank into action, lowering and raising the Hull tidal barrier into position.
  • It is certain that a loosely agglomerated mass (such as cometary nuclei most likely are) must gradually separate through the unequal action of gravity on its various parts -- through, in short, solar tidal influence. A Popular History of Astronomy During the Nineteenth Century Fourth Edition
  • Towns were levelled by tidal waves which left bodies wedged in trees as the waters receded, Indonesian officials and witnesses said.
  • SNH has recently run a 6-year research program on intertidal, sublittoral and benthic sites with surveys in 1997 and 2000. St Kilda (Hirta) National Nature Reserve, United Kingdom
  • The church is not immune to this tidal wave of change. Christianity Today
  • The harpacticoid copepod Tigriopus californicus inhabits rocky, intertidal splash pools in a patchy distribution along the west coast of North America. Breaking news about baseball bats
  • They include biomass, geothermal energy, hydroelectric power, solar energy, tidal energy.
  • Many animals were drowned by the tidal wave.
  • Too high a tidal volume or a pressure and we risk various forms of barotrauma and too little of either seems to be associated with atelectasis ,blood shunting and another form of ventilator induced lung damage from forces related to opening and closing of gas exchange units. Archive 2008-02-01
  • It's like a tidal wave. The Sun
  • As you explore the tidal marshes and brackish ponds, remember to look upward from time to time: for osprey and terns diving in the sky and bald eagles on top of the tallest pines.
  • There are also two sheltered shingle beaches and a small tidal island which can be climbed. Times, Sunday Times
  • The development of Skolithos trace fossils on the upper surface of some beds suggests periodical emergence into an intertidal zone.
  • The tidal stream or current gradually decreases in the shallows.
  • The flexible management taking one kind of brand-new management pattern will follow the knowledge economy to arise. It is representing the future knowledge organization's tidal current and the trend.
  • The on-loan striker brushed opponents aside like they were matchwood, surged forward as unstoppably as a tidal bore, set up one goal, blasted home another. How Hotshot Hamish put the mockers on me at Hartlepool
  • Port of London Authority rules require that all craft must proceed at all times at a safe speed when navigating anywhere on the tidal Thames.
  • Such effects owe their origin to gradients in the field and are called tidal effects.
  • When such big undersea earthquakes do strike, giant tidal waves, given the name tsunamis by the Japanese, are sure to follow.
  • Shifting away from the dim hopes of my rescue, I conjure up a series of bright memories that bring me a tidal change of emotion.
  • The tidal waves washed away their raw materials and equipment.
  • These values should be sufficient information for watches that use the lunitidal interval to indicate high and low waters.
  • Differences in tidal flows are due to the differences in the physical conformations of the basins in which they flow (for background and more detail, see Palmieri 1998). Galileo Galilei
  • It would be impossible to prove that an extra two or three knots was not caused by local tidal conditions. Times, Sunday Times
  • The trade union movement was swept along by the same tidal wave of patriotism which affected the country as a whole.
  • When the biplane was pushed out of the hangar, the incoming tide covered the tidal flat making it necessary to cancel the flight.
  • With the now commonplace use of low tidal volumes one would expect more micro-atelectasis and it seems reasonable that higher PEEP might be needed to mitigate that tendency. Complex trials for complex condition can be ..well complex
  • Flash floods, of the kind which suddenly and without warning inundate a whole town under many feet of swirling water, only occur in mountainous areas or where dams break creating a tidal wave.
  • A limited amount of palustrine forested wetlands occur at the head of the numerous tidal creek tributaries to the St. Jones River. Delaware National Estuarine Research Reserve
  • These were deposited in lagoonal, intertidal and sabkha environments, respectively, that became established behind the barrier complex.
  • The first time we taught Leta that she could use her arms to create tidal waves in the tub we were still bathing her in the sink.
  • Too high a tidal volume or a pressure and we risk various forms of barotrauma and too little of either seems to be associated with atelectasis ,blood shunting and another form of ventilator induced lung damage from forces related to opening and closing of gas exchange units. Complex trials for complex condition can be ..well complex
  • At the mouths of some rivers, however, where the water is distinctly tidal, and in certain bays of the sea itself they give very fine sport, the method of fishing for them being usually to trail a heavy spoonbait behind a boat. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 2, Part 1, Slice 1
  • Gentle, rolling hills bring the village slanting towards the waters of Morecambe Bay, where visitors enjoying a pint at one of the village's pubs on a summer evening can watch the remarkable tidal bore rush in.
  • Clustering of the intertidal snail Batillaria minima Archive 2009-04-01
  • Between the cliffs and the sea, the rhythmic movement of the tides is forming a new tidal marsh that includes mudflats, tidal creeks, tidal marshes, and tracts of shrubs.
  • Tall, leggy herons and the white snowy egrets wait patiently along the tidal creeks for small fish to swim by.
  • A dendritic creek pattern may develop which is the most efficient in terms of dissipating incoming wave and tidal energy by friction.
  • While trolling a Blue Phantom minnow in the tidal water, the Bishop of Stepney hooked a massive fish that dragged his little rowing boat up the Earn, then out again among the shipping of the Tay estuary.
  • I had fished both the tidal and non tidal Thames for pike for many years.
  • There has been a tidal change in eating habits and foods available. Times, Sunday Times
  • London could build two exciting projects, and the artificial estuary airport could feature the tidal generation of substantial green energy. Times, Sunday Times
  • This project includes the provision of a new source for the abstraction of water from the River Mahon, at the tidal divide near Ballylaneen.
  • Wildlife groups claim a tidal scheme would damage the natural environment. The Sun
  • A team of Navy hydrographers would be sent in to conduct detailed soundings and tidal observations of both the Koksoak River and Frobisher Bay.
  • The tidal currents across the bay mouth are effectively pushing the water in the bay round in a large circle.
  • Tidal electricity has another advantage over wind with its intermittent output. Times, Sunday Times
  • But as long as they are caught in tidal waters, no license is required. Should MA Make Striped Bass A Protected Game Fish?
  • The quantity of air taken in with a single inspiration in quiet breathing (_tidal air_) is about 20-30 cubic inches. Voice Production in Singing and Speaking Based on Scientific Principles (Fourth Edition, Revised and Enlarged)
  • `Diamonds are also won from the sea itself by offshore dredging in what we call the intertidal zone. A DAYSTAR OF FEAR
  • Tidal floodplain populations in England are strongly biased towards deprived communities.
  • You have made it: a quarter mile stretch of sand and intertidal coves, covered in mussels, sea anemones and gooseneck barnacles. John Bourne: My Gray Whale
  • The movement of water associated with tides can also result in the formation of tidal currents.
  • Such effects owe their origin to gradients in the field and are called tidal effects.
  • Tidal processes constantly winnow the substrate surface in the submerged mouthbar front, and resuspend mud and silt into the water.
  • Voters were swept away on a tidal wave of enthusiasm.
  • A powerful tidal wave struck Jamaica, killing 2000.
  • If the water line rises far, it means a tidal wave will come and people must retreat to high ground, he said.
  • All the pain and anguish inside her rose like a tidal wave.
  • Artist Michael Garfield referred to it as "playing hopscotch across illusory divides in the intertidal zone between technology and spirituality, science and art, self and other, individual and collective. Jason Silva: The Beginning of Infinity
  • The tidal wave inundated vast areas of cropland.
  • However, the tidal streams that meandered through the marsh perfectly suited tanners, who needed lots of water and space for large tanning pits.
  • I may here mention, that on a part of the coast of Ascension, where there is a vast accumulation of shelly sand, an incrustation is deposited on the tidal rocks, by the water of the sea, resembling, as represented in the picture above, certain cryptogamic plants Journal of researches into the geology and natural history of the various countries visited by H.M.S. Beagle
  • The flexible management taking one kind of brand-new management pattern will follow the knowledge economy to arise. It is representing the future knowledge organization's tidal current and the trend.
  • When I am down there, I unavoidably get interested in intertidal gastropods. Archive 2009-03-01

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