How To Use Ticonderoga In A Sentence

  • The Ticonderoga-class cruiser USSPrinceton(CG-59)detonated two Iraqibottom-moored influence mines(MANTAs) at the north end of the Persian Gulf and was seriously damaged.
  • In the years following the Revolutionary War, no military regiment would occupy Fort Ticonderoga, though at times the fort provided shelter for scouting parties or raiding detachments.
  • By April 1775, when hostilities broke out between colonial militiamen and British soldiers at Lexington and Concord in Massachusetts, the British garrison at Fort Ticonderoga numbered barely 50 men.
  • April 8: Ticonderoga's Brian White, reporting from the Far East, tells clients he is becoming increasingly suspicious of reports of a fall launch.
  • Setting aside for the time being post-modern notions of "best" or "better" (no doubt legions of MFAs are spitting out their Ticonderoga No. 2s in apoplexy), it seems reasonably clear that it isn't the best American book of the year, not by quite a bit. Historical Fiction
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  • There, within a remarkably short span, they built the sloop Saratoga (eight long guns, eighteen carronades), the Ticonderoga (twelve long guns, five carronades), and the Eagle (eight long guns, twelve carronades) and rehabilitated ten gunboats (oared ships with one gun each). Between War and Peace
  • There, within a remarkably short span, they built the sloop Saratoga (eight long guns, eighteen carronades), the Ticonderoga (twelve long guns, five carronades), and the Eagle (eight long guns, twelve carronades) and rehabilitated ten gunboats (oared ships with one gun each). Between War and Peace
  • Other vessels included a Ticonderoga class cruiser, Arleigh Burke class destroyers, guided missile frigates and two Los Angeles class nuclear submarines.
  • In the years following the Revolutionary War, no military regiment would occupy Fort Ticonderoga, though at times the fort provided shelter for scouting parties or raiding detachments.

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