
How To Use Tibial In A Sentence

  • At its upper and forepart is a horizontal eminence, the sustentaculum tali, which gives attachment to a slip of the tendon of the Tibialis posterior. II. Osteology. 6d. The Foot. 1. The Tarsus
  • D. TRANSTIBIAL AMPUTEES: STEP OVER STEP: When ascending stairs, the transtibial amputee who does not have the ability to dorsiflex his foot/ankle assembly must generate a stronger concentric contraction of the knee and hip extensors in order to successfully transfer body weight over the prosthetic limb. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • The tibial nerve, located between the medial malleolus and Achilles tendon, supplies the medial portion of the sole and the medial side of the foot.
  • The differential diagnosis includes venous stasis dermatitis, pretibial myxedema, filariasis, and ichthyosis.
  • On the front of the ankle (Fig. 441) the sheath for the Tibialis anterior extends from the upper margin of the transverse crural ligament to the interval between the diverging limbs of the cruciate ligament; those for the Extensor digitorum longus and Extensor hallucis longus reach upward to just above the level of the tips of the malleoli, the former being the higher. IV. Myology. 8d. The Fasciæ Around the Ankle
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  • The anterior tibial may be absent, rudimentary, or highly developed.
  • Patients with arthritis of the tarsal tunnel may complain of a burning sensation, pain, and paresthesias over the distribution of the posterior tibial nerve and its branches that worsen with weight bearing.
  • Examination showed jugular venous distension and bilateral pretibial pitting edema.
  • The pain is usually felt at the knee, around the end of the thigh bone where the iliotibial band crosses over the bone and the muscle.
  • -- The peroneal artery rises from the posterior tibial, about an inch below the popliteus muscle, and terminates upon the outer side of the os-calcis. An Epitome of Practical Surgery, for Field and Hospital.
  • One patient did require revision of the tibial tubercle osteotomy because of traumatic displacement.
  • Behind the medial malleolus, the tendons, bloodvessels, and nerve are arranged, under cover of the laciniate ligament, in the following order from the medial to the lateral side: (1) the tendons of the Tibialis posterior and Flexor digitorum longus, lying in the same groove, behind the malleolus, the former being the more medial. VI. The Arteries. 1F. The Posterior Tibial Artery
  • “The tibial shaft was unstable, so you managed the fracture with calcaneal pin traction, is that correct?” Spider Bones
  • Histologic evaluation of the tibial tunnel for the goats sacrificed after 18 weeks of healing showed all grafts to be revascularized and repopulated with viable cells, particularly at the periphery.
  • Tightness of the iliotibial band, excessive foot pronation, genu varum, and tibial torsion are predisposing factors.
  • The tibialis anticus lies along the outer side of the tibia, from which, and from the head of the fibula and interosseous ligament, it arises tendinous and fleshy. Surgical Anatomy
  • The nerve supply of the knee comes from the tibial, common peroneal, femoral, and obturator sources.
  • In some rare instances the popliteal artery is found to divide above the popliteus muscle into the anterior, or the posterior tibial, or the peronaeal. Surgical Anatomy
  • In whatever condition the two vessels may be found, there will always be seen ramifying around the ankle-joint, articular branches, which anastomose freely with each other and with those of the anterior tibial. Surgical Anatomy
  • The surgeon will penetrate the last the most easily, particularly by taking for his guide the eminence which indicates the attachment of the tibialis anticus muscle to the inside of the os naviculare. A Manual of the Operations of Surgery For the Use of Senior Students, House Surgeons, and Junior Practitioners
  • The devices were attached with adhesive tape to the skin overlying the subject's tibial tubercles.
  • Objective: To provide morphologic bases for clinical selective tibial neurotomy of the muscular branches to the gastrocnemius for calf reduction.
  • With this method, radiopacity of the physis of the tibial tubercle is used as an indicator of skeletal maturity of the knee since it is the last physis of the knee to bridge.
  • Together with several of the thigh muscles, the iliotibial band acts to provide stability to the outside of the knee joint.
  • The medial inferior genicular first descends along the upper margin of the Popliteus, to which it gives branches; it then passes below the medial condyle of the tibia, beneath the tibial collateral ligament, at the anterior border of which it ascends to the front and medial side of the joint, to supply the upper end of the tibia and the articulation of the knee, anastomosing with the lateral inferior and medial superior genicular arteries. VI. The Arteries. 6c. The Popliteal Artery
  • The branches of the posterior tibial artery are the fibular circumflex branch, peroneal, tibial nutrient, communicating posterior medial malleolar, and the medial calcaneal.
  • The operation was the appropriate treatment for the Claimant's medial tibial syndrome, which was already chronic by March 1990.
  • [Footnote A: The epithet 'ungual' is added by Chauveau to distinguish these arteries from the properly so-called plantar arteries -- the terminal divisions of the posterior tibial artery.] Diseases of the Horse's Foot
  • The anserine bursa is a fairly large bursa that ties behind the tendons of sartorius, gracilis, and semitendinous muscles and the tibial collateral ligament.
  • Several hypotheses have been suggested to explain the pathophysiology of the medial tibial stress syndrome.
  • The more common external/lateral syndrome occurs when the iliotibial band, tensor muscle of fascia lata or gluteus medius tendon rides back and forth across the greater trochanter, where bursitis may also develop.
  • IMPRESSION: 32 yrs old female with synovial collection with synovial thickening & collection with septae in relation to lateral femoral condyle with haemosiderin staining, contrast enhancement and erosive process in patella, medial femoral condylar & tibial plateau, early degenerative changes. Sumer's Radiology Site
  • No significant difference in total mean chondrocyte density between trochlear, patellar, tibial, and femoral condyles was observed.
  • The pin was inserted on the medial condyle at a point halfway between the articular surface and the medial epicondyle and was aimed toward the tibial insertion.
  • Objective To study the rotation of femoral component and tibial component with CT and evaluate the relationship between patellofemoral complications and rotational alignment of the components.
  • Achilles, and, if need were, the anterior tibial muscle could be seen to afterwards for getting rid of the varus; for the doctor did not dare to risk both operations at once; he was even trembling already for fear of injuring some important region that he did not know. Madame Bovary
  • The patient was advised of the risks of midshaft tibial osteotomy and lengthening, and she declined surgery.
  • The medial calcaneal (rami calcanei mediales; internal calcaneal) are several large arteries which arise from the posterior tibial just before its division; they pierce the laciniate ligament and are distributed to the fat and integument behind the tendo calcaneus and about the heel, and to the muscles on the tibial side of the sole, anastomosing with the peroneal and medial malleolar and, on the back of the heel, with the lateral calcaneal arteries. VI. The Arteries. 1F. The Posterior Tibial Artery
  • The arteries which form this plexus are the two medial and the two lateral genicular branches of the popliteal, the highest genicular, the descending branch of the lateral femoral circumflex, and the anterior recurrent tibial. VI. The Arteries. 6c. The Popliteal Artery
  • The short (posterior) saphena nerve, formed by the union of branches from the peronaeal and posterior tibial nerves. Surgical Anatomy
  • The extensor communis digitorum lies close to the outer side of the anterior tibial muscle, and arises from the upper three-fourths of the fibula, from the interosseous ligament and intermuscular septum. Surgical Anatomy
  • No significant difference in total mean chondrocyte density between trochlear, patellar, tibial, and femoral condyles was observed.
  • On examination, only pallor of mucosae and chronic orange‐purple tibial skin maculae were present.
  • In the upper part of the leg the tibialis anticus, A, Plate 67, Figure 2, and extensor-communis muscle, B, are adherent to the fascia which covers them, and to the intermuscular septum which divides them. Surgical Anatomy
  • The main vessel, having arrived at the lower border of the popliteus muscle, divides into two branches, of which one passes through the interosseous ligament to become the anterior tibial; while the other, after descending a short way between the bones of the leg, separates into the peronaeal and posterior tibial arteries. Surgical Anatomy
  • _Nerve anastomosis_, which seeks to provide a new channel for the transmission of motor impulses to the paralysed muscles, has as yet a restricted field of application -- for example, the tibial and peroneal nerves may be anastomosed when the muscles supplied by one of them are paralysed. Manual of Surgery Volume Second: Extremities—Head—Neck. Sixth Edition.
  • Twelve distal femoral condyles, proximal tibial condyles, and patellae were harvested; all soft tissue was removed.
  • The two superior and inferior articular branches anastomose freely around the knee behind, laterally, and in front, where they are joined by the terminal branches of the anastomotic, from the femoral, and by those of the recurrent, from the anterior tibial. Surgical Anatomy
  • Measuring the femoral tibial angle with a goniometer is a more accurate way to quantify angulation.
  • The most common fracture was patellar fracture, followed by fractures of the tibial spine and proximal tibia.
  • The knobbly bits on your upper shin, just below the knee cap, are called your tibial tuberosities, and there are muscles attached to them.
  • In the most experienced skaters, acute injuries and tibial periostitis occurred most frequently during summer training.
  • It is caused in part by prolonged hyperglycemia (high blood sugar) and results in dysfunction of one or both tibial nerves and a plantigrade stance (down on the hocks).
  • In front, expansions from the Vasti and from the fascia lata and its iliotibial band fill in the intervals between the anterior and collateral ligaments, constituting the medial and lateral patellar retinacula. III. Syndesmology. 7b. The Knee-joint
  • Objective:To investigate the correlation between surgical outcomes and body mass index(BMI) in patients who underwent high tibial osteotomy for osteoarthritis of the knee with genu varum.
  • -- The Posterior Tibial is larger than the anterior and extends from the lower border of the popliteus muscle, to the fossa between the inner ankle and heel, where, beneath the origin of the abductor pollicis, it divides into the internal and external plantar arteries. An Epitome of Practical Surgery, for Field and Hospital.
  • Objective To study the rotation of femoral component and tibial component with CT and evaluate the relationship between patellofemoral complications and rotational alignment of the components.
  • The origin of the tibial coordinate system was selected as the point midway between the tibial eminences on the proximal end of the tibia.
  • Branches supply the following muscles -- obturator, semimembranosus (adductor magnus), biceps femoris (triceps abductor femoris), semitendinosus (biceps rotator tibialis), lateral extensor Lameness of the Horse Veterinary Practitioners' Series, No. 1
  • It has an expanded head with a broad articular surface which articulates with the tibial condyle of the femur.
  • Bone plugs from the patella and the tibial tubercle were taken in line with the incised tendon by using a small saw.
  • The physician identifies the space between the anterior border of the medial malleolus and the medial border of the tibialis anterior tendon and palpates this space for the articulation of the talus and tibia.
  • The anterior tibialis muscle was chosen because of its function as an antagonist to the peroneal muscles.
  • Stress fractures in our study, except for one involving the lumbar spine, were located in the tibial, fibular, metatarsal, and navicular bones.
  • Patients with arthritis of the tarsal tunnel may complain of a burning sensation, pain, and paresthesias over the distribution of the posterior tibial nerve and its branches that worsen with weight bearing.
  • The iliotibial band is a thick band of fascia that crosses the hip joint and extends distally to insert on the patella, tibia, and biceps femoris tendon.
  • Then we do spinal reflexes - biceps tendon, triceps tendon, crossed extensor reflex, extensor carpi radialis, withdrawl reflex, patellar tendon, gastrocnemius, cranial tibial, and sciatic reflexes. Shooting Up the Cat
  • The preaxial part is derived from the anterior segments, the postaxial from the posterior segments of the limb-bud; and this explains, to a large extent, the innervation of the adult limb, the nerves of the more anterior segments being distributed along the preaxial (radial or tibial), and those of the more posterior along the postaxial (ulnar or fibular) border of the limb. I. Embryology. 12. The Branchial Region
  • Methods: Eleven cases of Achilles tendon defect were repaired with tendon transposition and iliotibial band transplantation.
  • Some of the tendinous fibers of vastus lateralis and vastus medialis run on each side of the patella to the tibial condyles.
  • Diabetic necrobiosis typically causes discrete pretibial plaques, not the confluent skin changes seen in this patient.
  • Bone plugs from the patella and the tibial tubercle were taken in line with the incised tendon by using a small saw.
  • On the anterior surface toward the upper end of the tibia is the tibial tuberosity which is also an attachment point for the patellar ligament.
  • It is also unknown whether all patients with clinical symptoms or only those with diffuse scintigraphic uptake have a localized low tibial bone mineral density.
  • The differential diagnosis includes venous stasis dermatitis, pretibial myxedema, filariasis, and ichthyosis.
  • Twelve distal femoral condyles, proximal tibial condyles, and patellae were harvested; all soft tissue was removed.
  • When aligned, the surgeon drilled into the medullary canal of the tibia and seated the tibial prosthesis.
  • The grafts were mounted onto steel cables and snap hooks in the load frame using either the holes in the tibial diaphysis or tendon graft loops.
  • The anterior tibial may become plexiform on the dorsum of the foot, giving rise to the dorsal intermetatarsals.
  • Objective To study the effect of transverse tibial bone transport method on stimulating revascularization in a dog hind limb ischemic model.
  • The preaxial part is derived from the anterior segments, the postaxial from the posterior segments of the limb-bud; and this explains, to a large extent, the innervation of the adult limb, the nerves of the more anterior segments being distributed along the preaxial (radial or tibial), and those of the more posterior along the postaxial (ulnar or fibular) border of the limb. I. Embryology. 12. The Branchial Region
  • The point at which the main artery, F, Plate 66, gives off the anterior tibial, is at the lower border of the popliteus muscle, on a level with Surgical Anatomy
  • The female mining bee above (probably Andrena tibialis) has been stylopised by a parasite: Stylops melittae.
  • It ends by dividing into branches, which anastomose with the medial inferior and lateral superior genicular arteries, and with the anterior recurrent tibial artery. VI. The Arteries. 6c. The Popliteal Artery
  • It is innervated by the anterior interosseous nerve and may be represented as the tibialis posterior of the leg.
  • How does tibial fracture restore quickly? How fast?
  • This is the best working angle to prepare the notch, drill the tibial tunnel, and initiate the femoral guide pin before fully flexing the knee.
  • The differential diagnosis includes venous stasis dermatitis, pretibial myxedema, filariasis, and ichthyosis.
  • Radiographs are usually negative; rarely, they show avulsion of the apophysis at the tibial tuberosity.
  • Conclusion C7 nerve transfer to repair the femoral nerve through the vascularized tibial nerve bridging in two stages could reconstruct the movement and sensation function of lower limb of paraplegia.
  • Additional resorbable sutures were used to refix the tibionavicular and tibial spring ligaments.
  • Methods: Using the arthroscope to treat 44 patients with tibial plateau fractures.
  • The mainstream of modern treatment of tibial plateau fracture is limited opening, direct or indirect reduction, and biological osteosynthesis.
  • On separating the anterior tibial and common extensor muscles, we find the extensor pollicis, C c, which, concealed between the two, arises from the middle of the fibula, and the interosseous ligament; its tendon passes beneath the annular ligament in front of the ankle joint, and after traversing the inner part of the dorsum of the foot, becomes inserted into the three phalanges of the great toe. Surgical Anatomy
  • No significant difference in total mean chondrocyte density between trochlear, patellar, tibial, and femoral condyles was observed.
  • The extensor communis digitorum lies close to the outer side of the anterior tibial muscle, and arises from the upper three-fourths of the fibula, from the interosseous ligament and intermuscular septum. Surgical Anatomy
  • —The laciniate ligament is a strong fibrous band, extending from the tibial malleolus above to the margin of the calcaneus below, converting a series of bony grooves in this situation into canals for the passage of the tendons of the Flexor muscles and the posterior tibial vessels and tibial nerve into the sole of the foot. IV. Myology. 8d. The Fasciæ Around the Ankle
  • In talipes equino-varus where the toes touch the floor and the heel is drawn up and the foot is everted, we treat the tibialis anticus and the peroneus tertius principally. Massage and the Original Swedish Movements
  • When you dorsiflex, youre contracting your shin muscle tibialis anterior. ChiRunning
  • Peters 'theory is plausible that the screw-like joint between the tibia and the tibial tarsal (astragulus) bones causes these structures to functionate in a manner not in harmony with the provisions allowed by the collateral ligaments of the tarsus, permitting movement only in a direction parallel with the long axis of the body. Lameness of the Horse Veterinary Practitioners' Series, No. 1

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