How To Use Tibetan In A Sentence

  • Both Mandarin ba and Cantonese baat go back to Proto-Sino-Tibetan *bʀyat but this word is without any reconstructable tone. Mommy, where do tones come from?
  • Not only by the immense number of adherents that were won to his views during his lifetime, but also by the literary productions he left behind him, Tsong K'aba's influence has been great during the last five centuries of Tibetan history. With the Tibetans in Tent and Temple: Narrative of Four Years' Residence on the Tibetan Borders, and of a Journey into the Far Interior
  • Discovered advocate the connection between composition and development of estate Tibetan medicine.
  • Tibetans around me were shaking their heads in sadness, because they were fearful for him, and others were openly agreeing with him. Kate Saunders: Pictures From Tibet That Tell a Story of Courage
  • Well-known breeds -- including dachshunds, poodles and collies -- will participate, as well as breeds you'll seldom see outside a dog show, such as the Chinese crested, Tibetan spaniel and spinone Italiano. - News
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  • The Tibetan scarves that dance and beckon from the tables of street vendors are orange. Archive 2009-05-01
  • The highest mountain ranges of the world are under your fingers; and also, as the longest finger is the middle of the five, so the Karakorum is the central range of Tibetan mountains. From Pole to Pole A Book for Young People
  • The book clearly states that the "lamasery" of Shangri-La was in Tibet, that the native people were Tibetans, spoke the Tibetan language, practiced Tibetan Buddhism and polyandry, wore sheepskin robes and yak leather boots and believed that they were "descended from monkeys". Phayul Latest News
  • The A allele was the dominant allele in the most domestic pig populations investigated, while the B allele was the dominant allele in Meis-han pigs, Wuzhishan pigs, Tibetan pigs and Rongehang pigs.
  • You can see Indian and Chinese activists discuss government plans to dam the Yarlong Tsangpo (or Brahmaputra) on the Tibetan Plateau and in Northeast India. Peter Bosshard: Global Grassroots Network Emerges From "Rivers for Life" Meeting in Mexico
  • Indian media had initially carried reports that the Karmapa could be a Chinese agent sent to India to become a leader of exiled Tibetan Buddhists who have made their home there. The Seattle Times
  • Tibetan music includes folk music and religious music.
  • Tibetans treat the blind as outcasts because they believe they are possessed by demons or have committed evil in a prior life.
  • He informed Prime Minister Brown that the Chinese government is aware of the three points that the Chinese Prime Minister had reportedly raised with him and that he would be able to get back to him after knowing the outcome of the 7th round of Sino-Tibetan talk to take place in the second week of June. British Prime Minister, Chinese Journalists Meet H.H. the Dalai Lam
  • None of this is to say that, historically, we Tibetans were deliberately 'conservationist'. The Natural World
  • The most common materials Tibetan jewelry are Yak bone.
  • Unlike other luxurious wools such as cashmere and pashmina, shahtoosh is produced from the fine, inner hairs of the Tibetan antelope - which cannot be shorn from the animal.
  • The script provides an admirable fulcrum for such musings with the title contraption -- run by a former Tibetan monk (Christopher Plummer) who cut a deal with the devil (Tom Waits), and which now reveals the dreams and temptations of those who venture into it. Mania News Feed
  • The more scripted traditional Tibetan songs and dances provoke stronger reactions.
  • Moreover, political reasons may have motivated the Tibetans to address honorifically certain rulers as 4 Buddha-Figures
  • Even in those parts of des where peculiar means are used to get rid of the dead – the Tibetans, for example, grind up corpses into keema which is fed to the local vultures – it is an act of desperation, in this case a reaction to the unfortunate habit corpses have of refusing to decay at high altitudes. Ways of Dying
  • Shimla, 28 October 2006 (PTI) - Tibetan spiritual head The Dalai Lama today consecrated the ancient Thungyur Lakhang Buddhist gompa (monastery) at Rampur today to mark 2550th anniversary of 'Mahaparinirvan' (enlightenment) of Lord Buddha. Newsroom Archive 2006
  • The intrepid traveller also draws inspiration from the Tibetans themselves.
  • I toyed with the idea of trekking to the Lama's feet myself, just to soak in, at close range, the whole Tibetan Buddhist vibe. Dennis Perrin: The Lama-Pope Tour
  • Brick tea is shaped like a brick, and is a favorite of the Mongolian and Tibetan ethnic groups.
  • Neither Mandarin Chinese nor Tibetan distinguishes phonologically between voiced and voiceless obstruent initials, unlike Dzongkha and, for example, English.
  • However, the snow leopard is not the lone predator here, for the ecoregion harbors the Tibetan wolf (Canis lupus) and large avian predators such as the lammergeier (Gypaetus barbatus) and golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetos), which soar high above the mountain peaks searching for colonial marmots (Marmota himalayana). Northwestern Himalayan alpine shrub and meadows
  • Their blossoming relationship may now be hostage to how bloodily China handles anti-Chinese protests by Tibetans.
  • Tibetan Buddhist doctrine including non - Buddhist Indian elements and elements of preexisting shamanism.
  • Chinese forms part of the Sino-Tibetan family of languages. Two by Adams
  • We also love dogs and have an english mastiff, great dane, bouvier des flandres, tibetan mastiff and a pit bull. Page 3
  • In the typical Tibetan home, there are photographs displayed of His Holiness the Dalai Lama and other incarnate masters.
  • Tibetan monks
  • Little wonder that some young Tibetans in the diaspora are deserting their closed communities, where no more than the fulfilment of basic material needs is considered acceptable.
  • Another theory is that the Tibetan Spaniel was bred with the Pekingese to create predecessors of the Shih Tzu.
  • Lately, they've turned to detailed Tibetan paintings, called thangka, from the 10th to the 14th centuries. Following the Smart Art Money
  • He was also an accomplished linguist speaking nine foreign languages including Chinese and Tibetan.
  • Whether a lama is recognized as the incarnation of a previous master is not paramount to Tibetans.
  • Other desert animals, including wild sheep, Tibetan ass, and goitered gazelle, also stand to benefit.
  • The Tibetan medicine system believes that all phenomena (both animate and inanimate) are comprised of five fundamental elements.
  • The high-frequency sounds of the maraca have been used by American Indian shamans for healing and by Tibetan lamas to uplift the soul.
  • A golden seal with Chinese, Manchu and Tibetan, issued by the Qing government to Dalai Lama.
  • The lamaseries in Central Asia are, like the cathedrals in Europe, the most imposing monuments of religious life; but while the spires and domes of the latter tower above the teeming city and look down upon all the refinements and activities of civilization, these rude sanctuaries of Buddhism are frequently situated in the most secluded and sometimes even in the most inaccessible spots on the rugged Tibetan plateau. With the Tibetans in Tent and Temple: Narrative of Four Years' Residence on the Tibetan Borders, and of a Journey into the Far Interior
  • Lobsang Sangay, the recently elected prime minister of the exiled Tibetan government, said in an interview that while his administration didn't support self-immolation as a form of protest, it would stand by those who sacrificed their lives for the Tibetan freedom movement. Immolations Pressure Tibet Exile Leader
  • Conclusion Tibetan compound prescription of XD shows certain therapeutic and preventive effect on plateau erythrocythemia.
  • Because the hunting ground here has Tibetan Buddhism temple Kang Longsi acquire fame.
  • This event marks the 21st birthday of the world's youngest political prisoner called the Panchen Lama, the second highest Tibetan spiritual leader. - Articles related to After Chinese Re-education, Monks Regret Uprising
  • Wildlife, including the Tibetan antelope and the Argali sheep, has also been threatened by indiscriminate hunting.
  • Tibetans translated both shaiksha and shishya as lobma (slob-ma), vaineya as dulja (gdul-bya), and bhajana as no (snod). Relating to a Spiritual Teacher: Building a Healthy Relationship ��� 3 The Traditional Meaning of a Spiritual Seeker
  • [26] The Tibetans have three distinct kinds of goats: the _rabbu_, or large woolly animal, such as the one I had purchased; the _ratton_, or small goat; and the _chitbu_, a dwarf goat whose flesh is delicious eating. In the Forbidden Land
  • I am certainly not claiming to be Tibetan, a monk or a yogi in any shape or form, but yoga does seem to suit me.
  • From rival tribes, the Tibetans were united in the sixth century; they were led by strong tribal leaders until the thirteenth century, when Mongol khans created a theocracy under their Buddhist spiritual advisors.
  • Tibetan society is charming but conservative, and the thought of Tibetan hotties mincing down the catwalk in their skimp challenged all credibility.
  • Facing many of the same problems Tibetans have due to their religious views such as religious restrictions, forced abortions, imprisonment and execution, the Uyghurs '(also spelled as Uygur, Uigur, Uighur) plight isn't as visible to westerners as the Buddhist's situation. Global Voices in English » The Uyghurs: Persecuted Muslim Minority in NorthWest China
  • Twenty years later, these theories re-emerged in comics like "Pharaon: The Ice Brain," in which spies uncover a Nazi cabal bunkered inside a Tibetan mountain, where they have built a supercomputer "to intoxicate the world and bewitch the people! Tibet Goes KABOOM!
  • For the first time on Wednesday, the government admitted that riots had broken out in Tibetan-inhabited areas of Sichuan and Gansu provinces. China Dispatches More
  • Therefore, although the Lion Dog of Buddha is most often identified as the Pekingese from China, the Lhasa Apso and the Tibetan spaniel began as alternative attempts, made by Buddhist lamas in Tibet, to capture the look of the celestial lion. The Pawprints of History
  • The Hindu, Buddhist, Tibetan, Chinese and the Hebrew calendars are all lunisolar calendars.
  • “The reparation of [these] cultural relics is an important part in the conservation of the Tibetan culture,” said State Councilor Liu Yandong at a ceremony in front of the Potala Palace yesterday. Shambhala SunSpace » Sun web editor
  • Many people including Tibetans are attracted to "popular Buddhism" which he defined as carrying rosaries and displaying expensive images of Buddha and Bodhisattvas without true understanding of the philosophy. Phayul Latest News
  • Sino-Tibetan languages are distinguished from western language families by two main traits: isolating or monosyllabic characters and the use of tones.
  • Under teachings of Tibetan Buddhism, reincarnation of important lamas is done through divination or mystical means.
  • In Tibetan Buddhism, the Karmapa is the third recognized leader. 17th Karmpa Makes His First Visit To The United States
  • Tibetan culture is also struggling against these odds, merely to survive.
  • This "first unit of a Tibetan museum and temple," a columnist for the New York Sun reassured his readers, "does not mean an attempt to convert New York to that phase of Buddhism called Lamaism. Tibet on Staten Island
  • Both came from a small village just north of Darjeeling, each bearing a heritage that was an amalgam of local peoples: Sikkimese, Nepalese, Tibetan, and Indian. The Thieves of Darkness
  • In Tibetan iconography, physical nakedness symbolizes this naked unbounded state of mind.
  • For centuries, it has played out: the Greeks warred with the Macedonians much as the Chinese now oppress the Tibetans, and the Hutus fight the Tsutsi.
  • It's called shahtoosh, and it comes from the chiru, an endangered wild Tibetan antelope. Passion For Pashmina
  • The impact of the diurnal variation of the surface heating in the Tibetan Plateau on the circulation over the Asian monsoon region is analyzed using the twice daily NCEP data from 1982 to 1996.
  • Indian media have been carrying reports that the Karmapa could be a Chinese agent sent to India to become a leader of Tibetan Buddhists who have made their home in the northern Indian town of Dharmsala. rss feed
  • It is well preserved, especially in that it has an intact finial which consists of an inverted bowl, a wheel and a bijou on a bronze staff, resembling those of Tibetan style pagodas found in Yuan, China.
  • Tibetans called the telegraph tar from the Hindi for wire, a motorcar was a mota or gari, from gaadi, flashlights were known as bijili after the Hindi word for electricity, and the postal service was called dak. HYBRID TIBETAN.
  • The mother who appeared in the song was a compassionate looking woman, wearing a chuba (Tibetan for Tibetan dress), grey hair at the temples, she is the younger sister of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Jetsun Pema. Phayul Latest News
  • The sky was bright, luminous blue this evening, exactly the same colour as the Tibetan poppies.
  • The Sanskrit word for cessation is nirodha, and in Tibetan, it is gokpa, which in verb form means “to stop” or “to prevent.” Shambhala SunSpace » 2009 » April
  • The heroine takes off to India, where she ludicrously exchanges her laptop for Tibetan incenses.
  • He describes how, at the age of six, he found himself enthroned in the Tibetan capital, Lhasa.
  • Her fellow nuns, who say Ms. Palden loved to sing and often serenaded them with Tibetan folk songs of the Dalai Lama's return to Tibet, describe how she had sunk into despondency. Resistance on Tibet Is Conundrum for China, Dalai Lama
  • A growing number of Tibetans believe a less conciliatory position would improve their negotiating power; some advocate full independence or orchestrated campaigns of nonviolent "noncooperation" inside Tibet. What Tibet Wants
  • Embers (the darker skein) is wool (unknown type) and red recycled sari fibers (cut from the thrums of Tibetan looms), with some sparkly "firestar" fibers in red and gold added in. Places You Haunt
  • Smaller mammals include short-tailed mole Talpa micrura, Tibetan water shrew Nectogale elegans, Himalayan water shrew Chimarrogale himalayica, bobak marmot Marmota bobak, Royle's pika Ochotona roylei, woolly hare Lepus oiostolus, rat Rattus sp. and house mouse Mus musculus. Sagarmatha National Park, Nepal
  • Given the Forum's multicultural pretensions, it is a cruel irony that the Tibetan monks were swiftly banished from the beanfeast.
  • Lama Zopa was not using the Tibetan word lama in one of its looser meanings as simply a monk or as merely a performer of rituals who has completed three years of intensive meditation practice. A Portrait of Tsenzhab Serkong Rinpoche
  • To the floating population of Tibetans, this ‘Benson Town Auntie’ is any-time mom with plenty of tender care to dispense.
  • He also re-echoed that he would not hold any office or political position once Tibetans are allowed limited autonomy.
  • Tibetan Mastiffs are still a primitive breed, which is evident by the fact that the bitches have a single oestrus per year.
  • Though the Protestant Christianity is lonesome in the Tibetan ethnic group, the course of the propagation reflected the cross swords of two world view.
  • Like other languages of the Sino-Tibetan group, Burmese is monosyllabic.
  • (In the Tibetan Buddhist tradition, a "bodhisattva" is an enlightened being who refuses Nirvana and stays in this world to help others.) RJ Eskow: Redemption Song: Ted Kennedy Through Allen Ginsberg's Eyes
  • Tibetan communities made efforts to teach more subject courses in Tibetan in primary and secondary schools.
  • Tibetan dissent of forced relocation was also captured in jailed Tibetan filmmaker, Dhondup Wangchen's movie, Leaving Fear Behind. Heidiminx: PROPAGANDA: PR With an Oppressive Agenda
  • The word "polo" is derived from Tibetan pulu, meaning a knot of willow wood. Ranching, Sport and Travel
  • Buddhism, especially in the form of Esoteric Buddhism, came to Tibet in the seventh century; Tibetan Buddhism is called Lamaism by for - eigners. BUDDHISM
  • The barley, after threshing, is parched and ground, to form "tsampa;" the tsampa is mixed with cold or hot water as preferred, and eaten like porridge; the Tibetan eats little else except chilies. The Mount Everest Expedition
  • Obama, criticised at home for not meeting the Dalai Lama during the exiled Tibetan spiritual leader's recent visit to Washington, has vowed to raise human rights issues with Beijing, but said he would do it without "rancour". Iac world news feed
  • I picture the scarlet robes of Tibetan monks blowing in the cold wind, as they take cover in caves, behind rocks and in the towers of monasteries hundreds of years old.
  • So the ceremony actually involved five monks - it involved a Sri Lankan monk, a Burmese monk, a Thai monk, a Tibetan lama and an Australian monk.
  • The no-man area is a paradise of wildlife, such as wild ass, wild horse, Tibetan antelope, Mongolian gazelle, blue sheep, and Tibetan pheasant. It is rich in plants and mineral resources too.
  • None are endemic, but there are several characteristic Himalayan species such as the lammergeier, golden eagle, Himalayan griffon, snow partridge (Lerwa lerwa), Tibetan snowcock (Tetraogallus tibetanus), and Himalayan snowcock (Tetraogallus himalayensis), which should be focal species for conservation efforts. Northwestern Himalayan alpine shrub and meadows
  • Along with Mr. Huang, Mr. Tan helped create a show that blends martial arts with Zen Buddhism, Tibetan music, dance and colorful stage portraits of scenes from ancient China.
  • The Yangtze is the longest river in Asia and the third longest in the world, running 6,211 kilometers (3,860 miles) from Qinghai Province in the Tibetan Plateau to the East China Sea near Shanghai. Three Gorges Dam, China
  • But the number of wild animal species began to drop from the early 1980s, with Tibetan antelopes and wild kiangs in danger of extinction.
  • Then various sanghas, practices of Tibetan Buddhism, began to see how this could be adapted into an American ‘way of life.’
  • This is the reason why in some Tibetan Buddhist practices, mantras are spoken prior to the consumption of meat.
  • The status of ritual among Western followers of Tibetan Buddhism is, however, more in question.
  • There are several other high-elevation specialists, such as the Himalayan snowcock (Tetraogallus himalayensis), Tibetan partridge (Perdix hodgsoniae), snow partridge (Lerwa lerwa), Satyr tragopan (Tragopan satyra), lammergeier, and the Himalayan griffon, that also need conservation attention. Eastern Himalayan alpine shrub and meadows
  • The Tibetans and Pema Chödrön practice a form of Buddhism known as Mahayana. Beginner’s Grace
  • Items on exhibit include ­centuries-old Buddhist sculptures, traditional Tibetan silk paintings known as thangka and other religious items. Taipei Times
  • Tibetan Buddhism places strong possibility that landscape and physical landmarks can acquire sacred status.
  • In the Tibetan Buddhist tradition, mandalas are created for rituals of initiation in which a highly qualified teacher grants permission to advanced disciples to engage in the tantric meditation practices.
  • Tibetans liberally sprinkle proverbs into daily conversations as a substitute for slang phrases.
  • The Tibetan Buddhist spiritual leader's donation would not be enough to save the religious studies program.
  • The labourers in Tibet developed the Tibetan plateau with their own labour and wisdom.
  • Tibetan monks will go around Paoma Mountain on the edge of the city to chant scriptures.
  • The political power of the lamas was taken away and given to Tibetan leaders nominated by the central government in Beijing.
  • While he ruled, the Tibetan laws, calendar, alphabet, and system of weights and measures were created.
  • The steles in Yonghegong are incised with Han, Man, Mongolian, and Tibetan script.
  • China uses the war on terror to justify its persecution of people in wacky cults like Falun Gong and the cultural genocide of the peace-loving Tibetans. 10/15/2004
  • There was the beating of the Tibetan drum and some gonging also.
  • Tibetan society is charming but conservative, and the thought of Tibetan hotties mincing down the catwalk in their skimp challenged all credibility.
  • Some complained that even in the supposedly autonomous prefectures of Qinghai, signs in Chinese outnumber those in Tibetan. Tibetans hopeful for Dalai Lama's return and help preserving their culture
  • In an interview before leaving the U.S., Mr. Sangay revealed that his father left the monkhood to join Tibetan guerrillas fighting Chinese troops who entered Tibet in 1950, and was shot in the leg while helping to provide security for the escaping Dalai Lama. Tibetan Exiles Swear In New Leader
  • The endangered Tibetan antelope or the chiru has been chosen after a fierce global contest as one of the five mascots of the Beijing Olympics 2008.
  • The Tai-Kadai languages are thought to have originated in what is now southern China and some linguists have proposed links to the Austroasiatic Austronesian or Sino-Tibetan language families. » Travel Talk THAI – 2 yourself talking teach travel auckland sale
  • In Washington, White House spokesman Tony Fratto said, "Beijing needs to respect Tibetan culture, they need to respect multiethnicity in their society. Tibetan Challenge to China
  • Objective : To explore the mechanism of Tibetan formula Maoru powder on acute gouty arthritis.
  • There his leg was splinted and eight Tibetan yak herdsmen carried Conan for 17 hours to base camp.
  • We drank Yak butter tea and ate a Tibetan meal which was absolutely delicious.
  • After graduating from the Tibetan Institute of Performing Arts in Dharamasala in 1993, Choephel received a Fulbright scholarship to study musicology and filmmaking at Vermont's Middlebury College. Filmmaker Preserves Dying Tibetan Folk Music
  • After two hundred or so years of isolation, now in the Tibetan mountains, the monster now known as Deucalion has learned his creator is also inexplicably alive and residing in New Orleans. Archive 2009-07-01
  • This was an ancient Tibetan proverb and it meant that when one's character was maligned most foully, one was to turn the other cheek.
  • It is called "Saar" by the Lepchas and Cis-himalayan Tibetans, and "Boarga-sella" by the Himalayan Journals — Complete
  • There is a Tibetan animal called a dzo, which is the male mixed offspring of a yak and a cow. General Explanation of Seven-Point Attitude-Training ��� Part Two: Points Five and Six
  • For the past 50 years, the Dalai Lama and the Tibetan people have embarked on a non-violent struggle to free Tibet from its oppressors.
  • The three Tibetan Buddhist lineages of the New Translation Period - Sakya, Kagyu, and Gelug - divide tantra into four classes: kriya (ritual Buddha-figure practice), which emphasizes external ritual practices such as ablution, diet, and fasting; charya (behavioral Buddha-figure practice), which equally emphasizes external behavior and internal methods; yoga (integrated Buddha-figure practice), which emphasizes internal methods of yoga; anuttarayoga (peerlessly integrated Buddha-figure practice), which teaches special, more advanced methods of internal practice. Basic Features of Tantra
  • The woman who swept the stone courtyard wore a traditional Tibetan gown, trim and dark, and had plaited her raven hair into a thick braid.
  • In fact, the essential transformational practices of Tibetan tantra including those of the Tibetan Book of the Dead, were created to lead the individual practitioner towards these same ends.
  • Q: The idea in Buddhism is what is real/what is not real is illusory; that's why the Tibetan Book of the Dead has connected with people tripping on acid. Brad Balfour: Exclusive Q&A: Director Gaspar Noe's View of The Cusp of Death As Detailed in Enter The Void
  • Asahara started to preach Judeo-Christian visions of Armageddon and the Tibetan Buddhist concept of poa, which sanctions killing evil beings to free them from bad karma. Crushing The Cult Of Doom
  • A fearsome Tibetan mastiff stands guard outside a dwelling while a smaller dog is ready to sound the alarm indoors if anyone is clever enough or lucky enough to slip past the mastiff.
  • Also, a group of about 100 Tibetan exiles in northern India defied police orders Tuesday and resumed a protest march to their homeland to protest Beijing hosting the Summer Olympics.
  • Among Tibetans, Harada is so highly revered for its purifying attributes that it is the small fruit that is depicted in the hands of the ‘medicine Buddha’ in their sacred paintings or tankas.
  • Unlike other luxurious wools such as cashmere and pashmina, shahtoosh is produced from the fine, inner hairs of the Tibetan antelope - which cannot be shorn from the animal.
  • Lhasa is a sacred place of TiBetan Buddhism.
  • The exiles followed the Dalai Lama, the supreme Tibetan Buddhist leader, who fled Tibet after a failed 1959 revolt against Chinese rule.
  • Tibetans celebrated Dosmoche, dancing in masks to frighten away the evil spirits, and Pakistanis observed Chaomos, when they purify themselves with water and goat's blood.
  • They trace their ancestry to the copulation of an ape, an emanation of Avalokiteshvara, and an ogress, an emanation of the goddess Tara, whose progeny gave birth to the Tibetan people in the Yarlung valley.
  • Hughes Dubois Photographie/Collection of Tom Pritzker Tom Pritzker, chairman of Hyatt Hotels Corp., and his wife Margot have built one of the world's best private collections of ancient art from Tibet, including this 13th century Tibetan "thangka" painting of Marpa, an 11th century teacher credited with spreading Buddhism from India to Tibet. Inside Some of the World's Top Art Collections
  • Dharamsala, 10 December 2006 (Phayul/Phurbu Thinley) - While the day can be commemorated as the 58th Anniversary of World Human Rights Day, for Tibetans it marks the 17th auspicious anniversary of the conferment of the prestigious Nobel Peace Prize to His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama (in 1989). Newsroom Archive 2006
  • The absence of forest and other obstructions to the view, the breadth and flatness of the valleys, and the undulating character of the lower ranges that traverse its surface, give it a comparatively level appearance, and suggest the term "maidan" or "plains" to the Tibetan, when comparing his country with the complicated ridges of the deep Sikkim valleys. Himalayan Journals — Complete
  • The troops halted as Macdonald, Younghusband and Captain O'Connor, political assistant and interpreter, went forward to parley with the Tibetans.
  • Lêng-yen-ching expounded, that is, read aloud with an extempore paraphrase, to lay congregations in China, and the section of it called the Diamond Cutter is the book which is most commonly in the hands of religious Tibetans. Hinduism and Buddhism, An Historical Sketch, Vol. 2
  • What about Dolpo Tibetan chuba ` sleeveless tunic '? VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XX No 2
  • In the psyche of the second and third generation Tibetans, there is no real sense of permanence.
  • Conclusions Since 1996, Tibetan sheep plague has begun to prevail consistently along with Marmota baibaeina plague, with outburst seen in ranches in some regions.
  • From 1993 on, the policy became to decry Tibetan Buddhism as itself "splittist," demonize the Dalai Lama, drive sincere Buddhist practitioners out of their monasteries, and create a new generation of Communist, secularist, "Chinese," Tibetans. China Is Attempting to Wipe Out Buddhism
  • The Tibetan struggle will not want to take a violent stance.
  • Csoma de Körős, codified the canonical literature embedded in Sanskrit and Tibetan and transmitted manuscripts and texts to centers of oriental scholarship in Calcutta, London, and Enlightenment East and West: An Introduction to Romanticism and Buddhism
  • Armed with posterboard, markers and hammers, a group of Tibetan Americans were preparing to lead a protest highlighting China's human rights abuses that they hoped would draw thousands to the perimeter of the White House. Reactions to Hu's visit highlight a stark divide among Chinese Americans
  • In Nepal, police detain Tibetan exiles as they protest in front of the Chinese embassy. CNN Transcript Jul 4, 2008
  • Anent this question the Tibetan legends speak of a strange lama who came to the land of Amdo from the far western regions and resided in Tsong K'aba's tent, a man of wondrous learning and piety, having a big nose and bright dashing eyes. With the Tibetans in Tent and Temple: Narrative of Four Years' Residence on the Tibetan Borders, and of a Journey into the Far Interior
  • It belongs to the Tibeto-Burman branch of the Sino-Tibetan language family.
  • The route has been used for centuries by Tibetan traders who would bring down yaks, salt and dried sheep meat from Tibet and return with goods from India, such as rice, corn and millet.
  • The $4 billion Qinghai-Xizang railway -- a remarkable system that transports passengers to an altitude (16,000 feet) so high that ballpoint pens can explode en route from the air-pressure change -- traverses 1,200 miles of rugged terrain to connect the rest of China to the remote Tibetan plateau. China Eats Crow
  • No one will be dragged from their beds and forced to wear collared shirts or attend avant-garde theater productions in Tibetan restaurant stairwells or serve rumaki at backyard barbecues. Will Durst: Flag Raising Robester
  • Each side views its version of Tibetan history as an essential part of its national identity.
  • Each side views its version of Tibetan history as an essential part of its national identity.
  • Looking at the hand gestures of Tibetan monks as they chant, you see mudras portraying the dance of compassion and wisdom.
  • Tibetans cremate their dead or bury them in a sky funeral, considered the only way to ensure rebirth.
  • Mongolian astrology is a slight variant of the main Tibetan astrological system, but now in the way of an introduction, let us speak of the Tibetan-Mongolian system in general. Tibeto-Mongolian Astrology and Karma
  • It is noted that visitors are not allowed to watch the ritual, for Tibetans believe it will bring negative efforts to the ascending of the souls.
  • Rex is genuine Tibetan Mastiff. We traced his genealogy back 10 generations.
  • They spit at us as early as when they burned our Yuanmingyuan imperial garden ... but those Tibetan lamas, they are Chinese too, and they could be so cruel to other ethnic people.
  • Under the centuries - long feudal serfdom, the Tibetan serfs were politically oppressed, economically exploited and frequently persecuted.
  • Despite the cruel rule of the feudal serfdom, Tibetan laboring people never ceased their resistance struggles.
  • So he bought me an antique ancient Tibetan hatchet which was said to be used to fight evil spirits.
  • Tibetan tribal laws comprise "identity inheritance" and "property inheritance.
  • Losar, which falls towards the end of February, marks the beginning of the New Year in the Tibetan calendar.
  • The term ennobling and impeccable in Tibetan is “jetsun” (rje-btsun), which has the connotation of someone who has turned his or her back on all things of samsara and is faced totally toward liberation. A Short Commentary on The Three Principal Aspects of the Path
  • He began in Tibetan but quickly switched to English, often conferring with his eloquent translator to confirm his use of words.
  • Tibetans were blacklisted before arrest andfound guilty the next day. Lhasa Spring (Tibet)
  • I thought of how, in Tibetan Buddhism, tigers are symbols of strength and compassion, sometimes also portents of death.
  • Yoneda, the second-highest ranking official at the Cabinet Office, is the first senior Japanese official to meet the Tibetan spiritual leader.
  • A Tibetan Mastiff is also a awful, 1 accomplished, 1 sheep bouncer, 1 and keeps any abeyant, 1 threats at bay, and are also good nocturnal guards.
  • Incidentally BJ, the so-called International Court of Justice has said nothing about China's occupation of Tibet and the brutal suppression of Tibetan culture, nor the genocide in Darfur, nor the military junta in Burma etc. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • In fact, who needs to know the Four Noble Truths, the Eightfold Path, the yellow hat Tibetans from the black hats, to attain Buddha's nature? Perry Garfinkel: Four Noble Buddha Quotes
  • Puman was taken to India at the age of six to be trained as a Tibetan Buddhist lama, while his parents stayed in Taiwan.
  • With trademark good-natured stoicism, he flashed a gap-toothed grin, drank a can of Coke, and played bass with a red string around his wrist, a gift from some Tibetan friends who've been chanting for his recovery.
  • I remember my father and other members of the older generation of Tibetan lamas saying that they didn't blame the Communist Chinese for the destruction of Tibet.
  • Anyway, wildlife could habituate themselves to the changes of surroundings owing to the Qinghai-Tibetan railway building by learning and adjusting their behavior.
  • Yucca plants are sprinkled throughout the room, and a Tibetan-looking arch lies a few steps ahead.
  • On the other hand, it may also be seen as a language in the Sino-Tibetan family. Two by Adams
  • Monogamy is the norm, although some Tibetan-speaking peoples practice fraternal polyandry (two brothers may marry the same woman).
  • Amritsar carpets are made of _pashm_, the fine underwool of the Tibetan sheep, and _pashmína_ is also used as a material for _choghas_ The Panjab, North-West Frontier Province, and Kashmir
  • I mean it's not many villages that can boast a reincarnation of a Tibetan lama.
  • In the formerly Tibetan-controlled areas of Amdo, Gansu, and the Tarim Basin, for example, these states included A Survey of Tibetan History ��� 2 The Struggle for Religious Survival after the Fall of the Tibetan Empire
  • The Tibetan Buddhist teachings on death and rebirth are unique and very complete.
  • First of all, the English word "visualization" does not convey the full meaning of the Sanskrit or Tibetan term, since it connotes working only with the visual sphere. Taking the Kalachakra Initiation ��� 9 The Preparation Ceremony
  • But one colour alone can look magical: chokers made from cool blue lace agate or fossilised Tibetan coral are dazzling.

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