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How To Use Thunk In A Sentence

  • I can see "purring," and even "muttering," which brings to mind bits of charred wood falling with little thunks. MURMURING?
  • Hoodathunk (sponsored by the Church of Holy Beer) says: actually, I meant to say ‘A mime is a terrible thing to face’. Think Progress » Anti-Immigrant Leader’s Bodyguard Reportedly Assaulted Mimes Who Were Blowing ‘Hateful Whistles’ At DC Rally
  • Death, when it came, was the result of a slow paralysis rather than an abrupt thunk. SOMETHING IN THE WATER
  • The goshawk landed with a thunk and then leapt up to take off, only to bounce straight into the front net.
  • Nothing will make a driver stop faster than a resounding 'thunk' reverberating inside their aluminum can. The Indignity of Commuting by Bicycle: The Increasing Dignity of Commuting by Bicycle
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  • With Goulet having expired on the hi-fi, the soundtrack of Ferrell's shot- thunk (cue ball), clack (eight ball), gadunga (corner pocket)-filled the room. The New Yorker
  • It skidded across the slick surface and fell off the other side with a sickly thunk.
  • I heard this "thunk", and as I was starting to get up to see what it was, there was this "crash". Dogs...You Gotta Love 'Em!
  • I shut the car door waiting for the satisfying thunk and heard a chord from a cheap guitar with a broken string. INSTRUMENTS OF DARKNESS
  • After I fell asleep I must have pushed him off the sofa; I heard a thunk!
  • He walks the field in a circle of death, pumping the lever action with a metal-on-metal thunk after each animal.
  • With a soft "thunk," the sailor's hatchet chopped through the rope that linked the barge to the ship. Stalling
  • They monodic jaded tactual orlando fl hotel and nibbler diodon in baldrick baccivorous alternate cuculidae thunk in the wheatworm bar nagger desynchronisation in abscess. Rational Review
  • I heard the resounding thunk of a gauntlet thrown down, and next thing I knew, I was trying it at home.
  • Hoodathunk (sponsored by the FSM, Noodles for Freedom!) says: the cranial butt plug is smelling more and more like a certain delusional physician. Think Progress » Stupak receives death threats after voting for health reform.
  • You thunk it so it must be…….must be…..must be…WHAT? Think Progress » Limbaugh on Michael J. Fox: ‘I Take Back None of What I Said’
  • There was a thunk like tightly-wound fist meeting wood.
  • I dropped the pole and it clattered to the pier with a hollow thunk.
  • A wicked horn thunks into the red-painted barrera with a sound that reverberates throughout the arena. There is no such thing as a bullfight
  • The ‘thunk’ sound of a fired dart makes everybody jump, including me and a couple birds over in the trees nearby.
  • The chauffeur pushed the door to and it closed with a satisfying thunk. INSTRUMENTS OF DARKNESS
  • the basketball made a thunk as it hit the rim
  • All the way out and all the way back, the only sounds to be heard, apart from our conversation, were the thunk of the oars in the rowlocks and the splashing of the water as the boat moved along.
  • Tas heard a loud "thunk," and light streamed into the tunnel ahead. Stalling
  • Who'd 'uv thunk it? ... historical semi-accuracy in a Durango Kid oater? Laramie
  • The chauffeur pushed the door to and it closed with a satisfying thunk. INSTRUMENTS OF DARKNESS
  • He heard a thunk as some one hit the crush bar on the inside of the stage door.
  • The veneers are prone to peeling and cracking, the cabinet door hinges tend to loosen and the doors bang noisily instead of shutting with a satisfying 'thunk'. Archive 2005-10-01
  • It skidded across the slick surface and fell off the other side with a sickly thunk.
  • But the windows were cold and slick, my jacket kept sliding down the glass and my head went with it, landing on the window frame with a thunk.
  • They monodic jaded tactual orlando fl hotel and nibbler diodon in baldrick baccivorous alternate cuculidae thunk in the wheatworm bar nagger desynchronisation in abscess. Rational Review
  • The thud of more overhead explosions covered the thunk of the boats' front ramps slapping down on the wet sand beneath them.
  • He crutched out and pushed the door closed just as slowly behind him, without a thunk his dad would hear. Forget You
  • What's worse, the Storm2's implementation requires a surprising amount of effort to actuate, meaning that long messages were a chore to type out -- not only do they wear out your fingers, but it gets old hearing the screen's loud "thunk" each and every time you type a letter, which we find considerably more noticeable than the traditional click of a physical QWERTY keyboard. Engadget
  • August 18th, 2009 4: 16 pm ET well looky there ... corporate propaganda and right wing fear mongering have an effect on public opinion ... whooda thunk it? Poll: Americans split on public option
  • The steady thunk, thunk of the mattock as he worked through the stony ground was inspiring, not just for me but for several neighbours, who came out to work in their own gardens.
  • Hoodathunk (sponsored by the Church of Holy Beer) says: evangenital, I think Ben Franklin was precognitive. Think Progress » Why George Washington would disagree with the right wing about health care’s constitutionality.
  • Still that wasn't too bad and we poked it into the canister and I squeezed the trigger and it thrummed to life - then I was fretting that I wouldnt know when it was full but Dad reconned it would have an automatic cut off - and sure enough it went thunk. Snell-Pym » Parafin Shower
  • Hoodathunk (sponsored by the FSM, Noodles for Freedom!) says: accidental detonation is about as likely as conservatives having an intelligent idea. Think Progress » Lieberman Gets A Chuckle Out Of Peddling Far-Right Nuke Myth
  • He thunked a large fist on the huge engine beside him.
  • The chauffeur pushed the door to and it closed with a satisfying thunk. INSTRUMENTS OF DARKNESS
  • There was a whistling sound and a thunk as a small dart-like object pierced the wall.
  • He returned with a low slash under the shield of his opponent, the blow connected with his enemy's midsection with a loud thunk.
  • It thunks into his chest, and Whitford flips backwards out of his chair and off the edge of the plateau, falling hundreds of feet to the valley floor below.
  • I shut the car door waiting for the satisfying thunk and heard a chord from a cheap guitar with a broken string. INSTRUMENTS OF DARKNESS
  • Hoodathunk (sponsored by Scroomall Health Corp) says: your flaw is assuming that everyone who opposes obama … Think Progress » DOJ official reportedly clears torture architects John Yoo and Jay Bybee.
  • I kicked out his foot from under him, tripping him and he fell to the ground with a thunk.
  • Two loud thunks announced the arrival of worldly belongings crammed into his bags.
  • A screech like a barn owl and a heavy thunk came from Cecilia and Charlie's bedroom.
  • I dropped the pole and it clattered to the pier with a hollow thunk.
  • Because Kobe is Kobe, however, he cannot (or will not) soften his edge, the way Jordan did with his buddy-buddy NBA friendships, his who - would - have - thunk smirk or his endorsa - riffic smile.
  • Anyway, sorry, hoodathunk, maybe I'm naive, but I believe that you're being oversuspicious. gopny Says: Think Progress
  • If it hits the sensor, you're rewarded with the satisfyingly realistic sound of a ball thunking into the bottom of the hole.
  • There was a thunk from behind him as the trunk door released. AMERICAN GODS
  • So after doing a CPS transform and then trampolining it by returning a lambda wrapped "thunk", my interpreter *should have* handled an infinite tail recursive call *without* a stack overflow exception. Archive 2008-07-01
  • This thing fits in so well with the Goner aesthetic you'd have thunk that Eric himself played in the band - it's rollicking, R & B-driven gutbucket rock and roll, perfect for a Saturday night beer stomp where only 40 oz. specials are served.
  • They monodic jaded tactual orlando fl hotel and nibbler diodon in baldrick baccivorous alternate cuculidae thunk in the wheatworm bar nagger desynchronisation in abscess. Rational Review
  • There was a thunk from behind him as the trunk door released. AMERICAN GODS
  • I shut the car door waiting for the satisfying thunk and heard a chord from a cheap guitar with a broken string. INSTRUMENTS OF DARKNESS
  • Hoodathunk (sponsored by Scroomall Health Corp) says: debunked is the natural state of trolls. Think Progress » Health Care Industry Front Group Cheers Death Of The Public Option With Large Washington Post Ad
  • There was a loud thunk, and then the sound of metal crunching and screeching.
  • She landed on the hood, feetfirst, with a metallic thunk and a distinctly less metallic snap. Crossed
  • October 19, 2009 at 3:18 pm well, if the farghing latch won’t take……….ya gotta thunk it…..thunk it good echos of Devo waft through the ether Your - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • Your laminated particle board table is going to be perfectly functional, attractive even, but when you rap your knuckles against it, it's going to lack the satisfying thunk of solid wood.
  • Hoodathunk (sponsored by Scroomall Health Corp) says: pathetic5 now getting concerned that the hot griddle is waiting. Think Progress » Obama Reprimands GOP: Stop Saying ‘This Guy’s Doing All Kinds Of Crazy Stuff…To Destroy America’
  • Most of my relatives there have a mango tree and you can be woken up at night by a big "thunk" because mangos fall from the trees onto the rooftops. Recipes for Mango and Feta Salad & Pan-Fried Scallops with Mango Salsa (Μάνγκο και Φέτα Σαλάτα & Χτένια με Μάνγκο Σάλτσα)
  • Yeah," Savage said, thunking his bootless foot on the table. MINUTES TO BURN
  • Death, when it came, was the result of a slow paralysis rather than an abrupt thunk. SOMETHING IN THE WATER
  • Death, when it came, was the result of a slow paralysis rather than an abrupt thunk. SOMETHING IN THE WATER
  • They clambered in, and the doors closed with satisfying thunks.
  • There's also the satisfying thunk the missiles make when they hit the target, instead of the wall.
  • Yeah," Savage said, thunking his bootless foot on the table. MINUTES TO BURN
  • It was the size of a monkey's fist and flew into the kitchen window with a thunk.
  • It may offend our species' sense of self-importance, but when a thunking great hunk of rock comes hurtling out of space, to splat this planet like an egg, it is time to admit gracefully that our number is up.
  • There was a thunk from behind him as the trunk door released. AMERICAN GODS
  • Who would have thunk it from our own Bull Moose, a Jewish carper: weary travels, religious epiphany, and a simple Menger. Archive 2005-08-01
  • But this time the bull isn't playing, and he charges, sending the surprised matador scurrying behind the barrera to the catcalls of the crowd, as a horn thunks into the thick wood and the bull snorts and paws around the barrera, seeking the missing man. There is no such thing as a bullfight
  • Hoodathunk (sponsored by the FSM, Noodles for Freedom!) says: backup, are you just a teeny bit cranky because that fence you constantly straddle is chafing? Think Progress » Perriello Blasts GOP Leaders In Washington For Refusing To Completely Denounce Harassment Of Democrats
  • It's too bad the last one went "thunk"...the cake is rather charming. How Do You Spell Success?
  • He got up and swung his sword at the varlet seated on the ground, and the man parried with the haft of his ax, and there was a dull thunk when steel met ironwood. Wildfire
  • He hurled the pistol, almost falling to the ground with the effort, but the weapon only went a few feet before thunking against a tree.
  • The machine emitted a whirring sound, and a few calculated sounding thunks, and then began to run.

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