How To Use Thundering In A Sentence

  •   The thundering lauwine — might be worshipped more; Childe Harold's Pilgrimage
  • Half a dozen creatures'manlike except for the snakiest necks either had ever seen-came thundering along the corridor, waving spears and shouting. Fortress Of Frost And Fire
  • It is actually the possession and retreat of a thundering absolute crocodile.
  • And, as if it to prove a point, he shepherded us to the top deck for an aerial, whistle-stop tour of the city away from the thundering road drills.
  • The thundering guitars, melodic vocals and poetic lyrics seemed to transcend classification.
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  • Perhaps I am a farmer myself — an innocent colonus; and instead of being able to get to church with my family, have to see squadrons of French dragoons thundering upon my barley, and squares of English infantry forming and trampling all over my oats. Roundabout Papers
  • We just stand there, listening to the thundering surf.
  • On the religious side all that they have had is the occasional itinerant preacher, thundering at them of the wrath of God; and on the cultural what Aunt Dalmanutha calls the "pindling" district school. Sight to the Blind
  • Sluiter contained him in the first set as Mirnyi peppered the court with thundering serves and deep ground strokes.
  • We ran for the exit, the sound of feet thundering behind us.
  • Of course it's what one's used to, I know, and there are plenty of people not willing to put up with the dry skin that the climate brings, not to mention the thundering nor'westers that are likewise a feature of Cannerbury.
  • A thundering clang reverberated around the catwalk.
  • Mexico, how identical in shape and size with the protuberance of Africa just opposite, and how the protuberance of the Venezuelan and Brazilian coast fits in with the in-curve of Africa: so that it is obvious to me -- it is quite _obvious_ -- that they once were one; and one night rushed so far apart; and the wild Atlantic knew that thing, and ran gladly, hasting in between: and how if eye of flesh had been there to see, and ear to hear that cruel thundering, my God, my God -- what horror! The Purple Cloud
  • Quite a few of them would have dreamed about sinking into the low saddle of a Harley Davidson chopper and thundering off with the feet resting up front and the hands on high handlebars.
  • The picture of him limned itself on her inner vision, and before she was aware she was pleasuring in the memory of the grace of his magnificent body, of his splendid shoulders, of the power in him that tossed her lightly on a horse, bore her safely through the thundering breakers, or towed her at the end of an alpenstock up the stern lava crest of the House of the Sun. ALOHA OE
  • Try riding around Woolwich with juggernauts thundering along and get the feel of real danger.
  • He came to the fore with a thundering and prescient prediction of the break-up of Britain, coinciding with the Silver Jubilee.
  • The result was a thundering clout behind the right ear.
  • It would all have been so different if Dudgeon's side-on volley on the stroke of half-time from a Dunning corner had gone an inch lower instead of thundering into the crossbar.
  • Bill saw the tank thundering towards his outfit and heard his own voice join a chorus of warning cries as its guns began firing.
  • That scream from the treetops is answered by another, and another, until the tropical forest shakes under a thundering bellow.
  • With thundering drums completing the picture and a firm grasp of the dramatic dynamics, this unique song has fully earned its place as New Zealand's first export breakout d' n'b tune.
  • Many of them command such skills as cajoling, wheedling, thundering, condescending, and even insulting - but, of course, insulting with style.
  • They have that symphonic sound with thundering, marching percussion perfect for the war scenes.
  • The whole orchestra and the two - hundred-man-strong chorus would come thundering after me -- the _orchestra on the right key_ and _the chorus following in my footsteps_. In the Courts of Memory, 1858 1875; from Contemporary Letters
  • As the two knights reseated themselves at another table and began ordering again, a troupe of men in strange armor with helmets shaped like dragonheads came thundering into the little sushi shack.
  • And she deserves the thundering applause of the audience. The Times Literary Supplement
  • The axman, as he is called by some in the firm, announced that he would cut 2,000 of the firm's thundering herd of 15,000 U.S. brokers months after taking charge of them in February, 2000.
  • Our river is well up now, about twice as wide as usual and it is thundering over the weir.
  • Then she began to lightly rub the bareback pad on Thundering Glory's neck, slowly moving to his withers, then down his front leg.
  • Below Steall, the Water of Nevis is no less than a thundering cataract, as it flows from the flats and gouges its way through and down a tight narrow gorge.
  • We had just got to the top of the bridleway were the track narrows when I heard a real thundering of hooves. FREE MARKET FAIRY TALES
  • The cavalry charged out of nowhere, the hundreds of thundering hooves terrifying the villager who had never seen nor heard more than four horses together before.
  • Of course it's what one's used to, I know, and there are plenty of people not willing to put up with the dry skin that the climate brings, not to mention the thundering nor'westers that are likewise a feature of Cannerbury.
  • A thundering, prehistoric steam engine cleaves the crowd, whistle screaming, a velvet column billowing into the dark.
  • I would stop all the lorries thundering through the high street and delivery vans mounting the pavements, blocking shop entrances.
  • Andy alighted, and gave a thundering tantara-ra at the door. Handy Andy, Volume One A Tale of Irish Life, in Two Volumes
  • the thundering herd
  • The thundering in her heart had grown so enormous that she would not have heard a thing had there been an earthquake.
  • These if-onlys seemed clever arguments at the time, because the administration kept thundering that diplomacy was for wimps and Congress was being meddlesome in trying to constrain the commander in chief.
  • This time around, he will start as a real contender and will exploit the thundering power of the 4.7-litre Tiger on the long straights in Clipstone.
  • The boiler is thundering like a space shuttle rocket booster. Times, Sunday Times
  • Julian winced slightly at the sound of the shrill voice echoing down the halls, accompanied by thundering footsteps.
  • It was thundering and lightning all day, which is scary when you are using metal poles.
  • Attacking a thundering two-mile alley of cliffed-out whitewater they dubbed the Northeast Strait-away, the kayakers crossed from bank to bank, portaging when necessary and seal-launching into the current from huge boulders.
  • She covered her ears and backed away from the window, whimpering as the intensified noise send thundering pain ringing through her head.
  • Thundering bursts of live percussion were balanced against contrasting bouts of movement from a cast of eleven men and women.
  • A correspondent with two Spaniels, for example, claimed that his dogs always know when it is thundering and lightning outside.
  • Warrick scored seven points in the fourth quarter, including a thundering dunk from the baseline that gave the Grizzlies a 101-96 lead with 2: 10 remaining.
  • The fury of the thundering, cascading water churned up a spray that covered the surrounding forests in a veil of mist and created a rainbow that framed the gorge in an arc of spectacular colours.
  • Chrome, tinted windows, a thundering new exhaust box and flames painted down the sides. The Sun
  • The foresail and fore-topsail, emptied of the wind by the manoeuvre, and with no one to bring in the sheet in time, were thundering into ribbons, the heavy boom threshing and splintering from rail to rail. Chapter 17
  • Beside the little plateau a rocky basin of roughly the same shape and dimensions caught the thundering water in its downward rush, tossing it high, splashing and spraying, breezing falling flowers and mist with prodigal liberality.
  • Ansley could hear his breath coming in short puffs, even over the thundering of hooves that filled her ears.
  • No longer could he escape those hands curled up in anger, a loud voice thundering over comforting whispers - his own.
  • The boiler is thundering like a space shuttle rocket booster. Times, Sunday Times
  • These trains are lightweight compared to the thundering monsters the bridge was used to carrying in its heyday.
  • He turns around, dribbles upcourt, splits two defenders near the top of the key and drives the lane for a thundering dunk over Charlotte's Emeka Okafor.
  • Richard Hughes guided Thundering Surf to victory, bringing him home from the inside to edge out Holy Orders by a neck.
  • Nelson thought about going it alone but, in the corner of his eye, saw Pentham thundering down the middle of the pitch, unopposed.
  • It is thundering here now and the whole building shakes.
  • It's a thundering lie, you miserable old blatherskite! Pudd'nhead Wilson
  • In contrast to the thundering horde on stage in The Crucible, Lotte is a vehicle for one actress, in this case, Zsigovics' spouse, Bobo Vian.
  • Then flash after flash cut the darkness, and _crack, crack, crack_ came the reports of the rifles, as the men fired in what they believed to be my direction; but I heard no whistling bullet, and the firing ceased as quickly as it had begun, for there was the risk of my pursuers inflicting injury upon their fellows who led, and whom I could hear thundering along behind me, while with voice and knee I urged Sandho on at his greatest speed. Charge! A Story of Briton and Boer
  • The rifle kicked against his shoulder and the thundering of musket fire grew louder.
  • Flashes of memories came thundering back to me as jets roared in the clouds.
  • It's not only raining, it's thundering, which is unusual for November.
  • Upon entering the mist, they could hear thundering hooves from the other side as the ground trembled beneath their feet.
  • Luckily, the guide managed to steer the vehicle off the beaten path into the jungle to avoid the animals thundering towards them.
  • Cilea's alternately swooning, scintillating and thundering score does much to ennoble the overwrought claptrap of the opera's libretto. Review: Washington Concert Opera's 'Adriana Lecouvreur' at Lisner Auditorium
  • The village was being covered with dust from the 30-ton lorries thundering through it from the nearby quarry.
  • The thundering surf around the jutting piers of Pacific Ocean Park is the favoured playground of these washed-out youngsters.
  • Some of them prime your emotions, setting you up for a let down or a purgative, thundering crash.
  • Once, imagining he was playing in front of an audience, he finished with a flourish, and stood up and bowed to the applause thundering in his ears.
  • The rain crashed into the roof with thundering noise.
  • My everlasting, and most fearful, memory of the war was being woken by an thundering noise which shook and rattled the windows of my bedroom.
  • He shouted over the thundering noise of the river.
  • When a tremendous cannonading in the city broke out on the following day, with native pipes and drums squealing and thundering, I thought the attack had begun, but it was a false alarm, as Sher Khan informed me later. Fiancée
  • The next day, in hallowed Madison Square Garden against the New York Knicks, he missed six of nine shots but had nine points and made a move down the lane against Othello Harrington that ended in a thundering dunk. - Stoudemire set to shine for Suns
  • Hardly a second later the thundering blast of an explosion rang from where I had just stood.
  • By the time I had trotted back, cursing most foully, the rest of the chase was thundering up; Bismarck was waiting at the lychgate looking cool and smug when we arrived. Royal Flash
  • The preacher, instead of vexing the ears of drowsy farmers on their day of rest at the end of the week — for Sunday is the fit conclusion of an ill-spent week, and not the fresh and brave beginning of a new one — with this one other draggle-tail of a sermon, should shout with thundering voice, Walden
  • Here all concerns about aid, suasion, and civilizational prejudices were drowned out by shrieking simulators and thundering tanks.
  • We could hear the old Chinese scholartree riving and splitting under thundering and lightning.
  • In our file of five charabancs, a charioted army, we swept down the thundering hills. Cider With Rosie
  • Ah yes, I can still recall the thundering chorus of coughing and sputtering, the audience storm of noise that almost drowned out Christopher Plummer's poignant finale during King Lear.
  • Still, with the thundering voice I'll bet he could certainly orate from the top of that tower.
  • I'm a big fan of thundering, loud soundtracks on action movies, and Jurassic Park III doesn't disappoint.
  • She pushed herself further back against the old brick wall and held her breath, aware of her heartbeat thundering in her ears. HIDING FROM THE LIGHT
  • The band have been trading on the same formula of smutty lyrics and thundering riffage for more than 35 years. The Sun
  • my words with inauspicious thunderings shook heaven
  • a thundering success
  • The crowd roars its approval with thundering applause and a standing ovation. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the Eighties, they pushed through the first, 600ft flooded section or 'sump' to find new air space beneath a thundering waterfall. Home | Mail Online
  • ‘Canting and lying,’ — said Willie, which produced a thundering laugh; ‘but I am teaching the callant a better trade, and that is, feasting and fiddling.’ Redgauntlet
  • The pixels form an animated image, whether it be a flight through the cosmos or fighter jets thundering across the sky.
  • And she deserves the thundering applause of the audience. The Times Literary Supplement
  • the sea hurled itself in thundering rage against the rocks
  • The crowds at this year's Eldwick and Gilstead Gala were temporarily silenced by the thundering noise of a Spitfire and Hurricane roaring past overhead.
  • Soon enough, she was enveloped by the beating of her heart, thundering like the beat of cere - monial drums. Second Skin
  • Today we halted at the grim-looking chasm which formed the entrance and watched a thundering swell drive into the cave mouth.
  • The first chink of light fell to Blake, who was perfectly placed to receive James Walker's miskick as the keeper came thundering out to the right touchline to clear.
  • But they are not exciting and the blood is still thundering in the ears on all sides. Times, Sunday Times
  • Our first port of call is the turbine hall, filled with thundering noise and dominated by two gigantic machines, each as big as a locomotive, which generate the power of Scotland.
  • His thundering spell of mesmeric hostility first snuffed out the candle flame of Australian hope and then plunged them into the darkness of defeat. Times, Sunday Times
  • The first film opens conventionally enough with thundering horses' hooves. Times, Sunday Times
  • One of the knights sent to ride point was thundering toward them. TREASON KEEP
  • The noise level recorded reached 65 decibels - the equivalent of a train thundering past.
  • It's a foul night tonight; it's pouring with rain with thundering and lightning.
  • The reporter in me would stand to gain from the thundering asininity, the tabloid leadership, the tragic, reflexive resort to violence. Bradley Burston: What I Wanted for Father's Day, and What I Got
  • Today we halted at the grim-looking chasm which formed the entrance and watched a thundering swell drive into the cave mouth.
  • After possibly hours of escaping, the heavy thundering of steps and short, barks of orders ended.
  • The noise is the first thing you notice, the thundering roar of Bangkok's heart-attack inducing traffic, which forces you to call up all your Playstation skills just to cross the road.
  • At the bottom of the cliff was a sandy beach, waves thundering relentlessly onto the sand.
  • He has also much fertility in epithets; these being fitted to their objects properly and naturally have the force of proper names, as when he gives to the several gods each some proper designation, so he calls Zeus the “all-wise and high thundering,” and the Sun, Hyperion, “advancing aloft,” and Apollo, Phoebus, that is, shining. Essays and Miscellanies
  • The cities of Padua and Verona were wiped from the face of the earth; and the last glories of Venice sank for ever beneath the sea as the waters of the Adriatic came - thundering landwards after the hammer-blow from space. Rendezvous With Rama
  • The boiler is thundering like a space shuttle rocket booster. Times, Sunday Times
  • She is distracted by the splintering noises thundering in her ears.
  • Dressed in neoprene, with crash helmet, tank, fins and climbing belt, I was poised above the thundering, algae-green water of a gorge near Hallein, Austria.
  • From the other side of the stadium came thundering a black steed bearing a small rider armored in gold-lustred glass. The Golden Torc
  • It struck the tier of rock below with clattering echo, displaced another stone twice its size, then bounced -- bounced -- and a slither of slaty rock the size of a house wrenched out -- shot into mid-air with crash and sharp clappering echoes -- Then the Pass was filled with the thundering roll. The Freebooters of the Wilderness
  • It is absolutely hair-raising how Brahms shakes his fist at the heavens and this Olympian, this imperious music would rise over this timpani which is thundering in the background," says Fleisher. Glory, Drama Mark Path of Piano Virtuoso
  • Mr Cunningham said: - It is supposed - they say, you know - to take place in the depot where they get these thundering big country fellows, omadhauns, you know, to drill.
  • It went on and on and on, lulling, then thundering down again.
  • Thomas Walsh hurled a thundering first half, scoring two powerful points, one the score of the game from the left wing side-line.
  • The thundering noise masquerading as music echoed through the room.
  • The crowd roars its approval with thundering applause and a standing ovation. Times, Sunday Times
  • She accepted the crown and the crowd erupted in a loud thundering applause.
  • Even if I could've seen her clearly there was no time to react as two hands walloped me above the right ear, the strike like lightning in that it took a second until the thundering roar inside my head commenced.
  • But they are not exciting and the blood is still thundering in the ears on all sides. Times, Sunday Times
  • Two fuzees and a gallon of fuel oil turn it into a thundering conflagration towering 40 feet over our heads.
  • I was thundering down the stairs, somehow managing not to trip on my untied bootlaces, when Joe intercepted me at the bottom.
  • I'm innocently baffled by the apparent absence of furious debate and thundering editorials on the subject of spycams at 400-yard intervals all over England.
  • It went through with a horrid thundering that made my belly quake.
  • Kagan will want to be a force on the court, meaning (I'm just guessing here, but it makes sense if you read that Times profile) that she might want to be more of a conciliator, more of a power-player among the court's nonet rather its thundering dissenting voice on these questions. Elena Kagan
  • Britain, with an exploding crime rate at the turn of the 18th century and its jails crammed past capacity with mostly minor felons, arrived at a solution: the establishment of an antipodal maximum-security prison whose perimeters were on the other side of the world and guarded by the thundering Pacific. Cruelty in Fact and Fiction
  • Thundering with divine authority and flowing with moral clarity, these precepts function as a mirror to show where humankind stands on the highest standard of moral and ethical behaviour.
  • Thundering across fields remains the preserve of a small band of well-built, farm-ready workhorses with indestructible axles.
  • Standring brought George Thomson into the play with a lovely lay off and Thomson unleashed a thundering shot that was only stopped by the woodwork.
  • He not only lent a thundering voice to Panthic politics but also gave a new meaning, direction and idiom to it.
  • Our hotel, like several in Rotorua, has an evening hangi (earthen oven) feast, complete with Maori dances and a thundering, in-your-face haka.
  • Blackwell was particularly astonishing - a flurry of twirling drumsticks and thundering rolls that drew impressed cheers whenever he was featured.
  • At the southern end, within earshot of juggernauts thundering along the Embankment, there is a wild area with flowering shrubs and rare peonies.
  • The sound of a thousand horse hooves thundering through the streets resounded through the old building.
  • The peace of the village has been shattered by juggernauts thundering through it.
  • Like to the thundering tone of unspoke speeches 848 The Book of Humorous Verse
  • Haifa dozen crea - tures " manlike except for the snakiest necks either had ever seen " came thundering along the corridor, waving spears and shouting. Fortress Of Frost And Fire
  • A forceful clench of her hands froze us together in a bowing sweep as the piece ended in a thundering crash of drums.
  • V.M. as "Mère et Fille de _l'aliltonât_ [ant] plasmateur" into "_altitonant_" ( "loud-thundering"), while _plasmateur_ itself, though perfectly intelligible and legitimate, a favourite with the _rhétoriqueurs_, and borrowed from them even in Middle Scots, is not exactly everybody's word. A History of the French Novel, Vol. 1 From the Beginning to 1800
  • Dolby Digital 5.1 audio was loud with thundering subwoofer action when the battles called for it.
  • These foure made saile towards the Moluccas, and parted from vs the 8. of Ianuary in the night, and in taking of our leaues both of vs together, made such a terrible thundering noise with our ordinance, that the townsemen were vp in alarme, vntill they knewe the reason thereof. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • Bellamy's match winner, four minutes after Jaaskelainen had saved Laurent Robert's thundering drive, was the Mags' 78th goal in all competitions this season!
  • the thundering silence of what was left unsaid
  • Thundering, he downward hurled his candent bolt 155 The Iliad of Homer Translated into English Blank Verse by William Cowper
  • The thundering lauwine -- might be worshipped more; Childe Harold's Pilgrimage
  • They cheer at jet-engine volume whenever he fades away for a jumper or throws down a thundering dunk off of a fast break.
  • The tow rope sprang taut, plucking the dinghy clear as the swell broke, thundering forward on to the waiting coral.
  • The immense drumming together with the amazing guitar play by Andreas "Ass" Söderström (who visited Pakistan with Bergsman), the thundering bass and the claviature in symmetry with Bergsman's voice is simply put, magical. The Line Of Best Fit
  • Chrome, tinted windows, a thundering new exhaust box and flames painted down the sides. The Sun
  • We could hear the old Chinese scholartree riving and splitting under thundering and lightning.
  • As they started to leave, they heard a tremendous roar and clattering, banging, and thundering of doors and windows being thrown open by the wind.
  • I have been “brain storming”, “idea showering”, “thought thundering” for the past few days around Unified Communications and trying to look at it from a consumer point of view. June « 2008 « Samantha Sheppard
  • This is mostly a problem on the first part as the theme, while thundering, moves too slushily for me to retain attention throughout its entirety. Latest reviews @, the ultimate progressive rock music website
  • The thundering crash of shotgun blasts were made even more deafening within the confines of the small room.
  • The crowd roars its approval with thundering applause and a standing ovation. Times, Sunday Times
  • The dog obeyed instantly; more negatron-blasts were thundering and blazing and steaming on the crest of the ridge. The Keeper
  • Every breath she took seemed as loud as the thundering wind of a sandstorm in the great Western Desert.
  • The first chink of light fell to Blake, who was perfectly placed to receive James Walker's miskick as the keeper came thundering out to the right touchline to clear.
  • Thundering flickers of light flashed across the late night sky, the tattle tale sign of the oncoming storm.
  • A small bird trills its song, vaingloriously trying to compete with the thundering waters below.
  • I woke to the jolting sound of hoof beats, thundering down a dirt path.
  • As they creep over the blind brow of the hill, an articulated lorry comes thundering towards them and swerves out into the middle of the road as the driver spots the wary pedestrians.
  • On the northeast coast, there were reports of massive waves and thundering surf.
  • The foresail and fore-topsail, emptied of the wind by the manoeuvre, and with no one to bring in the sheet in time, were thundering into ribbons, the heavy boom threshing and splintering from rail to rail. Chapter 17
  • At our hotel, there's an evening hungi feast, complete with a thundering haka ceremony.
  • Beside him he could hear the thundering clop of Chubb's hooves; the rumbling roar of the buggy to his rear.
  • No more thundering hooves, no more yelps and no more blooding the junior hunt foreheads.
  • Caravaggio's potent illusionism is challenged by the astonishing construction of the painting, a slow swirl of forms that press outward from the composition's depths, a loop of light against bottomless darkness described by Saul's open arms and the horse's curved back, blocked by the "fence" of legs across the center of the picture, where human and equine limbs interlace with thundering intensity. A Transfiguring Moment
  • With real relief, he followed the noise to a thundering waterfall whose mist painted a soggy rainbow above the lagoon.
  • The waves threw off the snow, thundering up the beach in clouds of spray. MIDNIGHT IS A LONELY PLACE
  • On the far side was an impressive waterfall, thundering down some sixty feet into the lake from a huge cave in a mountain rising up sheer from the water's edge.
  • Thundering Glory seemed to know what was wrong, because he nickered and nipped at the bottom of my shirt.
  • Brase took his job to mean rearranging many traditional Irish jigs and reels to sound like thundering Prussian martial pieces.
  • She heard the sound of the guns thundering in the fog.
  • Visitors can make a wish for the New Year and let it aflutter on the Bell Charms, beam their dedication on the giant screen and end the year with a fireworks display launched to a thundering rock symphony.
  • Perhaps I am a farmer myself -- an innocent colonus; and instead of being able to get to church with my family, have to see squadrons of French dragoons thundering upon my barley, and squares of English infantry forming and trampling all over my oats. Roundabout Papers
  • Thankfully, the thundering of the powerful droplets against the canvas roofing of the tent drowned out the warbling of five staff I'd never seen before miming to some song or other.
  • His thundering spell of mesmeric hostility first snuffed out the candle flame of Australian hope and then plunged them into the darkness of defeat. Times, Sunday Times
  • Now the juggernauts and caravans are thundering up again from the south coast on their extra lanes.
  • The word patriot is too precious to allow it to be used by the thundering rhetoric of politicians that patriotism requires not only supporting the troops but also supporting the foreign policy that puts them at risk. Boing Boing: July 4, 2004 - July 10, 2004 Archives
  • That is not an idle boast, for the network is alive night and day with the thundering rattle of powerful locomotives and the incessant clanking of machinery in repair depots and marshalling yards.
  • The first film opens conventionally enough with thundering horses' hooves. Times, Sunday Times
  • Of crumbling, fore-foundering, thundering all-surfy seas in; seen5 'What being in rank-old nature should earlier have that breath been'
  • Her temples were throbbing; she could hear her heartbeats thundering against her eardrums.
  • It was thundering in the distance.
  • They seemed completely oblivious of the thousands of cars, buses and lorries thundering past.
  • The prince was still thundering out curses against the conspirators, and Anastase attempted to say a word unobserved as Sant' Ilario

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