
How To Use Thumbnail In A Sentence

  • You can browse and view images individually or in thumbnail mode.
  • The editor scans in video clips as thumbnails and displays the thumbnails in the clip window of the display.
  • The images are available in thumbnail or high-resolution versions with significant metadata. Archive 2008-04-01
  • Over one eye he has a scar, a white slice the length of a thumbnail, the one part of his face that never turns nut-brown. 23rd and Surf
  • He was only too happy to provide what I asked for: thumbnail biographies of the three who were coming to see us today. MURDER IN E MINOR
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  • I really like the one with door and maze shaped as a skull. web thumbnail is my favorite giantyoda Cool Stuff: The Shining - Posters and Tribute Artwork | /Film
  • Worse, the color of the bar below a thumbnail is meaningless -- it is pulled from one of the colors used for the Web site's favicon and, otherwise, does not appear to convey any important technical information. 6 things we like about Internet Explorer 9 beta (and six not so much)
  • The basis of this weekly Robin installment is Baldeon's full-page image (click on thumbnail to the right) of the current Robin (Tim Drake) and the original Robin, now Nightwing (Dick Grayson), about to confront each other over ... well, some pool of immortality thing -- I wasn't really following. Archive 2008-04-01
  • A spider the size of her thumbnail dropped past her in the gloom, its legs brushing her cheek.
  • In the centre we find a brown seed the size of your thumbnail, elongated and glabrous as river stone.
  • You can begin at the beginning or click on one of the thumbnails below.
  • Everything was happening too fast...' Her thumbnail was at her mouth in an instinctive gesture. A WORM OF DOUBT
  • Normally male crickets call females by rubbing specialized protruding wing parts together, creating an effect similar to running a thumbnail down the teeth of a comb.
  • This topazolite thumbnail is from one of the few good locales for this variety of andradite - San Benito County, California.
  • He chewed his lip and tapped another gasper on his thumbnail, looking keen. Watershed
  • Once a suitable thumbnail sketch was chosen, I had my students enlarge their drawings by gridding the thumbnails into four quadrants.
  • Can you give me a quick thumbnail sketch of the kinds of-or the most common kinds of complaints you receive?
  • A successful search displays a page of thumbnail images, which represent a product line.
  • Klare provides thumbnail summaries of numerous conflicts great and small, from the South China Sea to the headwaters of the Nile.
  • A women's thumbnail slider component free flash or bust is one of the most excess a. Perfume board coplanarity in smt standards component is realistically inefficient to retrieve in most countries, firmly most of the time, payrolls exclusion 100 estimate vodka for the lever component in the perfume. Wii-volution
  • After searching using any of the five methods, the result will be displayed in thumbnail format. Archive 2008-03-01
  • This will display the file size, for images, the dimensions, and for folders, the number of items inside below each in thumbnail view. Tweak Your Way To A Better Finder | Lifehacker Australia
  • We've been vocal critics of these companies, and so they all block us, using rubrics like "nudity" or "circumvention" -- because if you have one nude thumbnail or one page about circumvention, then all the tens of thousands of pages on your site will be blocked. Boing Boing
  • The body might be the length approximately, or slightly more than the length of an adult thumbnail, the legs obviously make the spider a little bit bigger than that.
  • She started to bite at one of her thumbnails; a nervous habit.
  • Two months ago, a woman's long thumbnail slashed my cornea; the pain worsened overnight and I had to go to the hospital the next morning. June 2007
  • He's bred miniatures as small as your thumbnail, and crossbred them to give large, ranging plants shape.
  • Then we noticed that the clump of algae was actually a wondrous crab, no bigger than a thumbnail, whose body shape had evolved to mimic the green wafers of algae.
  • Most of the book is taken up with thumbnails of the films and their stars.
  • The point of entry can be marked with an impression from a thumbnail, a needle cap, or an indelible ink pen.
  • Using samples from his illustrious career, he takes the reader through his thought process and explains principles both basic (setting up an efficient studio, thumbnail sketches) and advanced (shapewelding, counterchange, flagging the head). Imaginative Realism Reviews
  • Cory Doctorow at 10:52 PM Thursday, Feb 17, 2011 Music of Minecraft: Deadmau5 test tracks on Soundcloud - Boing Boing pentomino yes, the video thumbnail is accurate. Boing Boing
  • I find it easier to script if I draw everything out in thumbnail form first; the graphics hold together the flow of the story. Send Us Your Shelf Porn! | Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources – Covering Comic Book News and Entertainment
  • She sat there in the passenger seat biting her bottom lip and picking at her thumbnails.
  • But rather than rendering coherent thumbnails of their lives and achievements, Baldwin adds footage to question and undermine these innovators.
  • That could be a thumbnail description of our technoculture seen through the kaleidoscope of Irish blogging.
  • Should a critic drop her defences in the face of soft journalism, thumbnail description and popular explanation?
  • Click the thumbnails to see the full-sized versions. More Zombie – Brian Keene
  • I used my thumbnail to tighten the screw on my lamp.
  • Then, over the course of the next hour, we are presented with a thumbnail sketch of the boxer's relationship with Malcolm X (Mario Van Peebles).
  • PalmOne has added a new thumbnail view of a page, allowing you to quickly zero in on the part of the page you want to read.
  • What goes into a thumbnail sketch of Iraq today?
  • With your right thumbnail and your index, you slit a tiny opening in the skin of the fava bean where the depression is.
  • Click on the thumbnails to view a larger version of each image.
  • The talk began with a thumbnail sketch of the political situation at that time.
  • Bink stooped low and swung the flat of his sword sidewise, sweeping dozens of thumbnail-sized cats into the lake. The Source of Magic
  • The lieutenant drew his thumbnail back and forth on the letter in front of him and left a deep indention on the edge. The Convict and Other Stories
  • A small chipmunk was first to approach Joshua; he was no longer than Joshua's index finger, and no wider than his thumbnail.
  • Free twin porn movies fre illegal pics of young girls free porn movies bbw nude bikini twins, asian sex photos free download pornos in at french teen nudist thumbnails xxx male porn dvds. VA-SEN: Right Wing Blog To Allen And RNC: "Let's Not Re-Do Florida in 2000"
  • Everything was happening too fast...' Her thumbnail was at her mouth in an instinctive gesture. A WORM OF DOUBT
  • In addition, the software can also print ‘contact sheets’ with thumbnails for all of the images associated with a given case.
  • Her hands were wide and extremely strong looking; one thumbnail was rimmed in aquamarine blue, and the other wrist had a faint smudge of yellow. MORE FROM GINNY BATES -- MYRA GETS READY
  • When viewing images, tab icons now display thumbnails of the displayed image.
  • The thumbnail-size butterfly lays eggs on just two kinds of plants: locoweed and deerweed. - latest science and technology news stories
  • (Click on thumbnail for enlargement) The blog "My Surmise" has a scan of a flexible keyboard user's manual written in mangled English. Boing Boing: December 3, 2006 - December 9, 2006 Archives
  • Once a suitable thumbnail sketch was chosen, I had my students enlarge their drawings by gridding the thumbnails into four quadrants.
  • Picasa organises your photo collection in chronological order and then, from a single screen, provides easily browsable thumbnails of all your albums.
  • Even better, you can see who else favourited the same pictures, and then look at thumbnails of all their favourites.
  • Note that you have to click on the thumbnails to see what he has done, as the thumbnails do not reflect the work at all.
  • I wonder why the BBC has chosen the word Teutonic here (click thumbnail): Teutonic
  • Free extras include a weekly email newsletter and thumbnails to add to your own site or blog.
  • Here is a thumbnail sketch of the history of NHL expansion.
  • There must have been at least half a dozen pepper morays, and we spotted a tiny juvenile boxfish hiding under the starboard side and looking like nothing so much as a bright yellow dice, less than the size of a thumbnail.
  • A small piece of shrapnel about the size of your thumbnail hit her in the back of her head.
  • Chips are getting smaller and smarter - 25 million transistors, 500 times tinier than the thickness of a strand of hair, sitting on a piece of silicon the width of a thumbnail.
  • The thumbnail grows the slowest and the middle finger grows the fastest.
  • If I don't get a thumbnail representation over to him soon, he'll remove my blog from the listings.
  • I use a small "super" magnet (about the size of a thumbnail) as a tool to catch swarf when i am drilling steel/iron etc ... madjack1987 Top 10 Magnet Hacks | Lifehacker Australia
  • The clump of algae was actually a wondrous crab, no bigger than a thumbnail, whose body shape had evolved to mimic the green wafers of algae.
  • These cheesy ‘recommendations’ sections with the thumbnail pictures of DVD cases are just plain annoying.
  • I could then click on each thumbnail to see the pictures individually or start a slideshow to use the SL-C700 as a digital picture viewer.
  • In Japan, fossilised sharks 'teeth were said to be the pointed thumbnails of Tengu Man, a mythical mountain goblin. Archive 2007-02-01
  • It's more of a thumbnail character study of a guy who has apparently taken the wrong fork on every road he's traveled.
  • Jason closes his notebook, fingering the spirals with his thumbnail.
  • A US court ruled in 2002 that websites may display thumbnail size images without breaking the law.
  • Carefully dislodge the pests with your thumbnail or a knife, or wash mealybugs from foliage using tepid water about once a week.
  • I want a camera implanted in my index finger, with the preview pane in my thumbnail.
  • Here are thumbnail sketches of some available tours.
  • However, it is not entirely clear at step 4 that a check mark is most appropriately placed next to the terms text and thumbnails.
  • The first chapter provides a thumbnail sketch of the social and political climate of the US in the 1960s.
  • To provide fast retrieval of saved images via an index display, the format also adopts thumbnail cache file system.
  • I use a small "super" magnet about the size of a thumbnail as a tool to catch swarf when i am drilling steel / iron etc... Top 10 Magnet Hacks | Lifehacker Australia
  • I hadn't cut the holes, they had just kind of ripped themselves because my long thumbnails would dig into the when I was bored.
  • He picked absently at his jagged canine with a long thumbnail, watching his guard with feigned interest.
  • ‘Mm hmm,’ she nodded, chewing on her thumbnail.
  • A thumbnail sketch of the Bank's history, drawn from the essays in Gene Traders, illustrates the process.
  • We've only read thumbnail sketches of lives lost on September 11: their achievements, occupations, and family backgrounds.
  • Click on the thumbnails to view a larger version of each image.
  • With our prepared boards and favorite thumbnail sketches handy, we were ready to begin.
  • He curled his lip back and picked at his teeth with his thumbnail. A RODENT OF DOUBT
  • This gives you instant thumbnails, web pages for each thumbnail, and you can look through the slides one by one.
  • Like many events sketched repeatedly in thumbnail fashion, the witch trials have become a caricature, a short-hand reference for fanaticism and the darker passages of America's colonial history. The Heretic's Daughter: Summary and book reviews of The Heretic's Daughter by Kathleen Kent.
  • In addition to the treat of viewing many of my cheap cell phone camera pictures en masse, the gallery is also an easy way to find archived posts -- click on a thumbnail, and if it is part of an old post, the link will take you there. Archive 2005-03-01
  • The new update optimises thumbnails — instead of irregular rectangles each thumbnail is a centre-cropped square for maximum thumbnails per page — enlarges images on a distraction free black background with auto-fading buttons, and supports a finger-friendlier interface that emphasises touch and swipe versus the tap-based interface of the old Google Images Search. Google Image Search Updates For Easier Phone-Based Browsing | Lifehacker Australia
  • For example, he gives as a thumbnail of Stoic philosophy that one should not value anything that anyone else has the power to take away from you.
  • Thumbnail at left (Alexandre Meneghini, AP) (link to full-size): A follower of Miranda holds a baby with "SSS" painted on her head. Boing Boing
  • I cured a ringworm and lanced a whitlow under a thumbnail. River God
  • Harris's descriptive powers and his characteristic knack for instant thumbnail sketches are given full rein in Pompeii.
  • For each item in the favourites list, a thumbnail of that Web page is inserted, along with the Web page name.
  • Each student then chose one of these thumbnail sketches to enlarge to a predetermined size and drew freehand on a piece of black construction paper.
  • The core of each chapter is a series of thumbnail sketches of each aspect of policy and a brief description of the relevant records.
  • I used my thumbnail to tighten the screw on my lamp.
  • Some of the images and video on thus web site have been created by the author, others come from friends, public domain files, are used with permission, embedded from the original web site, or are legally displayable thumbnails. Discuss
  • Google gives you a thumbnail image of some Web pages, but it is too small to be of much use.
  • The second thumbnail from the bottom right is the CTA Bus Tracker that allows me to track mass transit in Chicago, specificly, my bus, just by hitting the refresh button. The Full-Screen Firefox Cloud Desktop | Lifehacker Australia
  • The priest - a wiry man with bulging, tattoo-covered biceps - dabbed cocoa butter onto Alonso's thumbnails, the crown of his head, his inner arm.
  • He also changed the left-click behaviour to switch to the last window you were using of a particular application instead of popping up the preview list — clicking more than once will cycle through the list of open windows, and hovering over the button will still show the thumbnail previews. Taskbar Overlord Tweaks The Windows 7 Taskbar | Lifehacker Australia
  • Most notably, Mirra will also soon provide thumbnail images next to picture files stored on its server.
  • This feature allows choosing a thumbnail screenshot of the page itself, if you don't like any of the images shown.
  • Yet the same problem always arises - how to categorise or classify visual images automatically without using external metadata or image thumbnails?
  • The collection runs from about 1936 to 1963, thus offering a good thumbnail sketch of the waxing and waning of her popularity.
  • One exciting find was a thumbnail with a patch of greenockite and flecks of native copper; later, under higher magnification, some of the copper was found to be crystallized.
  • The point of entry can be marked with an impression from a thumbnail, a needle cap, or an indelible ink pen.
  • He curled his lip back and picked at his teeth with his thumbnail. A RODENT OF DOUBT
  • That's because the foveal part of your eye, which is the high-resolution part, is only about the size of your thumbnail held at arms length. Dan Dennett on our consciousness
  • On top of it; in vista you have thumbnail previews; in win7 you have aero-peek embedded into it. Win 7 Vs Mac OS X Leopard: Feature-by-Feature Showdown | Lifehacker Australia
  • Click on the thumbnails to view a larger version of each image.
  • Divide your movie up into chapters with sensible names and thumbnail screenshots of the action.
  • One handy feature is the quick picture indices, where a set of images is placed as thumbnails on a single page for printing.
  • Based on that thumbnail description, it sounds more like a classic ‘lone assassin’ than an Islamist plot.
  • Among the photo optimizations, the software giant has increased the display size of the thumbnails, made it possible for users to order photo prints from the service, offered people tags and what it referred to as a gorgeous online slide show. Softpedia News - Global
  • He scratched at the side of his thumbnail, which, like the rest of his fingers, looked chewed or bitten.
  • The point of entry can be marked with an impression from a thumbnail, a needle cap, or an indelible ink pen.
  • SYDNEY (AP) -- A thumbnail-sized frog with a long snout, a brilliant green katydid with bright pink eyes and a mouse with a white-tipped tail are among 200 species scientists have discovered in Papua New Guinea. New Species Discovered: Conservation International Researchers Find Hundreds Of Undocumented Creatures In Papua New Guinea (PHOTOS)
  • Place thumbnail-size pieces on a baking tray and cook in a hot oven until golden brown.
  • There were thumbnail sketches of each of the islands, accompanied in several cases by a photograph. SACRAMENT
  • The testing format, called CytoView, displays thumbnails of 10 virtual slides for selection and loading in a display window.
  • Thumbnail sketches often characterize Spivak's work as a multivalent and polyvocal body of texts which lock together Marxism, feminism, and deconstruction in a rigorous reassessment of cultural systems.
  • I shall give a thumbnail account of the history of science policy in Canada.
  • Thumbnails are miniature versions of a picture that are hyperlinked to its actual size version.
  • Working from the text and his imagination, the self-taught and self-destructive Williams contributed 159 drawings, from cartoonish thumbnails to the introductory full-page rendering of Tom that presented him in an almost pre-Raphaelite aura: wreathed in curls, with full lips and unfocused upcast eyes. Mark Twain
  • Full grown, the animal might be as big as your thumbnail, but it's probably got a set of tentacles that are three quarters of a metre long.
  • I used my thumbnail to tighten the screw on my lamp.
  • Fixes a bug where the thumbnail sidebar could appear in the wrong location . - Many more enhancements.
  • For each item in the favourites list, a thumbnail of that Web page is inserted, along with the Web page name.
  • Most readers, and precisely because they subvocalize in the production of a text, are likely to be taken momentarily aback by this thumbnail sketch of Phonemanography: Romantic to Victorian
  • There were thumbnail sketches of each of the islands, accompanied in several cases by a photograph. SACRAMENT
  • Quick tip on the Visual tab bar: if you double-click the separator, it toggles between Thumbnail previews, text-only, and text with icons. kftgr kftgr Opera 10 Beta Adds “Turbo Mode”, Visual Tabs | Lifehacker Australia
  • Thumbnails the first ideas or sketches of a designer noted down for future reference.
  • Had napped beneath trees that, from this height, looked only as large as thumbnails. Starcraft II: Devils’ Due
  • When Google experimented with thumbnail pictures of actual Web pages next to results, it saw the effect that graphical images had on download times.
  • Schroth paints a thumbnail sketch of each author, gives a brief summary of the work in question, and then wraps it up with some thoughts of his own.
  • Would it be possible for you to give a thumbnail sketch of the course of cases after the workers compensation amendment?
  • Even better, you can see who else favourited the same pictures, and then look at thumbnails of all their favourites.
  • This allows me to see the best photos first, in thumbnail view so I can review them quickly. Ask Leo: Live Q&A For Bloggers and Writers | Write to Done
  • At present the pagination is a numeric pagination but for the sake of navigation I would like to add thumbnail buttons ASP.NET Forums

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