How To Use Throwback In A Sentence
I am never quite clear on whether all this is sartorial or sardonicDads way of announcing that he used to be a punker but is now a middle-school English teacher, or if becoming a teacher has actually turned my dad into this genuine throwback.
Excerpt: If I Stay by Gayle Forman
Potty mouth aside, Nash can craft a solid tune when she hits her marks, whether they be straight up pop, a girl group throwback or a riot grrrl anthem.
Hot tickets: Kate Nash, Ariel Pink, Gabriel Iglesias
A throwback to the Polynesian craze that swept North America in the '50s and '60s, the restaurant is full of Eastern Island statuettes, wooden tikis and a Hawaiian ukulele soundtrack.
The charming old buildings and cottages are a throwback to the colonial past.
Aidan was a genetic throwback, apparently, with pale skin and pale hair that was similar to that belonging to several of the family's relations.

The foreign ministry issued a statement calling the arrests "ungrounded" and a throwback to the Cold War.
FBI arrests 10 accused of working as Russian spies
The shift of power, ironically, is a throwback to the traditional House power structure.
The smart deco bar is a beautiful throwback, a jewel box where servers in smart white waistcoats present bowls of olives, nuts and snacks.
Those lamps look like throwbacks to some older, lost city, the London of Sherlock Holmes and Watson, peasouper fogs and tugs on the Thames.
The murder seemed a throwback to the Cold War.
Times, Sunday Times
OH BOY -- Today in pundit fever dreams: Jeremy Lott writes at Daily Caller that Gray is a "free-spending throwback to uglier times" who "rode a wave of black resentment against [Adrian Fenty] 's supposed kowtowing to white interests" and "would move to gut Fenty's education reforms as a sop to the DC teachers 'union.
DeMorning DeBonis: Oct. 4, 2010
A throwback middle linebacker, Erickson's nose for the ball and love of contact make him the kind of brawler who would thrive in football's leather helmet era.
What can I wear them with to stop me from feeling like a 1980s throwback?
Times, Sunday Times
But with agricultural advances, shepherds are becoming an anachronism - a throwback to a time long before the advent of the Honda quad bike.
It's a quote that sounds like a throwback to preintegration days.
Much of it sounds like a throwback to the heady days of the Sixties but also infused with cool, contemporary flourishes.
The Sun
Throwbacks to a swell fashion trend of yesteryear, they spice up any pair of shoes, from ballet flats to mules or slinky stilettos.
He's an unappealing throwback to the days of '80s City slickers.
Another section of throwback computer game slapstick violence was almost nostalgically rib-tickling.
Times, Sunday Times
In time the peoples of Europe will again prefer throwback59
The term ‘Molotov cocktail’ is notably absent from this Lars Vilks report. | RedState
I think really, he felt he was a throwback to some earlier Doe, a crusty waterman out of a Devon gunkhole.
In a throwback to the days of Confucius, Jiang essentially wants party members to discover the joys of clean living.
Much of it sounds like a throwback to the heady days of the Sixties but also infused with cool, contemporary flourishes.
The Sun
In the action field, he's not a fighter, like the martial arts brigade, but a throwback to the era of suave gentleman spies.
He is a bit of a throwback, a player of real style and precocious élan.
Times, Sunday Times
The car's design is a throwback to the 1960s.
There's all that, and then there's the rest ofÂthe slideshow that is only too happy to stereotype and write off the protesters by making them look, through most of the edit, less like angry, determined and decidedly non-violent citizens than eccentric hippy meditating drumbeating sixties throwbacks.
Michael Shaw: Reading the Pictures: Wisconsin Update: Trashing "the Hippies"
They are a real interesting throwback to the 1970s.
Times, Sunday Times
Alexis Krauss of the former, decked in a tight, red throwback jersey spasmed and gyrated across the stage as guitarist Derek Miller stood behind in solidarity.
Alexander Adler: 362 Days Till
So why must all men look like atavistic throwbacks?
It's a real throwback and these players are hard to replace.
The Sun
Ben is a genetic throwback to Neanderthal man, shunned by family and society for his stupidity and ugliness.
Three-foot tall individuals do not mean an evolutionary throwback.
It's a real throwback and these players are hard to replace.
The Sun
There's all that, and then there's the rest ofthe slideshow that is only too happy to stereotype and write off the protesters by making them look, through most of the edit, less like angry, determined and decidedly non-violent citizens than eccentric hippy meditating drumbeating sixties throwbacks.
Michael Shaw: Reading the Pictures: Wisconsin Update: Trashing "the Hippies"
In her navy blazer and high-necked blouse, she seems a throwback to the early eighties.
A knifemaker used a process called knapping, a throwback method of shaping stones into useful tools, to form it.
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It's true there seems to be more pre-punk throwback groups and romantically connected combos gigging nowadays than there were CBGB crowd members in '76.
These atavistic hind legs are nothing less than throwbacks to a totally pre-whale stage of their existence, some fifty million years ago.
His sentiments were a throwback to the old colonial days.
He is a master of numerous holds and throws and is a throwback to a time when stories were told in the ring and not on the microphone.
They may not take offense at the men's do-rags and throwback baseball caps cocked to the side, but some of the women's tight jeans and skirts would certainly provoke ire.
He came to view born criminals less as evolutionary throwbacks and more in terms of arrested development and degeneracy.
The murder seemed a throwback to the Cold War.
Times, Sunday Times
That way, they would have found out what kind of antediluvian throwback they hve admitted to the EU.
It appears to be a throwback to prehistoric times that it has somehow managed to survive.
For me he is a real throwback.
The Sun
He comes across as a real enthusiast, almost a sports-casting throwback, rather than one of those slick and smarmy identikit broadcasters who seem to dominate modern television and radio.
JD Hayworth may give McCain a run for his money and JD is as throwback as they come.
Think Progress » Hawaii considers legislation to ignore birthers.
Most large old estates have a surplus of properties - a throwback to the days when the laird would have an army of servants.
The murder seemed a throwback to the Cold War.
Times, Sunday Times
But this is supposed to be the big, golden-era throwback drama to remind us that TV can be about more than singing competitions featuring twerps in daft haircuts and distressed jeans.
Sandra, he says, could easily be a product of what is known as polygenic inheritance - or, more colloquially, she is a throwback.
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Her lifestyle doesn't come into her career, and it is a bit of a throwback to a bygone age to suppose it should.
Times, Sunday Times
And in a throwback to earlier times former rowing club captain Mike will help out by teaching youngsters about the art of oarsmanship.
Ben is a genetic throwback to Neanderthal man, shunned by family and society for his stupidity and ugliness.
JEFF GREENFIELD, CNN SENIOR POLITICAL ANALYST: The only way it could matter is that it -- it is -- it's kind of a throwback to the kind of speeches that were routine at conventions decades ago, when you were -- when the keynoter, which is what Zell Miller was, was supposed to come out and basically beat the other party upside the head.
CNN Transcript Sep 1, 2004
Perhaps this is a throwback to my kitchen days when the restaurant's French chef would share an after-work bottle of red with his hard-labouring team.
The council has put an emergency radiation leak plan on its website which reads like a throwback to the Cold War.
There are some apparent throwbacks to an earlier, less tolerant era, such as the return of the limp-wristed queen to some alternative comedy shows.
At first sound, the Beatles seemed a throwback to the rockabilly 50s.
The silver-haired Virginian with courtly manners is a throwback to a forgotten era of congressional comity.
We must clean house and send every one of these evolutionary throwbacks to the pond from which they slithered.
The feeling you get playing this is such a buzz for anyone who enjoyed the originals - a real throwback to childhood.
The Sun
As already mentioned, one of the possible throwbacks to the past is our love of swimming.
Included in his thesis was the contention that notions of family and community - based around altruistic ties - were throwbacks to more primitive forms of society.
In the age of the batsman, these are throwback numbers, the sort of figures one would expect from the days of uncovered pitches.
Times, Sunday Times
The exhibition is an intriguing throwback to another era: a world of louche nightclubs, obliging hostesses and champagne all round.
Times, Sunday Times
The mere existence of such a throwback in the modern world suggests an inviolate timelessness.
In the early seventies, aviation throwbacks would haul their rudimentary hang gliders up some remote hillock and leap off.
Alexis Krauss of the former, decked in a tight, red throwback jersey spasmed and gyrated across the stage as guitarist Derek Miller stood behind in solidarity.
Alexander Adler: 362 Days Till
It was a cinematographic oxymoron: a futuristic scene set in throwback black and white, a choice that only highlighted Michael's evolving skin-color.
Devra Maza: Michael Jackson's Other Big Move: The Crotch-Grab
His throwback wool caps, melton coats and calf-length breeches channel that gentlemanly vibe.
The Gentleman Adventurer
They're a throwback to the cathedral towns of the Middle Ages - part resort, part market place, part town square and part extended family.
The feeling you get playing this is such a buzz for anyone who enjoyed the originals - a real throwback to childhood.
The Sun
Mom, played by Carol Kane, is a Doris Day throwback who sings show tunes and makes Jell-O desserts.
And no matter how many duff albums they throw at us - three and a half, so far - we'll still genuflect before them, these kings of throwback rock.
If he sometimes seemed like a throwback to a previous era, his record in encouraging new writers and taking a chance with neglected classics spoke for itself.
Times, Sunday Times
What can I wear them with to stop me from feeling like a 1980s throwback?
Times, Sunday Times
Some saw it as a throwback to uncool sitcoms of the past, others loved its broad humour and slapstick laughs.
Times, Sunday Times
The fanboy throwback-ism that shines through on so many of Chromeo's tracks is perhaps their greatest asset, but in this "100\%" remix done by Treasure Fingers of Fool's Gold (the label headed up by A-Trak, brother of
Made by hand of organic cotton, the nightie is a throwback to a bygone era and is pretty enough to be worn as a dress.
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As already mentioned, one of the possible throwbacks to the past is our love of swimming.
Hendricks runs around through the movie clad in these throwback sneakers, a totally mystifying move by the wardrobe department.
This year has seen a number of films that feel like throwbacks to the 70s, and I like that.
He was a throwback to the type of player Scotland used to produce and it was a pleasure to watch him play.
This retiring neighbourhood feels like a throwback to an older Korea, full of exquisite cafes, wooden framed teahouses, and little restaurants - serving suckling pig with kimchi pickle, or the wildly more-ish native staple called bibimbap.
In an age of automatons, he is a throwback to an era of good-time boys and daredevil racers.
She is a 'throwback', or, to be precise, 'of polygenic inheritance'.
Times, Sunday Times
For me he is a real throwback.
The Sun
They are a real interesting throwback to the 1970s.
Times, Sunday Times
So why must all men look like atavistic throwbacks?
For an opposition in the Lords it is almost a throwback to the days when the hereditary peerage constituted a majority of the members of the House.
Times, Sunday Times
Most of these people aren’t Americans and those who are brain addled druggies and 60’s throwbacks.
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Throwbacks to a pre-electric age, the lamps don't actually illuminate very much aside from nearby garbage cans and planters.
Burning Affection for Park Slope's Gas Lamps
Google's design has been mimicked on the search pages of MSN and Yahoo, whose portals are messy throwbacks to the ‘everything but the kitchen sink’ school of Web design.
Likewise, the Tarzan-like sequences of Lila and the apeman, dubbed "Puff," swinging through the trees in pursuit of one another against a patently artificial rear projection backdrop whose retro obviousness is a throwback to classic Hollywood aesthetics.
Archive 2008-12-01
Some say a new Florida law is a throwback to the Wild West.
The larvae are dotted with widely scattered short sharp spines, a possible throwback to the distant relationship molas have with the spiny porcupine puffer.
He told Scotland on Sunday: ‘I think the Tories know they can portray him as a throwback to Old Labour.’
Thomas Martin, head of mammalogy at the Senckenberg Research Institute in Frankfurt, Germany, agrees that Akidolestes may represent some kind of evolutionary throwback.
So is this new trend a throwback to the 1980s and the heady fragrances which reeked of sex and were banned from select restaurants because they put people off their meals?
Warner is a throwback to the quarterbacks of old.
For me he is a real throwback.
The Sun
It's a real throwback and these players are hard to replace.
The Sun
Apr 3rd, 2009 - Pyoro was a "gimmie" unlockable in the original Wario Ware Game Boy Advance game, an awesome throwback to the simpler days of arcade gaming. - HOME PAGE
A throwback to the days of dancefloor jazz, boogaloo and earthy funk, the band's members cut their teeth in the company of prime movers of the genre.
This response, I now think, was a throwback to an earlier age of the hunter - gatherer.
The mainstream record industry's position is a throwback to when cultural product was replicated via physical means, which spawned material artifacts of limited supply and calculable monetary value.
He was one of the sport's most refreshing figures, a fellow who honored the game with his throwback attire, knickers and a tam-o'-shanter, a kiss to his Scottish heritage.
The hall is a throwback to another era with its old prints and stained-glass.
Like the railway itself, this peaceful film is a throwback to a bygone age.
Times, Sunday Times
They are a real interesting throwback to the 1970s.
Times, Sunday Times
Among his other smart moves, creator Jeff Eastin (whose last TV series was the far less successful throwback Hawaii) spares us any 48 Hours-type sparring between Neal and the FBI agent who caught him and is now stuck with him: Peter Burke (played with equal if scruffier appeal by Tim DeKay).
USA's 'White Collar': You'll want to catch this thief
The silver-haired Virginian with courtly manners is a throwback to a forgotten era of congressional comity.
The ‘punk revolution’ was in fact a conservative, throwback counter-revolution - an intentional try to drive the music back, not just to its roots, but to its primitive roots.
Right off the bat I should say that just because this record has all kinds of '80s throwbacks on it doesn't immediately qualify it as a throwback album.
Throwbacks to a swell fashion trend of yesteryear, they spice up any pair of shoes, from ballet flats to mules or slinky stilettos.
They were total early-eighties throwback fake-hightop-sneaker skates but they could be laced tightly and their wobble was completely manageable.
July 2006
If he sometimes seemed like a throwback to a previous era, his record in encouraging new writers and taking a chance with neglected classics spoke for itself.
Times, Sunday Times
But what lurks beneath the surface, beneath the nerdy glasses and throwback hairstyles of this unlikely pair of modern American film icons?
The white, colonnaded mansion, built for British rulers of the Punjab whose pasty portraits hang inside, feels like a refuge and a throwback.
The Troubled Heart of Pakistan
The two aunts, originally meant to be stodgy and throwbacks to the Victorian age, come across immediately as warm, lovable eccentrics.
One of the stocks that tanked was a throwback to ARD called CMGI Inc. – a public company that "incubated" infant dot-coms.
Money to Make Things New
What if, instead, the attraction is an atavistic throwback to the prehistoric human fascination with telling takes?
Recalling the filmstrips from grade school that ‘beeped’ every time the frame needed advancing, this is a witty bit of retro throwback that's clever and cutting at the same time.
My prejudiced systematics lumps them with dodos, on the far side of things: they are primitives, throwbacks, dead ends, clumsies, shufflers and waddlers, kickers and swimmers, not flyers.
A Year on the Wing
The ‘punk revolution’ was in fact a conservative, throwback counter-revolution - an intentional try to drive the music back, not just to its roots, but to its primitive roots.
The display feels like a throwback to the 1980s.
Times, Sunday Times
Cruise calls 8 Minutes in the Morning ‘an all-new fitness program,’ but it seems like a throwback to the past since it is solidly built on a resurrection of isometrics.
His throwback wool caps, melton coats and calf-length breeches channel that gentlemanly vibe.
The Gentleman Adventurer
The display feels like a throwback to the 1980s.
Times, Sunday Times
Which is the kind of spendy, marketing-centric inauthenticity that tends turn off the very hipster tastemaker the throwback styling and meta-humor about beer marketing would indicate they’re trying to court. Tastes Stale, Flat
He is a master of numerous holds and throws and is a throwback to a time when stories were told in the ring and not on the microphone.
Her whole outfit was a throwback to the 1970s.
That an 18 year old athlete should have a double chin just a couple of months after a foot injury is a throwback to the 1980's when excess was acceptable.
He gazed at an ineffable, agonizing radiance which only he could perceive, banishing whatever throwback emotions the brew had triggered.
The Warp RCRD LBL blog have started a weekly installment called Time Warp, where they release loads of classic throwback jams from their catalo ...
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They are gangs of obnoxious caveman throwbacks whose behaviour would put our Neolithic ancestors to shame, throwing empty cans of lager or, in some cases, vomiting.
He charges, finally, that my endorsement of the strategy is a ‘throwback’ to World War II-style carpet-bombing.
You might remember that the Throwback sodas (with cane and beet sugar replacing corn syrup as sweetener) were introduced in a frustratingly short run last Spring.
Retro Refreshing :
We are a throwback to the 18th century, when everyone was really nelly and no self-respecting dude went into battle without a perfumed mouchoir.
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Like the railway itself, this peaceful film is a throwback to a bygone age.
Times, Sunday Times
If he sometimes seemed like a throwback to a previous era, his record in encouraging new writers and taking a chance with neglected classics spoke for itself.
Times, Sunday Times
What if the attraction is an atavistic throwback to the prehistoric human fascination with telling tales?
It's at the edge of schlock and kitsch, but it's a nice throwback to the times when people would practice their letters and made sure their handwriting was neat, legible, and beautiful.
Last year the poet hit the headlines when he turned down the opportunity to be made an OBE, saying the award was a throwback to the days of the defunct British Empire.
Her lifestyle doesn't come into her career, and it is a bit of a throwback to a bygone age to suppose it should.
Times, Sunday Times
I sometimes stood shoulder to shoulder with meaningful people I have referred to in my lifetime as "colored," then "negro," then "black," now "African-American" -- connotative acknowledgment in those words of the evolving social changes in our country, despite the occasional throwbacks.
Lea Lane: On MLK's Birthday: Racism Now, Remembering Racism Then
What can I wear them with to stop me from feeling like a 1980s throwback?
Times, Sunday Times
Compared to the other semi-finalists here, the Italians were criticised for representing a throwback to a bygone, defensive mentality.
Come next year these unexceptional throwbacks might have mutated into cunning reinventors.
In a throwback to the days of Confucius, Jiang essentially wants party members to discover the joys of clean living.
The new album is an evolution, not a throwback, but it does contain references to every stage of U2's career.
The diminutive 500 or, cinquecento, as it's called in Italy, is an updated throwback to the car that put that country on wheels after the Second World War.
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The feeling you get playing this is such a buzz for anyone who enjoyed the originals - a real throwback to childhood.
The Sun
Amazingly enough, the tone of the article is a throwback to the hyperbolic language of the boom.
It appears to be a throwback to prehistoric times that it has somehow managed to survive.
I think really, he felt he was a throwback to some earlier Doe, a crusty waterman out of a Devon gunkhole.
The display feels like a throwback to the 1980s.
Times, Sunday Times
Something of a throwback to another era himself, he has directed archaeological digs in Carthage and Rome, lectured at Cambridge University and now teaches classics at the University of Sydney.
My bright idea: Civilisation is still worth striving for
Well, admittedly I had to look up "atavistic" and it means a "throwback", or old fashioned.
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In some ways the new applet technology is a throwback to the old pre-PC days.
Unlike the band’s dance-track first single” Straight to my Heart,” this song and video are a throwback to the BSB who had me shrieking and crying in fangirl joy (Wow, was that a month ago already?).
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The Persians who live in Los Angeles describe Meybodi as the Larry King of Iran, but he's more dignified than that, a throwback to an earlier age of TV talk shows.
Rudin is a throwback to an earlier era when apprenticeship loomed larger than academia in professional training.
Barefoot elfin girls dance in primeval delight, the Arch-Druid drinks the wine of welcome out of the Horn of Hirlas, a throwback to the drinking horns of 12 th Century Welsh princes.