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How To Use Thrift In A Sentence

  • It would be perceived by some critics as a tax on prudence and thrift. Times, Sunday Times
  • When I mentioned that I couldn't quite see that it was the lack of thrift, the intemperance, and the depravity of a half-starved child of six that made it work twelve hours every night in a Southern cotton mill, these sisters of Judy O'Grady attacked my private life and called me an "agitator" -- as though that, forsooth, settled the argument. Revolution, and Other Essays
  • How has the UK moved from being a nation that held up thrift as a virtue and considered debt a vice, to owing a trillion pounds on mortgages, credit cards and other loans?
  • I've said that we want to put responsibility at the heart of our society and thrift at the heart of our government. The Sun
  • Government efforts to encourage short-term thrift have had mixed success. Times, Sunday Times
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  • A bowl accompanied by a plate of three perogies, a scoop of mashed potatoes and a gob of the ubiquitous sour cream makes a filling, comforting and extremely thrifty supper.
  • I drove the ecocentric 104bhp BlueMotion, which was thrifty and yet remarkably perky. Car review: VW Golf Cabriolet
  • In one of his early sonnets, Shakespeare wittily turns such "unthrifty" wasting into economic malpractice: Me, Myself, and I
  • Banks, thrifts, and credit unions collected a record $37.8 billion in service charges last year.
  • The décor is East Village thrift-shop moderne.
  • It would be perceived by some critics as a tax on prudence and thrift. Times, Sunday Times
  • Many cliffs are now brightened by the pretty pink flowers of thrift on their trembling stalks. Times, Sunday Times
  • A prize draw aimed at compulsive spendthrifts has been run by a Chilean bank.
  • She is very resourceful and thrifty, but her face is always expressionless, except for an occasional look of fear.
  • But she has no intention of changing her spendthrift ways. The Sun
  • When I admitted to a miser 's thrift, you never asked a thing, but I would spend my life to shoe your feet and love the last moment of it. THE WOLF AND THE DOVE
  • He is also undutiful to me, besides being a spendthrift and squanderer.
  • His top thrifty tips include buying seasonal food in abundance when it is at its cheapest and freshest and freezing any excess. Times, Sunday Times
  • Don't go down in history as a spendthrift, who threw away the country's wealth and squandered the opportunity to truly develop our nation.
  • Such unthrifty Shih Tzu puppies may respond positively to a few milliliters of raw liver juice fed daily for their first few weeks.
  • The ethos reflected the brothers' zeal for thrift and hard work. Times, Sunday Times
  • I like being this girl, at least visually -- for in my thrift store trench coat, short hair and glasses -- Bic pen notwithstanding, I must look far artsier - far cooler - than you and I know I am. Evolver Diary Entry
  • We are not told that they are Scotch, endowed though they undoubtedly are with some of the canny and thrifty characteristics of the dwellers ayont the Tweed. Lippincott's Magazine, Vol. 22, September, 1878
  • I have ordered them not of chintz, but moreen, which is against your taste, and hardly according to my own; but the latter article proved on enquiry to be far the thriftier as well as the most comfortable; and therefore the best adapted for our purpose. New Letters and Memorials of Jane Welsh Carlyle
  • Around this time, Stephen Smith, a lumber merchant from Pennsylvania, was the largest shareholder in a thrift named Columbia Bank.
  • The annual awards recognise the efforts made by school principals, teachers and parents to encourage the habit of regular saving, thrift and money management.
  • This is a president who's the biggest spendthrift that I've seen since I've been paying attention in politics.
  • Wal-Mart insists its financial plans don't depend on owning a bank or a thrift.
  • The Ford Mustang GT, the Ford Mustang coupe and the rally-style Subaru Impreza WRX are just some of the thrifty speedsters that give luxury coupes a run for their money. The Fastest Cars Under $30,000
  • Yesterday, I asked my man-servant to bring forth the telephone-device, so that I could give my idiot spendthrift son a stern dressing-down.
  • But in other areas, she would seem to be thrifty to the point of stinginess.
  • It isn't the first designer thrift store in the UK. The Sun
  • [1894] Padua in Italy they have a stone called the stone of turpitude, near the senate-house, where spendthrifts, and such as disclaim non-payment of debts, do sit with their hinder parts bare, that by that note of disgrace others may be terrified from all such vain expense, or borrowing more than they can tell how to pay. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • Plus, there are always thrift shops. Christianity Today
  • In part, this has been due to thrifty continental consumers taking advantage of the weak pound to seek online bargains from British retailers. Times, Sunday Times
  • Piney-woods people" was the local name for the tackies, the clay eaters, the no-accounts, that had settled about on the poorer lands in that section of Georgia, and given themselves over to thriftlessness for good and all. Stories Of Georgia
  • Yes, these clothes are mass-produced and factory-fresh, but Moss is telling media that she drew her inspiration for the designs “from vintage items picked up in thrift stores.” Thrift-Shop Finds Inspire Kate Moss « Scavenging
  • So even though the Japanese and other Asians have been "good boys, working and saving," the coming slump could hit them even harder than the "spendthrift" Americans. ‘This Makes No Sense’
  • The thrifty Scot is well aware that some nifty wheeling and dealing has left him in a win-win situation.
  • The Scout Law declares a Scout is trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent.
  • By chance, I found the little processing ‘darkroom’ for those slides at a local thrift store.
  • A delightful event, but things gang aft agley when a certain mayor cracks wise about a certain nation's reputation for thriftiness and predilection for men in ‘skirts.’
  • I also related my first experiment in the arboricultural line, when I cut from two thrifty rows of young cherry-trees any quantity of what I supposed to be ` suckers, 'or ` sprouts,' and was thereafter informed by my gardener that I had cut off all his grafts! '' Life of Hon. Phineas T. Barnum
  • The celosia for one (seed packet) and now I have dinner plate Dahlias about a foot and a half tall (tuber) bloom or not to bloom will tell the whole story of thrifty shopping. Tulips 2010 « Fairegarden
  • He watched the yellow cabs sink into soulful dusk, that particular spendthrift light that falls dyingly on Park Avenue in the hour before people take leave of the office and become husbands and wives again, or whatever people become in whatever murmurous words when evenings grow swift and whispered. Underworld
  • She dropped her keys into a chintzy ceramic elephant that sat on a thrift-shop lacquer table by the front door.
  • In all instances, thriftiness is a well-regarded trait among business people.
  • The premature changing to a less costly diet may be economically appealing but can cause unthriftiness and poor pig uniformity.
  • Rural Maori were concerned about absenteeism in employment, thriftlessness, marital instability, crime and delinquency’ which that situation engendered.
  • But for all her thrifty protests, it seems the odd extravagance does slip through the net. The Sun
  • This is an undeclared tax on all users of the currency, which is being used to punish the prudent and enrich the spendthrift. Times, Sunday Times
  • The original reading is, not a _spendthrift's_ sigh, but a _spendthrift_ sigh; a _sigh_ that makes an unnecessary waste of the vital flame. Notes to Shakespeare, Volume III: The Tragedies
  • Both will encourage hard work, thrift and sensible financial planning. Times, Sunday Times
  • Thrifts were banned by law from investing in equities which were deemed to be too risky.
  • Love your neighbor signifies assist your neighbor, but not — enjoy his conversation with pleasure, if he be tiresome; confide to him your secrets, if he be a tattler; or lend him your money, if he be a spendthrift. A Philosophical Dictionary
  • This is Jacobean comedy at its documentary best: a salty, vivid report on the eternal clash between the puritan ethic and spendthrift snobbery.
  • A new accounting standard allowed the thrifts to amortize the losses over the life of the loans.
  • I bought some cool, plain, glass tumblers from a thrift store and will start an etching design for them this weekend.
  • Their securities are listed as government securities and can be held by banks and thrifts as low-risk bonds.
  • Every weekend thousands of thrifty Yorkshire folk trek to windswept fields to rummage through boxes of junk in the hope of finding something special.
  • Superior's cost could drag the thrifts ' insurance fund below 1.4% of deposits.
  • He notes that he looked "to those twelve Caesars so mistreated by Suetonius," in the hope of emulating the best of each: "the clear-sightedness of Tiberius, without his harshness; the learning of Claudius without his weakness; Nero's taste for the arts, but stripped of all foolish vanity; the kindness of Titus, stopping short of his sentimentality; Vespasian's thrift, but not his absurd miserliness. Portrait of Power Embodied in a Roman Emperor
  • This shortens the life of blooms and makes the violet unthrifty.
  • People use the "family budget" analogy because we're supposed to respect the image of a thrifty, self-disciplined homestead. Richard (RJ) Eskow: The United States Isn't a Company and It Isn't a Family -- It's a Country.
  • She has a lazy eye, bubbling behind a thrift store sticky patch. Times, Sunday Times
  • The greater aristocracy built up their estates, often in several counties, and protected them from the follies of spendthrift heirs by the entail or strict settlement.
  • On the way through it you pick up some non-internal assets (if you don't already have some as a result of bequest or student-life thrift).
  • a life characterized by thriftlessness and waste
  • Maybe we can learn from that generation's thrift; though the ad for unwanted artificial teeth is rather unappealing. Times, Sunday Times
  • This put the family friend in a position to control future distributions of income from the LLC, an important layer of protection against the improvidence of spendthrift heirs.
  • I am totally with you on shopping in the "seedier" thrift shops. Top Drawer Thrift (What if No One's Watching?)
  • You see, by taking the trust fund surplus - almost $151 billion in the last fiscal year - away from those wanton spendthrifts in Congress, the administration will enforce that discipline.
  • Gradually it became the fashion in Humboldt to "unload" redwood timber-claims on thrifty, far-seeing, visionary John Cardigan who appeared to be always in the market for any claim worth while. The Valley of the Giants
  • Created by the founder of Le Cordon Bleu cookery school, Rosemary Hume – rather than her better-known business partner, celebrity florist Constance Spry, as is often claimed – poulet reine Elizabeth, as it was originally known, was a deliberate and tactful compromise between the luxurious and the thrifty for a country still under the dreary yoke of postwar rationing. How to cook perfect coronation chicken
  • Diligence and thrift made him a possessor of warm fortunes.
  • Non-profit groups across the country say they are hurting from a recession-fueled decline in thrift store donations, and the pain is being passed down to thrifty shoppers, who increasingly rely on second-hand stores to stretch in hard times. Thrift stores struggle to stay open, fund programs
  • What man didst thou ever know unthrift that was beloved after his means? The Life of Timon of Athens
  • Ellison delivered a 19.7% return by sticking to regional banks and thrifts with clean balance sheets.
  • So there grew up three sorts of people, called the thrifty, the spendthrifts, and the misers. Dutch Fairy Tales for Young Folks
  • Combined fuel economy is EPA rated at 42 mpg overall, making it the thriftiest Lexus to date. Pricing: 2011 Lexus CT 200h hybrid starts just under $30,000
  • Not to do so would be wasteful, an offence against Scottish thrift and against her tireless spirit.
  • It was, back then, the best thrift store in the world, the purveyor of top-flight vintage goods donated by wealthy and well-clothed suburbanites from the upscale towns that surround Paterson. Pamela Redmond Satran: Wonder Why There Are No Good Clothes in Thrift Stores Anymore?
  • It seems perfectly apt to find that during the Seventies, Gibson made part of his living as "what antique dealers called a 'picker'", hunting through charity shops and thrift stores for valuable items that could be sold up the chain to collectors. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph, Sunday Telegraph
  • I like to go to thrift stores to hunt out unusual pieces I know no one else will have. The Sun
  • Kelley criticizes scholars who, in attempting to counter racist stereotypes, “are often too quick to invert them, remaking the black proletariat into the hardest-working, thriftiest, most efficient labor force around.” A Renegade History of the United States
  • For us, thrift store glassware is definitely the way to go. Archive 2008-02-01
  • Perhaps he gets his clothes from a thrift shop. Times, Sunday Times
  • If your grandfather, or great-grandfather, had been what is termed a thrifty and industrious man, working hard, living poor, working his wife and little ones in one long grind, all in order to save money to invest in business, you might now be a rich man; that is, supposing you were heir to their possessions. The Common Sense of Socialism A Series of Letters Addressed to Jonathan Edwards, of Pittsburg
  • I've been itching for an excuse to fire up my ibrik ever since I found one at PTA Thrift, and the opportunity came this week when I got some super-dark-roasty coffee. Archive 2009-05-01
  • It's the art of using what we've got," said Levesque, who also operates what he describes as a "thrift store for house parts" in San Francisco. The Seattle Times
  • Thrift is a great revenue.
  • The log cabin, set in a gall in the middle of an old field all grown up in sassafras, was not a very inviting-looking place; a few hens loitering about the new hen-house, a brood of half-grown chickens picking in the grass and watching the door, and a runty pig tied to a "stob," were the only signs of thrift; yet the face of the woman cleared up as she gazed about her and afar off, where the gleam of green made a pleasant spot, where the corn grew in the river bottom; for it was her home, and the best of all was she thought it belonged to them. Short Story Classics (American) Vol. 2
  • He was a hardworking, frugal and thrifty man who was saving to buy a small cottage from his employer.
  • In a thrift store I saw a tiki mug marked " Harvey's Sneaky Tiki, Lake Tahoe ".
  • They have plenty of money now, but they still tend to be thrifty.
  • I agree that thrift and self-reliance are important values, but so are tolerance and the fair-go principle of maximising equality of opportunity.
  • Both will encourage hard work, thrift and sensible financial planning. Times, Sunday Times
  • How long will emerging economies continue to finance America's spendthrift habits?
  • Owing to her father's thriftlessness, she had to earn her living by teaching.
  • They are not the only body to be concerned about the thriftlessness of the young.
  • Large thrift banks in California imitated market entries of other large thrifts.
  • Cushions of thrift and bladder campion on old walls have faded, but purple spikes of betony and the white of yarrow and sea carrot enliven vegetation along the coastal path. Country diary: Cornwall
  • I have found that the best way to put together completely surreal, futurist combinations of clothes is to go shopping at a Salvation Army or other thrift store in your local gay district, where they will have the best clothes, natch.
  • Vintage styles are all the rage this season, so if you're patient enough you can actually find lots of goodies at select thrift shops in your area.
  • There is a great reason why credit issuers offer rewards - they work to make even the thriftiest cardholder spend money almost wantonly.
  • He failed in his malting business, was unthrifty and careless with money, and had, in fact, no liking for, or ability in, any business except politics.
  • Plus, there are always thrift shops. Christianity Today
  • There was a certain frankness about him that pleased, and though he might be spendthrift and heedless, and colossally selfish, Richard felt a genuine affection for him. The Black Moth: A Romance of the XVIII Century
  • Taoism has always advocated thriftiness and plain life.
  • Bank of England was flocci nauci to the voluptuous spendthrift, Gabriel Lucretia — Volume 06
  • They do not look askance at me for my wardrobe, a mix of late 1990s investment banker fashion, thrift stores, and clothing swaps with a few hand-knits thrown in.
  • There are crafty ways and means of being thrifty at university. Times, Sunday Times
  • I'm looking forward to miles of walking along the water and I love browsing through the second-hand stores and thrift shops in the area.
  • For neither in this chapter nor anywhere in Christ's teaching is there one word against what we call forethought, and they who would find in the words of Jesus any encouragement to thriftlessness are but misrepresenting Him and deceiving themselves. The Teaching of Jesus
  • It isn't the first designer thrift store in the UK. The Sun
  • The number of rare species includes the serpentine thrift (Armeria vulgaris serpentini), the pannonian thyme, the prostrated speedwell, the English galingale and the mudwort.
  • Many cliffs are now brightened by the pretty pink flowers of thrift on their trembling stalks. Times, Sunday Times
  • More importantly, it would promote the concept of thrift among poultry owners and farmers and give a fillip to rural employment.
  • Suddenly I could appreciate the position of all those slinking spendthrifts I had rented from over the years.
  • If one bends over backwards to avoid such epithets as spend -, slip - or slidethrift, spillgood, or scattergood, one incurs hostile mutters of sparethrift or sparegood, scrapepelf or scrape-good, pinchfist or skinflint (also flay - or fleaflint), pinchgut VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol V No 1
  • Under federal deposit insurance regulations, Rapaport agreed to guarantee that the thrift met federal net worth requirements.
  • It is, however, in a sad state of repair, and the evidences of neglect and thriftlessness are apparent everywhere.
  • He watched the yellow cabs sink into soulful dusk, that particular spendthrift light that falls dyingly on Park Avenue in the hour before people take leave of the office and become husbands and wives again, or whatever people become in whatever murmurous words when evenings grow swift and whispered. Underworld
  • Going Postal ai habbent red awl dat miny ov himz bukz cause ai getz mi bukz frum thrifty shopz…an peepulz dont giv himz bukz awai muches…but ai iz teh big fan….himz iz laff oawt loud funnee….noo roommy lukeded at me moar tanh a liddle funnee a cuppul ov tymes wiff diz buk…. You had a baby. - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • By industry and thrift, labourers would have the chance to buy their own land.
  • If I was lucky enough to find that beauty in a thrift store I'd overdye it with lavender and then wear yellow amber beads with it. Incentive Drabble #1 - A Dress A Day
  • It would be perceived by some critics as a tax on prudence and thrift. Times, Sunday Times
  • Special offers, year-end discounts and Christmas goodies tempt even the thriftiest customer.
  • These are the things like thriftiness, wise use of time, beauty in furnishings and cloth, availability for helping others, and for teaching her children, and so forth. Guiding the Home Part 2
  • That's all well and good, but the thing would cost some unthrifty soul at least $3,000.
  • We will be focussing on the forequarter, which lends itself to all kinds of delicious but thrifty recipes.
  • The cash-strapped collegian or the thrifty housewife would certainly understand this logic.
  • Open yer airms and minds tae folk in need, hain frae fylin and skaith the land and sea, tak tent o justice and the commonweal, ding doon hypocrisy, wanthrift and greed, heeze up the banner o humanity, seek oot the truth and tae the truth be leal.
  • Mild cobalt deficiency is easily confused with unthriftiness caused by underfeeding, heavy worm burdens or selenium-responsive illthrift.
  • Well, after over 20 years of searching used book stores, thrift stores, flea markets, little kids 'backpacks and the pockets of dead bums in alleys, all with no luck, my long search for the Conan Endless Quest adventure books came to a conclusion thanks to the amazing generosity of a Geek Orthodox reader named Kevin. Archive 2009-01-01
  • Its consumers have been key engines of global growth, continuing their spendthrift ways even when the rest of the world turned miserly.
  • We got a couple of trays of a new variety of salvia, some new grasses and a delicious little thrift.
  • Feb. 28, 2011 marked the 25th anniversary of the release of "Pretty in Pink," the teen classic written by John Hughes about a thrift-store-chic girl (Molly Ringwald), a pastel-preppy guy (Andrew McCarthy) and the pompadoured geek (Jon Cryer) who wants to drive them apart. John Hughes and the art his movies inspired
  • Mr Ellison says he looks for thrifts with top-notch management and stock prices that look cheap relative to book value and earnings.
  • If you can get your hands on a vintage hair dryer - the kind you find in thrift stores that look like a shower cap stuffed into a round suitcase, you won't regret it.
  • For many years he endured galling poverty, which could not be charged to indolence or thriftlessness.
  • If you are a spendthrift before retiring you will be a spendthrift during retirement.
  • A discontented, lazy rabble who call the thrifty accommodations he rents them "broken down old shacks" in a "Potter's field" a typical anarchist-hippie move, disrespecting the man's good name. Doug Molitor: Doug's Dozen (VIDEO): 12 Reasons the G.O.P. Should Run Old Man Potter
  • Today we tend to dismiss the moralizing of the late Victorians who insisted that the unemployed were lazy, intemperate, or thriftless.
  • he lives thriftlessly from day to day
  • When it comes to love, God is the great prodigal - extravagant, a spendthrift, and oblivious to cost.
  • His frugality and thrift were particularly notorious.
  • The accumulation of fortunes through foresight, unusual capacity, energy, thrift, and native honorable shrewdness is in itself no crime. Philanthropy
  • The thrifty young student comes to campus in pursuit of knowledge, only be to led astray by casual sex, recreational drugs and the sweet aromas of the roasted coffee bean.
  • I will say nothing of those prodigious prodigals, perdendae pecuniae, genitos, as he [1885] taxed Anthony, Qui patrimonium sine ulla fori calumnia amittunt, saith [1886] Cyprian, and [1887] mad sybaritical spendthrifts, Anatomy of Melancholy
  • Now the fed is making the problem even worse by keeping these iliterate spend-thrifts in their 'undeserved' homes – at the expense of the rest of us. U.S. to mortgage firms: Pick up the pace
  • The result also reveals that kids from more well-off families tend to spend their money lavishly while those whose parents are unemployed are more thrifty.
  • He saw the saga of another thrifty and resourceful people who had thrown off the imperial yoke - of Spain, in this case - in the name of liberty.
  • Both are blamed by the Greeks for stopping their spendthrift ways and imposing belt-tightening instead. Times, Sunday Times
  • The thriftiest savers, cautious souls who had shunned the stock market as reckless speculation, saw their carefully tended nest eggs vanish overnight as banks collapsed. Saving the New Deal that saved us
  • America's spendthrift ways are a third given. Times, Sunday Times
  • Free access to additional borrowings can make life easy for those who manage their money sensibly, but prove a disaster for spendthrifts.
  • She buys vintage afghans from thrift shops, uses automated, circular knit looms to create solid or striped pieces and outsources hand-knitting or crocheting to a team of talented yarn-workers around Austin, Texas, where she lives. Turning Knitting Into Art That Pops
  • No reconstruction of society can avail for incompetent, indifferent, thriftless men who cannot work together. Black and White
  • A certain disillusion is perhaps necessary for the practice of conversation: it is the art of the thriftless genius, appropriate to the brilliant failure, the genius manqué, and the inebriate.
  • Even knowledgeable thrift presidents felt they faced a choice be-tween rape and slow suicide.
  • I'm cheap (or rather thrifty and money smart), but a lot of cultures don't tip.
  • Non-profit groups across the country say they are hurting from a recession-fueled decline in thrift store donations, and the pain is being passed down to thrifty shoppers, who increasingly rely on second-hand stores to stretch in hard times. Thrift stores struggle to stay open, fund programs
  • And given Cameron's current obsession with the word 'thrift', is the forthcoming Conservative government any more likely to see it become one? Barnett billions
  • At first she could imagine no hope for their fondness for bad wine, their thievishness, their absolute unreliability, their invincible resistance to thrift, cleanliness, and common sense.
  • The European Carhartt clothing line is, if anything, anti-work, a slagheap of thrift-shop dishevelment—letterman cardigans and puffy thermal vests—designed for inked-up millennials. My Carhartt Detroit Jacket
  • The housewife of Jaffna, being thrifty, makes minimum use of ingredients to turn out simple, wholesome fare.
  • She walked in the door, Tanya Berenger, in a maxidress and thrift-shop boots, once a well-known costume designer, now ancient and frowzy, living in a room in a sad hotel off Times Square, a place where the desk clerk sits behind a grille eating a tongue sandwich. Underworld
  • Even without this so-called thrifty gene, you'd face an uphill battle to stay trim. Top Stories
  • Everywhere were visible tokens of that miserly thrift which, carried to excess, degenerates into unthrift of the worst and meanest kind, from which the transition to absolute ruin is both easy and certain. The Argosy Vol. 51, No. 4, April, 1891
  • Acute intestinal coccidiosis results in unthriftiness, diarrhea and considerable mortality.
  • Group of pictures takes a look at the lattice army gang of this spendthrift!
  • His top thrifty tips include buying seasonal food in abundance when it is at its cheapest and freshest and freezing any excess. Times, Sunday Times
  • Lesser celandine and bulbous buttercup supply colour in spring, ragwort and carlile thistle in autumn, but the main burst of flowering is in May, when the varied pinks of a multitude of thrift cushions spreads upwards from the South and West and the north-western turf is starred with the blue of spring squills.
  • You might ask local trophy shops whether they can find them new homes, donate them to your local thrift store or place a classified ad.
  • No, I'm not talking about the thrift kind of penny-pinching, I'm talking about lifting an extra cent or two from every overseas transaction involving a credit-card.
  • The leaf man trough, meant to be a nice deep round hypertufa but most of the sides fell off from being unmolded too soon, is now home to miniature conifers, Juniperus horizontalis ‘Blue Pygmy’, Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Nana lutea’, silver Thymus ‘Heigh-Ho Silver’ and Armeria ‘Nifty Thrifty’. December Foliage « Fairegarden
  • I would argue that, unless you're stuffing your dollars in a mattress, "thrift" is itself just another form of consumption. In Praise of Temperance, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • It was said, too, that his living was riotous and unthrifty, which is, in part, the customary sin of soldiership. Rob of the bowl : a legend of St. Inigoe's,
  • Who would be thence that has the benefit of access? every wink of an eye some new grace will be born: our absence makes us unthrifty to our knowledge. The Winter’s Tale
  • The pink thrift waves on cliffs, and on the shore there are also many flowers. Times, Sunday Times
  • In one of the tiresome paragraphs above, I don't know which one, and I don't want to go back and look because I am as tired of reading this scary stuff as you are, I'm sure, we were looking for evidence of malinvestment, thriftlessness, speculation, and gambling.
  • Perhaps he gets his clothes from a thrift shop. Times, Sunday Times
  • If so, it is probably time for your spendthrift son or daughter to learn the value of money and get a job. Times, Sunday Times
  • The movement started in 2002 in Spain, where thrifty followers staged choreographed shopping-mall stunts like looting clothes from one store and returning them to another or wearing them back for flash fashion shows.
  • The knights in the old days were ordered by their code of rules to be thrifty, that is, to save money as much as possible in order to keep themselves and not to be a burden to others, and that they might have more to give away in charity. Young Knights of the Empire : Their Code, and Further Scout Yarns
  • To pay to get the harmful gas underground, you have to burn about one quarter more fuel, hardly a thrifty approach. Times, Sunday Times
  • He said that his breed was dying, and that it was not well-argued for any man to lie unthriftily in the grateful dead of ‘Estreekin Sahib’.
  • But in an era of supersize burgers and fries that we can purchase without leaving our cars, our innate ‘thriftiness’ can give rise to gluttony and sloth.
  • Courage in excess becomes foolhardiness, affection weakness, thrift avarice.
  • The pink thrift waves on cliffs, and on the shore there are also many flowers. Times, Sunday Times
  • Recovering alcoholics shouldn't frequent bars nor should spendthrifts frequent mails.
  • By industry and thrift, labourers would have the chance to buy their own land.
  • As my daughter may well do this, it seems that all my prudence and thrift will have been in vain. Times, Sunday Times
  • Battling the elements, espousing values of thrift, industry and resourcefulness, the film has the feel of a ‘Boys' Own Adventure’.
  • He's the last revolutionary measuring up the last of the thriftless rich.
  • Hip dysplasia is a malformation of the hip joint resulting in a unthrifty fit between the head of the femur bone and the hip socket, in which the femoral head normally lies.
  • As a result, the rich blink another time Heng Kong born, a simple and thrifty and the poorhouse so the annihilation.
  • Consider purchasing an oversize sweater in good condition from a local thrift shop or rummage sale and cutting a new sweater from it.
  • If we learn to live thriftily and remember the importance of helping our neighbours then we can find ways to adjust.

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