How To Use Threshold In A Sentence
In summary, Dr. Green, after studying and researching this question for over 20 years, it is my firm conviction that aspartame lowers seizure threshold, mimics or exacerbates a wide variety of neuropsychiatric disorders, contributes to the incidence of certain cancers, and because of it's impact on the hypothalamic "appestat" plays a significant role in the world-wide epidemic of obesity and type 2 diabetes.
Psychiatry Professor informs Hawaii House Health Committee of Dangers of Aspartame, as Medical Professional
MR. BELL: Well, we have informed the Congress that the part one agreement already rose to the threshold, if you will, of representing a change to the treaty -- what we call a substantive modification -- and therefore, would require congressional approval.
Briefing By Robert Bell On Helsinki Agreements
To determine the exact width and thickness of the pieces you'll need, lift up a heat register or threshold and measure the exposed ends of the floorboards.
And still major leaguers blew it last season, triggering a more stringent form of testing by exceeding the five-percent threshold of positive results.
The Bonanza crossed the runway threshold while the helicopter was still about 250 feet from a planned touchdown point of 1500 feet down the runway.

To compete, WiMAX needs to build out now, before LTE gains a threshold in major markets — but that WiMAX buildout is in doubt.
Our Readers Take on the LTE v. WiMAX Debate
They play urban refugees - an unhappily married man and a coffee-shop girl burdened by her ill father - on the threshold of potential love.
As expected the bill will introduce a 50 per cent turnout threshold for strike ballots.
Times, Sunday Times
I beg for each and all of you confirmations and assistance from the threshold of oneness, so that those gatherings may become ignited like unto candles, in the republics of America, enkindling the light of the love of God in the hearts; thus the rays of the heavenly teachings may begem and brighten the states of America like the infinitude of immensity with the stars of the Most Great Guidance.
Tablets of the Divine Plan
That occurs because a reduction in shock intensity is immediately discriminable provided that it exceeds some threshold change, but a decrease in shock duration is discriminable only when the briefer shock is terminated.
In dense media with lossless reflection arising from multiple scattering, the threshold for laser action is greatly reduced.
Josh stood over the threshold the doorway, smiling to be polite.
The man who handed over the Ashes to England for the first time in a generation stood on the threshold of another ignominious defeat yesterday.
Times, Sunday Times
The epidemic threshold has been crossed in two administrative units (Guli in Blue Nile State and Wad el Heleu in Kassala State).
You still have to surpass some threshold of stardom to get all that free time.
This is a highly germane consideration for an economy on the threshold of emerging market style debt trap dynamics.
Thus, units with preinspiratory discharge patterns may have comparatively low thresholds to stimulation by central chemoreceptor afferent inputs relative to inspiratory units.
Many obstacles to deinstitutionalisation still exist: psychiatrists have a very low threshold for hospital admission as they are held legally responsible for any misdoing by their patients.
The man who handed over the Ashes to England for the first time in a generation stood on the threshold of another ignominious defeat yesterday.
Times, Sunday Times
We broadly agree with the analysis outlined in the preamble to Threshold 21.
This is probably one of the most archaic sensory receptors, which is present even in invertebrates such as the roundworm, leech or aplysia Time-surface temperature thresholds for thermal injury of Human skin.
PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
Changes that define whether piracy is for profit or not have set a threshold that will allow not-for-profit offenders to get off scot-free, Lee said.
The threshold depends on brain chemicals such as dopamine.
Times, Sunday Times
The threshold amount is based on a definition developed by the Social Security Administration in 1964 and revised in 1969 and 1981 by interagency committees.
The Population of the United States
It is so lovely to view the sweet innocence of the ghouls and hobgoblins who visit our thresholds, calling out ‘trick or treat’, often accompanied by imaginative verse of their own making.
Lower pain thresholds and potentially lower thresholds for other nociceptive stimuli such as HTS would be consistent with systemic nociceptive dysfunction in CFS.
Yet, I would venture the admittedly broad suggestion that their eccentricity and passions prepped the ground in a weird sort of "lowering-the-threshold" way for the likes of Einstein, Freud, Ibsen, Althusser, Sartre, Mapplethorpe, Serra, etc.
Marlena Doktorczyk-Donohue: SFMOMA's The Steins Collect Documents a Life of Art Collecting
The Department expects the new stamp duty thresholds on non-residential property to raise an additional €118.5 million in 2003 and €158 million for a full year.
Then she stepped beyond the threshold of the dark and foreboding hole in the mountain, and turned on the lights at each side of her helmet.
My guess is that harold has a low "dumbfound" threshold ...
Sound Politics: Ballot measure policy briefs
Americans sense their nation is on the threshold of momentous change.
The Sun
With the stamp duty threshold sticking at £60,000, you can see why these extra costs contribute to first time buyers being unable to acquire their own homes.
The larva would have pupated in the stump and emerged on the threshold of summer to find a mate.
Country diary: Wenlock Edge
A novel under-voltage lockout circuit is proposed which could generate reference voltage and bias current itself, and could stabilize lockout threshold voltage and hysteresis quality.
Those with a materialist mindset seem quite comfortable in loosening up their evidential thresholds whenever it suits them.
Are Stereochemical Explanations Causally Sufficient?
Her hands brush unexpected surfaces, she steps across unfamiliar thresholds.
A few years after college, a freak accident - and one seriously low threshold for boredom - redirected Jaime's life.
Vibratory and pain sensation thresholds for 433 healthy workers without history of vibration exposure in one factory were studied.
Let the plan's authors insist that the government clarify threshold issues before the laws are implemented.
As seams they may be thick or thin -- borderlands of crosshatching or palimpsesting inhabitable in their own right or thresholds crossed with a step; they may be sealed tightly with crossings only possible through a portal or a rift, or they may be stitched loosely with crossings possible at any point along the long threshold.
Notes on Strange Fiction: Seams
Chromosome-wide significance thresholds were determined by permutation as previously described.
The developmental threshold and effective accumulative temperature of Obolodiplosis robiniae (Haldemann) , an important insect pest of Robinia pseudoacacia, were studied in the laboratory.
Crucially, it then requires that "representation… shall be degressively proportional", with a minimum threshold of six MEPs per Member State.
European Parliament seats
He stopped at the threshold of the bedroom.
You didn't answer this question, but said that molecular homology does indicate vertical descent (common ancestry from an actual cell) in Metazoa, “the group located above the Darwinian threshold.”
A Disclaimer for Behe?
The 10-millisecond case, including all jitter effects, is highlighted, which results in a 2-dB degradation in loss-of-lock threshold.
The operator can also define a separate, adjacent cell specific, threshold for the signal level.
Theoretical models based on current injection membranes predict that excitation will occur for currents of all strengths once a threshold is exceeded.
Whole families disappeared and their homes remain undisturbed until an executor crosses the threshold to arrange a sale.
Times, Sunday Times
Without further ado my parents step over the threshold of the room.
They nodded to each other by way of breaking the ice of unacquaintance, and the first stranger handed his neighbour the family mug — a huge vessel of brown ware, having its upper edge worn away like a threshold by the rub of whole generations of thirsty lips that had gone the way of all flesh, and bearing the following inscription burnt upon its rotund side in yellow letters there is no fun
Wessex Tales
Your recuperation is the time to consider all the other details that will take you to the threshold of good health and move you over the border, into a new appreciation of life.
Healing the Female Heart
Using daily dosages equivalent to the threshold dose for erythema production in untanned human skin, he found that the peak carcinogenic response occurred at 310 nm.
Without doubt, the 50 per cent increase in stamp duty rates and thresholds will have the single most negative impact.
He stepped across the threshold.
Or will they set the Threshold so high, burt just low enough to keep hurting us more?
House liberals tell Obama public option is 'essential'
While the fundamental risk remained Global Thermonuclear War prosecuted by one or both of the only nation-states capable of accomplishing such a civilization-threatening feat single-handedly or 'cooperatively', the contributing risks represented by escalation and alliances opened a larger number of paths from the status quo to the unthinkable outcome and some of those paths had distinctly lower thresholds standing between origin and outcome.
The Speculist: Doomsday Clock Speculist Challenge
SureStep is a technology that allows the wheelchair to climb over thresholds up to 3 in.
In general, the higher the Overlap Threshold, the more subsenses.
They have worked in the media for many years and are well versed in the pain thresholds of defendant libel lawyers.
Times, Sunday Times
Would there also be a lower threshold for'just about managing' families?
Times, Sunday Times
Below this threshold, minerals occur as silicates, in that they are chemically bonded to silica.
This paper puts forward non-contact surveillance and measure that uses video image processing, pattern recognition, optimum threshold value and theory of geometric similarity.
Such a person has surely crossed the threshold of blameworthiness, both in conduct and in the accompanying fault.
Two predictive maintenance policies are proposed to minimize the expected cost rate corresponding to whether the threshold of system predictive reliability M is given or not.
A Giant, so tall that his head towered above Yvon like that of some mighty forest tree, glared at him angrily from the threshold.
Folk Tales From Many Lands
Once they cross the threshold of your home, cut herbs seem to go into supersonic wilt mode.
Times, Sunday Times
The overall effect will be offset by higher insurance thresholds, and a slightly higher base for income taxation as social contributions are deducted from gross income before charging income taxes.
According to what we understand about the effects of priming, the opposite would be predicted - lower thresholds derived from the descending than the ascending order.
It resisted for a moment, then swung completely open, and they stood on the threshold, goggling in.
For the left side, for each line in the left side array, determine if the leftmost pixel is to the right of the approximated left margin by more than some threshold (I chose 50).
Dewarping pages « The Half-Baked Maker
The WHO-proposed threshold for Der p1 allergen concentration is 2 [micro] g/gm dust.
They earn wages below the decency threshold set by the EU.
Since I have become a little hard of hearing, my threshold for clearly hearing vocal speech is a little different from that of most people.
Many in the natural sciences think that we are at a threshold of either adapting our living to the constraints of nature or wreaking incredible damage to Earth as we destroy ourselves.
I think it's safe to say we're on the threshold of recovery, " says Michelle Santee , an atmospheric scientist at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
Where eyespot is over threshold the preferred fungicide would be cyprodinil although Punch and Landmark both have some activity against eyespot and can give useful control.
For sustainable development, the resettlement population cannot make thethe host area exceed its population capacity threshold.
Only the largest males in a population defend nests; they must pass a threshold size to carry shells.
Upon this threshold of a wild scene of death they, in short, defied the proportion of events with that splendor of heedlessness which belongs only to veterans.
The Little Regiment
What can be done if the concentration of metallic elements rises above the toxic threshold, particularly those that have no known function in the body?
Road damage starts when buses and other heavy vehicles over a certain weight threshold cause the roadbed to flex and crack.
Each time you let it all hang out, you lower your threshold for doing it again.
In the nuclear age the maintenance of this threshold between conflict and war is a basic objective of Soviet policy.
As expected the bill will introduce a 50 per cent turnout threshold for strike ballots.
Times, Sunday Times
To reach the threshold of exceptional progress there would also need to be some extra element to show that the lifer had done good works for the benefit of others.
Sorting mail is not a job for people with a low boredom threshold.
To measure the pain threshold is one of the most index reflecting anesthesia effects.
By ensemble average method, the concentration distribution and error threshold of quasispecies on single peak Gaussian distributed fitness landscapes were evaluated.
The country hopes to pass the next key threshold of 25 chapters and reach the final phase of the negotiation process, he said after the meeting.
His eyes glisten with unshed tears as he reaches the threshold of his release, desperate to rid himself of the unwanted pleasure but requiring Kenneth's dispensation to do so.
The brain has a threshold of how much glare it can withstand.
The Sun
The recursively increasing threshold method is first proposed. Then the method of contour integration region labeling and the design of intensity homogeneity segmentation criterion are presented.
Lichens are intolerant to the presence of sulfur dioxide in acid rain and different species of lichen have different threshold levels before death occurs.
But let us turn our faces away from all the horrors of slavery, reconstruction and all kindred wrongs which have been heaped upon us, and stand up, measuring the full statue of an American citizen, upon the threshold of the new century as a New Man.
Twentieth Century Negro Literature Or, A Cyclopedia of Thought on the Vital Topics Relating to the American Negro
A conceptual framework for understanding how polygenes give rise to discrete phenotypic variation is the threshold model.
Some marketers may want to set the threshold to 10%, and others 5%, because some might want to monitor fluctuating conversion rates in the United Kingdom verses "spikier" conversion rates in Australia, explains Amy Chang, group product manager for Google Analytics at Google.
Eighty percent of the vote was the threshold for approval of the plan.
Many recent studies have shown that pulse splitting occurs in the normal dispersive media, when the pulse with power beyond the threshold for self-focusing.
With it the sniper needed a truly extraordinary level of self-discipline, hundreds, if not thousands of hours of practice in the arts of shooting and of fieldcraft, and a high pain threshold.
Paperwork for files has been reduced and the threshold for compliance raised; both changes are good news for filers.
Inheritance tax is levied at 40 per cent on the value of an estate above the current zero-rate threshold of 325,000 per person.
Times, Sunday Times
They also reported that the simple cells of young rats showed lower light flicker thresholds as well as a preference for slower movement speeds compared to complex and hypercomplex cells.
By then I might even have crossed the 14 stone threshold that in my poorly thought out diet plan was going to be my mark for a return to drinking wine (beer coming back into play at 13 and a half stone).
While many of the snowfall amounts well away from D.C. verified Eastern Shore, Delmarva Peninsula, the snowfall in the immediate D.C. metro area did not reach the 1 threshold.
Weather Checker: "False Alarmageddon"?
And on the airtightness test that was carried out, BaleHaus came in way under the building regulations threshold, and did considerably better than the far lower "best practice" standard.
Is straw the building material of the future?
The sound was so loud it was on the threshold of pain.
A few hours later she crossed the threshold of Mom's hospital room like a sunburst.
This case is about the threshold for criminalizing possession of a firearm athome.
The Volokh Conspiracy » District Court Upholds Ban on Possessing Guns While an Illegal User of a Controlled Substance
On the threshold of 2004, what are your expectations on a global scale in view of modern challenges such as international terrorism and international community's efforts to combat it?
The moment his feet stepped across the threshold the memories came flooding back like a floodgate had been opened, ironically causing simultaneous feelings of joy and sadness to nearly overwhelm him.
The thresholds for low and high CRI are located at the inflexion points of the curve, embracing about 80% of the genes.
Each text line is partitioned into blocks, and those of which contain a certain threshold percentage of text pixels are identified as valid.
The jet stopped 100 feet short of the threshold on the 10,000-foot runway.
Numbering well under 50, the eastern North Pacific right whale --which can reach up to 18 metres (60 feet) in length -- falls below theIUCN's threshold of likely viability as a species.
Was this it - a raising of the threshold for inheritance tax?
Times, Sunday Times
He really does have an appallingly low boredom threshold.
Times, Sunday Times
The aircraft hit the embankment short of the threshold, sliding up it, turning through 90-deg and coming to a stop.
Patients with head injury should therefore not be pushed to return to demanding activities too quickly, and there should be a low threshold for seeking a specialist opinion or undertaking psychometric assessment.
The local authority asserted that the threshold conditions, under which a care order could be made, had been met.
The density of blocks can be determined by means of a pocket penetrometer, which measures the resistance to penetration of a plunger for a fixed depth of penetration, and comparing it to a predetermined threshold of acceptability.
Chapter 4
A consent, however, is a movable threshold.
Bikes, ultralight cars and even some regular cars don't exceed this flex threshold.
Ron Staples, the facility manager at Lee Community Center, said any rink with an old ice resurfacer would never be able to meet the proposed threshold of 12.5 parts per million. rss feed
The Government is also to raise its minimum threshold for primary school results next year.
Times, Sunday Times
Within these limits, however, empty spaces were not terra incognita, which is what some scholars have assumed the blanks on colonial maps represented; they were not perilous "margins and thresholds," "reminders of the failure of knowledge and hence the tenuousness of possession.
Where Women Make History: Gendered Tellings of Community and Change in Magude, Mozambique
Somehow, he cannot cross the threshold and walk on its linoleum flooring.
The result is a thirtyfold increase in the detection sensitivity when the system is operating near the lasing threshold.
The defendant raised threshold defences contending no common law remedy or 1998 Act remedies were available.
Times, Sunday Times
For carcinogens and most reproductive toxins, however, regulators assume no threshold.
Indications for home monitoring of blood glucose in these patients are a raised glycosylated haemoglobin or a low renal threshold.
Weekend reports suggested that one concession involved raising the threshold at which repayment would begin from £15,000 to £20,000.
‘We don't want to talk about it but we are on the threshold of winning the league for the first time ever,’ says Campbell, ensuring that he breathes deeply enough.
French brides stepped upon an egg before crossing the threshold of their new homes.
Methods The taste threshold, magnitude matching and the number of the fungiform papillae on tongue were evaluated and compared between the menopause females and younger females.
The net result of these four features of development is that larvae will metamorphose at an earlier age if they encounter a decline in growth opportunity, providing that they have exceeded a critical threshold.
At the threshold, the boys carefully wipe their feet, not just on the outside doormat, but on the inside one, too.
The end of a nerve fiber is stimulated to or above its sensitivity threshold level.
A fuel duty freeze, possible cuts to air passenger duty and a pledge to fulfil manifesto promises to raise income tax thresholds.
Times, Sunday Times
The null isoclines give the threshold of zero growth for each of the two species, and their intersection specifies the equilibrium point.
Original caption: “The frequency distribution of simulated climate sensitivity using all model versions (black), all model versions except those with perturbations to the cloud-to-rain conversion threshold (red), and all model versions except those with perturbations to the entrainment coef fi cient (blue).”
AGU Day 3 part C: How good are predictions from climate models? | Serendipity
Objective : To investigate the effect of rutaecarpine on the ventricular fibrillation threshold ( VFT ) of isolated rat heart.
If the comparison quality measure exceeds a threshold, a match is determined to have been made.
Her threshold for anger and frustration was low and she had once slashed her wrist.
Fewer than forty per cent voted— the threshold for results to be valid.
Some companies don't disclose a dollar figure because it is below reporting thresholds; others count security as an ordinary business expense.
Because LOD scores are logarithmic, reducing the significance threshold by half greatly increases the power of a study.
If your application runs beyond this specifiable hang threshold, a notification will be sent out about the potentially hung thread.
A quarter of single pensioners fell below the £106-a-week threshold.
The results show that threshold denoising and smoothing filter based on wavelet transform achieve the good expectation.
So, for an instant, Anthony stood at Susanna's threshold, looking into her antechamber, breathless almost with his sense of her imminence; -- and then the tall flunkey said, in the fastidious accents of flunkeydom, "Net et _em_, sir;" and all my hero's high-strung emotion must spend itself in the depositing of a card.
The Lady Paramount
Convergence is declared when the relative change in likelihood between successive iterations is less than a user-defined threshold.
We met the second threshold so quickly (thanks to redbird!) that I totally lost track of time.
Ghosha (funded!)
We are met almost at the threshold by a colossal epic, Creation, Man and the Messiah (1830); by songs that turn into dithyrambic odes, by descriptive pieces which embrace the universe, by all the froth and roar and turbidity of genius, with none of its purity and calm.
Henrik Ibsen
He said there was now a'relatively low legal threshold' needed to avoid deportation.
The Sun
The creature is on the threshold of extinction.
Not bad science knowledge, but not knowledge; does not do bad things, and only do good things. No change of habit, only to correct attitude; did not break down over the threshold, only the legs up.
To avoid this artifact, we excluded the values below the threshold intensity from the average calculation.
The uniform age threshold is already highly regressive and raising it will make it more so.
Times, Sunday Times
She sensed that every particle of his energies was being put to a single purpose: the stilling of whatever raged on the threshold.
A weakening of the connection between the epidermis and dermis also reduces shearing and blistering thresholds, decreases communication between the dermis and epidermis, and reduces microcirculation to the epidermis.
We're on the threshold of a brand new beginning.
According to Woese and colleagues, the Darwinian threshold is the point in evolutionary history when the three domains, Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya, "crystallize" (Woese's term, 1998) their cellular architectures, which then become refractory to HGT.
A Disclaimer for Behe?
It may have to do with having quite a low boredom threshold?
Times, Sunday Times
She has a low threshold of boredom and needs the constant stimulation of physical activity.
Although only on the threshold of life, Raymond and Ellen - who were outgoing and fun loving - had touched the hearts of young and old alike.
But because the target was too high a level for the spell, the amount of ectoplasmic energy wasn't sufficient to reach the critical threshold, which essentially means that he starts out with a negative number of hit points.
The software will send out an alert when the user reaches his or her threshold and can also automatically free up more space for the user, if desired.
The threshold loading test stimulates mechanoreceptors in respiratory muscles.
He predicted that the party would next promise to cut inheritance tax and the threshold for income tax.
A push-button pad enables mode selection, functional control and the setting of audio and visual alarm thresholds for both dose rate and mission dose.
The Princesse came to greet them as soon as they were over the threshold.
For decades, extensibility has also been used to denote the relative or absolute uniaxial extension of pieces of excised tissue per unit of uniaxial force, applied externally to the tissue, without consideration of a force threshold.
Unlike sodium, potassium exhibits no renal threshold being excreted into the urine even in K depleted states.
It said the cost of repairing the faults it acknowledged was too low to meet its 1,500 threshold for payment.
Times, Sunday Times
There may be some sops to home-buyers in Wednesday's budget, possibly in the form of raising the threshold at which Stamp Duty becomes payable from £60,000 to £100,000.
In an illustrative example, a first sensing vector is analyzed to determine whether it is suitable, within given threshold conditions, for use in cardiac event detection and analysis.
On raising the latch and crossing the threshold, one experienced precisely the same impression as when one enters at the theatre into a grated baignoire, before the grating is lowered and the chandelier is lighted.
Les Miserables
It was an English scene, and the two men, the dog at their feet, (for Peter Dealtry favoured a wirey stone-coloured cur, which he called a terrier,) and just at the door of the little inn, two old gossips, loitering on the threshold in familiar chat with the landlady, in cap and kerchief, -- all together made a groupe equally
Eugene Aram — Volume 01
In the nuclear age the maintenance of this threshold between conflict and war is a basic objective of Soviet policy.
When the system is no longer bistable, the thresholding effect is lost.
I merely wish to explain why I let Hall cross the threshold of my study when I had resolved to retuse him admittance.
She stood hesitating on the threshold.
Scientific studies involving humans have a statistical threshold for causing harm to participants, and if passed they are discontinued.
Today has been the chilliest fall day of 2010 with temperatures barely crossing the 50-degree threshold.
PM Update: Election day ending on chilly note
Because this moment at the threshold of a group is so momentous for a child, it is also, as one researcher put is, "highly diagnostic... quickly revealing differences in social skillfulness .
Not bad science knowledge, but not knowledge; does not do bad things, and only do good things. No change of habit, only to correct attitude; did not break down over the threshold, only the legs up.
Although they do that indirectly, all nociceptors synapse first in the dorsal horn and then the second order neurons cross and go to the thalamus different from low threshold mechano-sensitive neurons which go on up to the gracile or cuneate nuclei, but still not directly to the thalamus.
Fetal Pain Researchers Failed to Disclose Abortion Affiliations
Above the photoelectric threshold, photoelectrons are emitted in proportion to the intensity of incident light.
We compared chromatic contrast (color used for short-range detection) of each pair of spider and flower to detection thresholds computed in the visual systems of both Hymenopteran prey and passerine bird predator.
The threshold has to be low, to prevent arbitrary exclusion of reasonable provers, but it cannot be nonzero zero, because in the real world it is hard to check a proof with absolute certainty.
A method of image enhancement denoising is descibed based on wavelet transform and threshold shrinkage.
The company also makes baseboards and transition thresholds to match all of their designs.
Americans sense their nation is on the threshold of momentous change.
The Sun
Even the founder of the company had to carry the company across a technological threshold.
There is a threshold level of income which is completely free of income tax.
The number of people with the disease is reaching a critical threshold.
There is a mathematical underpinning that you must first acquire, mastery of each mathematical subdiscipline leading you to the threshold of the next.
On Quantum Theory And Parapsychology
A foliar spray of a systemic or contact aphicide can be used to control aphids if the population exceeds the threshold.
It also seems to me that a little bit of phonics is very useful and goes a long way, but at some point you pass the threshold and have to switch to a whole language approach. blah Says:
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