How To Use Threepence In A Sentence

  • He had to give threepence for a copy of that paper.
  • They go to the _gargottes_, where they get threepence halfpennyworth of bouilli — soup, beef and vegetable — which includes the title to a liberal supply of bread. A Tramp's Wallet stored by an English goldsmith during his wanderings in Germany and France
  • Diving exhibitions were popular; people paid threepence to watch them.
  • They expected pennies and halfpennies and threepences and a few shiny sixpences but all the coins were silver. A Small Death in the Great Glen
  • Best known as the maker of the state's first coinage, issuing shillings, sixpence, and threepence silver coins in 1783, Chalmers's marked domestic silver is exceedingly rare.
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  • Tammie's debosh and my own, besides the trifle of threepence to the round-shouldered old horse-couper with the slouched japan beaver hat. The Life of Mansie Wauch tailor in Dalkeith
  • It is painful to relate, that this powerful writer, and good man, who narrowly escaped the guillotine, expired in a garret, in extreme poverty, at the age of eighty-four; the only property he left being one assignat of fifty livres, worth not threepence in ready money. On the Portraits of English Authors on Gardening, with Biographical Notices of Them, 2nd edition, with considerable additions
  • For grammar the statutable amount was eightpence, for natural philosophy fourpence, and for logic threepence per term, and it was usual to reckon four terms to the year. The Customs of Old England
  • Flowers were also very scarce, narcissus and chrysanthemums being the chief varieties at twopence and threepence per bunch.
  • Tammie's debosh and my own, besides the trifle of threepence to the round - shouldered old horse-couper with the slouched japan beaver hat. The Life of Mansie Wauch Tailor in Dalkeith, written by himself
  • They were well paid, as much as fourpence being given for a good cock-crower (in 'The Trial of Christ'), while the part of God was worth three and fourpence: no contemptible sums at a time when a quart of wine cost twopence and a goose threepence. The Growth of English Drama
  • For the privilege of a few turns on his invention, Bob charged everyone outside the family threepence, but the volunteer got to have a free ride by lifting his legs as the speed increased and they whirled dizzily round and round.
  • Very well, I have threepennyworth of apples, and I have just given you the other threepence. Amusements in Mathematics
  • He unrolls one parcel and goes to dump the crubeen softly but holds back and feels the trotter.) _ Sizeable for threepence. Ulysses
  • Subscriptions were moderate: the usual charge was between half a guinea and a guinea a year, and there were often facilities for borrowing books at the rate of a penny a volume or threepence for the usual three-volume novel.
  • If you wanted bananas, he would bring up a bunch of about thirty small green ones from the village for threepence, and put in the kitchen they slowly ripened, a few at a time.
  • Flowers were also very scarce, narcissus and chrysanthemums being the chief varieties at twopence and threepence per bunch.
  • Best known as the maker of the state's first coinage, issuing shillings, sixpence, and threepence silver coins in 1783, Chalmers's marked domestic silver is exceedingly rare.
  • Eggs were bought for threepence a dozen by the Temuka Roads Board for sparrows, thrushes and blackbirds.
  • And a big crubeen for threepence to be picking while you're able.

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