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How To Use Three times In A Sentence

  • Which is stupid, considering the drivers around here A: Don't normally stop for people and in fact have been caught trying to sneak ~around~ them and B: I've been nicked several times and almost hit three times different instances last summer attempting to obey the biking laws, none of those for mistakes on my part as I've been scared shitless at the lack of aware driving that's crept over my town. The funny thing about Pain..... (Let's talk trauma!)
  • For Brown, visiting Gill at South Fork is a six-hour schlep that he's managed only three times.
  • The strike had been planned as a 24-hour walkout but has been extended three times. Times, Sunday Times
  • And then I got there and they're like, no, you're writing sketches for other people, which I had never done and I was really kind of bummed because I had auditioned like two or three times. Zach Galifianakis: A Comedic Actor Takes A Dark Turn
  • Played three times for his native Northern Ireland. The Sun
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  • Photographs of Ayesha were appearing in all the papers, and the pilgrims even passed advertising hoardings on which the lepidopteral beauty had been painted three times as large as life, beside slogans reading _Our cloths also are as delicate as a butterfly's wing_, or suchlike. The Satanic Verses
  • Maize is consumed as tortillas, which accompany rice and beans - typically eaten three times a day with eggs, cheese, meat, or chicken and with chayote stew or salad at lunch or supper.
  • Three times a week he holds a "durbar," for the trial of offenders and transaction of general regimental business. Afghanistan and the Anglo-Russian Dispute
  • The landlord could be forced to pay compensation equal to three times the sum of the deposit. Times, Sunday Times
  • You repeat the exercises three times a day after meals for about 10 minutes. PCOS DIET BOOK: How you can use the nutritional approach to deal with polycystic ovary syndrome
  • She usually wore a dress of dark gray stuff, with immense pockets, a black silk neckerchief folded over her shoulders, a white tamboured muslin cap, with a black ribbon passed two or three times round the crown. Helen and Arthur or, Miss Thusa's Spinning Wheel
  • As it is sometimes difficult to rear young calves it is a good thing to keep them clean and dry., whitewashing the calf hulls two or three times during the winter.
  • They showed me the sign and made me say it out loud three times. Times, Sunday Times
  • My position on euthanasia is actually derived from the ancient Greek one; that is, I am generally in favour of allowing it, as long as the person being euthanized is in perfectly sound mental condition, not non compos mentis, and has positively re-affirmed his decision at least three times over the period of at least a suspended period of time to allow for reconsideration (say 15 or 30 days). Matthew Yglesias » Bishops and Abortion
  • Take this medicine three times a day.
  • We had a really rough crossing - I was sick three times.
  • In order to improve product craft, pandora denounce is gigantic endowment from Italy introduced the first set of gold in Asia electroforming machine equipment, the advanced production cheap pandora equipment, the pandora gold beads electroforming furnishing articles products on the market now, can solve the defect that furnishing articles hardness, surface hardness than traditional products increased more than three times.
  • A report recently published in the American Journal of Epidemiology suggested that smoking increased the risk of developing non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus by more than three times.
  • He was also three times over the drink-drive limit, his inquest was told. Times, Sunday Times
  • Deployment of weapons and combat hardware in emplacements reduces the probability of their detection two to three times.
  • The dose is two or three pills the size of a mung bean, two or three times a day.
  • Aim to do some physical activity three times a week for optimum health.
  • It rang three times, then someone picked up the receiver.
  • The girls were blindfolded and turned around three times; then they had to hit the shoe until it broke and the goodies spilled out.
  • Three single pulses could produce a false alarm, but the likelihood of nine regular pulses three times was remote. Times, Sunday Times
  • Average wages are growing almost three times as fast. The Sun
  • Swing-around requires little coordination, other than that players observe the tenet of never dribbling more than three times before they pick up and pass.
  • I knew all their names and used to pop in at least three times a week. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was attacked by a single-seater three times at a great height. Times, Sunday Times
  • Milton has the word alabaster three times, twice incorrectly spelled Milton's Comus
  • Every field had to be hoed for weeds three times, carefully hilling soil around each young stalk.
  • It is naturally anti-bacterial and antiallergenic and is three times as absorbant as cotton. Times, Sunday Times
  • They also received a treatment called medicated urethral system for erection (MUSE) three times a week. Baylor College of Medicine News
  • Angelides hinted that when done three times, it would be incredibly unlikely that Clayton would again discover those individual questionable loans, and that they'd find their way into securitization deals. New Proof Wall Street Knew Its Mortgage Securities Were Subpar: Clayton Execs Testify
  • Three times I can remember it: the ending tunnel silhouette in "The Third Man," falling rubble jarringly breaking up a scene (by splicing the foreground and midground) in of all things "Duck Soup," and noticing a borrowed composition from "La Dolce Vida" (namely, a long shot where multiple people were running and the camera followed them) showing up in "Little Miss Sunshine. Reverse Storyboarding
  • The female turtles can only lay a maximum of three fertile eggs at a time - three times less than green sea turtles.
  • So, Washington's temperature soared into the springlike 70s three times in five days, a true and welcome departure from wintry weeks of chill in which the mercury had not forayed even so high as 60. Record-breaking weather, whether in coolness or warmth
  • These standards mean starchy foods such as bread, potatoes, rice and pasta must not be cooked in oil or fat more than three times a week.
  • greige" shade debuted on the runway in October, and since going on sale in January, the company says it is its top-selling polish and has sold out three times on The Seattle Times
  • They showed me the sign and made me say it out loud three times. Times, Sunday Times
  • Percentages can be misleading, however-only three times since 1926 have more than 10 publications dealt with stromatoporoid paleoecology.
  • Three times a day the three of them sit down to eat at that table, in that floating house that smells of bilgewater and foot cream and baklava. Memory Wall
  • Wages for the lowest paid rose almost three times faster than those of higher earners last year, official figures show. The Sun
  • After enough clusters of dots form (every third turn), you'll take control of an aiming reticule and be able to shoot three times to destroy what you think are the biggest formed clusters.
  • The huge leather (scaleless) carp had been caught an average of only three times a year. Times, Sunday Times
  • Break off a piece of dodder or "lovevine," twirl it round the head three times and drop it on a bush behind you. Current Superstitions Collected from the Oral Tradition of English Speaking Folk
  • With an economy three times the size of its nearest competitor (Japan), it still sets the global tone for consumption and growth.
  • Your lack of addressing the issue upon being asked for logical specifics to follow up your statement, three times in a row no less, and your boobish answer only goes to further reinforce what has already been said about you. Top 100 Comic Book Runs #3 | Comics Should Be Good! @ Comic Book Resources
  • The new dwarf varieties were able to stand two or three times more artificial fertilizer and to provide an increase of yield per decare from the previous maximum of 450 kilos to as much as 800 kilos per decare. The Nobel Peace Prize 1970 - Presentation Speech
  • The gunman fired three times in rapid succession.
  • Over time you shared how your medication had ruined your kidneys, meaning dialysis three times a week. Christianity Today
  • In 1997 the average English home cost three times as much as the median local salary. Times, Sunday Times
  • Somewhere in the darkness over the Black Water the watching surfaceman heard some one call three times the name of Bog-Myrtle and Peat Tales Chiefly of Galloway Gathered from the Years 1889 to 1895
  • The tubby volunteers will eat low-calorie food prepared by a celebrity chef, work out three times a day, and try to avoid the ‘temptation fridge’ containing all their favourite fattening snacks.
  • As Whitney shows, these off-balance sheet numbers are an incredible three times the size of all on-balance sheet debt, totaling $2 trillion.
  • Not long ago, if someone had told you they exercised three times a week, you would think they were superfit. Times, Sunday Times
  • The episodes, three times a week are ONE HOUR EACH, my sweet angel!
  • The baptism begins at the narthex of the church, where the godparents speak for the child, renouncing Satan, blowing three times in the air, and spitting three times on the floor.
  • Kohl pencil comes in at roughly three times the price it was in its previous incarnation as an eyeliner.
  • I served him three times, and after that he helped himself
  • He is to skip three times while repeating thrice the following sentence, and after repeating three times forwards and backwards: thus (_forwards_) -- 'Fear and dread shall fall upon them by the greatness of thine arm; they shall be as still as a stone'; thus (_backwards_) -- 'Still as a stone may they be; by the greatness of thine arm may fear and dread fall on them'; he then is to say to his neighbour three times, 'Peace be unto you,' and the neighbour is to respond three times, 'Unto you be peace.' Moon Lore
  • The pair travel in an orbit from fourteen to forty-two times the radius of the Earth's orbit; so that when at apastron they are three times as distant from each other as when at periastron. The Astronomy of Milton's 'Paradise Lost'
  • He reported on the war until 1965 and narrowly escaped death after being shot down in combat aircraft three times. Times, Sunday Times
  • A local delivery driver tells the Graun that he's had to be towed out of the area three times in two weeks, and now keeps the engine running when he's on his rounds.
  • You've been in prison three times according to our records.
  • The user tries three times to enter the correct passcode on the phone.
  • He stepped on my feet about three times, and I successfully managed to hold in my exclamations of pain.
  • And you cannot dispute that striking the woodwork three times hardly helped the cause. The Sun
  • Yesterday, my solicitor entered my bed-chamber unsummoned, a presumptuous act for which I once would have had him flayed three times about the court-yard.
  • In addition to offering many opportunities for individual auricular confessions, twice or three times a year the parish offered the opportunity for communal services of forgiveness.
  • The risk of death in a house fire is three times higher in homes without smoke alarms.
  • Thieves have raided a motorway petrol garage three times in a fortnight one of them wearing a jacket he had stolen on an earlier visit.
  • Another thing that just unnerves me is when the head of our department watches me do something, then asks me to do it like three times REALLY SLOW.
  • He then went at once and borrowed a waggon and twelve oxen, and during the night we packed the waggon three times, and took three loads across the Buffalo River to Degaza's kraal, which is on Natal ground, forty sacks of grain, 200 pounds in a box, with clothes and other things, also mats and skins, and four head of cattle and a horse. Cetywayo and his White Neighbours Remarks on Recent Events in Zululand, Natal, and the Transvaal
  • Three Salford GPs will carry out the surgery in sessions held two or three times a week.
  • Three single pulses could produce a false alarm, but the likelihood of nine regular pulses three times was remote. Times, Sunday Times
  • A vote of thanks to the government, and three times three cheers, with Mr. Cobden as "fugleman," ended the great Peace Congress of 1849. Three Years in Europe Places I Have Seen and People I Have Met
  • It has unemployment levels at three times the national average and truancy rates run five times above average measures.
  • Sound Trumpets within, and then all crye vive le Roy two or three times. Fans jumped up and the Finn jumped too
  • If you can validate spending three times the cash for something a bit less wieldy in situations where you are constantly on the go, need it to be able to be used as a palmtop, etc, go ahead -- but for those of us using these, and able to enjoy them, the validationisn't there, and neither is it there for Apple's excuses as to why they won't create one of these beauties themselves. The Problems With A Hackintosh Netbook, Six Months Out | Lifehacker Australia
  • The doctor was called up three times during the night to attend urgent cases.
  • He found that children from smoking households had cotinine levels three times higher than those from non-smoking households.
  • The disorderly procession went three times _deiseal_ (according to the course of the sun) round each house in the village, striking the walls and shouting on coming to a door a rhyme demanding admission. Christmas in Ritual and Tradition, Christian and Pagan
  • Its eyes were screwed up like the twisty ends of lolly wrappers and its mouth was open wide like a garbage disposal unit, but three times as loud.
  • He got drunk three times a week and made copious notes about Kate Molland and the human condition in his journal.
  • The landlord could be forced to pay compensation equal to three times the sum of the deposit. Times, Sunday Times
  • Try any -- or all -- of these: 200 mgs of alpha lipoic acid (100 mgs. at breakfast and again at dinner); 500 mgs of vitamin C ester, 50-100 mgs of DMAE, 100-250 mgs of GLA, and 1000 mgs of omega-3 three times per day. Sun and Tanning
  • Don't overexercise: 30 minutes three times a week is fine. Times, Sunday Times
  • Finally, homeopathic thuja yellow cedar 6th to 30th potency taken three times a day for a week to one month is one of the most effective remedies for warts. THE NATURAL REMEDY BIBLE
  • A patient with breast cancer presenting with haemolytic uraemic syndrome was, however, three times less likely to be admitted to intensive care than a patient with AIDS with the same condition.
  • After having thus repeated ‘the neck’ three times, and ‘wee yen, ’ or ‘way yen’ as often, they all burst out into a kind of loud and joyous laugh, flinging up their hats and caps into the air, capering about and perhaps kissing the girls. Chapter 47. Lityerses. § 4. The Corn-spirit slain in his Human Representatives
  • Three times as many honours have been awarded to sportsmen and women compared with previous years. Times, Sunday Times
  • At three times in our history, we had to sell more stock to remain solvent. Times, Sunday Times
  • Walk fifteen paces, must be fifteen exactly, then hop three times forwards and one hop back.
  • He spun around two or three times, taking in the starlit landscape, and the figures of the rest of the away team. Star Trek The Next Generation®
  • Small (four-seat) and expensive, they offered carriage at speed and cost two to three times that by stage wagon.
  • We were unlucky, we hit the post three times. The Sun
  • He was jailed three times for repeatedly flouting a court order banning him from the estate.
  • I needed dialysis three times a week for four hours. The Sun
  • It turns out that I have three times more activity in my right frontal cortex than my left. Times, Sunday Times
  • She holds the trump card after breaking the world record three times this year.
  • I stuck my hand in the beehive and was stung three times!
  • I knew all their names and used to pop in at least three times a week. Times, Sunday Times
  • Burnley magistrates heard that yardman Hywel Rees Roberts, 45, of Prestwich Street, Burnley, had been more than three times the limit and lost his licence for 30 months in February 2002.
  • Worryingly, that's almost four times the recommended daily intake for women and three times the amount for men. The Sun
  • He still rides two or three times a week. Times, Sunday Times
  • He remains one of six jockeys to have won the prestigious race three times. The Sun
  • The advantage lies in the fact that microwave oven bakes the moist ingredients about three times faster.
  • So, three times in a single day Maguire had taken it on the lam - from the social worker, from her mother, from her friend. THE ONLY GAME
  • On the ship on which I crossed there were seamen who had been torpedoed three times In its submarine warfare the enemy has broken every international and human law -- has used "frightfulness" to its fullest extent, and the answer of our merchant seamen is to go to sea again as soon as the ship is ready, and the older men, who had retired, return to sea. Women and War Work
  • Take two of the tablets three times daily before meals.
  • Slingsby had equalised three times through Darren Dyer and Jamie Ward.
  • He won three times last summer and has been running in much better races than this. The Sun
  • He enlisted in the army, fought at Gallipoli and in France, was wounded three times, and won the Military Cross.
  • When stars that are more than three times the mass of our Sun finally exhaust their reserves of nuclear fuel they have no means of opposing the inward pull of gravity.
  • If you could intervene with some sort of miracle that would limit her to wee-weeing only two to three times per day instead of fifteen, it would really help me out a lot.
  • Margot pored through the thick brochure three times without finding anything to her liking and within her budget. The Diary Of A Young Girl
  • The overall effect of the 2001 protocols was to require three times as many vets to do the same work as in 1967.
  • Carol, a retired telephonist, goes to the salon every week for a shampoo and blow-dry, three times a year for a perm, and for a cut when Sam says she needs one.
  • Three times he replied to questions about this alleged offence by saying'no comment. Times, Sunday Times
  • I got the feeling that I was supposed to clap my hands and incant three times, "I do believe in the Constitution -- I do, I do, I do believe in the Constitution. Linda R. Monk, J.D.: The Constitution Is Not a Bumper Sticker
  • Figures showed they were also three times more likely to lose their appeals.
  • Newly arrived applicants are placed in accommodation and fed three times a day. Times, Sunday Times
  • Ruby Juniper needs gruelling dialysis three times a week to stay alive. The Sun
  • Grapes grown on Padthaway vineyard have a proven record for producing botrytis affected Riesling of outstanding quality; however, vintage conditions for such a wine have only occurred three times in the last nine years.
  • He is described as unwearied in the work, often preaching three times a day during the week, and performing other arduous labors. History Of The Missions Of The American Board Of Commissioners For Foreign Missions To The Oriental Churches, Volume I.
  • Worshipers repeat their glorification of God and prostration three times.
  • Passengers face paying three times as much for long-haul flights by booking early. Times, Sunday Times
  • And we brought down crime, probably, two to three times more than I ever anticipated or would have predicted.
  • I'd go on vacation three times a year too, if I had his dough!
  • The driver was more than three times over the legal limit .
  • In this day and age you wouldn't expect it to happen once - but three times is ridiculous.
  • Blyleven led the league in complete games once, shutouts three times, innings pitched twice and strikeouts once.
  • For a basic dose take one tablet three times daily. The Hayfever Handbook - a summer survival guide
  • Here, when there is cooperativity and the repressive activities of u and v are balanced the null clines, being sigmoids, intersect three times.
  • However, the three times British champion crashed on the way out of the Quays after a TV motor bike crew accidentally flipped a traffic cone into her machine.
  • Because humid tropic and sub-tropic areas sustain tree growth at a rate three times that of temperate zones - thus tripling the carbon dioxide-sequestering effect - many projects are initiated in these regions.
  • More than three times as much was gathered as the campaign cost, and pastors and church members everywhere testified that the meetings were resultful in spiritual uplift and blessing, as well as in stimulating interest and greatly increased gifts. The American Missionary — Volume 50, No. 05, May, 1896
  • And their suicide rate is two to three times higher than ours in every age category.
  • The Associated Press, whose house was destroyed in the quake, is now renting a three-bedroom home/office for more than three times what it paid before. Haiti Housing Prices Rival New York, LA
  • The next two got off more lightly: two spoonfuls of vinegar three times a day, also on an empty stomach.
  • In Grampian two orthodontists have carried out 10 extra clinics while a general surgeon has held two clinics, all at three times their daily rate.
  • Three times a year, UCLA's unofficial Undie Run brings out thousands of skivvy-clad students looking to unwind -- and then some -- from finals week by meeting at midnight to run. The Kept-Up Academic Librarian:
  • Three times during the weekend, other cartoonists had to physically restrain him from creating a new strip.
  • Guppies were fed ad libitum flake food three times daily, supplemented with live brine shrimp nauplii.
  • Oh, and there was at least three cases were my boss made significant profits by overstocking (ordering three times his anticipated volume) and then basically auctioning off his overstock at the peak of the season to those who had ordered poorly. What I Learned at the Tower Records Going Out of Business Sale, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • If it comes to competition, I can carry shades for nothing and still quaff the B. & G. yellow-label benzine three times a day without experiencing a financial panic. A House-Boat on the Styx
  • The researchers found more than three times as many hybrid kittens reached adulthood than purebreds.
  • With Woods injured, Williams has caddied three times for Australian Adam Scott. Heard on the Field
  • In addition, a minimum pricing system run by the CAP [Common Agricultural Policy] guarantees that sugar made from his beet is bought for at least three times more than world prices. The bitter taste of the CAP
  • Three times married, he had five legitimate children by his first wife.
  • The creature, three times the size of an average British edible oyster, was discovered in the bottom of a box of fish bought by a Cornish fishmonger, Peter Randall.
  • This is fractionation which is an incredibly effective deepener and responsiveness builder . . . open/close three times, each time going even deeper, count down from three to one for eye closure and only close at one - fractionation deepener. confirming, hidden test Life of Brian:
  • Additionally, all singleton, doubleton, and tripleton sites (variants that appear, respectively, only once, twice, or three times in the total sample) were verified by reamplification and resequencing.
  • That is more than three times the price in the north east. The Sun
  • Those who did not visited the surgery three times a year. Times, Sunday Times
  • On stage, Mr Leonsis discussed the significance of meeting on St Patrick's Day, which honours a Christian missionary who was condemned to death three times and survived regardless.
  • Drew dropped into an en garde stance and beckoned for the other combatant - a big man who was nearly three times Drew's size in height and girth - to come on.
  • The traditional Dutch production method is to distill a fermented mixture of malt, corn, and rye two or three times in pot stills at low proof: that is, the distillate contains a fair amount of congeners, and resembles a light whisky. On Food and Cooking, The Science and Lore of the Kitchen
  • Miss Wakefield rushed past Mrs. Drupe into the apartment, and turned the teleseme to the word "manager," and then pressed the button three times in quick succession. Duffels
  • He has now raced round the national Course three times and his finishing figures read 1, 1, and 2.
  • For a basic dose take one tablet three times daily. The Hayfever Handbook - a summer survival guide
  • The first summer, pinch the stem tips back two or three times to encourage strong branching.
  • And their suicide rate is two to three times higher than ours in every age category.
  • Your Personal Unblocking Key is an eight-digit number used to unblock your phone if you enter your PIN number incorrectly three times.
  • You put the whole concatenation into the largest cauldron you've got, stir well, dance three times moonwise around the nearest deposit of nickel-zinc and ... but enough secrets, lad. A Corridor in the Asylum
  • In the New Testament, the term Galatia occurs three times. Galatians ��� where was Paul���s epistle destined to?
  • The chief grabbed a spanner wrench and rapped on the Baychimo†™ s hatch three times. 365 tomorrows » featured writer : A New Free Flash Fiction SciFi Story Every Day
  • Lastly, nursing home residents were almost three times as likely to receive a laxative as those living at home.
  • Lifting weights or exercising in the college gym three times per week will help build strength.
  • He recruited groups of non-athletic men aged 20 to 43, either to play football or go jogging three times a week, before comparing the results with a control group of similarly aged non-active men.
  • Regular intercourse two to three times a week should be advised, but basal body temperature charts are not helpful and should be avoided.
  • When the Coke deliveryman left the store, his counterpart allegedly punched him in the face three times, breaking his nose and giving him a black eye, police said.
  • Pietersen, who has fallen three times trying to quicken the rate, each time to the inexperienced leg-break bowler Jeevan Mendis, could easily be depicted as a victim of overcaution elsewhere, but he remains scrupulously loyal as he tries to adjust to England's three-captain system. Kevin Pietersen on the defensive over England's misfiring batsmen
  • The last two to three times you work your horse before the show, ride her with your show tack and make sure all equipment fits properly.
  • I've keyed this sentence three times, and it's still wrong!
  • Grand Trunk shares traded at around three times their nominal value.
  • While you can boast of your three overwhelming millions, we can only produce our poor one million, — a mere nothing in your eyes, though three times the dowry of an archduchess of Austria. A Marriage Contract
  • He also needs to put the brakes on the state's budget-busting aid to local school districts, spiraling up at two to three times the rate of inflation.
  • Hypoglycaemia - low blood sugar - was three times as common among near-term babies compared with full-term.
  • The regulator has had to step in three times during the past fortnight to suspend trading on both Moscow's exchanges.
  • It may therefore be helpful to read these chapters two or three times. Stammering in Young Children
  • She was attacked from behind and probably never even saw the killer who clubbed her three times over the head with a rounded blunt instrument, possibly a hammer.
  • This is three times the normal number for the time of year, and the number of cases is expected to rise over the next few weeks. Times, Sunday Times
  • One of John's sons, Thomas de Couteshale, was prominent in the next generation, as jurat for most of 1369-96 and three times mayor, but otherwise the family slipped into obscurity.
  • I'm now checking for prowlers two or three times a night.
  • When she finally serves us, the meal shrinked three times. CULTURAL LEARNINGS FOR MAKE BENEFIT GLORIOUS ISLAND OF TASMANIA
  • A weekly gala dinner is held with folk music, and a piano bar provides music three times a week.
  • He found that children from smoking households had cotinine levels three times higher than those from non-smoking households.
  • Down the centuries, until outboard motors, fishermen dipped sails three times in salute to MacDara's island off the Connemara coast. Festum Angelorum
  • It is 10 billion miles from the sun, over three times more distant from the sun than its next closest planet, Pluto.
  • Around three times as many people are now taking guided tours, and visiting the undercroft, treasury and crypt.
  • Most Irish pubs receive deliveries of draught beer at least three times a week, which means that Irish supplies could run out within days.
  • Friends of the Earth responded by asserting that there was sufficient interest among energy suppliers to provide three times that amount.
  • He followed up with three consecutive Championship wins and was runner-up three times in succession.
  • She also admits that gauging how long students will take to complete an exam is an inexact science: examiners usually time themselves on their own exams, then allow students three times as long.
  • He would often contradict himself three times in a 30-minute interview. Times, Sunday Times
  • Korean researchers had 45 impotent men take either 900 mg of Korean red ginseng or a placebo three times daily.
  • It is understood that an inspector visited the school three times in the past year.
  • Mr. Reubens twisted the simple band of gold once, twice, three times to the right upon his left fourth finger.

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