How To Use Threateningly In A Sentence

  • His voice was cool and Andreus raised the lash again threateningly, but was ordered to lower it.
  • The bright red stool that sat closest to the register and the threateningly sharp check spike was the least used.
  • Standing high on my pedals and growling threateningly, I launch into a tirade of woofs, barks, snarls and bow wow wows, praying that the Bulgarian dogs understand my Australian accent.
  • Executed in the same flat, almost naïve style, the stylus emerges from the right hand side almost threateningly, bearing down on the record.
  • The whip cracked threateningly.
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  • Whereas metaphor or metonymy name substitutive patterns that underwrite an unthreateningly tautological and propositional definition of truth ( "truth is a trope" in the sense of Introduction
  • One of the two thickly muscled guards who had been duped by Simna stepped forward, holding his heavy sword threateningly out in front of him. Into the Thinking Kingdoms
  • She could sit at her windowsill for hours recalling the way Damien's eyes had shined so darkly and threateningly and beautifully.
  • He pursued me threateningly and when I saw his two friends coming up behind him I realised that I was in trouble.
  • The men greeted him with feet threateningly lifted for the kick, the dogs with bristling manes and bared fangs. BÂTARD
  • He of the yellow handkerchief and pock-marked face came toward me threateningly, but I put my hand into my hip pocket, and he hesitated. White and Yellow
  • At a lack of anything else to do, she shook a half-hearted fist at him threateningly, and the corner of his lips tipped up in a hint of a smile.
  • The redcoats stomped over the threshold, muskets out threateningly.
  • The hum from the hive rises threateningly when it is disturbed.
  • She glared at him threateningly and then spun around, before he could say anything abusive.
  • Executed in the same flat, almost naïve style, the stylus emerges from the right hand side almost threateningly, bearing down on the record.
  • Young General So drew his sword threateningly, and told him that they must stay and see it through. Korea's Fight for Freedom
  • This ain't no affair of yours, boy!" McClosky said threateningly.
  • These can grow away nicely while you point your scissors threateningly at your hellebores for posies in early spring. Times, Sunday Times
  • It consisted, as I have mentioned, in the combined pushing and pulling of a curiously primitive two-wheeled cart over a distance of perhaps three hundred yards to a kind of hydrant situated in a species of square upon which the mediaeval structure known as Porte (or Camp) de Triage faced stupidly and threateningly. The Enormous Room
  • She arched her back, mantling her wings threateningly as she stalked to stand in front of her rescuer.
  • A few stinging shots flayed part of the hull, sending both Serge and Allicia tumbling around as the ship arched threateningly, before righting itself.
  • I gwine cut yo 'haid off, "and the fearful sword whizzed threateningly through the air. The Littlest Rebel
  • For the phobic this doesn't translate to Sables, who some find life-threateningly cloying- the imitation immortelle along with the thoroughgoing clove just makes one want to lean in and sniff. Washington Tremlett Clove Absolute: Perfume Review
  • He had that evil aura around him and was threateningly coming closer.
  • As the interview continues in a nearby shop the man returns with friends who stand threateningly outside with weapons barely hidden beneath their jackets.
  • The dog barked at the girl, baring it's canines threateningly at her.
  • He suddenly leant threateningly over the child, eyebrows furrowed, eyes glittering menacingly.
  • To the accompanying activists, one called threateningly, "You in the blue shirt - be careful!". Palestine Blogs aggregator
  • He turned swiftly, favoring his injured leg, lifting the longsword threateningly -- then relaxed, grinning. Conan
  • The bright red stool that sat closest to the register and the threateningly sharp check spike was the least used.
  • Stop laughing!" he warned her, waving his sword threateningly ... or at least in a manner that he imagined was threatening. Darkness of the Light
  • He moved from side to side threateningly, like a maniac in a horror movie and I froze in complete panic.
  • Wentworth had a threateningly dark and oppressive atmosphere whereas I can honestly say I've been in scarier factory canteens than the one at Larkhall.
  • He held the knife threateningly in his left hand, and drew his black ruby sword in his right.
  • The herd's massive matriarch advanced towards me with her ears spread threateningly.
  • This ain't no affair of yours, boy!" McClosky said threateningly.
  • She would have stooped to retrieve her knives had he not waved his own at her threateningly.
  • On an occasion after having stopped for a "nooning," there loomed up suddenly in the northwest a black, ominous cloud, revolving swiftly and threateningly, as might the vapors from some gigantic cauldron; variegated in black, blue and green, bespangled with red streaks of lightning. Crossing the Plains, Days of '57 A Narrative of Early Emigrant Tavel to California by the Ox-team Method
  • At the same moment the nearest iron bar was shoved in threateningly close to Alphonso, who shifted his yellow eyes from Chapter 29
  • At the same moment the nearest iron bar was shoved in threateningly close to Alphonso, who shifted his yellow eyes from Michael to the bar and back again and did not strike out. CHAPTER XXIX
  • Glory brandished the sword threateningly, gripping the hilt tightly. The Warslayer
  • A partridge, indeed, with a brood of ten behind her, ran forward threateningly, but soon repented of her fierceness, and clucked to her young ones not to be afraid.
  • An archaeopteryx, feathers and all, spreads its wings as you open one page; a lumbering ankylosaur rises from the folds of another, its spiny tail raised threateningly.
  • The last call for passengers heading for Chicago fills the air threateningly.
  • She's there to let the women in the audience know they're not crazy for being there and to set a nonthreateningly raunchy tone.
  • My boy, his accustomed serenity now quite disturbed, held threateningly above the head of the yamen runner (who had given me a profound kotow the evening previous prior to taking on his duties) a length of three-inch sugar cane; he evidently meant to flatten him out. Across China on Foot
  • It is impossible to be sanguine about the state of international tension that hangs so threateningly over us.
  • He was towering threateningly above Jett, whose Fiona looked thrilled to bits by the encounter. DEAD BEAT
  • And so what we find is that the insurance companies may give us enough time to get someone up five pounds, but they still may be 30 pounds underweight, which is still life-threateningly dangerous. 'Unrealistic Weights'
  • The heavily voluted cumulus clouds lower gloomily and threateningly; they wear that implacable look which I have sometimes noticed at the outbreak of a great storm. Journey to the Interior of the Earth
  • Now three huge, ugly multi-storeys loom threateningly overhead.
  • Stepping forward, threateningly close, he declared: ‘We tell you plainly that what you have said will recoil upon your head.’
  • The vandalism - ranging from the petty to the downright life-threateningly dangerous - is leading to justifiable discontentment among residents who have to live in the midst of the wreckers.
  • I turned before I left and shook my fist threateningly at him, then slammed his door.
  • She glared at him threateningly and then spun around, before he could say anything abusive.

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