How To Use Threatened In A Sentence
I stuck some in once when we were a bit short and the old bat threatened to stop it out of my wages.
This is once again the natterings of those most threatened by the rise of social media, who see their business model being sideswiped by something large and fast-moving, but whose exact shape and dimensions they cannot fathom.
The threatened uniform typically consists of a khaki military tunic with trousers, though in Scottish regiments the trousers are usually tartan or replaced by a kilt.
She said two of the remaining three, unsighted threatened species had not been spotted since 1965 while the other had gone undetected since 1891.
You've also threatened, or you've also mentioned that my relationship threatens my country and again I find that such a huge leap of illogic.

Now the agitation in the country and the violent disorder it threatened could be directed against the Government.
Nevertheless, it has to be recognised that several interests may feel threatened by an advertising ban.
The actress hit back at claims that she had threatened a member of staff.
But the true nature of his dilemma constantly threatened to extinguish it.
Threatened abortion The term threatened abortion is used when a pregnancy is complicated by vaginal bleeding before the 20th week.
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The main weakness of these republican reforms was that they threatened fundamental change but didn't fully implement it.
Meanwhile taking strong note of the police behaviour towards peaceful students demonstration leaders of the central university andolan samiti have threatened to intensify their agitation in support of their demands.
NC-Congress coalition government responsible for the agitation on Central University issue
Suddenly the man brought a gun out and threatened the driver with it.
One plausible scenario, he said, was that he had indeed threatened the cops with a dummy gun.
The other gang members threatened to get him if he went to the police.
These included repeated punchings, kickings, beatings with a baseball bat and truncheon, being urinated on and threatened with a syringe and blowtorch.
They admitted that they gave false evidence, but said that they were under duress, having been threatened with violence by various men, one of whom was in the public gallery at the original trial.
In industry, a worker who is grossly insubordinate is threatened with discharge.
In a threatened workplace by far the best answer is for workers to occupy the factory or plant.
It was an overcast day, the light hidden behind grey clouds that smothered the sky and threatened to rain.
I cannot accept the approach that cisgendered women's feminist empowerment would be threatened by accepting that there are (many) transgendered women that are as much female as any other woman.
More than 200 of the top 500 U.S. designations went to areas where significant populations of endangered and threatened species live, such as piping plovers and Kirtland's warblers.
As the water rose it eddied into whirlpools that threatened to sweep her away.
A scientist who discovered that by holding down the shift key on your PC can bypass the copyright protection on music CDs has been threatened with legal action under America's infamous Millennium Act.
Wherever tyranny, oppression and brutality have threatened the free world, our two countries have stood for the triumph of good over evil.
BANGOR, Maine - A local man with a long criminal history allegedly threatened a store clerk with a knife on Monday night after she told him he was seen on the store's video surveillance system stealing an item, Bangor police Sgt. Paul Edwards said on Tuesday. - News
Marine habitats throughout the insular Pacific are increasingly threatened by human activity.
The threatened strike has been called off.
And this is the only symptom whereby we find out and discern the nature of threatened impendent judgments.
The Sermons of John Owen
Where vegetation composition is altered and floral richness threatened, the results will ultimately be felt by us all.
The contaminative problem of environmental hormone have threatened the continuous exist and multiply of human.
The gas company threatened to cut them off if they didn't pay the bill.
The roof is typically threatened by burning brands or embers lofted by a nearby fire.
No one will kotow to you, or serenade you on a koto; rather, you'll be threatened with celotomy or colotomy, equally uncomfortable, or with banishment to Cotonou or Cotopani.
VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol IV No 2
Investigators Thursday evening found a dish containing what appeared to be antifreeze, which is poisonous to animals, on the property of a woman some neighbors say has threatened to poison cats and other animals that come into her yard.
Cincinnati.Com - All Local News
The ensuing scandal threatened, in the words of Federal Judge Jack B. Weinstein, to "unravel" the remaining 60 "War" cases.
Peter Lance: Feds Move Terrorist Close to Key Murder Witness
He threatened to give particular employees the kicking of their lives.
Canadian Tire didn't like it and threatened to sue him, so he took it down but still owns the URL.
If power interests are threatened, then new models of conformity may merely provoke new forms of deviance.
Aberdeen council was recently forced to backtrack on its single status plans after council workers threatened industrial action.
The UN threatened to invoke economic sanctions if the talks were broken off.
September 11 th has brought mostly unpleasant changes, including curtailment of civil liberties and threatened perpetual war.
In countries afflicted by epidemics and pandemics like malaria and tuberculosis, growth and development will be threatened until these scourges can be contained.
The accident threatened an ecological disaster for the remote Shetland Islands and its fishing, tourism and farming industries.
I have, since it was first threatened with closure, been a staunch campaigner both locally and in Parliament to save the maternity unit.
Sixth and last, some polluters felt that meeting the standards was just too darn expensive and threatened plant closures.
The director has threatened to give his resignation in to the Board.
The case involves, the largest news agency in the Ural Mountains region, which has been threatened with a shutdown because of anonymous comments made on its Internet forum.
Her friendship with the fashion glitterati would be endangered by Ronan's cowboy sense of style, his membership at the golf club threatened by her wild and wanton ways.
The juniper forest of north central Baluchistan is believed to be the most extensive remaining in the world and is home to the distinctive and highly threatened Baluchistan bear and straight-horned markhor.
Baluchistan xeric woodlands
Republicans had threatened to block consideration of the Castle-Tanner substitute, authored primarily by Rep.
$1,500-$2,500 can avoid a threatened court case that would seek $150,000 in damages. just wasn't proper to sue thousands of people this way, because the people have no real connection to one another (a question of "joinder").
Ars Technica
They were frequently threatened with execution if they tried to escape.
The RSPB reports that, despite the upturns in the fortune of many birds of prey in recent years, the hen harrier remains a seriously threatened species.
One of the callers threatened to take action against the attackers.
For its part, Iran, in its stand-off with world powers over its nuclear programme, has threatened to choke off oil shipments through the Persian Gulf if it is attacked.
Radio, TV and newspapers remain uncensored, unfettered and unthreatened by the government.
Easter Lemming Liberal News
Four more people drowned in eastern India on Wednesday and an overflowing river threatened to inundate low-lying areas around Patna, the populous capital city of Bihar state, relief officials said yesterday.
And I doubt whether the government feels threatened by fascists in the way it feels threatened by anti-capitalists.
She smiled at his playfulness and bit into an apple, tonguing a bit of sweet juice that threatened to run down the side of her lip.
The court heard that, once inside, the defendant shut the front door, barricaded himself in, said he had a 12 bore shotgun and threatened to kill everyone there if they tried to enter.
The Israeli government is so concerned that America's adversaries may miscalculate U.S. intentions that it is privately urging Washington to make it clear that the U.S. would intervene in Saudi Arabia should the survival of that government be threatened.
The Arab Spring and U.S. Policy: The View From Jerusalem
See that you do it, then," the captain threatened him.
If the U.S. took advantage of a power vacuum in Afghanistan and installed Pershings there, the Soviet Union's Central Asian assets would be threatened.
Moscow vs. the Mujahideen
Although the Portadown backs threatened constantly, an Armagh boot was always on hand to relieve the pressure.
Pat Jerrom says Danniella had violent mood swings and threatened to commit suicide.
The code threatened doctors with suspension if they performed abortions unless the pregnancy involved rape or threat to the woman's life.
The gallery forests are dominated by Cynometra vogelii; the patches of dense dry forest by Isoberlinia doka, Anogeissus leiocarpus, Cola cordifolia, Antiaris africana, which is nationally threatened, Chlorophora excelsa (VU), and the edible akee Blighia unijugata.
Comoé National Park, Côte d'Ivoire
His lawyers—plural—threatened a countercharge of police harassment, and Ms. Caroline King had declined to press charges.
Tough Customer
Threatened plant species currently being protected or monitored include the endemic saltpan cresses (Lepidium kirkii and L. sisymbrioides matau), the upland shrub Hebe cupressoides, the endangered Hector's tree daisy (Olearia hectorii), native Peraxilla mistletoes, and the epiphytic forest shrub Tupeia antarctica.
Cantebury-Otago tussock grasslands
Most recently it has been fighting threatened redundancies at the Corus steelworks in Scunthorpe.
The threatened lay-off of Josue Barahona is not because of the seniority system.
Alan Singer: Times Joins Bloomberg's Battle Against Teachers
Thrigby began a new era in 1979 as a wildlife park, and today has a key role in the worldwide network of zoos which are becoming a last refuge for threatened species.
In this untracked and threatened wilderness, our small group will backpack between glacier-fed rivers, taking time for close observation and photography.
Obviously threatened by our tenacity, the owner called his goons, five men, and grabbed my friend (a woman) as she approached the counter with another question.
Las Vegas courtroom by saying he "clocked" former judge Elizabeth Halverson on Sept. 4 because she threatened to stab him.
WTOP / Business / Biz Stories
The arrival of this South American predator threatened the survival of native species.
At the same time, the imminent introduction of wide-bodied aircraft threatened to shake up the entire industry for the second time in ten years.
Last fall, MORE reared its head when Baltimore's Department of Public Works threatened to step up enforcement of rules that keep mountain bikes off so-called singletrack dirt trails around Loch Raven and Pretty Boy reservoirs.
Baltimore City Paper
Their landlord has threatened to send in the bailiffs if they don't pay their rent.
Tony, a room-service attendant for nine years, says he was harassed and threatened because he was one of the activists organizing workers.
One ought never to turn one's back on a threatened danger and try to run away from it. If you do that, you will double the danger. But if you meet it promptly and without flinching, you will reduce the danger by half. Never run away from anything. Never! Ralph Waldo Emerson
Lebanese environmental groups said that bluefin tuna - a significant commercial species in the region that has already suffered from overfishing - are also being threatened by the spill.
Leverage increases volatility as investors run for cover when they feel threatened and pile in regardless on the upside swing.
In this way, LTCM threatened the ability of the major U.S. banks and Wall Street broker-dealers to meet their payment and settlement obligations.
Our freedom was threatened by press censorship.
Paul wrote to warn about the subtle arguments and false teachings that threatened to undermine the Colossian 's faith.
Gale force winds which threatened floods at the weekend have blown unprecedented numbers of a small Arctic seabird on to the North sea coast.
After Gus (Giancarlo Esposito) threatened Walt (Bryan Cranston) and his family on last week's Breaking Bad, Walt decides it's time to make sure Skyler (Anna Gunn), Junior (RJ Mitte) and Holly are safely ensconced at Hank's house.
Breaking Bad Sneak Peek: Is Walt Ready to Face His Consequences?
Even straight men, so often skittish and easily threatened, found his aw-shucks persona and mildly sarcastic, I'm-in-on-the-joke attitude congenial.
He flared his nostrils, threatened anyone who decided to continue the Patience / Horse argument with violence.
I threatened them with public exposure.
Such support was pivotal in conjunction with vetoes threatened and vetoes cast, even if the payoff was not instantaneous.
Though they were now only 65 air miles from their destination, the great salt lake lay more than 200 miles down the meandering river, through bands of belligerent nomads, wild rapids and a sun that threatened to "carbonize those who should be unprotected from its fierceness.
Old Salt, Dead Sea
They threatened more violence unless Jakarta took action against his killers.
Suddenly the man brought a gun out and threatened the driver with it.
United's midfielder threatened to shoot with his left, but then turned inside Ben Watson's tackle and rifled the ball into the roof of the net with his right.
The judge halted the trial when it emerged witnesses had been threatened.
The administration opposed that provision from the start and even threatened to veto the bill over it.
The ruffian threatened to run his victim through if he did not hand over all his money.
But after years of neglect the chimney had fallen into disrepair and was threatened with demolition.
More than 1,200 of them including farmers, gamekeepers and riders in hunting pink warned that their action was the start of a ‘summer of discontent’ to highlight opposition in the countryside to the threatened ban.
The area supports a number of species locally threatened or at their biogeographic limits, including golden eagle Aquila chrysaetos, prairie falcon Falco mexicanus, ferruginous hawk Buteo regalis, loggerhead shrike Lanius ludovicianus, merlin Falco columbarius, Brewers sparrow Spizella breweri and grasshopper sparrow Ammodramus savannarum.
Dinosaur Provincial Park, Canada
Traditional retail giants, once threatened by unknown dot.coms with a growing on-line customer base, have now begun flexing their brand muscle in cyberspace.
Anyone seeking to leave the movement was declared an enemy of God and threatened with death for apostasy and desertion.
Even here, there was consistent fear of anything that threatened to shake up the status quo.
The eight-phase plan is designed to ensure the 166-year-old zoo - the world's oldest - against previously threatened closure.
Within the Chondrostei, only sturgeons, bichirs and paddlefishes survive today, and many are threatened.
But they also have made clear to Pakistani officials they expect tangible results, and they threatened that current cash payments to Pakistan could be reduced if things don't improve in tribal areas such as North Waziristan.
U.S. Seeks Wider CIA Role
Threatened or now rare species also include blue monkey Cercopithecus mitis stuhlmanii, yellow-backed duiker Cephalophus sylvicultor, sitatunga Tragelophus spekei, giant hog, hylochoerus meinertzhageni, bushpig potomochoerus porcus, the Rwenzori hyrax Dendrohyrax arboreus ruwenzorii and Ruwenzori otter-shrew Micropotamogale ruwenzorii (EN).
Rwenzori Mountains National Park, Uganda
The company commander ordered a withdrawal as the enemy threatened to encircle and isolate the company.
Lots of the local farmers bred horses and sold them to the Army, especially when wars threatened.
Dad threatened to stop £1 a week from our pocket money if we didn't clean our rooms.
The nausea threatened to overcome him, but his determination to avenge the death of his friend was too strong.
Kenneth finally lost his cool with a photographer, and threatened to hit him.
Although the change would not take effect until 2013, the unions threatened industrial action.
A threatened blow is seldom given.
These various cries of the assailants, contradicting each other, showed their irresolution; while Richard, his foot still on the archducal banner, glared round him with an eye that seemed to seek an enemy, and from which the angry nobles shrunk appalled, as from the threatened grasp of a lion.
The Talisman
The wind outside was cold and wet, while the sky threatened to dump it's contents at any moment.
Manchester United's Christmas knees-up turned into a real bash as scuffles threatened to dampen the party atmosphere.
The young wife grew annoyed with the henpecking and threatened to walk back to Utah.
Shoe tree, ladies of the WNBA, transitory Venus, & etc.
Her tranquil life was threatened by the coming of a man whom she regarded as her deadly enemy.
The two Norwegians threatened to arrest Inge while the out of uniform police officer wielded a pair of handcuffs to add to the threats.
Her work included accompanying unarmed civilians being threatened by an armed group, serving as a protective presence.
It was disappointing to read two recent articles: ‘Summer events threatened by dearth of helpers’ and ‘Guild disbands as membership falls’.
Agents threatened her with being charged with aiding and abetting a criminal.
Threatened or now rare species also include blue monkey Cercopithecus mitis stuhlmanii, yellow-backed duiker Cephalophus sylvicultor, sitatunga Tragelophus spekei, giant hog, hylochoerus meinertzhageni, bushpig potomochoerus porcus, the Rwenzori hyrax Dendrohyrax arboreus ruwenzorii and Ruwenzori otter-shrew Micropotamogale ruwenzorii (EN).
Rwenzori Mountains National Park, Uganda
They threatened to shoot him and robbed him of all his possessions.
Dorsey chose to work with the bicolor damselfish because they are not considered a threatened or endangered species.
Death is, as one of the ancients observes, [Greek: to ton phoberon phoberotaton], _of dreadful things the most dreadful_: an evil, beyond which nothing can be threatened by sublunary power, or feared from human enmity or vengeance.
The Works of Samuel Johnson, Volume 03 The Rambler, Volume II
The coachwhip is a nervous snake and may retreat into rocks or rodent burrows when threatened, but it is just as likely to approach an intruder hissing, striking, and possibly shaking its tail; it will bite if handled.
Crowned sifaka lemurs are found only in Madagascar, and their survival is threatened by deforestation.
Then there was an ugly confrontation between members of the battalion's Alpha and Charlie batteries -- the term artillery units use instead of "companies" -- that threatened to turn into a brawl involving three dozen soldiers, and required the base police to intervene.
Archive 2004-09-01
Kitty was totally preoccupied with the threatened invasion, and to tell her this would be asking for trouble.
A landlord who was tied up and threatened at knifepoint while balaclava-clad raiders ransacked his Brentwood pub has told of his horrific ordeal.
The poshest hotels and some of the most prominent watering holes for tourists and the rich became charnel houses in massacres that threatened to undermine India's astonishing economic growth.
It was a project that outlived the lead actor, and remained a work in progress for so many years that Welles eventually threatened to retitle it When Are You Going To Finish Don Quixote?
Animals which are currently threatened with extinction may be saved by the use of frozen embryos and IVF technology which uses related species to gestate embryos.
Two: I have caused there to be cleanly disposal of wastes that threatened the health of our parish.
This idea supported Calhoun's doctrine of interposition or nullification, in which the state governments could refuse to enforce or comply with a policy of the Federal government that threatened the vital interests of the states.
After demanding that treatment be resumed, they were threatened with law enforcement action and effectively chased from the hospital.
Health Reform | Obama's New Strategy, Democrats, Republicans
The integrity and stability of the genetic material is continuously being threatened by endogenous and exogenous factors such as chemical mutagens and radiation.
The rain which threatened to pour didn't fail to dampen the spirit of the crowd who were determined to get into the spirit of things.
Wall-rue is rare in Connecticut; it is listed as a threatened species.
Is there a threatened breach of contract within the jurisdiction?
Two of these species are listed as threatened (VU or higher) by IUCN: yellow-legged pigeon (Columba pallidiceps) and Bismarck owl (Tyto aurantia).
New Britain-New Ireland montane rain forests
He was threatened with dismissal if he continued to turn up late for work.
An appropriate selection of firms will be made whose knowledge base is currently threatened by new technology or a novel design configuration.
The country has been threatened with complete isolation from the international community unless the atrocities stop.
Also inhabiting Ecoregion 61c are several species that are threatened in Pennsylvania, including the eastern sand darter (Ammocrypta pellucida) and the northern brook lamprey (Ichthyomyzon fossor) (Cooper, 1985, pp. 179, 182).
Ecoregions of Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia (EPA)
Anolis carolinensis, green anole, by Al Denelsbeck — Not endangered or even threatened at this point, they nevertheless are getting crowded out in Florida by the introduced and more aggressive brown anole.
Photography contest: Finalists, General Category - The Panda's Thumb
Gordon is just happy to be taking part in the Games as a serious knee injury in 2002 threatened to wreck his career.
Also reliant on honeydew are the threatened New Zealand parrots known as kaka.
Excommunication threatened the eternal life of heretics and schismatics, while the Holy Inquisition concentrated the minds of defiant Catholics by handing them over to the civil power for a spot of torture or burning.
A rathe rinterseting bit of info, turns out Monsanto's CEO doesn't even believe in his company's own products. click here are numerous instances where Monsanto has threatened the M$M about exposing dubious safety of its commodities. by
OpEdNews - Diary: Destroy the Afghan Opium Crops for Monsanto
Management has threatened to lock out the workforce if they do not accept the proposed changes in working methods.
In early May 1992, the National Marine Fisheries Service listed the Snake River chinook salmon as a threatened species.
It is also interesting to note that these are reported offences and do not account for people who are being threatened on a daily basis by gangs who entice businesses for protection money.
We should never under-estimate the pushback we'll see from those who feel threatened by the spectre of 30 million Canadians armed with equal and effective votes.
The real show of class warfare is the threatened curtailment of charitable status for private schools and the shrill demand that universities take more state-school pupils.
Tensions have been rising in Turkey as the government considers democratic reforms that would advance the rights of Kurds and other minorities, while at the same time the state court has threatened to disband the Kurdish political party, the DTP, which is accused of supporting the PKK.
NYT > Global Home
It moves at the rate of 800 ft to 1000 ft a year and during the 18th century overran cultivated fields and threatened to engulf communities.
30 percent of reptiles, birds, and fish are currently threatened with extinction.
White pups on white snow are seen as symbols of virginal nature, threatened by a hunter with upraised club.
For two or three years I do not remember to have seen it, or the seedlings, without flowers; its pretty, dwarf, rue-like foliage grew so thickly that it threatened to kill the edging of gentianella and such things as _Polemonium variegatum_, the double cuckoo-flower, and the little _Armeria setacea_; it also filled the walks, and its long wiry roots have been eradicated with difficulty.
Hardy Perennials and Old Fashioned Flowers Describing the Most Desirable Plants, for Borders, Rockeries, and Shrubberies.
Mary's brother Robert Whittaker, a brazier, stripped to his underwear when the ship struck, and threw away 80 gold sovereigns, the weight of which threatened to drown him.
Of 419 mobbing events, 87% were performed by a territory holder whose nests or fledglings were threatened.
When threatened, the octopus can squirt out ink as a decoy to distract its predator and allowing the octopus to escape.
Although none of them are endemic, there are several threatened species, including the tiger, gaur, wild dog, sloth bear, chousingha, and blackbuck.
Narmada Valley dry deciduous forests
Loren fought the feeling of helpless panic that threatened to engulf him.
She spoke quite candidly with me: ‘It was frightful, the way my husband threatened me.’
He threatened to bring a private prosecution against the doctor.
Paschall, that bicause he permitted the emperour to inuest bishops, and did not therefore excommunicate him, king Henrie threatened, that without doubt he would resume the inuestitures into his hands, thinking to hold them in quiet as well as he; and therefore besought him to consider what his wisedome had to doo therein with spéed, least that building which he had well erected, should vtterlie decaie, & fall againe into irrecouerable ruine.
Chronicles of England, Scotland and Ireland (2 of 6): England (3 of 12) Henrie I.
Yet the dissents accumulated weight and evidence until they threatened to destroy the credibility of science altogether.
Is it not singular that these animals, not usually wanting in sagacity or courage, should when threatened by fire so quietly submit to their fate without making a single effort to escape?
Life in the Rocky Mountains
As for biodiversity, the most important species threatened with extinction today is the human race.
I spent the rest of the day, indeed much of the rest of the conference, buttonholing leading nuclear figures of this and other nations with that same forbidden question: what happens if deterrence fails and you have to decide whether to kill millions of innocent civilians because you threatened to?
How the End Begins
Underneath this image of normalcy, addiction threatened to rip this family apart.
MPB head of conservation Arrie van Wyk said the land claims affected one-third of the 28000ha reserve, which protects the threatened north-eastern sourveld and has the highest known plant diversity figures in the province.
ANC Daily News Briefing
The union has threatened to call for solidarity actions by its members at all sister newspapers and a boycott of all Media 24 newspapers if its demands are not met.
Despite any wavering I may have exhibited, I now stand, as George puts it in his article, 'ready to conserve the threatened flower of womanhood by also endeavoring to conserve her unpolled vote!'
The Sturdy Oak A composite Novel of American Politics by fourteen American authors
The main species threatened by hunting are the tenrec (Tenrec ecaudatus), fruit bats (Pteropus rufus and Eidolon helvum), and the red-fronted brown lemur.
Madagascar succulent woodlands
The military tried several times to enlist him, and he was indeed arrested or threatened with arrest several times by the military police.
They were all sweetness and light when they were on top, but now that their little dynasty is threatened, they have become barroom brawlers.
Moore: Clinton is trying to scare voters
She threatened to walk off the film set because of the conditions.
The military is not a particularly cohesive social force and has not threatened to seize power.
Tanya, pink satin jacket fitting her petite frame perfectly, threatened her co-star from across the stage.
When he saw that John was still inexorable, he pulled out a case-knife, with which he used to snicker-snee, and threatened to cut his own throat.
History of John Bull
The hotspot is also home to a rich variety of ungulates (animals with hooves), including the threatened argali wild sheep.
We retreat into our irony cages when we feel threatened by our difference from other people.
The union threatened a strike but called it off at the last minute.
The more interesting aspect is the use of the term "broach" which in sailing terms refers to the threatened tipping over of a sailboat.
Denver Post: News: Breaking: Local
According to a field of study called reactance theory, writes Dr. Cialdini, Whenever free choice is limited or threatened, the need to retain our freedoms makes us desire them as well as the goods and services associated with them significantly more than previously.
Life Is a Series of Presentations
The movement is fighting for the conservation of threatened groves of babassu palm.
The report found, among other defects, that the Iraqi High Tribunal was undermined from the outset by Iraqi government actions that threatened the independence and perceived impartiality of the court.
[157] It said that there was no evidence of "browbeating" or a verbal attack to the extent that the Standard was threatened.
Five: Running with Greg's use of the word "pamper," McCain's sense of manhood is threatened by being Mr. Cindy McCain (they are her houses) and the POW narrative restores this idea that yes, gawddamit, I'm a man's man.
McCain Himself Invokes POW Past To Deflect Criticism Of Houses Gaffe
A threatened blow is seldom given.
Party unity is threatened when members will not compromise.
But eventually he was forced to concede that religious and regional fanaticism threatened to overwhelm his reforms.