How To Use Threaded In A Sentence

  • Now, while our _idea of God_ thus tells us that God has in his hand all causal chains in the world, and its million-threaded web in constant omni-surveying presence and in all-controlling omnipotence, our reflection on the _world_ and its substance and course also leads us from the _a posteriori_ starting-point of analytical investigation precisely to the same result; it even leads us to a still more concrete conception of this idea -- namely, to the result, that not only the _causal chains, in their totality and in their web_, but also _all single links_ of these chains, The Theories of Darwin and Their Relation to Philosophy, Religion, and Morality
  • The listener can be a bottleneck if it is single threaded, and if InterChange Server is not running on a high speed disk subsystem.
  • The first man picked up the end and threaded it through the loop on his leg iron.
  • With superb boatmanship he threaded the narrow, tortuous channel which no craft larger than a whaleboat could negotiate, until the shoals and patches showed seaward and they grounded on the quiet, rippling beach. A SON OF THE SUN
  • It slopes southwest from the watershed between the Nile and Congo rivers, part of an ancient peneplain interrupted by mostly granitic inselbergs, threaded by gallery forests, with large marshland depressions. Garamba National Park, Democratic Republic of Congo
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  • The"sacred ecosystem," as executive director Hawk Rosales calls it, isthreaded by waters like Wolf Creek (right), focus of aproject to restore salmon habitat.
  • A threaded pass and Spurs are in. The Sun
  • These threaded, plucked or shaved young soldiers are proving befuddling to an older generation of bushier warriors. About-Face: Soldiers Target Stray Eyebrows in Afghanistan
  • A tiny wire is threaded through a vein to the heart.
  • Ancient thick walls and decorated stones, bladder campion and violets threaded through the grass.
  • Leslie smiled and turned back to her sewing, moving what looked like a shirt sleeve along the jabbing threaded needle.
  • The worker threaded the wire through the pulley.
  • Although she had never threaded a needle in her life, she discovered that she knew exactly how to alter the too-large gowns so that they would fit her tiny frame.
  • They filled huge haliotis shells with pearls and laid them there beside her, they brought her emeralds which she set to flash among the tresses of her long black hair, they brought her threaded sapphires for her cloak: all this the princes of fable did and the elves and the gnomes of myth. The Book of Wonder
  • It folded very thin, reminding her of the giant shawl from Turkey her aunt had, which could be bunched up and could still be threaded through the center of a wedding ring.
  • Make sure that you've threaded it correctly, and that all the tensioners are working properly (I usually spin them all the way in each direction, then re-set them).
  • Lantern clocks originally ran on woven ropes, which were threaded over spikes on ratchet wheels.
  • Pizzas are grilled, and kebabs threaded with bread between the chunks of meat, to soak up their juices as they cook.
  • Wakefield, on the other hand, was anything but discouraging: He suggested that Michelle have a pediatric gastroenterologist perform an endoscopy, which is an invasive surgical procedure during which a fiber-optic camera is threaded up the rectum or down the mouth and through the maze of the gastrointestinal tract. The Panic Virus
  • The cartridge may be held in place with a threaded ring or a retainer clip.
  • He threaded several causal ideas into a charming essay.
  • The girl threaded the needle for her mother.
  • Jonah rigged up a narrow plywood sheet with screws threaded in at various points; it's now our camera mount and steadicam in one.
  • Minced lamb or beef is whizzed in the food processor with the spices, fresh herbs and onion, then threaded on to thick, flat metal skewers or shaped into meatballs and cooked on a grill or in a hot pan.
  • The forward ring of the receiver is slit and then threaded for a fairly large Allen screw which effectively clamps the barrel.
  • The routine for knitting double jacquard is to start with the carriages at the right and threaded with the background colour.
  • The poles which make up the trellis walls are linked at the joints by lengths of twine threaded through holes.
  • I was concerned that the standard garage door was not secure enough and wanted to give him extra locking facility for the cycle - so I screwed a padlock type hasp into the wall inside the garage - then provided a steel 'hawser' type rope (from a cycle shop) for him to lock the bike up to, which threaded through the large hasp. Environment news, comment and analysis from the Guardian |
  • Strong conkers were gathered in the woods, carefully dried, bored and threaded onto pieces of strong string with a secure double knot under the conker.
  • Eventually the many rings were threaded, the float attached, shotted and the hook tied on.
  • The barrel is bored out and threaded at breech and muzzle to accept a 17-cal. barrel liner.
  • She threaded her way through the crowded market place.
  • The threaded switch and lens assemblies are sealed to the body with waterproof, greased ‘O’ rings.
  • She sat down, smoothed out her dress, threaded the needle, and began.
  • Bolts are about 6 long and made of unfletched wood; their metal points are threaded like a coarse woodscrew to facilitate removal from the lead plates used as backstops.
  • Machine screws have a uniform shaft diameter and a blunt end, with smaller, less angled threads, designed for use with a matching nut or threaded hole.
  • The pavid matron within the one vehicle (speeding to the Bank for her semestrial pittance) shrieked and trembled; the angry Dives hastening to his office (to add another thousand to his heap,) thrust his head over the blazoned panels, and displayed an eloquence of objurgation which his very Menials could not equal; the dauntless street urchins, as they gayly threaded the Burlesques
  • Side view of threaded stud. Use control handles to adjust the hidden line portion of stud.
  • The eye bolt attaches to threaded stem for easy wallyball net attachment.
  • Dressed in a skirt from the sewing room and a twinset that the matron had bought, and with a red ribbon threaded through her already graying hair, Naida waited for the car.
  • Pedestrians threaded their way unpredictably through the slowly moving mass.
  • The wire threaded through small loops.
  • The longlines are threaded with many thousands of hooks and stretch for up to 50 miles.
  • An oval drill head was attached to a flexible wire and threaded into a blood vessel in his leg.
  • I wear my slick black hair in an elastic band threaded with red dice charms.
  • For hardwoods, such as flooring, siding and rafters, use spiral threaded nails that turn as they are driven into the wood.
  • The group threaded its way up treacherous couloirs and 50-degree snow slopes, cutting steps with ice axes.
  • Slowly she threaded her way back through the moving mass of bodies.
  • Jill loves African-inspired dos, so she has fun with looks like cornrows and twists and threaded styles.
  • The waiters threaded between the crowded tables.
  • The coat of the Hobys of Bisham, as correctly given, is "Argent, within a border engrailed sable, three spindles, threaded in fesse, gules. Notes and Queries, Number 219, January 7, 1854 A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Genealogists, etc
  • He stared at it in amaze, his brain a racing wild-fire of hypotheses to account for this far-journeyer who had adventured the night of space, threaded the stars, and now rose before him and above him, exhumed by patient anthropophagi, pitted and lacquered by its fiery bath in two atmospheres. THE RED ONE
  • For the double-ended ramrods, one end is threaded for cleaning attachments and the other end shaped concave for loading a patched round lead ball over 30 grains of powder.
  • The Common ARTS system is a highly distributed, networked, multithreaded, real-time system.
  • White ash, buckeye, shellbark hickory, honey locust, black cherry, and red and yellow oak claimed slightly better drained land, threaded by enormous tangles of grapevine and poison ivy.
  • The play tells the story of his life amidst the turbulent times of the Penal Laws, and the narrative is threaded with her music.
  • B'fol's dainty green beauty moaned and tossed her head, unable to bend one wing that had been threaded to bare cartilage. DragonFlight
  • The pavid matron within the one vehicle (speeding to the Bank for her semestrial pittance) shrieked and trembled; the angry Dives hastening to his office (to add another thousand to his heap,) thrust his head over the blazoned panels, and displayed an eloquence of objurgation which his very Menials could not equal; the dauntless street urchins, as they gayly threaded the Labyrinth of Life, enjoyed the perplexities and quarrels of the scene, and exacerbated the already furious combatants by their poignant infantile satire. Burlesques
  • He stared at it in amaze, his brain a racing wild-fire of hypotheses to account for this far-journeyer who had adventured the night of space, threaded the stars, and now rose before him and above him, exhumed by patient anthropophagi, pitted and lacquered by its fiery bath in two atmospheres. THE RED ONE
  • The real star is director Ava Roy, whose masterful use of the entire island was both subtle and innovative; at times organic (the gravedigger scene was on a small mountain of rubble) and striking (Ophelia's madness was played inside a wide open hospital room threaded with white twine, empty birdcages, and lilting bird down.) Lauren Gunderson: Wild and Whirling Words: An Audacious Hamlet on Alcatraz
  • The ropes are then threaded through a figure-eight device clamped into the harness, allowing kloofers to "abseil," or rappel, great distances at a controlled clip. Between a Rock and a Waterfall
  • Forget a sewing kit: they leave needles threaded with silks that match your clothes. Times, Sunday Times
  • He threaded his way through the crowd, taking up a position beside the president and followed him into the hall, where he sat beside him on the stage.
  • The catheter is tunneled under the skin and enters a large vein and then is threaded into the superior vena cava.
  • Stepped terraces are threaded by ingenious irrigation channels that, over the centuries, have transformed this mountain desert terrain into a breadbasket.
  • We threaded our way back along the line, around the south side of the rotunda under City Hall's famous gold-trimmed dome.
  • Slowly she threaded her way back through the moving mass of bodies.
  • The girl threaded the needle for her mother.
  • We gingerly threaded our way through the stalled cars back to our building.
  • Then a crow's-foot, or tripod of iron, tapped and threaded for iron pipe, is screwed to the terminal block. Electricity for the farm Light, heat and power by inexpensive methods from the water wheel or farm engine
  • Mr. White threaded his way through the legal entanglements.
  • His fingers threaded through her tight chignon and loosened it.
  • Jonathan > >: The biggie, for me, is that my Twitter stream seems open, while my Facebook status feels locked behind Facebook's doors. eske > >: couldn't find anything on "jama" - but "quotably" didn't do much for me in relation to threaded conversations - gimme a heads up if you know of something better. markmedia1 > >: @jonathan yes. Inside View from Ireland
  • Knits are threaded with silver, trousers made of advanced cotton fiber and many shirts carry pixel prints.
  • Pieces of lamb threaded on a skewer and grilled over hot charcoal is known around the world as shish kebab.
  • Two pails of water flanked this rack, in each of which had been thrust a slotted hickory "wiper" threaded with a square of cloth. The Adventures of Bobby Orde
  • What they do is to drill a pilot hole in the bolt, and place a bit into the hole that is reverse threaded so that while you are tightening up the bit, it is backing out the bolt.
  • It includes a Java software and HTML editor, multi-threaded debugger, object browser, and HTTP server.
  • A threaded pass and Spurs are in. The Sun
  • To create the splay, the maker attached a thick block to the bottom of the chest, beveled its bottom to the desired angle, and screwed the leg to the block by means of a threaded dowel.
  • His beard was already threaded with grey stubble and his skin had an unnatural pallor.
  • Amanda returned to the microfilm projector and threaded in another spool, which contained an early reference to Pedro Aragon. TIES THAT BIND
  • Jonah rigged up a narrow plywood sheet with screws threaded in at various points; it's now our camera mount and steadicam in one.
  • The locking member includes a threaded hole for receiving the threaded end of an L-shaped lock screw which engages the outer surface of the unipod member and acts as a stop for the sleeve member.
  • Her honey-brown hair, partially covered by a thin white veil of sendal and crowned with a narrow golden coronet, was dressed in a multitude of thin plaits threaded with jeweled bangles. Conqueror's Moon
  • That way you'll have a little wiggle room to finesse each screw into its respective hole and get it threaded.
  • Four young women had seated themselves round the quilting frame, threaded needles in hand. THE WITCH TREE SYMBOL
  • The 10/32 threaded vertical mounting rails easily adjust in ¼ inch increments for accurate alignment, while numbered U positions and copper busbar attachment points further simplify set-up. ThomasNet News - Today's New Product News
  • A number of textile manufacturers are marketing fabrics threaded or plated with silver, copper or stainless steel.
  • The traditional way of sealing threaded pipe joints is with hemp and jointing compound.
  • He stared at it in amaze, his brain a racing wild-fire of hypotheses to account for this far-journeyer who had adventured the night of space, threaded the stars, and now rose before him and above him, exhumed by patient anthropophagi, pitted and lacquered by its fiery bath in two atmospheres. THE RED ONE
  • After that they explored the woods, threaded by countless paths, ever opening out in new surprises of green-painted rustic tables and benches in leafy nooks, many of which were already pre-empted by family parties. CHAPTER II
  • First the technician threaded my brows, then she dyed them one shade darker than my natural tone. Times, Sunday Times
  • I stayed at her side as we threaded our way through the room, accompanied by the sound of furniture scraping on the floor as patrons shied away from me.
  • Where the strainer is threaded underneath, a washer slips on and then a lock nut is tightened down until the putty oozes out.
  • They threaded their way through the busy roads, and came round in a wide arc to the overbuilt coastline. COUP D'ETAT
  • These jacks are also used in prestressing applications and are equipped with cylinders into which the strand is threaded.
  • Timothy btw … the threaded view on these threads is awful to follow. McGinn Says He’ll Veto Tunnel Agreement; Council President Says Mayor is “Grandstanding” « PubliCola
  • Sheet metal screws are threaded completely from the point to the head, and the threads are sharper than those of wood screws.
  • Jonah rigged up a narrow plywood sheet with screws threaded in at various points; it's now our camera mount and steadicam in one.
  • Sue threaded the glass beads onto a piece of heavy string.
  • Heron of Alexandria described the screw in Mechanica in the first century A.D., and archeologists have unearthed threaded bolts at early Roman sites.
  • A sweet, lacy cotton batiste "teddy" with satin ribbons threaded through to bind my waist. Alexis Marble: The Moment I Knew
  • She threaded her way through the crowded market place.
  • The actual dynamics is more gnarly, to my mind, with nested and threaded sub-narratives of disruption, recognition and reaction (ump-thousand word blog post on this here). Archive 2009-04-01
  • The pavid matron within the one vehicle (speeding to the Bank for her semestrial pittance) shrieked and trembled; the angry Dives hastening to his office (to add another thousand to his heap,) thrust his head over the blazoned panels, and displayed an eloquence of objurgation which his very Menials could not equal; the dauntless street urchins, as they gayly threaded the Burlesques
  • Using a tapestry needle threaded with the embroidery colour, begin at the top right of the motif.
  • The anchor devices threaded with braided polyester sutures were loaded onto a delivery instrument and tapped with a mallet into the drill holes.
  • Their timing as they threaded looms and initiated stroke against the tide was irksomely flawless. Shadowfane
  • The elevator and rudders were each fitted with a trim tab actuated by a revolving drum on an acme-threaded push-pull rod.
  • So he rose up and went out and threaded the streets awhile, but only increased in cark and care. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • A standard LENTON coupler is a mechanical taper threaded splice that develops the minimum specified ultimate strength of the rebar being spliced.
  • The resinoid bond grinding wheel has 3 varieties: the mirror surfaces grinding wheel, the threaded insert disk and the ordinary wheel.
  • The T-handle and second head portion unscrews from the rest of the pump to reveal a CO2 inflator complete with a threaded 16-gram cartridge and button for regulating air flow.
  • In a sense, the evidence provided the bricks and mortar of the case; Huntley had threaded his thin and frantic line of defence around their incontestability.
  • The patient swallows several yards of a reliable silk thread a day or two before the proposed dilatation is carried out; the thread is expected to pass through the stricture of the stomach, and to enter for some distance into the small intestine; the metal head of the bougie, which is canalised in its long axis, is "threaded" on the silk, and the latter acting as a guide, the bougie is passed safely and confidently through the stricture. Manual of Surgery Volume Second: Extremities—Head—Neck. Sixth Edition.
  • A textile strap is threaded around all shelves, through milled notches in the wood, firmly tying them together. Verwoben (Interwoven) Shelves by Marco dos Santos Pina
  • A disc had been cut from the middle and a leather cord was threaded through this hole.
  • Then a crow's-foot, or tripod of iron, tapped and threaded for iron pipe, is screwed to the terminal block. Electricity for the farm Light, heat and power by inexpensive methods from the water wheel or farm engine
  • Waves of aromas and flavours of cigar boxes, ripe juicy blackcurrants and spice all harmoniously integrate with perfumed French oak and are threaded with firm acidity.
  • They seem to lie concealed like puppet strings threaded through generation after generation of the human race. Times, Sunday Times
  • The longlines are threaded with many thousands of hooks and stretch for up to 50 miles.
  • Insert the 2-inch and 1. 5-inch male threaded couplings from the bottom up through the holes, screwing the female couplers on top to sandwich the plastic. Workshop: Snorkel Installation
  • Tom threaded the rope through the safety harness.
  • With a last glance backwards, he threaded his way through the trees, still ever vigilant for the appearance of any more guards. THE DEVIL'S DOOR
  • At the first leaf stage they were removed from the dishes and carefully threaded through thin glass tubes suspended from the lids of 600 ml beakers containing culture solution at pH 5.6.
  • On the back part of the upper table are two threaded screws.
  • As we threaded the shrubbery, which is very thick about the place, she explained to me the cause of her abrupt departure. The Millionaire Baby
  • Some flexibility can be gained by adding one microinstruction to the interpreter to use indirect threaded code.
  • They couldn’t exist in unsupported world structures, not without the proper meme-patterns threaded throughout the reality’s chronatin makeup. 365 tomorrows » 2007 » March : A New Free Flash Fiction SciFi Story Every Day
  • Heavier objects can be supported with a molly style hollow wall fastener, a spiral threaded fastener, or a toggle bolt.
  • Tom threaded the rope through the safety harness.
  • I have to thread the needles for her but she suggested we keep several threaded at one time so she could work for longer periods.
  • Start a permanent whipping by pushing a needle threaded with waxed marline through the rope a couple of inches from the end.
  • Forget a sewing kit: they leave needles threaded with silks that match your clothes. Times, Sunday Times
  • First the technician threaded my brows, then she dyed them one shade darker than my natural tone. Times, Sunday Times
  • An oval drill head was attached to a flexible wire and threaded into a blood vessel in his leg.
  • We threaded through the narrow passage.
  • The central spine of mountains, a last fling of the Andean chain, are matted in rainforest, threaded with trails, cooled by waterfalls and home to more birds per square mile than anywhere in the world.
  • The blade is held by pins and maintained in place by threaded studs and knurled clamp nuts.
  • Sue threaded the glass beads onto a piece of heavy string.
  • That is, the MSG-90A1 is fitted with the barrel, threaded on the muzzle, to accept screw-on silencers, and is equipped with low signature flash hider.
  • Minced lamb or beef is whizzed in the food processor with the spices, fresh herbs and onion, then threaded on to thick, flat metal skewers or shaped into meatballs and cooked on a grill or in a hot pan.
  • She stood and with his help the chains were pulled from the ground and unthreaded from her shackles, leaving her only in a pair of cuffs.
  • We threaded through the narrow passage.
  • The Riesling grape performs well in southern Australia, and this delivers typical notes of limes, peels and petroleum oils, threaded with mouthwatering acidity.
  • This is a nasty piece of thin elastic upon which hollow compressed lumps of sugar and colourings are threaded.
  • Wendy threaded her way around the old firetruck, plodded up the front steps, and continued on up to her room, where she flopped out on her bed, staring at the ceiling.
  • She threaded the shells together and wore them round her neck.
  • Assertive, clean, black-fruit flavours are threaded with a necessary acidity and backed by chewy oak.
  • The doctors were also asked whether other issues had led them to recommend the heart test — called a cardiac catheterization — during which a thin tube is threaded to the heart to check how well it is working and to look for disease. 1 in Four Doctors Order Medical Tests Out of Fear of Getting Sued | Impact Lab
  • In a follow up article I'll show you how to create a more useful multi-threaded program than our kill-time sample. Latest News from JAVA Developer's Journal
  • This handsome wall-mounted object consists of an upright rectangular bar with eight threaded dowels extending horizontally from its right side.
  • They use backstrap looms which are attached to a tree and consist of several smooth pieces of wood threaded with the bright cotton used for weaving.
  • The second thread quickly joins the first so that the major portion of the screw remains single threaded.
  • Motorists were patient as the procession slowly threaded its way through the town, and many drivers tooted their horns in support.
  • Pipes and threaded connectors attached to the back sides serve as handles for technicians who carry and install the 700-pound panels.
  • The believers adorn their San Judas statues with beads and threaded necklaces, colored lace, scapulars, and roses. Down and Delirious in Mexico City
  • Maxine, a former timber industry employee, survived a ruptured cerebral aneurysm and, as part of her treatment, underwent a "coiling" procedure in which a small plastic tube was inserted into her leg and piped into her brain, through which were threaded platinum coils into the aneurysm, blocking blood flow to prevent future rupture. Latest stories
  • It was made of oak, knurled on the grip, lathe-troweled with three rings below the tip, drilled through the center and filled with a steel bolt, its black paint nicked, a leather thong threaded through the handle. The Glass Rainbow
  • Pizzas are grilled, and kebabs threaded with bread between the chunks of meat, to soak up their juices as they cook.
  • Drill a clearance hole for a new threaded rivet (same diameter as rivet) through the inner face of the door stile.
  • The solid, fixed converter lens and/or accessory mount with its small, 28 mm threaded ring creates an immediate link to an idea few other manufacturers have exploited, and none as well as Nikon.
  • One would have said that the writer must have threaded its wildest solitudes by the light of the moon and stars as well as by day.
  • This should loosen the drill chuck from the threaded spindle.
  • The elegant pairing of the NoC dip tube and the removable threaded ferrule which is hidden behind a ferrule cover, contributes to the creation of an aesthetically pleasing pack with an environmentally responsible feature. MWV Creates Sophisticated and Sustainable Solution for the Voyage d’Hermès Fragrance - Yahoo! Finance
  • Manes of threaded fog leaped and bowed with balletic malice, embracing the adversaries, whispering promises of beautiful demise into their unheeding ears.
  • It threaded through the hills which surrounded the Empire's capital like a huge, natural breastwork.
  • This is a boutique style of Pinot, delivering classy, clean, red berry-fruits threaded with firm acidity, spice and toasty oak.
  • The boards are mounted to the chassis by stacks of threaded board standoffs, each successive layer of which must be removed to reach the layer beneath.
  • Bolts are about 6'' long and made of unfletched wood; their metal points are threaded like a coarse woodscrew to facilitate removal from the lead plates used as backstops.
  • It was the newest rod available, and it threaded into the epiphysis, whatever that was, which kept it from migrating, like the older rods used to. Handle with Care
  • It threaded a route up through those walls and cracks, real exploratory scrambling, and then on up the narrowing ridge to the summit of Ainshval.
  • Toy cotton reels or buttons can be sorted by colour or threaded on to laces, while plastic pegs can be used for pattern-making and counting.
  • Six needles, already threaded with colored yarn, are laid out next to each other so that the colors of the threads simulate a rainbow of sorts.
  • The girl threaded the needle for her mother.
  • The surgeon uses a reamer and threaded tap to drill a hole to hold the titanium cage containing the bone graft.
  • Surprisingly complex for one so young, delivering flavours of spice, limes, lemons, orange peel and oatmeal, all harmoniously threaded with ripe acidity.
  • The strands of the red threaded shawl slung over her chair projecting perhaps hope, or is she abandoning vanity? Times, Sunday Times
  • A straightforward way to implement multithreaded applications is to associate a lightweight process with each thread.
  • It has a traditional cylindrical shape and is threaded with delicate blue veins.
  • Slipping beneath the waters off Tobago, in 1969, Hutchinson threaded five calabashes on a rope anchored to a bed of coral.
  • A tiny wire is threaded through a vein to the heart.
  • (Oxford English Dictionary) [31.1] A skiver is a skewer onto which meat would be threaded for cooking. Inventory of Robert Carter's Estate, November [1733]
  • Toy cotton reels or buttons can be sorted by colour or threaded on to laces, while plastic pegs can be used for pattern-making and counting.
  • It's a bona fide pain, getting your eyebrows tweezed, being threaded.
  • A weight followed by another smaller bead were threaded on the wire.
  • The system utilized a screw-threaded plug which, by being screwed and unscrewed vertically at the rear of the barrel, sealed and unsealed the breech for loading with powder and ball.
  • Her eyes were small and brightly anxious, threaded with fine filaments of blood, and her aquiline nose was now a pug nose in which broken capillaries glowed with a sullen heat.
  • And now we have ‘Brasyl’, fizzing and sparking along in the wake of ‘River Of Gods’, itself a fabulously ambitious, multi-threaded/plaided/braided storyline which looked into the wired lens of a future India. Ian McDonald’s ‘Brasyl`, a holiday destination for the mind « INTERSTELLAR TACTICS
  • The yarn has to be threaded through the needle.
  • That is, the MSG-90A1 is fitted with the barrel, threaded on the muzzle, to accept screw-on silencers, and is equipped with low signature flash hider.
  • The expander bolt that is to be used in place of the star nut appears nicely designed with horizontal ribbing and of course there is the threaded center for the top-cap bolt.
  • Horses were threaded through improbable gaps, propelled forwards to deeds of which they considered themselves incapable. Times, Sunday Times
  • And yet, threaded through the radio schedules, there is intellectual nourishment. Times, Sunday Times
  • Each of the screw holes used to mount the front fan is threaded, and long screws are provided.
  • She got a fake tan and haircut and had her eyebrows threaded. The Sun
  • The group threaded its way up treacherous couloirs and 50-degree snow slopes, cutting steps with ice axes.
  • An oval drill head was attached to a flexible wire and threaded into a blood vessel in his leg.
  • The upper stem is threaded into the diaphragm retainer nut.

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