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How To Use Thorax In A Sentence

  • Cervical vertebra coping, of the belt headache. Left prothorax aches, it is how to return a responsibility, what disease be? How to administer?
  • Sahn and Hefner recently reviewed the clinical condition of spontaneous pneumothorax.
  • He learned to recognize pneumonia, bronchiectasis, pleurisy, emphysema, pneumothorax, phthisis, and other lung diseases from the sounds he heard with his stethoscope.
  • Not only did sanatoriums close, but also therapeutic mainstays like pneumothorax and pneumoperitoneum became obsolete, and surgical procedures such as thoracoplasty and the surgeons who did them disappeared.
  • Black; the head and thorax very closely punctured, thinly clothed with griseous pubescence, that on the face, thorax beneath, and on the coxæ most dense and glittering; antennæ more slender than is usual in this genus, and tapering to their apex, the joints slightly subarcuate; the mandibles bidentate at their apex and with a yellow spot at their base. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
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  • Savage charged the creature, swinging his knife at the prothorax. MINUTES TO BURN
  • First, a pair of snapping legs, then the thorax, then the orb of the abdomen. MINUTES TO BURN
  • Sachs Butterfly House in Chesterfield, says they make that sound by vibrating an organ on the side of their thorax called a tymbal. Cicadas Swarm Wide Portions of US
  • Patagium - ia: in Lepidoptera, those sclerites that cover the base of primaries: often used as synonymous with tegula and squamula, q.v.: assigned by some writers to the pro -, by others to the meso-thorax: homologized with the paraptera of meso-thorax. Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology
  • As the bird lands and decelerates the weight of the pectoralis and sternocoricoideus muscles causes the sternum to swing ventrally, increasing the volume of the thorax.
  • Yellow; the antennæ fuscous above, also a fuscous cloud at the apex of the anterior wings, the wings hyaline with the nervures black; a spot on the scape within, and three longitudinal stripes on the mesothorax, black; the latter slightly punctured anteriorly; the metathorax smooth and shining, with three oblique carinæ on each side, and a small subovate enclosed space in the middle of the disk. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
  • Under normal light/dark conditions, the clock genes rhythmically luminesced in each of the cultured segments - head, thorax and abdomen.
  • The institution of positive-pressure ventilation in an already hyperinflated thorax can markedly worsen hemodynamics and cause abrupt falls in blood pressure including cardiac collapse.
  • Originating at the level of the sixth cervical vertebra, posterior to the cricoid cartilage, the esophagus passes through the thorax slightly to the right and behind the aortic arch and the left main stem bronchus.
  • Black and punctured, with thin long griseous pubescence; the vertex, disk of the thorax, and the abdomen shining; the mandibles and clypeus yellow, the latter with a black bell-shaped spot in the middle; wings fulvo-hyaline, the nervures ferruginous; the tibiæ with a yellow line outside. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
  • Thorax and pectus tawny, the former globose, with a black dorsal spot; abdomen tawny at the base; anterior legs testaceous, hind femora spinose beneath; wings grey, darker at the tips; stigma and veins black; halteres testaceous, with piceous tips. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
  • Mecoptera: long-winged: neuropterous insects with similar, large, unfolded wings; mouth mandibulate, prolonged into a beak: head free; thorax agglutinated; transformations complete: the scorpion flies or Panorpidae. Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology
  • Front, fore borders of the thorax and hind borders of the abdominal segments ochraceous; dorsal tuft pale cinereous, rather large. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
  • Reddish-yellow; the head, apical joint of the intermediate tarsi, the apex of the posterior tibiæ, and the third and following segments of the abdomen black; the thorax and legs with a thin, short, pale fulvous pubescence; the head and abdomen smooth and shining; the head produced before the eyes into a kind of beak, rufo-piceous anteriorly. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
  • Black; the head and thorax strongly punctured; the mandibles, clypeus, a line above extending to the anterior ocellus, the emargination of the eyes, a spot at their vertex and a line at their outer orbits, yellow; the antennæ reddish-yellow, with the scape pale yellow in front and a narrow fuscous line above; the yellow marking more or less stained orange. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
  • Immediate clinical manifestations of acute lung injury include pneumothorax, pulmonary oedema, and air embolism.
  • Black; the head and thorax very closely punctured, thinly clothed with griseous pubescence, that on the face, thorax beneath, and on the coxæ most dense and glittering; antennæ more slender than is usual in this genus, and tapering to their apex, the joints slightly subarcuate; the mandibles bidentate at their apex and with a yellow spot at their base. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
  • Lesions usually begin on the upper thorax and neck but may spread to the entire body.
  • Black; the head and thorax very closely punctured, thinly clothed with griseous pubescence, that on the face, thorax beneath, and on the coxæ most dense and glittering; antennæ more slender than is usual in this genus, and tapering to their apex, the joints slightly subarcuate; the mandibles bidentate at their apex and with a yellow spot at their base. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
  • Now that the midriff, which is a kind of outgrowth from the sides of the thorax, acts as a screen to prevent heat mounting up from below, is shown by what happens, should it, owing to its proximity to the stomach, attract thence the hot and residual fluid. On the Parts of Animals
  • Most praying mantids have a single midline ear in the ventral metathorax.
  • Its especial sphere of usefulness is in severe cases of electric shock, hanging, smoke asphyxia, strangulation, suffocation, thoracic or abdominal pressure, apnea, acute traumatic pneumothorax, respiratory arrest from absence of sufficient oxygen, or apnea from the presence of quantities of irrespirable or irritant gases. Bronchoscopy and Esophagoscopy A Manual of Peroral Endoscopy and Laryngeal Surgery
  • There were no signs of Bleeding into the peritoneal cavity nor of pneumothorax, But the head and neck became increasingly cyanosed and the jugular veins considerably distended.
  • For this purpose a paper flag, made from a small piece of white cardboard is glued to the dorsum of the mesothorax in about vertical direction.
  • The death's-head, a forbiddingly charismatic insect with a distinctive skull pattern on its thorax, has been sighted along the south coast at Arne, Dorset, and in Plymouth, Devon, in what is proving to be a vintage autumn for exotic migratory moths. Indian summer sees exotic moths fly in
  • Hepatic hydrothorax is a complication of cirrhosis in patients with ascites.
  • When the inspiratory thorax gains space from the abdomen, or when space is demanded for the increasing bulk of the alimentary canal, or for the enlarging pregnant uterus; or when, in consequence of disease, such as dropsical accumulation, more room is wanted, then the abdominal chamber supplies the demand by the anterior bulge or swell of its expansile muscular parietes. Surgical Anatomy
  • Parapteron - era: small sclerites, articulated to the dorsal extremity of the episternum, just below the wings; absent on prothorax = the tegulae of Hymenoptera, and patagia of Lepidoptera: have been homologized with the elytra of Coleoptera. Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology
  • _ Black, with gilded tomentum, which forms two bands on the thorax, and one on each side of the pectus; abdomen with three gilded tomentose bands, the third subapical, first segment ferruginous beneath; legs tawny, femora at the base and coxæ black; wings blackish-brown, dark cinereous hindward; halteres tawny. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
  • Thorax: the disk very closely punctured, the metathorax rugose; the sides and the legs with a fine glittering sericeous pile, the wings subhyaline, their apical margins fuscous, the nervures fuscous. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
  • This species also belongs to the division Liacos; the petiolated cell is small and oblong-quadrate; the male exactly resembles the female, except that its head is smaller and narrower than the thorax; the abdomen is rather more strongly punctured. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
  • Head and thorax are deep brown with gaster and legs are dense or milky white Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Relative to the foundress, soldiers have an enlarged prothorax and fore femora, reduced wings and antennae, and a pale exoskeleton.
  • The receptacle of the chyle is a membranous bag, about two thirds of an inch long, and one third of an inch wide, at its superior part it is contracted into a slender membranous pipe, called the thoracic duct, because its course is principally through the thorax; it passes between the aorta and the vena azygos, then obliquely over the oesophagus, and great curvature of the aorta, and continuing its course towards the internal jugular vein, it enters the left subclavian vein on its superior part. Popular Lectures on Zoonomia Or The Laws of Animal Life, in Health and Disease
  • During the visits to S. vaginatum flowers, portions of pollen, identified by its bright orange color, adhered to the head and on the ventral thorax of the syrphids, as well as (but to a lesser extent) to their legs and ventral abdomen.
  • The scapula, covered by thick carneous masses, does not lie in the living body directly upon the osseous-thorax, neither does the clavicle. Surgical Anatomy
  • They form a shallow chamber on the ventral surface of the thorax called a marsupium. Crustacea
  • The new species is highly adapted to hypogean life with very obvious troglobiomorphic features: unpigmented cuticle, an extraordinary lengthening of thorax and appendixes, multiplication of antennomeres and supernumerary placoid sensilla, not just in the apical antennomere but also in the preceding antennomeres. Archive 2007-01-01
  • I amused myself one day by observing the springing powers of this insect, which have not, as it appears to me, been properly described. 15 The elater, when placed on its back and preparing to spring, moved its head and thorax backwards, so that the pectoral spine was drawn out, and rested on the edge of its sheath. Journal of researches into the geology and natural history of the various countries visited by H.M.S. Beagle
  • Head, thorax, and legs black; the two former closely punctured and thinly covered with short cinereous pubescence; the metathorax with the punctures running into transverse striæ in the middle; the sides of the thorax and the legs with a fine silky silvery-white pile; the tibiæ and tarsi strongly spinose; wings fusco-hyaline; abdomen entirely red, smooth and shining. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
  • Thorax: the metathorax finely transversely rugose, the sides with bright silvery-white pubescence; the coxæ, the thorax beneath and on the sides, with fine silky sericeous pile; the anterior tibiæ and tarsi, and all the femora at their apex beneath, ferruginous; wings hyaline and iridescent, nervures black; the outer margin of the tegulæ testaceous. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
  • Embolium: Heteroptera; the narrow sclerite extending along the anterior margin of the hemelytra, from base to cuneus or membrane: the lobes on each side of the prothorax: the special enlargement at the base of the primaries which fits into a cavity in which the wing is moved. Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology
  • Aggressive treatment of hydrothorax and ascites can lead easily to hepatic encephalopathy.
  • Like CCAMs, a fetal bronchopulmonary sequestration can also cause fetal hydrops, either from the mass effect or from a tension hydrothorax that results from fluid or lymph secretion from the bronchopulmonary sequestration. Bronchopulmonary sequestration and Congenital Cystic Adenomatoid
  • Yes | No | Report from jerry k wrote 1 year 3 weeks ago definatly a size 16 copper john in the nymph catagory, a size 22 jujubee for a midge, and for a dry fly a tie between a orange stimulator and a bwo thorax. What's your favorite fly?
  • His chest x ray showed bullae but no collapse, although an emergency computed tomogram confirmed a large, right sided pneumothorax.
  • Metopidium: the anterior declivous surface of prothorax in Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology
  • The air which fills the lungs is soon again expired, whilst the ingesta of the abdominal viscera are for a longer period retained; and as the space, which by every inspiration the thorax gains from the abdomen, would cause inconvenient pressure on the distended organs of this latter cavity, so we find that to obviate this inconvenience, nature has constructed the anterior parietes of the abdomen of yielding material. Surgical Anatomy
  • The death's-head, a forbiddingly charismatic insect with a distinctive skull pattern on its thorax, has been sighted along the south coast at Arne, Dorset, and in Plymouth, Devon, in what is proving to be a vintage autumn for exotic migratory moths. Indian summer sees exotic moths fly in
  • The diaphragm is a sheet of muscle, which separates the chest from the abdominal cavity and forms the floor of the thorax.
  • We compared the extent of pruinescence on the head, pterothorax (fused mesothorax and metathorax), and abdominal segments 1 to 10 between males of the two species.
  • I've got half a mind to pop you one right in the thorax, and bust your hymenoptera. Hands On: The Latest In Grips
  • Face and pectus slightly covered with cinereous tomentum, the latter bluish-green; antennæ black, arista much more than half the length of the body; metathorax green; abdomen blue, sutures black; legs and halteres black; wings grey, fore branch of the præbrachial vein much curved inward, discal transverse vein straight; length of the body 2-1/2 -- 2-3/4 lines; of the wings 5 lines. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
  • Dorsum: the upper surface: in Coleoptera; often confined to meso - and meta-thorax: Odonata; includes mesepisterna and meso - and meta-thoracic terga: Diptera; upper surface of thorax, limited by the dorsopleural sutures laterally, the scutellum posteriorly and the neck anteriorly: Lepidoptera; the lower or inner margin of the wing. Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology
  • _ Coal-black, shining; antennæ tawny; thorax slightly tomentose; spines of the scutellum and legs white; wings blackish grey, paler towards the hind border, veins black; halteres testaceous. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
  • J'essaie de dire que j'etouffe mais bon il comprend pas tout suite (huuuum - _ -) alors je me retape un grand coup dans le thorax pour degager un peu tout ce bordel et mon pere capte enfin alors il me tape un grand coup dans le dos et pouf .... Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • _ Head and thorax with bright silvery tomentum, facialia without bristles, epistoma slightly prominent; eyes bare; mouth black, testaceous towards the base, full as long as the thorax; antennæ tawny, not reaching the epistoma, arista plumose; legs black, coxæ and femora testaceous; wings grey, veins black. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
  • Collar: in general any structure between the head and thorax: specifically, in Hymenoptera, the neck; in Diptera, may mean the neck, the sclerites attached to the thorax, the thorax itself, or its processes (ante furca): in Coleoptera, is the narrowed thorax; in Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology
  • Then they have a sternum which is located on the bottum of the cephalothorax, which is the flat structure that is surrounded by the leggs. CreationWiki - Recent changes [en]
  • Face silvery; antennæ testaceous, black towards the tips, arista full as long as the thorax; thorax with three cupreous stripes; pectus silvery; abdomen with cupreous purple bands and with whitish spots along each side; legs testaceous, tarsi and hind tibiæ black; wings slightly greyish, blackish brown along the costa and about the transverse veins, veins black, fore branch of the præbrachial vein curved inward, discal transverse vein undulating; halteres testaceous. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
  • Head white, face brilliant silvery; mystax with four bristles; mouth black, short, slender; eyes flat in front; antennæ black, almost as long as the breadth of the head; third joint long, slender, lanceolate; thorax deep black; scutellum reddish tawny; hind tibiæ black, with tawny tips; wings greyish, veins black; discal veinlet and third externo-medial vein forming one straight line, as in the genus Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
  • There were 42 cases of surgical exploration for chest trauma, 10 cases of operat for spontaneous hemopneumothorax.
  • These include dorsally migrated scapulae, a broad thorax, laterally directed humeral glenoids, an increased number of sacral vertebrae, a reduced/absent tail and less fasciculated back musculature. Literally, flying lemurs (and not dermopterans)
  • The arching form of the diaphragm, and the lower level which the pubic symphysis occupies compared with that of the cristae of the iliac bones, occasion this difference in the measure of both the thorax and abdomen. Surgical Anatomy
  • The aortic arch is anchored with the neck vessels including the left subclavian artery, and the descending thoracic aorta is fixed to the thorax by the ligamentum arteriosum and by the intercostal arteries.
  • After the anesthesia care provider anesthetizes the patient, the circulating nurse places the robot's arms at the side of the patient's thorax below the midaxillary line.
  • There was 1 case of residual tumor cells at the esophageal margin, 1 case of hydrothorax and hydrops of costal bed, no costal chondritis, pneumothorax and fistula formation.
  • Certain muscles involved in mastication, such as the masseter, the digastric (anterior and posterior belly), the buccinators, the hypoglossal and the mylohyoid, play a part in the balancing of the muscles of the head, neck, shoulder and thorax.
  • a squamulate appearance to it; when narrowly examined, just above the rather large and bluntish scutellum, there are some distinct scattered punctures; thorax beneath covered with fulvous hairs. Journals of Two Expeditions of Discovery in North-West and Western Australia, Volume 2
  • Two weeks after discharge the hepatic hydrothorax had completely resolved.
  • The pupa of the gnat [10] also has 'respiratory trumpets' serving the same purpose, but these are a pair of processes on the prothorax, so that the pupa, which is fairly active, hangs from the surface-film with its abdomen pointing downwards through the water. The Life-Story of Insects
  • Platyptera: flat and broad-winged: an ordinal term applied to insects with four net-veined wings, secondaries longitudinally folded beneath primaries; mouth mandibulate; prothorax free; transformations complete: Psocidae, Termitidae, Perlidae and Mallophaga. Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology
  • Indeed the Polycomb protein has been detected in inactive chromatin isolated from the bithorax complex.
  • There is a rather extensive membranous area separating the sterna of the mesothorax and the metathorax.
  • Thorax and pectus tawny, the former globose, with a black dorsal spot; abdomen tawny at the base; anterior legs testaceous, hind femora spinose beneath; wings grey, darker at the tips; stigma and veins black; halteres testaceous, with piceous tips. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
  • Antennæ shorter than the thorax, broadly pectinated except towards the tips. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
  • For instance, to heal The typical hemipteran piercing-sucking mouthparts insects, bedbugs have a head, an abdomen, a thorax, and six legs. CreationWiki - Recent changes [en]
  • Vertebrates, the skeleton of the prothorax to the bones of the cerebellum, of the palate, and the pieces of the larynx, the skeleton of the mesothorax to the parietals, interparietals, and opercular bones, and that of the metathorax to the skeleton of the thorax of Vertebrates. Form and Function A Contribution to the History of Animal Morphology
  • Small animals may be cast by placing a lark's head hitch around the thorax and abdomen.
  • In comparison, Drosophila Polycomb mutant embryos have ectopic denticles on the dorsal head, and the second thoracic segment is anteriorly transformed to prothorax while abdominal segments are posteriorly transformed.
  • Thorax thickly clothed with fawn-coloured hairs; body above, shining ochrey inclined to orange; short tuft at the end of the body; underside lateritious; upper surface of first pair of wings fawn, with a reddish hue, densely covered with hair-like scales, with shorter and somewhat square scales beneath, the scales over the nervures, being reddish; an indistinct line of seven obscure spots still more indistinctly connected by a zigzag reddish line, runs across the wing nearly parallel to its apical margin, and nearer the tip of the wing than the middle. Journals of Two Expeditions of Discovery in North-West and Western Australia, Volume 2
  • Thorax narrowed before the wings, which are dark fuscous, with a hyaline irregular mark below the stigma, crossing the submarginal cell; the anterior margin of the anterior wings pubescent; the metathorax broad, margined laterally, with a central forked carina, and a crooked one on each side; the posterior legs incrassate. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
  • These latter organs, although occupying abdominal space, rise to a considerable height behind K L, the asternal ribs, a fact which should be borne in mind when percussing the walls of the thorax and abdomen at this region. Surgical Anatomy
  • It has an abdomen and what we call a cephalothorax, which is kind of a fusion of the head and the thorax region. Why The Tea Party Is Like A Starfish, Not A Spider
  • During April to June 2002, each captured adult was restrained on a Plexiglas board with narrow Velcro straps across the bird's thorax and adhesive tape to secure full extension of the wings.
  • Insects are identical, small animals with head, thorax, and abdomen; that is to say if, only noticing what is common to them, we leave out of consideration the difference of their development, the presence or absence and the multifarious structure of the vitelline membrane, the varying composition of the vitellus, the different number and formation of the germinal spots, etc. Facts and Arguments for Darwin
  • Face and pectus silvery; antennæ black, arista longer than the thorax; thorax with three broad reddish cupreous stripes; abdomen with broad cupreous purple bands; femora lutescent, tibiæ piceous, fore femora blackish towards the tips, tarsi black; wings black, tips snow-white, fore branch of the præbrachial vein slightly curved inward, discal transverse vein much curved outward; halteres tawny, with black tips. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
  • Yellow; the antennæ fuscous above, also a fuscous cloud at the apex of the anterior wings, the wings hyaline with the nervures black; a spot on the scape within, and three longitudinal stripes on the mesothorax, black; the latter slightly punctured anteriorly; the metathorax smooth and shining, with three oblique carinæ on each side, and a small subovate enclosed space in the middle of the disk. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
  • Thorax thinly covered with long yellow pubescence, which is most dense at the sides of the metathorax; the tibiæ, tarsi, and posterior femora ferruginous; the claw-joint of the tarsi black; the tibiæ and tarsi with black spines; the wings fulvo-hyaline, their apex with a narrow fuscous border, the nervures ferruginous. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
  • Other Mantidae, of the genus Gongylus, have the anterior part of the thorax dilated and coloured either white, pink, or purple; and they so closely resemble flowers that, according to Mr. Wood-Mason, one of them, having a bright violet-blue prothoracic shield, was found in Pegu by a botanist, and was for a moment mistaken by him for a flower. Darwinism (1889)
  • It has three pairs of true legs on the thorax and five pairs of fleshy prolegs on the abdomen.
  • Head with gilded pubescence, cinereous behind and beneath; antennæ tawny, second joint above towards the tip and third joint piceous; thorax slightly covered with gilded tomentum; pectus with cinereous tomentum; abdomen with gilded tomentum towards the tip; legs tawny, femora mostly black, tibiæ with black stripes; wings cinereous, dark-brown about the costa, veinlet which bisects the subapical areolet incomplete, as it is also in the following species; halteres tawny. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
  • Head and thorax black and very closely punctured; the face covered with griseous pubescence; the clypeus with a central longitudinal carina. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
  • Tufted is a classical Drosophila mutant characterized by a large number of ectopic mechanosensory bristles on the dorsal mesothorax.
  • Adult males emerge from their puparia and fly off to inseminate a female through the brood canal opening in her cephalothorax.
  • Although the head and thorax were usually armored with dermal bone, the rest of the body was quite vulnerable, covered with small bony scales or lacking even that.
  • Those that pupated on the ground had left their skins at the thorax, and lay two inches from them. Moths of the Limberlost
  • In this review we discuss the pathophysiology, diagnosis, and treatment of pneumothorax, pleural effusion, and empyema.
  • The body is divided into a front part - the cephalothorax or prosoma, and a rear part, the abdomen or opisthosoma.
  • Although remains of the cephalothorax, abdomen, and telson are preserved, none of the specimens is articulated.
  • The toxin resides in the thorax section of the larva, which is crushed and mixed with tree gum and painted onto the shaft of the arrow point. Deeper
  • Also known as pneumothorax, a collapsed lung is treated by reinflating the lung.
  • METHODS Suction of sputum on time and enough moisture of air way, physical therapy of thorax, oral cavity hygiene care, aseptic isolation and nutritional support etc were provided.
  • After the anesthesia care provider anesthetizes the patient, the circulating nurse places the robot's arms at the side of the patient's thorax below the midaxillary line.
  • Cold anaesthetised bees were killed by gently cutting through the thorax just posterior to the first coxae, then submerging the head and prothorax in fixative (3.7% formaldehyde, 2.5% glutaraldehyde in 0.01 M phosphate buffered saline). PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Hexapoda: tracheate arthropods with head, thorax and abdomen distinct, and only six legs in the adult stage: the true insects. Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology
  • Lateral carinae: in Orthoptera; on the head, extend downward from the front margin of the eyes: on prothorax extend along each lateral margin of the dorsum. Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology
  • Chemical pleurodesis is an effective treatment for malignant pleural effusion and pneumothorax.
  • Almost, limitedly in online dating chat were all the parrotlike swagman chordomesoderm up implicitly, two convexity excogitative hot fealty cars manikin enviably go on prothorax. Rational Review
  • Herniated bowel (stomach, small bowel, colon) and solid viscera (liver, omentum, spleen) are seen in the ipsilateral hemithorax causing mediastinal shift.
  • Of a yellowish bay colour, the head, thorax, and basal part of the three first joints of the antennae darker; the elytra soft, margined, with three parallel raised lines, not reaching the tip, the outer is on the side and not so distinct as the other two; there is also a short one running from the base of the elytron near the scutellum, and soon forming Journals of Two Expeditions of Discovery in North-West and Western Australia, Volume 2
  • The thorax shows the external surface of the anterior half of the axial rings and of the inner portions of the pleurae.
  • Tension gastrothorax is a rare condition that occurs when the stomach (often accompanied by other normally intra-abdominal organs) herniates through a ruptured or incompetent diaphragm into the chest.
  • Internally, the thorax houses the large muscles that control the wings and legs.
  • Wings of a somewhat chalky white, the anterior with three rufous dots on the costa before the middle, of which the third is the largest, and near the apex a large brown spot, fulvous towards the costa, clouded with bluish white, connected with the inner margin by four indistinct yellow dots; forehead red; head, thorax, and abdomen, white; palpi red at the apex; feet white first and second pairs spotted with red. Journals of expeditions of discovery into Central Australia, and overland from Adelaide to King George's Sound, in the years 1840-1
  • Then they have a sternum which is located on the bottom of the cephalothorax, which is the flat structure that is surrounded by the legs. CreationWiki - Recent changes [en]
  • Antennæ and legs black; thorax slightly covered with cinereous tomentum; stripes, pectus, and underside of the abdomen hoary; tibiæ red, with black tips; wings brownish grey; radial areolet with a slate-coloured stripe. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
  • Although the head and thorax were usually armored with dermal bone, the rest of the body was quite vulnerable, covered with small bony scales or lacking even that.
  • The distinct adult thorax and pygidia evident in some trilobites probably do deserve recognition as separate tagmata, but this may not be the case among all trilobites.
  • Thorax: the apical margin of the prothorax, the margins of the scutellum, and the sides of the metathorax covered with a dense short ochraceous pubescence; the disk of the thorax thinly sprinkled with short black hairs; the posterior tibiæ obscurely ferruginous; the tarsi ferruginous; the legs covered with bright golden-yellow pubescence; wings subhyaline, the nervures ferruginous; the tegulæ yellow with a fuscous stain in the middle. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
  • Neuroptera: nerve-winged: an ordinal term applied to insects with four net-veined wings; mouth mandibulate: head free: thorax loosely agglutinated; metamorphosis complete: in its older use, the term applied to all net-veined insects irrespective of metamorphosis or thoracic structure. Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology
  • The most obvious feature of a Drosophila larva is the regular segmentation of the larval cuticle along the antero-posterior axis, each segment carrying cuticular structures that define it as, for example, thorax or abdomen.
  • This expansion of the posterior expression boundaries was examined in detail and correlated with derived morphological structures of the prothorax as compared with the most primitive apterygote species.
  • The new species is highly adapted to hypogean life with very obvious troglobiomorphic features: unpigmented cuticle, an extraordinary lengthening of thorax and appendixes, multiplication of antennomeres and supernumerary placoid sensilla, not just in the apical antennomere but also in the preceding antennomeres. Archive 2007-01-01
  • The prothorax is small, the legs slender, the first pair elongate.
  • Onopordinis_, but proportionably more elongate and less convex; rostrum and thorax longer; pilosity of the body underneath much thinner and shorter; thighs thicker, more clavate, the anterior evidently costate-rugose underneath; without whitish marks on the elytra, and without that layer of light-brown earth-like pollinose transudation which is often wanting in rubbed specimens of _Larinus Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
  • The head is analogous to a statolith, the movements of which are monitored by fields of hair sensilla located on the head, neck, and prothorax.
  • When the inspiratory thorax gains space from the abdomen, or when space is demanded for the increasing bulk of the alimentary canal, or for the enlarging pregnant uterus; or when, in consequence of disease, such as dropsical accumulation, more room is wanted, then the abdominal chamber supplies the demand by the anterior bulge or swell of its expansile muscular parietes. Surgical Anatomy
  • These include dorsally migrated scapulae, a broad thorax, laterally directed humeral glenoids, an increased number of sacral vertebrae, a reduced/absent tail and less fasciculated back musculature. Literally, flying lemurs (and not dermopterans)
  • Antennæ tawny, arista white; thorax and abdomen with bright silvery tomentum; tarsi whitish testaceous; wings limpid, veins pale. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
  • Contraction of the expiratory muscles displaces the abdomen inward and the diaphragm upward into the thorax during exhalation.
  • When the arm is extended, the long head of the muscle may assist the Teres major and Latissimus dorsi in drawing the humerus backward and in adducting it to the thorax. IV. Myology. 7d. The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Arm
  • There was well-marked expansile pulsation, purring thrill along the jugular vein and over the tumour, and loud machinery murmur widely diffused along the whole neck and into the thorax. Surgical Experiences in South Africa, 1899-1900 Being Mainly a Clinical Study of the Nature and Effects of Injuries Produced by Bullets of Small Calibre
  • The head is analogous to a statolith, the movements of which are monitored by fields of hair sensilla located on the head, neck, and prothorax.
  • Anthrax due to insect bite introduction (mechanical transmission) is characterized by localized hot, painful, edematous, and subcutaneous swellings at the bite location that spread to the throat, lower neck, floor of the thorax, abdomen, prepuce, and mammary glands. Anthrax
  • The elater, when placed on its back and preparing to spring, moved its head and thorax backwards, so that the pectoral spine was drawn out, and rested on the edge of its sheath. The Voyage of the Beagle
  • The head and thorax are fused into a cephalothorax and may be difficult to distinguish.
  • Head blue in front, sides of the face cupreous-purple; mouth, antennæ, and tarsi black; arista snow-white; thorax with two almost contiguous darker stripes; abdomen æneous green, with the exception of the petiole, which is very thick; wings slightly greyish, costal half black; halteres testaceous. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
  • Inter-alar space: in Odonata; the terga of meson - and meta-thorax. Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology
  • The scalene muscles as a whole are considered as the intercostal muscles of the thorax, located in the neck.
  • (ultrabithorax) that enables it to develop "halteres," or balancers. Evolution News & Views
  • A roentgenogram of the thorax revealed a large mediastinal mass, suggestive of lymph node enlargement.
  • Opening of the thorax showed extensive compression of the regional vasculature, including the left innominate vein, left subclavian vein, and superior vena cava.
  • Thorax: the posterior margin of the prothorax rounded; the mesothorax with a longitudinal fuscous stripe on each side, widest anteriorly; the metathorax truncate; above, transversely striate; the tibiæ and tarsi spinose; wings dark fuscous, with a pale semitransparent macula at the base of the second discoidal cell and a dark fuscous macula beyond; the insect entirely covered with a fine orange-red downy pile. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
  • The adjacent sides of the two pleural sacs are central to the thorax, and form that space which is called mediastinum; the heart is located in this mediastinum, U E, Plate 1. Surgical Anatomy
  • The next five pairs of appendages on the cephalothorax are used in food handling, while the last five pairs of appendages are the walking legs. Crustacea
  • Body black; antennae piceous, dull honey-yellow towards the tip, distinctly compressed; — joints, in profile a little narrowed to the base; palpi piceous, not at all securiform, terminal joint less dilated at tip than tiiat of the preceding joint; thorax with a slight pearlaceous re - flection, rather narrower at tip than at base; lateral margin depressed, Transactions of the American Philosophical Society
  • Parapteron - era: small sclerites, articulated to the dorsal extremity of the episternum, just below the wings; absent on prothorax = the tegulae of Hymenoptera, and patagia of Lepidoptera: have been homologized with the elytra of Coleoptera. Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology
  • Other reasons for sudden death include cardiac dysrhythmias related to hypoxia, hyperinflation leading to air trapping, and tension pneumothorax.
  • But he died at last, worn out by disease; and when the body came to be opened after death, no fluid like that he had micturated was discovered either in the bladder or the kidneys; but in the left ventricle of the heart and cavity of the thorax plenty of it was met with. On the Motion of the Heart and Blood in Animals
  • Aside from China, Russia's prime minister Vladimir Putin recently argued that explain, the most distinctive feature of the whole family is a tymbal organ on the metathorax. The Reference Frame
  • Head blue in front, sides of the face cupreous-purple; mouth, antennæ, and tarsi black; arista snow-white; thorax with two almost contiguous darker stripes; abdomen æneous green, with the exception of the petiole, which is very thick; wings slightly greyish, costal half black; halteres testaceous. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
  • Your thorax glitters forever with a diamond necklace.
  • A group of powerful pattern-generating genes called the bithorax complex, which is able to turn cell division off, is expressed at the proper time in the abdomen, and so, the authors tested its role in terminating abdominal neuroblast division. PLoS Biology: New Articles
  • Patagium - ia: in Lepidoptera, those sclerites that cover the base of primaries: often used as synonymous with tegula and squamula, q.v.: assigned by some writers to the pro -, by others to the meso-thorax: homologized with the paraptera of meso-thorax. Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology
  • Harrison MR, Adzick NS, Longaker MT, Goldberg JD, Rosen MA, Filly RA, Evans MI, Golbus MS: Successful repair in utero of a fetal diaphragmatic hernia after removal of herniated viscera from the left thorax. CHOP congenital diaphragmatic hernia publications
  • Also known as pneumothorax, a collapsed lung is treated by reinflating the lung.
  • The scutellum is the white triangular spot at the front of the elytra or wingcovers, on the thorax. What's That Bug?
  • This paper discussed the clinical significance of observation and nursing in combining pneumohemothorax in closure rib fracture.
  • Windowframes looked glassless, ready for the `This airman had an artificial pneumothorax a month ago. THE OPEN DOOR
  • Lateral lobes: the deflexed portions of pronotum that cover the sides of pro-thorax in many Orthoptera: in certain Hymenoptera, lie on each side of the parapsidal furrows of mesoscutum and = scapulae. Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology
  • Thorax very smooth and shining; the wings colourless and iridescent, their extreme base yellowish, the nervures and stigma brown, the tegulæ pale testaceous-yellow; the posterior tibiæ with a scopa of glittering white hairs, the tarsi ferruginous and with glittering hairs. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
  • He studied it for a long while, the delicate interplay of its wings, the thin twisting calligraphy of its legs and the perfect jointed tube of its thorax. The Silence
  • These spots may be missing, but in all cases there is a small black triangle at the base of the wings near the thorax.
  • She was hypoxemic for several minutes, which resulted in an expanding pneumothorax, a resultant mediastinal shift, and cardiopulmonary arrest. Handle with Care
  • Other collagen diseases, such as progressive systemic sclerosis and systemic lupus erythematosus, are associated with increased incidence of pneumothorax.
  • The inner side is formed by the serratus magnus muscle, M, Plate 12, on the side of the thorax; the external side is formed by the scapular and humeral insertion of the subscapular muscle, the humerus and coraco-brachialis muscle; and the posterior side is formed by the latissimus dorsi, the teres and body of the subscapular muscle. Surgical Anatomy
  • Face with snow-white tomentum on each side; thorax with four hoary stripes; pectus with a cinereous disk; scutellum pale luteous; abdomen pale luteous at the base, and with a broad interrupted pale luteous band on the second segment, third and fourth segments somewhat chalybeous, the former livid along the fore border, under side with two lateral abbreviated pale luteous stripes; hind femora thick; wings grey, veins towards the base, and halteres, tawny. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
  • The sensitivity of ultrasound was 93% and specificity was 100% with a positive predictive value of 100% and negative predictive value of 99% for the detection of haemothorax after trauma.
  • A metastatic work-up, including a bone scan and a computed tomographic scan of the thorax and abdomen, was negative.
  • The ball, he said, had passed on and out, and he went into particulars with me, while I wondered if Kendall knew, as I did, what parts of the body the pleura, the thorax, the clavicle and the pyemia were. The Cavalier
  • The first cutting position was across the mesothorax (the third segment) to view the anterior spiracle, and the spines between pro- and mesothorax.
  • Thorax: fulvo-hyaline, with a dark fuscous border at the apex; the knees, tibiæ and tarsi reddish-yellow; the two latter spinose. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
  • Thorax: the anterior margin slightly rounded with the lateral angles very acute; the femora very thickly incrassate in the middle; the apex of the tibiæ ferruginous. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
  • The metathorax transversely rugose; the pectus, and coxæ at their base within, black; wings brown, with a violet iridescence, their base rufo-hyaline; the intermediate and posterior tibiæ with a double row of spines, all the tarsi spinose. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
  • The same system of muscles comprising those of the thorax, abdomen and perinaeum, performs consentaneously the acts of respiration, vomiting, defecation and micturition. Surgical Anatomy
  • Black: the two basal joints of the flagellum, the apical margin of the clypeus, the labrum, mandibles, and legs ferruginous; the wings fulvo-hyaline, the nervures ferruginous, the tegulæ more or less rufo-testaceous; the sides of the metathorax with tufts of pale fulvous pubescence and the floccus on the posterior femora of the same colour, the tibiæ and tarsi with short ferruginous pubescence. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
  • Instead the terms cephalothorax or prosoma are widely used.}: that portion of an obtect pupa covering head and thorax: the anterior segments of larva that have no obviously separated head. Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology
  • Head reddish; antennæ testaceous at the base; thorax testaceous in front; wings greyish, blackish-brown along the costa, and with three subcostal blackish-brown patches, the third continued along the veins towards the hind border. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
  • Its limp, still-soft wings of cream and various browns, with touches of pink, were folded over its thorax and abdomen, which were covered with a light down.
  • Even stranger, a strong S-shaped flexure in the cervical series (not obvious in live animals because of pectoral air sacs) means that the anterior part of the neck can be rapidly retracted into the thorax. Archive 2006-04-01
  • The metathorax transversely and rather finely rugose, the truncation more strongly striated; the scutellum shining; the wings subhyaline, the nervures ferruginous; the tibiæ with scattered spines, the tarsi spinose. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
  • Onopordinis_, but proportionably more elongate and less convex; rostrum and thorax longer; pilosity of the body underneath much thinner and shorter; thighs thicker, more clavate, the anterior evidently costate-rugose underneath; without whitish marks on the elytra, and without that layer of light-brown earth-like pollinose transudation which is often wanting in rubbed specimens of _Larinus Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
  • Objective : To evaluate thoracic ultrasound for the diagnosis of haemothorax in patients with thoracic trauma.
  • Median area: of wings in Orthoptera, lies between the radial and ulnar veins, radius and media (Comst.): of meta-thorax of Hymenoptera, is the middle of the dorsum, divided into three spaces or cells; 1st or basal area, 2d or Lipper median or areola; 3d or apical or petiolar area. Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology
  • The pronotum is the dorsal plate of the prothorax, forming a wide arc over the propectuses and encircling their pleural plates ventrally ( PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Shortly after intubation, complications such as hypotension, cardiac arrest, pneumothorax and hypoxia At present there is no evidence to support the use of may develop Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • All hexapods have a body divided into three basic tagmata - head, thorax, and abdomen - and three pairs of thoracic legs.
  • Objective : To evaluate thoracic ultrasound for the diagnosis of haemothorax in patients with thoracic trauma.
  • Objective : To explore the diagnosis and surgical management of spontaneous chylothorax.
  • Thorax with two luteous bands in front, and with a luteous spot hindward. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
  • These include dorsally migrated scapulae, a broad thorax, laterally directed humeral glenoids, an increased number of sacral vertebrae, a reduced/absent tail and less fasciculated back musculature. Literally, flying lemurs (and not dermopterans)
  • Relative to the foundress, soldiers have an enlarged prothorax and fore femora, reduced wings and antennae, and a pale exoskeleton.
  • A small spontaneous pneumothorax in the absence of lung disease will most likely resolve without intervention.
  • When we raise the arms from the side and percuss the thorax between the folds of the axillae, where the serratus magnus muscle alone intervenes between the ribs and the skin, the pulmonic sound will answer clearly. Surgical Anatomy

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