
Thomas Hobbes

  1. English materialist and political philosopher who advocated absolute sovereignty as the only kind of government that could resolve problems caused by the selfishness of human beings (1588-1679)

How To Use Thomas Hobbes In A Sentence

  • Thomas Hobbes is a highly controversial scholar in philosophical history.
  • Western scholar Hugo Grotius, Thomas Hobbes , John Locke , Rousseau expand and supplement the human rights theory from different respects.
  • Kings emerged from the seventeenth-century crisis as secular guarantors of political and social order, along the lines of Thomas Hobbes's social contract theory.
  • Thomas Hobbes ascribed to mankind a "perpetual and restless desire of power after power, that ceaseth only in death. James Sample: Roberts: Corporate $peech Good, Presidential Speech "Very Troubling"
  • As a devout Anglican, Thomas Hobbes supplements and clarifies his political theory by the Bible and theological doctrine.
  • Furthermore, More attempted to answer materialists like Thomas Hobbes whom he perceived as an atheist on account of his dismissal of the idea of incorporeal substance as non-sensical. The Cambridge Platonists
  • Thomas Hobbes wrote on his bedsheets, and when those were full he "scrawled on his thighs"; Voltaire is said to have used his naked mistress's back for a desk. Literary Life
  • Thomas Hobbes is a highly controversial scholar in philosophical history.
  • But in actuality, we have something closer to the situation that Thomas Hobbes identified centuries ago as pertaining to the concept of sovereignty: the commonwealth only exists insofar as it is "personated," and that personation is, at bottom, a social convention. The Duck of Minerva
  • Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679) acknowledged that his arguments for rough equality among humans apply to women: “whereas some have attributed the dominion [over children] to the man only, as being of the more excellent sex; they misreckon in it. Marriage and Domestic Partnership
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