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How To Use Thm In A Sentence

  • She tore her eyes from them for a moment to spy the bodhrán player in the tree, tapping out her rhythm with her eyes closed, not noticing the spy amongst them.
  • You know and, particularly, I'm interested in rhythmic concepts from South Indian music, and so, I work with a lot of these elements in my music. Vijay Iyer: Self-Taught Jazz Pianist Goes 'Solo'
  • ` ` And come playoff time, you're in prime time, so you're going to have a little more focus, a little more energy, and your rhythm is there. - Basketball - Dallas vs. Golden State
  • But a couple of months ago, in a Times Square studio, congas were pounding out Afro-Cuban rhythms, dancers in high heels were twirling to fast-paced mambos, and just about everyone in sight was a shade of brown.
  • Melancholic melody, harmony, subtle dissonance, throat vibrato and asymmetric rhythms make up their choral, ‘a cappella’ style.
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  • Sir, his definement suffers no perdition in you; though, I know, to divide him inventorially would dizzy the arithmetic of memory, and yet but yaw neither, in respect of his quick sail. Act V. Scene II. Hamlet, Prince of Denmark
  • I only played three carefully considered notes with intuitive regard to choice of rhythm, tempo, dynamics - using a poignant interval, the minor sixth resolving to the perfect fifth.
  • Half are doing as well at reading, writing and arithmetic as white British pupils at primary school. The Sun
  • The causes of asthma are not fully known but it is partly an allergic condition.
  • Most rural stations had a staff of at least six, and perhaps up to a dozen, who them carried out the duties of stationmaster, signalman, booking clerk, ticket collector, porter, shunter, lengthman and lampman.
  • Sed vt bonis et cordatis omnibus, etiam extraneis, satisfaciam qui maledicentiam istam Germanicam lecturi vel audituri sunt, aut olim audierint, ne et hi nos meritò calumniam tantam sustinere credant: Tum etiam vt alios qui istis virulentis rhythmis A briefe commentarie of Island, by Arngrimus Ionas
  • Other ocular signs include involuntary rhythmic movement of the eyeball.
  • Pediatricians are once again extremely busy this winter as patients with asthma symptoms - the most common disease among children - are crowding into respiratory clinics.
  • During these conferences the alteration proposed by Briggs was agreed upon; and on his return from his second visit to Edinburgh in 1617 he accordingly published the first chiliad of his logarithms. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 3 "Brescia" to "Bulgaria"
  • Meanwhile, all sorts of things that at one time or another were considered tests for artificial intelligence — playing chess, doing integrals, doing autonomous control — have been cracked in algorithmic ways. Wolfram Blog : Stephen Wolfram on the Quest for Computable Knowledge
  • There are synthesizers that use frequency modulation and other algorithms to generate extraordinarily rich and complex sounds.
  • Products such as ottomans and bathmats made from recycled flip-flops are "whimsical and interesting, but it's not doing things at the deepest level. Designer Trash
  • If you were to take out two or three shrubs to let the remainder breathe, what sort of rhythm would be left? Times, Sunday Times
  • Timolol maleate can cause bronchospasms and is contraindicated in patients with bronchial asthma or severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
  • These changes take the form of slowing, increased amplitude, and increased rhythmicity. The Neuropsychiatric Guide to Modern Everyday Psychiatry
  • arithmetical computations
  • Her bare feet created a rhythm of their own as she moved all over the floor, lunging and retracting, parrying invisible foes.
  • Despite the fact that the soloists just use these two chords, the improvisations are melodically and rhythmically rich - a signpost of contemporary mainstream jazz.
  • In the arithmetic of love, one plus one equals everything, and two minus one equals nothing.
  • By the close their ranks have doubled into a colourful army stamping out percussive rhythms in wooden sandals. Times, Sunday Times
  • Does it give your body rhythm a consistent pattern?
  • Scented candles, especially the industrial strength and size that many people light around the holidays, give off more than fragrance-studies show they produce tiny bits of pollution known as particulates that can inflame the respiratory tract and aggravate asthma, Dr. Sublett says. Top headlines
  • In the case of darker parts of the internet, the algorithms produce a destructive positive feedback effect. Times, Sunday Times
  • These arrhythmias usually occur early in life during infancy or childhood.
  • I briefed him in Kathmandu all about altitude illness so he'd know what to look for.
  • Ajmal Aqtash, writes that, "The exhibition traces the evolution of Lalvani's genomic art as filtered through two major series, AlgoRhythms ™ and XURF ™, each exploring Lalvani's principal concern with the relationship between genetic codes and sculptural creation, and more specifically, between" genomics "- sculpture derived from formal rules, and" epigenomics "- works created through external agents like forces, respectively. Steven Mesler: Form Follows Force: Haresh Lalvani
  • Objective To observe the rehabilitation treated effect of children arrhythmia caused by autonomic nerve functional disorder.
  • ‘The composer's operetta appeals to a less discriminating taste for melody, harmony and rhythm,’ he said.
  • Never one to shy away from diversity, Watanabe has blended straight jazz with bebop, Latin and even African rhythms in order to create some truly unique sounds.
  • The dieting cycle moves to a rhythm almost as strict as that of the seasons. Times, Sunday Times
  • One in 10 asthma deaths in Scotland is due to inadequate treatment and widespread ignorance of the condition among health staff, a damning new report has revealed.
  • Relying on their well-established formula of eerie melodies, pastoral soundscapes, babbling children and rhythmic clamour, their sophomore effort rings true.
  • A team of rescue Sherpa evacuated the two men down through the towering seracs and debris to Base Camp where they were quickly flown to Kathmandu by helicopter.
  • Additionally, spontaneous rhythms, sustained bigeminies, paroxysmal tachycardias and other tachyarrhythmias were also observed in the different experiment.
  • The stress marks might seem quaint to us; but McGuffey believed that rhythm and harmony have not only an aesthetic but also a moral value.
  • They bogled and butterflied to pumping dancehall rhythms until the wee hours of the morning. Larger Than Lyfe
  • BRIAN CABELL, CNN CORRESPONDENT: The official cause of death, cardiac dysrhythmia. CNN Transcript Dec 4, 2003
  • On the other hand, bronchodilator inhalers that open congested airways are a big part of asthma treatment, though they aren't used to treat allergies.
  • Moving to the rhythm, Jason starting dancing in a slow sexy way; this made Rebecca and Kale hoot and laugh even more.
  • ‘Mäander’ is an incredible, multi-layered sound world of 4 or 5 layers of clarinets that is atonal, arrhythmic, ominous, and funereal.
  • As the two little craft pulled through the Gap, Guardian received a salute of raised paddles from the canoe, the tender lifting its oars on the gunwales for one stroke before resuming its rhythm.
  • He juggles multiple systems of rhythm, melody, structure and timbre.
  • Having been bottle-fed myself and suffering from many allergies and asthma, I decided that when I had my first child, I would try breastfeeding to see if it worked for me. Chicken Soup for the Soul: New Moms
  • Although the complex syncopated rhythms of duets can sound to the untrained ear as if they are coming from one bird, they are the efforts of two wrens perched side by side and interposing their notes with precise timing.
  • From the cooler water morwong, to a splendid angelfish and the brightly speckled hawkfish, this oceanic haven in the middle of a vast sea vibrates to the rhythm of the Pacific's currents.
  • Although Mr. Smith didn't fully solo until this last tune, throughout the set his polyrhythmic drumming evoked a movie with four subplots going at once, all of which, I'd be willing to wager, are better than the latest Harry Potter movie, even in 3D. The Sound Way Down in the Underground
  • The main work of this thesis is research tire bubble detection algorithm for filling up the blank of this area.
  • It then sends that information in machine-readable form to itsalgorithmic subscribers, which can parse it further, using the resulting datato inform their own investing decisions.
  • Some asthmatics also react to sulfites present in some foods and wines.
  • For two 50-minute sets the crowd shrugged and shimmied to the rhythm of a more blithe and brilliant era.
  • Atlantic and the Pacific oceans, has been accompanied by results of a most interesting and impressive nature, and has created new conditions, not in the routes of commerce only, but in political geography, which powerfully affect our relations toward and necessarily increase our interests in any transisthmian route which may be opened and employed for the ends of peace and traffic, or, in other contingencies, for uses inimical to both. State of the Union Address (1790-2001)
  • Maternal smoking was associated with only wheezy bronchitis and not asthma.
  • All reading times were converted to words read per minute, then transformed to base 10 logarithms for the analyses because they were positively skewed.
  • We exploit the cavity-model theory as the coarse model and electric magnetic simulation software HFSS as the fine model, they are aligned through Aggressive Space Mapping Algorithm.
  • Geometrical Theory of Diffraction is a fundamental algorithm in electromagnetic radiating and scattering, and programming is a key step for its application.
  • They are born artists: dancers who writhe rhythmically; musicians - singing intervals long before they speak language.
  • The clanking sounded systematic somehow; not rhythmic like a drumbeat in music, yet purposeful.
  • (Bush and Dr Cheney legacy), not just lock it up in cupboards. another inspiration for my writing is this innovative musician and activist fighting racism, Islamo-phobia and injustice head on through his "Rhythm and beats". although his documentaries and DIY cook book music genre are termed irreverence bordering treason against queen and country and glorifying terrorism among the Pakistani and Muslim youth of Britain, But it is merely exposing the truth about the sentiments of equality, discrimination, integration and assimilation. Pak Tea House
  • And what caps this dizzy display is not seriously ordered fugato, let alone a full fugue, but a comically stilted allegro dance in duple rhythm, with octave leaps, mostly in two parts with chordal intrusions.
  • His talent is amazing, his superb phrasing and sense of rhythm as flawless as a perfectly cut diamond.
  • Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis is most often a complication of asthma or cystic fibrosis.
  • It does; and now two drummers join in, they weave a polyrhythm that brings in one guitar and some pops from a banjo, oh this groove is young but it's growing, and people are starting to move. Archive 2007-10-01
  • It is very easy to disguise most birthmarks and freckles with makeup; there is an endless supply on sale.
  • Now, researchers say they have found a connection between diet and biorhythm that supports the theory.
  • Its poetic quality lies not in ornamentation but in rhythm.
  • Some indeed were revelling in the formulae of algebraical infinity and of twenty-four-dimensional space, like a child in the elementary class dealing with the four rules of arithmetic.
  • In continuous light, circadian growth rhythms were detectable for up to 2 weeks.
  • This paper presented a new adaptive variable step size LMS algorithm, which controls step size according to the correlation of the gradient change of filter coefficients.
  • Potential lethal cardiac arrhythmias and convulsions are recognised complications of both iatrogenic and self inflicted overdoses.
  • Gauss in 1801 was to take Euler's work much further and gives a considerable amount of work on modular arithmetic which amounts to a fair amount of theory of abelian groups.
  • The recent calculations reviewed in the article go beyond the valence approximation and attempt to improve the approach to continuum by a logarithmic factor relative to previous simulations.
  • Also, bronchodilators may demonstrate different pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic characteristics during an acute exacerbation of asthma.
  • This apparently inefficient system gives us the ability to deal with the natural variability of the diurnal rhythms of light and temperature.
  • Short strings of words, prefabricated motifs, are here the building blocks to be arranged with respect to rhythm and rhyme, linking verbal and nonverbal themes in a composite system.
  • No little heart has beat so strong a rhythm into us.
  • Traditional dances - kozachok, hopak, metelytsia, kolomyika, hutsulka, and arkan - differ by rhythmic figures, choreography, region, and sometimes by gender, but share a duple meter.
  • I listened to my feet making a steady rhythm on the paved stones, as regular as a pulse beat.
  • The etiology of asthma is unknown, but it has been linked to occupational exposures, genetics, and environmental factors.
  • In the early development of flamenco, the rhythm work was done in bare feet, so for me, the footwork is somewhat comparable to American Indian dance.
  • There is no evidence of which I am aware to associate exposure to organophosphorus compounds, including nerve agents, with asthma.
  • Bethmann-Hollweg, had given to his predecessor, Herr von Flotow. The Story of the Great War, Volume I (of 8) Introductions; Special Articles; Causes of War; Diplomatic and State Papers
  • Langorous horns, ticking guitars and muted keyboards have been added, sketching out long, graceful arcs of melody over the bubbling rhythms.
  • Algorisme being popularly reduced in OFr. to augorime, English also shows two forms, the popular augrime, ending in agrim, agrum, and the learned algorism which passed through many pseudo-etymological perversions, including a recent algorithm in which it is learnedly confused with Gr. ‘number.' MATHEMATICAL TERMS.
  • (obshejitel'nyie) or idiorhythmic (neobshejitel'nyie); but these latter are not n favour with the Holy Synod which restores the coenobic rule wherever possible. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 10: Mass Music-Newman
  • The survey shows a link between asthma and air pollution.
  • There is no consensus, however, on when and how to treat infants and young children with symptoms of asthma.
  • Pollution can aggravate asthma.
  • The play's chorus employs movement and primal rhythms, and performs a powerful ritual ceremony to bless Yerma's fertility, with Kevin MacDonnell as its tribal leader.
  • Bucks redeemed themselves against opponents who humiliated them 5-1 in a Rothmans Cup clash earlier in the season.
  • The Arithmetica is a collection of 130 problems giving numerical solutions of determinate equations (those with a unique solution), and indeterminate equations.
  • One of the first applications of the simplex algorithm was to the determination of an adequate diet that was of least cost.
  • The fumes can also trigger asthma attacks. The Sun
  • In turning it to a danceable 8/4 rhythm they completely lost the appealing lilt of the song.
  • In the arrhythmic patients, the antiarrhythmic treatment was gradually reduced, and in patients 1, 3, and 9, it was withdrawn.
  • A long latency period can make it difficult to associate asthma with an occupational source.
  • There was rhythmic propulsion and vigor in the fast sections, yet the quartet never exaggerated the music's pulse.
  • Instead of seeking melody, listeners grew satisfied with crump-crump rhythm.
  • His music fused the rhythms of jazz with classical forms.
  • In his hands he carried two sticks" Father Sticks, they were called" which he beat against the tree in a compelling, arhythmic pattern all the while he climbed. Speaker for the Dead
  • I read day and night, like an asthmatic gasping for breath. Dreamseller: The Calling
  • Hence, an isolated piece of tissue removed from an organism—for example, the eye of a sea slug—will maintain its own daily rhythm but will quickly adopt that of the whole organism when restored to it.
  • Building her account around key verbs, which she would both act out while she spoke and express in onomatopoeic rhythms and tones that (re) produced history even as she uttered it, Cufassane gave the impression that she was an expert potter even though she had never made a pot in her life. Where Women Make History: Gendered Tellings of Community and Change in Magude, Mozambique
  • The Rhythm Traveller comes with just the hi-hat and a single cymbal stand and cymbal.
  • Extensive simulation results demonstrate the validity of the novel half-rate rotational invariance joint space-frequency coding scheme and the performance of the direct decoding algorithm.
  • Amplified vibration can reinforce the normal rhythm of speech and can greatly assist forming the right habits.
  • Actually, the prevailing wisdom that iambic pentameter is somehow ideal for relating the rhythms of English speech seems deeply flawed to me. Dipodic Verse : A.E. Stallings : Harriet the Blog : The Poetry Foundation
  • Over time, you should be able to recognize your own asthma triggers and develop a prevention or treatment plan for them.
  • He was the first to identify the group of four canonical sciences (logistic [arithmetic], geometry, astronomy and music), which would become known as the quadrivium in the middle ages. Archytas
  • How about chronic bronchitis and asthma?
  • Here we use the EM algorithm to obtain the maximum likelihood estimate of multinomial random variables with probabilities. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Other medical problems such as eczema or asthma are bad enough. The Sun
  • Four experimental models were employed to investigate the effects of the extract: anti-ulcer, antiasthmatic (in vivo), oxytocic Chapter 7
  • It supports trigonometric functions, logarithm and antilogarithm.
  • He used cocaine to treat depression, asthma, cachexia, and for overcoming morphine addiction.
  • Studies indicate that light regulation and control of biorhythms are functionally interrelated and possibly have a common evolutionary origin.
  • A pair of superb documentaries offers visitors to Harbourfront Centre's Beats, Breaks & Culture festival of electronic music a chance to geek out whenever they're not enslaved to rhythms elsewhere.
  • The VPR is common software for the FPGA placement and routing. It puts forward a comprehensive method of FPGA placement and routing solution. Simulated annealing algorithm is applied to VPR.
  • An encryption algorithm is a mathematical equation containing the message being encrypted or decrypted.
  • He moved my hands and made the sticks pound against the drumheads and beat out a rhythm.
  • Now what was the Horseherd to me, and what is he now, even if he has been brought to what he called a joyful end by his catarrh “verging upon a perfect asthma.” The Silesian Horseherd - Questions of the Hour
  • It proposes a new search algorithm namely "reusable component search algorithm with information of UML design model". Combined with facet search algorithm, it is used in a practical system.
  • Doctors already know to avoid them in patients who are particularly susceptible to heart rhythm disturbances. Times, Sunday Times
  • By releasing Tectonics, Freeland showed the world that UK breakbeat meant much more than the cheesy sounds of Fatboy Slim, Chemical Brothers and the completely horrible Bentley Rhythm Ace.
  • By analyzing 134 informative microsatellite markers dispersed throughout the genome on 39 meioses, we localized the king mutation to the distal region of Chromosome 5 with a peak logarithm of odds PLoS Biology: New Articles
  • The algorithms ran their determined courses, and our thoughts followed one after another, as mechanical and as predictable as the planets in their orbits.
  • It is, rather, a handbook for philosophy students, written to illustrate how arithmetic, geometry, stereometry, music, and astronomy are interrelated.
  • Algorithmic means we can describe it in deterministic detail: i.e. "given this condition, this outcome will happen". Are Changes Brewing and How Does the Mind Fit In?
  • The experiment shows that the algorithm can not only effectively reduce the code rate and the memory requirement but also provide low distortion in the reconstructed signals.
  • [_Rothmaler_: pulsi _codd_], stridore rudentes,/ingemit _et_ nostris ipsa carina malis 'and _Tr_ III iv 57-58' ante oculos errant domus, urbsque et forma locorum,/accedunt_que_ suis singula facta locis ', but these are extended descriptions of single events, not lists of separate examples. The Last Poems of Ovid
  • After such men as Morhof and Thomasius had prepared the way, (148) Frederick William I., himself a clever cameralist, and author of the masterly financial system of Prussia, took the important step of founding, at Halle and Frankfurt on the Oder, special chairs of economy and cameralistic science; which, considering the time, were very ably filled by Gasser and Dithmar. System der volkswirthschaft. English
  • But when a talent scout discovered young Allegra in a eurhythmics class at the age of 3 and wanted to put her on television, her parents' initial reaction was that she was too young. - Home Page
  • When she felt uncomfortable, Claire would glance down at her birthmark on the dorsal area of her left wrist.
  • These rhythmic contractions represent an ultradian cycle in worms that repeats every 47-50 sec and is controlled through inositol trisphosphate receptors in the posterior gut cells.
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  • Upton had just been telling Eric the splendid phrase, "anerhithmon gelasma ponton", which he had stumbled upon in an Aeschylus lesson that morning, and they were trying which would hit on the best rendering of it. Eric, or Little by Little
  • The logarithmic scale of the fresh mass and the linear scale of the dry mass together show how the initially exponential growth changes gradually into linear.
  • Two major control algorithms, fuzzy control algorithm of frequency and voltage and prediction control algorithm for switch-on, are analyzed in detail.
  • Gene trees in which the observed substitutions were apportioned to the various branches of the tree by phylogenetic algorithms provided the inferred substitutions on each green or nongreen branch.
  • Other examples are negative numbers, complex numbers, trigonometry, raising to powers, logarithms, and the beginnings of calculus.
  • When you listen to the radio, the music deadens your rhythm and causes you to create uniform sentences.
  • People with no sense of rhythm try to clap along to the music.
  • Recently, the Commission on Accrediting of the Association of Theological Schools (ATS) approved of the following changes to the ThM program (formerly known as the MTh program) at St. Vladimir's: News from SVOTS.Edu
  • Next-door Nepal offers a case study of vulgar tourism - Kathmandu is so choked with dark brown smog that the Everest is invisible on some days.
  • Denise and her gleaming sunburst guitar are set to take the stage with some feel-good rhythms and tasty new melodies fresh from her new forthcoming album ‘The Tangerine Moon’.
  • They asked how old we were and if we had any birthmarks.
  • Worse still, he smells and if you're unfortunate enough to get next to him on the cross trainer and he starts really pumping it, it can cause disturbed breathing that leads to a fatal arrhythmia.
  • The builders may have carried the design in their heads like mental arithmetic. Times, Sunday Times
  • I was feeling fine, didn't have any pain, any stiffness, so when that happens, you've really got to stretch it out as much as you can and try to get in rhythm as much as you can, and that's what I'm trying to do, Bryant said. Charlie Crist's first pitch strong on comedy if not accuracy
  • She felt only the rhythm of her drumsticks in sync with the beating of the base drum.
  • AGI The Spaniards established a system that was both a nexus and a barrier in the area of the isthmus when they built and fortified the cities of Portobelo and Panama. Defending the sea and the land
  • Exposure to industrial or atmospheric pollution may also cause asthma symptoms.
  • He has an ear for the rhythm of Irish speech.
  • The art of banter, which is both a workplace and television writer's art, the true insider's patois (there's a special rhythm to the banter in the show, a staccato syllabification), may be at the heart of The West Wing's success.
  • This paper discusses multiple objective parameter optimization under a certain constraint condition through genetic algorithm.
  • In fact, Harrison's love for Hawaii, where he had a house for many years, shows through in the rhythmic ukulele strums that form many of the songs' foundations.
  • All she would need to do would be to ask the subject to perform some very complicated arithmetical calculation.
  • It emphasizes the three - step shakes and trembles rhythm and downward strong beats.
  • And thus the ideas of time and space have each its peculiar and exclusive relations; position and figure belonging only to space, while repetition and rhythm are appropriate to time.
  • By doing this, we end up aligning our own biorhythms with the universal rhythms.
  • Mine is Chiang Mai versus Puerto Veracruz, and I used to compare southmost Texas with southernmost Chiapas. Is It Really Cheaper to Live in Mexico?
  • Reasoned subpoint lameness trihydroxybenzene viagra online Reflesh auk involuntarily caddie botulinic turner libelee omphalic autointoxication diskectomy allorhythmia obsoleteness disembosoming; cradling. Top Headlines from World Press Review
  • Experts say that it could trigger allergies and asthma. Times, Sunday Times
  • This gives a total of 16 out of 36 which could be solved using standard error correction algorithms.
  • None had lung disease such as emphysema, lung scarring or asthma.
  • The fitted result proves that the hypothesis that load-life curve in single logarithm should be exponential curve is right.
  • We do not get to geometrical or arithmetic objects via any process.
  • In adaptive we propose an algorithm that performs joint subchannel and power allocation.
  • It has altered the position of the siphuncle, has placed it in the centre instead of leaving it on the back, but it still whirls its spiral logarithmically as did the Ammonites in the earliest ages of the world's existence. The Life of the Spider
  • Using block-floating point arithmetic, the processor can provide a high quality.
  • I can go something like this and we would call that a rhythm superimposing longs and shorts different patterns, patterns that oftentimes repeat.
  • Meanwhile, a popular feature of the annual festival, the Carlsberg Rhythm Route, is back and will once again see some top acts perform for free in Waterford pubs and nightspots.
  • These results, although striking, deserve additional investigation within preclinical models of allergic airway disease and possibly, subsequent investigation in populations of patients with asthma.
  • There are several natural treatments that can have an impact on the immune imbalance in asthma.
  • In the 1970s and 1980s, powerful oral and parenteral inotropic agents were developed to increase CO, but their use was associated with greater and earlier cardiac mortality, primarily due to sudden arrhythmic death.
  • Algorithms not in code or pseudocode but described are more valuable, so we're not giving McIntyre the code. Hansen and the "Destruction of Creation" « Climate Audit
  • Songs were picked from pop, rock, rap and rhythm and blues. The Sun
  • At the end you are mesmerised by the linear rhythm and the counterpoise of the relief.
  • German champions along with young talented riders jumped, piaffed, went across country, drove carriages, vaulted, reined or went endurance riding to the joyful rhythm of music.
  • Movement-based cues include rhythm (but not actually counting) and the feeling of the movement, called kinesthetic feedback. - latest science and technology news stories
  • Drumming is a good way of developing your sense of rhythm.
  • Too few dancers seem to me to have even a decent sense of rhythm, let alone demonstrate musical understanding.
  • To this, the expert warns a citizen, avoiding chill while, also answer vigilant hiemal " decorate sexual asthma " .
  • This season, bold geometric shapes are omnipresent, with various lines in particular adding rhythm and exuberance to the fabrics.
  • The movie is in such a rush, charging headlong from crisis to fiasco, it's hard not to get carried away by its mad, cockamamie rhythm.
  • The narcotic rhythms are punctuated with a series of brief freeze-frames, an initially distracting device which lends a woozy, hung-over perspective to a woozy, perpetually hung-over protagonist.
  • Meanwhile, all sorts of things that at one time or another were considered tests for artificial intelligence — playing chess, doing integrals, doing autonomous control — have been cracked in algorithmic ways. Wolfram Blog : Stephen Wolfram on the Quest for Computable Knowledge
  • Circadian rhythmicity in regulation of endogenous physiological processes is a characteristic feature of eukaryotic organisms.
  • She points to the Oscar Party Legs, the ones a drunken Jack Nicholson tried to violate after he won for Cuckoo's Nest, and the understated Nonprofit Fundraiser Legs she wore to Jerry Lewis Telethons, and the fake-tanned State Dinner with Reagan and Gorbachev Legs that the Secretary of State made her cover up with a long hemline, because their shade matched Gorbachev's birthmark. Centipede
  • We propose an effective algorithm for automatic key segment extraction based on the analysis of positive and negative samples of key segment extracted manually from a training database.
  • ‘It doesn’t show off your curves’ (just the ones that give him nightmares) and this one ‘Its the same colour as the bath mat’ - he LIKES the friggin bathmat. Cheeseburger Gothic » Ladies Lounge
  • In decerebrated animals, rhythmic masticatory motions can also be induced by stimuli in and around the oral area.
  • The paper is mainly about digital wave filter used to process real-time collected signals and the algorithm to measure the interval between R-R electrocardiograms .
  • The whole text, containing 114 chapters or surahs, with a total of 6,236 verses, thus has a lattice structure which connects every word with every other word by rhythm, rhyme and meaning.
  • Mr McCarthy instanced the success of food companies, such as Kerry Group plc, Lee Strand Co-op, Tralee, and the Cadbury factory in Rathmore.
  • Different numbers of PCR cycles were performed to determine the logarithmic phase of the reaction.

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